03x05 - Tangled

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x05 - Tangled

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, (ALL CHATTERING)


Rick: Oh, God, how old is Peyton anyway?

Don't you dare ask.


What was that?

Peyton? Max?

Oh, wait, it might be a burglar.

We need a w*apon.

Oh, we're armed.




Rick: What's he doing?


Ed: Max?

Diane: Oh, my God!

Ed: Oh, my God, Peyton!

It's okay.

Thank you so much.

Friends came to set up a surprise party.

Husband was supposed to keep the wife out until 10:30.

What happened, they come home early?

Or they never left.

They had an 8:00 reservation at AIain Ducasse.

Call came in at 10:07.

What was our perp doing with them for over two hours?

Putting on a show.

Complete with a c*ptive audience.

Husband gets a front-row viewing of his wife being r*ped.

She gets to watch him get beaten to death.


Benson: Back door was open?


Party guests said they heard something crash in the kitchen.

Could be this beer bottle.

Perp got spooked when he heard them come in.

Left through the service door.

Yeah, but how'd he get in here?

Well, the lock wasn't jimmied.

Had a bag of spilled garbage out here.

Stabler: Could be a push-in.

Wife's probably only alive 'cause our guy got the munchies.

Preserve and voucher that food for saliva and bite marks.

You're gonna want to get this, too.

Some birthday, huh?

Multiple orbital fractures, clean breaks through the zygoma, shattered mandible.

Seems your perp had a real problem with the way this guy looked.

p*stol-whipped, huh?

A few dozen times.

Perp goes to the trouble of bringing a semi-a*t*matic with him, why not just sh**t the guy?

Where'd the fun be in that?

Well, how do you know it's a semi?

It leaves an L-shaped pattern.

See this rectangular outline?

Common among semi-a*t*matic grips.

As opposed to revolvers, which are rounded.

I don't suppose you can narrow it down any further?

If you look closely, you'll see the slip grip was cross-hatched.

Oh, it's a waffle pattern, like a ping-pong paddle.


That distinct texture, coupled with the size of the grip are consistent with, here it is, a Ruger P94, 9 millimeter.

She's good.

Victims have a pet?

Not that we know of.

Found some hairs in the adhesive residue on his skin from the duct tape.

Probably dog or cat.

Stabler: This should make your job easier, cut along the dotted line.

Most likely had bypass surgery sometime within the last year.

Medical magic saves this guy from death, only to make him suffer through this hell.

Max smelled tuna fish.

We were already running late, but he insisted on taking it out.

If only he'd just left it.

Benson: We saw the bag in the service hall.

When Max came back in, a man in a ski mask had a g*n to his head.

Stabler: Can you describe him at all?

Height, weight?


Eye color?

Benson: Then what happened?

Oh, he threw a roll of duct tape at me.

He made me bind and gag Max.

I did it as loosely as I could.

But after he put me up on the table, he re-did it.

He hit Max so many times.

Then he'd stop and r*pe me.

Max struggled so hard.

Then he'd beat Max again.

Oh, it seemed to go on for hours, but finally Max stopped struggling.

There was a lockbox broken into in the closet.

Can you tell us what was in there?

Just some cash.

$10,000 or $15,000.

Benson: And in your jewelry box?

All my grandmother's jewelry.

Stabler: We'll need you to describe those pieces to a sketch artist.

Now Mrs. KIeberg, think very hard.

Did the man say anything that would make you think that he knew you or your husband?

He didn't say one word the entire time.

Had some trouble a while back with a homeless guy, kept sneaking in behind cars as they entered the garage.

What'd you do with him?

Woke him up, kicked him out.

Seen him lately?

Not since management sent tenants a notice, "Look behind you when you're coming in."

Your other two break-ins occurred when tenants were out.

Must be a coincidence.

Wonder how the guy knew.

Oh, that's right, you gave him the key.

You knew when they were supposed to be gone, didn't you?

If you're looking at me for this, you must have gone to detective school on a special yellow bus.

So I'm gonna help you out here.

You do that.

A while back, this guy comes looking for the doctor, like, crazy, pissed.

Fin: You get his name?

No, it was months ago.

So I buzzed the doctor.

He got all nervous, said to call the police if he didn't leave.

Munch: What was the guy's beef?

Said the doctor was a mad scientist, ruined his life.

What kind of doctor was that again?


Benson: We're looking for the Chief of Urology.

Dr. Karr, the two detectives are here.

He'll just be a minute.

Thank you.

Lara? Right.

How well did you know Dr. KIeberg?

He was one of the best surgeons here.

I still can't believe he was m*rder*d.

Benson: We heard he had a problem with one of his patients earlier this year.

Might have caused a scene?

Oh, right.

The guy from the doctor's clinical trials.

Stabler: CIinical trials for what?


Benson: You remember his name?

Martin something.

I can check the files.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I'm Dr. Karr.


I've got a meeting in the north wing.

Do you mind walking with me?

Well, Iife doesn't make sense.

I thought we lost Max six months ago with the CABG.


Coronary Artery Bypass Graft.

Peyton was an angel, nursed him back to health.

He was good as new.

No, better. More alive.

He specialized in impotency?

Well, a urologist's bread and butter is prostate cancer, urethral dysfunctions, congenital anomalies, kidney transplants.

Max specialized in sexual dysfunctions, incontinence, penile implants and, of course, impotence.

Now, we understand that Dr. KIeberg was testing new treatments in that area.

An impotency cream, a nitric-oxide analog.

It's a novel delivery system to create vasospasm at the base of the penis to keep the corpus cavernosum engorged.

An erection.


Viagra was the fastest-selling drug in history, so you can imagine the interest in this one.

So how rich was Dr. KIeberg gonna be once that got FDA approved?

Oh, it doesn't work that way.

All Max got was a minimal finder's fee for every patient he brought into the trial.

Now, we understand that he had at least one dissatisfied customer.

First name Martin?

I'm sorry, I can't comment on that case.

Medical case or legal case?

It's our policy not to comment on either.

Now, if you'll excuse me, this is my meeting.

Wait. If you know something that will help us find KIeberg's k*ller, you're gonna need to tell us.

Look, all I can say is the participants in Max's trials suffered extreme physical impotence.

Men out of options before they ever walked in here.


Sounded like someone with something to hide.

Yeah. I say we have Cabot see a judge about getting past it.

I found the file.

His last name is Welker.

Martin Welker.

I made copies for you.

Thank you.

Power. Control. Humiliation.

He shows all the outward features of sadistic behavior.

We're talking sexual sadist?

He needed to inflict pain for excitement.

He r*ped her in front of the husband he spent a good long time beating to death.

How's that for pain?

Cragen: This guy took periodic snack breaks.

A cold predator who feels in complete control.

He never said a word the entire two hours.

Well, it could be fear of detection, especially if he's known to these people.

Huang: Or sensory depravation.

His victims need to look for cues of what to do in order to survive, and he never gives them a one.

He knows that it's gonna intensify the terror.


You're looking for someone who has a history of violating the rights of others, who's numb to the world, who has aggressive sex, dr*gs, fights.

Benson: Captain.

Join the party.

What do you got?

Martin's file, theirs and ours.

He participated in the hospital's trial for impotency.

He stopped abruptly in the 12th week when...

He was arrested by Brooklyn SVU for attempted r*pe.

att*cked a woman in the subway, 30 years old.

And then he bashed in the skulls of two guys who tried to help her.

Aggressive sex, fighting, violating the rights of others.

Pay him a visit.

Martin Welker?

What do you want?

Why the long puss?

Dr. KIeberg's dead.

Your problems are solved.

Oh, no, no. That wasn't me.

Didn't say it was.

Must be your guilty conscience speaking.

Where were you Tuesday night?

I was at group.

What kind of group?

What are you, 12-stepper, AA, NA?

No "A." Group therapy.

I keep things bottled up.


Quiet guys are the most dangerous.

Loner, keeps to himself.

Fin: Yeah. One day he explodes on the subway.

Suddenly he's up for attempted r*pe, as*ault and battery.

Oh, no. That wasn't my fault.

KIeberg never told me about the side effects.

Before the cream, I couldn't even talk to a woman.

That's why when you were raping Mrs. KIeberg, you never made a peep?

I don't know what you guys are talking about.

Doctor Rise-and-Shine ruined your life. You spent six months in prison.

Now the only job you can get is cleaning up pigeon crap.

All he had to do was tell the jury that it was the cream, that it wasn't me.

But he wouldn't do it, would he?

He sat up there and he lied.

He said that I have violent tendencies, that it had nothing to do with the medication.

Somebody had to pay though, didn't they, Martin?

We checked.

We know you filed lawsuits against the hospital and the pharmaceutical company.

But you didn't file against Dr. KIeberg.

What's up with that?

My lawyer said he was judgment-proof.

Munch: What does he mean by that?

Son-of-a-bitch didn't have a penny to his name.

Fin: So the doctor was broke?

Well, it's much more complicated than that.

So is subpoenaing records, but we'll do it.

Dr. KIeberg's, yours.

Max had a heart condition.

Even before his bypass, no medical malpractice company would cover him.

And he wanted to continue practicing medicine, but to do so, he had to protect his assets.

I recommended he move everything into Peyton's name.

It was completely legal.

What kind of money are we talking about?

All told, $5 million.

That's a lot of hidden assets.

Anybody else looking for them?

No one who could be involved in this.

Why don't you just run it by us, let us be the judge?

Well, Max had a little trouble with his son.

Munch: I didn't know he had a son.


From Max's first marriage.

We had to cut off his trust fund.

When was this?

Last week.


Again, it's complicated.

Max and Jesse have been estranged for years ever since he married Peyton.

Why'd he cut him off?

Well, Jesse broke into the co-op a few weeks ago, and Max caught him trying to steal his stepmother's jewelry.

I'm sorry you had to come all the way out here.

I'm inconveniencing so many people.

I couldn't face going home yet.

Please, we understand.

Mrs. KIeberg, what can you tell us about your stepson?



I haven't seen him in several years.

What about him?

Well, he didn't go to his father's funeral.


We understand that he broke into your apartment a few weeks ago.

He didn't break in.

He has a key.

There's been an estrangement, but he has always been welcome.

Well, you can't be thinking...

He did try to steal your jewelry before.

It wasn't Jesse.

Your attacker wore a ski mask and he never spoke.


Stabler: Your husband had just cut off his trust fund.

Only until he could learn to be responsible.

You know, kids in college, they mismanage.

He wouldn't do something like that.

He is Max's son.

Mrs. KIeberg, you said that your attacker was of average height and build.

How would you describe Jesse?

How's Jesse adapting to dorm life?

At least here his Gestapo stepdad isn't searching through his things, violating his basic human rights.

Taking a civics course this semester, are we?

I'm applying at Stanford Law, after which I plan on working for the ACLU.

Civil liberties, good.

Lawyers, bad.

Hate to think Jesse was alone when he heard about what happened to his dad.

Happen to know where he was that night?

I think you gained access under false pretenses.

Why don't you just leave a card for Jesse?

Why, Jesse got something to hide?

No. Not that you even have a right to ask.

Actually, the first amendment gives him the right to ask.

The fifth amendment gives you the right not to answer.

And just what do you think I'd be incriminating myself about?

Let's say you had knowledge of stolen goods being stored here, accessory.


llIegal substances, possession.

I don't do dr*gs, neither does Jesse.

Right. Well, if he's not snorting his family fortune, where's it all going?

Man on pa: Last call for the third race,,, Last call, There he is.

All right.

$500 Perfecta on the 2-5 box and a $500 straight.

I'm sorry, can I see some ID, please?


Do you have ID on you?

Look, man, I've been betting here all day.

Not at this window, sir.

It's a minute till post, all right?

Please step aside so the gentleman can...

Stop jacking me around and run my freaking bet!

Hey, what are you doing, man?


Saving you $1,000.

Salutation and Jake's Delight are useless on turf.

It's okay. We got this.

dr*gs, I get. But the ponies?

You really see that leading to r*pe/homicide?

If he's a compulsive gambler he lacks impulse control.

It's consistent with the degree of overkill in your homicide.

Compulsive gambler?

He's 18.

AImost six percent of kids even younger than Jesse have a serious gambling problem.

Benson: Well, that adds up.

He started stealing from his parents four years ago.

Stabler: Probably playing lotteries, betting on football pools.

Do you gamble, Elliot?

Only with birth control.

Kids who come from a non-gambling environment are less likely to become gamblers themselves.

Cragen: How likely are they to r*pe their stepmothers?

Maybe tying into some feedback Ioop of taking more risks, needing higher stakes?

No. That's unrelated Oedipal complex.

But you know, studies are looking to identify the abnormal neurobiological mechanisms in pathological gamblers.

Linked to violent behavior?

Well, nothing's cut-and-dried.

I'll know more after the interview.

Stabler: High roller, huh?

Benson: How'd you start?

My parents made me, Your parents forced you to gamble?

My mom and stepmom were both charity junkies.

Since when is charity a game of chance?

Look, you know what the biggest fundraising gimmick is?

Casino nights.

So they made you bet until it hurt?

Look, my mom organized the game since I was, like, 12.

She'd give me a bushel of chips and say, "Go have fun."

It's just a short hop from there to the OTB.

In high school, I would make a poker game, then it was road trips to Atlantic City.

Well, you got to be 21 to get in those casinos.

I never had any trouble.

So how deep in are you?



Yeah, I got behind with my bookie and laid 50 grand on the Giants game.

Probably gonna have my legs broken.

This bookie, would he go after your parents?

It's a first-name business.

How would he know who they were?

Jesse, why didn't you just ask your parents for help?

I did.

After my dad caught me breaking in.


And he didn't believe me.

Thought it was...

He thought it was dr*gs, just like my freaking stepdad.

You know, people are gonna hurt me, and he wouldn't give me a dime.

Where were you Tuesday night, Jesse?

What? Oh, you guys are crazy.

You went back for the money.

You got even with your dad.

No. No, no, no! No.

I'm Jesse's attorney.

This interview stops now.

Hey, Jesse never asked for a lawyer.

Who called in the dragon lady?


Who, Peyton?

Nope, the biological mother.

She's in with the Captain.

More good news. Martin Welker, the disgruntled patient, DNA cleared him.

Captain Cragen, I put Max KIeberg through medical school, and as soon as that bastard became a doctor, he deserted us.

From his grave, he's still hurting Jesse.

Detectives, this is Marilyn Dunlap, Jesse's mother.

These are...

The two that arrested my son.

Do you have any idea how much money I give to that Police Athletic League?

Ma'am, if this was a traffic citation, we'd probably let it slide, but it's a r*pe/homicide.

It's false arrest.

Nobody's been arrested.

We're just talking to him.

He had nothing to do with it.

Mrs. Dunlap, I'm sure that you know more than anyone how much resentment your son had for his father.

He had 18 years to deal with the fact that he had a rotten father, and if this is about resentment, you should be talking to Peyton.

Hers was good and raw.

What kind of resentment?

Ever since Max's heart attack, he'd been nailing just about anything that moved.

Did Peyton know?

She knew when I ran into her at the Covenant House fundraiser last month. Yes.

Benson: Well, how did she find out?

I told her.

Did you give her names?

Look, I don't have anything against them, just Max.

That's very noble, but we're still gonna need that list.

Well, I know for a fact that he was doing his boss's secretary.

A doctor smiles at you around here, people make a soap opera out of it.

Oh, so you weren't having an affair?

After the operation, Max was a different person.

He was like a teenager, you know? He was funny and sexy and...

It was a fling.

FIing. When did it end?

Months ago.

But we stayed friends.

If there was anything I could do to help find his k*ller I would.

That's why I gave you that file.

Well, it wasn't him.

So if you still wanna help us, why don't you start by telling us who he was sleeping with at the time he was k*lled?

You make him sound so dirty.

It wasn't like that.

Stabler: So how was it?

There was a month after his recovery where he went a little crazy.

Who was he crazy with, after you?

Judy Trahill in Radiology.

I'm a married woman.

Well, your husband the jealous type?

If he cared enough about me to k*ll, I wouldn't have cheated on him.

Is that why Dr. KIeberg cheated on his wife?

'Cause she didn't care enough?

Just the reverse.

She cared too much.

How do you do that?

During the two months he was recuperating, she nursed him, bathed him, waited on him hand and foot.

He felt like an invalid.

The only thing he wanted to do was live.

Benson: So you two did some living.

One weekend. Six months ago.

Okay, so who was next on his rounds?

A nurse in Neonatal, but it was over before anything really happened.

Clinical exhaustion.

Peyton made a surprise visit, caught them flirting.

Stabler: What'd she do?

Bitch-slapped the nurse.

So the doctor has an operation where they apparently give him a wandering heart, after which he sows the gross national product in wild oats.

Two months and then the trail stops cold.

Think he mended his evil ways?

I think after his close call, he learned how to cover his tracks.

Speaking of tracks, we've been following the wrong one.

Jesse all too willingly volunteered a DNA sample.

He's not our guy.
Fin: Close the door and open the window.

LUDs to the doctor's cell phone and last month, he got about 1,000 minutes to one number.

Lara Todd.

Boss's secretary.

She told us their affair ended months ago, just like the others.

Well, I doubt he was calling her at home for urine results.

Go talk to her.

Ten will get you 20 if she claims he just called to cry on her shoulder.

Good friends, my ass.

That's blood, OIivia.

It's fresh.

Door's open.


Lara, you in there?

Oh, my God!



How you doing?

I've been better.

Lara, do you know who did this to you?


Can you describe him at all?

I don't know.

I never saw his face.

He was wearing a mask.

Tell me what happened.

I was just coming in the door from work, and he pushed in behind me.

I closed my eyes and tried to go someplace else and when he finished, I thought, "Thank God, I got through it."

But then he came back in the room and started again.

Lara, if you want us to catch him, you're gonna have to be straight with me.

I'm not making this up.

I was r*ped!

I know that.

I'm talking about seeing Dr. KIeberg.

I knew the papers would add it to the story and make him seem all sleazy, and he deserved better than that.

Does his wife know about you?

Not until the very end.

She showed up at my apartment building and said that if I didn't stop seeing Max, she would ruin both our lives.

And when was this?

Three days before Max was k*lled.

We might have a problem with Peyton.

Peyton the r*pe victim?

Benson: Peyton the wronged wife.

She'd just found out that Max was still seeing Lara Todd.

Tracked her down and threatened her.

Crime of passion.

I could buy it if Mrs. KIeberg hadn't been bound, gagged and r*ped for over two hours.

Let's not forget the Miller case.

Phony r*pe at the Thorpe Palace so she could sue the hotel.

Dr. KIeberg and his mistress were beaten to a pulp.

Peyton suffered only relatively minor battery.

Which is odd, it being the same perp.

Lara's r*pe kit isn't back yet.

How do we know for sure?

The crime lab compared the scenes and found cat hairs on all the victims.

The color patterns are consistent with a tabby.

Great. So we're looking for a guy with a cat?

All right. Has any of Peyton's jewelry surfaced at any of the pawn shops we've checked?

Fin: Not a blip.

Well, this is heirloom stuff, right? Very distinctive.

But if she staged this as a robbery, she probably still has it.

Well, her apartment is still a crime scene.

Why don't we just go poke around?

Because the type of attorney Mrs. KIeberg can afford would have anything we found there thrown out before his morning squash game.

We do this one by the book.

We don't have enough for a warrant.

So we go fishing.

Have Cabot pull his financials and grab a pole.

Thurman: These are all their accounts and holdings.

Munch: Thanks.

The worst things happen to the best people.

Fin: You knew the KIebergs?

Peyton and I sit on a few of the same committees.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

She has a safety deposit box.

Maybe she stashed the jewelry in there.

Subpoena doesn't cover that.

Excuse me, Mrs. Thurman?


Do you keep an entry log for the safe deposit boxes?

Yes, of course.

Could you check and see when the KIeberg's was opened last?

I don't have to.

Peyton was in a few days before it happened.

For what?

She took out her Tiffany diamond necklace and ring. Stunning.

Has she been here since?


How do you know what she took out?

We talked.

Max wanted her to wear it to the Fire and lce Ball next week.


Yeah. It's so sad.

It was going to be their first major event together since his surgery.

I don't get it.

If she was planning this, why take the jewelry out?

Ever hear of insurance fraud?

She's stinking rich.

Even before her husband died, all the money was in her name.

You can never be too thin or too rich.

Especially when you take out chunks like that.

$10,000, eight days before it happened.

In cash.

Could be enough for a hit man.

Let's just hope it's enough for a warrant.

Detectives. Come in.

This is a warrant allowing us to search your apartment.

A warrant?

Why do you need to search my home?

I'm sorry.

I have to ask you not to disturb anything.

But I don't understand.

What are you looking for?

Stay with Mrs. KIeberg until we're through.

Thank you.

Hey. Breadbox rule.

They look so happy.

If a container could not possibly hold the item in question, you are prohibited from examining it.

This is last New Year's.

Do any marriages last?

I don't know, but the warrant only covers jewelry.

God, you've been married for 17 years, haven't you?



No, stop looking.

Try smoking this.

We're going this way, Mrs. KIeberg.

What is that woman doing here?

Did I do okay?

You did great.

She looks crazy, didn't she?

They stormed into my home, tore it apart.

I apologize if you or your property were in any way mistreated.

They treated me like a criminal!

If you were almost anybody else, you would have been arrested for insurance fraud on the spot.

Let's just clear things up.


How did your jewelry wind up in the cigar box?

I don't know.

You'll excuse my being blunt, but that really doesn't clear up anything at all.

I don't know how it got there.

But it's my jewelry.

Why is it any concern of yours?

It became our concern when you filed a false claim.

I didn't file a claim for anything.

Our business manager takes care of those things.

Mrs. KIeberg...

And I don't understand why Lara Todd is sitting out there.

She was r*ped.

We believe by the same man who r*ped you and k*lled your husband.


You withdrew $10,000 on the 23rd.

Can you tell me what that was for?

Even for you, that's a large sum of money.

Why did you need it in cash?

So Max wouldn't know.

Wouldn't know what?


That I hired a private investigator.

How do you think I found out about Lara?

Munch: Ken Voltz?

You're blocking my line of vision.

Where's your manners?

Aren't you gonna invite us in?

Look, I'm on the clock.

Everything I had on the case is in there.

You, by any chance, own a cat, Mr. Voltz?

Two dogs, Jack Russells.

We were wondering if Mrs. KIeberg didn't maybe have a second job for you, night of the 23rd?

I don't eliminate husbands, I just put them in piping hot water.

Fin: You can account for your whereabouts that night between 8:00 and 10:00?

I was following a guy out to a little love nest in Jersey.

I keep toll receipts for tax purposes if you'd like them.

How long were you on KIeberg?

Two weeks.

Two days said it all, but I like to be thorough.

Oh, damn it, almost missed my guy.


Got a guy in the background of two of these.

Different locations.

He's eyeballing Max.

Like he's tracking him.

Benson: Have you seen this man before?

It's Vincent.

Is he a friend of yours?

No, he lives right below me in 4B.

Why do you have his picture?

He just came up during the investigation.

He a violent guy?

Vincent? No, he's harmless.

Maybe harmless Vincent isn't as harmless as he looks.

We've been thinking Lara was att*cked because of her relationship with Max.

Now maybe Max was m*rder*d because of his connection to Lara.

She said the apartment right under hers.

She said 4B, right?



Hey, what's your name?

Chloe, get back inside.

That's a cute cat.

Could we ask you a few questions?


Cragen: Vincent Boyd is a former guest of the state.

Robbery and as*ault.

He lives directly below Lara Todd, our second r*pe victim.

Fin: Who was the mistress of the late Dr. KIeberg.

Benson: Husband to r*pe victim number one.

Stabler: Peyton, the one with motive but no direct connection to Vincent.

Well, we do have Peyton in Lara's building, also Vincent's building, three days before the m*rder.

So what, she bumps into him on the elevator and hires him to off her husband and mess up the mistress?

Well, the r*pe kits came back.

The same man who r*ped Lara r*ped Peyton.

All right, let's set Peyton aside for a minute, here.

Is there any chance that there was a relationship between Lara and Vincent?

Well, she says that she barely knew him.

But, you know, only to pass in the hall.

Could've been a committed relationship in his mind.

How many times have we seen that behavior with stalkers?

Vincent sees the doctor making house calls, thinks he's been wronged and seeks revenge.


And Peyton gets caught in the crossfire.

So what about the food at the KIebergs? Right?

Was there any DNA from the saliva?

There wasn't any. Crime lab says he didn't take bites.

He tore pieces off.

Lot of arrows you got up there.

Fin: But no way to connect Vincent.

Well, you know who does connect with everybody?

Cragen: CIeo.

Tabby hairs were found on all three victims.

And Vincent owns a tabby.

Cabot: Circumstantial.

You can't prove the hairs came from Vincent's cat.

All his attorney has to do is parade 50 tabbies through the courtroom.

He's still got reasonable doubt.

Well, if we got the DNA from the damn cat, would that be enough to get Vincent's?

Sure, but New York State doesn't have that kind of technology.

In fact, I only know of two cases in the entire United States where they've used cat DNA.

What do you say we make it three?

If Vincent comes back, buzz us.

I don't see no cat.

That doesn't mean anything.

They're freaky little creatures. They lurk.

Well, keep looking.

I'm gonna check in on Lara.

Here p*ssy, p*ssy, p*ssy.

You're kidding, right?

This is not my area of expertise.


Oh, come on.

Where is this cat?

There you are, you demonic little fur-ball.

Come here, sweetheart.

That's a good kitty.

What happened?



Those are fresh bruises.

I'm fine, really.

Lara, we know what's going on.

If you don't work with us, we can't help you.

There's nothing to help me with.

You were r*ped.

Stabler: Now we know about Vincent.

Everywhere you go, there he is.

Benson: He's very possessive, isn't he?

Lara, we don't think that you're safe here.

Is there anyone, anywhere that you can stay?

No. I don't have anyone.

I know a women's shelter near where you work.

I'm gonna take you there.




Are you the zoological geneticist?

This had been a royal pain.

Do you realize we had to have special panels FedExed from a genomic lab in Maryland?

No, but we appreciate it.

Are we close?


But you will be able to tell us today whether or not the hairs came from CIeo?

Do you have any idea what you're asking?

For starters, it's a cat.

So right there, we're not using the standard 13-marker test.

So you can't get it?

No, I got it. It's your cat.

Pick up Vincent, I'll bootstrap a warrant.

(g*n FIRES)

Go ahead.

Stabler: Lara?

Just put down the g*n, honey.

Put down the g*n.

I shot him.

Benson: I see can that, Lara.

I just need you to hand me that g*n, all right?

I had to. He wouldn't stop.

It's okay now.

Lara, the g*n, all right?

Got it?

Ruger P94.

I moved in three years ago all by myself.

I didn't think I could carry up one more box when Vincent came over and started helping me.

After that, he was just always there.

It became romantic?

I told him I just wanted to be friends, but he was so persistent and sweet. He wore me down.

He didn't stay too sweet.

I came home late from work one day and he'd burned my clothes.


He accused me of cheating.

Said I was a whore, then started hitting me.

Why didn't you report him?

He apologized, swore it would never happen again, promised to make it up to me.

He said I was the most beautiful girl in the world.

But then he did it again.

I don't know how many times.

Were you two together when you started seeing Max?

Vincent punished me for two years of infidelities I never committed.

I thanked God when I found Max.

How'd Vincent feel about that?

Lara: He followed me everywhere.

He had a key.

He'd come into my apartment in the middle of the night.

But I was finally strong enough, because of Max, to say no.

Why didn't you get out of that building?

Max was just about to leave Peyton.

We were gonna get a place together.


Vincent came into my apartment that night and told me we could be together again.

Max was dead.

Benson: Lara, why didn't you call the police?

You don't know Vincent.

He'd k*ll me.

No matter where I went, he would find me and k*ll me like he k*lled Max.

You were at the shelter.

You were safe.

Why did you go back?

He was waiting for me outside the shelter.

I couldn't believe he found me there, too.

He must have followed us.

But I don't understand.

Why did you go back to the apartment?

He forced me.

He started to r*pe me again, and I couldn't let it keep happening.

I made it to his g*n and shot him.

CIassic battered woman syndrome.

Cabot: Yeah, but there's a hitch.

She's got the numbness, the low self-esteem, the fatalism, and the physical injuries kind of speak for themselves.

What's the hitch?

It's not clear-cut self-defense.

She shot the man that k*lled her lover.

A jury could very easily see that as an act of revenge.

She was beaten, r*ped and terrorized.

In her mind there was no escape.

Look, if she had shot him in her own apartment during the r*pe, we wouldn't even have to have this conversation.

As it stands now, all we've got is he-said she-said, he's dead.

Battered women rarely report abuse.

They are conditioned to believe that no one's gonna help them.

Okay, I want to be able to close this in good conscience.

Build me a case against Vincent that would put him away for life if he weren't dead.



Forensics came back on the Ruger. They found Vincent's prints all over it.

They took it apart and found some of Dr. KIeberg's skin embedded under the grip screw.

Lab work back?

Vincent's DNA matches the fluids from Peyton and Lara's r*pe kits.

Cragen: All that's missing is the bow.

I want you to go back over Vincent's apartment.

For the bow?


I don't know what he expects us to find in here.

CSU's already been through it with a microscope, Iiterally.

Diaries, journals, pictures, Ietters.

Yeah, CSU would never look for anything like that.

They missed this.

Triple-X porn.

How's that apply?

Open it up.

Commercial jacket, home-made video.

Bag it.

They said I had to sign something?

Yeah. Come in.

This is the statement you gave to police.

I just need you to review it, make sure it's accurate and sign it right there.


Is that it?

No. Actually, there's one more thing.

Lara: Sure.

Come on, Vincent, If you won't do it for me, do it for the $15,000, That doctor's wife, right?


Why don't you want to be with me?

Look, if you don't have the balls to do it,,, No, no, no, No, I'll do it, Good, You need to be waiting at his service door at 7:45, Get there early, You didn't know he made that video, did you?

He loved you, but he didn't trust you.

I was in love with Max.

Vincent was only supposed to k*ll Peyton.

There never was any relationship with Vincent, was there?

He followed me around like a puppy dog.

He'd do anything for me, but he wasn't supposed to k*ll Max.

Why did you stage your own r*pe?

I didn't.

Once he k*lled Max, he owned me.

I couldn't go to the police.

r*pe by blackmail?

Do you have any idea how horrible it was?

A jealous psychopath k*lled the love of my life, and I couldn't even go to the police!

Sweetheart, the reason that you couldn't go to the police is because you're the one that hired him.

That wasn't my idea.

Where do you think I got the $15,000?

And who do you think hid the jewelry?

It was Max.

Once Peyton was dead, he was gonna marry me.

How could Max be with somebody like that?

It was the heart attack.

It changed him.

But things were finally getting back to normal.

He broke it off with her after I found out.

That's why she had him k*lled, isn't it?

Mrs. KIeberg...

I'm so sorry, but your husband planned this whole thing.

Oh, that doesn't make any sense.

Why would Max set up his own death?

He wasn't supposed to die.

You were.
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