01x04 - Hysteria

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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01x04 - Hysteria

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

So now Nicole won't talk to Cynthia, and she doesn't want me to either.

And, did I mention that Wendy got her navel pierced?

Don't even think about it.

But it's so cool.

Your mom said no holes, no holes.

Well, wait till you hear what Stephanie got pierced.

That's enough, Maureen.

Let's let someone else get a word in.

Kathleen, how was school?

My friend Ashley quit.

Quit what?

The soccer team?

No, school.

She's pregnant.



You gotta be Sex Crimes.

Elliot Stabler.

Olivia Benson.

You Homicide?

Sorry, just Vice. D'Angelo, 31.

This way.

The rookie that they saddled me with puked himself.

It's his first DOA.

So I gave the kid a break and sent him for coffee.

Who found the body?

Couple of looky-loos, they veered off from their Frommer's Guide.

They saw Times Square, the Disney Store and a bonus... a dead whore.

How do you know she's a prost*tute?

Did somebody ID the body already?

After 30 years in Vice, I think I know.

You get to the point where you can just smell 'em.

We got a doozy here.

Hey, you want to go check on your partner, we'll understand.

Whatever you say.

Yeah. Thanks.

Do we know what happened here?

Looks like she came back here willingly with a John who then turned psycho. He tries to asphyxiate her and bash her head in.

The bag still has her facial impression on it.

We know which one k*lled her?

No. Only time and a lab work-up will tell.

Also, her skirt was left hiked up, so we'll run a r*pe kit.

They get anything from these footprints?

There was a 60-man crew working here yesterday.

But there was one print with blood tracked in it.

Though only a partial, but we'll see.

Can you get double prints on these?

'Cause we could use a set for our bulletin board.

Hey... a little respect here?

Don't get your boxers in a twist, she's NHI.

What's NHI?

No humans involved.

It means don't work too hard on this one, why sweat them?

The victim was just a useless piece of garbage.

Kinda like a cop who ought to retire.

Law & Order: SVU
1x04 Hysteria

Original air date: 1999/10/11

All right. Let's get started.

What do we got?

A black prost*tute, late teens.

Asphyxiated with a garbage bag, severe blow to the head.

Sounds like a case homicide worked last month.

Street walker named Carmel turned up wearing a bag near 10th Avenue.

Any ID on this latest vic?

No ID on the body; latent has no fingerprints on file.

Well, maybe she was new to the streets.

We're still waiting on the ME report.

Well, while you wait, take her photo around, see if you can find a co-worker who knew her.

Munch, Cassidy, you available?

To do with as you will.

After court.

Right... Dr. Buzzjoy.

That's an open-and-shut case.

Try not to screw it up with your insane rambling.

And stop looking at my ass.

Hey, you guys, wait up, wait up.

We're not Vice.

We're looking for the man that did this.

Seen this girl before?

Not around here.

Who'd she piss off?

A guy we think might be targeting working girls.

Anybody run into rough trade lately?

Other than a slap and a punch?

Nah, business as usual.

They're all perfect gentlemen.

Hey, come on.

This isn't a joke. You guys could be in real danger here.

Now help us out.

I had a man beat me up that bad once.


No, it's all right.

Rose, what happened?

He tied my hands and feet to the bedpost, started raping me.

That night he came back with his buddies.

I don't remember much after that.

Can you give us a description?

I could give you a group photo, if I only took the family album when I left home.

This is Victim's Services.

Call them sometime.

Yeah. Sure.

Look, the guy that we're looking for uses a plastic garbage bag.

He puts it over the girl's head.

I know somebody that happened to.

Puerto Rican named Lorinda.

Can you tell us where we can find her?


I worked Times Square with her, but I don't know where she went after the sweep.

You might check Ninth.

Intersection Of 9th Avenue &

West 38th Street Tyesday, October 5

Her name is Lorinda.

Puerto Rican, 5' 7", long dark hair?

Bad red streak job, frizzed to the roots?

Yeah, she tried to move in with a pack of tramps after Giuliani cleaned up Times Square.

Led to a bit of a turf w*r.

Guess who won, sweetie?

You must be very proud.

So where'd you chase these losers off to?

They were never heard from again.

That Lorinda you were talking about?

She tried to sneak back in here passing for one of us.

Had to bitch-slap that girl till Tuesday.

That's beautiful.

Perfect comment on the day.

You seem a little wired.

It's called no sleep.

Last night Kathleen informs us one of her friends is pregnant.

Kathleen is 12.

One of her older friends.

Some girl that's on the soccer team that she really respects.

And by older, I mean she's 14.

Did you talk to her about it?

She locks herself in her room.

But we're gonna have a talk.

Right now?

No, I'm calling Children Services to pick up Rose.

No way she's legal.

Oh, come on.

We promised we wouldn't bust 'em.

She's a baby.

All bets are off.

Why don't we stop by the 31 on the way back, talk to Vice and see if they have anything on our victims?

Quarter to 12:00, they should be at lunch.


Well, Look who's slumming at Sam's.

We're working a case here, D'Angelo.

We may have found a link to last night's attack.

You ever run across a Carmel working Vice?

What's a Carmel?

Another DOA who was wearing a garbage bag.

Also a prost*tute.

The one who bought it last month?

Yeah, that one.

You knew about that?

The garbage bag case.

It didn't occur to you to bring it up at the crime scene?

No one seemed to want my opinion.

We've got a third possible vic.

A prost*tute named Lorinda.

But she got away.

Do you know her?

I never heard of her.

Let me get a quick bite and I'll form a search party.

You busted a Lorinda...

Gutierrez outside Penn Station my first week on the desk.

And you are officer?


You Vice?

23 years.

Last two months on a desk, though.

Maybe she's new.

Aren't you guys late for a sensitivity training class?

She was so young.

One side of her face was bashed in, and the guy just stood there and he goes, "No humans involved."

Next time I hear that crap, I'm gonna bust some balls.

Yeah. I'd like to bust D'Angelo's!

Wait till we get our hands on the perp.


Petechial hemorrhaging inside the eyelids indicates death was by asphyxiation.

How about the blows to the head?


He hit her so hard a piece of the plastic bag lodged in the wound.

Our guy's pissed.

He r*pe her?


As were the drug tests.

Not many clean hookers out there.

Okay. Thanks.

And here's something you don't see every day... perfect teeth from expensive orthodontia.

Stomach contents include soybeans, vegetables, whole grains... a health-conscious hooker.

How '90s.

Supreme Court Trial Part 52

Tuesday, October 5

Detective, you were on duty the day Ms. Weber came in alleging she'd been molested by Dr. Ott, is that correct?

I remember it very clearly, counselor.

She seemed to be see-sawing between anger and humiliation.

Classic symptoms of molestation victims.

Objection! State of mind!


Did she say why she was so upset?

Yes. She said she went to Doctor Ott to obtain a prescription for Prozac.

But the good doctor, diagnosing her with "hysteria," recommended an alternative treatment to chemical dependency.

And what was that treatment?

Miss Weber was told to disrobe, put her feet up in stirrups and try to picture David Hasselhoff on "Baywatch."


Your Honor, this witness is not qualified to testify on the treatment for hysteria.

Actually, sir, I am.

Up until 1952, hysteria was one of the most commonly diagnosed illnesses among women.

The medical treatment was hysterical paroxysm.

Could the witness spell that?



Would it surprise you to learn that historically, the onus fell upon physicians to bring about the relief of these ladies' symptoms?

Your Honor, please instruct counsel to withhold his questions until cross.

I don't mind, Your Honor.

In fact, I believe the manual version of this "treatment" dates back to Hippocrates, and was attested to right up through the Middle Ages, up into the 1890s when the vibrator was invented to speed things along.



Detective... is this practice currently against the law?

Yes, and so is videotaping it.

How did it go in court today?

The ADA was reticent to admit it, but I think I won the case for her.

Cot a possible match from missing persons.

Matches height and weight on your Jane Doe.

African-American, 19, named Tracy Henderson.

Lives in Bronxville.

Missing how long?

Two days.

Home Of John& Carol Henderson Bronxville, New York Tuesday, October 5

Nice neighborhood.

You think we're on the wrong track?

If we're not, this girl fell pretty far.


I'm Detective Benson, this is Detective Stabler.

We're here from the Special...


Did you find Tracy?

We're not sure, but we need to ask you a few questions.

When was the last time you talked to your daughter?

Sunday. She calls every Sunday.

Are you aware of what your daughter does in Manhattan?

Of course.

She's majoring in Cultural Studies at Columbia. A sophomore.

And she volunteers at a literacy center.

We need for you to look at a photo.

We don't mean to upset you, but it is rather graphic.

No! No!

No! God.

No, How did it happen?

She was found in Times Square.

She'd been att*cked.

Why?! Why?

That's what we're trying to find out.


I'm sorry but your daughter was dressed rather provocatively.

What are you saying?

We have reason to believe Tracy's attacker was targeting prostitutes.


Yes, sir.

So I hear notification went well.

The mother, she actually cold-cocked you?


We're reassessing the prost*tute angle.

Why? Just 'cause she's from a good family?

"Model" family.

She does charity work, for God's sakes.

Can't see how she gets from there to selling it on the street.


Not a trace.

So, the question remains... what was Ms. Goody-two-shoes doing wearing rock-my-world pumps?

Not to mention the micro-mini and the belly shirt.

It was hot that night. That's what I'd wear if I was going clubbing.

Are you saying she'd be asking for it?

I'd never let my daughters go out dressed like that.

Yeah, right, just wait.

What does that mean?

We digress.

Back to the dead whore.

Jerk-wad, have some respect for the victim.

I respect hookers. At least they earn their money up front, unlike ex-wives who get you with that lucrative back-end deal.

So you're saying all women are whores?

Don't be ridiculous. I don't know all the women in the world.


Okay, our possible living vic, Lorinda Gutierrez, has herself quite a rap sheet.

Now, assuming she actually was att*cked and this is not the figment of some fellow h**ker's crack pipe, let's find her.

Who wants this?

Cassidy and I would be happy...

I'm already on it.

Now I understand the Hendersons informed you Tracy had a boyfriend they don't know much about.

We're leaving right now.

Kershaw, Naughton & DeVoy 500 Wall Street Wednedaym October 6

Call his margins then.

Look, if he can't play with the big boys... cut him off.

Dennis Caulfield?

Detective Stabler.

This is Detective Benson.

We're investigating the m*rder of Tracy Henderson.

Phillip, cover my lines.

Sure, Dennis.


Two nights ago.

Oh my God...

That's why.


We had tentative dinner plans but she didn't call.

Did you try to call her?


No, I just assumed she got caught up with her work.

You know, she was so dedicated.

What'd you end up doing that evening?

I ended up watching the Yankee game with my friend Bill.

Bill Griswold...

I won 50 bucks.

This is just a formality, but could we get Mr. Griswold's phone number?

Of course.

Oh, I forgot, he gave me this.

Anyone else she might have been meeting that evening?

Another guy?

Another guy? No.

No, she didn't date anyone else.

You're sure?


Maybe one of her friends from the literacy center?

Out clubbing with the girls?

Clinton Community Center 700 West 48th Street Wednesday, October 6

Have you guys had the talk with Kathleen yet?

We tried, she freaked out again.

I don't have to tell you the damage not dealing with it can do.

I know.

I know.


Tracy's volunteer center...

Carmel was k*lled six blocks from here.

Tracy have trouble with anyone at the center?

No. Everyone loved her.

Just ask all of them.

We're gonna have to speak with each one of them.

Anyone not show up today?

Travis Hall, but he's missed the last few classes.

What's his story?

He's a short-order cook.

And a parolee... out of Rikers.

Whatever they think Travis did, I think he did it.

We appreciate your help, Mrs. Overton, but there's no need for you to see us all the way up.

What do you think he did?

Actually, it'd be best if you stayed here.

That bad, huh?

Oh man, that smell.

Even with the heat!

Must have been dead a week.

Guess he has an alibi.

Okay, let's fill this in.

Carmel was dead prost*tute number one.

Lorinda, a prost*tute att*cked a year earlier, is MIA.

Jury's out on Tracy, the honor student slash prost*tute.

Maybe she was wrong place, wrong time.

Maybe the perp needs glasses.

Carmel received blunt force trauma to the head.

She was asphyxiated with a garbage bag, and left in a sexualized position.

Cut and paste that to Tracy's.

And to Lorinda's. Except asphyxiation was only attempted.

Plus she escaped, so there was no body to position sexually.

Plus she's not dead.

Carmel was black.

Found in an alley.

Black. Construction site.

Lorinda was Latina.

Escaped from an alley.

Whereabouts unknown.

No luck finding the fille de joi, huh?

Anything else?

I got crime scene contamination on Carmel.

Powder from latex gloves determined to be police issue.

On three fingers.

Forensic tech got sloppy?

The tech was Chau.

He's as meticulous as they come.

So how did we get contamination?

Well, I can tell you how we didn't.

Why not Travis Hall?

Because he OD'd a week before she was k*lled.

Okay, well, you take something away, it'd be nice if you had something to add.

I'd say the key is finding Lorinda.

How close did you get?

The trail went cold on Ninth.

Where the girls aren't actually girls, but boys being girls.

They weren't very forthcoming about where they chased the female hookers during that he/she turf w*r.

Oh, that's Cansevoort by the meat market.

What? I remember it from canvassing during a bait-and-switch bashing.

What're you looking at?

My man.

Let's go.

Intersection Of Gansevoort &

Greenwich Street Wednesday, October 6

Hey, maybe that's her.

The elusive Lorinda Gutierrez.


Hey. Come on!

Wait up!

Come on back here! Let's go!

Stop for a second.

Sweetheart. Relax.

It's okay. We're not Vice.

Listen up!

We're not Vice.

We're not here to bust you.

We're looking for the man who att*cked you last year.

We're hoping you can help us with that.

Come on.

Freak is right in front of me.

But you didn't get a look at him.

Nah, 'cause, bam!

He shines his light in my eyes... blinding me. Then, bam!

He hits me with the flashlight.

I'm woozy, then this culo puts a bag over my head and tries to suffocate me.

At this point he's behind you.

Pulling the bag tight.

I'm clawing at his hands, but they're too smooth...

'Cause he's wearing gloves.

I told you already, like doctor's.

He ain't letting up, so I reach back, grab his cojones and jerk, and I tear ass outta there like I'm fixing to do now.

There's no description you can give us?

Why you working this so hard?

He attack somebody who matters?

He's right in front of her.

He blinds her, he hits her...

He gets in back of her and pulls the bag across her face.

She's clawing at his hands, but he's wearing gloves... doctor's. So she twists his cojones and takes off.

Never even got a glimpse of the guy.

She said doctor's gloves, meaning latex?

Yeah. Why?

Carmel had powder from latex gloves on her fingers.

Yeah. But that was determined to be police issue.

Not from the perp.

Yeah, but say the attacker is wearing the gloves, she starts clawing at his hands, maybe the fingers slip inside.


You say the doer was standing right in front of Lorinda?


And you're sure that she shielded her eyes like this and not like this?

I'm positive.

We went through it a dozen times.

No variation.


And who does this look like, folks?

Here's a clue... non-g*n hand, held to the side?

A cop.


Look, no offense, but all cops are pigs, far as I'm concerned.

Who's the biggest?

That fat lrish guy.

What's his name?

Come around all grabby ass.

And you know he don't want to pay.


Girl, O'Brien went down.



In the Midtown South Brothel Scandal.

Don't you read the papers, loca?

Why you always...

Girls, Yo, yo. Use your words.

Use your words.

We're looking for a cop with a nasty temper, may have roughed you up before.

Last time I got busted, the pig nearly dislocated my shoulder cuffing me.

I wasn't even resisting!

Do you remember this officer's name?

He gonna know I said anything?

If it's him, we're gonna get him off the street and you will never hear from him again.

Big ltalian Vice d*ck.

Spit his toothpick right at my face...

Sal D'Angelo.

We polled the streets.

He's our lead candidate.

His job is to arrest these girls.

Of course they're gonna have a beef.

We know this guy.

He's a real jerk.

He was the first officer at the scene of Tracy's m*rder.

He was acquainted with the other victims.

Make some calls.

Already did.

Abuse of his badge, bilking overtime, couple other slaps on the wrist.

So he's not clean, but he's not dirty by street standards either.

What precinct is he out of?

The 31.

Lennie Briscoe used to work the 31.

Let me give him a call, see if he can shed any light on what's not in D'Angelo's file.

Landmark Tavern 626 11th Avenue Wednesday, October 6

When you were at the 31, did you know a cop named Sal D'Angelo?

The '70s are a blur.

Hey, tell me about it.

As close as I ever came to time travel.

The good old days, huh?

I remember back in '75, I'm in Atlantic City sweating my ass off in a room with no air conditioning, I go down to the bar, I order a double vodka on the rocks.

I tip it back, next thing I know, I'm eye-to-eye with a worm in a tequila bottle.

I look around, it's not Atlantic City.

It's Mexico.

Me too. Only I wake up eye-to-eye with my service revolver, crying like a baby.

Yet somehow we managed to stay a step ahead of our squads.

A bunch of wiseguys like D'Angelo.

D'Angelo, what a piece of work.

Last year, PBA Golf Tournament, he's there.

Same little snot.

Loud, obnoxious.

Always picking his teeth.

He threw a club on the 13th.

So he has a temper.


Naw, it's mostly bluster. I mean, he and his partner came in second.

D'Angelo bought a round of drinks.

See, you didn't k*ll as many brain-cells as you thought.

You haven't lost a step either.

You still know how to interrogate the hell out of a guy.

Look, Lennie, the reason I'm asking, we're looking for a Vice cop with a serious cruel streak.

D'Angelo's a bastard.

Come on, so are you. So am I.

We're all bastards.

But his partner, now there's a real wacko.

How so?

That same day... this guy sinks a 45-foot putt.

Now, everybody goes crazy.

They're yelling, "Ripley's Believe it or Not."

No Ridley, that was his name.

Ridley... he was very strange.

Well, what's so strange about a lucky putt?

Not the putt.

The guy's reaction to it.

When that ball fell in the cup, everybody went nuts.

Ridley doesn't even crack a smile.

Like he's got ice water in his veins.

So he's cool under pressure.

We give cops commendations for that.

No. But the very next hole, he slices one into the woods.

He goes nuts... att*cks a ball washer.

Completely destroys it.

Something to drink?

I'll have a Perrier.

You still drinking that French swill?

Let me have a Pellegrino.

You always gotta trump me, Lennie.

Elliot, anything new on D'Angelo?

We're spinning our wheels here.

Briscoe give you anything?


I want you to check out an officer named Ridley.


Ridley, Peter Francis.

This is from IAD.

How'd you get this?

Don't ask, don't tell.

Look at this. Two as*ault complaints by prostitutes.

Both dropped.

Domestic abuse complaint filed by his ex-wife... also dropped.

Wait till you get a load of the psych report in the back.

Red flags?

Looks like China.

I want you to pull everything you can on this guy.

Question anybody he ever worked with.

If you can, go all the way back to the first sandbox he ever farted in.

Which is?

Kew Gardens.

Kew Gardens Queens, New York Thuesday, October 7

The kid was a nightmare.

Things weren't easy for that boy.

How can you stand there and defend him?

Poor thing, with that mother of his.

What about her?

Saltines... that was the sign.

If the crackers were outside the door, he wasn't to come in.

That meant she was in there with a customer.

You know, a John.

He'd sit outside the door all night sometimes.

In the cold, in the rain.

He could hear the goings-on in there.

Saltines for dinner, imagine.

This is gonna take weeks.

I know. Ridley moved around a lot.

We gotta get a better system.

Okay. Let me pull the assaults in his precincts.

You pull his arrest records.


I understand how Ridley could grow to hate his mother.

But to get to this point?

Frustration, resentment, self-pity.

I mean, the guy stayed a low-level officer for 31 years.


Probably looking at forced retirement in a year or two, never having made his mark.

His wife left him a bitter, woman-hating loner.

That'd do it. That's a trigger.

Okay. These are them.

And that's the trigger for me. I'm gone.

I gotta kick soccer balls at Kathleen.

That should get her to talk.

I don't even know if she's gonna show up. She's been in hiding.

She's goalie, huh?


Make sure you stress how aggressively she needs to protect the goal.

You coming?

No, I'm gonna stay here for a little bit, you go ahead.


I'm taking the eggroll.

All right.

You didn't come out again, honey.


So one ball can change the game.

It's like... it's like life.

When I get close to you, just come on out.

Cut off my angle.

Okay? Let's try it again.

Okay, Come on out. Come on out.

Thanks, that was great advice.

Honey, you did great.

You did great.

It's just that the players in this game, they know a lot of tricks.

Never commit until you know where they're coming from.

And even then, you just gotta be careful.

You understand?


Good. Okay. That's good.

All right.

Because they'll be attacking you from every angle.

Just guard it with your life, sweetie.

Oh, boy.


Come on, kick it back.

Dad, I'm a virgin, okay?!






How late did you work last night?

Is it morning?

What were you doing?

Cross-referencing att*cks on prostitutes with precincts where Ridley worked.

How far'd you go back?

29, 30 years.

Okay, what do you got for me?

Take a look and tell me what you think.

See a pattern?

It's like a string of paper dolls.


Officer Ridley, we're gonna need you to come down to the precinct with us.

I know what this is about.

I won the policeman's raffle, right?

So, let's do it.

I'm gonna need your w*apon, sir.

Second w*apon!

So how goes the psychological warfare?

It's working... on us at least.

How long has he been in there?

45 minutes.

He acts as if he's looking at a Van Gogh exhibit.

He's ready.

That's some nice police work.

Only took you 31 years.

Can you believe not one of those morons in Vice ever picked up on it?

The irony is...

I almost had it out of my system.

The need to cleanse?

I even let one get away last year.

Yeah, after she nailed you in the gonads.

That night I had a cold, almost didn't go out.

Glad I did though.

She was a particularly rancid piece of meat.

$20 a pop.

Of course, those were 1979 dollars.

And this little junkie whore, weighed about 80 pounds.

I remember pulling the bag so tight, it lifted her clear off the ground.

I know the drill.

But you gave me too much credit.

What's that supposed to mean?

It's not mine.

It's name is Tracy Henderson.

Don't jerk us around, Ridley.

18 counts gets you the same lethal injection as 19.

You know that.

Yes. I know.

That's why I want my record accurately documented... for posterity.


You took the FBI seminar on pattern K*llers, right?

MO and signatures.


MO is how a perpetrator operates; signature is what distinguishes him from others with similar MO's.

He didn't k*ll Tracy Henderson.

Why? Because he says so?

Because he's a pattern k*ller.

All his vics were found in remote areas.

All of them were placed very carefully into position.

He has them holding hands for God's sake.

What about the bag over her head?

The crushed skull?

I don't know.




A first-timer.

Impulsive, young.

All right.

Young. Impulsive.

My gut tells me the k*ller knew Tracy.

Special Victims Unit Squadroom Friday, October 8

Did you call the Hendersons?

Next on my list.

Cross it off.

The father's here.


I owe you an apology.

My wife was in shock and she feels terrible.

We're very grateful to you for catching Tracy's k*ller.

And we wanted to thank you.

Mr. Henderson, I am sorry, but the man we have in custody is not your daughter's k*ller.

But in the news, in the papers, it was the way Tracy... you said it was the guy.

We intended to call you this morning.

Mr. Henderson, I give you my word, we are gonna find Tracy's k*ller.


All right. All right.

God, do I feel crappy.

It's not your fault.

18 out of 19, you think we'd be happy.

Okay, so now we go for a perfect record.

Did you ever find out why Tracy was in Times Square?

All we know is she had tentative plans with her boyfriend, but she never called him.

Now you confirmed that against her phone logs, right?

We pulled them, but...

We got diverted by the Ridley investigation.

Okay. So, now you're diverted back.

Dennis' alibi checked.

If Tracy was leading a double life, the boyfriend would be the one to know.

Did it seem like maybe he was holding something back?

I didn't get that from him.

He was very forthcoming.

Very helpful.

Maybe too helpful?

He was pretty quick with that card.

His alibi's business card.

Right in his pocket. Just kinda...

He was watching the game with his best friend.

I know my best friend's number by heart.

You know what they call an accomplice in prison, Billy?


25-to-life is a serious downgrading from the old lifestyle.

Okay, Dennis' real girlfriend is a buyer for Prada from Scarsdale.

They're probably gonna get married.

How'd Tracy feel about that?

Dennis just wanted a little strange before he settled down.

He saw Tracy at a club one night. Very hot.

Every guy wants her, Dennis get her.

The problem is, the package doesn't match the wrapping.

She's very inexperienced.

A virgin?

It was even her first glass of wine.

She wakes up the next morning with a big hangover and in love with Dennis.

So poor Dennis didn't get the jungle fever he was looking for.

More like iced mocha.

So what happened that night?

She calls him up, wants to go dancing.

Says she's even gonna wear something wild for once.

But Dennis stood her up and went home alone.

That's why he asked me to lie for him.

He's my friend.

So get a new one.

There's nothing that links the boyfriend to Tracy's crime scene.

There's gotta be something.

I'm not gonna question him until we have something concrete to hold over him.

Our luck, his lawyer's even slicker than he is.

Let's go over it again.

What are we not seeing here?

What is there to see?

We have no hair, no fibers, no prints.

At the crime scene... they had a partial footprint.

Forensics Laboratory One Police Plaza Friday, October 8

It was the vic's blood tracked in the shoe print.

What have you got on the shoe?

Size 11-C, exotic ltalian.

Valleti Brothers.

You mean the Valenti Brothers?

Yes, I do.

How'd you know that?

They run an ad every week in "The Times," highlighting the fact that they're exclusively available at one location.

In that size, we've sold maybe a dozen pair.

They're new this fall.

They're beautiful.

They're $820 a pair.

Are you in the market?

Yes, I am.

For those 12 receipts.

Would you pull them for us?

You wanna know what kills me?

Is, even if we prove that he owned the shoes, he's still had plenty of time to ditch them.

Trust me, that jerk did not throw away $800 shoes.

This is what we got from his place.

This kid's a closet lmelda Marcos.

We've got wingtips, tassels, white bucks.

Everything but the ugly-ass shoes you're looking for.

Damn it.

Did we cover everything in that warrant?

We searched his office, we searched his gym locker.

We searched everything.

Everything but the house he grew up in.

Current voters' registration card.

It's still his legal address.

Home Of Charles & Evelyn Caulfield Westchester, New York Friday, October 8

That was taken spring break in Vermont.

She loved to ski.

She's quite pretty.

Not any more.

You couldn't stomach the photos we got from the crime scene.

Why are you telling us this?

Because she was your son's dirty little secret.

Although she was a lovely, decent girl who came from an affluent family, a lot like yours.

Except she was black.

Would you have had a problem with that?

No, of course not.

But he never mentioned her to you?

This is insane.

You don't know our son.

Do you?

What are you doing here?

You mind if we take a look in your bag?

Yeah, I do mind.

Too bad.

Why did you k*ll her, Dennis?

Did she make problems with your real girlfriend?

Maybe he took her out for one last fling.

Perhaps I'd better call my lawyer.

Perhaps you should.

You took her out for a pizza and a quickie outside in the open?

That's pretty kinky.

She refused you.

Your friend Griswold said she's kind of square.

That's so frustrating.

So, you got so pissed off when she refused you, you got a little too rough, didn't you?

Try and shake some sense into her?

And when she didn't get up, you panicked and dragged her into the alley.

"Ah, what am I going to do now, huh?

Well, whatever, I'll just dump her body and run.

I'll wake up the next morning, go to work, pretend nothing ever happened and maybe it'll actually be that way."




But something did happen, Dennis.

I have no idea what they're talking about, Mother.


Then why didn't you mention her?

Well, I was going to, but you...

Oh my God... he's wearing them.

Nice shoes.
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