01x15 - Out of Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flash". Aired: October 2014 to current.*

Moderators: wolflover4219, Max2023

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"The Flash" revolves around Barry Allen, who is a CSI scientist and also a superhero with incredible speed. His mission is to find out the truth about his mother's strange death and correct the injustice of his dad being falsely convicted of her m*rder.
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01x15 - Out of Time

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child, I saw my mother k*lled by something impossible.

Run, Barry, run!

Barry: My father went to prison for her m*rder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I'll find who k*lled my mother...


Barry: And get justice for my father. I am The Flash.

Previously on The Flash...

Barry: It's Clyde Mardon.

I think he can control the weather.

Clyde: I didn't think there was anyone else like me.

I'm not like you. You're a m*rder*r.


I love you, Iris.

He and I are just best friends.

So how do we catch somebody that even I can't keep up with?

We can fashion an electronic barrier to trap the Reverse-Flash.

The super capacitors, the containment field is fluctuating.

I still don't know why the containment system failed.

I must have missed something.

You think Dr. Wells k*lled Barry's mom?

I don't know yet, but I do know that Wells keeps secrets, and this may be one of them.

Clyde: I got a plane to catch!

Come on, Clyde!


Damn it.

[door closes]

I think I got one of them.

Your luck's gonna run out one of these days, little brother.

You've been telling me that since I was ten, Mark.

Because I've been taking care of you since you were ten.

Look, it's gonna get choppy.

You might want to strap yourself in.

You just can't help yourself, can you?


Oh, my God.



♪ Blame it on the night ♪

I never would've pegged you as someone who likes to bowl.

Oh, this is one of my favorite places in the world, and I'm guessing one of the only sports that I can destroy you at.

Oh, okay, you think so, huh?

I'm pretty sure, yeah.

Okay. [chuckles]

Iris: Hi, guys.

Iris, Eddie, hey.

What are you guys doing here?

We thought it would be fun.

Barry and I have been bowling here since we were kids.

Why don't you guys join us?


We don't want to interrupt your date.

No, it's... it's okay.

Are you sure?

Of course. It'll be fun.

♪ So blame it on the night ♪


Do you smell that, Barry? That's defeat.

You never told me you were such a big fan of bowling.

Sure I have.

This is one of my favorite places in the world.

Iris: Oh, ho ho!

Ohh! Ha-ha!

I am impressed, Allen.

I heard the owner was thinking of selling.

Maybe you could write a piece on the place?

Um, I'm still iffy on whether bowling is an actual sport.

I've wondered the same.

Well, sport or hobby, I am still better than you.


All right, well, I'm serious, a little bit of press, the lanes could be designated as, like, a landmark or something.


Oh, Eddie, you're up, man.

Oh, right.


Go get 'em, babe.

Coroner: Recording start.

Central City Coroner's report, file 28527.

Petechial hemorrhaging in the mucosa of the lips and the interior of the mouth, the strong odor of bleach, and the presence of a postmortem ligature mark all suggest the decedent's manner of death, is...


Can I help you?

Yes, you can.

I want to know who k*lled Clyde Mardon.

He was shot by a cop a little over six months ago, and I want his name.

That's privileged information.

I'm going to have to ask you to leave.



[panting] Please.

Cop's name. Now.

I perform hundreds of autopsies a year.

Perhaps this will jog your memory.

[both laughing]

Oh, Buster Keaton. That guy was a genius.


I can't believe you've never seen this movie.

Must have been before my time.

I gotta make you a must-see movie list, pronto.

Wells: Please do. While I am more than happy to spend an evening watching old movies with you, Cisco, do you not have your brother's dinner to attend?

Yeah. I was gonna ask Caitlin to come with me, but then I got a much better idea.

Which was?

To not go at all.


Things are not any better with your family?

You're missing the movie.


Okay, you know what, I'm gonna be honest with.

Things have actually been pretty fantastic... since I stopped seeing them so much.

[alarm chiming]

Silent alarm has been tripped at the Central City Morgue.

Why would anyone want to rob a morgue?

[phone chimes]

I got to go. Emergency at the morgue.


See you at home.

Hey, Linda, sorry, I should go too.

They're going to need someone from the crime lab.

I'll see you.

Well, um... That was fun.


[dogs barking]

Taxi! Taxi!

Oh, come on, I'm gonna be late!

What's going on? What do you see?

A dead body.

Cisco: Barry, you're in a morgue.

You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that.

The coroner, he's dead.

[police siren blaring]

The mayor's made this high priority.

Copy that, captain.



Allen, my fiance just bought me this!

Yeah, I'm so sorry, captain.

Eh! Just help Joe find out who did this.


What's with all the water?

Did the sprinkler system go off or something?

[sighs] No, I checked all the sprinklers. They're all intact.

But look at this.

What is that, ice?


The coroner has multiple impact bruises on his torso, all the size of a tennis ball.

Judging by the amount of ice and water on the ground, I'm guessing he was k*lled by hail.

Hail? In here?


Do you think this was Snart?

No, his cold-g*n couldn't have done this.

Thawne: Joe, we got something.

The Coroner's office just installed an automated dictation system.

Listen to this.

coroner on tape: Please, no more.

Mark on tape: I'll stop when you tell me...

coroner on tape: Stop.

Mark on tape: Who k*lled him?

I know that voice. That's Mardon.

I want a name.

Clyde Mardon's dead.

It's not Clyde Mardon. It's his brother, Mark.

coroner on tape: It was Detective West.

He shot him. Detective Joe West k*lled your brother.

Mark on tape: He will pay for what he did.

[Coroner screaming on tape]

So Clyde Mardon has a brother?

And both brothers survived the plane crash, and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator expl*si*n affects them both in virtually the same way.

Yeah, only Mark's powers seem to be a lot more precise.

To be able to control the weather like that, indoors?

You'd have to be a Weather Wizard.

Ooh, been waiting since week one to use that one.


Trigeminal headache?


Trigeminal headache.

Brain freeze.

Then why don't you just call it a brain freeze?

So I'm guessing you running around a twister in the opposite direction isn't gonna to do the trick this time.

I just remembered. During our run-in with Mardon, Clyde Mardon, I was tinkering with something to help attract unbound atmospheric electrons.

Like a grounding mechanism?

Yes, 'cause the only way that Mardon can control the weather... [phone vibrating] is if he can tap into the atmosphere's natural electrical circuit, and if we take away that circuit, clear skies.

Singh's checking in. I gotta go.

Yeah, I'll meet you at the station.

Joe, We'll find Mardon. Don't worry.

I'm not worried at all.

Well, he's taking being targeted by a revenge-seeking meta-human rather well, I must say.

Don't worry, Barry. Joe will be fine, I promise.

Yeah, no, I know.

I actually wanted to talk to you about something else.



Look, last night, on my way to the morgue, I saw something.

What'd you see?

I was running and I turned and I saw myself.

Or I don't know, another Flash running beside me.


Yeah. What do you think it was?

Could be an optical illusion, a mirroring effect caused by wind shear and light, a speed mirage, if you will.

It didn't seem like that. It was...

He seemed real.

I tell you what. Let's focus on finding Mardon, and once he's safely contained in The Pipeline, we'll investigate this.

Captain Singh: Where are we at with Mardon?

No one at the morgue saw or heard anything.

We're canvassing known associates, seeing if he reached out to anybody.

Maybe can get a lead on where he's holed up.

All right, why don't we let Thawne do that?

Because nobody knows the Mardon brothers better than I do.

I mean, Chyre and I tracked them for years.

I know how they think.

Which is why you should coordinate the investigation from here.


West: If you guys want to keep that smile on that pretty face, she doesn't hear about any of this.


Hey, sweetheart.

Hey, Dad.




So, what are you guys working on?

You got any good leads for an honest reporter?

Things are actually pretty quiet around here right now.

Can you guys give me a minute?

Yeah, me and Barry were actually gonna go grab lunch.

We were?

Right, yeah, yeah. [chuckles]


Hey. Ever since last night, you've barely said a peep. What is going on?

I didn't like the way I felt watching you and Barry last night.

Eddie, Barry, he's just...

Like family. I know, and I know you two have a long history that pre-dates me, but Iris, we live together. You're my girlfriend, and someday, hopefully, you'll be more.

I don't like feeling like the odd man out every time you and Barry are together.

And I shouldn't have to.

Eddie, Barry is always gonna be a part of my life.

I get that, but something's changed between you two.

Whatever that is, I am not okay with it.



I haven't had one of those in way too long.

Felt appropriate.

So, you want to talk about what's been going on with you?

What do you think's been going on with me, Barry?

You just seem a bit cavalier, considering what we're up against.

[chuckles] We aren't up against anything.

Joe, come on, I...

Look, I'm fine.

Can we just change the subject, please?


Actually, you know, I could use some advice.

About what?

Uh, you know, just relationship stuff.

Oh, you mean, like, that girl, Linda?

No, actually. With Iris.

Things between us have gotten a little complicated... again.


You're asking your adopted father for advice about being in love with his daughter, who just so happens to be dating his partner?

I know, I know.

Things have gone way past complicated.

Sometimes, me and Iris have these moments, and when I'm looking into her eyes, it's hard not to think that she's feeling the same way I do.

Look, you already told Iris how you feel, so unless she comes out and says she feels the same way, all you can do is hold on to those moments.

Man, it is coming down.


[thunder rumbles]

[radio jingle]

male radio announcer: And it's another beautiful day here in Central City.

Not a cloud.


[thunder rumbling]


You're confined to the precinct until Mardon's caught.

David, you said it yourself.

That son of a bitch k*lled my partner.

And I'm not gonna lose you the way I lost Fred Chyre.

Look, I can't stop you being pissed, Joe, but I can keep you safe.

Maybe your daughter can contact The Flash.

I'm not getting her involved in this.

Allen, make sure he doesn't go anywhere.

I need to be out there.

Joe, you're always the first one to tell me when I'm not thinking clearly.

I took down Clyde. I can take down his dirt bag brother too.

You didn't do that alone, remember?

You're right.

How are any of these guys going to protect me?

They don't know. They don't know what Mardon's capable of.

All right, well, lucky for you, your friends at S.T.A.R. Labs do.


"The Flash: Speeding his way into our lives?"

That's a little on the nose, don't you think?


I want to show you something.

Simon Stagg. Remember him?

Hasn't been seen in, like, six months.

I thought the rumor was he was a recluse.

You know, went all Howard Hughes.

This was taken the night that Stagg went missing.

The last person to leave Stagg Industries the night that Stagg disappeared was Harrison Wells.

This doesn't prove anything, Mason.

It's enough for me to develop a theory.

Every trail in this files leads to one person, Harrison Wells, which is why I need for you to start asking your friends who know him some questions, Iris.


Last night was fun.


Oh, yeah.

Look, I just wanted to apologize.


Well, for interrupting your date with Barry.

I shouldn't have done that... and I'm sorry.

You know, Iris, when you told me that Barry had feelings for you, I thought it was just the typical weird crap that women do to each other, but last night, I realized what you didn't tell me, and what's kind of irritating is that you have feelings for him too.

N... No, Linda, I mean, it's not like that.

One thing you learn about people when you work here, Iris, it's usually what isn't said that's the real story.

So it sounded like something was kind of bothering you on the phone. Is everything all right?

Yeah, it's fine.

So the other night was fun, right?

Yeah. Did Eddie have a good time?

Yeah. Linda?

I think so.

You don't think we were too... you know.


Okay, good.

So the reason that I called you was because my sort of advisor at the paper is always teaching me lessons, tricks of the trade, how to get good story, and one of the things he's repeatedly telling me is to follow your hunch, see where it leads.

Sounds like good advice.

Yeah, it is.

Except in this instance, that hunch involves you.

Well, you can ask me anything, Iris.

It's about Harrison Wells.

What about him?

Well, I mean, a lot of strange things have been happening in Central City this past year.

The Flash, the Burning Man people going missing.

He was there at Stagg's office the night that Stagg went missing.

And you think that Doctor Wells is what, responsible?

I mean, I don't really know him, but you and your friends do.


Barry, in your heart of hearts, do you think it's possible that there's more to Harrison than people have been led to believe?

Harrison Wells is a good man.

If you're looking for a story, then you're not gonna find one with him.

I call it the Wizard's Wand.

Subtle. How does it work?

Think of it like an active lightning rod.

You just point it at the sky, and it'll suck up whatever energy's floating around it like a sponge.

And it'll stop Mardon?

It'll certainly slow him down.

If there's no atmospheric electrons available to him, there's no way for him to control the weather.

Good work, Cisco, as always.

If you excuse me, I'm gonna go stretch my legs.

You okay? You seem a little off.

Yeah, yeah. Uh, somebody at...

Somebody at Picture News got it into Iris's head that something suspicious is going on with Dr. Wells.

Like what?

That he knows what happened to Simon Stagg.

Apparently, nobody's heard from him or seen him since the night I stopped Danton Black.

What'd you tell her?

That she's wrong. And she is.

Cisco: Keep this handy.

I'll protect you from Mardon's powers.

West: Yeah, Cisco, I got it.

Hey, Joe... I know you got a lot going on right now, but... you mentioned Doctor Wells might have had something to do with Barry's mother's m*rder. Why did you think that?

Oh, it doesn't matter. I was wrong.

But you seemed really sure of it.

Look, Cisco, I can't talk about this right now, okay?


I heard you were looking for me.

Here I am.


Hey, Joe.

I can call you Joe, can't I?

Figured we don't got to be too formal seeing as you put two b*ll*ts in my brother's chest.

Your brother k*lled my partner and a whole lot of innocent people, and threatened to k*ll even more.

[thunder rumbling]

Yeah, Clyde was no saint, but he was family.

If you can't protect your family, the least you can do is avenge 'em.

[thunder crashing]

This is between us.

Nobody else needs to get hurt.

But they are gonna get hurt.



I'm not gonna be so easy to put down, Joe.

Take him down!

No, run!




[wind swirling]



All right, Cisco, I'm heading home.


All right, fine, I will watch every episode of The Walking Dead with you.

Hey, you couldn't have stopped Mardon from attacking the police station. It's not your fault.

No, that's not it.

What do you think of Dr. Wells?

What do you mean?

I mean, do you think he's capable of doing something bad?

Is this because of what Barry said he heard?

Ever since the particle accelerator exploded, there's always someone who's got it in for Dr. Wells.

No, no, it's more than that. Joe said that maybe Dr. Wells was somehow involved in of Barry's Mother's death and her m*rder.

That's absurd.

Yeah, I know, and that's what I said, and we proved that that wasn't the case, but I'm just saying, some things aren't adding up.

Like what, for example?

Come here, look at this.

The night we trapped the Reverse-Flash in the force-field, he escaped because the containment system failed, but I checked that data three times, and the super-capacitors were still fully charged when he got out.

The numbers don't add up, Caitlin.

There's no reason that the containment system should have failed.

I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation.

One perfectly good explanation is that Wells did something to the trap.

Are you suggesting that Dr. Wells is in league with The Man in the Yellow Suit?

I'm... We all saw that thing nearly k*ll him that night.

Yeah, nearly.


Cisco, what you're saying doesn't make any sense. That's crazy.

Can you keep Wells out of S.T.A.R. Labs tomorrow morning?

Thank you, Barry.


This isn't how I thought I'd finally meet David's co-workers.

He speaks very highly of you.


David's all bark.

A very loud bark.

[both chuckle]

How is he, doctor?

doctor: We're stabilizing him.

He's experiencing some paralysis in his lower extremities.

Oh, my God.

The hardest thing to gauge right now is the extent of his neurocognitive deficits.

So he may not be the same person you remember.

Can I see him?

I'm sorry, visitation's for family only.

Being his fiance makes him family, doctor.

Uh, sure.

Will he be able to return to the force?

I'm actually not sure he'll be able to walk again.

Joe, where are you going?

I need to end this.

Not by yourself.

Yes, by myself! I know him!

I can find him. I don't want anybody else getting hurt, especially Iris and you.

Iris is fi...

Mardon said he was going to avenge his brother.

That goes beyond me. It goes all the way to you and her.

You stay with Iris, and you keep her safe.

Do not leave her side.

Yeah, all right.

Hey, have you seen Iris West?

She went to see her dad.

You're Barry Allen, right?


Her friend/brother? Or is that brother/friend?

Friend is fine.

Oh. I'm Mason Bridge.

Oh, you're the guy who thinks Harrison Wells is some mad genius?

Oh, no, no, no, I never said he was crazy.

He's a sociopath and a liar, for sure.

Really? You don't see it?

All the time you two spend together.

Excuse me?

Sometimes when I'm bored, I follow him around.

And for the most part, he keeps to himself, except when he's meeting up with you, which he seems to do quite a bit.

And then one time, he met up with Simon Stagg, And then poof, no more Simon Stagg.

So you're saying Wells knows where Stagg is?

No, I'm saying Wells k*lled him.

Ah. All right, well, even if I believed you, which I don't, he's in a wheelchair.

How could he possibly have done that?

I have evidence in a secure digital file that will explain everything.

What... what evidence?

You'll just have to read about it in the Sunday paper, like everybody else.

[machine powering on]

Let's see if you can tell me what really went wrong that night.

[man yelling]



Eddie. You shouldn't be here.

And you shouldn't be chasing after Mardon alone, partner.

You find anything?

Not yet, but this was an old Mardon brothers' hideout about six years ago, so it's a long shot.

But listen, Eddie...

Save it. I'm not leaving.

[line ringing]

Hey, have you heard from Dad? He's not answering his cell.

Uh, no.

I haven't talked to him.

[sighs] I'm starting to worry about him.

What are you doing home so early?

I was looking for you, actually. I just met your friend Mason, and he said he had some kind of proof that Dr. Wells did something.

Do you know what it is?

No, he hasn't told me.

All right.

So, how are things going with Linda?

Why do you say it like that?

Like what?

Like how you used to always say "Becky Cooper."

Oh, come on.

Becky Cooper was a nightmare of a high school girlfriend, and you should have never dated her.

Okay, so you're saying that Linda is "Becky" material?

I mean, I wouldn't go that far.

She's... hot and nice and smart and she is really good at her job.

I just...

I don't think that she's the right one for you.

Then who is?


I don't understand.

This doesn't make any sense.

[machine sparking]

Somebody was here very recently.

He left this here for me.

Where to next?

[wind gust]



Small miracle you only broke the one leg, Joe.

The night I got sucked out of my plane, I broke almost every bone in my body.


It was excruciating.

At least you got a small taste of what that felt like.


Guess you'll never know what it really feels like to be God.

That's what your brother said to me, right before I k*lled him.


I don't need these powers to end your life.

Then do it.

That's what you came here for, isn't it?

An eye for an eye?

Oh, Joe.

I want so much more than an eye.

Wells: I often forget how important it is to step away from my ever present routine.

Thank you, Caitlin.

This morning has been a refreshing change of pace.

You can have more than two hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, Dr. Wells.

What can I say? I guess I'm a creature of habit.

Oh, I'm sorry, I believe these were to-go.

Actually, I thought we could sit here and enjoy them.

Why not?

We've seen what Mardon can do, but do not forget, he is not invincible.

I can't believe this is happening.

Thawne: He is still a man, at best, a criminal.

We'll find him.

Thawne: We will find this dirt bag...

Hey, look at me, all right?

I promise I will bring him back to you.

Thawne: Whatever you need to do...


I want you all to scour this city until we find Joe.

Move out!

[phone vibrating]


Mark: I have your father.

He's a little broken, but still alive.

If you want him to stay that way, come to the waterfront, south side.

Oh, and Iris, you tell the police, your father's dead.

She's on her way.

He has my dad.

He says if I tell anyone, he'll k*ll him.

He wants me to meet him at the waterfront.

All right, I'm coming with you.


Let's go.



Can I talk to you for a second?

No, Linda, I'm sorry, I really can't right now.

Of course not.

Look, it's not like that It's an emergency.

I have to go right now.

You know, Dr. Wells, I just...

I want to thank you again for all that you've done for Ronnie.

One thank you will suffice, I'm sure.

You know, Caitlin, if Cisco were to adjust the radial velocity parameters on the S.T.A.R Labs satellite, we might be able to better detect the vortex of a forming storm, and if we could detect those air updrafts, no matter where they originate, no matter how small, we might be able to locate Mark Mardon.

That's a great idea.

So why don't we go to S.T.A.R. Labs and alert Cisco?

Let me just get these to-go.

Hi, could I get these in to-go cups?

Sure, just a second.

[distorted voice] My goals are beyond your understanding.

[typing clacks]

[speaking backwards]

Dr. Wells, we meet at last.

My goals are beyond your understanding.

I can't believe this.

Oh, I'm not like The Flash at all.

Some would say, I'm the Reverse.

Congratulations, Joe. You're my plus-one today.

Front row seats to watch everyone and everything you ever loved, destroyed.

Pretty girl too.

Such a shame.

Please, she's my daughter.

Clyde was my brother.

He's a thief and a m*rder*r.

She's an innocent girl.

She'll pay for the sins of the father then.

They'll all pay.

[thunder rumbling]


You're incredibly clever, Cisco.

I've always said so.

You're him.

The Reverse-Flash.

You and I have never been truly, properly introduced.

I am Eobard Thawne.


Like Eddie.

Let's call him a distant relative.

The night that we trapped the Reverse-Flash, you almost died.


There were two of you.

It's an after-image, A speed mirage, if you will.

[panicked breathing]

Joe was right.

You were there that night, 15 years ago, in Barry's house.

You k*lled Nora Allen.

It was never my intention to k*ll Nora.

I was there to k*ll Barry.


You're his friend.

You've been teaching him how to...

Go faster, I know. A means to an end.

And I'll tell you why.

Because I have been stuck here, marooned here in this place for 15 long years.

And The Flash and The Flash's speed is the key to my returning to my world.

To my time.

And no one is going to prevent that from happening.

I can help you.

You're smart, Cisco.

But you're not that smart.

Do you know how hard it has been to keep all of this from you, especially from you? Because the truth is, I've grown quite fond of you.

And in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son.

Forgive me, but to me, you've been dead for centuries.

What do we do?

He'll find us.

Oh, my God.

[thunder rumbling]

Iris, you need to get out of here, okay?

You need to get as far away from here as possible.

I am not leaving you.

Iris, please!

Listen to me, ever since the night that you told me how you felt, I have not been able to stop thinking about you.

At first, I was really mad, and then I realized that the reason that I couldn't stop thinking about you was because I didn't want to.

I've never stopped thinking about you.

[thunder rumbling]



Barry, I need to talk to you. Dr. Wells, he isn't...

Barry: Hey, there's no time for that right now, all right?

There is a tsunami heading for the city.

Barry: How do I stop it?

Theoretically, if you can create a vortex barrier along the coastline, a wall of wind, that would be able to sap the tidal wave of its energy before it hits the city.

By running back and forth. How fast?

I don't know if you can run that fast.

Barry: I am so sorry.

I didn't want you to find out this way.




[people screaming]



Taxi! Taxi!

Oh come on, I'm gonna be late!

Oh boy.
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