01x03 - ...Or Just Look Like One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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01x03 - ...Or Just Look Like One

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

How are you tonight, Mrs. Johnson?

I think I got the AIDS again.


Oh, that and I had a heart attack.

And the Ebola?

Your pills cleared that all up.

Okay, come on, let's take a look at you.

Okay See what their problem is.


Hey, this is a hospital!

Dr. Lakh!

Crime scene information?

She was dumped on the street outside the hospital.

Name on the school ID is Theresa Burgess.

She's from Queens.

This little backpack is hers.

Pretty girl.

Yeah, until someone did this to her.

Hi. I'm Dr. Lakh.

I was on when she came in.

What happened to her?

A vicious attack.

Double puncture wounds.

Neat little set of two, maybe a claw hammer.

Is she going to pull through?

I stitched over 30 separate wounds before I stopped counting... face, breasts, genitals.

The puncture wounds will heal.


An apparent amphetamine overdose worries me more.

CNS damage is severe.

The respirator's doing her breathing for her.

There's something else... she was r*ped with a wooden object.

What's that?


Law & Order: SVU
1x03 ...Or Just Look Like One

Original air date: 1999/10/04

Her name is Theresa Burgess.

She's 16 years old, a model.

This is her portfolio.

You guys want to fill us in?

Yeah, she was dumped outside of Roosevelt Emergency Room at about 3:33 a.m.

The EMT saw a late-model sports utility vehicle, dark red or black.

The vic was repeatedly stabbed with what we think is a claw hammer, and r*ped with a wooden object.

She is at present in a coma.

Prescription amphetamines were found in her knapsack, which is consistent with the overdose symptoms she suffered.

Bloodwork and a r*pe kit are at the lab.

It's someone who knows her.

Sure it is.

Now if you could give us his name and address, we can go home early.

Face, breast, genitals?

That says, "Bitch, I'm going to erase you."

Then the attacker decides to drop her off at the ER.

It's the classic signs of "remorse and familiarity."

Could be one-way familiarity... some loser fantasizes a relationship with her.

Like Mark David Chapman thought he had a relationship with John Lennon.

That chick's picture is everywhere.

Tell me about it.

I spent my lunch hour the other day gazing across the street at her.

Three stories high on a billboard for conditioning rinse.

Felt like I had a relationship with her.

According to her daybook, last appointment was a photo sh**t at Seventh Ave. And 27th Street.

Uniforms got the names of 12 others that were at that sh**t.

Where's the family on this?

The mother lives upstate.

Hasn't returned our messages.

Father said he was at home in Queens at the time.

While his 16-year-old daughter was out roaming the streets at 3:00 in the morning?

Tell me about it. He's now at the hospital with his daughter.

Be sympathetic, but not too.

You guys, take statements from the models.

Anybody in court?

Yeah, me. Comic book guy.

Ah, "Jeffries vs. 'r*pe Man."'

That's equal to "Codzilla vs. Megalon."

Well, my money's on Jeffries.


Mine, too. I'll double that bet.

Roosevelt Hospital Intensive Care Unit Tuesday, September 28

Mr. Burgess?

Detective Benson.

This is Detective Stabler.

Who do you think did this?

At this point, an unknown assailant.

Ha... This city. It's a cesspool.

Unfortunately these things can happen everywhere.

Especially late at night with a minor.

Jazmin was always old for her age.


I thought her name was "Theresa."

We changed it.

It's a trademark.

Trademark? Kind of like "Jewel" or "Cher"?

Sounds kind of silly now, doesn't it?

But we had big plans together.

When was the last time you saw her?

I dropped her off at the sh**t around 6:00.

And then what?

They really don't like parents hanging around.

I should have called.

I was worried sick.

But I didn't want to seem like a troublemaker.

You wonder where your daughter is at 3:00 in the morning, you're worried about being a troublemaker?

Don't you think I know now how foolish that sounds?

My beautiful daughter.

I mean, she wanted to become something, and I would do anything for her.

Her agent said I shouldn't worry and I trusted her.

Who is this agent?

Nina Laszlo.

The Laszlo Agency 7 West 36th Street Tuesday, September 28

How's Jazmin doing?

Not well.

If this could happen to her, this could happen to anyone.

Everyone loved her.

The past tense is a bit premature, Miss Laszlo.

I'm sorry.

All of my girls are afraid to go out.

Bad for business.

Her father said you were her chaperone Monday night.

Her "chaperone"?

I handle over 150 models.

All of them minors?

I don't fire them on their 18th birthdays.

Was Jazmin the lead?


But there were eight other girls on the sh**t.

I went to set, everything looked "copacetic," so I left.

And what time was that?

About 10:00.

The doctor said that Jazmin was using amphetamines.


Yeah, oh.

Do you know anything about that?


Well, who was in charge after you left?

In charge? In what sense?

In the sense that you had underage models working after midnight.

So, who was in charge?

I suppose the photographer, Carlo Parisi.

Are we boring you, Miss Laszlo?

A little. Yes.

This is a huge, huge business, Detective.

My job is to represent these girls, who will do whatever it takes to get where they want to be.

That includes the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital?


Uh, Miss Laszlo?


What kind of car do you drive?

An Acura. White.


Just asking.

Try to look alive.

Carlo Parisi?

Not now!

Carlo Parisi!

Just stay there.

Who are you?

This is Detective Benson, I'm Detective Stabler.

You photographed Jazmin Monday night?


Yeah. We need to account for her comings and goings.

Cood luck. Ha.

Let's start again, Carlo.

You need to account for her.

All right.

Her father dropped her off for hair and make-up at around 6:00.

I think. I was setting up lights.

We got going around midnight and wrapped around 3:00 or 4:00.

What time did Jazmin leave?

I don't remember.

And I finished with her early, but when I'm sh**ting I go all, you know, "right brain"... the time just slips away.

Did she have a friend or somebody that may have kept tabs on her whereabouts?

On the set there's so much energy, you're wired.

It's all a blur after a while.

Adrenaline or methadrine?

Oh now, come on, I run a clean set.

I've been off everything stronger than cappuccino for 17 months, four days.

How about the girls?

This is Ciuliani New York. I thought you guys won the drug w*r, eh?

Carlo, what kind of car do you drive?

Porsche Boxster.

Now, if you'll excuse me?

We'll excuse you.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Pardon me.

You look familiar to me.

I did some modeling when I was younger.

The Ricky Blaine case. You testified against Ricky Blaine, didn't you?

You have a pretty good memory.

A lot of girls testified against "The Measuring Man."

Who's that?


This guy who would pose as a modeling scout and tell little girls he needed their measurements.

He'd get their confidence force himself on them and.../ Sexual assaults?

He did it for years.

Nobody ever turned him in?

He would thr*aten the victims.

If they told they'd never work.

Where are the parents, the managers?

He's not that different from the creeps you deal with every day.

Finally they made a case against him.

He's doing time at Creedmore.

Not anymore.

He just got out a couple of weeks ago.

They sent me this little postcard.

"20c for victims' rights."

Tiburon Auto Repair 546 West 26th Street Tuesday, September 28

Ricky Blaine.

We'll take this hammer.

Belongs to the shop.

They'll have to take it out of your pay.

Hey, this isn't fair, I'm clean, I'm employed.

And you have a nasty habit of roughing up pretty women.

That was years ago.

Old habits die hard, Ricky.

You measure them, you get to know them, beat the crap out of them.

Call my P.O.

I haven't touched a piece of tape in years.

You know something, Measuring Man?

We did just that and he said you were half an hour late for your Monday night check-in.

He also said next time you are tardy, you're going to spend a little time in the "catacombs."

Monday night, right?


This is about that creamy-complected little sweetie who got att*cked.

Yeah, I saw it in "Women's Wear Daily."

Did you know her?


Her K-Mart underwear ads were primo "monkey-spank" fuel.


Where were you Monday night?

We were watching football at the halfway house.

Really? Who was playing?

Jets and Steelers.

Try again.

Cowboys, 49ers.

We must have been talking during the game.

You know, you have great bone structure?


What are you, "A" cup?

I still know people in the business.

If you'd like I could make a couple of calls for...

Okay, Ricky, let's empty your pockets.

And if we find a measuring tape in there, We're going to take you in on a parole violation.

I was only trying to help.

I think you were trying to measure me, huh?

Do yourself a favor.

Stay home and watch football.

In addition to spending the day among beautiful women, we came up with marginally useful information.

All right. Give it up.

Your vic, Jazmin, was booted from a photo sh**t around midnight for failing, get this, a weigh-in.

A weigh-in?

Yeah, like at a prizefight.

This photographer, Carlo, weighs the models in front of each other.

If they don't make the grade, they don't work.

Jazmin was 5'7", weighed 110 pounds, so he kicked her out.

110 pounds is too heavy?

He told her to come back when she had lost eight pounds.

She hung around for a while, making weepy phone calls, then went to the photographer's private office.


Apparently arguing for her job.

When they came out, she was crying and insulting his parentage so he told her to pack it in.

Any dr*gs at this sh**t?

None of the girls remember seeing any.

Which means they're all using.

Any girls close to Jazmin?

They said that she left with a girlfriend named Vanessa Wong, another model. Still looking for her.

Girlfriend, how?

They're not "k.d. Lang fans," if that's what you mean.

You guys got an address on her?

Right here.

Apartment of Vanessa Wong 112 Mott Street Tuesday, September 28

You want to know what dr*gs she's taking and whether she's sexually active?

This girl's going to know because girlfriends have no secrets.

Sounds like a song.

Hey, Lennie Briscoe, what the hell are you doing here?

We heard there was good Dim Sum down here.

Say hi to my partner, Eddie Creen.

My partner, Olivia Benson.

How are you doing?

What are you two doing here?

r*pe and as*ault.

A model named Jazmin Burgess.

We're here to interview the best friend.

Vanessa Wong?

You missed her.

She was pulled out of a dumpster this morning. We notified the mother.

Claw hammer? Early a.m.?

Yeah. Have you been reading my notes?

No, but you've been reading ours.

You catch a big break on the case?

Oh, yeah. Your vic.

She was going to be our star witness.

All right, guys, here we go.

Hey, what's that, a snort?

All right, what's up for school today, guys?

We have a test today.

Is that all you're going to eat?

Plain yogurt?


You know something?

It's a school day.

You need more than that.

No, Dad, I really don't...Dad...

That's all saturated fat.

I'm not going to eat it.

Humor the old man, and just push it around with your fork, okay?


Guys, you don't have to talk about me. I'm right here.

How long has that been going on?

The little anorexic- in-training routine?



Weeks? That's great.

It'd be great if you could come home.

I do the best I can.

I know the caseload, but I can't do it alone.

She listens to you.

All right.

I'll come home, I promise.



Your breakfast is getting cold.

Thanks for telling me.

Maureen, what do you say we talk about food?

You know, nutrition?


Hey, Uncle Lennie.

Ken, good to see you.

Say hi to Eddie Creen.


Listen, cool it with the "Uncle Lennie" stuff around the stationhouse.

What do you want me to call you?

Why don't you guys save this for "Family Court"?

Just call me "Briscoe."

What are you going to call me?


Hey, Lennie.

It's like a nightmare.

Lennie Briscoe, Eddie Creen from the 27.

I found them lounging around the stationhouse.

Thought I might put them to work.

We already did your work for you.

We found your witness.

The only trouble is, she was already dead.

Same time, same w*apon as our r*pe vic.

They were best of friends.

What have you got on her?

PCR typing won't be in until next week.

r*pe kit came back positive for oral contact and huge amounts of Benzedrine were found in her system.

Bennie abusers are always paranoid, and they got a lot of time on their hands because they never sleep.

I caught a speed freak once... DOA.

He had so many half-cocked booby-traps around his apartment, he tripped on one, blew himself through the bathroom door.

We had to make three piles...

b*mb Squad pile, Coroner's pile, and a "whatever" pile.

That's great.


So, Jazmin stays on set until sometime between 12:00 and 1:00, when she leaves with Vanessa Wong.

Next thing we know, it's 3:33 a.m.

And she is dumped out of a car and found in front of the emergency room.

And the best friend is found where?

Two blocks from the hospital.

Dump job.

Did "Measuring Man" know them?

We checked. He really was watching football.

He just enjoys the halftime show a little better.

What about the star stalker angle?

I don't buy it. The second girl's not as famous.

I still say it's an acquaintance.

Are we closer to putting a name on that acquaintance?

We've got call records from the vic's cell phone, trying to figure out where she was for two missing hours.

At 12:20, She called her mother up in Schenectady.

We'll be talking to her.

She got into town.

Four times between 12:34 and 1:02 she called an apartment on the Upper East Side.

It's owned by a Hampton Trill.

Hampton Trill?

He would be in the middle of all this.

Oh, you know him?

From his novels.

Brat-packy little poseur was published when he was 19, thinks he's the "Emile Zola" of premillennial Manhattan.

What do you say you go talk to him, okay, John?

You guys talk to the mom.

Lennie, let's talk.

Roosevelt Hospital Intensive Care Unit Wednesday, September 29

Mrs. Burgess?

I'm Sue Burgess, Theresa's mother.

Hi. Detective Benson.

This is Detective Stabler.

How's your daughter doing?

All we can really do is pray at this point.

She called you the night this happened.


What did you two talk about?

Theresa was crying.

This photographer, Parisi, said some mean things to her.

She said she wanted to get out of the business.

I told her she could come home any time she wanted.

When did you and Mr. Burgess separate?

Right before Thanksgiving of 1997.

It all started when Theresa was 13 and she won $700 in the "Miss Schenectady" contest.

That's when Tom decided that Theresa was his ticket up.

Mr. Burgess said that her name was changed to "Jazmin."

Theresa is her Christian name.

That "Jazmin" business was all Tom's idea.

Everything that happened to her was his fault.

What so you mean by that?

He got custody of her.

When he's taking her to all these contests, and not working at any actual job, I have to work days at a glassware plant and nights at a Wal-Mart just to make ends meet.

So the courts say that I'm unfit because I'm not home enough.

I'm sorry.

That broke up our home.

Supreme Court Trial Part 67

Wednesday, September 29

Detective Jeffries, you testified that you found sufficient evidence to charge the father with r*pe under the Parental Responsibility Code, even though the as*ault was committed by his 13-year-old son?

That is correct.

While the father, who had never met the victim, was at work?


So how does that work?

That a man who never meets the victim, isn't there when the act is committed, and yet, is somehow responsible?

We found evidence that the son was being raised in an atmosphere that condoned r*pe.

Oh, so you did.

You searched his house.

Did you find "Playboy"?


"Hustler" Magazine?

X-rated videotapes?

No, we did not.

So what you really found were some comic books?


You found comic books...?

No further questions.

Redirect, Your Honor.

Do you recognize this "comic book"?

Yes. It's called "r*pe Man."

It was seized from the defendant's home.

"r*pe Man"?

And what kind of stories are you likely to read in this "r*pe Man"?

It's about the adventures of a high school boy who by night becomes a masked superhero.

He settles scores with women... by raping them.

But it's in Japanese.

It's pretty clear from the imagery what's going on.

The stories all end with pictures of women being beaten and r*ped by the..."hero."

It was from these stories that you thought it was proper to charge the father with accessory to r*pe?

These "comic books"?

Yes, ma'am.
Apartment Of Hampton Trill 450 Hudson Place Wednesday, September 29

Excuse the mess.

I didn't expect company today.

It's about what I'd expect.

Did you know Jazmin Burgess?

Yeah, sure.

We had lunch a few times.

She called here four times on the night she was att*cked.

Did you talk to her?

I didn't even answer the telephone.

There were like, 200 people at this party.

What kind of party?

Well, you know.

One of those things where the literati and the glitterati size each other up over cosmopolitans and sashimi.

It was for my new novel.

Oh, "Bennington Requiem."

I read the review in "The Times."

Did Jazmin show up at the party?

Yeah, yeah. Pretty late.

She was kind of a mess.

I was more of a mess.

She didn't stay very long.

Look, I never read reviews, but you should know Kakatuni's had it in for me ever since she decided that one of my characters was based on her.

The book reviewer in "Manhattan Siesta"?

There's no resemblance.

It's "Manhattan Sonata."

"Siesta" as in "snoozefest."

The real question is how so many reviewers fail to notice your blatant theft of Joan Didion.

Joan Didion is a close friend.

The poor woman.

So... maybe Jazmin comes to your party to score some crank.

Is that a possibility?

It's very possible.

I met her in the elevator last spring.

She had some appointment.

The first two floors are all doctors and shrinks.

Did you invite any of these doctors to the party?

They just show up.

If you have the girls, you don't have to invite anybody else.

Sex appeal is the best draw.

Give me a call if you think of anything else, okay?

"No resemblance" because I failed to capture her, or "no resemblance" because it was a different character?



Yeah. Do it with the finger.

There you go you naughty, naughty girl.

Naughty, naughty girls.

That's lovely.

All right...


We need to talk to Carlo about Vanessa Wong.

Why, what happened to Vanessa?

Someone k*lled her.

Oh my Cod.

All right. Hands up if you want a margarita.


What are you doing?

Aw, crap!

Don't sweat.

What can I do for you?

Vanessa Wong was k*lled, Carlo.

Oh, bollocks! Not her as well?

Yeah, and I know you were "right-brained" at the time, but we found out Jazmin left because she failed your weigh-in.

Do you know why Wong went with her?

Jazmin was mad at me.

Wong was her friend. They left.

I didn't pay much attention.

The girls were going to score.

Hey, shut it!

Oh, come on.

Why else would they go to Hampton Trill's party?

That's a little detail you failed to mention to us, Carlo.

I didn't want to hurt Jazmin's family.

I mean, you'll keep them from knowing that, surely?

We'll be very discreet.

Here's our vic, entering the building at 1:22 a.m., on her way to "Mr. Trendoid's" party.

She get the pills from him?

Maybe... probably.

The first two floors are all doctors, so one of them might be hers.

We got a list.

That's how she met Trill.

They had prescription bennies.

Let's find out who's writing these prescriptions.

Thanks, guys.

Professional Licensing Services 365 East 68th Street Wednesday, September 29

Fen-Phen, Fen-Phen, Dex, Prozac, Meridia, Fen-Phen.

Dr. Deke O'Connor...

DBA/Manhattan Nutrition Center.

I'd say this is your guy.

He's written thousands of prescriptions for just about every diet drug.

Any prescriptions to a Vanessa Wong or a Theresa Burgess?

Can you give me a minute?


It's Stabler. Run a name check for me... A Dr. O'Connor.

First name is Deke, D-E-K-E.


450 Hudson Place. I'll hold.

Yes, on both scores.

Cot a V. Wong and a T. Burgess.

They wouldn't happen to be narcoleptics?


No, they're not.

Dr. O'Connor has been giving out speed like it's candy on Halloween.

That the only charge?

Thanks a lot.

This same doctor was charged, not convicted, in '91 on an as*ault rap... beat the guy so badly he sent him to the hospital... and he's got a DUI from '94.

NYU Downtown Hospital 172 Williams Street Wednesday, September 29

Dr. O'Connor is right over there.

Thank you.

Dr. O'Connor?

We'd like to ask you a few questions.

I'm Dr. Sullivan.

This is Dr. O'Connor.

He was thrown from his motorcycle in 1997. He's one of our patients.

Guess we can rule him out for the as*ault charge.

Doc, you got a second?

Oh sure, Elliot. I don't know what more I can add.

You're on the right track as far as the psychological profile is concerned.

Did you see that business about the amphetamines? The starvation?

These girls are ruining their lives with this stuff.

Yeah. Money, power, respect.

Supermodels are the Creek goddesses of our time, if you want to believe Camille Paglia.

No, I don't. I think it's a bunch of crap.

They're just giving up their childhoods.

I read their files.

Both these girls came from poor backgrounds, broken families; a lot of displacement and a lot of turmoil.

Yeah... let me ask you a question about the line between dieting and anorexia... if a girl's not a model.

You're not looking for a diagnostic definition.

Anorexia is a way that a girl can assert control in what can be a chaotic world.

One school of thought is that these girls focus on the one area that they can control... their bodies.

And the more others try to force them to eat, the more satisfaction they gain by refusing to.

So what do you do?

Do you just ignore them?

No. Never.

If you see any warning signs like self-induced vomiting, chronic headaches, use of laxatives, then you should get help immediately.

You sound like a warning label.

All you can do is wait and watch... carefully.

And you can't always be your daughter's best friend.

Thanks, Doc.

See you.

Oh, you're home.

You're probably on her side.

You look healthy enough to me.

Have you eaten?

No, I was waiting until you got home.

"Manicotti Night" down at Scarentino's.

Bottle of chianti, our name on it.

Let's get out of here.

You can't make me eat ltalian, either.

That's all right. You're not invited.

See you.



Postal Medic 336 West 30Th Street Wednesday, September 29

We are currently at 6000 prescriptions a day.

We're going to take the whole thing public. Hello, IPO.

Whatever happened to the friendly neighborhood pharmacist?

Oh, no, no.

Look, we're computerized now.

Look, faster service, lower prices, fewer errors.

Depends on how you define "error."


You do a lot of business with Dr. Deke O'Connor?

Yeah. Is that a problem?

By "problem," do you mean he gets his meals intravenously and dumps in a diaper? Yes.

That's something that the corner pharmacist may have questioned.

Just tell me what you want.

O'Connor's patient list.


And do we really need the attitude?

Dozens of names, and yet, all the pills were mailed to the exact same address.

This didn't strike you as odd?

Well, yeah, I guess we need to upgrade our software.


What's up, jefe?

Narcotics called twice, said you crash-landed in a controlled-substance investigation that they have been cooking on since July.

This is still a sexual as*ault case.

We're only going after the pills to get the attacker.

You got pills, you got to tell Narcotics.

The narco scouts always want to make crappy little possession busts.

We can't do that. Zero tolerance makes witnesses shut right up.

I'm not saying I disagree.

We know where the bogus prescriptions are going.

It's the same place. We got Munch and Cassidy there right now.

We're asking for a little time.

I might be able to buy you a couple of days.

Narcotics loves strategy meetings...

I'll schedule one with them... and keep postponing it.

Privacy First Mail Services 527 West 26th Street Thursday, September 30

We need to see who's renting Box 732.


Yeah. 732.

That would be Bertrand Small.

620 West 14th.

Which would put him in the middle of the Hudson River.

Who picks up his mail?

Not a clue.

We have 1200 boxes here.

You got a key, it's got a box number on it.

As long as the key matches, the account's paid up, you get your mail.

We're going to station an officer here until "Mr. 732" shows up.

"Mr. 732."

Thanks a lot.

Close the door, please.

What's that?

What is that?

I didn't know that was in the envelope. It was just a job...

Good, keep talking, because the more you lie about the pills, the easier it's going to be to make you on a m*rder charge.

I'm a courier... I get paid a hundred bucks a week.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

Who set this up?

My buddy.

He used to do this run, but then he landed the lead playing "Stonewall Jackson" in this outdoor Civil w*r drama, see?

What do you do with the package once you pick it up?

I repackage the envelope and the return address says, "Morgan Talent Management," and I deliver it to 7th and 36th.

Laszlo's building.


So, we're thinking it's time to bring in Narcotics.

Wasn't it this morning you were saying they were "boy scouts" and they might "intimidate the witnesses"?

That was before we uncovered Laszlo's sideline business.

We're now thinking a little intimidation is in order.


Well, you need to talk to Joey Poole.

Listen up, people!

New York City Police Department.

Keep your hands where we can see them.

What the hell are you doing?

Hey, you can't do this.

In case you haven't noticed, we just did.

Zoe, call Latham & Watkins, now!

I don't think you're going to want to ride with your employees.

How you people transport me is hardly my concern.

A little clarification is in order.

The press is waiting for you out front.

I'm sure they would love to get a photo of Nina Laszlo, "Drug Dealer to the Stars."

What do you say?

If you're ready to talk about Jazmin, we can take you out the back way in our car. It's up to you.

It's fine.


You're at the top of your game.

You got all the best talent in the city.

You make a lot of money.

Still you feel the need to mess around with this drug crap.

It's not for profit, obviously.

So, it's a charity you're running?

Speed keeps the girls in fighting trim.

To them, it's like vitamins.

You know something?

You are so damn cavalier.

You raise a stink, you lose them to another agency.

Is that why Jazmin and Vanessa were att*cked?

'Cause they raised a fuss?


Carlo Parisi had... a private Polaroid collection of himself with models.

Doing what?

Do I have to spell it out for you?

Yes, you do.

Jazmin said he made her...

"Lewinsky" him for his collection, then he refused to use her on the sh**t and she got pretty pissed off.

You see these "masterpieces"?


Jazmin just told me she stole them.

She stole all of them.

She said she was going to use them to make sure that he never worked again.

Well, do you know what she did with them?

The next thing I heard, she was in the emergency room.

You are looking at the fruits of four hours of dumpster diving along 59th Street.

Nine dumpsters in all.

You trying to tell me the two of youse went dumpster diving?

Hell, no. We supervised a couple of uniforms.

I don't do disposable diapers.

And how was your morning?

We're just getting ready to pick up Parisi, and see if we can find his collection of dirty pictures.

Hey, Lennie. Lennie, come on, I haven't eaten in an hour.

You guys go ahead.

These guys owe me lunch.

I don't owe him anything.

I'm just going to supervise his doughnut withdrawal.

Take Cassidy and Munch when you pick up Parisi, and bring me back some bromo.

Parisi Studios 37 10th Avenue Thursday, September 30

Hey, what's go...

I didn't invite you in.

Here's our invitation.

Guys, why don't you start the kiddie porn search?

We're going to ask Mr. Parisi a few questions.

Why don't you ask him who dresses him?

We know about your Polaroids, Carlo.

We also know how badly you wanted them back after they were stolen.

I have thousands of Polaroids.

I'm a photographer!

Yeah, and Larry Flynt's a publisher.

Hey, you can't do that!

Carlo, Carlo...

Come here, come here, come here.

Just stand over here for a second.

Come on.

Let's try this out.

Jazmin steals your dirty picture collection.

This is bad, I understand.

That's going to ruin your career.

It's definitely going to land you in jail, so you find out where she goes... you talk with her, she's not going to give the photos back, things get carried away...

All right, go on.

You got your search warrant.

But if you find something like that, I'd love to see it.

I'll bet you would.

I didn't m*rder anyone.

How about statutory r*pe, then?

You made Jazmin sit for her "oral" exams.

That's ridiculous.

Then the blood sample you give us will clear you.

Blood sample?


There was a semen stain on Jazmin's dress. That wasn't yours?

That was a consensual act.

No, no, no.

You used your power to hire and fire to exact sexual favors and pornographic photos from a minor.

Not consensual.

So, Mr. Parisi... would you mind turning around, please?

Guys, take Carlo down to the unit.

Let's go, handsome.

$41,000 for a party?

That should be a crime.

No, no, down in the corner.

That's Deborah Latrell's signature.

So the assistant does the bookkeeping?

This is their business license.

Both of their names are on it.

Okay, weird.

Not kiddie porn.

So, where does he hide his dirty pictures?

You got three choices: Under the bed, in the back of the closet, or amongst boring and unappealing papers.

I take it that's another "guy thing"?



What is it?

Hey, hey, hey.

Look at that. Deborah Latrell was a knockout.

That's an engagement ring.


That's an engagement party.

Why would you hide something like that?

Because he stood her up.

But she still co-owns the business.

So what so you do if you're Jazmin and you want to hit Carlo where it hurts?

You show the Polaroids to the person who was his ex-fiancee and is now his business partner.

Special Victims Unit Interrogation Room Thursday, September 30

Deborah, we have some problems with what you told us about Monday night.

You said Jazmin Burgess and Vanessa Wong were at the book release party.

What's your problem with that?

Our problem is, how did you know?

I guess they mentioned it.

Or you were there.

You went there looking for them, trying to get Carlo's Polaroid collection back.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sure you do... the girls have a blackmail file on Carlo, but they won't play ball; you call Carlo, he comes, things get out of hand.

Why don't you talk with us while we can still help you?

I've enjoyed about as much of your "help" as I can take.

Let's see if she has the courage of her convictions.

You guys get anything off Parisi?

Lies, half-truths and a cute story about Cindy Crawford in labor.

Did you get anything from Deborah?

Munch, do us a favor.


Get Parisi to sit in this chair and then suggest to him that Deborah rolled on him.

Ah, cute... "The Prisoner's Dilemma."

What's that?

See, we get each to think that the other confessed.

Damn, I love this job.

I'll get Parisi.

Okay, we're pretty much done here.

All I have to do is fingerprint and book you.

What? Why?

Please stand. Thank you.

What happened?

We have another witness.

Here's your buddy.


Couldn't keep your big mouth shut!

Yeah and you couldn't keep your pants zipped!

Deborah, we have his side of the story. We want to hear yours.

You know who he was before I met him?

Carl Parsley.

I'm going to ask you to sit down.

He used to photograph stereos for electronics store ads.

Please sit down.

And I fell for him.

I was big then, too... "Cosmo,"

"Clamour," "Elle"... and I'd say, "You want me, you got to hire Carlo."

So, you really gave him his start?

Yes. Beauty is power... until you lose it.

Then you're garbage.

Nobody gives a damn about you.

You wouldn't understand that, Detective Benson, because you're still a beautiful woman.

You have no idea what kind of doors that opens up for you until they're slammed in your face.

The "Measuring Man"?

Yeah, but what happened afterwards was worse.

See, people stop calling you.

Friends shun you, nobody calls.

But I still had Carlo.

At least I thought I did.

So Jazmin and Vanessa found you at Trill's party?


And they had the photos with them?

She said she had them nearby.

But I don't believe her because I don't believe Carlo would do that kind of thing.

But you're curious enough to have a look.

So you what?

You meet them in your car?

Then they show you the photos.

They're far worse than I feared.

There are a lot of girls.

A lot of girls.

Beautiful women.

Women that I've known for years.

Women that I trusted.

Betraying you with your fiance.

I don't remember what happened after that.

This is your chance to tell us, Deborah.

She fails one weigh-in, and that little bitch takes away the last shred of dignity that I have.

I was livid.

I was cranked up on speed.

I reached down below the seat, just to take hold of it... for security... that's why I carry it.

The hammer makes this awful cracking sound when it hits Jazmin's teeth.

And then there's like this dead silence.

And then the Chinese girl just started screaming and I swung at her to "shut up!"

And then she starts convulsing, like... like this epileptic.

Jazmin was sexually abused.

Yeah, that was later.

That was Carlo's idea.

So you brought Carlo into this?


Because Carlo's very level-headed.

Carlo always knows what to do.

And the hammer...

Carlo's the one that said it should look like r*pe.

It was horrible.

We dropped her off at the hospital, and that dead girl... he did something with her.

I don't know.

I stayed in the car.

Deborah, why did you call him?

After the photos, after the betrayal?

Don't you get it?

Don't you get it?!

He was all I had.

But you can never turn back the clock, can you?

Hey, Munch, any word on Jazmin?

Yeah, the hospital just called.

She didn't make it.
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