03x18 - Public Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x18 - Public Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal-- to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade. To them, I am Oliver Queen. To the rest of Starling City, I am someone else. I am something else.

Previously, on "Arrow"...

I want you to take my place.

I want you to become the next Ra's al Ghul.



My master sees something in you.

Don't let your recalcitrance take any more lives.


Oliver, we have to stop this guy before he puts arrows in any more criminals.

Or before he starts putting them in innocent people.

Captain, I think you're letting your personal feelings towards the Arrow cloud your judgment.

Maybe I'm seeing things more clearly than I have for the last few years.

Alright, enough, both of you!

I am tired--

This is Captain Lance.

City hall, sh*ts fired.

Suspect on the move, I need ESU and an ambulance, now!

Are you ok?!

I'm fine!

[Ray coughing and gasping]

Season 3 Episode 18
Public Enemy
Original Air Date on April 1, 2015

Reporter: We have confirmation that Mayor Castle was pronounced dead at the scene.

Palmer Technologies CEO Ray Palmer was taken to Starling General Hospital where he is listed in critical condition.

I tried to call Felicity earlier, she's not answering her phone.

SCPD Captain Quentin Lance was present for the attack, and had this to say on the incident--

I just requested a first degree m*rder warrant for the Arrow.

And reinstated the anti-vigilante task force with sh**t to k*ll orders if necessary.

Excuse me.

Reporter: Why would the Arrow suddenly decide to assassinate the mayor?

I don't know. But I should have trusted my first instinct, that this man is a k*ller and a criminal.

If I had, Mayor Castle might still be alive.

He could be right.

Oliver, don't even start to think like that.

We have to deal with the problem that's at hand.

The murders are being orchestrated by one of Ra's lieutenants.

Maseo Yamashiro.

Ok, you sound like you know him.

I thought I did, a lifetime ago.

The man's a stranger to me now.

Oliver, the question is, where do we find this stranger now?

I know someone who can help with that.

Who are those men?!

I--I don't know.

Then why are we running away from them?



How did you know my sister?

Your--um, your sister?

My twin. How do you know Shado?


It's a long story.

My--my friend and I are in a little bit of trouble, and, uh, we were wondering if you could help us get off the streets.

What's going on?

It's also a long story!

Can you help us?

Ok, listen up.

The suspect is armed and dangerous.

No warning sh*ts!

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

He was on that rooftop, Laurel, I saw it with my own eyes.

He's being framed.

By a "copycat."

Which wouldn't be happening if he wasn't dressed up like Robin Hood in the first place.

That's not fair!

You don't understand what's happening here and I need you to trust me.

I used to.

Who is he?

Just tell me his name, or I'll--

What, Dad?

You'll charge me as an accessory?

I'll do what needs to be done, 'cause this has to end.

And it has to end tonight.



I am the biggest idiot in the world for breaking up with you.


Remember the last time we did this?

We were going to run away together.

[Both chuckle]

Why don't we?


Things are just complicated with Oliver right now.

Ra's al Ghul complicated?


Oh, my God.

In the wake of the att*cks, Captain Lance has issued an arrest warrant for the vigilante known as the Arrow, as the largest manhunt in the city's history is now underway.

Captain Lance confirmed that arrest warrants have also been issued for each of the Arrow's accomplices.





How are you?

Well, you're here, so I'm great.

Mr. Palmer, how are you feeling?

You have a not so good look on your face.

You see his face?

I'm afraid I've got some bad news.

During the surgery to remove the arrow, you developed a thrombus.

A blood clot.

If left untreated, it could cause an ischemic stroke.

Well, then maybe we should treat it.

It's not that simple.

Your injuries have left you very weak.

A craniotomy could end up doing more harm than good.

And by harm, you mean...

Brain damage, at best.

At worst...

So we are saying basically that if we have the surgery now, I could die, and... if I wait and the clot moves, I could die.

What if I told you that I invented a bunch of teeny tiny robots that were capable of entering my bloodstream, traveling to the clot, and shrinking it, all without damaging my brain or any other organ in my body?

I'd say you need a psych eval.

[Chuckles] Ok.

But after, we go to my lab, get the nano-tech, inject it in me, and publish the results in the "New England Journal of Medicine."

Ah, I'm sorry, but that's simply not possible.

Uh, I invented the tech, it's possible.

Starling General has a very strict policy against experimental procedures.

Wait, there is a procedure that could save his life, and you're saying you won't perform it?

I'm saying I can't perform it.

The hospital won't permit the use of an experimental or untested technology.

How do you know your invention won't k*ll you?

I don't.

It's a risk.

I'm very sorry, but there's really nothing I can do.

We'll figure something out.

[Knock on door]

Ray Palmer.

Even in a hospital bed, you're the most handsome man I've ever seen.

Can you give us a minute?




I heard what happened, so I caught the first flight out of Vegas!

So tell me, what did the doctor say?

Absolutely nothing good.

Ok, ok.



At least you finally have a boyfriend.


How did you know I was still in Starling?


I need your help, Nyssa.

Maseo-- is also in Starling.

He's the one behind the murders the Arrow is suspected of.

Sarab does my father's bidding in an effort to force you to do the same and take your rightful place as his heir.

And do you feel betrayed by that decision?


Not so much that I'd betray him in turn by helping you.

People are dying, Nyssa!

And what makes you think that's any concern of mine?


What would she want you to do?

I have Maseo's location.

A building called Magnuson Plaza.


The company that owns that building went belly up a few months back.

Apparently the League has been using it as a safe house and staging ground for its att*cks.

How'd you find this out?

I am daughter of the Demon.

Your primary concern should be the League.

You can place Maseo in the same cage you put me in, but my father has an army at his command.

One step at a time.


We're going to have to spread out if we're going to cover that entire building.

Dig, I want you on over watch.

Copy that.

What about her?

Don't confuse my inclination to provide you information with a willingness to take up arms against the League.

We appreciate what you've done.

We'll take it from here.

Let's do this.

We scoped out every floor, nothing.

Same with the parking garage.


North side is clear.

You think Nyssa played us?

Hang on, I got movement.

Upper level, southwest corner.

[Speaking Arabic]

Clearly I chose well selecting you as my heir.

k*lling me will only win you the mantle you reject.

It'll stop you.

I have legions who live only to see my will done.

No, boy.

You have but two choices-- you either ascend to the calling of Ra's al Ghul or you will spend the rest of your days in a cage.

You're not going to take me prisoner.

No, I'm not.

Man on speaker: This is the Starling City police.

Put your weapons down and your hands up.

You are all under arrest.


[Tires squealing]

[Lance yelling]

Hold your fire, hold your fire!

Lock down this entire area, three block radius.

[Sirens in distance]

Oliver: Diggle!

John: I got eyes on.

The blue is everywhere.


Warehouse door, west side of the block.

You get there, you're in the clear.

Go, move. Four more headed your way.

You got to move, move, move, move, move!


Go for the door.

I'll draw their fire.

We're not separating!

They don't want you, they want me. Now go.

Cooper, Jones, box 'em in on 43rd.

I got two masks in a warehouse, West Side of 43rd.


He's headed toward the east exit!

This way, take him!



What are you going to do?

Are you going to sh**t your own daughter?

No. But I'm definitely thinking about arresting you.

Maybe a night in jail will bring you to your senses.

Daddy, please.

Please don't do this.

[Quentin groans]

Leave her alone.


Don't hurt him.

Laurel... what are you doing?

We must go.

[Quentin gasping]

I'm sorry.



Did Arsenal and Canary get away?



Get back!


Get in!


If we get to the tunnel on 8th, we're good.

Clear those squad cars.

On it.

[Tires squealing]


Oh! Oh, thank God, I've been so worried.

It's ok. I'm ok.

Where's Roy?

He's still out there.

Thea: It's like the whole city has lost their minds!

It's not the whole city.

It's just one man.


Hello, Captain.

I got three men in the hospital because of you.

I understand that you feel betrayed, but you can't be so angry as to think that I'm just running around taking aim at innocent people.

I don't think anything, I know.

I know this madness has to end.

Now, you don't want any more people getting hurt, you turn yourself in.

[Chuckles] Yeah, that's what I thought.

I'm sorry.

He's in a lot of pain.

I thought that if we stopped Maseo, we'd stop the killings, but Nyssa was right.

This extends way beyond him.

Oh, Roy!

I'm ok. I got clear somewhere on Hudson.

I had to sh**t a few officers, but they're just flesh wounds.

I've underestimated Ra's, and now we're all paying the price.

I'm sorry.

What are you talking about?

Ra's is after us because of Malcolm.

What don't I know?

[Door opens]

You haven't told me your names. I'm Mei.

I'm Akio, and this is--


So, Tommy, who are you and your little friend running from?

It's... complicated.

But, Mei, the truth is that I don't know why this person has sent men after us, but she did.

Is that your father?

His name is Yao Fei.

And how do you know my sister?

Oh, uh, medical school.

She never mentioned any American friends.

You are American, aren't you?

I dropped out-- of the medical school, not of America.

So when was the last time you saw my sister?

It's been a while.

For me, too.

Shado and my father disappeared three years ago now.

Police think they were kidnapped, but no ransom came.

I'm so sorry.

The police told me they must be dead.

If they were, at least I'd have some closure.

But each time the phone rings, someone knocks at the door, or when I meet someone who knew them...

I can't imagine.

You must be tired.

Tired, dirty.

I need a shower.

My bathroom's through that door.

There are fresh towels.

You're sure?


I'll entertain your friend.

Thank you.

Listen, I'm a cop, not a psychologist, but in my experience, K*llers don't discriminate between guilty and innocent.

They k*ll because they view themselves as being above the law, and the Arrow is no different.

He is a criminal.

And I promise you, we will find him and hold him accountable.


You ok?


Thanks for getting this.

[Sighs] I ran into Dr. Lockhart in the cafeteria.

I thought maybe, I don't know...

I could talk him into giving Ray those nano-thingies.


He wouldn't even look at me.

Have you seen this dress? Hello!


The man's an idiot.

I guess...

You're just going to have to be the one to inject those teeny tiny robot things into Ray yourself.

Great plan, except I'm not a doctor.

Even Ray said that they can k*ll him.

I'm not going to be the one to risk his life, I'm not.

His life is already at risk.

What you're saying is that you don't want to be the one to take the chance.

If your father were here...

He would be arrested.


But right before that, he would tell you that sometimes, we got to take a chance, particularly for the people we care about.

I don't give a damn about budgets.

This is a manhunt!

Now approve the extra personnel and the overtime, and you do it now!


[Both grunting]

[Gasping and choking]

I apologize for the coarse treatment.

I didn't think I'd get you to speak to me of your own accord.

[Scoffs] You're him.

Ra's al Ghul.

It's an honor to meet you.

Sara spoke with such love about her father.

Don't say my daughter's name.

If she'd never met you, she'd still be alive now.

If Sara had not met my daughter, she would have starved to death on the shores of Lian Yu.

She was never on Lian Yu.

You suffer false perception.

One of many, I'm afraid.

Listen, what do you want?

To help the city as your daughter did.

You hunt for the man they call the Arrow.


What, you going to help me find him?

You'll be able to find him easily...

Once I tell you his name.

And why would I believe just any name that you'd throw at me?

Well, because with this revelation, everything will become clear.

And you will realize the man you've been looking for has been right in front of you the entire time.

The same man who lied, telling you he wasn't with Sara on Lian Yu.

Oliver Queen is the Arrow.

We need to talk.

[Exhales] Aren't you getting tired of these little chats?

Because I know I am.

Then let's cut through all the crap.

You don't think the Arrow's behind these murders.

You're just pissed off because he kept Sara's death a secret from you.

That is not why.

That is not why!

I mean, maybe at first.

Yeah. But then I realized, he is the reason Sara got k*lled.

Dad, that is ridiculous.

No. You, Harper, Sara, the freak in Central City, the Huntress; I got a new guy flying around the city.

All these masks?

They started with him.

And Sara died only because she was part of it all, too.

You have no idea why Sara was k*lled.

She ended up in the League of Assassins 'cause she was marooned on Lian Yu.

'Cause she got in that boat with Queen.

So what?

Now Oliver's to blame?

Oliver, the Arrow, either way, same guy.

[Sighs] On some level, I think I always knew.

When I thought he was doing good, it didn't matter to me.


You know, when that boat went down and we--we thought Sara was dead, I blamed Queen.

And it's funny how things come full circle, right?

Well, I got things to do.

Calling him?

It's too late; I've got officers headed to his home, his sister's club, everywhere.

[Door slams]

Oh, for what it's worth, I'm thinking of starting a reality TV show, so maybe I already have brain damage.

Don't joke, Mr. Palmer.

The next few hours are critical.

I'm going to want to keep you under close observation.



No, no, no, it's nothing. Ohh!

I think my back is spasming!

Oh! Oh. Ooh.

Gosh, you're so strong.

Ow! Oh, my God, I think I--

I think I'm going to faint.

Maybe we should get you on a gurney.

Yeah! Yeah, let's get me on a gurney.


Oh! I'm sorry. Ow!


Is your mom going to be ok?


I think she'll make a miraculous recovery in about five minutes.


Just like you.

Is that my nano-tech?

Assuming the organizational system in your lab is accurate.

Uh, I--are you sure you want to do this?

Aren't you?

Yeah. I mean, my alternatives are brain damage or death.

But if the hospital finds out, you could go to jail.

So I'll take my chances.



All right.

How do we feel?

Uh, normal?

But I wasn't expecting any side--

Ray? Ray!

Ray, Ray, hey!




Ok, well...

Maybe there are some side effects.

Thea: I can't believe this is happening.

The line forms behind me.

Reporter: The city-wide manhunt for the Arrow continues this evening as Captain Lance has made capturing this dangerous vigilante the SCPD's top priority.

I'm sure those cops that were chasing you are fine.

I shot them with arrows, Thea.

When it was happening, there was a part of me that... that felt relieved.


That I'd finally be going to jail.

And I'd get what I deserved.

Roy, listen to me.

The only thing that you deserve is to be happy.

Now you've got to find a way to forgive yourself.

What happened with that cop last year, it's not your fault.

She's right.

Sorry that you had to go through this, Roy.

I gave you that mask... so you could help the police, not run from them.

Then what's going to happen?

[Banging on door]

Oh, no.


This is the SCPD! Freeze!

Put your hands in the air.



Thank you for the shower.

You ok?

I saw the tattoo on your back.

Why have you been lying to me?


I need to know what happened to my family.

I don't know.

Another lie.

You knew my sister.

You and her were more than just friends.

Just believe me when I tell you that the less you know about me, the safer you're going to be.

Fine, maybe you'll be more honest with the police!

I understand you're upset; Please don't call the police.

I already did.

They'll be here any minute.

Akio, we have to go.

What's wrong?

Get down!


Why are the police sh**ting?!

Because they're not the police!

Felicity: I did it.

Ah! I am so proud of you.

I am so proud--your father would be proud of you.

You know, he's not exactly a role model, but...

Oh, Miss Smoak, just the person I wanted to see.

Do you know what these are?

They're Mr. Palmer's latest MRI.

The clot in his brain is gone.


Not moved, not smaller. Gone.

He's going to make a full recovery.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about this unprecedented medical development, would you?


Are you accusing my daughter of something?

'Cause I work a table at Caesar's that's frequented by no less than 3 lawyers.

Thank you. Thank you, please.

Thank you all for coming.

We've had a breakthrough in our investigation of the vigilante known as the Arrow.

The district attorney's office has just issued an arrest warrant for the person responsible for these acts of v*olence--

[knock on door]

Oliver Queen.

I had nowhere else to go.

It's ok.

Lyla took Sara to her mother's.

Lance knows.

The whole city knows, Oliver.

Mr. Queen should be considered armed and highly dangerous.

But make no mistake-- he will be found and brought to justice.

A stunning development, as Oliver Queen has been outed as the Arrow.

The accusation comes as a particular surprise, considering that Queen was exonerated of being the Arrow only 2 years ago.

News lady's right.

You put this genie back in the bottle before, Oliver.

Last time I had it all worked out.

Getting arrested was my plan.

This time it's Ra's al Ghul's.

[Knock on door]

How's Ray?

So much better than you right now.

Please tell me you have a brilliant plan.

I don't even have a regular plan.

What about Dig going out as the Arrow?

You said that worked last time.

Yeah, but this time Lance won't rest until Oliver's in custody.

You have to leave.

You have to get out of town.

My father's posted men at every bus station, train station, and airport.

Also... he's frozen Thea's assets.

He's not giving you anything you can use to run.

I can't believe this is happening.

Do you think Ra's planned this the entire time?

He's using this city as a w*apon.

It's my city.

Where you going, Oliver?

Only place I can go.

[g*nshots, glass breaking]

Akio, you ok?!

I'm ok.


What's happening?!

Is the front door the only way in and out?


I want you to get low, I want you to take Akio to the bedroom.

Mei, they're coming to k*ll you, too.

Go, go, come on!


[All grunting]



[Speaking Japanese]

We followed them.

They work for Amanda Waller.


Who is she?

[Indistinct chatter]

How are you feeling?

For a guy who just avoided death and/or brain damage, pretty good.


Are you ok?

It's, uh, it's a long story.

I'm just glad that you're all right.

Thanks to you.

Oh, I think your nano-tech deserves some of the credit.

All I did was stick something in you.

Do you think there will ever come a time when everything I say isn't some weird double entendre?

I hope not. It's one of your more charming traits.

That, and the fact that you had the courage to throw caution to the wind and save my life are just two of the many reasons that I love you.


That's a really nice thing to hear.

Especially after, you know, everything that's been going on with you with the blood clot, nano-tech, and the... nearly dying.


Speaking of, you must be starving after all that drama.

I'm going to go find a hospital nurse and get you some of that hospital Jell-o.


Oh, my God, what just happened?




You look the way you did when you were seven years old and stole your father's electronics collection to make a super computer.

Oh, my God.

Did you and Ray just do it in this hospital?

Did you just have hospital sex?!

No! Oh!

I've always wanted to have hospital sex!

Way TMI! Gross!


He told me he loved me.


And you didn't say it back?


What is wrong with me?

He's brilliant.

He knows the plot to every "Doctor Who" episode.

All 34 seasons.

He looks like a Disney prince.

I mean, he's... practically the perfect man.

You don't love Ray... because you're in love with Oliver.

[Scoffs] You don't even know Oliver.

You met him for like ten seconds.

I knew it in five.

Honey, you lit up like Christmas when he walked in the room.

But he's... terminally unavailable.

And that was before.

You haven't been watching the news.

No, no, no, I don't watch the news, it depresses me.

But here's what doesn't-- my daughter has two men who are both amazing, which just means...

She has to make a choice.

I want pictures of Queen distributed through every officer, ok?

No, a current one, one with the scruff he's always wearing.

Oliver: Captain Lance...

I'm here to turn myself in.

Cuff him.

Ok, I was able to get you ten minutes with Oliver, but let's make it five, all right?

It would not look good if any of these reporters caught wind of you meeting with him.

Him, and the three of you?

Makes sense.

[Door opens]

You shouldn't be here.

Oliver, neither should you.

What were you thinking?

Were you thinking?!

I was thinking clearly.

I asked Laurel to make a deal--

I turn myself in and all of you receive full immunity.

No, Oliver.

You are out of your mind if you think we're just going to stand here and let you take the fall for all of us.

I started all of this.

It's my fault to take, and this is the best way to save lives, including yours.

So stop worrying.

I've been through far worse than prison.

This is insane.

How could we live with ourselves if we let you do this?

Roy, I'm just going to need you to!

The only move that Ra's has left me is telling the truth.

You have no idea how powerful the truth can be.

Oliver, this is the wrong move!


You followed me this far.

All of you have followed me this far, but I need you to follow me just a little further.

Until it's over.



The bodies are taken care of.

We should go.

Just give us a minute.

I'm sorry about this.

They tried to k*ll us.

They weren't the cops.

They must have intercepted the call.

They were after you and the boy?

You knew my sister; Is there any chance--

Mei. This...

This had nothing to do with Shado.

You have no idea what it's like to live like this.

Looking for any kind of answer.

You were right that I knew your sister.

I loved her.

I knew your father, too.

And your family... they saved my life more than once.

I don't understand.

The people that are after me...

They'll k*ll anyone who knows too much about who I am.

But Shado and my father--


They're gone.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you for telling me.

For three years now, all I've wanted is to know the truth.

You have no idea how powerful the truth can be.

[Knock on door]

Maseo: We shouldn't stay here.

Thank you.

Felicity: This isn't fair.

This isn't right.

All Oliver has ever done was protect people.

Help people.

We can't stay here.

This place isn't secure anymore.

And then what?

We just bug out and allow this to happen?

Enjoy our new immunity?

Roy, I don't know!

I have no idea.

If I did, you'd be listening to it right now.

If any one of us were in there and Oliver was here, he would think of something.

And it wouldn't matter what the consequences were.


Lian Yu.

What about it?

This, uh, Ra's character, he told me that Sara made it to the island with you.

You didn't feel like sharing that with me? Huh?

I mean, I'm only her father.

Well, I was.

When did you decide that you knew what was best for my family?

I love your family.

You got the right to remain silent. Take it!

Just ask me what you want to know.


What do I want to know?

Well, was it worth it?

All that pain and misery you brought back from that island?

Merlyn, Slade Wilson?

Wouldn't it be better if you just died there?

The reason I came back was to try and save the people of this city.

I hate to break it to you, but saving people isn't your specialty.



Your mother.

My daughter.

And now you're set on k*lling Laurel, too.

I didn't want her to be involved in this.

I didn't want anyone to be involved in this.

But you involved me.

You spent a year making me look like a fool.

You spent a year making me your accomplice.

You have any idea what you've done, huh?

What you've done to all of us, to the people you claim to care so much about?

You've made us criminals!

You've made us liars and victims.

You, Mr. Queen, are not a hero.

You're a villain.

But you know that, don't you?

[Arrow hits van, brakes squealing]

What the hell are your people doing?

I told them to stand down.

Well, I guess your word carries as much weight with them as it does with me.

Get down on the ground!

Get down on the ground!

You've got the wrong guy.

Oliver Queen isn't the Arrow.

I am.

[Officers shouting]
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