10x19 - Beyond Borders

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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10x19 - Beyond Borders

Post by bunniefuu »

P.A.: Welcome to Barbados. All visitors please proceed...

Ok, come on. It's not much farther.

How about a piggyback ride?

I will fall over.

But it's just so heavy.

Yeah, right. Ok.

Thanks, Mom.

There's no Wifi.

There'll be some at the hotel.

I told grandma I'd text her when we landed.

Yes, but this trip isn't about texting, it's about unplugging.

So you're not gonna be on your phone at all?

Please don't do this. I have such a pounding headache.

Your allergies, they're the worst.

[Indistinct chatter]

All right, check it out, buddy.

7 pools, 9 waterslides, a mile-long lazy river, and if you dare, there's roaring rapids.

Don't forget about the dolphins.

Oh, yeah. Did you make that reservation?

10 a.m. tomorrow.

Can we surf on them?


No. No.

Ah, here we go. Yeah, yeah, that's...


Oh, no.

Website said the last shuttle left at 10:00.

I lost track of time.

Want to take a taxi?

No, we have too much stuff.

We'll never fit. We'd have to take two cabs.

It's late. I don't want to split up.

Ok. Ok.

Ok. Oh, hang on.

Hey, how much to take us to the Grand Royal?

I hope this guy can take us.


This guy, 45 minutes, 45 bucks.


Hop in, kids.

There's complimentary water in the cooler.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, guys, get these down, ok?

Mm-hmm? Honey?

This is the best way to avoid any bugs you got on the plane.


Driver: So where you guys from?

Uh, D.C. area.

You ever been?

When I was a kid, yeah.

Loved the museums.

We got some good places around here you should check out.

Your kids into history?


I'll make you a list.

Thanks, that'd be great.


Hey, I think Al's upset we didn't get her that plan.

Can we fix that tomorrow?




Everything ok?

Yeah. It's a gift. He can fall asleep anywhere.

Come on, you guys. Hello!

This isn't funny. Wake up.




Ok, something's wrong. You need to pull over.

Where are you going?!

Where are you going?!

[Text message tone]


The Sullivan family disappeared in Barbados 8 hours ago.

From the airport?

How old are the children?

10 and 14.

Here we go again.

Barbados? Americans on foreign soil is Jack Garrett's territory.

Cruz says there's more to it.

How you been, Jack?

Busy. I wish this was under better circumstances.

Want to fill us in?

All right, one last thing.

We know that you're all at the top of your class, but any ideas on why I chose you for this rotation?

Our knowledge of international law?

Well, that certainly helps.

But your essays revealed moments that forever changed the way you look at the world.

It's your passion for justice. That's why you're here.

That's what you need to hold on to.

All right, send me your thoughts on the anti-kidnapping initiative and we will discuss next time.

Thanks, Agent Lambert.

It's Lily.

Jack's on his way. Wants to debrief in five.

Where's the case?

Barbados. Family's been kidnapped.

Ok, I need the legal statutes.

You are the best.

Ambassador's on line 2.

Oh, and see if the Caribbean court has any revisions.


Yes, we just heard.

[Cell phone ringing]


[Into cell] Matt, hold on.

We'll call you from the tarmac with our ETA.

See you soon.

How far away are you?

I just left the house.

Matt is 20 minutes away.

Well, tell him he's driving.

Did you hear that?

Yeah. Copy that.

Cruz briefed Hotch and Rossi.

Is he gathering the rest of the BAU?

As we speak. Everything ready in Barbados?

It's coordinated with the ambassador.


Our unsub's eluded both domestic and international teams, and we're not about to let him get away with it again.

As you all remember, last April the Isaacs family was k*lled in Florida, and the Everetts were k*lled in Aruba the year before that.

Both families were found 24 hours after they were taken.

Each family member had been strangled and their bodies were dumped in a remote area.

The trails went cold.

All signs pointed to the Everetts being his first victims.

Because of the hands-on, intimate nature of the kills, we thought it was personal.

And we built on that theory with the Isaacs in Florida, but to no avail.

Now that he's moved internationally again, it's time to rethink the motive.

It's clear he gets off on hunting American families when they're on vacation.

Just over 8 hours ago he abducted the Sullivans from Barbados.

It feels like he's establishing a clear pattern.

He started overseas, came back to the states, and now he's gone to another country again.

The month of April has some sort of significance to him.

Maybe it's easy hunting season.

All the kills were during spring break vacations.

It takes guts and skill to snatch a whole family, but you wouldn't know it by watching him.

Rossi: The higher the risk, the lower his heart rate.

A true sociopath.

And the family's too tired from a long day of travel to see the ruse.

And the unsub's probably too charismatic to set off any instinctual alarms.

Cruz: I need both domestic and international teams working together on this.

If our unsub sticks to his pattern, he'll k*ll the Sullivans by sunrise.

Kate, you and Reid go to the Sullivans' house in Fairfax county.

Look for links between them and the other victims.

We need to establish whether he's stalking them at their homes before they take their trips.

The rest of us will head to Barbados.

Sir, we don't have a lot of time.

Please tell me Monty's on this with us.

Yes, he's on his way. Agent Simmons will be with us.

So, our jet or yours?

We'll flip for it.

[Muffled cries]

[Muffled grunting]


[Crying, whimpering]


♪ Criminal Minds 10x18 ♪
Beyond Borders
Original Air Date on April 8, 2015

♪ ♪

Hotch: "No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness is always there first."

Terry Pratchett.

Jack: We'll be ready for takeoff in 5 minutes..

3 families, 3 countries in 3 years.

This guy's on a mission.

What's he trying to prove?

Each k*ll makes him feel more empowered.

He's addicted to it. Thinks he's invincible.

Well, he isn't.

Hey, hey, haven't seen you guys in a while.

Morgan: Matt Simmons.

Passing ships, man. How you doing?



Morgan, you married yet.

Working on it.

So, uh, how old's the baby now?

Which one?

He's quite a breeder.

I have 4 under 3.


Last round was twins.

Oh, my god. Your wife is a saint.

That she is.

[All laugh]

So you know what I thought was weird about Florida is that there were no dr*gs found in any of the victims' systems, which is strange, because I figured that's how he was controlling them.

Yeah, I thought the same thing in Aruba.

Nothing showed up in the tox screen.

But their metabolism could have gone through a hypno in a few hours.

True. It's easy, cheap, efficient.

He used some kind of leather ligature to beat them and finish the job.

Our guess was a belt.

It must mean something to him.

Well, that w*apon versus bare hands certainly prolongs the strangulation.

He gets off on controlling their lives until the very end.

He could have kept hunting in Florida.

It's a target rich environment for his type.

Right. But he didn't.

Instead he chose Barbados, of all places.

More couples than families who vacation there.

He's making it harder on himself.

And us.

There's not much going on here evidence wise.

Except those ball caps.

The first two times he wore orange, now he's switched to blue.

Bonjour, crime-fighters times two. Ok, I did some digging on the Sullivans and they just got their passports.

This trip was their first stamp.

Inexperienced travelers tend to make the easiest targets because they're isolated, they're stressed from customs, sometimes there's even a language barrier.

And all those unfamiliar sights and sounds add to their culture shock.

Yeah, that's why airports are the biggest trap.

A few creature comforts, ATMs, restaurants, they trick you into letting your guard down.

There are predators waiting to strike.

Yeah, well, I ran their specs through ViCAP and Interpol again, and the only things that are dinging are the suitcases we already know about.

Garcia, coordinate with the State department on passport activity in Barbados and cross that with Aruba copy, copy. From a few years ago.

[Knock on door]

Monty, Monty!

You come here to me. Oh!

You can put yourself there.

All right.

Greg Sullivan's parents just checked in downstairs.

Yeah? And?

The ones who called this in.

Would you like to meet them?

Oh, I don't do--

I thought that you just stayed back with the T-1 line like me. Is that something you do all the time?

Yeah. Since my team's usually an ocean away, it means that I'm the only one here to let the loved ones know we're doing the best we can.

What if it's not a happy thing?

Then it's a really bad day.

Wow. That sounds lonely.

Sometimes it is, but we're not going to think about that right now, because what this family needs is a little sunshine.


Come on. Let's do this.

[Sighs] Ok.

You're the only person I'd do this with.

Updated alarm system, no dog doors or hidden points of entry.

Garage is even detached. I don't think the unsub infiltrated this house without them knowing.

Is this the stuff you got from Florida?

Well, all the families took the same cautious approach while traveling.

So, he didn't stalk them from home, he did it from Barbados.

Probably tracked the flights on his phone, saw the delays, and knew that he'd found his victim type.

Yeah, obviously he has a clear ideal.

Statistically, annihilators are fathers who've lost or k*lled their own families and are trying to replace their role in the unit.

Ok, so let's see what type of father he wants to be.

My guess is the M.E. report will support your theory.

It's good to see you.

Jack, how you been?

Great, thanks.

Of course you know Lambert and Simmons.

This is the embassy's regional security officer.

Fitz, this is the team I was telling you about.

SSAs Hotchner, Rossi, Morgan, and Jareau.

They're experts in family annihilators and worked this offender's case last year.

Well, I hate that it takes another abduction to bring out all the big g*ns, but I'm glad you're here.

Come on in. I'll show you around.

The ambassador wants to keep this quiet.

'Cause he doesn't want the host government to be embarrassed.

10,000 Americans victimized overseas each year and State's worried about diplomacy.

In this case, it's island economics.

Anything that stops money from coming in gets swept under the rug.

Other places, challenges can be more political.

If we thought other families were in danger, I'd argue that we should make a statement, but I think this guy has what he wants.

Matt: What about the van?

Tags were stolen. Registered to a rotting VW bus.

Of course.

And the make, model, and color all match a popular service van on the island. They're a dime a dozen.

And what about the driver? Are there a lot of Americans driving shuttles around here?

Half the service industry are expats who work here all winter.

Problem is, most people don't report their presence in the embassy, so we have no record of knowing who's even here.

Well, he's been here long enough to know his way around back roads.

This kind of ruse isn't easy to pull off at night.

Our technical analysts are tracking passport activity over the past 6 months.

That's a good start.

Morgan, you an JJ should head to the abduction site.

Simmons, go ahead and join them.

I'm gonna run leads in town. You want to come?

Great. Sounds good.

And then there were two.

It seems like you've got a great team there.

So do you.

If the pattern holds, we've only got 12 hours to find them alive.

[Whimpering, crying]

[Sound of kids laughing]

Woman: Olly olly oxen free.

Olly olly oxen free!

Olly olly oxen free!

Man: Look at me!

You ruin everything!

[Screams] Greg! Greg, help us!


Greg, help us!

Man: I'll show you!

Stop crying!

Daddy, please!

No, daddy!

[Muffled cries]

It's our job to protected them.

No matter how old they are, they're still our children.

Oh, my goodness. No, you can't blame yourself.

Last year, around this same time, I read this story about this family in Florida.

They also were on vacation.

Oh, please, just tell us it wasn't the same monster.

Men like that seem like monsters.

But they're actually human.

And our teams are the best at seeing that difference.

That's why I know we'll find who has your family.

Now, is there anything you can tell us about Greg or Colleen or the the kids, anything that can help find this man?

Greg won't let anyone hurt his family.

Not without a hell of a fight.


See, that's--that's good.

You just said that Greg being a fighter is a good thing, and we both know that that is not true.

The unsub is gonna see it as some sort of Alpha male challenge, which is not good at all.

I know.

But right now they need to feel hopeful.

Ok. I hadn't thought of that.

There's plenty of hidden cameras, but no sign of the unsub inside.

He must have waited in the van and got a view of the Sullivans from there.

Or weather caused a delay, which made them miss the shuttle.

There's no way the unsub planned any of that.

It says a lot that his victim ideals matter more than when he strikes.

So in each case, he watched, he waited, and hunted until the right family came along.

This bastard's been searching for his next vics.

He's been here before last night.

He's been building his trap.

The only thing he hadn't planned was who he'd take.

We need to check footage going back to the first of April.

[Chatter, island music playing]

I have 15 vans like that and lots of drivers from the states, but I don't know him.

Ok. Thanks.

Thank you.

Have you traveled much with your son?

Not a lot, no.

Have you ever wanted to just lock him away until the world's a safe place?

Then he'd never get out.


Last time I saw you, you said there was a lead in your brother's case.

Oh, it was a dead end.

He's in Thailand, right?

Yeah. Classic naive American abroad for the first time.

Victimization is the last thing on his mind because he thought carrying a U.S. passport meant he was protected.

Any other suspects?

I've been trying to put the pieces together, but the few postcards I got before it all went sideways painted this grand adventure.

I keep looking at who was in his stories.

Was it the girl he wrote about?

Was it the guys he went rock climbing with?

Someone knew he was the perfect patsy and they framed him.

If you ever want me to take a look at the case, I'd be happy to.

Thanks, Hotch.

A fresh pair of eyes would be great.

I'll take you up on that.

Excuse me.

Hey, ladies, you need a ride?

Is this your van?

No, not one of mine.

I give you a ride anywhere.

Best cabs in town.

Yes. Ok. What you want to do is make a left...

Hotch: Lily.


Hotch: Go left!

No w*apon.

Cash and cocaine.

Lily: Any I.D.?

He just got here.

It's not him.

He's all yours.


Please, daddy, stop!

I won't do it again!

It's always your fault!

I can't breathe!


Thanks, Garcia.

The dynamic duo narrowed it down to 1,000 Americans who visited Aruba and Barbados, but they need our help.

Want to search visas?

Americans don't need a visa here.

Well, damn.

Where's your head?

Well, this guy needs privacy, and he's got a lot of it here.

There's hundreds of acres of undeveloped and isolated land.

So he knows the area well enough to cover his tracks.




We have tastes from England, Portugal, Spain, and west Africa.

And this is my absolute favorite, flying fish.

Do you guys eat like this wherever you go?

Pretty much.

If you ever need another consultation, you know where to find me.

So you said there was good news?

Yeah, Garcia and Monty sent us some footage.

It should be on both screens.

We got this guy trolling inside and outside the terminal over the past two weeks.

He's focused on families at night, when they're exhausted.

But there's this.

Morgan: Yeah, and clock his footwork.

Ok, that move would have sent me to my masseuse.

This guy's athletic and he's strong.

And he's younger than we thought.

[Cell phone ringing]

Go ahead, Kate.

We reviewed the M.E. reports and confirmed that the unsub externalizes rage, specifically towards the two fathers.

There was an escalation on the last victim, Mr. Isaacs.

Water t*rture and whipping marks, likely from the same belt used to k*ll him.

Sounds like he's getting revenge.

Given his youth and the anger, he's not trying to fill the father role like we initially thought.

He's inserting himself as the firstborn child who has the most rage at his father.
Man: Hey! don't just stand there, reel it in!

You're doing it wrong.

Hotch: We believe we're looking for a white male in his early to mid-20s.

But how does one guy control and k*ll entire families?

Do you think he's got an accomplice?

We ruled that out in Aruba.

His obsessions are too personal to share.

It's his intense preparation that gives him the upper hand.

Given his age and his aggression, he's an internal annihilator.

His victims are surrogates for his own dysfunctional family.

Once he gets them alone, he isolates the greatest physical threat, the father.

This makes him feel superior.

And he thrives on that power.

It gives him the confidence he needs to charm them and harm them.

Fitz: Sounds like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Jack: Something like that.

And what we've learned about unsubs on foreign soil is they're adaptable, both socially and culturally.

It's the level of intelligence that often makes them more dangerous.

Lily: The fathers are the last to die, forced to watch each family member be k*lled.

His abuse or neglect made him feel angry and alone.

The damage was done long ago and imprinted on him.

Hotch: And he won't back away from this.

He's driven to k*ll these families.

Fitz, we need the locals back out there.

Someone has seen this man.

Blow it out.

Blow it out.

Daddy, please.

Blow it out!

Do it!

There you go.

There you go.



[Continues crying]


Stop crying! You ruin everything!

I told you to shut up!

Shut up!

Shut up!

Shut up!


Don't touch her!

What are you gonna do about it?



Sit down!


Clear the table!

[Whispering] Listen to me.

I've counted 6 families that he passed up because they weren't his ideal.

They have no clue how close he was to them.

It gives me the jeebies.


You there?

Uh, yeah.

Check this out.

Oh, you're a good egg.

It keeps me motivated.

My mom used to draw.

Well, that makes sense.

It's in the genes.

Ok. What do you got besides mad skills?

Ok. These license plates are from all over.

He didn't just steal tags from the VW bus.

Each day he's got a new one.

That's a serious forensic countermeasure.

He's taking a risk stealing all these tags.

Where's he getting them from?

Someplace they won't miss them.


Ah, see, but this one traces back to a rental car.

No one ever reported the tags stolen. It happens all the time.

Criminals target people who won't report crimes.

They figure you're on vacation, you don't want to be inconvenienced with a police report.

No one ever thinks something this small could be a clue to a bigger crime, but it is, and that's how our trails run cold.

Then we have think like he does, find easy targets for plenty of tags.

Hit me.

This is interesting. The first kills in Aruba were less organized and lacked the intense t*rture we saw in Florida with the Isaacs.

Well, maybe it's because he had a year in between kills to perfect his game.

It could be, but what if it's more than that?

What if his rage in Florida was some kind of statement?

Like what?

I'm gonna punish the Americans on American soil.

So something bad happened to him in Florida.

And I think it must have involved water.

Why would you say that?

All the fathers showed signs of near drowning, but we never figured out why.

I double-checked the salinity levels in the fathers' lungs.

In Aruba it was freshwater, but in Mr. Isaacs' case, it was a combination of fresh and saltwater.

Well, the Everglades are fresh, the Gulf and Atlantic are salt.

Where do they meet?

At the Florida Bay, but that's the bottom of the state.

That would have been a 5-hour car ride from the abduction site.

Well, the Isaacs were found an hour outside of Orlando, so, what did he do, abduct them from the airport, drive south to t*rture them, then drive another 5 hours to the dump site?

I know this guy is cocky, but he wouldn't keep them on the road that long.

Agreed. Way too risky.

So what if he didn't take the risk?

What are you thinking?

He abducted them in Orlando. He could drive them to the coast.

That's only an hour away.

Then he gets them to one of these beach towns, say, Cocoa, Daytona, Melbourne, transfers them to the secluded, controlled environment we know he needs for the t*rture.

But the journey south and then north would take 24 hours.

He's got them on a boat.

Sit down.


Get his g*n! Run!


Run! Run!

Hurry! Go, go, go!



Yeah, hey.

I need some Intel on marinas around here.

He has contacts everywhere.


It's that military brotherhood.

There's nothing else like it.

Well, that's gotta come in handy.

The boat would have launched from somewhere isolated.

We can narrow this down by looking at the boats 12 to 24 miles from shore.

Wouldn't he go farther out?

He doesn't need to. Barbados has no jurisdiction once he's in international waters.

Then he'll never be charged for his crimes. That can't be legal.

The law of the ship is the law of the country whose flag he's flying.

My guess is he's done his research and registered to a country that doesn't have the resources to prosecute.

We're tracking all vessels large enough to hold 4 people c*ptive.

He doesn't risk a long drive, so we're looking for marinas closest to the airport.

Problem is, there's a dock in every direction.

Ok, my contact says there's an industrial marina about a half an hour from the airport.

It's isolated. It probably would have been quiet last night.

We'll come with you. Go check it out.

I got water and air reinforcements waiting on your call.

We can't do a blind search. If he knows we're onto him, he'll k*ll the Sullivans.

This is your fault.

Your fault!

JJ: Yeah, this is definitely it.

Same license plate.

Looks like he used Rohypnol, like you said.

Colorless, odorless, tasteless.

That makes them easier to control.

There's not a lot of foot traffic out here, even during the day.

We could try a canvass, but my guess is he was probably too quick to be spotted.

And he left his keys in the cup holder.

So what do you want to bet...

[Turns key, dinging]

t*nk's almost full.

30 miles from the airport to here.

He filled up the night he took the Sullivans.


Garcia: Hey.

Hey, baby girl.

Hey, handsome. I was just about to call you.

Well, ladies first. And a gent, don't forget.

Oh, that's right. My bad.

How you doin', Monty?

Hey, Morgan.

So Monty, wonder person, found about a dozen license plates that scumbag had put on the van.

He stole a few off of rental cars and took the rest off of old cars at a repair shop near the airport.

Was there a gas station?


Security footage?

You know it.

Garcia: We're sending it to your phones now.

There he is.

Didn't see the camera, did you?

Or he's just a cocky son of a bitch.

Hey, Monty, can you run this guy's mug through facial recognition?

It's going now, but they're processing 8 million images.

Even with the bonded T-1 it could take a while.

We don't have a while.

We're hitting a dead end with unsolved cases involving water.

I've been thinking we should look at solved cases.

This unsub isn't old enough to be a hardened criminal.

But his countermeasures and his confidence feel like he's had a lot of practice.

So what if he were a budding psychopath?

We should check homicides going back to his teens.

Lily, cross with juvenile custody worldwide.

And check which countries have blue and orange in their flags.

Or sports teams. There's a reason he chose those colors.

We just haven't found it yet.

You don't think he's American?

He has some sort of connection to the states.

That's why he's attacking American families.

Now that we feel that he may have committed m*rder, it's doubtful that state would grant him a passport.

What country would?


Wait, but if he was guilty of something horrific before, wouldn't he still be locked up?

Not necessarily.

Remember when Natalee Holloway disappeared?

It'll be 10 years ago in May.

The prime suspect was never put away despite our profile.

He was free. And 5 years later to the day, he abducted and k*lled another young woman in Peru.

Reid: Van der Sloot went dormant, but his underlying homicidal behavior grew stronger.

That definitely could have happened here.

Kate: That means the Everetts in Aruba reignited his devious fantasies.

So if they weren't his first victims, who were?

His own family.

Narrow it down to sons who k*lled their fathers.

That's it.


Look at this.

The only sign of outward frustration.

He nearly gets hit by a car. Right here.

Instead of yelling at the driver, he holds it in.

Then he has a passive-aggressive moment.

He taps the center of his head like this.

That's a gesture, and it means stupid or crazy in Dutch culture.

Oranje. The Netherlands soccer team.

That's why he's wearing a blue and orange hat.

He's not American.


Already on it.

It's ok.

[Sound of kids laughing]

Don't touch him!

Get away from him.

This is it. The Tidwell family was massacred in their hotel room while on holiday in 2004.

Physical and behavioral evidence pointed to the troubled 15-year-old son Jerry.

He was declared temporarily insane and hospitalized until he was 21.

If Tidwell's the unsub, is there a connection to the month of April?

April 9 was his father's birthday.

The core of his rage.

His father videotaped his abuse, and his American stepmother and half-siblings were spared.

That's why he's attacking Americans and punishing the whole family.

[Cell phone rings]

Go ahead, Garcia.

Got a match. Jerry Tidwell was released, went to go live in Aruba with his uncle who has a fishing charter business.

Now, the uncle died two years ago.

Tidwell inherited the business and has been on the move every since.

Jack: Send us the specs for the boat.

Done and done.

He probably disabled the automated identification system, so we're forced to track the vessel by size.

Let's see how many 75-foot boats are offshore.

We need live satellite images.

Already done.

White and black boat isolated from the others.

There it is. Can you monitor from here?

You got it.

Fitz, we need heat signatures for 5 bodies.

Choppers are standing by.

[Crying out]


[Whimpering, crying]

Come here.

No, no!

Get over here!

No! No! No!

Let him go!

[All screaming] Come here!

No! No! No! No!

Let him go! Let him go!

No! No!

[All screaming]

No! No! No! No!

Nick! Nick!

[Indistinct orders and instructions]

Shut up!


[Crying continues]

Stop crying!


Stop it.


Stop it!


Get your hands off her!

[Screaming, sobbing]

Stop it right now.

Leave her alone!

Run! Run, Alison! Run! [Sobbing] Run!


Olly olly oxen free!

[Gasping, crying]





Boy: I'm sorry! I'll be good!

Man: Come here, boy!

Please, Daddy, stop!

I'll give you something to cry about!


Move! Get up!

Do you want to run next? Huh? Do you want to run next?

Morgan: Tidwell! FBI!

Daddy, help me, please!

Just stop! This is your fault!

Drop the w*apon!

Shut up!

Alison, look at me, all right?

Eyes over here. Focus on me. That's it.

Jack: Let the girl go! You don't have to do this!

You don't know what he did! You don't know!

I don't, but you don't have to die today. Drop the g*n!

Shut up!

Alison! Eyes over here! Look at me!

Let the girl go!

I told you to shut up!

Alison, drop!


Our son is overboard!

Our son! He threw our son overboard!

The son is overboard! I repeat, the son is overboard!

We need open water search and rescue now!


Open sea rescue.

Come on! Come on!

Lily: We got something.


Oh, Nick!

Greg: Nick! Oh!

I love you so much.

Oh, my god. Ohh...

I mean, talk about a total surprise.

I'm not just a dad, I'm a granddad.

Well, congratulations. That's fantastic.

So, how's Karen.

She's great.

You know, I gotta tell you, it's admirable that you two have made it work.

What's your secret?

Uh, simple, really.

I know I'm a better person with her beside me.

And she knows that I won't stop doing everything I can to make the world a safer place for our kids to grow up in.

And how are the kids?

Ryan just got into the Academy.

No kidding.


It's just all I ever wanted is to protect my children from all we've seen, and now Ryan will be right in the line of fire.

Well, he's learned from the best.

How are the Sullivans?

They're better.

So, how many of these do you think we've solved?

Mm, enough for another best-seller.

These are the endings we want.

Amen to that.

[Glasses clink]



♪ stories should I tell ♪
♪ but I'm happy when it turned out well ♪
♪ whose strings do I hold ♪
♪ can I call any place my home ♪
♪ I'm gonna rock myself ♪
♪ to really sleep ♪
♪ and I tell myself ♪
♪ Don't get caught too deep ♪
♪ 'cause I know by now ♪
♪ this is right for me ♪

Jack: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." ~ Henry Ford.

♪ ...for me ♪
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