02x12 - Secrets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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02x12 - Secrets

Post by bunniefuu »


I'm here to fix the toilet.

Miss Owens?

Mary, Mother of God.

Who turned on the radio?

It was on when she was found.

Okay. And she is?

Marnie Owens, age 37, lived alone.

The doc says she was r*ped.

The door doesn't look like it was forced open.


The lock worked this morning.

That's the super.

He found her.

k*ll the radio.

I came to fix the toilet.

She call you?

Last night.

She said it was keeping her awake.

Then the boiler goes out.

I had to fix the heat first.

Told her I'd be here today.

Bedroom door open or closed?


I heard music playing, like maybe she slept through the alarm or something.

I figured I better knock on it, you know, in case I walked in on her undressed.


Give us a minute.

I'm not going nowhere.

Fluids and bruising around the genitals.

Cause of death?

Manual strangulation.

Bruising around the neck, petechial hemorrhaging.

Dead about 10, 12 hours.

She put up a fight.

You get anything from underneath the fingernails?

Nothing I can see.

We'll know more after the autopsy.

Don't pick it up.


This is Marnie. You know the drill.

Marnie, it's Ruth. It's 10:00.

We're starting to worry.

Please call as soon as you get this. Bye.

Caller ID says New York City schools.


Her wall of fame.

Outstanding teacher, 1998.

School's out.

Law & Order: SVU
2x12. Secrets

Original air date: 2001/02/02

So, Marnie Owens survives a tour of duty in one of the city's worst high schools... but she isn't safe in her own apartment.

No doorman. All the doer had to do was follow her in.

Or be invited.

No forced entry into her apartment.

A boyfriend?

If she had one, there were no pictures.

Plenty of pictures of students, though.

Her dining room, set up like a mini classroom.

She seemed like a very dedicated teacher.

So we can't rule out a student.

What'd CSU turn up?

Traces of semen on the bed and two colors of hair...one matching the victim's.

Guy who found her, building super.

Record's clean, alibi checks.

Also found a half-empty bottle of Prozac.

We had her job, we might all be depressed.

Any therapy appointments in there?

No. Just tutoring sessions.

Last one was with Ethan Chance, last night, 6:00.

You two, go over to Owens' school, all right?

See if one of her hard case students was giving her more trouble than usual.

Poor Munch and Fin get to canvas in the cold.



Marnie was special.

The kind of teacher I'd like to clone.

She took 10th graders reading at a third grade level... and got them through Regents Exam and into college.

Her most challenging students she tutored at home.

No charge.

That's dedication.

Takes creativity to motivate kids like that.

Marnie did things like... having her seniors write plays about their lives.

Marnie helped them articulate their fears and dreams.

What about her personal life?

I'm surprised she had one.

We were friends here, but Marnie never shared much about her life outside.

Did she seem depressed?


She missed a meeting on Friday.

First time in five years.

I asked her if anything was wrong. She said it was nothing she couldn't handle.

In her lesson planner, she had a tutoring session... scheduled with an Ethan Chance?

One of her prodigies.

Kid from a drug corner, has a real shot at college now.

We'll need to talk to him.

This was Marnie's room.

I'll get Ethan for you.

You cops?


My little girl is gonna graduate because of Miss Owens.

We're sorry for your loss.

It's not just my loss.

Look at these kids.

Please find the man that did this to us.

We're doing everything we can.

Excuse me.

Ethan never showed up for school this morning.

We'll need his address.

Of course.

Do you know his parents?

No father. Mother's a teller at a bank on Canal and Lafayette.

I thought he went to school early.

Principal said he never showed up.

Damn that boy.

Miss Owens is not gonna tolerate that.

Miss Owens was m*rder*d.

Oh, dear God. No.

Ethan had a tutoring session with her last night.

We thought he might be able to help us.

I owe her a lot.

She turned Ethan around.

Showed him there were other possibilities besides slinging dope on some corner.

I told Ethan, I don't visit nobody in jail.

What time did he come home last night?

Around 11:00.

On school nights, that's his...No.

He's been in trouble for dr*gs, but he's straightened out.

He's a good boy.

Did Ethan say anything about his tutoring session?

He just said Miss Owens yelled at him.

I asked him why, he runs into his room and slams the door.

I wake up this morning and he's gone.

Any idea where?

When he cut school, he used to hang out on the corner with some losers.

Suffolk and Rivington.

She lived next door for six years.

Came to visit me at the rehab hospital after I fell last year.

You knew her well?

She was such a nice girl.

Not like that other one, down the hall. That kurva.

Yiddish for whore.

Did you notice anybody come in or out of Marnie's apartment last night?

Well, one of her students.

Yeah. He went in around suppertime.

Looked like a hood.

Can you describe him?

He was a Black kid.

Wearing a kind of a brown jacket.

You hear anything?

Some loud voices while I was eating.

What were they saying?

My hearing is as old as I am, Officer.

My son had to buy me special headphones for the TV just to hear my Rosie.

Did you know any of Marnie's boyfriends?

What boyfriends?

The only one I ever saw was...

What was his name?

Byron. A doctor, no less.

But he hasn't come around for a while.

What about family?

Her parents passed away.

All she had left was her brother, Jordan.

But I haven't seen him for years.

It's her.

My God.

Now I told her not to live in a building without a doorman.

We need to ask you a few questions.

Can't it wait?

I understand you're distraught.

Just one question.

Marnie's neighbor mentioned a boyfriend, some doctor.

Boyfriend. Try affair.

He was married.

This affair have a name?

Byron Marks. Surgeon over at Bellevue.

I told her to stay away from a married guy.

We ain't doing nothing.

Hi. You guys seen Ethan around?

Ethan Hawke?

You got the wrong 'hood, man.

Don't play us.

You talking about Little E?

He's too good for us now, right?

Ever since he got his "edumacation."

Is there some kind of school holiday I don't know about?

I got the flu.

Yeah? What about you?

It's contagious.

We're gonna ask you one more time.

We don't like the answer, we're gonna play show-and-tell.

You want us to go through your pockets?

We don't look good talking to y'all.

Yeah, we told y'all.

What's up with this?


Look. Yo, last night he was talking about that teacher of his. He was down about it.

Where was that?


What time?

I don't know. I don't got a watch.

Yeah? What did he say?

He was riled up about it.


They had some type of fight.

What'd he say about the fight?

Ain't say nothing about the fight.

He just said he had to go home before his mother came looking for him.



I was separated.

I wouldn't call it an affair.

Was Marnie the reason you and your wife split?

That was coming long before I knew Marnie.

How long did you two go out?

About a half a year. We met in a mentoring program for inner-city kids.

When's the last time you saw her?

The night we broke up.

Three months ago.

What happened?

I was looking for a relationship.

She wasn't.

My experience is usually the other way around.

I'm a nester. I was more than ready to settle down with Marnie.

But the only commitment she wanted was with her kids.

We have to ask. Where were you last night around 10:00?

I was at dinner with my new girlfriend.

Spent the night at her apartment.

She a nester?

Just like me.

I looked everywhere, called everyone I know, all his friends.

What else can I do?

Well, would you mind if we took a look around Ethan's room?

It's that door right there.

Your kids keep their rooms this clean?

I wish.

Ethan's into sports.

I make sure his schoolwork comes first.


Looks like Miss Owens was teaching her students more than just English.

Facts of life.


Good lord.

What was she doing to my son?

Ethan's mother doesn't know what he was wearing... except that his brown parka's missing.

We thinking he's the teacher's pet?

The teacher doing the petting.

She seduces him, gets what she wants, then dumps him.

Teenage hormones plus jealousy and rage?

I'd call that a potentially deadly combination.

This picture didn't get on the lnternet by accident.

Get Marnie's PC down to computer crimes... find out what and who else might be on that hard drive.

The ex's story track?

Said he was in the sack with his latest squeeze Sunday night.

We're still trying to reach her.

What about the funeral?

Private. School's sponsoring a memorial service tomorrow.

You know, Ethan's probably feeling guilty.


He could be there.

All right. We'll have a detail outside the church, just in case he is.

But for now don't rule out any other possibilities.

Photo unit will be there as well.



Four of us and hundreds of them?

What, you don't like those odds?

Sounds like lottery odds to me.

Least this is almost over.

I got a brown jacket heading west toward the church.

I see him.


I got another one. Brown parka.

Heading east towards the church.

Hood's up. Can't see the face.

Him. Zoom in on him.

It's him. Fin, he's coming right at you.

I got him.


Making me run on my bad knee.

I didn't do anything.

Your mother's looking for you.

You're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

You give up that right... anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one, one will be appointed for you.

Why'd you run?

We found this in your room.

You want to explain it to us?

When did you and Miss Owens start knocking boots?


Come on, a hot teacher like her, she comes onto you, you get something going... then she wants to turn it off.


You couldn't stand it.

But you couldn't stay away, so what do you do?

You show up to her service.

I felt bad.

I felt bad because the last time I saw her...

I called her a whore.

'Cause she dumped you.

Y'all got it all wrong, man!

So tell us what's right.

Come here.

You were the last person seen with her... you got this picture... okay, you're on the run.

They line up the dogs, man.

If you don't give us something right away, they're gonna turn the dogs loose.

Little Camp gave me that picture.

What's his real name?

Marcus Cole.

Fool said he found it messing around on some porn site on the lnternet.

She was advertising for guys to have sex with her.

Marcus said he was gonna spread that picture around school to everybody.

Why would he want to do that?

'Cause Miss Owens was on his case about... not doing his work... cutting class.

Tell us what happened at the tutoring session?

I showed her the picture.

I tried to warn her about what Marcus was gonna do.

And she starts yelling. Yelling at me like it's my fault or something.

She tells me to get out.

Well, that must have made you angry.

Look, I didn't do anything, man.

I did nothing.

I was just trying to help her.

You disappeared.

I went back to apologize the next morning before school... and I get to her building and you all were there.

So I asked some guy in the crowd, what's going on and he says...

He says a woman was m*rder*d... on the third floor.

Miss Owens lived on the third floor.

She never judged me when I was in trouble.

She told me I could be somebody.

I called her a whore.

Ethan. Did Miss Owens ever touch you?

It wasn't like that.

She never laid a hand on me.

Ethan didn't do this.

What about his friend?

Marcus Cole...

17, shoplifting, misdemeanor as*ault and a string of drug busts.

Nothing to send him upstate.

Wait, we know this kid.

Well, it's flu boy.


It's one of the kids from Rivington and Suffolk.

Munch, Fin, pick him up.

Flu better?

What you want with me, man?

Nice. I hear it's getting around.

Yeah. Thanks to you.


So where'd you get it?

She was advertising on the lnternet, you know what I mean? I'm just a consumer.

Yeah. I bet you are.

But you wanted the real deal, huh?

You knew where to find it.

You saying I did it?

You didn't like her.

She wasn't gonna graduate me.

News flash. You gotta show up to class to graduate.

You think I'd k*ll the bitch over that?

You spread this picture around.

Knew where she lived.

I ain't been near her place in months.

We know where you were Sunday night, 10:00.

I was right where you found me.

You could ask my boys.

Prove it. Take a blood test.

Man, I'll take any test you want.

Well, that was too easy.

Tox screen came back.

Marnie didn't have Prozac or anything else in her system.

Where are we on the brother?

Not exactly screaming for justice.

Well, it's time to pay him a visit.

Respectfully, please.

He didn't want to k*ll her.

Just her career.

Well, we gotta be looking in the wrong place.



I mirrored her hard drive.

The history in this thing reads like some bad porno flick.

The Luvstud's website?

That's where she ran the ad.

Welcome to the red light district of the new millennium.

"Hot babe looking for ten hotter guys.

"I can take you all at once."

Riding through life on the sex superhighway.

Hey, she save any of the responses?

If she stored her password, I can tell you.

There they are. Everything from the last month.

Print them.

Yeah, I wish you guys would just leave me alone.

We need your help. Do you know why your sister was on Prozac?

Maybe the shrink I sent her to prescribed it.

Look, I don't mean to sound cold... but I've been preparing myself for this for a long time.

You knew about her secret life?

Some people sh**t heroin.

Marnie's drug of choice was sex.

She ever talk to you about it?

She didn't have to.

My room was right next to hers when we were teenagers.

I heard everything.

Each time, a different guy.

She was self-destructive.

Your parents allowed this?

My mother died of cancer the year after I was born.

Dear old Dad, when he wasn't at work... was too drunk to care about anything else.

He ever abuse Marnie?

He never touched her.

But he just couldn't keep his eyes off her chest.

And he just couldn't keep his mouth shut about how beautiful it was.

What could I do?

I was just a kid.



It's called covert incest.

You're a little girl.

Dad watches you take baths.

Tells you dirty jokes.

Mentions how great the sex was last night with some woman.

Twisted way to teach the birds and bees.

Then you hit puberty.

Daddy dearest admires your shape.

Leaves porn magazines in your room.

Buys you sexy lingerie.

Maybe takes you as his date to a business dinner or a cocktail party.

And when little girl is all grown up... the only way she knows how to relate to men is through sex.

And Prozac helps?

Prozac is for depression.

Sex addicts are consumed by loneliness and despair.

Addicts are self-centered people.

Doesn't sound like teacher of the year.

You don't understand, Detective.

These people don't enjoy sex.

They're numb.

They're gripped by some force they can't control.

It's like somebody who drinks too much, snorts cocaine... bets the house on the ponies.

And those addictions are considered disorders.

But when you have to have sex three times a day... you're considered a pervert.

Sex addicts carry so much shame, they're always looking for redemption.

So Marnie's dedication to her students was her redemption.

What surprises me is that she was able to keep her secret for so long.

Back in Baltimore, I come into the office one day... everybody's staring at me like my fly's open.

I say, "What's up?"

They send me across the street to a gallery.

One of my ex-girlfriends is showing her work.

Centerpiece is a wall-sized print of yours truly... from his free-love days au naturel.

Serves you right for posing nude in the first place.

That's what I get for sharing.

You must have some innermost secret.

I'm a Republican.

"I can go solo or duo, but I prefer dirty dozen?"

162 different e-mail responses to her ad.

That's a hell of a lot of subpoenas.

Psychiatrist give anything up?

Marnie had a sex jones.

Prozac was for the depression associated with the addiction.

We're just learning how she fed her habit.

She visited at least a dozen sex sites on the web... that have clubs where you can get up close and personal.

There are LUDs that show a lot of incoming calls... from various pay phones... but the outgoings go an awful lot to... a number registered to Pleasure Partners.

Which also owns a swingers club called Flings down in SoHo.

You an expert?

I got that from her computer files.




$85 a couple. Cash up front.

We give you a private room to change and do whatever.

Olivia, you first.

Don't be nervous, dear.

We were all beginners once.

We're still beginners.

We're not doing anything illegal here, Officers.

We're all consenting adults.

So why don't you tell us what you know about this consenting adult?

Marnie's not welcome here anymore.

Well, maybe you're too busy to read the paper, but Marnie's dead.

Dead? How?

She was m*rder*d.

And you think someone here did it.

Because we're all sexual deviants, right?

You said that Marnie wasn't welcome here anymore. How come?

She didn't follow the rules.

You have rules?

She had a threesome with two married men.

Started an affair with one of them.

So you don't approve of sex outside the marriage unless it's done in this club?

Despite what you may think, we're happily married.

One of our rules is, you have to preserve he relationship with your primary partner... or you can't participate.

We expelled Marnie and this gentlemen when his wife told us about the affair.

And this gentleman is?

That's confidential. I'm sorry.

I'll tell you what, I'd be glad to have the health department... come on down here and take a look around.

His name is Byron Marks.

Guess the doctor was in.

You said you met Marnie in a mentoring program.

Sounds more like you were mentoring her.

She came onto me.

And you jumped right in.

Till she dumped me.

Yeah. That's pretty rough.

I've been there, pal.

You're lonely, you go to her apartment to get back with her.

She lets you in. You gotta have her.

But she ain't giving it up.

She turns her back on you.

You force her into the bedroom.

Good evening, Detectives.

This interview is over.

That's too bad 'cause we're just getting to the good part... where we ask your client to consent to a blood test.

Can we have a moment?

Dr. Marks would like to clarify what he's told you.

Keep my wife out of this.

We'll keep her out of it, if you stop lying.

We met in a chat room. hooked up at Flings.

And I wasn't lying when I said she came on to me.

And you had an affair.

That's all we wanted.

Till it got out of control.


We were having sex every day.

Sometimes two or three times.

Wherever we could.

Hotels, my office, clubs.

Till we burned out, broke up.

It's like we used each other up and threw each other away.

What happened Sunday night?

My wife was at the gym when Marnie called around 7:00.

She's out of her mind.

Tells me she needs me.

I get there.

Says some student found her picture on the lnternet.

That it could ruin her.

Did you have sex?

She needed it. So did I.

How long were you there?

Till 8:30. She was very much alive.

My client admits he was there that night. But he didn't k*ll her.

You don't understand.

It's like being possessed.

Like some uncontrollable, overwhelming urge... and something grabs hold of me and won't let go... till I satisfy it with sex.

And then I'm okay, till the next wave hits.

Where else did Marnie arrange to meet her men?

When she had a date, she usually took them to the Majestic on 7th Avenue.

She needed a quick fix, she went to the club.

I thought she was banned from Flings.

This other place.

I only went there with her once.

It's like walking into hell... just as sleazy.

Dante's lnferno.

I didn't know Marnie liked it so rough.

Police! All right, everybody up.

All right, let's get our clothes on.

Let me see your hands!

That side of the wall, please. Line up here.

We got enough room here. Right now.

Straight line.

Cover yourself, please.

We got a tame crowd here tonight.

All we got is an ounce of weed.

The TV news is outside.

Here's a pop quiz. My friends are gonna show you a photo.

Her name is Marnie Owens, though I suspect you people... exchange fluids more often than names.

Anybody who recognizes her, raise the hand not holding up your clothes.


Apparently these upstanding people don't understand the question.

All right. So here's what we're gonna do.

Whoever tells us what they know about Marnie, we take you out the back door.

Everybody else, they get their 15 minutes worth of fame in front of the cameras... through the front door.

Let's try it again. Anyone?

There we go.

Well, let's see. Promoting prostitution.

Third offense. No plea bargain.

Sounds like seven years at Fishkill.

Nobody's getting hurt.

Start talking.

What's in it for me?

We'll tell the A.D.A. you cooperated.

She came in a couple of times a week.

When did you last see her?

Friday night.

She didn't come in Saturday.

Two guys actually left.

That gal was great for business.

How so?

She was as wild as they come.

She wouldn't do bi, but she'd do three guys at one time.

Then three more and three more.

We get it.

She liked it rough, too.

You ever participate?

I'm an entrepreneur.

It wouldn't be professional for me to get involved with the clients.

Anyone show up tonight who took a special interest in Marnie?

One guy. Came in with the rest of us.

Ten down, five to go.

You see him?

Second from the end, in the chairs.

He's up next with Olivia and Elliot.

Fancied Miss Owens.

You, go with him.

Follow that detective.

He liked Marnie.

Isn't that special?

What's your name?

Am I charged with anything here?

How about adultery?

It's still on the books.

Your turn.

Phillip Montrose.

You know her?

That schoolteacher who was k*lled.

I read about it in the paper.

Okay. We can do this here or we can do it at Rikers. It's up to you.

I saw her picture on a web site.


She looked hot. I e-mailed her.

She answer you back?

She invited me to meet her.

Majestic Hotel on 7th Avenue.

What happened?

We go at it.

She tells me to meet her the next night at Dante's.

I thought it was a restaurant.

I asked her what they serve and she laughs... and tells me they have the most extensive menu in town.

What'd you order?

She ordered for both of us.

Sex, with me and four other guys.

You go back there with her?

Lots of times.

You know, sounds like you're attracted to her.

The place is like an amusement park.

She was my favorite ride.

A rough ride?

She liked it that way. So do I.

Where were you Sunday night at 10:00?

At my in-laws.

Trying to reconnect with my wife and two kids. We're separated.

Byron Marks alibi checks out. Doorman says he came home at 10:00 p.m.

Didn't leave until the next morning.

Not a k*ller, just a perv.

We're talking about victimless crime.

Unless you're Marnie Owens.

Marnie Owens problem wasn't that she had group sex.

It was that she couldn't stop herself.

We got 14 others here from Dante's.

What's their excuse?

You mean the fireman, the accountant, the director of human resources?

All consenting adults, behind closed doors, nobody gets hurt?

They don't need an excuse.

That's easy for you to say, Mr. Letting- itall-hang-out at-some-art-gallery.

All right. Last time I looked, this was the Special Victims Unit... not the sex police.

These are photos from the memorial service.

Okay, Phillip Montrose was arrested... for criminal trespass two months ago in Connecticut.

Stamford police say that he was booked for stalking.

D.A. Knocked it down.

Well, Montrose told us that he left Dante's last Saturday because Marnie wasn't there.

But he did... go to her memorial service.

I guess he wanted to pay his respects.

Or stalk her to the grave.

So I went to the service.

That's a crime?

You sorry that your favorite ride was closed for good?

I told you, we had a good time.

I'm gonna miss her.

It's touching.

We heard you had a problem in Connecticut.

Criminal trespass.

It was a misunderstanding. I haven't been near that woman in months.

You know, most stalkers only give up after they've found another target.

Marnie wasn't just my favorite ride, okay.

She did every guy that walked into that place.

We checked on your alibi with your wife.

She says she hasn't seen you or her child support in three weeks.

Yeah. Well, she'll say anything to get back at me, now, won't she?

I got work to do.

You know, Ethan said that some guy, outside of Marnie's apartment building... told him she was m*rder*d.

Think it could have been Montrose?

We know these guys sometimes like to come back and admire their handiwork.



You ever seen this guy here?

Yeah, I booted him twice.

Last Friday, I think.

He say why he was here?

Claimed he needed to use the restroom.

I told him to use the head in the restaurant across the street.

And he came back?

Half an hour later, caught him trying the door to the gym.

Threatened to call you guys if he didn't split.

Never saw him again.

Marnie might still be alive if she'd just called us.

She reports the stalking, her secret gets out, career's over.

She was afraid of being judged.

She was right.

Hey. Did you guys find out who k*lled Miss Owens yet?

We're still working on that.

Well, thanks to her, I got a full scholarship.

Temple University.


Check this out, huh?

You ever seen this guy?

Yeah, outside Miss Owens' building.

The morning y'all found her dead.

He's the one that told me she was m*rder*d.

How can I help you, Officers?

We got a warrant to search your apartment.

We also have another warrant... compelling you to a blood test for DNA comparison.

I'll call my lawyer now.

Have him meet us down at the medical examiner's office.

We'll be giving you a ride.

Check this out.

Family photos?

More like a stalker's scrapbook.

Telephoto lens.

You like taking pictures, Phillip?


The scrapbook proves nothing.

It makes our case even stronger.

You'll never get an indictment.

This woman makes Casanova look celibate.

Which the grand jury will never hear.

What they will hear is that your client's DNA was inside the victim.

As was another man's.

They will also hear from the woman he previously stalked.

They will hear from witnesses who can place your client... at both her apartment and her school the morning she was found.

And they will see your client's scrapbook filled with memories of Marnie.

About 7:00 in the morning, I got to Miss Owens' apartment building... and the police were there.

What happened next?

I asked what was going on.

Did anybody answer you?

Yeah. Some guy in the crowd.

What exactly did he say?

He said some woman who lived on the third floor was r*ped and strangled.

A teacher.

And did you later come to know the identity of this man?

Yeah. Phillip Montrose.

Thank you, Ethan.

Ladies and gentlemen of the grand jury...

Phillip Montrose revealed a detail of the crime... that could only have been known at that time by the police and the k*ller.

I hope that you will consider...

Excuse me.

What's going on here?

My client wishes to exercise his right... to make a statement to the grand jury.

Too late.

They haven't voted.

I know what you're trying to do and it won't work.

Well, you got to play to win.

Let's see what a judge decides.


190.50 of the CPL states that notice must be filed in a timely fashion.

Read the statute.

It says the defendant can appear as long as the indictment has not been filed.

They haven't even voted yet.

You told me yesterday your client declined to testify.

Well, he's changed his mind.

He has that right.

Your Honor, his entire strategy is to blame the victim for her own m*rder.

He is going to poison the grand jury by revealing Marnie Owens' sexual history.

It's all relevant.

Mr. Matthews, you are right on the edge of a call from me... to the Disciplinary Committee.

If you deny my client his rights and he is indicted...

I will move for dismissal.

Of course you will.

And I'll have to grant the motion.

And you will have to re-present the entire case.

Your honor, I think...

I don't like it any more than you do.

But you can still get him on cross-examination.

He's a sitting duck because Mr. Matthews here can't object.

I met Marnie Owens through a personal ad she placed on an lnternet web site.

She was looking for a sex partner.

She invited me for an hour-long quickie... at a midtown hotel.

She then invited me to a sex club... called Dante's lnferno.

That night, I was one of five men who had intercourse with her.

We returned to the club together numerous times.

On the night of her m*rder, Marnie came to my apartment.

She was desperate. She said... a student she brought home saw the nude photo of her in the lnternet ad.

She was worried that it would ruin her teaching career.

She asked me to have sex... and I agreed.

She was insatiable.

I did not k*ll her.

Thank you.

You had sex with Miss Owens the night she was m*rder*d.

Why did you lie to the police?

I'm in the middle of a bitter divorce.

It's amm*nit*on for my wife if this comes out.

Didn't you keep a scrapbook of photos you had taken of Miss Owens... without her knowledge?

Marnie saw those photos.

They excited her.

Didn't you tell police she was "your favorite ride"?

Nobody forced Marnie to do anything at Dante's she didn't want to do.

Just answer the question.

Did you say that?


Didn't you also go to her apartment the morning after she was m*rder*d?

I was worried about her.

Where you told a young bystander... she had been strangled and r*ped?

How do you think I found out about it?

Somebody there told me.

I didn't know the details.

You followed her to school, you followed her home.

You were jealous, angry, weren't you?

I wasn't.

Because she was having sex with other men.

You think I was jealous of that slut?

You have to care about someone to be jealous. She was a whore.

Stick to the facts relevant to the case, Mr. Montrose.

Those are the facts.

She'd spread her legs for anybody, anywhere, any time.

As many as she could.

She'd pick up guys off the streets and bring them home.

She liked it rough!

She was asking for this to happen.

God only knows who Marnie picked up on her way home from my place... because she needed another fix.

She needed a fix?

You stalked a woman in Connecticut, then you stalked Marnie Owens.

Now she's dead.

What about your fix, Mr. Montrose?

What happened?

Montrose and his lawyer put Marnie's sex life on trial.

Law isn't always about justice.

Who let you in on our dirty little secret?

All the Marnies who came before.

That bastard's gonna beat this.

Don't second-guess yourself, Alex.

From where I'm sitting, you did everything right.

And I would be the first one to tell you if you didn't.

Thank you.

We have an indictment?


Good work, Alex.


They didn't go for m*rder two.

It's manslaughter one.

Grand jury couldn't get past her sex life.

The son of a bitch is gonna get away with m*rder.

No. They listened.

They think Montrose is guilty, a jury will, too.

Not life.

Fifteen to 25 to sit around and think about what he's done?

I'll take that.
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