06x18 - Fighting Shadows

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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06x18 - Fighting Shadows

Post by bunniefuu »

Not big enough-- we need more.

We got more.

Any, uh, places I should avoid in the next few days?

Los Angeles.


Pleasure doing business with you, amigos.

(engine starts)

Sale complete.

(siren whoops)


Turn off your engine!


Exit the vehicle with your hands up!

Man: Slowly.

You, get 'em up.

Hands on your head.

Turn around.

(man speaks indistinctly)

All right, cuff him.

Right here...


Good work, Agent Nasri.

Real shame.

I was starting to enjoy their company.



Man, I've been listening to their wiretaps, and they were getting really sick of you.

Secure the C-4.

I'll notify the director.

Check the front.

All right. You're with me.

Agent Conway.

The director, please.

Yes, sir.

The op was a success.

Yes, sir, I'll notify the A.G.'s office.

They should have everything they need by the end of the day.

(alarm blaring)

♪ NCIS: LA 6x18 ♪
Fighting Shadows
Original Air Date on March 23, 2015

♪ ♪

Deeks: Okay, last one.

Kensi: Come on, last one.

Let's do this, attack the ground! (screams)

Attack the ground!

I don't know why we can't run like normal human beings.

This is so weird and unnatural. (laughs)

Quit being a Sally.

You'll find muscles you never knew you had.

What are you talking about?

I've got muscles in all the right places.

I'm a lean, mean sex machine.

Or that's what my, uh, ladybird says.


I never said that.

Yeah, you said it to me three days ago.

You actually whispered it... in my ear.

You bit said ear.

Which kind of hurt, but I also kind of liked it.

Huh, yeah, well, I take it back.

You can't take it back.

I still have little teeth marks on my ear.

Yeah, no, I mean I take back saying that you're a sex machine.

Oh, yeah?


Want me to prove it to you right here and right now?

Okay, don't look now, but your five o'clock, woman with a camera.

What did I just say? I said don't look.

What? That was natural.

(car door closes, engine starts)

No plates.

Deeks: Sure she was taking photos of us?

(cell phone chimes)

Yeah, I mean...

I don't know, you think I'm being paranoid?

I think they need us in Ops.

Look alive!


Eric: Mojave Desert, one hour ago.

The FBI was in the final stage of a sting operation with some homegrown t*rrorists.

They had just completed a sale of C-4 and arrested the men when this happened.

How many dead?

Three agents including Agent Jalil Nasri, who had been undercover with the suspects for the last four months.

He gained their trust, introduced them to an arms dealer...

Who also happened to be an FBI agent.

Sale went down, so did the t*rrorists.

Since 9/11, these sting operations have become common practice.

Okay, so what went wrong?

Did the two t*rrorists set a detonator?

Well, it's unlikely, because they never touched the C-4.

It was passed from one undercover agent to the next.

The FBI had it in their custody the entire op.

So the FBI wants our help with this investigation?

More like our heads.

C-4 was on loan from the DoD.

It's considered controlled defense material.

Wait, so this is about liability?

SECNAV wants assurance that there was no problem with the supply of expl*sives.

If so...

Other operations could be at risk.

Deeks: And it opens up the DoD to a civil lawsuit.

You thinking of retaking the California Bar, Mr. Deeks?

Three days of hell?

I'd rather clean half of Kensi's apartment.

I keep offering.

Well, until that time, I'd like you and Mr. Callen to ensure that the Navy's C-4 supply hasn't been compromised.

You-- it sounded like you said me and Callen.

Deeks and me?

Mr. Hanna, I'd like you and Ms. Blye to handle the crime scene.

Uh, is there any...?

Hmm... okay.

I guess we're...


NCIS, looking for First Lieutenant Winters.

One moment.

(sighs) Lieutenant, NCIS is here.

So, uh...

Yes, sir.

...Joelle's good?

She's good.

She's great.


Great, great, great.

How's Kensi?

Uh, Kensi's... she's... you know, she's good.

I don't know why you're asking me.

I mean, you work with her, you know she's... she's good, right?


Because I don't know why I would have any...




You know, don't you?

Of course I know.

Who else knows?

Well, let's see.

Sam, Nell, Hetty, of course.

Eric took a little while, but he finally got there.

The guys in the motor pool.

Pretty much everyone at this point.

What about Granger?

Granger I'm not so sure about.

Uh, he's definitely mellowed since the poisoning, but he... he could just be biding his time, waiting for the right moment to crush you both.

Well, that is... awesome.


Don't pretend like you didn't know the risks.

I'm just wondering if this partner shuffle has something to do with us.

That is a question only Hetty can answer.

Agent Callen, Detective Deeks.

How are you?

All right, come on in.

This is the same lot of C-4 we drew from for the FBI.

I personally oversee the transfer of all Class-A expl*sives, I can tell you-- protocol was followed to the letter.

Has it been tested?

Just before you arrived, I conducted standard burn and impact tests.

Performed as expected.

And how is that?

Blew up when it was supposed to, didn't when it wasn't.

For this C-4 to detonate during the FBI's op, it would've needed a primer.

And we didn't supply them with one.

Which means somebody else did.

Excuse me, can I...?

Can I please have a minute?

Something's bothering you.

Why do you say that?

(scoffs) The look on your face is the same as when Deeks eats pistachios.

He gets the shells everywhere-- it's disgusting.

All right, I'll have a talk with him. What's up?

It's not big enough.

What do you mean?

Ten pounds of C-4, the debris should be half a mile away.

So, are you thinking not all of it exploded?

You got to be kidding me.

What do you got?

A van full of C-4 explodes, you assume it was the C-4.

Case was lined with pumice.

Absorbs the shock.

So there was another b*mb on the van.

I'm thinking remote detonation.

They waited for the precise moment when only the FBI agents were in the blast zone.


That's where I'd be.

Perfect vantage point for the sting and take down.

Good access to the roads leading south.

We got footprints.

Looks like a size 11.

Work boots.

Most likely male.

I got tire tracks, too.

I'll send these over to Eric.

(phone imitates camera sound)


You got pistachio face-- what's up?

Taking out three FBI agents in a secret sting operation, that's impressive.

(phone imitates camera sound)

A k*ller like this doesn't usually leave this many clues.

Unless he's sending a message.

Based on the tire tracks left at the crime scene, we're probably looking for an older-model SUV.

Early 2000s.

Anything from Kaleidoscope?

(scoffs) This is what we have to work with--

20 square miles of nothing, and that includes cameras.

Now the FBI's resources are strained, so... they're letting Sam and Kensi track the vehicle on the ground.

Our hope is that the tire tracks lead to a road with a camera.

What about the watch they found?

Sold in over 3,000 stores online.

At least 800 sold every year.

Impossible to trace.

Hands are stopped at 5:37.

Ticking clock without the ticking.

Has it been dusted for prints?

Eric: That's happening now.

I'll let you know when the report comes in.

Someone else placed a b*mb on this van.

Maybe the van's owners have an idea how this happened.

Well, Demir Malki was hit with shrapnel from the blast.

He's in surgery. And his brother Dogan is in custody at the FBI's Undercover Task Force offices in Mar Vista.

Let's go talk to Dogan.

I'll catch up with you. I got one stop to make.

How far back should I go?

All the way back.

Hetty, hey, listen, we need to...

Whoa! What are...?

Who was that?

Uh, who was who?

The woman on the screen that was just up there-- who is that?

That woman was taking pictures of me and Kensi this morning.

Oh, damn.

Hetty, what's going on?

All I can tell you, Mr. Deeks, is that I'm looking into it.

Right. Listen, uh...

Hetty, if she's some sort of threat, I think that we should...

No, she is not a threat.

Not yet. Not yet.

What is imperative is that you and Ms. Blye stay apart for today.

Am I understood?

(clears throat)

Hetty, it's, um...

Mr. Deeks, yes or no.


With an off-the-record no.

All right. Good.


You let him see the photo on purpose, didn't you?

I wanted to know how much he knew.

Now I know.

Back to work, Ms. Jones.

Why didn't you tell us?

We were respecting your privacy.

And you're okay with this?

Am I okay with my coworkers dating? No.

Does that mean I want you off the team? Hell, no.

And that goes for Deeks, too.

Oh, well... Don't tell him I said that.

I will not.

It's just, you know, eventually, you guys are gonna have to figure out where this thing is going.

You don't want to continue to put your lives on the line.

Meaning what?

Meaning that... when Michelle and I had Kam, that was a whole nother mission.


Yeah, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

We're not, we're not... we're not thinking about kids.

We're not even thinking about dinner.

That's fine, but things don't always go as they're planned.

Things happen. Kids happen.

That's what happened with Aiden, he kind of... popped up out of the blue.

I thought I was ready for anything-- active duty, whatever-- but not for that.

I wasn't a perfect dad, either.

I made a lot of mistakes those first years.

(wry laugh)

I think Aiden was a lucky kid.

I was the lucky one.

Still am.

Conway: So our t*rror1st, Dogan Malki, hasn't said a word to us.

Normally I wouldn't allow this, but since the attack... we've been a little shorthanded.

Have at him.

Dogan Malki.

Wow, that is quite the... bloodstain.

That's from your younger brother, right?

Callen: FBI says you don't like to talk.

That's fine. Just listen.

Your brother Demir is dying.

The shrapnel ripped apart his kidneys.

He needs a new one immediately.

As you can probably imagine, being a t*rror1st doesn't put you very high on the priority list for transplants.

The good news-- for you, of course-- being that they make exceptions for family.

Y-Yes... yes, of course.

I'll give him mine.

Well, that is actively heartwarming.

There's just one small problem.

Callen: The FBI thinks you and your brother k*lled three of their agents.

They're not letting you go anywhere.

But, uh... we didn't k*ll them.

Hmm. So how did the b*mb get in the van?

How would I know?

Please... my-my brother needs my help.

Callen: Think, Dogan!

Did you loan the van to anyone?

Did you take it anywhere recently?

I-I-I-I, I don't...

Deeks: A car wash, valet parking.

I don't remember!

Your brother is dying!

A mechanic.

I-I-I t-took it to a mechanic.

We had a flat tire, uh, about five days ago.

A tow truck came by about a minute later.

They took it to a shop in the Valley.

What was the name of the shop?


Lakeview Auto Repair.

Wait, what about my kidney?

Oh, yeah, you can keep your kidney, 'cause your brother's fine.

So where is everyone?


Kensi: Looks like somebody's been off-roading.

(tools clanking)

Sam: Federal agents!

Drop your w*apon.

Drop it!

I sent everyone home for the day.

Hands up.

I'm unarmed.

I didn't think you'd find me so quickly.

If you...


I'm sorry-- I was trying to say, if you check the top drawer, you'll find what you're looking for.


Remote detonator.

You're searching for the person who planted a b*mb and k*lled three FBI agents.

You have found him.

I promise you, I will not resist arrest.

But I also promise... this morning's attack will not be the only one today.

His name is Vakeel Shah.

He immigrated here, from Pakistan, 20 years ago.

He's never been in any trouble with the law.

He pays his taxes, started a successful auto repair business.

Okay, so what happened?

His brother and sister-in-law died six years ago-- car crash.

Shah took in their son Naveed.

We arrested Naveed... in a sting operation last year.

He walked into his high school wearing a dummy su1c1de vest.

That you provided him.

I ran the op and Agent Nasri was undercover.

Callen: Let's stay on track here.

Why don't you tell us about this watch?

That's Naveed's.

It was broken during his arrest-- he got physical-- Shah must've claimed it upon completion of the trial.

Eric said the forensic team pulled Shah's print off it.

Meaning, regardless of how we found him, this watch would've lead us to Shah.

He wanted to be found.

And he wanted to tell us about the second attack.


Well, I'll be sure to ask him when I question him.

Not happening.

Excuse me?

Shah clearly has a beef with the FBI for what went down with his nephew, and you're at the center of that.

It's better for an outside party to do the questioning.


If he says anything, you'll be the first to know.

Right-- he k*lled my agents.

Don't go easy on him.

Deeks: So, Shah's nephew, uh, Naveed, is up at Victorville.

I'm gonna go over there and talk to him, see if he knows anything about, uh, his uncle's impending attack.

All right. I'll go with you.

Yeah, no, I... I think I'm gonna...

I'm gonna probably go by myself.

Okay, the last I checked, I had interrogated more t*rrorists than you, so...




Oh... did I, did I say something?

Did we do something wrong?

I just know that Hetty's worried.


The woman I saw this morning.

All right, who is she?

Well, if you can get Hetty to answer that, I actually will clean your apartment.

No, no, no, don't do that.

Listen, Hetty's looking into it, so let her be worried.

Okay, um...


I'm gonna go check out the auto shop and see what else I can find.

Hold on a second-- hey. Hey, hey.


You and I, we're good.

Okay? Nothing's gonna tear us apart.

Say it. Say "We're good."

We're good.

I have no intention of retracting my confession, Agent Hanna. What I did, I did. But I did it so that the truth would be revealed.

Mr. Shaw, the only truth we're interested in is where and when this next attack is going to take place.

That will also be revealed.

But only at the right time.

For now, I'd rather you understand why.

Why what?

Why I had to resort to k*lling to make my point.

It is not a decision I made lightly.

I'm sure the families of those dead agents will find comfort in that.

I can empathize.

I feel their pain.

I lost my nephew to terrorism.

Your nephew was a t*rror1st.

That is a big distinction.

But before this, he was a boy.

This is what I'm trying to tell you: Naveed was not a t*rror1st until the FBI turned him into one.

He was a good young man.

He worked at my shop-- helping the mechanics, learning the register.

This watch-- I gave him this watch to motivate him to show up on time, to work quickly, take responsibility.

But then the FBI came.

They were the ones who led him down that path... not some online videos of radical imams.

It was you-- your federal agents.

They stopped him from carrying out an attack.

An attack they provided him.

You take confused young men, and instead of offering them help, you give them a plan.

And then you sell them a b*mb.

You create your own enemy, your own terror.

So, who then is the real t*rror1st?

Super secret Hetty project?

Not so secret apparently.

Did you ever think she does this sort of thing on purpose?

Keep something secret and then leak just the right amount of information to just the right people.

You know, to see what happens.

Yeah, shake things loose.

Yeah, it's like... it's like losing a chess piece in order to win the game.

You know I don't like losing chess pieces.

(laughs) I know.

You cried when I took your pawn.

I just feel so bad for them, you know?

We'll stick to checkers next time.


You can go now.


Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

(tires screech)

Federal agent!

Get out of the car!

It's okay, I'm a cop.

Identify yourself.

Detective Jacqueline Rivera.

LAPD Internal Affairs.

Federal agents aren't in your purview, Detective.

You got that right.

Could you maybe lower your g*n?

I thought Detective Deeks was with you.

Seems I was mistaken.

No, Detective Deeks is not with me.

What do you want with him?

Well, I'm afraid I can't discuss ongoing investigations with you, Agent Blye.

But if you have something you want to tell me about your partner, here's where you can reach me.

Deeks is an upstanding police officer.

The best LAPD has.

You're wasting your time.

He must be very special to you.

You're not gonna find anything.

Maybe not.

Doesn't mean it isn't there.

You're talking about coercion.


My nephew's arrest was illegal.

And so, these att*cks, this is your way of... avenging him?



Haven't you heard a word I said?

Haven't you understood the action I've taken?

You k*lled three people in cold blood.

It's kind of hard to understand.

In the first months after Naveed was taken, I will admit I was angry.

I craved revenge.

But then I saw how useless those feelings were.

I learned to control them, to cast them aside for a higher purpose.


Education, Agent Callen.


You're teaching us a lesson.

By using the FBI's own lesson plan.

Did you know that the most terrifying plans for t*rror1st att*cks were not created by t*rrorists?

They were developed here.

In the United States.

By the FBI.

For sting operations.

It is true.

In fact, the undercover agent assigned to Naveed gave him the idea to blow up his own high school.

And you plan to finish that attack?

Oh, no.

That would be too personal.

And as I've made clear, this is not about me.

This is about showing you the error of your ways.

At 5:37 today, one of those att*cks-- conceived and developed by your own government-- will finally come to fruition.

You did all the work.

I just followed your plan.

What have you found?

Last month there was a coordinated cyber attack on FBI servers.

Tens of thousands of documents were downloaded and leaked online.

Including classified details of sting operations.

So, it's conceivable Shah has access to this information.

It's conceivable my Nana does.

Well, she's really good at computers.

You think it's possible Shah was involved with the data breach?

It's possible.

However, I don't believe it's probable.

A group that splintered off from Anonymous eventually took responsibility.

The truth is, these sorts of hacks happen on an almost weekly basis now.

But it explains how Shah would know about the undercover sting operation.

These are some of the att*cks detailed in the reports.

Government buildings, churches...

Power plants, bridges, railways.

It's like finding a supervillain's bucket list.

Start tracking Shah's recent activity.

If he's planning something, his movements may show what it is.

You got it.

Agent Conway will know more about these att*cks than anyone.

I'm gonna head over to the FBI.

Work with her, narrow the targets.

I'll keep pushing Shah.

Let's hope Deeks can get something out of the nephew.

The clock is ticking.

You're a detective?


You don't look like they do on TV.

What's... what do they look like on TV?

Like suits?

You know, professional? (laughs)

Yeah, well, I learned a long time ago that wearing a suit doesn't make you professional.

I also learned that wearing a su1c1de vest doesn't necessarily make you a t*rror1st.

Is that why you're here?

Because of what I did?

Or... tried to do?

Actually, Naveed, I'm here to talk about something your uncle did.

I haven't spoken to my uncle in months.

Not since they sent me here.

I know, I checked the log.

You actually haven't had any visitors.

Except for me.

He won't even talk to me on the phone.

He hangs up every time.

He k*lled three FBI agents this morning.

He planted a b*mb inside of a van, and then he blew them up.

My uncle?

You're sure it was him?

Yeah, he confessed.

He also said that he has another attack planned, and that it's gonna be carried out in the next two hours. which is why I'm here.

So, if you can tell us anything, if you know anything that can help us... now is the time.

I do want to help.


My uncle.

I want to help him k*ll as many federal agents as possible.

I wish that I were standing by his side, fighting this evil country.

I understand now why he wouldn't see me.

Because he was fighting a holy w*r.

Well, I understand now, too.

Next time you see my uncle, tell him "Allahu Akbar!" Allahu Akbar!

(lock clicks)

(phone ringing)

Hey, Kens, what's up?

Nell, I'm at Lakeview Auto.

They advertise flatbed towing as one of their services.

Problem is, I only see a wheel lift truck.

Okay, let me see.

Yup, Lakeview Auto does show one flatbed truck registered to them.

And it's not here.

It's being used in the attack?

Putting it through Kaleidoscope and sending out a citywide APB.

I'm heading back.

All right, send anyone we can spare.

Got another.

There's a synagogue on Olympic.

It specifically targets an Erev Yom Kippur service, but...

It was five months ago.

Normal services are on Friday and Saturday.

Well, better safe than sorry.

And I've dispatched LAPD to evacuate Naveed's high school.

Good. It's not the target.

Just because a t*rror1st says it's not, doesn't mean that it isn't, Agent Hanna.

Look, Shah said that his higher purpose was education.

And that is enough for me to keep the school in play.

Shah doesn't even have to use a b*mb.

By throwing hundreds of potential targets at us, he's forcing us to evacuate buildings all over L.A.

He's achieving his goal-- panic, fear... American-made terror.

We got less than an hour before the deadline.

We may well have to play right into his hands.


Sam. Running out of time, G.

You need to break him.

Sam, you heard him-- this isn't personal.

He's not giving us any amm*nit*on.

The watch.

5:37-- Naveed's takedown time.

It's all we've got.

I'll get back to you.

Naveed, your nephew?

You gave him this watch.

What-what was the reason again?

You wanted to teach him about, uh, being on time?

To teach him about responsibility?

But here you are, shrugging off your own.

By blaming the FBI, the-the U.S. government.

The thing is... we didn't turn your nephew into a t*rror1st.

You did.

Your brother, his wife?

They died believing that their son was gonna be cared for, guided, provided with a good life.

Naveed was your responsibility... and you failed.

(quiet laugh)

It all makes sense now.

That's why you've never gone to visit him since he was arrested.

It's why you can't bear to speak with him on the phone.

He reminds you of your failure.

You can't stand to face the monster you've created.


Or maybe you can't face yourself.

Maybe you've been lying this entire time.

But not just to me.

Higher purpose, my ass.

It's never been anything but personal with him.

He wants revenge, Mr. Callen.

Simple, satisfying revenge.

Making us scramble to find the right attack plan-- that was all a ruse.

Meaning... the target remains the same as this morning: the FBI.

Bad news. I just found Kensi's missing flatbed truck.

That sounds like good news, Ms. Jones.

Yeah, but it just turned off the 10 onto Palms Boulevard.

It's heading for Mar Vista.

The FBI Task Force office.


This is not a drill, people.

I need everyone out of the back of the building now.

They're moving vehicles as a makeshift barrier, but it's not gonna be enough.

I don't care about the building.

I just want to get my people out.

Ryan, leave it.

That means you, too, Agent Hanna. Go.


You better be right behind me.

I will.

Come on, everyone.

The car it's carrying-- where did it come from?

Belongs to Hiba Bakhzari, resident of Baldwin Hills, and, uh, mother of Jonathan and Omar.

The FBI has been monitoring their online activity.

They've visited a number of radical Web sites over the last year.

That must be how Shah found them.

Deeks: Brothers again.

18 and 17.

Hey, they're about ten minutes away from the FBI.

How much you want to bet they turned that car into a b*mb?

Tell Sam we're on our way.

Wait. Together?

But Hetty said...


This is your plan?

To coerce and manipulate kids?

I told you I would use the FBI's own methods against them.

They'll die.

And my point will be made.

You don't have a point.

You've lied to me, and you've lied to yourself.

You just can't admit it.

It's okay. They're with me.


Eric, how far away is the truck?

Turning onto Inglewood. Four minutes out.

I need you to stay here and make sure the FBI doesn't take those boys out.

On it.

What's the plan?

(sighs) Keep everyone alive.

This is your chance, Shah.

This is your chance to take responsibility.

For these boys.

For what happens to them.

This is your chance to be better than your enemy.

Look at them!

You say you're not about revenge, but you're also not about teaching us a lesson, so what are you about?

There. That's them.

(tires screeching)

Get alongside them.

You believe that your nephew deserved more of a chance.

You believe that all of these young, misguided kids deserve that.

I do, too.

Call them.

Tell them to stop this.

I can't.

They don't have a phone.

I told them not to take one.

I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

Well, I guess this really is in Allah's hands.


Out the window-- good choice.

All right, watch it.

Get the g*n.

sh**t him. sh**t him!



I'm putting the g*n down.

Jonathan, right?


Guys, my name is Sam.

We got a b*mb.

We'll blow it.

Jonathan, you got a problem.

You're not gonna complete your mission.

There are agents up ahead-- they're gonna sh**t you and your brother before you make it.

On my command, you take them out.

You do realize they're just teenagers, right?

With a car full of expl*sives.

I'm just saying, give Sam time to do his job.

Detective Deeks, if that truck reaches our driveway, I'm doing what needs to be done.

The man who put you up to this-- this is for his own personal vendetta.

This has nothing to do with your beliefs.

He's taken advantage of you.

You two have a mother, right?

What will she think if you do this?

You got your whole lives ahead of you.

On my mark.

No, Sam is still in the line of fire.

Get him out of here.

Sam is in the line of fire!

Deeks: No, no!

Sam: Give your brother a chance.

Jonathan, give yourself a chance.

You don't have to do this.

Deeks: They're stopping!

Wait. Hold your fire.

It's okay, Jonathan.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.


(door opens)

They lived.

But their lives are over.

Just like your nephew's.

That's on you.

Take him.

You ignored my request.

Well, we're partners, and... partners work together, so...

Detective Jacqueline Rivera, Internal Affairs.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to worry you, Mr. Deeks, until I knew more.


So, do you know more now?

It would seem that the LAPD, either on their own or... with some outside influence, has decided to open an investigation into you.

Why? What for?

For now, they seem to be playing their cards very close to the vest.

And make no mistake...

...they're hunting.

And they will use everything they have against you.


I will protect you both the best I can, but if there is anything else that the LAPD can use against you, Mr. Deeks, now is the time to speak up.

There's nothing.

All right.

Go home, both of you.

Watch the shadows.

This is just beginning.


Hetty (sighing): Oh, okay...
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