01x04 - Episode Four

Episode transcripts for the 2015 TV show "American Crime". Aired: March 2015 to April 2017*
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American Crime centers on race, class, and gender politics as it follows a racially charged m*rder and the subsequent trial, which changes the lives of the participants forever during the legal process.
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01x04 - Episode Four

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Skokie, this is Chuck Palmer with the city of Modesto Robbery/Homicide Division.

You're going to see a table with a body on it.

I need you to tell me if the body you see is your son.

That's Matt.

Is Gwen dead? Gwen's at the hospital.

There are indications she was sexually assaulted.

Have you called his mother yet?

Well, what are the police doing?

We have four suspects in custody...

Two who facilitated and one who we believe is the sh**t.

I'm serving you with a notice of petition to take possession of the remains of Matthew Skokie.


I need you to get here, Mark.

Mark: Okay, mom. I'll fly back as soon as I can.

Eve: And you want to talk about whether she was r*ped, whether she wasn't r*ped.

Yes, I do.

Why? What difference does it make?

Because that is not the child that I raised...

Don't do it!

Don't do it to her! Don't!

Your son doesn't even want to visit with you.

How are you going to help him if he doesn't want to talk to you?

Yo, Tina!

Come on. Get up. don't be a b*tch.

When are they gonna sign me out of here?

Five weeks, six at most.

You're gonna get counseling, and you are going to engage your mother and your brother when they get here.

No, I'm gonna get you a lawyer that's working for a cause, not a dollar.

You take their dr*gs, you sleep with their women, and then they put you in their cage.

Don't come in here with your fake-ass religion nonsense.

What I believe is real.

Yousef: These are hard times.

Hard times.

Daily, we see the suffering of our people.

We can testify to the inequities our community lives with.

Daily, our young brothers are treated like criminals.

[Murmuring] Treated like animals.

Even unarmed and innocent.

Far too often, they are the ones left shot dead in the street.

We are not people to the oppressors.

But we are not victims, either, my honorable brothers and my beloved sisters.

We are the original ones.

He who is called the Messiah...

The Mahdi, the Christ...

He comes from us.

He looks as we look.


And I charge you to go out into the greater world and... and achieve great things for our people.

"'Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, ' saith the lord"!

All praises to Allah!

All: All praises to Allah!

All praises to Allah!

Woman: All praises to Allah!

Diny: I... started smoking crack when I was 12.

That was when my uncle started making me, like...

Do stuff to him or whatever.

Being high made me forget.

When I'm high, everything just sort of disappears.

My stupid parents didn't believe me when I told them what happened.

They just got pissed and called me a liar and kicked me out on the streets.

It's just so hard to stay clean when I've been addicted to this stuff for so long.

But I've been clean now for 30 days.

Ain't nobody here made it without pain, so...

[Applause] Aubry: Oh, god.

All right, Roger. Call me if you need anything.

Hey. How was it?

I'm doing what I'm supposed to.

I want to see Carter.

I got you a lawyer.

I want to see Carter.

He can't change the laws, Aubry.

Then get another lawyer!

I am going to those meetings.

I am sitting through that garbage every day I'm doing everything I can. I promise you, I am.

Your mom and Brian are flying in.

I put them off long enough.

Now, we need to get you some new clothes, fix your hair.

Carter loves me the way I am.

Carter is in jail. Your family's here.

You need to show that you're making an effort.

[Keys jingling]

[Car door closes]


Damn it.

So, what are we doing today?

We're fixing this. [Clears throat]

Well, tell me what you don't like about it.

Where do I start?

I told the woman I want the same haircut I walked in with, only shorter.

Instead, she gave me this. Okay.

Well, we can thin it out.

And then she curled it.

[Chuckling] Well, we won't do that. Mm.

We'll give you something easy to deal with.

But before we get you shampooed, is it okay if I give you a little head massage?

What do you mean? What is that?

Well, I put my hands on your head, and I massage a little bit, just to get everything relaxed.

I guess.

[Soft music plays]

♪ I got to get, get, get ♪
♪ get, get, get, get going ♪
♪ keep, keep, keep, keep it all rolling on ♪

So, are you new to Modesto?


Yeah. Uh, yes.

[Indistinct conversations]



Oh, my god!

Oh, my god! Hey.

He's suing me.

He sent some man after me in a parking lot.

He did what?

Not suing... I don't know the word, but he's served papers.

This is all about Matt's funeral?

That man has no judgment he can't make a single decision on his own.

And when he does, it's the wrong one.

And Tom and Eve, they're completely...

They turn everything into an "us vs. them" situation. [Sighs]

And you know Russ, always the follower, which leaves me as the only one to fight for Matt they convinced Russ that Matt should be buried in Oakland, of all places.

Your brother deserves better than this.

He was always there for us when we needed him.

Even his country, signing up after 9/11...

That's the kind of person he was.

Is there any chance he could win?

[Sighs] I'll talk to Russ.

Thank you. [Sighs]

You have no idea.


You look different. Get a haircut?

[Clicks tongue] Oh.

It looks good, mom.

It makes you look young.

[Monitor beeping]

Are you sure you don't want to come in?


Mom, it's the right thing to do.

And I've done it.

If you want to go in and pay your respects, I'll wait for you here.

[Sighs] Okay.

Eve: Go ahead, Mark. She'd like it.


Doctors say she's improving, responding to stimuli.

Sometimes it's like she squeezes back, you know?

I can feel her trying.

Can she hear us?

I brought in a radio to play music to her.

I talk to her.

Don't I, sweetie?

I pray with her.

I'm so sorry.

They're gonna take her off the ventilator.

If she can breathe on her own, it's a sign she's gonna make it.

Aren't you, girl? You're gonna make it.

How you doing this morning, Mr. Nix?

Can I call you "Carter"?

He's your lawyer?

Brother Timothy is here to represent you.

Man, what you got... bad news or worse?

It's very positive. The lab results came back.

The b*llet recovered from Matt Skokie's body doesn't match the ballistics from the g*n found in your possession.

The prosecution's known this, and they've kept it quiet as long as they could.

Their case is getting weaker. They don't have the g*n.

They don't have your DNA on the woman's body.

So... what's it mean?

Brother Timothy's trying to get a bail hearing.

I'm not waiting.

And based on the new circumstances, we think we can get you bail.

I'm gonna look these people in the eye and ask them why they're lying.

So if I have a bail hearing, can Aubry be there?

Can she?

It's open court.

Anyone in the public can go, which means the families of the victims are going to be there, too.

To parade their sad faces and make you look like the very definition of the fearsome black man.

What's that got to do with Aubry?

How will it look to have the little white girl who turns your tricks waiting for you?

She's not a whore!

She's a drug addict.

You need to present yourself with pride and dignity.

In my red jumpsuit?

With my hands and feet shackled?

Clean yourself up.

At least shave that mess on your face.

Get it off.

Dex: We called a painter.

He can redo the wall, but he can't get here until...

Just get some paint. I'll do it myself.

[Guitar playing]

♪ I'm staring into this glass ♪
♪ looking at my reflection ♪
♪ thinking 'bout all we had ♪
♪ 'bout your little laugh ♪
♪ this whiskey's taking over ♪
♪ so much I want to do over ♪
♪ sitting all alone ♪
♪ now in this empty home ♪
♪ and you are gone ♪


♪ I can't eat, can't sleep ♪
♪ I miss my one and only ♪
♪ so, please ♪
♪ come back home ♪

I mean, half of this is just like nonsense, you know?

They make you do work, make you go in, listen to some dude sing songs.

That dude was tired. [Chuckles]

But the rest of it's all good.

Got you playing ball, got you working out.

It's like a street camp. You get some hookups going.


[Scoffs] Yeah.

If it gets tight on the inside, tight when you get back on the outside.

Get some eses looking out for you.

Not a b*tch no more.

I'm not a b*tch. [Chuckles]

Yeah, say that for real.

I'm not a b*tch!

Hey! Watch your language.

Next time you get sat up in front of your parole officer, just be like, "yes, sir, no, sir."

Give them your grill, and they'll slide you right out of here.


Juvie ain't nothing.

Hang close, do how I do, and you'll be out of here in no time.


Russ: I didn't know you were coming in last night.

Why didn't you tell me? I-I could have picked you up.

No, it was just easier this way. I didn't want you and mom to get in...

Huh. Yeah, I mean, you go out to dinner with her?

Are you staying with her?

Russ, come on. I don't want to get into that.

No, of course. Of... of course.

Well, how... how you doing? You look good.

You're... army still good for you?


Yeah, I like Germany.


Um, I get to see a bit of Europe on my time off.


You doing all right?

Yeah, yeah. I'm... I'm okay.

Feels good to be busy.

Yeah. [Inhales deeply]

You, uh... you still, um, staying at the...

I-I got a, um... [sniffs]

A motel... room. Yeah.

I'm looking for something more like a...

Like a home, you know? [Clears throat]

A sublet or, you know, a place...

A place that has a living room and a... and a fridge that I don't have to crouch down to reach.

So you plan on staying here a while?

Yeah, well, at least through the trial.

People here are nice.

Yeah. You seem to be going to a lot of effort here. Hmm?

Getting a new job, leaving Arizona.

No, I'm gonna... I'm gonna keep my place there.

I mean, I... I plan to go back eventually.

So why is it so important to you that Matt gets buried in Oakland?

Come on. Couldn't you just let this one play out?

Matt and Gwen should be buried together.

Well, I spoke to Eve, and she says that Gwen's getting better.

She might make it.

And if she does get better, then Gwen gets to decide what happens to Matt's body, so [Sighs] it's just a...

It's a whole lot of hurt over nothing.

Not for nothing.

I'm not afraid of your mother anymore.

And she knows it.

You know, Russ...

It's really hard for me to come all this way with everything that's going on and have the two of you still go at it like this.

You're right. You're right. You're right.

You're right. I'm, uh...

Listen, I-I'm sorry if I...

I don't... I don't want you... I don't want you to be in the middle, okay?

Well, it's not...



You with a customer?

Yeah, I'm, uh... I'm on.

Okay. Excuse me, sir.

Oh. Yeah.


Soderbergh: The case had not finished a technical review.

We only had the preliminary findings of one criminalist.

What you did was illegal and immoral.

We were waiting to hear from another...

No, I'm afraid it's not. It's called being thorough.

Don't you condescend to me.

I'm an educated woman. don't treat me like I'm not.

I'm sure.

But we're talking about the law.

So, if there are other legal issues you're having trouble with, I encourage you to reach out to this office, and we'll try to explain them in a way that you're more fully understand.


What kind of name is that?

My brother deserves due process.

We're taking this to a judge, and we're getting a bail hearing.

[Door slams]

It's the best rehab facility in Stanislaus County.

It's Stanislaus, like "coleslaw."

I had a nice, long talk with a woman who runs it, and she said that even though there's a waiting list, they would take you next Tuesday.

[Sniffs] I'm not going.

I don't have to, as long as I keep going to the meetings, right, dad?

Did I say that? I didn't say that.

The meetings are good, but they're not good enough.

You need something more... comprehensive.

Your father and Brian and I all want the same thing... Aubry?


And what's that?

For you to get back on your feet.

To get clean.

Do you remember that card store they opened last year on Kilbourn Avenue?

No, and I haven't been to Milwaukee in how long now?

Well, my friend Harris opened this card store with all these cute, little knickknacks.

It's a fun little store.

And Harris said that he could use some help on the weekends.

That way, once you're done with rehab, you've got a job.

I'm not going to rehab or Milwaukee.

I'm staying here.

Michael, if Aubry wants to stay in Modesto, she can stay.

And I'll stay, too.

Maybe I'll learn to see what it is you like so much about this place.

Carter: Aubry?



I can't breathe with these people here, Carter.

I can't be around them.

You need to hang in there.


My sister did it.

Bail hearing's Friday at 3:00.

I want you to be there.

You know I will.


I'm gonna get out of here, Aubry.

I need you to hang in there.




Aubry. [She chuckles]

[Singsong voice] Aubry.


I love you.


Come on. Just keep telling it... the dress, the dress.

What... you need to finish something off or something?

Young man: Shut up, man!

All right, so, you know, I'm trying to get to her tetas, right?

All: Yeah.

But her dress... it's like a giant chastity suit with, like, buttons and zippers and ties and...

So, you know, I'm working away. I'm working away.

And by this time, she's got my pants off.

Yeah! You know what I'm saying?

And she's giving me a good Polish with her hand, you know.


So, then, yo, I finally get the dress off, right?

And there she is, my girl, you know, ripe, ready, and so I go to start kissing her stomach, and then I'm like, "yo, what the hell is this?"

[Laughter] You know, it's 'cause she had, like, panty hose, like, all over her body.

So then I tell her, like, "yo, what the hell is this?"

And you know what she says?

Just say it!

Just say it, just say it.

All right.

She goes, "oh, honey, don't you worry. It's got a hole right where you need it."

That's my girl, right there.

Lido: Show me what you got, ese.

Hector: I got my own problems, man.

Just let me through.

I know you're coming from the ward.

Told you to get busy with all those little pills they got up in there.

Who you answer to?

You a snitch?

Nah, man, I ain't no snitch.

I'm just trying to speak on my situation.

Let me talk to the man.

You wanted to run your mouth?

Let's go. Speak on it.

I'm not looking for no trouble.

I'm just in this joint long enough to get my leg better.

What happened, man?

Cops shot me. Messed me up bad.

When I'm done, they're sending me back to Mexico.

I got some serious bull... I got to deal with back there.

Tejo: What you do back home?

They're trying to put a m*rder on me, and I don't got a way to fight it.

Look... I'm not slinking like no b*tch in the corner.

If I was, then I need to get treated like a b*tch.

I come in here, and I ask you straight up.

Just let me roll by, man. I got trouble how it is.

I'm not trying to bring any more around.

So you want out of the g*ng.

So what, you're leaving Los Cuetes?

Yeah. I'm done.

Yeah, you done, b*tch.

You one stupid-ass loser.

Get your ass out of here.

We talked to the two men that Gwen was having relationships with.

What did they say?

They accounted for their whereabouts at the time of the as*ault.

Their alibis checked out.

I wanted you and your wife to know that we've ruled them out as suspects.

What else did they say?

They talk about the nature of their relationships?

[Sighs] Yes.

I'd like to read what they said.

I don't think that's a good idea.

If you can't make a copy, I'll read it while I'm here.

Most of what these men said had nothing to do with the crime.

I don't see how going over all of that is gonna help any.


It can't be worse than what I'm imagining.

[Gwen laughs]

Fierro: Things are going well for you here, Tony.

Do you agree?

Yes, sir, I've been going to counseling and to classes.

You've been working on some of the things that made being at home difficult...

Your resentment of your father, your anger at not being trusted.

I know he was just trying to do what's good for me.

I should cut him some slack, open up to him more.

Tony, we're inclined to discharge you, see how things go.

But you'll have to go to family-counseling sessions with your father every week.

So, you feel ready to take this on?

[Chuckles] Yes!

You ready to go home?

[Indistinct whispering] Yes.


[Keys jingling]

[Lock turns]

Based on the new information, the fact that the ballistics and the DNA didn't match, the defense has been granted a bail hearing.

Isn't there something you can do? Are you serious?

He can... he can go free?

Who did this?

It isn't my choice. It was the judge's decision.

Who brought it to the judge?

The defense made a bail review application, and the judge decided to revisit the issue.

Can't... can't you do something to stop it?

They have a right to a hearing.

But you'd better believe I'll fight back.

Look... the fact that the g*n doesn't match doesn't exculpate him, doesn't mean he's innocent.

It raises questions...

But the fact that he had a g*n, I mean, that... that shows...

He could have had two g*ns, used one for the m*rder and then another one at home.

It's also possible, of course.

He still could have r*ped Gwen. He could have used a condom.

All of that... those are arguments I'll make to the judge.

Did you find a condom?

No, but that doesn't mean one wasn't used.

We'll continue to investigate and build our case against him.

We still have Hector Tontz, who places Mr. Nix near the scene of the crime and in possession of Matt's wallet.

Those are very strong pieces of evidence.

But in the meantime, he could still get out.

Well, there's absolutely nothing a*t*matic about a bail hearing.


But he could still get out.

Yes or no?

Even if they granted bail, I can't imagine they'd set it at a level that I...

Just answer me. Please make him answer me.

He could. Yes.

Barb: I-I don't know why we're even talking about this.

He did it. He k*lled Matt, and then he tried to k*ll Gwen.

The fact that this is... absurd.

This is... I feel like I'm in some village in China.

This is a setback, but that's all it is.

There are other theories, and we're investigating them aggressively.

Like what?

The police interviewed the men that Gwen was sleeping with.


They told me that neither of them is a suspect.

What did you say?

Uh, Gwen was unfaithful to your brother.

Well, your son was the one, actually, who broke his vow to protect...

We've all found out things about Gwen and Matt's lifestyle.

There are things that have come to...

"Lifestyle"? I'm sorry.

What do you mean, "Matt's lifestyle"?

There are things that have come to the surface.

We need to deal with them.

He didn't have a lifestyle. [Scoffs]

Just please know we will.

The bail hearing is Friday.

I assure you... we'll be ready.

Well, I don't trust him anymore.

What the hell is he talking about...

"Matt's lifestyle"?

Tom: Oh, I think you know exactly what he's talking about.

No, Tom, I don't. Do you?

They found dr*gs in the house.

They say they did.

They found them.

They say.

Gwen said.

Gwen told me that Matt was selling dr*gs, okay?


So admit it, Barb...

Your son was an addict and a drug dealer.

Show some respect, Tom.

Why do you think those men were even in the house to begin with, hmm?

They were there because of Matt and his dr*gs.

Barb: Your daughter was the one who had the problems.

Your daughter was the one who was sleeping around.

Wait, wait, Barb.

Okay, don't you say a word about Gwen.

You and your family...

I have been defending her the whole time.

You... you...

My daughter was a sl*t.

How dare you talk about our girl like that.

At least I can admit it.

So, Barb, admit that your son was an addict.

He was not an addict.

You're upset about what Gwen was doing.

That doesn't mean you can make accusations about Matt.

No, you and I... we... We talked man-to-man, and I asked you if there were anything...

Issues with the kids, and you... you lied.

I didn't lie. I told you the truth...

Just like when you had your...

The whole truth, everything that was...

Your gambling addiction, you lied.

You lied.

And your son is no better than you.

Matt: Okay, this isn't helping anything.

Barb: How do you know they weren't Gwen's dr*gs?

How do you know she didn't get high before she started passing herself around?

If we're gonna have the conversation, we're gonna have the conversation.

Russ: Hey, that's enough, Barb.

Let's have it.

Eve: Let's have it.

Let's have that conversation, Barb, because the things Gwen's told me...

Oh, the things she's said.

What? What did she...

If you really want to talk about truth and lies, Barb, then we should talk!

But you need to go first.

Everybody done?

You done blaming each other?

Yeah, I gambled.

That's got nothing to do with my son getting k*lled.

Matt and Gwen deserve better than what happened to them, and they deserve better than what we're doing right here.

Gwen's gonna survive, and she's gonna need you every day.

[Inhales deeply] Maybe it's for the best.


At least that way she won't be able to... around.

Oh, my god.

Barb: You can drag down your daughter if you want.

But I know my child was a good child, and I'm not about to sit around and fight with you all while the animal who shot him walks.

I mean, what is the...

"An eye for an eye," isn't that right, Eve?

Aliyah: It's a glorious day, isn't it?

All: Yes.

Aliyah: Yes, it is glorious.

You know, I remember there was a time when I would say, "it's a nice day.

The sky is blue, but I wish it was even bluer."


"The temperature's right, but I wish it were more to my liking."

[Murmuring] Does that sound familiar?

I worked hard. I was blessed with good things.

I had a house full... a house full of things, just things.

But for all I had, I still wanted more.

So I bought a bigger house.


And I filled that house with things.


But I stayed empty.

I was empty.

And I put that emptiness on my family.


If you can't even understand the value of things, then how can you understand the value of people?


I couldn't help myself. I was a sl*ve to wanting.

I mean, that's the truth.

Debt is sl*very. Credit is sl*very.

Woman: Preach!

That's their way... to be greedy and selfish.

That's how they live.

That's what they teach their children.

"Buy this, buy that, have this, have that."


But when you live like that, when you live like they live, that's when you can feel it in your heart.

You can feel your heart closing down on you.


But when I learned to start doing for others, I dedicated myself to uplifting us.


When I gave myself to our true god...

Our one, true god, Allah...

That's when I finally found my freedom.

The sky was truly blue. The temperature was right.

All: Yeah.

[Light applause]

I'm grateful for my freedom.

[Murmuring] [Applause]

And... I want freedom for all of us.

[Applause continues]

I know you're not on good terms with your husband, but you have to sit next to him, okay?

I can do that. My son is here, too.


The three of you need to show the judge what kind of family you are...

Good people with strong family values.

You want to wear a dress or a skirt and a blouse with classic lines and your true colors.

Don't wear a suit. It's too severe.

You're there as a mother.

It makes a difference.

Did it for you?


My daughter's k*ller was a monster, someone who had been violent his whole life, never had a job, never finished school.

On the first day of his trial, he showed up wearing glasses, and he didn't even know how to read.

Was he black? No, he was white.

He wore a suit and tie.

He... he looked like a college student.

And his lawyer told all these stories, all these sad, sad stories about how he'd been abused as a child.

He'd never had a chance at a real...

I went out and bought... a blue dress that I thought would make me feel the opposite of what I was feeling...

Confident... because I wanted to be strong for my daughter.

But the defense painted this picture of me...

As this... cold woman.

That's... anyone can see that's...

I know. I know. I'm not saying it to make you...

The defense made it sound like it was my fault that my daughter had been k*lled.

And the jury looked at her k*ller in his suit and glasses and felt sorry for him.

And the press kept writing about this cold woman in her blue dress.

So I lost that battle.

All I can do is pass on to you what I've learned.

These things do matter.

[Sirens wailing in distance]

Timothy: When Carter Nix was first arraigned, he was remanded based on the alleged strength of the people's case, and now we see that their case is not nearly as strong as they portrayed.

In fact, since this court denied my client bail, we have found out a few things.

The g*n found on my client was not the m*rder w*apon.

The semen found on Mrs. Skokie does not match the semen of my client.

The truth is... Mrs. Skokie wasn't r*ped at all, but had consensual sex with men other than her husband.

Another change in circumstances was the discovery of a sellable amount of dr*gs found in Mr. and Mrs. Skokie's home.

Soderbergh: "Sellable" is a reach, Your Honor.

What would you call it, then? A lifetime supply?

Mr. Skokie had no record of drug dealing or anything else.

There were strangers in the house, Your Honor.

Mr. and Mrs. Skokie's activities brought a criminal element into their home.

That's speculation at its worst, counselor.

You have no proof, no police reports, no witness testimony.

I ask for a complete dismissal of all charges, Your Honor.

Your Honor, we have a witness that puts the defendant at the scene of the crime.

After which, he returns with the m*rder victim's wallet.

Well, I'm not going to dismiss the charges.

The people's case remains compelling and deserves to move forward to preliminary examination.

However, the proof of Mr. Nix's guilt is not as evident as when the court determined bail was not appropriate.

Therefore, I am setting bail at $1 million with a fully collateralized bond, plus pre-trial monitoring by the department of probations, including but not limited to ankle monitoring.

[Distorted conversations]


Aliyah: When, uh, Brother Timothy said "lifetime supply," oh, my... [laughter]

Look at them... with their head scarves... celebrating.

[Laughter continues]

You people have no right talking about my son like that.

He was a good man, and you can all just go to hell!


I made it worse...

It's all right.

They're not gonna write about that?

They're not gonna write about me yelling and being hysterical, all of them standing there, laughing and grinning?

You said what you felt.

That isn't me. I don't lose myself.

I'm controlled. I can control...

Would you... would you take him away from here?

Yeah, of course. I don't want to walk out with him.

You're working so hard, sweetheart.

Daddy and I are proud of you.

We're here for you.

We'll always be here for you.

She didn't love us.

She humored us. [Sniffles]


She tolerated us.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

This isn't about you.

That is not the girl we raised.

She is our child. She will always be our child.

And I won't abandon her now when she needs us the most.

What has happened to you?


I read the police file.

[Inhales deeply]

The men whose semen was found inside her...

The police talked to them... you did that?!

And they went into great detail about what...

How could you invade her privacy?! How could you do that?!

Because one of us has to be realistic.

You are not being realistic.

Gwen is not normal... not sexually, no. [Monitor beeping rapidly]

It doesn't matter!

She has problems.

My god, yes, I know she has problems.

I know she needs help, but I'm not gonna sit here and argue about her sex life when, my god, we don't even know...

Kaylie: What's going on here? Were you guys touching her?

What? No.

No. What's the matter?

Her heart rate started racing.

Is she all right?

What... what does that mean?

Page Dr... Page Dr. Parks to room 203.

What... what's wrong?

Uh, the doctor might want to give her a sedative.

Sedative? She's in a coma.

Yeah, well, if she wasn't responding to physical stimuli, then she was responding to something you were saying.

She's waking up. [Beeping continues]

[Breathing heavily]


No! No! No!



Guard! Aah! Guard!

No! Guard!

Guard! Help!

Carter: What do you mean, you'll get the bail money?

By the mercy of Allah.

A $100,000 bond?

Where are you gonna get that kind of cash from?

I have it.


I had some in savings, and then I took out a loan.

And for the rest, I took a collection at the temple.

The people came together, and they gave from their hearts.

Them people don't know me.

If you're known by Allah, then you're known by us.

Your freedom is so close.

So pay the money. Get me the hell out of here.

If you're willing to accept our freedom, then you have to be willing to accept what comes with it.

I told you before... I'm not begging you for anything.

What's happening here is bigger than you.

This is about every black man who cannot get justice.

You need to represent.

You need to be the voice for people who do not have a voice.

And you need to stay away from that girl.

Look, Aubry... she's not what you're saying she is.

She's bad for you.

And unless you're able to admit it and turn away from her...

Look, you don't understand.

I have been there, Carter.

I failed myself.

I failed other people.

I love her.

You can hate whitey all you want.

Aubry... I love her.

This is not a negotiation.

It's a condition.

I understand more than you think.

And once you've elevated yourself, you'll thank me.

[Indistinct conversation in distance]

Tom: I don't think you can imagine how unhappy Gwen was, how she... she was driven to do things with men.


Well, she was in a bad situation.

Yeah, but when?

When was it bad? When she was with your brother?

Or when she was with us?

[Monitor beeping]

This, um... this story that my mom tells about my brother signing up after 9/11, being a hero...

It's not true.

Matt was doing dr*gs and selling dr*gs even back then.

And mom didn't know what to do with him, so... she made him enlist.

She was the one that put him in the army.

He didn't want to go.

Why are you telling me this?

Because you need to know.

These lies... it's... it's all my mom has.

Her husband split on her. Her son's dead.

All she has left is a fantasy.

You want me to feel sorry for her?

I want you to look at my family and see us for the freak show that we are.

And I want you to do better than us.

I should never have looked at those files.

No. I had no business reading...

The only thing that matters is that Gwen has a real shot at surviving.

So if it's all right, um, I want to stick around and...

Try and see if I can be of use somehow.

My family's busted up.

It's never gonna get fixed.

But you... Gwen, and Eve...

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