03x03 - Stolen

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x03 - Stolen

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, Excuse me, where's the baby formula?

It's around the corner.

I'll show you.

These are on sale.

My brand. Great.


No problem.

Emma? My baby!

Where's my baby?

What's wrong?

Oh, God!

Somebody stole my baby!

Stay right here.

Emma! Emma!

Baby girl, six weeks, name's Emma Daricek.

White undershirt, one piece long-sleeve red jumper, purple socks and sweater, white booties.

Enough brown hair for a pink bow.

How long did the mother leave the kid alone?

She swears it was Iess than seconds.

That's all it takes.

The store have a protocol for missing kids?

Security says it took about three minutes to close off all the exits.

We're searching aisle by aisle now, getting names and addresses of employees and customers before they can leave.

Okay. How many other mothers were in here when it happened?

Seven. Mrs. Daricek eyeballed every one of those babies.

Where is she now?

Back in the manager's office beating herself up.

Husband's on his way.

Stabler: Witnesses?

Nobody saw it happen.

Baby snatchers travel light.

Perp lifts the kid out of one cart, sticks her in another. Two seconds, done.

Officer: Detectives.

What's up?

Motor Vehicle office down the street. They found something in the ladies' room.

What do you got?

She found these baby clothes in the garbage can here.

Snatcher probably disguised the girl as a boy.

Afraid that the baby would get recognized on the street.

What's all this?

Officer: We got an eyedropper and some capsules.

It's Librium.


Perp could be an alcoholic trying to control the shakes.

Dissolve some in water, feed it to the baby so she doesn't cry, calmly walk out of the store.

And then give her a haircut.

I just walked away for one moment and she was gone.

How could this happen?

Did you notice anyone in the aisles watching you?

I don't remember...

Did anyone stop to talk?

Well, did anyone pay unusual attention to Emma?

I don't know! Will you stop asking me questions and just go find her!

Michele, you gotta try to calm down so we can help you...

Calm down? I left her alone!

But torturing yourself isn't going to bring your daughter back.



Hey. Hang on now.

How did it happen?

I took my eyes off her.

I'm so sorry.

It'll be okay...

It's way past Emma's feeding.

I know she's hungry. Please.

You've got to find her!

We're doing everything that we can. May I speak to you one minute?

I'll be right back, sweetheart.


Tony: You're gonna find Emma, right?

Every second counts.

That's why we need your help to calm your wife down.

I've been trying to do that ever since Emma was born.

And what does that mean?

One minute everything's okay, the next Michele's crying and throwing things.

This is the first time she's been out of the house with Emma.

I'm worried.

Is your wife taking any medication?

I can't even get her to see a doctor.

I gotta get back there.

Mr. Daricek, I have four children of my own, so I can't even imagine what you're going through, but I...

What are you saying?

I don't want to jump to any conclusions here, but it sounds like your wife's going through postpartum depression.

Yeah. Okay.

She's stressed out.

Look, if I thought Emma was in any danger, I swear I'd take her away.

You think if Michele harmed her baby she would be rational enough to plant the clothes and hair in the bathroom?

Can't rule it out.

This was pretty well planned.

Felt more like somebody desperate for a baby who couldn't get one the legal way.

Well, either way, the clock is running.

We don't find Emma soon, she's gone for good.

That's why I called in the mobile command post.

We'll save time working from here, all right?

Elliot, if you think she knows something, find out. Fast.

Michele, was she wearing anything else besides the jumper?

It was cold.

She was sleeping wrapped in a blanket.

Emma cries when she gets cold.

You know, when my first daughter was born, I was working the midnight to 8:00 a.m. shift, my wife worked days.

So when I got home all I wanted to do was sleep, all my baby wanted to do was cry.

I nearly lost my mind.

I could barely function.

It's so hard.

Michele, I know what you're going through.

The first baby is always the toughest.

I feel blessed every day because I have Emma.

I love her so much.

Am I ever gonna see her again?


We make the proper notifications?

Airports, train and bus stations are all covered.

Photos of Emma are going out to every toll booth and police department within a 100-mile radius.

We're also checking on any attempted snatchings where the baby's sex was disguised.

Anything from your canvass?

Only thing we came up with is a woman with a suitcase in her shopping cart.

Get with store security, see what they got on the videotapes.

Fin: You have someone watching this all day?

Security Guard: This isn't a Vegas casino.

Here it is.

So mom checks out the merchandise.

Mystery shopper lifts the kid, and it wasn't the mother.

Damn it, can't see her face.

This the only angle you have on this?

Yeah. That part of the store, yeah.

What about the front doors?

We got cameras on the entrance and exit.

Munch: Get the exit tape from that time of day and hurry up.

What kind of woman would steal somebody else's kid?

Could be maternal instinct run amuck or maybe it's strictly business.

Not her. Not her. Not her.

Pause it.

Kid would be screaming if she was in that suitcase.

Unless she's already been doped up.

Nobody saw her take Emma out of the store.

Why risk stopping to change the baby's appearance?

Nobody's looking for a little boy.

Elliot's still with the Dariceks. So let's rule Michele out for the moment.

Did our mystery lady...

Thank you.

...buy the suitcase in the store?

About half an hour before the snatch.

Paid with a credit card in the name of Susan Young.

Works downtown at Social Services.

All right. Go.

My purse was stolen this morning.


Substance abuse center where I work.

I filled out a report at the precinct in Chinatown.

You guys found it already?

No, but we think this woman used one of your credit cards.


You know her?

I saw her a couple of hours ago.

She's one of my clients.

I don't believe this.

Does she have access to Librium?

She's not taking it.

She could get some from someone at the clinic.

AIicia's a crack addict.

She was doing so well, too.

Hadn't used since she got pregnant.

When did she have the baby?

Last week.


It's a real tragedy.

Where does she live?

10th Avenue, the 50s.

I can call my office, get the exact address.

Start in the kitchen.

Must have found herself a nice job.

Or a sugar daddy.

I'll take the bedroom.

No sign of a kid here.

She's back on the pipe.

Must be feeding her habit with this.

Found it in the closet.

All 100s.

There's a couple thousand dollars.


Benson: Stop! Police!

Get off me, bitch!

Get your hands off me!

Let me go!

Shut up! Shut up.

All right. Where's that baby?

My baby is dead.

You took that baby from the store.

Now where is she?

I gave her away.

You sold that baby for crack money!

I had to.

I promised him my baby, my baby died...

Okay, AIicia.

Who did you promise the baby to?

A lawyer.

I put her up for adoption.

Give me a name.

Give me a name.

I can't tell you.

Huh? You can't tell me?

Look at me.

Now, you tell me a name.

Mark. Mark Sanford.

I took the baby to him in Chelsea.


You hear that?


Waller: Who's down there?


Police. Open up.

The police are here.

Who was that?

The police.

I thought you were burglars.

What are you doing?

The last number you just dialed wasn't 911.

Who are you?

I take care of the babies.

You're gonna wake them.

Which one's Emma?

These children were all given up for adoption...

One of these babies was stolen from her mother this morning.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Emma. Right here.

Look, I didn't know.

Ma'am, you are under arrest for kidnapping.

But I didn't kidnap anybody.

It's okay.

Two girls and one boy.

Six weeks to two months old.

Pediatrician says they were well taken care of and in excellent health.

Peddling sick babies would be bad business.

We know who the peddler is?

The brownstone where we found the babies was rented to Adoptions lncorporated.

The lease was signed by a Mark Sanford.

Well, I had Fin notify Michele Daricek.

Do we have any idea who the other kids belong to?

We don't even know if they were kidnapped or sold.

ACS is coming to take custody of them. We'll get their photos out to the media.

You know somebody's gonna come forward.

Yeah, every couple who'd love to adopt them.

Tony: Where is she?

Benson: She's right here.


Woman on pa: Nurse practitioner to delivery, Nurse practitioner to delivery, Emma.

Got her.

Oh, baby. Oh, my baby.

I'll never let you out of my sight again.

Michele: She's okay?

She's perfect.

Tony: Can we take her home?

Yeah. You just sign her out right there, she's all yours.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Michele's gonna see a doctor.

That's good.

Okay. Good luck.

Thank you. All right.

The nurse give anything up?

Only "I'm just the babysitter" routine.

Well, Munch and Fin are interrogating her right now.

You two check with the FBI and the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

See if they have any reported snatchings that could be our other two babies.

I'm a registered nurse.

I was hired to care for the infants.

Babies tucked away in an otherwise empty brownstone and you didn't think that was odd?

They're kept there until their adoptive parents come for them.

Who brings you the babies?

Mr. Sanford.

Fin: The guy you called on your cell phone.

When you lied and said you were calling the police.

Mr. Sanford is a wonderful man who places unwanted babies in loving homes.

Tell us where this Sanford is or you're an accessory.

He's a lawyer. His office is out in Kew Gardens.


Going somewhere, Mark?

Look, I have nothing to say without my attorney present.

We'll have him meet us at the precinct.

Mark Sanford, you're under arrest for kidnapping.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

I have never knowingly put a stolen child up for adoption.

My client is a distinguished member of the legal community.

To whom babies are just product.

Those babies were signed over to us by their birth mothers.

And you bought Michele Daricek's baby from a crackhead for $10,000.

AIicia Brown gave up her son two years ago for adoption.

She contacted me when she was pregnant again.

I had no reason to believe the little girl wasn't hers.

And that pile of cash you laid on her?

It's reimbursement for expenses related to the pregnancy and the birth.

I mean, it's how it's done.

And in your role as humanitarian, what's in it for you?

Well, Mr. Sanford receives a modest fee for his services, like any other attorney.

How much?

It's $20,000.

Sorensen: He is not in the business of buying and selling children, It's your call, Counselor.

Unless we can establish he knew what AIicia was going to do, kidnapping's a stretch.

Prove he sold Emma and it's grand larceny.

Emma's a human being, not stolen property. Grand Iarceny's the best you can do?

We can hold Sanford for six days on the kidnapping charge.

You think you can make a case by then?

We're searching his home and office, seizing his files and computers.

There must be something in there that'll nail him.

If you two are done surfing the Web...

Sanford's website.

"Happy Homes."

Listen to this.

"Laura, blue eyes.

A tiny bundle of love to share with you."

Three marriages, no children.

You ever consider adopting?

The kindest thing I could ever do for a kid is not adopt.

What do you got on Sanford?

Born and raised in Brooklyn, graduated Buffalo State in '76, Law School of the Ozarks in '79, admitted to the New York State Bar in '85 and never set foot in a courtroom.

Anything in his records?

Munch: We haven't found the official adoption papers yet, but he kept this ledger of his transactions for each year.

This one's 1989.

Baby boy born January 19th, baby girls born on April 7th, April 14th, April 23rd, another baby boy, June 2nd.

John, give me that last date again.

1989, June 2nd.

Where are these kids' names?

There's a page number to the right of each entry.

Each page has the pre-adoption stats on every child.

Cragen: Page 42.

What's going on, Captain?

Stephen Talmadge.

Back in '89, a woman named Jennifer Talmadge was found m*rder*d in her apartment, Iigature strangulation.

Her four-week-old son, Stephen, was missing from his crib.

Case is still open.

The m*rder or the missing kid?


You didn't know Max Greevey.

He was my sergeant when I ran the 27.

He caught the case, worked it like his own kid was missing, until he was m*rder*d on the job in '91.

This thing's been kicking you in the ass for a dozen years.

Stephen is still alive.

It's really gotten to you, huh?

It's not just about Stephen.

Jennifer Talmadge's parents call once a year on his birthday and ask if I had any news.

The calls stopped coming three years ago.

I could use your help on this.

With all due respect, Captain...

"I don't usually work cases"?

You're right.

This is different.

Oh, my Lord. Come in.


Herbert: What is it?

It's Captain Cragen.

You have news?

There's been a development.

You found Stephen?

You caught Jennifer's k*ller?

There's a lead.

That's all for now.

I thought the investigation was on hold.

I thought you'd given up.

Come in, Captain.

Let us show you something.

We celebrate Stephen's birthdays, buy him presents every Christmas.

Margaret: This is his room.

So you see, Captain.

We never lost hope.

If your client is willing to cooperate...

Where's Stephen Talmadge?


What, you forgot to tell your new hotshot lawyer you kidnapped a baby after k*lling the mother?

What, are you crazy?

It's all right here in your book.

We're willing to deal in exchange for information.

No. You can't prove that I kidnapped or k*lled anybody.

Not now and not then. No.

Actually, we have specific...

The offer's good for 10 more seconds.

You don't have a case.

Cragen: Oh, really?

After I tie you to the Talmadge kidnapping and m*rder, I'm gonna nail your ass to the wall.

What the hell was that?

Well, you weren't getting him to talk, so I had to give it a shot.


With the macho cop routine?

I could have used the kidnapping charge as leverage if you'd just given me the chance.

I gave you your chance.

You lost your cool.

You are too emotionally invested in this case.

Damn right.

I read all of Greevey's files.

He interviewed a lot of people who said what a wonderful person Jennifer Talmadge was.

Too bad none of them can give us any leads on her m*rder.

What about forensics?

Only one set of prints at the m*rder scene unaccounted for.

I ran them again, no match in the system.

Try this.

What is it?

Max's notes. His widow, Marie, gave them to me last night.

You are on a mission.

I've been on this for I 2 years.

I want some closure.

Where are we on Sanford's other babies?

We talked to the couple adopting the boy.

They're getting him tomorrow.

The baby girl goes with her new parents the day after that.

Both adoptions are legal?

According to ACS, Sanford followed all the rules.

Social worker sent to do home studies, the parents had to take medical exams to rule out Iife-threatening illnesses.

The birth mothers and fathers all consented.

The papers were signed, notarized, witnessed, registered in court.

As far as we can tell, there's no indication he's put any other snatched babies up for adoption besides Talmadge and Daricek.

So what's his scam?

Sanford's triple-dipping.

He promises one baby to three different families, then he tells two of the families that the mother changed her mind, keeps the money.

How much?

$30,000 a couple.

And none of these victims call the cops?

Fin: They're desperate.

They're afraid if they snitch and word gets out, no other baby brokers will deal with them.

You get anywhere on Sanford's files?

Found his phone bills for 1989.

Phone company's getting us the names of all his outgoing calls.

These files are at least a three-person job.

This is interesting.

What's that?

Greevey has a note in here about Jennifer's college roommate, Rebecca.

Says he was supposed to talk to her in England.

There's nothing in the case file that says they ever spoke.

Well, that means Max never talked to her.

Let's track her down.

Munch: Were you and Jennifer close?

In a college roommate sort of way. We shared a suite at the dorm.

Then you must have known if she had any boyfriends.

Just one. Broke her heart.

Who was he?

A guy named Rob.

Met him at a party and, you know, they dated a couple of times before she brought him back to the suite to stay over.

The first time I saw him, I knew he was trouble.


Well, I warned Jen that I had seen him walking on the campus with another girl, but, you know...

Jen, she was a little naive.

She was in love with him, you know, I think he was her first.

Munch: How long did they go out?

About two weeks before he broke up with her.

He give a reason?

Guys never do.

Did you know Jennifer was pregnant?

Not at first, but, you know, she couldn't hide it for long.

She knew Rob had to be the father.

What's Rob's last name?


Robert Cook.

Any idea if she told him?

Yeah. She sent him a letter.

Thank you.

Cragen: Robert Cook?

Can I help you?

NYPD, Captain Donald Cragen, Detective John Munch.

Just be a second, boys.

It's the future of baseball.

Well, you know, for now we're just trying to win one Little League game.

But you didn't come here to watch us play.

We're here about your son.

He's what? About 12?

The older one, Brandon, is, but I don't understand.

Do you have his birth certificate?

His mother's got it.

Where is she?

She's up in Mahopac, we're recently divorced.

What the hell's going on here?

We're gonna have to ask you and your son to come with us.

Excuse me?

I don't even know what this is about.

Jennifer Talmadge.

From college?

She was m*rder*d 12 years ago.

Yeah, I know that, but what's that got to do with me?

Her son disappeared.

We think you're the father.

I read about Jennifer in the paper, but I swear in a million years I never thought that child was mine.

We only slept together a few times.

Sixth grade sex ed.

Once is enough.

So, you had a fling with Jennifer, and then you dumped her.

It was college.

My girlfriend Linda and I were on the outs, so I was dating Jennifer.

But you didn't count on knocking her up.

Jennifer showing up with a kid would've put a crimp in your big plans for the future.

I broke up with her, I didn't k*ll her. I didn't even know she was pregnant.

Her roommate said that Jennifer sent you a letter.

I never got any letter.

Mr. Cook, can you prove Brandon is your son with your ex-wife?

Of course I can.

You think I k*lled Jennifer and then somehow adopted my own child?

I broke up with Jennifer because Linda told me she was pregnant.

We got married as soon as the semester was over.

Brandon is our son.

We're going to need DNA from all three of you.

You have Brandon's birth certificate.

Is this really necessary?

I'm only complying with the court order, Mrs. Cook.



If you kept it in your pants...

We were kids...

And now we're m*rder suspects.

This is not the time.

I resent being dragged in here, having to prove my son is my son.

Mrs. Cook, you're next.

Linda: No. I want my attorney.

Your attorney is going to tell you if you don't comply, we're gonna be ordered to arrest you for contempt of court.

I have plenty of contempt for this. Make it quick.


Thank you for your patience.

Let's get out of here.

Mitochondrial DNA on Cook's 12-year-old doesn't match Jennifer Talmadge's mother.

Meaning he's not Jennifer's son.

He is, however, the son of Linda and Robert Cook.

99.9 % probability.

Captain, you better take a look at these.

Where'd you get this?

From what we found stored in Mark Sanford's basement.


Stephen Talmadge's adoption papers.

Signed by his mother.

It's not possible.

We have copies of the adoption papers.

But Jennifer changed her mind.

At first she was ashamed.

You know, she thought we were, too, but we said we would support her financially.

We'd watch Stephen during the day so she could finish college.

May we see those papers, please?

This isn't Jennifer's signature.

Are you sure?


Do we still have Jennifer's passport.

Let me see.

Did Jennifer tell you who the father was?

No. She said she tried to contact him, but he never responded.

Here. See for yourself.

It's not even close.

You think this has anything to do with Jennifer's m*rder?

That's what we're gonna find out.

Thank you.

Cragen: Adoption papers.


Signatures don't match.

You're screwed.

I didn't forge any papers, I didn't steal any babies, I didn't k*ll anyone.

You defraud couples desperate for children.

When we present your scam in court, a jury will convict you of m*rder and kidnapping.

What's your offer?

No jail time, he makes restitution to all the couples he defrauded.

And you give me Stephen Talmadge.

A woman came to me with a baby, purporting to be the mother.

She had the boy's original birth certificate. I didn't know she was an imposter and then I saw Jennifer Talmadge's picture in the papers, and...

And you couldn't risk going to the cops.

You give me the name of the family that adopted Stephen. Now.

Daniel: Line drive into center field. Looks like it's over the second baseman's head.

But BIake makes a brilliant catch, ending up the game.


Thanks, we don't want any.

It's the cops.

Mom, the police are here.

Oh, for heaven's sake, Tyler, where are your manners?

Come in, Officers.

Danny, Brian, Tyler, outside.

Hey, you guys looking for Tyler? The way he played second base was a crime.

Erin: How can I help you?

Mrs. BIake, Captain Don Cragen, Detective John Munch.

Is Tyler your son?

Yes, of course.

What's going on?

Did you adopt him through Mark Sanford?

Yes. How did you know he was adopted?

Was Tyler born on June 2nd, 1989?

Why are you asking all these questions?


Are you sure?

Sanford admitted what happened.

A DNA test will confirm he's Stephen Talmadge.

What am I gonna tell my husband and Tyler?

Do you have to take him?

You can come with him.

We didn't do anything wrong.

We know.

He's been missing for 12 years.


I'm not going.

I don't wanna leave!

Go upstairs and get changed.

I'll call your dad at work.

We'll go together.

Hey, you're not in trouble.

Is it definite?

The DNA is conclusive, Mr. Cook.

Tyler is your biological son.

How can I ever explain to him what happened?

Why I wasn't there for him?

When the time is right, you'll tell him the truth.

He's almost a teenager.

There's still plenty of time for you to get to know him.

The family who raised him, they did a good job, didn't they?

Oh, he's had a good life, wonderful mother and father.

I'm his father.

I never would have abandoned him.

He belongs with me.

We fed him, we clothed him.

He's like our own flesh and blood.

Mark Sanford told us it was all legal.

Tyler's biological father never consented to the adoption.

That nullifies it.

For God's sake, he's our son!

You can't just take him away after all these years.

I know how hard this must be for you...

We are the only parents he has ever known.

We were a happy family until you came along.

How could you do this to us?

We can't play Solomon and split the child.

I can't get him into a foster home until tomorrow morning.

I hate to do it, but I think Tyler's gonna have to spend the night at the Laight Street Shelter.

Why put him in that hellhole when his grandparents have right of natural guardianship?

I don't like it any more than you do, but the law doesn't give grandparents a*t*matic custody...

Just forget the law and just for one minute think about what's in the best interests of this child!

Don't you think I am?

Right now everybody wants a piece of Tyler.

Maybe the best place for him is somewhere neutral.

Why don't you tell that to his grandparents?

Right this way. Thank you.

You know how long we've waited for this moment, Captain.

Our daughter was taken away, and now you're telling us that we can't have our grandson?

I can't release Tyler to you unless a judge says I can, but you can apply for temporary custody.

We have to go to court?

What about permanent custody?

Tyler's biological father is probably going to claim his parental rights, and as long as he's deemed fit, his rights supersede yours.

His mother was our only child.

You gave us our hope back.

Now how can you just take it away from us like this?

So what happens to me?

Well, you'll have to go to a temporary home until a judge decides.

I wanna just go home with my parents.

I know you do, but your adoption was illegal.

So what?

They never hurt me or did anything wrong.

They love me.

I know they do.


I'm sorry, but what I did today is my job.

I didn't want to take you, but I had to because the law says so.

But the law also says that I have to protect you from anything bad and that's a part of my job I like. Okay?

All right.

Hey. Your mother's parents, your grandparents, they wanna meet you.

Are you ready?

I guess. Do I have to hug them or anything?


You just do whatever you feel, all right?


My name is Tyler.

Nice to meet you, Tyler.

Please... Please don't cry.

All right.


Got a minute?

Only if you promise not to tell me you told me so.

You were just doing your job.

Following the lead of a 12-year-old crime.

And now Tyler BIake's the victim and I don't know how to fix it.

Then let me help.

You have any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Tyler's going to need a law guardian for the adoption hearing.

There's a three-week backlog on court-appointed attorneys, so I'll volunteer.

Well, that's a hell of a gesture, Alex, but the law favors the biological parent.

The law also says that Tyler is old enough and mature enough to know who he wants to live with.

If I'm his attorney, I have to fight for what he wants, and he wants to live with the BIakes.

Tyler is an articulate, intelligent 12-year-old.

Cabot: You've talked to him, you've read the reports.

What's your conclusion about how Tyler functions in his world?

That he's well-adjusted.

He gets excellent grades and he has lots of friends.

And what did this indicate to you about his home life?

That Tyler is the child of loving parents, the product of a happy home.

Cabot: If Tyler was forced to live with his biological father, how do you think this would affect his life?

That would be akin to waking up in the morning and learning that his parents had been k*lled in a car crash.

A sudden traumatic loss.

Cabot: And what could be the consequences?

Children that experience a sudden loss of a parent or caretaker often suffer from behavioral problems.

Not to mention the depression that a child his age often goes through after something so traumatic.

In your opinion then, Doctor, would you recommend that Tyler be placed with his biological father?


That would be asking him to make too huge a transition at a time in his life when he's the most vulnerable.

Thank you, Doctor.

Mr. Stern?

I have no questions.

This is Tyler's first birthday.

We squeezed 100 people into the house.

You've got a lot of pictures there.

Tyler's been the center of our lives since the day we got him.

What kind of life has he had with you?

We don't have a lot of money, but he doesn't want for anything.

Especially our love.

We've tried to be the best parents we can.

Mrs. BIake, did you know 12 years ago that the adoption was not legal?

Did you know about the death of Tyler's mother?

Of course not.

We did everything Mr. Sanford told us to do.

And now that you do know?

We're terrified that we're going to lose Tyler.

We can't imagine being without him.

Please, don't punish our family for someone else's crime.

Thank you.

I'm sorry for the tragedy you and your husband are going through right now.

And Tyler. He's been our son all his life.

And you've done a wonderful job raising him.

Thank you.

And can you imagine how Mr. Cook feels then, all these years he lost not knowing Tyler was his son?

Mr. Cook has other children.

Tyler is all we have.

Mrs. BIake, if your child was lost, and a nice family took him in and raised him well, and then you found him, wouldn't you want him back?


I wasn't there to give Tyler the love and attention the BIakes did, because I was robbed of the chance.

You're recently divorced, you already have two sons.

How can you convince this court that you can take care of a third child?

Just look at what I've done with my sons.

Tyler would have a brother his age, a devoted father who could more than provide for him.

And he has his mother's parents. I want them to be a part of his life.

Mr. Cook, Tyler has grown up with a mother and father who love him.

Do you think his life would improve Iiving with you?

I know I am now a single parent.

I wish it were different, but Tyler is my flesh and blood.

You've spent time with Tyler.

What do you think of the job the BIakes have done as parents?

Just as good as I could've ever done.

Can you imagine, then, what they must be going through?

You can't imagine how hard it is for me to make them go through it.

You just finished a bitter custody battle with your ex-wife.

She was seeking full custody of your two sons, is that correct?


Mr. Cook, how would you have felt if she'd won, and you weren't able to see your children anytime you wanted?

It would've crushed me.

I'm sorry.

How's it going?

Ripping my guts out.

These are all good people.

We finished talking to the birthmothers who gave their babies to Sanford for adoption.

All Iegit.

If Sanford stole babies, we can't find them.

Your faces tell me there's more to this story.

His ex-wife, Linda Cook, gave birth to her oldest son at Long lsland Jewish a month before Jennifer Talmadge gave birth.

Linda's hospital roommate was a client of Sanford's.

Says she recommended Sanford to Linda.

Stabler: We compared Jennifer's signature on the adoption papers to Linda Cook's signature on the release forms for her DNA.

Let's get Linda Cook in here.

Linda: Robert and I are divorced.

Whether he gets to keep his love child has nothing to do with me.

Why am I here?

Cragen: 12 years ago, Jennifer Talmadge wrote a letter to your husband telling him she was having his baby.


Well, he never got it, because you intercepted it.

That's how you found out about Jennifer.

Is this some fantasy you concocted?

When you gave birth to your son, why did you ask your hospital roommate about her adoption attorney?

I knew Rob was fooling around on me. I didn't know he'd ask me to marry him.

And when he did, you realized it would be better for everybody if your husband didn't know he had a love child.

Where are you getting this from?

Jennifer's signature on the adoption papers.

That's your handwriting.

You get the letter, you go to see Jennifer.

Something happens.

She's dead.

And now you're gonna find some place for the baby, so you impersonate her and you give Stephen to Mark Sanford for adoption.

Now just tell me that you didn't plan to k*ll her and I can help you.

I want a lawyer.

Serani: Most of the children who come through this court have nobody who wants or loves them.

This case is so much more difficult, because all the parties have only acted in the child's best interest.

Mr. Cook, it's clear that you never intended to abandon Tyler and that you're more than suitable to make a home for him.

Mr. and Mrs. BIake, you're loving, excellent model parents, an example to follow.

But the law recognizes the right of the biological parent as paramount as long as that parent is deemed fit.

Therefore, I have no choice but to award custody of the child to Mr. Cook.

Mr. Cook, I urge you in the strongest possible terms to continue to act in Tyler's best interest with regards to his adoptive parents.


We're adjourned.


We'll see you when you come over to get your stuff, okay, buddy?

Prosecuting's easier.

At least then you know who the bad guy is.

You okay?

They're talking. It's a start.
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