01x21 - The Anvil or the Hammer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x21 - The Anvil or the Hammer

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham...

You need to leave Ms. Kringle alone.

I get it now.

You got a thing for my girl.

Oh! (groans)

Oh, dear.


Who sent you?

You want me to tell Bunderslaw that you're onto him?

(grunts) No! (screams)

I'm Bruce Wayne.

Sid Bunderslaw.

Gordon: The people of Gotham deserve to know that there's a serial k*ller in their midst.

I'm coming after you.

He murders the loved ones of any cop who investigates him.

Care to dance?

Morning. How'd you sleep?

The hour we slept?


You hungry? I have quiche.

No, thanks.

At least have some coffee.

Let me tell you about the day I have planned for us.

I think I'm just gonna get out of here.

Just wait.

We had fun last night, right?


Listen, you don't have to do this.

Do what?

Last night at the ball, you talked a good game.

But let's not pretend this is more than what it is.

Barbara, I'm not pretending with you.

I want you to stay with me.

I don't think so.

Just... wait, wait, wait.

Let go.


I was pretending with you.

But not in the way you think.


The night we met...

I was going to k*ll you.

That's not funny.

But then...

I saw something in you, Barbara, I saw... the real you.

You are the woman that I have been searching for.

(whispers): You're lying.

I'm gonna let you go now, and you're going to sit down and have breakfast with me.


Come on.

No! (whimpering)

So I do it the hard way.


Hey. How are you doing?

Been better. You seen Harvey?


Any word on Barbara?

They haven't found her body yet, so there's a chance she's still alive.

When's the last time you slept?

I don't know.

Last time you ate?

I don't know.

I know better than to try to get you to sleep, but you really should eat something.

I'm not hungry.

Jim... it's not your fault.

I did this. I pressed Loeb, he sent the Ogre after me, and I didn't stop.

It was bad enough I knowingly put you in danger.

I didn't even think of Barbara.

You were doing your job.

But I should've known.


Y-You weren't together.

Do you blame yourself for falling out of love?

Lee, it's my responsibility.

There's nothing you can say that changes that.

Whatever happens to Barbara, it's on me.

I understand.

Bullock: Jimbo!

Meet Jake the JV pimp.

He's been bragging on the streets that he knows who the Ogre is.

I keep telling you, man, you been lied to; I don't know nothing.

Bullock: Yeah?

We'll see about that.

(wheels squeaking softly)


Okey doke.

No body, no crime. No body, no crime.

Nope. Never seen him before.

We think this is a serial k*ller called the Ogre.

He's kidnapped a woman, and he's gonna k*ll her unless we find him first.


Just so you understand, the lady in question is a real good friend of ours.

Supposing, for the sake of argument, I did see him before.

What's she worth?

What's she worth?

Yeah, you know, if you had to assign a dollar amount.

Harvey, I'm about to violate departmental policy on interrogation techniques.

Think I saw some donuts outside with my name all over them.

Hey, now. C-Calm yourself.

There's no need to get carried...

Jake worked as a barman at a brothel called the Foxglove.

Said the Ogre was a regular. Can't give us a location.

Yeah, 'cause they never use the same place twice.

What, you know it?

Not personally.

The Foxglove is very high-class, very extreme.

You got to know someone who knows someone.

Uh, I might know someone.

Oh. You talking Penguin?

If you get any deeper with that clown, he will own you.

I don't have a choice; the Ogre has Barbara.

Let me shake a few trees.

Take the time, grab some z's.

You're burnt!

First one was the hardest.

But it wasn't her fault.

She just wasn't the one.

I also couldn't let her go.

Still, it strengthened my resolve to never stop till I found my soul mate...

Person I could share everything with.

I think that person is you, Barbara, but I need your help.

So... let's begin again, shall we?



This just, uh... came for you by messenger, Master Bruce.

Thank you.

Right, well, I'll...

I'll just be off.

Do you want company?

To identify Reggie?

No, I don't think so. Best done alone.

I'm sorry, Alfred.

I know he was your friend.

Just doesn't make any sense.

Reggie topping himself like that.

You said he fell out of a window.

He might've been drinking, lost his balance.


No, Reggie, he was a legend.

He could be blind drunk and walk a tightrope.

Doesn't matter what he was like in the end.

I want to see he gets a proper send-off.

I'll see you this evening, sir.

(door closes)

Lidia: What, your boss doesn't trust his partners?

It's called due diligence.

He just wants me to look the place over.

So look.

I got a gravy going... Special party today.

Don't let me keep you.

(chuckles softly) Piece of work.

Gilzean: I'll put the p*stol under the bar, machine g*n behind the juke.

All Connor and his guy got to do is get to them.

The day is finally here. (chuckles)

(door opens)


(chuckles) Jim.

So lovely to see you.

To what do I owe this wonderful surprise?

I need to know where the Foxglove is.

And I need an invitation.


Well, someone's in a mood.

Can you help me out? Yes or no.

Jim, I do so love our give-and-take relationship.

But it's starting to feel a bit one-sided.


I'll owe you a favor.

You already do.

Then I'll owe you another.

Cards on the table.

The Foxglove makes a lot of money for some important f...


You think you know who I am.

What I'm capable of.

You have no idea.

Today is an important day for me... so I will accommodate your request.

But, Detective, mark my words.

You owe me a big favor.

Woman: Here we have the Physical Operations department.

The Physical Operations department handles logistics for the corporation, management of our properties, offices...

Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.

Of course, Mr. Wayne. It's right here.

Thank you.

(fire alarm ringing)

The Foxglove is in the old Klondike Building on Mayflower.

You score a ticket?


But only one.

I figure you go in, pose as a john, find something to bust them on, then we squeeze them till they talk.

Smart move sending me, hmm?

You couldn't look more like a cop if you wore a blue uniform.

You got something to wear?

You, uh, are gonna need to fit in.

Don't worry.

Alvarez busted some guys smuggling Italian suits last week, and a couple fell in my locker on their way to the evidence room.


Jason: I'm sorry I left you alone, but you needed time to think, to accept that this was real.

This apartment is soundproofed, by the way, so save your lungs.



Look at me. My hands are shaking.

That's never happened before with any of the other women that I've had here.

You know why that is?

(shuddering exhale)

Do you know why that is?

You're a psycho.

I don't know what you're thinking.

It's because I always somehow knew that deep down, the others weren't the one.

(grunts) They weren't the one.


I want this to work, Barbara.

You're scared.

It's okay.

Jim will find...



The only way you're going to make me angry is if you mention his name.


Drink this.

It's water. You're dehydrated.

Barbara, come here. I want you to see something.

Barbara, I love you.

I love you like no one has ever loved you.

But if you try to escape, I will chain you to the ceiling and gut you.

Now come... here.


Are those...

When you're looking for love, you have to kiss a lot of frogs.

Still, I-I should be thankful.

They led me to you.

(shuddering breaths)

All those women... they died here?

You k*lled them... here?


(glass shatters)

(shallow gasping)

Don't worry.

I'm gonna set you free.

You're the one, Barbara.

You're the one.

(fire alarm ringing)

(fire alarm continues ringing)

(alarm stops)

(door opens)

Bunderslaw: Hello, Bruce.

I've been expecting you.

Ever since your friend borrowed my key, I've been expecting you.

Even canceled my trip.


When I was a boy, I'd always take a cookie when I had the chance.

You hired a man to k*ll Alfred.

I hired your guardian's comrade to find out what you knew.

I never intended harm to come to anyone.

I told the board you were a special case, that you need the talk early.

The talk?

Bruce, when members of the Wayne family reach a certain age, some facts of life and business are explained...

Wayne Enterprises is committing serious crimes.

Oh, my, yes.

This is a multinational corporation operating in hundreds of jurisdictions.

We do our best to subvert all of them if it means profits.

So... you admit it?

Just like your father.

He came in with his secret files, demanding justice.

At first.

Then he changed his mind.

You're lying.

Your father came to understand the reality of this business.

As did his father.

And as will you.

My father was a good man.

You have an opportunity to live a blessed life, the life your father and mother wanted for you.

I beg you to reconsider.

Pardon me.

Lucius, come in.

Bruce Wayne, meet one of our junior executives, Lucius Fox.

There's a public relations person out there desperately searching for this young man.

Then you'd best reunite them.

Bruce, don't forget your cookie.


I'm going to tell you something, and I'd appreciate if you kept your face perfectly still.

There's cameras everywhere.

I know because I put them there.

What I'm about to say must be a deep secret between you and me.

I knew your father well.

He was a good man.

He wasn't the man the company thought he was.

I don't understand you.

Bruce, your father was a true Stoic.

He kept his best self hidden.

That's all I'll say.

(elevator bell dings)

Good luck.

(filtered breathing)


Kringle: Mr. Nygma?

Ms. Kri...

Ms. Kringle?

Would you open the door, please?

Um, I'm...

One sec!

I need the Hendricks case files.

Um, yes. Hendricks.

Wait right here.

Hendricks. Hendricks.

Hendricks, Hendricks, Hendricks, Hendricks.

Hendricks, Hendricks, Hendricks.

(gasps) Oh, my goodness.

What happened to him? Um... axe... uh, a-accidental death.

Oh. At a sheet metal factory.

Industrial saw. Just...

(imitates buzzing)

Poor man.

I... I don't know how you do this job.

Death all around you.

(chuckles) Yes.

One must have a sense of humor.

The-the file?


Um, Mr. Nygma, you haven't, by chance, seen, uh, Tom... Officer Dougherty?

We were... supposed to have dinner last night.

He didn't show... no surprise...

Um, but I haven't seen him today.

Me neither.


Excuse me. I really need to get back to work.

Oh, uh...



Okay. Um...

Oh, dear.

You're sure... the g*ns are there?

Butch placed them himself.

Do you remember what to say to Maroni before you do the deed?

I never saw the point in telling a man something right before you're gonna whack him, but you're not the first to ask for it.

I appreciate you humoring me.

So how do you know Maroni's gonna be in this bar on this exact day?

I follow current events.


There he is.

Tommy freakin' Bones.

Nine years up the river, and you get better-looking, you big animal.

Took care of myself.

I was hoping you'd remember.

(laughs) Come over here. Huh?

Listen, you leave the joint, you come to Lidia's for dinner.

That's tradition. (chuckles)
Welcome home. Lidia!

Look who's here.

(laughs) (sighs): Ah...

♪ ♪

Welcome to the Foxglove.

The evening's entertainment is about to begin.

Then I guess I'm just in time.

♪ ♪

(muffled moaning, grunting)


♪ ♪

(music stops) WOMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please.

I know you have been eagerly awaiting tonight's main attraction.

So, please, let's give a big Foxglove welcome to Ingrid and Gareth.

(cheering, applause)

(rhythmic, metallic creaking)

(woman moans, laughs)

(electric tool whirring, whip cracks, man yells)

Oh, no.

Hell no.

(pig squealing)


Nobody move!

Especially you two!


Wake up, Barbara.

Wake up.

(whimpering quietly)

Shh, shh, shh. Come here.

Don't cry.

Shh, shh, shh...

(softly): Hey.

(crying quietly)

There's no need to cry.


(whispers): You're gonna k*ll me.

Do you want me to?


Then tell me who to k*ll.


You still don't believe I love you.

You think I'm crazy.

That's fine.

I see the truth.

I see your truth.

I see that you've spent your whole life trying to k*ll it, but you can't...

It's too strong.

You revealed it to me the other night.

I want to set that free. I want to set you free.

You think that me making you m*rder someone (laughing): will make me like you?

That's insane.

You say that because you don't know what it is to live without fear.

But you'll learn.

(gasps softly) Now, tell me... who you want me to k*ll, or, though it breaks my heart, I will take your life right now.

I can't.

I... I can't.

(crying quietly)

I... I can't.

Tell me... who... to k*ll.


(crying softly)

(indistinct police radio chatter)

You run this place?

I'm looking for this man.

Arrest me if you want to; I don't talk about my clients.

One call to the Gazette, they'll send a reporter down here.

I'll perp-walk each and every one of your clients in front of the cameras.

How's that sound?

Talk to Sally.

Do you know him?

You sure?

I'm sure.

He said his name was Jason.

He was sweet.

As soon as I got into his car, he pulled a hood over my head and tied my wrists.

He took me back to his apartment.

That's where he did this.

I don't know why he let me go.

When was this?

-Almost nine years ago.

About a year before the first m*rder... He was working his way up.

Why didn't you go to the police?

I did.

I was a hooker; he was a rich man with no name.

Anything else you can tell us?

Anything about his apartment? The smallest detail might help.

The elevator opened right into the apartment.

You can see out into the city.

We were in midtown.

And there was a big neon sign on the building across the street.

I could only read the last four letters.


Gordon: O-Y-A-L.

Hmm. Loyal, royal...


Gotham Royal Hotel.

That's in midtown. 10th and Gainsly.

Thank you, Sally.

Promise me, when you find him, don't arrest him.

k*ll him.

You got it.

(laughter, quiet chatter)

Whoa, fellas, private party.

Connor: Just here to pay respects.

Maroni: Connor from the wild northeast.

What's that old man Falcone want now?

Don Falcone sends me with his respects, and a small gift for you and Tommy Bones on this happy day.


Maroni: Forgive my suspicious nature.

Of course. Can't be too careful.

Come here. Let me see this.

Madre Di Dios.

My favorite.

You tell Falcone I appreciate the gesture.

Don Falcone knew it was a special occasion.

We got time for a drink. Lidia!

Clean glasses, please.

The gift comes with a message.

Oh, yeah?

What's that?

He wants you to know that it wasn't easy for him to decide to k*ll you.

(g*ns cocking)

Son of a bitch.

But business is business.

(g*ns clicking)


You believe it?

You both jammed.

If that ain't a sign from God, I don't know what.

Please... Shut your mouth!

Ow! You're gonna take Don Falcone a message from me.

You're gonna let him know that you messed up... (grunting) and you're gonna let him know that I'm coming for him.

Of course, you don't need to be alive to tell him that.

Tommy, do the honors.

Connor: Wait...


Maroni's still alive This is flat!

Did you not hear me?

Maroni is still alive!

You got to get out of town.

And miss all the fun?

You knew.

You set him up.

I took the firing pins out of the g*ns before you hid them.

(laughs): A spin on a trick I learned from Maroni.

But you could have had Maroni dead.

True, but I still would've been under Falcone's thumb, and that... has grown intolerable.

No, I'd much rather Maroni be alive, and out for blood.

Alas, Officer Dougherty, she's gonna wonder where you went.

Perhaps a letter.

You could say good-bye, give her some advice.

Something that might lead her to make better choices in the future, hmm?


Bullock: Jim?

Place is empty.

But there's something you should see.

You see anything that connects to Barbara?

Maybe she was never here.

No, she was here.

I can still smell her perfume.

Hey, we're gonna find this guy, but you need to prepare yourself... that we might not be in time to save her.

That is not an option.

It's the most likely option.

(phone ringing)


Jason: Detective Gordon, I assume you are the one who triggered the alarm.

You son of a bitch. Where's Barbara?

(over speakerphone): With me, of course.

If you've hurt her...

She's as safe as milk.

Safer than she ever was when she was with you.

(train horn blowing)

What the hell does that mean?

She doesn't need your protection, Jim.

Fact is, she never did.

I'll see you around.

Wait. (line clicks, dial tone)

He was driving.

To Tahiti if he's smart.

Yeah, there was a noise, right?

A thumping, like he was going over a bridge.

You know, I heard, uh, a horn, like a train horn.

Okay, so, which bridge has a train?


Damn. Um... Whitecross, but that's the upstate train.


It's where her parents live.

(whimpering softly)

Barbara, please.

What's happening?

Jason: What's happening is your daughter is finally waking up.


Barbara, we're doing this for you.


(Mrs. Kean screaming)

♪ ♪

(footsteps approaching)



What are you doing here?

You're not supposed to be here.

Where is he?

(footsteps approaching)

(glass breaking, men grunting)



(groans loudly)

Drop it.

Drop the knife, or I'll sh**t.

Just an ounce of pressure, and she'll split right open.

I don't want that. Do you want that?

It's gonna be all right, Barbara.

It's gonna be all right.

If you cared about this woman, you never would have come after me.

I love her more than you ever did.

Drop the knife.


Won't be me that slits her throat.

Detective, that's gonna be you.

Drop it.

Jim, please.

Just leave us alone.

Hey, jerk-o!


(Barbara panting)



He's dead?

Yeah. He's dead.

It's gonna be okay.

Look at me. Barbara?

It's gonna be okay.

(door opens)

Alfred, I never asked you.

How was it yesterday, seeing Reggie?

Not really, uh, an experience I'd care to repeat, Master Bruce.

But then again, the Reggie I knew died years ago.

Alfred, I haven't been honest with you.

After you were hurt, Selina and I went looking for Reggie.

We found him.

Did you, now?

He didn't jump or fall.

Selina pushed him.

And why did she do that?

Reggie was sent here by a man named Sid Bunderslaw.

Bunderslaw works for Wayne Enterprises.

Reggie gave us the name, but said he was gonna tell Bunderslaw what we were doing.

I see.

And the rest?

The charity ball...

Presumably to have access to Mr. Bunderslaw.

Selina stole the key to his office safe.

I went there today. It was empty.

But Bunderslaw was waiting for me.

What did he do?


What did he do?!


(breath quivering)

But he said that my father and grandfather knew about the illegal things that the company was doing, and chose...

They chose to stay quiet.


Your father was a good man.

I know.

But even good men have secrets.

(applause, excited chatter)

There he is.

Man: That guy right there.

Man 2: Yeah, nice work.

Man 3: Yeah, nice work.

Congratulations. You're a hero.

Yeah, it won't last.

Tomorrow, they'll go back to hating me.

Well, then I'll remind them.

Yesterday, you were trying to help.

I couldn't hear it. I'm sorry.

I would never try to change you, Jim.

Your sense of mission... it's part of what I love about you.

I thought it was my devastating good looks.

That's a joke.


I was scared.

Scared that Barbara would get hurt and you would blame yourself for protecting me first, and then whatever we had would die.

It wasn't heroic. It was selfish.


Lee, I love you.

Not her.

If I had to do it again, I'd still protect you first.


What did you do?

Uh, grabbed a... knife by the blade.

Of course you did.

Let me see.


(groans softly)

Miss Kringle?

Are you okay?

I got a letter from Officer Dougherty.

He left town.

(clears throat)

"Don't wait around for me. Go have some fun, and maybe I'll give you a call when I get back."

Blah, blah, blah.

Couldn't even tell me to my face.

I mean, why do I keep picking creeps?

Sometimes with men, you need to read between the lines.

Sometimes with men, you need a drink.


Good day, Mr. Nygma.

Read between the lines.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

(engine revving)

(tires screech)

Everybody listen up!

Just got wind of three separate att*cks on Falcone businesses in different parts of town.

Word is it's Maroni.

As of right now, all leaves are canceled, and all units are called in for active duty.

We're in a sh**ting w*r, people.

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