01x17 - Red Hood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x17 - Red Hood

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham...

Welcome to Wayne Enterprises.

I have some questions regarding Wayne Enterprises' business affairs.

Where's Jim?

Don Falcone thinks you don't know how to run a club.



He'll help you out.

Those people out there are using us as spare parts.

Unless we do something about it.

Alfred, can you teach me how to fight?

Yes, I can.

Bullock: Pretty handy for a valet.

Alfred: Butler, mate.

I'm a butler.

(tires screeching)

What the hell is that?

I made it. Yeah.

You made it?

So what is it?

It's a hood.

Thought it would, uh, you know, spice things up.

When did we start wearing hoods?

We didn't.

W-Was I supposed to get one?


(panicked shouting, gasping)

Ladies... And gentlemen, we are not here for your money!

We're here for the bank's money!

So just stay cool and no one will get hurt!

Don't be brave!

Don't be frightened!

Just do what you're told!

This will all be over quicker than that time I hooked up with a cheerleader on prom night!

(man chuckles)

What are you doing up there?!

Getting 'em fired up.

90 seconds.

Nice and easy, ladies and gentlemen!

You know, banks like this one... Who are insured to death, by the way... Steal from us every single day!

'Bout time a few of us returned the favor, don't you think?

60 seconds.

You're being great, folks! Almost done!

40 seconds.


(people gasping, shrieking)

(g*n clicking)



Not a scratch! (cackling)

Th-Thirty seconds.

Let's get out of here!

You've been great, ladies and germs, but we got to go!


Did you see that?

That guy missed me with, like, six sh*ts.

He was, old, nervous.

No, no, no, it's the hood. I'm telling you.

Damn it. We're cooked.

(sirens wailing)

Attention, citizens of Gotham!

What the hell are you doing?!

There you go, everybody!

(cheering, shouting)

Take back what's yours!

(cheering, shouting)

Follow me! Come on.


(indistinct chatter, cameras clicking)

Bullock: Well, we'll never know how much cash was lost, but I just saw a bum eating oysters at Madeline's.

Another freak in a mask. Awesome.

Is that guard blind or wasted?

Clyde refused to wear his glasses.

Said they made him look old.

Missing a man standing 20 feet in front of you with six sh*ts makes you look old.

Who tripped the alarm?

I did.

Why aren't you out there, Detective?

This brazen audacity cannot be tolerated.

They didn't go for the vault... just the cash in the registers. And the crew was in and out in under two minutes.

The red-hooded man seemed nice.


He wasn't stealing our money... just the bank's.

Then he gave a lot of it back to people in the street. Like...

Robin Hood.

Oh, great. This bank hires Communists.

Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor.

These armed thieves only threw cash away to guarantee their escape.

It's very different, ma'am.

The thief in the back here, was he always checking his watch?

Yes. He was counting down.

They knew what our response time was.

They'd done their homework.

Has the alarm been triggered for any other reason recently?


Well, there was that time with the smoke b*mb.

Smoke b*mb?

A week or so ago, a small flare or firework, or something, was set off by the Mortgages desk.

It tripped the alarm. We thought it was just a kid's prank.

We're gonna need you to find the surveillance footage from that incident.

(thunder crashing)

(knocking on door)

(knocking continues)

Yes, sir. How can I help you?


Sorry for calling so late.

Forgive me.

Oh, my God, mate. How long's it been?

20 years.

I got picked up by the GCPD last night for trying to sleep under the Westbury Bridge.

Here, mate.

Cheers, mate.

One of the officers was a Marine, back in the day, so we got to talking. I told him I was with Her Majesty's Special Air Service back in the day.

So he took pity on me.

He says, "Why don't you look up some of your old regiment, you know, see if one of the guys can... help you out."

Well, you know...

I'm pleased you looked me up, Reg.

If anyone would've told me this is where I'd find you, I wouldn't have believed them.

I like it here.

It's good for me.

I can see that.

I've missed you, mate.

Missed your ugly mug.


What happened, Reggie?

Vanessa died.

11 years ago now.

I just couldn't find the energy to get back out there after that, you know?

A year later, I lost the house.

Moved back to Gotham.

I've had a few jobs.

Nothing I'm proud of.

It was the drink, Alfie.

It was the drink.

Bruce: Alfred?

Um, Master Bruce.

This is, uh, Reginald Payne.

We served together, sir.

Very pleased to meet you, sir.

You were caught in the storm?

Reggie's had a run of bad luck, Master Bruce.

I-I don't wish to be a nuisance. I just...

I hadn't seen Alfie in a very long time.

N-No, I'm glad you found us, Mr. Payne.

Please, feel free to stay with us a few days.

That's very kind of you, but...

I insist.


Mooney: Where are you taking me?

Man: This way, Miss Mooney.

(moaning, shouting in distance)

Who chose these people?

Where'd you get them from?

(door shuts)

(lock clicks)

Sit, please.


There you are, Mr. Red Hood.

Armed robbery perps dating back ten years.

I took out the dead ones and the ones in prison.

A who's who of scumbags.

They were casing the place a week before they took it down.

Set off the alarm then timed the response.

He looks pretty young. He might not be in here.

You see that?

No, 'cause you took my glasses.

Right there, underneath his coat.

He's wearing a work shirt.

"Kleg's Auto."

Idiot. (chuckles)

(music blaring)


"The Red Hood g*ng"! (chuckles)

It's got a ring to it.

No, it doesn't.

See those people?

They loved me.

They loved the money you threw at 'em.

Thanks for that, by the way.

Shall we take it out of your share?

You guys don't get it.

We're not just five mooks with shotguns anymore.

We're the Red Hood g*ng.

Taking from the rich and giving back to the poor.

Mark my words, the people in this town, they're gonna get me.


Will you shut up?

All that prancing around could have gotten us k*lled.

You're wrong. That guard, he was 20 feet away from me.

Not one shot got close.


He looked r-real nervous.

It's the hood!

It's good luck. I'm telling you.

I feel like a totally different person with it on.

Eh, sit down, will ya?

We need to go over tomorrow's score.

Nah, this sets us apart.

It's a piece of cloth... Two holes cut out of it.

It's a symbol!

Whoever wears the hood should lead!




He's right.

Any objections?

So... you're the one causing all of the fuss.

The one with the knife now.

This is your facility?

I manage it, yes.

But do you own it?

The doctor owns it.

Where are you going?

Back to the basement. We're done here.

Miss Mooney...

Take a seat.

I will talk to the doctor and the doctor only.

He's away on a consultation in Gotham.

Then call me when he returns.

He expressly asked me to attend to your demands.

His name.

I'm sorry?

The doctor. His name.


You tell Dr. Dulmacher that the basement is mine.

No one will leave unless I say so. It will remain that way until he sits with me and negotiates terms.

Perhaps... you and I got off on the wrong foot, Miss Mooney.

When was the last time you had a shower? A new set of clothes? Hmm?

(lock buzzes, latch clicks)

(door opens)

Take Miss Mooney to my private bathroom, and then pick up some fresh clothes for her from storage.

Freshen up.

Come back to me.

And then perhaps we'll talk some more.

Comedian: So the mortician says to the waitress... No, the waitress says to the mortician, (clears throat) "He was always stiff."

Man 2: That's it.

Let's go.

Wait. No.

Have a good night. See you next week, sir. Okay.

It's fine. We got, uh...

Check, please.


Comedian: cards.

Oh, okay. Um...

What's wrong?

Ah, Mr. Penguin. I mean the Penguin. I mean...


What is it?

We're out of booze.

What? Hello? Behind you, there's a wall of booze.

Just colored water, sir. Always has been.

We keep the real stuff down here, but we're out.

So, duh, order more.

We did.

It's just that...

Gilzean: It's Maroni's booze.

And he's a little grumpy with you these days.

He was hardly a fan of Fish, either.

Why did he sell her booze?

Business is business.

But he hates you with a passion.

But he can't k*ll you, so...


This is ridiculous. There's a thousand places to buy booze.

That's where it gets complicated.

See, Maroni, he supplies this whole side of town.

No one would dare cross him to help you.

(patrons booing, glass shattering)


Woman: Get outta here!

Thank you. Bye. Sorry.

You're not funny.

(patrons murmur, catcall)

(snickering): You must take great pleasure watching me fail.

On the contrary.

I was with Fish when we took this place off a Chinese bookie nine years ago.

It was used for cock fighting.

Took forever to get the smell out.

My blood, sweat, and tears are in this dive.

Well, if you'll excuse me, it seems as though I need to procure some alcohol for my dwindling clientele.

Be careful.

You've seen what happens when you cross Maroni.


Looks like they were here last night.


Your hot doctor friend, Thompkins...



Give me the double D... "dirty details."

Don't leave anything out.


Gotta hand it to you, partner.

You don't sit around moping.

You got right back up on the hobby horse.

Let's just hope you can keep your head straight whilst up there.

You had the purse. Now you got yourself a nurse.


Well, looks like I found our friend Floyd.

What? If I don't drink it, Forensics will.

Gordon: All right. This was the guy with the hood.

He's wearing the same coat.

I wonder what he did to piss off the rest of his crew.

Maybe they knew we'd catch up to him.

Well, he was the leader, so it looks like we've seen the last of the Red Hood crew now.

(people screaming)

Good morning, everyone!


Get off me! I got it.

Okay. We're not here for your money.

We're here for the insurance!

I mean the bank's insured money!

60 seconds.

Man: Hey! You gonna share a little bit of that cash with us, Hood?

(others agreeing)

Th-Thirty seconds.


Come on. A lot of us are hurting here.

(others agreeing)

Ten seconds. L-L... L-Let's go!

Aw, fine.


(cheering, shouting)

So long, Gotham!


And then there were four.

People are gonna hang out in banks waiting for handouts from these idiots.

We're never gonna catch a crew no one wants us to catch.

Call me old-fashioned, but when crooks become more popular than cops, that's anarchy.

Think about it.

As long as somebody's willing to put that red hood on, this g*ng can go on forever.

Alvarez: Hey, guys.

Got somebody here you might want to meet.

This is Mister...


Chaing, right. He's an eyewitness.

From the bank?

I work at a restaurant a block away.

The Red Hood g*ng parked their van there this morning.

I was throwing out the trash when they ran back to it.

You see their faces?

Just one... the fat one with the hood.

He took it off to drive.

I'll get the sketch artist.

Well, wait a minute.

Got the armed robbery files already opened.

Maybe he can look through them, see if he recognizes someone.

Maybe that someone is a known associate of Gus Floyd.

Only problem is records are kind of old... he might look different now.

We could pull a few based off Chaing's description.

Get ourselves a good old-fashioned lineup.

Wait. Wait a second. What's in it for me?

I got all these parking tickets because my ex-wife is a crazy bitch.

We'll see what we can do.


Training for a fight?

Just training.

Who's helping you?


Good choice.

Show me your stance.


Hit me.




And don't hold back.

You have a go at me, son.



Come on.

It should take more than that to piss you off, son.

Come on.


Come on.



(Reggie laughing)


Now, now. Never lose your cool.

It'll get you k*lled.

Now, you want to hit me, right? You want to hit me, right?

Okay. Take a swing.

Take a swing. Go on. Do it.


Somebody gives you a free shot, you got to make it count.

You hit me as hard as you can.


Oh. Better.

Put your shoulder behind it.

Put your full body weight behind it.

Go on. Do it.

(shouts) (grunts)

Harder. Again.

(shouts) (grunts)


Come on. Do it again.

Put me on my back, son. Come on, you can do it.

Come on. Again.

You're so much bigger than me!

Then use that to your advantage!

You hit me low. Hit me in the knee, the ankle.

Forget about the gloves! Use whatever's around you.

Here. Here.

Go on.

Alfred: Right!

That's enough of that.

Perhaps a shower's in order, Master Bruce.

M-Mr. Payne was just showing me some alternative methods.

Yeah, I can see that, can't I?

Not methods that fit into our curriculum, though, are they?

No, they're not; but they're effective.

Discipline, skill, and hard work are effective.

How 'bout I start that shower for you, sir?

(door opens upstairs, then shuts)

You ever raised a child before, Reg?


Me neither.

Hardest job I've ever had to do in my life.

Nothing prepares you for it.

Listen, I'm sorry if I overstepped the mark.

I was just...

It was obvious how much you've helped him s...

No, he helped me.

I'm a better person for knowing him, Reg.

Let's keep our past where it belongs.

In the past.

(snickering): That's it? Just two workers?

This'll be easy. Make it quick, guys.

(sirens wailing)

Well, this is inconvenient.

Workman: Whoa, Officer.

Nothing going on here.

That so?

Eh, your liquor license is out of date.

We're gonna be confiscating the shipment.

Hey, does Don Maroni know you guys are here?

Walk away... before I run you downtown.

This town is truly going to the dogs.

Evening, fellas.

(Oswald gasps)

(g*n cocks)

(mutters indistinctly)


Why the smile, Butch?

First Maroni blocks our liquor, and now the cops?

Oh, who, them? They're with me.

I always keep a few uniforms in the closet.

A lot cleaner than going in g*ns blazing, don't you think?

You're welcome, Oswald.


(siren wailing in distance)

Nice work there.

How you doing, Mr. Gilzean?

Gilzean: This over here, this...

Officer: Nothing to worry about.

You okay?

Of course.

Thank you for letting us stay here.

Sorry it got a little messy.

I was just about to go.

I like having you guys here.



Come here.

You know, you're turning into quite the beautiful woman.

No, I'm not.

Remove the dirt... that old hood... these ratty clothes...

I bet we find a princess undernea...

I have an idea.

Holy moly.

Take anything that fits you guys.

This is all stuff you've worn?

Most of it.

You sure must go out a lot.

I used to.

Come with me.

You're a true beauty.

Something you can use to your advantage.

Your appearance can be a w*apon, as powerful as any knife or g*n.


What good's it done you?

(door opens)

Bullock (over speaker): All right, backs to the wall.

Hold your numbers up.

No talking.

I thought they were going to be similar types.

They are.


Look closely, Mr. Chaing.

I know how this works.

There, number four... The short, fat one.

You're sure?

That's your Red Hood.

Threw all that money away, and I didn't get a cent.

Clyde Destro, 47 years old, conviction for as*ault and armed robbery of a convenience store three years ago.

Let's book him.

Wait a minute.

All we have is one witness outside of the crime scene, that's it.

Now, Floyd was k*lled, so we know they're turning on each other.

Let Destro go?

And tail him.

He takes us to the other g*ng members.

We use them against each other.

We catch the Red Hood g*ng red-handed.

That's right.

Can I get a ride home?

My girlfriend will freak out if I turn up in a patrol car.

(door opens)

Well... don't you look lovely?

(door closes)

There's still business to discuss.

Of course.

The basement.

How do I resume operations?

We do have a business to run.

Yes, you're stealing body parts.

For who?


We have clients... all over the world in need of such things.

Also, there's the doctor's personal experiments.

You have such a presence, Miss Mooney.

Such a gaze.

Your eyes... will fetch quite a penny.

You will take nothing from me.


Because the way I see it, you have two choices: One... we k*ll you and your little friends in the basement.

That's an inconvenience but an acceptable one.

Or, two... we take your eyes now and see how long a blind girl can survive in the basement.

You forgot option three.


Stop her!

(both scream)


(spoon clinks)


(thunder rumbles; Alfred and Reggie converse quietly)

I picked something out from the cellar.

I hope that's okay.

Well, that's, uh, extremely kind of you, Master Bruce, but I don't think that we... that I'll be, uh, drinking this evening.

I'm sure it's perfectly fine to have a glass of wine occasionally, Alfred.

I-I picked an old one.

Seems a shame to let them gather dust down there.

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti.

It's a rather nice Burgundy, actually, it's 1966.


It's one of your father's favorites.


Why not, eh? Take a pew.

That's very kind of you.

There you go.

Cheers, mate.

Now, the idea, of course, is to let it breathe for at least an hour.

Or not.



Ah. Delicious.


So he eventually opened his backpack and he found the bloody snake.

We'd been waiting for it all night.

He didn't even flinch.

What'd you do?

Oh, you know, I chopped its head off and we ate the bloody thing.


He did.

What did it taste like?

Alfred: Uh, a bit like, um, fast food.

(all laugh)

Alfred: It was horrible.

It was horrible. It was disgusting.

Bruce: So, um... so, Mr. Payne, you were in the Air Force?

Special Air Service... SAS.

Best soldiers in the world, if I'm being honest.

So that means covert missions?

That's right.

Before a conflict, they dropped us behind enemy lines.

We were quiet, precise, and deadly.

We never lost a man and we always completed our missions.

Except that once, I guess.

Yeah, well, that's enough of the old w*r stories, eh, Reg?

What one time?

Reggie: There was a sandstorm.

We got separated.

Two of us were captured.


He fought 12 of them off before they cut him down.

Didn't you, Alf?

I'm here now, aren't I?

That's all that matters.


All right, gents, while I have to say this has been absolutely lovely, I'd like to, I'd like to tidy up before I go to bed.

(scoffing): T-T-Tidy up?

Mr. Yes Sir, No Sir.

Mr. Queensberry rules and discipline.

Thank you, that's enough.

Alfred's right... it's time for bed.

Good night, Master Bruce.

Bruce: Good night. Good night.

Sleep well, son.

Why are you hiding from him what you really are, who you really are?

You're a w*r dog, Alfie.

You're a cold-blooded, lethal w*r dog, is what you are.

I found some fresh clothes for you, Reg.

I folded them and I put 'em on your bed, and I've taken the liberty of packing you a lunch for your travels tomorrow.

It's been really nice to see you, Reggie.

I see them, at night... when I'm alone.

The faces... the faces of those we k*lled.

Do you?

I don't have to look for them, Reg.

They find me.

(startled shout)

(gasps, chuckles)

Holy crap.

You scared the snot out of me.

H-Had to see you. I c-couldn't wait.

Where were you?


J-Just out?

What's it to you?

I need the hood.




My-my girlfriend, sh-she wants... she wants to leave.

She... she called me a loser last night.

Her ex is back in town. He's a b-bouncer.

I figured she-she sees me in the hood, she's got... she's got to take me s-seriously.

Did you ransack my place looking for it?

I need it, Destro.

They're talking about it on the streets and in the news. She sees me in it, and I'm...


We have one last job before we split up and skip town.

(g*n cocks)

You have it on you, don't you?

You better use that thing before I make you eat it.


(door creaking)

(gasping weakly)

He's alive.

(stairs rattling)

Who shot you, Destro? Give us the name of the guy.

I need an ambulance.

We'll get to that. Give us the names of the guys in your crew.

I'm bleeding out.

Yeah, you're dying.

And, unfortunately, I'm not getting cell reception.

You know what might help?

Giving us the names of the guys in your crew!

Gordon: I need an ambulance.

Java Heights and Homewood, apartment 466.

I might need some pressure on this wound.

Knock yourself out.


What do you got there, partner?

A stack of loan rejection letters from the banks that were robbed.

"Dear Mr. Destro, we regret to inform you your application for a loan has been denied."

"Mr. Destro, once again, we must deny your application, due to inadequate collateral."

What the hell would he need a loan for?

Pastry shop.

Get out of here. You're a baker?

A damn good baker.

And they all turned you down.

So these are revenge robberies.

Banks don't care about people like me.

Or you, probably.

You have to force people to see you.

Otherwise, you're nothing.

There's a third letter here. International Savings Bank of Gotham... this was the next target.

Where's my ambulance?

To new beginnings.


I'm not trying to poison you, son.

Forgive me if I'm a little cautious.

If this club tanks, Falcone's not gonna trust either of us again.

I don't know about you, but I'm done playing the sidekick.

To no longer being a sidekick.

Do you miss her?

I do.


Even after everything she did to me.

Perhaps it's not our friends but... our enemies that define us.

To Fish.

She got what she deserved.

(thunder rumbling)

(rattling, clattering)

(rattling, clattering continue)

You're stealing from us?

You could have just asked me for money, Reg.

You don't know how hard that is, Alfie... do you?

We gave you somewhere to sleep.

We put food in your belly.

I'm in trouble.

Real trouble.

I don't need a lecture right now.

What kind of trouble?

You don't want to know.

Right. Well, you put the bag down and you leave.


Did you bring a g*n, Alfie?


If there was any other way...

Oh, come on... there's always another way, mate.

I'm sorry.

Sorry f...


I'm so sorry.


(no voice)

(dialing phone)

Th-This is Bruce Wayne.

I need immediate help at Wayne Manor!

My friend has been stabbed.

Alfred... Alfred, Alfred, look at me... you're gonna be okay.

Alfred, stay with me.

(voice breaking): Please.


(tires screech)

There's only three of us.

I'm worried. If someone makes a move in there...

Don't be.

I have this.

(tires screeching)

Gordon (over bullhorn): GCPD!

We have you surrounded!

This doesn't have to end badly! Put down your g*ns!

Suck it, coppers!



Officer (echoing): Man down! Man down!


Gordon: Hold your fire!

Officer: Hold your fire!

Drop it!

It's over.


Don't be so sure.



I need a Danish.

(phone ringing)


Which hospital?

(monitor beeping steadily)

(voice breaking): I can't lose him.

He's all I have.


Reggie: He has nothing concrete.

Just faces, some dates, some newspaper articles.

There's no grounds for an investigation.

Just... suspicions... some cobbled-together theories...


Woman: Has he had outside counsel?

I don't think so.

Woman: And his caretaker, Mr. Pennyworth?

He's in the hospital.

Woman: For how long?

If he lives, a few weeks, give or take.

Now's the time to make a move on the kid.

Thank you for your service, Mr. Payne.

I doubt we'll meet again.

He's just a kid.

A good kid.

Good-bye, Mr. Payne.

(mimics g*nsh*t)
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