01x04 - Onwards And Upwards

Episode transcripts for the 2014 TV show "Utopia" (AKA "Dreamland"). Aired October 2014 - 2019.*
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"Utopia" (AKA "Dreamland") follows the working lives of a team in a newly created government organisation responsible for overseeing major infrastructure projects, from announcement to unveiling. Set inside the offices of the "Nation Building Authority" it explores the collision between bureaucracy and grand ambitions.
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01x04 - Onwards And Upwards

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: This is a nation-building project...

Man: New infrastructure of the 21st century...

Woman: If there is a buzzword in this budget, it's 'nation-building'...

Man: Major infrastructure projects right around the country...

Man: Transformational vision for the infrastructure of the 21st century...

Man: I want to be known as the infrastructure prime minister...

Woman: Nation-building budget...

Man: Nation-building for recovery...

Woman: Nation-building program...

Man: Nation-building.

It's gotta be. Why would you move it?



I can't find the coffee.

We got rid of it. Why?

Healthy Choices Month.

Ugh. Anything with 'month' in it worries me.

We're making the workplace free of caffeine, sugar, salt and saturated fats.

Aren't those the four basic food groups?


I'll have a tea.

There's chamomile and ginger.

Um, who's that with Tony?

That's Lauren. She's a journalist.

Are we under investigation?

No, it's a feature.

25 Australians who are shaping our future.

She's interviewing him.

And he agreed to that?

Rhonda did on his behalf.

To stop the quick political fix.

Take a long-term vision and stick with it.

Vision. Great.


Sorry about the tea.

I'm not even sure what that is.

Uh, it's rosehip.

Is it? Ouch.

It's either that or hibiscus.

So, all of these projects have been completed?


Not finished?

No, they're...

Well, they're at various stages.

It's a bit technical.

Again, long-term vision and...


..step by step by step with the...

That's great.

Sorry if I waffled on.

I get passionate when we're talking about long-term visions.

I hope we've given you something.

Katie? Where's the vending machine?

I got rid of it.


Healthy Choices Month.

But all there is is rice crackers.


How's that a choice?

Well, you can have plain or sesame seed.

That's not a choice.

Ah, here you are.

Hey, Jim.

What are you up to at the moment?

Looking for chocolate.

No, I mean project-wise.

Oh, just working through the NHP.


National Highways Program.

Connecting Australia, $27 billion...

Kate Ceberano sang at the launch.

Oh, that! Yeah.

What do you mean 'yeah'?

I'd maybe put that one on the back-burner.

The scheme you declared priority No.1?

Yeah, the States are fighting, we might have to just let...

..a bit of air out of the tyres.

I just spent half an hour telling a journo that we're about sticking to long-term projects.

Well, that sounds great.

I meant it!

Look, don't get down on yourself.

I'm not down on myself.

I down on you!

He's not allowed to have coffee.

Oh, Tony!

Did Damien speak to you?

Who's Damien?

Used to work downstairs but he moved up here last month.

Where does he sit?

(Over there, next to Remy.)

Is it safe to look?


There's no-one there.

He's off sick.

Then why are we whispering?

I don't know.

What does he want?

Oh, he was asking about his performance review.

What about it?

When is it?

I don't know.

Apparently he missed out before he was transferred, so he was hoping to...

He's only been here a month.

How can I conduct a review on someone I've barely seen perform?

I think we have to.


It's part of the agreement.

Annual reviews.

Alright. Can you get me a summary of what he does?

I don't know...

Can you find out?

(I'll ask him.)

No, don't him.

Why are we whispering?

Just get his job description.

It'll be on file.


When should we do it?

Whenever you like.


It's his rostered day off.


Next Thursday...


Professional development.

I think he's doing a course.

All we seem to do is announce really big projects and then put 'em on the back...

You're shutting the door.


Well, last time you did that I ended up draining a dam.

Relax. There's nothing to worry about. Here, sit down.

Have you seen this?

East Bank? No.

Big redevelopment project on the Brisbane River.

Where's this headed?

It's a PPP, mostly state government, using a big local developer.

Have you heard of Nathan West?

Only from the police report.

Hey, hey! He's a good bloke, a real vision for Australia.

He's a fellow nation-builder.

Is he?

I had dinner with him a few nights ago, and he's run into a bit of a fix.

He can't quite make the numbers work, and, um, we'd hate for him to walk away.

What's this got to do with us?

Well, the Queensland Government have asked if we can lend...


This is what the NBA is for.

Cleaning up other people's messes?

Facilitating, guiding, encouraging.

This is very exciting.

It's a suburb of the future.

If we can get this across the line...

What's his problem?

Well, he mentioned a range of issues.

I mean, there's site access, time frames... Height.

What was that one?

Did he mention height limits?

Uh, that might've come in passing.


What did you say?

Yeah, I may have said there's some flexibility.

Well, he's drawn us five storeys.

How much does he want.

He didn't really say.

Jim. 20 rings a bell.


25 or 30.

30, actually.

That really rings a bell.

He wants to build a 30-storey apartment block on that site.

No wonder you shut the door.

Just have a chat.


Have a chat, facilitate, guide.

And what the other thing I said?



Alright, I'll...

I'll give him a call.

Great. He's expecting you tomorrow.

Can you... Can you fly up?

No, keep going.

'The Global West Property Group is dedicated to innovative urban design solutions.'


'Low-impact, people friendly spaces are a key feature of our development ethos.' See, there's nothing about high-rise.

What floor's he on?


A heads-up about this guy.

He'll talk about giving back, about contributing to the architectural legacy of the city, his vision.


No, it's not wow - it's all bullshit to disguise the fact that what he really wants is height.

He wants to build as high as he can and then have a penthouse.

And then start giving back?

Tony and Scott. Yep.


Well, that's never gonna happen!

Tell 'em to piss off back to Belgium.

Yeah, whatever. Shit.

Never own an A-League team, guys.


So what we've got here is the whole riverfront walk, yeah?

As you can see, it's all open spaces, al fresco, piazzas.

It looks great.

And these are the apartments?

Villa units. We're going for a kind of Roman feel.

Right. I don't think the Romans had underground parking.

Yeah, well, what were those catacombs for?

Burial chambers.

They weren't for chariots?

No, don't think so.


I think someone's having a lend of me.

Anyway, as you can see, it's a very European-style leisure, residential complex.

Can I just ask what's European about it?

The piazza.

Of course, yeah.

You know what, Scott?


For me, it's all about giving back, you know? Yep.

Contributing to the architectural fabric of this great city of ours.



Can I ask then, what change would make it easier for you to achieve your vision?

Well, cut the red tape for a start.

Get this bloody country moving again.

But anything technical that's causing headaches like traffic flow?

No, we're onto that.

Construction schedules?

I think that's on track.

Raising height limits.

That'd do it.

We could extend the piazza.

No, no, that's the one.

Your mate's onto it. Stay focused.

I think you've solved it, Scott.


Where is he?

Running late.

For his own performance review?

He thought it was 9:30.

Can I get you a tea?

Have we got anything that doesn't involve wild flowers?

Lemongrass and ginger.

I'll be fine.


Hi, Damien.

Yes, hi. Sorry I'm late.

Have a seat.

Just cannot get started without one of these.

Sure. Um, let's take a look.


So you started with the NBA, gosh, only about five weeks ago...

(Mobile phone vibrates)

Did you wanna check that?

I can do it later.


Well, let's make a start.

As I say, looking at your file, which is quite small...

I might just quickly... ch-ch-ch-check.

That's good I think we might turn that off.

Yeah, sure.

Is it off?

You want it off - not just silent?

Off, I think.



(Voice-Over): Nestled on a bend of Brisbane River, East Bank will combine relaxed public spaces and low-rise living in a modern, people-friendly precinct.

Strict planning controls will ensure that the area's rich natural heritage is protected, making East Bank a place for all.

It looks alright.

It's an ad.

People were enjoying themselves.

They're not people - it's CGI.

Well, they were smiling.

But the computer...

How'd you go?

He's a good bloke, isn't he?

He wants height. Really?

He wants a dirty great big apartment tower.

Did he mention the piazzas?

30 storeys.

He was chasing 40.


That's what I heard.

30 storeys in the middle of an area zoned low-rise.


We just watched the DVD.

No building above the height of a palm tree.

Well, get some taller trees.


You know, there's a Colombian wax palm that's 70m... Wow. Jim.

Bear Grills climbed one once.

I saw that. See?

No, Jim.

What are we gonna do to fix it?

Go back to five storeys.

Yeah, that doesn't fix it.

But low-rise is at the core of the whole development.

And it still is - it's just that the core is a little...

No, Jim.

We've gotta sort something out or this whole project could fall over.

Nathan could walk.

Fine, the guy's a cowboy.

He's a good bloke. He's a Queenslander through and through.

He was born in Adelaide.

He lives in Singapore.

Well, his boys are in Brisbane.

He's done developments down here.

They've been quite successful from all accounts.

Have you been to one?

Read the brochures.

Seen one?

French-style, apparently.

Oh, wow.


He's done one here?

So I've been told.

See, if you line it up.

I think that's... We came in there.

'Cause on the brochure...


Well, that building there, is that that building...

Oh, you're kidding.


So where's... La Parisienne?

Here. Here it is.

All 27 floors, just like Paris.

But where the elegant tree-lined plaza?

It must be round here somewhere.

No, no, here. We're standing in it.

This here?

Yeah. Yeah.

Where's the lux...

And where's the luxury boutiques?

Well, there's a convenience store over there next to the Thai massage, but...

So where's the boulangerie?

I... don't think there's one.

Actually, where's the al fresco dining?

Not here.

Maybe we'll just take it off the table. It is off now.

I know, but you keep looking at it, so...

I'll just pop it under.


So, currently we have your position listed as....

Assistant Projects Facilitator, level two.

Great. And how do you find the role?

Oh, rewarding.


And challenging.


I feel as if I'm being extended but not beyond the limits of my capabilities.

Great. And would you say...

In short, the tasks and responsibilities assigned to me are commensurate with my capacity to deliver desired performance outcomes on a consistent basis.

What would you list as your strengths?

Uh, my ability to work within a team. Good.

To identify, strategise and solve problems. OK.

I'm task-oriented...

What does that mean exactly?


Yeah, I mean, you hear it a lot.

What does it actually mean to you?

Simply means that I'm, you know, oriented, uh, to the...

Task. Sure.

I delegate with clearly defined resp... Have you done this before?

Done what?

This. A performance review.

Uh... yeah, maybe.

OK, well, let's plough on.

Did you get task-oriented?


I just didn't see you write it down.

I'll make a note.

Jim, what we saw is not a new direction in urban design.

But this is.


European-style piazzas.

What is European about a windswept concrete square?

In five years time I'm seeing a piazza.

I'm seeing a security guard yelling at kids on skateboards.

Cobblestone laneways.

They'll be wind tunnels.

People enjoying la dolce vita.

Yeah, from 30 floors up.

Could be 35.


They can come down in the lift, walk across the piazza and enjoy a casual evening passata.


The passata's a tomato sauce.


The bistros, the enotecas, anti-pasta at a tapas bar.

Tapas is Spanish.

You're just throwing European names on top of concrete.

It's not concrete - it's terrazzo.

Results-driven. Uh, team-oriented, outcome-focused...

I'm just gonna stop you there, Damien.

No disrespect but I'm hearing a lot of employment jargon.

For this to be a meaningful exercise, I'd really like to hear your own words.

Is that OK?

Yeah, sure.




An example of something you've achieved in the last month.

OK. Uh... I have identified, strategised and solved...

Something specific.

I have contributed to the functionality and efficiency of the workplace.

And specifically...

Oh, specifically...

Well, by meeting challenges and adapting to the...

You're starting to sound jargon-y again.

No, you said specific.

Let's move on to weaknesses.


What would you say, specifically, were your weaknesses?

Uh... well, I'm able to adapt to changing deadlines.

That's not a weakness.

Sorry, I was gonna say, 'I'm able to adapt, but I could learn to do so more quickly.'

OK. Sorry. What else.

Uh, well, when presented with a challenge, I can at times become a little fixated on trying to achieve the optimal goal.

Doesn't sound like a weakness.

Well, it's trying too hard, so...

Well, can you give me an example?

You want me to pinpoint...


From here?

From anywhere.

From the last five years.

Any time since you left school.


It's more of general tendency to identify, strategise and solve problems if as and/or when they arise from time to time.

You've got a low-rise riverfront development and you wanna a plonk a big tower right smack in the middle.

That's not to scale.

No, you're right, it's that.

Oh, put the glass back.

In fact, what is that?

Oh, it's cardamom and clove.

Not bad.

Jim? Yeah?

What do we say to the people whose view we knock off?

'Come to the piazza!'

Oh, Jim.

I never said a few noses wouldn't be put out of joint.

But what are we gonna do?

Well, stick to the rules.

Apart from that.

Don't be so defeated.

You're the dreamer, you're the visionary, you're the one shaping the nation's future.

What don't you just shape it up a little?

Sorry, this is Hua the photographer.


He just wants to take a few sh*ts behind-the-scenes. OK.

Hi, just carry on with exactly...

Yeah, we'll carry.

..what you were doing.

We, uh, just looking...


Um... OK, if we're gonna breach height regulations...

Yeah, we might come back to that, I think.

We've certainly defined the problem.

Yes, we have.

In terms of size, that's a very large problem.

And it's one our mutual friend would quite like resolved.

But if he could see his way through to lower his expectations...

That's not an option.


So I can leave it with you?


Alrighty. Onwards and upwards.


And upwards.

Sorry, be another few seconds.


So how many floors does he want?

That's a good look.

Well, I think that's about all I need. Thank you for coming in.

Is that it?


Well, what about me?

What about you?

Don't you want me to give you some feedback?

What for?

Just so we can get the full 360-degree feedback thing.

Oh, I'm pretty happy with 180.

Oh. Sorry, I just thought that's how this worked.

You know, everyone gets an opportunity to assess everyone else.

OK. Sure. Fire away.



I'll start with your weaknesses.

Um... Oh, that's...

A failure to set team objectives.


Oh. A lack of clearly identified goals. Right.

Sorry, are you agreeing with this?

No, no, he just he did say it.

He interviews well.

Don't be fooled by the jargon.

He can identify, strategise and solve problems.

Can't you see what he's doing?

Trying to achieve the optimal...

No, he's using bullshit to make himself sound more important.

Honestly, I don't even know what he does.

Assistant Project Facilitator.

What is that?!

Uh, I think he helps out on the things we're doing.

How? He's never in the office.

Do we know anything that he's actually done?

Met and exceeded expectations.

Anything meaningful?

Well, he's very articulate.

Here, when he's talking about your weaknesses, he's able to describe exactly...

I don't agree with him, but...

So what am I supposed to write?

You just have to tick a box.

'Exceptional', 'Exceeds requirements', 'Meets requirements'.

'Needs improvement'.

Keep going.

That's as long as it goes.

Well, let's add one -

'Needs to actually do something'.

I don't think you can.

Seriously. Just tick the last one.

'Needs improvement'?

Yes, put a big tick there.

And then get him out of my life.

Ah, morning, Tony.

Morning, Amy.


Listen, I need coffee and real tea back in that kitchen, and I need some decent biscuits.

And I don't want them made with spelt.

Are you feeling stressed?

Yes, Amy.

Good news. Your body's detoxing.

Soon you'll start feeling even more irritable and start thinking irrationally.

Best not to make any major decisions.


Or operate heavy machinery.


I thought we'd already done the photo.

This is for the cover.


They've sent through a few suggestions. Uh-huh.

You in a suit but no shoes, holding a telescope.

What else? You in a wizard's hat looking at crystal ball.

That doesn't make sense.

It's the future.

No, I get that but wizards don't use crystal balls - gypsies do.

Shall I say you'd prefer to dress as a gypsy? No.

No, I'll dress as myself.

With shoes?

Yes. When is it?

Oh, Monday. Not sure of location.

OK. Can you make sure that it's no more than five minutes away?

Sure. And Jim dropped by.


He wanted to ask how you're going with, 'Whoooo!'

Said you'd know what that means.

You sure it wasn't... 'Whoooo!'

Might've been.

But it was definitely that noise.

I'll give him a call.

Oh, and Katie? Yeah?

Could I have a long black?

Like a chai?

No, no, like a long strong black coffee.

But Amy says...

I don't care what Amy says.

You'll have to pay a fine.

Make it a double.

I'll go downstairs.


Drink. Drink. Hold.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

She's back at her desk.

Ok, what are you doing?

Oh. Just re-caffeinating.

Right. Jim says you need help.

What? With the guiding, the facilitating, the encour...

Oh, the development. Yes, now that we're going to 50 storeys.

50? When did it go to 50?

Let's assume it will.

How do we shape the message?

You mean, how do we explain to people we're hoping to ride roughshod over clearly defined height limits?

A lot of those height restrictions are really just guidelines.

No, they're rules.

Rules. Guidelines.

What's the difference?

An act of parliament.

I would frame it like this.

It's a fight.

On one side, people who are trying to get stuff done.

Visionaries, builders, doers.

On the other side, people who carp and complain and criticise.

It's classic David and Goliath.

Who's David?


And who's Goliath?


I don't know what you're talking about.

We need to change the conversation, accentuate the positives.

What positives?

We are building low-cost housing...

They start at half a million dollars.


We are building housing for Aussie families.

They go to people out of Singapore and Hong Kong and Mumbai...

But they will be built by Aussies, cleaned by Aussies...

The real estate agents would be Aussies.

Thank you. Positive.

Rhonda, if we help push through this tower on that site, if we put the name NBA behind it...

..you know who'll we'll end up looking like?




The bad guys.


And who are the good guys?


And if we don't come up with a strategy, this whole development could fall through.

Then who benefits?

Them. The bad guys.

This is from Damien.

I thought he was off sick.

He is.

A courier just dropped it off.


Let's hope it's his resignation.

He's asking for a formal review.

Oh, a review of his review.

'Significant errors of fact.

Clear evidence of bias.'

You're kidding me?

It is an entirely inappropriate building for that site.

You see buildings like that everywhere. How do they get up?

I'll tell you what they do - and this infuriates me.

They design them in some sort of meaningless shape or curve and they call them 'iconic' or a 'landmark building'.

But that's just a big excuse to put up a big, great...

Rhonda, what are you doing?

Exactly what you're suggesting.

I didn't suggest anything.

We need to make this a landmark.


An iconic structure.

No, no.

Rhonda? Rhonda?

This is wonderful.

It's not wonderful, Rhonda.

Just listen to me. You've just changed the conversation.

Love it. Good work, everyone.


Rhonda? You...

Do you know what just happened?

You took on Goliath?

So, you'll have to forgive me if this all seems a little bit rushed, We worked all weekend to come up with something really... iconic.

We took on board everything that you suggested.

I didn't suggest anything.


Methinks you're being a little modest.

Anyway, when you think about it, what is at the core of East Bank development?


The river.

And what do you find along the banks of the river? Karsten...

Trees... with leaves.

I'm a bit pushed for time.

I... Can we get to the design?

Yes, I thought you might want a bit of context.

Back story.

Let's grab that at the end.

Very well.

Karsten, here's your echinacea and nettles.

Thank you, Amy, this is just the pick-me-up I need.

And how's your chai going?

Mmm. That is lovely.

That is really lovely.

Karsten, please?

And... ta-da!


So it's a bend of the river?

Ah... almost but not quite.

No, it is not a bend, it is a leaf - a grey gum leaf curved by the river breezes.

So the river's still involved.

Sorry, let me get this straight.

It's the same sort of building - apartments - but it's got a bend in it?

Right. Well, I guess just through here is fine. Have a seat.

Sorry, I didn't realise there'd be union representation.

I'm here purely in a supportive role to assist Damien through this difficult process.

I think this is a great opportunity to clear the air in a less confrontational, more relaxed setting.

Sure. But I didn't think I was confrontational.

It's just less formal.

Meeting at NBA offices on 13 September. Present...

Sorry. Um, I thought we were gonna keep this relaxed and informal.

It's important that all comments go on record.

But nobody's taking sides.

Allegation one - the verbal attack on employee...

Sorry. Uh, what attack?

During his review.

I didn't attack.

Just to clear the air.

Let's not forget that Damien is young.

He's 25.

You attempted to take advantage of his inexperience.

Allegation two - you failed to take into account all that he has contributed within the workplace setting.

He's only been here five weeks.

In which time he has overseen the drafting of a long-term strat...

No, he did four bad paragraphs that we had to completely re-write.

Another attack.


Then. Are you not seeing the pattern here?

Jim... Jim...

..it's just gonna be an apartment block in the shape of a leaf.

I don't think that's brilliant.

You're just gonna end up with the same wind tunnels and empty concrete forecourts as before.

There's not gonna be a passeggiata!

Sorry, just give me a glimpse of that phone.

Sorry, yeah.

Jim, I do not wanna take credit for this.

Please don't credit me.

I'll call you back.

And, uh, maybe not so angry.

Oh, sorry.

Look, I'm sure there's a way forward from here.

We could keep going through this process.

Or, if you were prepared to take another look at Damien's review...

You'd like me to complete a new review?

Only if you...

Saying what exactly?

Wouldn't wanna be prescriptive.

Of course.

But I do have a selection of phrases that you might find useful.

Only to make it easier on you.

And you're saying they're likely to approve this version?

No, I'm saying with this you've got a far better chance.

Oh. Why - 'cause it's all bent?

No, no, we went through this.

It's in order for it to be iconic.

Oh, yeah, iconic. I keep forgetting.

Yeah, yeah.

It's still 55 floors, though.

It's 55 now, is it? Yeah.

Yeah. But the building now will have the curves and the bends.

But how come?

In order to be iconic. Iconic...

A landmark building.

I keep forgetting.

I know you do.

I'll put that in my notes.

Probably a good idea.

The building will be in the shape of a leaf? Huh?

It's a grey gum leaf.

It's a local leaf to the area.


And it's in order to contribute to the architectural legacy of the city.

Well, you know me, I'll all about giving back.


Still 55 floors?

Yeah, 55, yeah.

What if I went to 60? I mean, would that be me giving more back?

I think you've contributed enough.

Yeah. Thanks, Scott.


Oh, Damien's still not in.

Running late? Time in lieu?

Paternity leave?

You didn't hear the good news?

He got hit by a bus?

He got another job.

You're kidding? Where?

The Department of Infrastructure.

The Department...

But that's like a promotion.

Yeah, definitely.


I think they were really impressed by your performance review.


Remember? Exemplary worker...

He's a lazy, incompetent... scheming...



Did you wanna sign his card?

Oh, here he comes!

(All cheer)

It's so good, Tony.

Yeah, came up alright.

Why are you punching yourself in the chin?

No, no, it's a statue.

Rodin - The Thinker.

Why would a thinker punch himself in the chin?

No... No, it's not about...

Was he a boxer?

No, he was a thinker.

I was being a thinker.

I thought you were David.

Weren't you supposed to be on the cover?

I don't know that that was locked in.


Yeah, I don't think it's in order.

No, it's in order. You're just after the Boost Juice lady.

Oh, don't shut the door, please.

No, no, no, you need to hear this.

The moment they heard it was iconic, The planning minister was practically down there himself with a shovel.

How's our friend Mr West?


This is a real David-and-Goliath victory.

To be building a 60-storey landmark.

It's actually 55.

We went for a bigger leaf.

He'll need more storeys.

You should be proud.


Helping a fellow nation-builder.

Oh, spare me.

You've got him all wrong.

All he cares about is giving back to the city.

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