03x07 - Sacrifice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x07 - Sacrifice

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, Frank: I'll get a cab.

How's it going?

Is it a love connection?

I don't think he likes me.

That's crazy. You're adorable.

Definitely Steve's type.

Talk to him.

Sorry. I didn't mean...

It's fine. It's all right.

I'm just really nervous.

Me, too.

I think we both need to relax.

I know this great piano bar.

(g*n FIRING)

Get out of here. I'll call.

Hold it!

Let me see your hands!



My name's Phil.

I sleep here.

Detective Nathan?


OIivia, this is Elliot.

Your John Doe's a white male, early mid-20s.

Caught a slug in the gut.

Crime scene's an alley off of a bar called Puffy's.

I'm not sure, but I think I saw the victim inside.

Inside the bar?

I was on a date.

Set up by friends.

Made a great first impression.

Do we suspect a gay bashing?

Can't say for sure.

Victim was g*ng-r*ped.

That's why I called you.

Doctors found copious fluids.


Name's Phil Kastner.

Brick chip caught him in the cheek from the ricochet.

CIaims he just got there wanting to bed down.

Stabler: What, you don't believe him?

Sounds good, but he's pretty clean for a street sleeper.

Uniforms took him for a meal but I'll make sure he gets to the squad.

Okay. Thanks for your help.

You need anything else, you can reach me at the 25.

Okay. You know, Steve, if you want a little discretion on this, we can try and keep you out of it.

I don't broadcast, but the brass already knows.

Thanks for asking, though.

Okay. Take it easy.

Benson: I'll need to see the wound, please.

It's an old scar.

Doubt he uses that hand much.

Okay. No other wounds, no tattoos.

So, just this scar?


And a wedding ring.

Well, if he was in a committed relationship, we might be able to get a hit off Missing Persons.

He's in a meat market bar.

Let's hope his partner's more committed than he is.

Thanks for the shower and the clothes.

I do laundry on Thursdays, so I'll wash these and I'll bring them back.

Stabler: Yours to keep.

No, no, no, no.

I appreciate that but I've got plenty.

I'll give them to somebody who needs them.

You a junkie, Phil?

Sugar gave me away, huh?

How long you been clean?

Sixty-four days, five hours, twelve minutes, six seconds.

Seven, eight, nine...

Sebastian, he's my counselor.

He gave me the watch.

Said I needed to tell time to know how precious it is.

It's precious agony.


Okay, the alley outside of Puffy's, is that where you usually rest?

Yeah. The gays, they treat me human, so I stay there when I can't find a bed.

Where do you usually stay?

Mission on 10th when I'm not in rehab.

You see the sh**t, Phil?

It was dark, but I got a good look at him when he broke the alley.

Brown hair, between 5'10" and 6 feet.

I didn't see his eyes, though.

You see the g*n?

Snub-nose revolver.

Probably a.38.

I was a master sergeant, Parris lsland.

It was a lifetime ago.

You know, Phil, veterans are eligible for Uncle Sam benefits.

You know that, right?

Not without an address.

The waiting list for housing, oh, it's awfully long.

How much of this addict's statement can we believe?

I'd say all of it. He was Iucid enough for details.

If we find our sh**t, Phil's testimony won't hold up in court without help.

It's putting the proverbial cart, don't you think?

Get him to agree to a blood test.

If his tox screen shows he's clean now, the lawyers can't argue later.

Good thing you know the drug business.

GIad I could bring something to the table.

I didn't mean that.

Forget it.

Look, get on it before we lose Phil to the street.

What's with him?

What's the word on our John Doe, and what the hell was he doing in that alley?

No solicitation, hits.

Vice couldn't ID him from the photo or the prints, so he's not a known pro.

Doctors found three different blood types in the semen.

This looks like a r*pe g*ng-bang.

Good money's on a hate crime.

Perps are usually hetero, or closeted and in denial.

Well, there was a ring on his finger. So, maybe he's cheating, wanted out.

Picked up the wrong guys in the meat market.

John, you're on missing persons.

While you two canvass that bar, see if our John Doe introduced himself around.

Looked a hell of a lot better than that last night.

Did you catch a name?

No. I'm not his type.

Pretty boys tend to stick together.

Did you see someone with him?

Yeah, one of our regulars, but he's not into working guys over.

Well, we'll still need to talk to him.

This regular have a name?

Being gay doesn't mean being violent.

Whoever did that was straight.

As a matter of fact, gay bashers look a lot like you.

Look, we really don't want a hassle, but this is how it's gonna play out.

We come back here with a warrant, we go through your receipts, and while we're doing that, we close down your bar.

Name's Willem. I know him.

He didn't do this.

They had a drink at the bar.

Will passed him a thick envelope.

Did you see what was in the envelope?

No, and I didn't overhear any conversation, either.

Music here gets pretty loud.

Did they leave together?

Your guy left alone.

Hard to believe, with a body like that.

Stabler: What about this Willem?

Left at last call.

Okay. We'll need to hear that from him, so, do you have an address?

No, but you can find one from the credit card receipts.



You Willem Mueller?

No. Ray Borland.

Willem's my houseboy.

What's he done this time?

We just need to talk to him.

Is he in?

He's picking up my laundry.

What's this about?

Have you ever seen this man with Mr. Mueller?

No, I haven't. I'm pretty sure he'll be back soon.

Okay. Have him give us a call when he comes in.

Thank you, Mr. Borland.


Guess that's what they're called these days.

He fits the witness description.

Willem Mueller? We'd like to talk to you about last night.

Seven years in Sing Sing.

Possession with lntent and as*ault two.

I've changed my evil ways.

Not in this lifetime.

Recognize him?

Had a couple drinks. So what?

He was found worked over in that alley in more ways than one, and you were the last person seen with him.

I didn't touch him.

Not even for fun.

What's his name?

Peter lvanhoe.

That for real?

It's what he said.

What was the envelope for?

I was paying for a job.

What was he running for you, coke or crystal meth?

Not that kind of job.

I'm out of that business.

Well, what, then?

I plead the fifth.

He pleads the fifth.

You're not on trial.

Benson: Yet.

Terence Moore, representing Mr. Mueller, who is done talking unless you're charging him.

He's free to go after we get his DNA.

You're gonna need a warrant.

Not a problem.

Known violent ex-con who just happens to be the last person seen with the victim.

We're just waiting for the lab tech, so why don't you have a seat, Counselor?

Have an orange juice.

Natural sugar's better than a candy bar.

Oh, thanks.

We're holding a suspect, so if it pans out, we'll do a lineup.

You know where to find me.

You're thinking about it right now, just using one more time.

All day, every day.

And one more time will k*ll you, Phil.

You know that, right?

Smoker doesn't know which cigarette will give him cancer.

Drinker doesn't know which cocktail will give him cirrhosis. It's a compulsion.

You gotta stop making excuses.

Take this.

We get Mueller's DNA?

It's on its way to the lab.

Anything on the victim from Missing Persons?

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children got a hit.

In Cedar Creek, Arkansas, a 17-year-old boy Wesley Jansen went missing in 1993.

Stabler: Juvenile records?

No. Part of the kids' fingerprint program.

You contacted his parents?

They're flying in.

What's the connection between the runaway and the ex-con?

Well, Mueller played dumb on the envelope, but he's been in the drug trade, so it's a dope payoff or money to make a buy.

If he's making bank selling dr*gs, then why's he doing Ray Borland's laundry?

I checked with Narcotics.

Borland's a player.

Got caught holding on a couple of big-time possession beefs.

Bought his way out from under.

He was connected. The real Iaundry is cleaning money.

So, Mueller fronts as Borland's man on the street.

Wesley Jansen, a.k.a.

Peter lvanhoe, is either a dealer...


...mule or a client.

Hospital just called.

Our victim is awake, so go ask him nicely.

Stabler: Who's Wesley Jansen?

If that's the name of my roomie, he's gone.

Do you know where he went?

He didn't talk to me.

Well, what time did he skip?

About 30 minutes ago.

He lost it when the nurse told him the cops were on the way.

You let John Doe just walk out of here with a gut wound?

He's ambulatory, but just barely.

The dressing has to be changed. He needs round-the-clock antibiotics.

This guy will be back with a staph infection.

Did he have any visitors coming in or out of here?

Not a soul. All he did was yak on the phone.

"I love you. Don't worry.

See you soon."

Well, the idea of talking to the cops spooked him so much that he runs with a b*llet wound in his gut.

Someone had to pick him up.

We'll dump his phones and find out who.

Open up. Police.

TV's on. It's a good sign.

Oh, God. What?

Wesley Jansen?


Can we come in?

Nice place.

Sure beats a hospital room.

Yeah. I'm gonna pay for that bill, I swear.

This isn't about the bill.

It's about your as*ault.

Yeah. Okay.

We'd like you to come down to the station so we can take your statement, or we can take you back to the hospital.

Look, I don't have any insurance, and I didn't see the guy who att*cked me.

So, I was mugged.

It happens all the time, right?

So, why are you packing?

I just thought I'd take a break from the city.

You seem a little jumpy, a little nervous. Even scared.

I was att*cked.

How should I act?

Is someone after you?


You being threatened?


Benson: Wesley, we know about the r*pe.

That's crazy.

Well, we've got semen from the three different men and a g*n shot wound here.

What are you doing out of bed?

You're gonna k*ll yourself.

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, baby.

Jaina: Are you the police?

Yeah. We're here about Wesley's as*ault.

I'm Jaina, Wesley's wife.

This is our Mara.

Here's your pills.


Jaina: So, did you catch that mugger?

No, sweetheart, I told them that I'd be okay.

We're still gonna want Wesley to come down to the station to answer a few questions.

Maybe when he's feeling better.

Precinct or hospital, your choice, but we need a statement now.

Like I said, the whole thing is a blank.

We appreciate your time, anyway.

I'll show these people to the interview room.

This way.

What's going on?

Captain wants to see you.

About what?

Parents are here.


Mom, Dad.


No. Take it easy.

What happened, son?

Nothing. I'm okay.

It's been eight years.

I'm just so happy to see you're alive.

Stabler: Are you ready to talk, Wesley?

Why'd you call my parents?

I don't want them here.

Why'd you run away?

They do something to you?

I don't want to talk about it.

Fine. We're only interested in your as*ault and the r*pe.

No one r*ped me.

Then how do you explain the semen inside of you?

Was it consensual?

I'm married. I've got a kid.

Look, Iots of people hit for both teams. Now, either you were forced or you weren't.

Okay, I'm bisexual.

Are we done?

No, who shot you?

You're hiding something, and we're trying to help you.

No. You can't.

We take r*pe and as*ault very seriously.

We keep investigating with or without help.

All right. I was hit outside the bar, all right?

I was knocked on the head, and the rest is a blur.

What do you want from me?

Why don't we start with the truth?

There's no evidence that you were knocked out.

There's no contusions to the back of your head.

Well, I don't know what to tell you.

Any aliases?


Your husband's got two names.

You sure you don't want to amend that?

My name is Jaina Jansen, formerly Jaina Tobias of Cedar Creek, Arkansas.

Just ask my mother-in-Iaw.

When did you last see your husband before his attack?

That afternoon. He'd gone out to run some errands, and when he didn't come back, I called the police.

They said I had to wait 48 hours.

Which precinct?

You don't believe me?

Benson: Wesley, it's really hard admitting that you were r*ped.

You feel guilt.

You feel shame.

But you've gotta deal with it, for yourself and for your family.

Okay, I will.

Is the lecture over?

No. What was in the envelope Willem Mueller passed you in the bar?

Payments for working on Ray Borland's house.

All of it in cash?


How much?

$4,500, which was stolen when I got mugged.

That's an awful lot of cash.

Must've been a big job.

Do a lot of construction with that bum right hand of yours?

My other one works just fine.

Then, why use an alias, Peter lvanhoe?

I don't know. I made it up when Jaina and I ran away.

I thought my parents would be looking. I just got in the habit of using it.

Well, what about Jaina's parents?

They're dead. Her father k*lled her mother in front of her and then offed himself.

Nobody looked out for her except for me.

Maybe you knew your hubby was making a drug deal and you don't call that into the police.

Oh, my God.

You've got Wesley involved with dr*gs?

No, I don't, but it's just like you to blame me for this.

He never gave us any trouble until he met you.

Yeah, I suppose I seduced him, too. Got pregnant on purpose so he'd marry me.

I wouldn't put it past a slut like you.

Munch: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Now cut it out, you two.

Wesley loves me!

Ms. Jansen, wait in the Captain's office or leave.

You park it and chill out.

What the hell is going on?

That lady called Mommy a slut.

What does that mean?


Chester: Son, wait.

Let's go.



Well, that was a hell of a family reunion.

I had a mother-in-Iaw like that, I just might take a swing at her myself.

We checked with Cedar Creek PD about the m*rder-su1c1de.

Jaina was 10 when it went down.

She moved in with an aunt whose boyfriend sexually assaulted her.

The parents said that Wesley's always had a soft spot for Jaina.

He even tried to get his parents to take her in.

Let me guess, they passed.

After that, he went from college-bound to truant.

It became all about Jaina.

Mara's seven years old, so Jaina ran when she was pregnant.

To a city where the predators know a victim when they see one.

But where are we on the r*pe?

Without a complaining witness, it doesn't exist.

I don't know why this guy is holding back.

But being this scared, he knows his attackers.

Still got attempted m*rder, unless you want to hand it off.

Have I ever?

All right, here's what we got.

Borland claimed that he didn't know Wesley when we showed him his photo, but Wesley was paid by Mueller for Borland's alleged home repairs.

It's got to be a drug connection.

Well, Iean on Borland.

We'll get an explanation.

Lab report says Mueller's DNA is a match.

Any takers on Borland matching, too?

We can't get a warrant for his DNA unless Mueller gives him up.

Stabler: Let's bring them both in.

My client is willing to cooperate fully.

But if the questions go outside the scope, I'll bury you in paper.

Well, we dream in triplicate, so let's cut the chest-thumping.

Wesley Jansen says that he works for you.

We're acquaintances.

Then why'd you lie to us when you said you didn't know him?

Most people don't want to get involved.

I'm no different.

Sodomy in the First, along with his convict history.

What do you think, Munch, 18 to 25?


I didn't r*pe anyone.

We're not allowed to talk to you.

You asked for a lawyer.

This is a no-brainer with the DNA match in Wesley Jansen.

Damn, I hope the perp can do this kind of time.

He wouldn't have to if he cooperated.

The D.A. Iikes to make deals.

What kind of work did Wesley Jansen do for you?

Odd jobs, You lied to us about knowing him, and you're lying right now, He was g*ng-r*ped by three men, and we've ID'd one of his attackers as your live-in, Willem Mueller.

That's it. Interview's over.

What are the odds the DNA sample from you will match the evidence?

Get a court order, otherwise hold your breath.

Mueller's facing some pretty serious time, so he's across the hall, probably giving you up right now.

There's nothing he can say to incriminate me.

So, where you think he'll do his time, Dannemora or Sing Sing?

$100 on the big house in Ossining, He's got old friends up there, You got to show me the cash first, We were making a movie.

Nobody got r*ped.

You can't talk to us without your lawyer.

I'll sign a release if it'll get me out of here.

Hancock the bottom.

What kind of movie?

Gay porn.

I produce films.

I sent Willem Mueller to pay Wesley for his services.

One of the best group scenes we've ever shot.

And why should we believe that?

Well, I could screen the film for you, if you'd like.

So, Wesley's one of your gay porn stars?

Don't be ridiculous.

He's not gay.

Gay-on-straight sells a lot of videos, especially if it's bareback.

Wesley's strictly gay-for-pay at 1,500 bucks a bang.

Well, now we know why Wesley wasn't cooperating.

He didn't want us digging into his background.

He's either ashamed or he's afraid of somebody.

A straight guy wouldn't want the world to know he's doing gay porn.

Maybe he's in trouble with the mob.

Porn is a multi-billion dollar mom-and-pop industry now.

The mob got out of it a long time ago.

And wise guys never walk away from that much cheddar.

Your victim was shot in the gut, not in the heart or the head.

That is a slow, painful way to die. The motive's got to be personal.

You think it's a jealous gay costar who bought into the make-believe?

If it is a criminal element, we can offer Wesley protection.

Just remind him, whoever shot him could come back for another try.

Excuse me, we're looking for the Jansens.

No one's answering their door.

Is he dead? I called the ambulance. They got here pretty quick, considering.

What happened?

I didn't mind looking in on Wesley, but the second time I went up, he was out cold, so I called 911.

Do you know which hospital?

Probably St. Martin's.

You know, no insurance.

Where's Jaina?

Well, she had to work.

She left me this number.

I called her.

It was some management company, and they said they'd give her the message.
Stabler: Pornography isn't illegal.

Making it isn't illegal.

Now is there some reason you neglected to tell us?

It's none of your business.

Who shot you, Wesley?

I told you I wasn't r*ped.

I told you I wasn't gay.

So, why won't you believe me when I say I don't know?

Because our experience has been someone lies once, they make it a bad habit.

I didn't lie.

Okay, omitting the truth is the same thing.

I see the way you're looking at me.

I'm scum because I make money having sex. So, why do you care who shot me?

Because it's our job.

I got nothing else to say.

Look, if somebody's after you, then no one in your family is safe.

Where's your wife?

You leave her out of this.

Benson: Either you tell us where she is, or we will find your wife and find out how much she knows.

Please don't involve Jaina.

You don't understand what you're doing.

Then you start explaining to us, because we're running out of options here.

May I help you?

Jaina Jansen.

She in some kind of trouble?

If you could just wait, I'll let them know back there...

Oman: Come on, Jaina. That's it, honey. That's it, good.

Pick up the pace a little.

Joey, just kneel down behind her. All right. A little more to the left. Good. Good.


What are you doing here?

You ruined my shot.

Who are you?


We need to talk to Jaina.

All right, no, no, no, everybody just relax.

We're not doing anything illegal here, okay.

I'm Cal Oman, the director of this film, and I assure you everything's in order.

Look, this isn't about you.

Can we do this later, please?

No, Jaina, you need to get dressed, because we need to talk.

Well, actually, she doesn't have to, because she's not under arrest.

We're making a movie here.

Time is money.

All right, stand over there, please.

Now, you know that Wesley's back in the hospital?

Yeah, he called.

I was going to call him back on my break. Is he okay?

He's fine.

Look, if I don't work, I don't get paid, and we need this money.

Look, am I gonna have to call a lawyer?

Give me the phone.

Why don't you call two?

They'll both tell you to stay out of it.

Look, get a warrant or get lost. All right?

This is my building, and I don't want you here.

Mommy, can I have quarters for the soda machine?

Jaina, I'm sorry.

I tried to get her, but I couldn't stop her.

What in the hell is your daughter doing on a porn set?

Can I see my daughter, please?

She needs me.

You couldn't find a baby-sitter?


Wesley's sick.

I had to take her with me.

What about your in-Iaws?

Why not ask them?

So they can teach her to hate me?

Besides, nobody can take care of Mara except me and Wes.

Yeah? Why's that?

I need to get her home.

You're not going anywhere, and neither is Mara.

I didn't do anything wrong.

We're charging you with child endangerment.

You took your daughter to a porn set.

It's not exactly a healthy and safe environment for kids.

Please, don't do this.

If I go to jail, who takes care of Mara?

Either Children's Services or your in-Iaws.

She has cystic fibrosis.

She needs constant care.

I'm doing the best that I can.

There's doctor visits and sh*ts, pills.

Wesley's the only one that knows how to do her chest therapy, and somebody has to bring in a paycheck.

Okay, we'll consider putting you on notice.

That means Children's Services will check in on you from time to time.

What's the catch?

Well, it's pretty obvious that Wesley doesn't care about his own well-being. Do you?

I can't help you.

Jaina, somebody tried to k*ll your husband.

You cooperate with us, and you can walk out that door.

You're gonna have to arrest me.

We thr*aten to take her kid, and she still won't talk.

It's not a threat.

She endangered a child.

That's enough to remove a minor from her care.

Jaina is obviously terrified.

If the mob is connected, we're just adding more pressure.

And the daughter's terminal.

I don't want to put a sick child with Children's Services.

Can't the grandparents take custody?

Well, that's not gonna help Wesley and Jaina.

Somebody's squeezing them to keep quiet, but aren't we just doing the same thing?

They're jerking us around.

If we have to force them to cooperate, I'm fine with that.

Yeah, Wesley got very agitated when we told him we were going to Jaina.

Maybe she's been the target all along, and he just got in the middle.

If we're thinking mob, check into this pornographer, Cal Oman, see if he's a connected guy.

Ten minutes, then I gotta block the next shot.

Vice gave us an earful about you. Lots of charges from extortion to blackmail.

Lots of trumped-up charges, but no convictions.


You ever thought about doing a movie?

You look like you'd be a real natural.

You still work for the Santuccis?

Having friends from the old neighborhood is not a criminal offense.

I am a filmmaker, not a hood.

Who finances those movies?

Look, why don't you just quit fishing and get to the point?

Okay, you're pretty small potatoes in the porn industry.

Jaina Jansen's your only big star.


Stabler: For such a big draw, she doesn't work that much.

Her husband get in the way?

The less she works, the more the public wants her.

Wesley moonlighting, I mean, that must've pissed you off.

Why? I don't use him that much, and now with the bareback-riding thing, I won't use him at all.

Yeah, but married couples don't use condoms, so he's putting your star at risk.

You know, if Jaina wants to play Russian roulette, that's her business.

I made her a star. I can make another one just like her.

Yeah, but wouldn't it be easier just to get rid of Wesley?

Look, I hate to disappoint you, but I didn't sh**t the bastard.

Okay, so, where were you that night?

Right here. Prepping a movie.

Who were you with?

I was rehearsing one of the new girls, Delia Sarton.

Just like I used to with Jaina in the old days.

You and Jaina were involved?

Long time ago, but I've moved on.

Jaina's got mileage.

Who wants to be with a chick that's been with a hundred guys?

So, where can we find Delia Sarton?

She's getting a body wax.

My receptionist will tell you where she is.


Hi, Delia Sarton?

Yeah, that's me.

Cal said you wanted to ask me questions.

Yeah. Did he mention why?

No, he didn't tell me what to say, if that's what you mean.

Where were you two nights ago?

From 8:30 to 1:00, I was with Cal on set.

Do you always rehearse that late?

All the time.

How'd you get home?

I took a cab.

What cab company?

It was yellow.

What'd you do before you went to rehearsal?

Who were you with?

Where'd you go?

I don't remember.

Did you know that you can be charged with obstruction of justice, giving a false statement to a police officer and perjury, if this goes to trial?

Sixteen months to three years in Bedford Hills prison.

Delia, do you want to change your statement?

I didn't mean...

I just want to be a star like Jaina. Cal gives her all the best parts.

Is that what he promised you if you vouched for him?

He set up a g*ng-bang for Jaina in Vegas.

300 guys in 10 hours.

She's gonna be on Howard Stern.

Cal's crazy about her.

What do you mean, crazy?

He says she belongs to him.

Please don't tell on me.

If Cal finds out...

Don't worry.

"File no 745243.

People v, Jaina Jansen, "One count, child endangerment.

"One count, unlawful dealing with a child."

Objection. Unlawful dealing covers minors in bars, obscenities and prostitution.

That isn't the case here.

Pornography is a form of legal prostitution.

The minor's physical, mental and emotional welfare was corrupted.

I agree. How do you plead, Mr. Schoenfeld?

Not guilty and request ROR.

The defendant is a porn actress.

She took her daughter to work, exposing her to an environment of wanton sexual activity.

The minor child was confined to an area where all members of the cast are clothed.

My client did everything to shield her daughter.

Cabot: Except to get a baby-sitter.

The defendant's in-Iaws were in town and were never called.

Schoenfeld: The little girl suffers from cystic fibrosis.

She can't be left in the care of just anyone.

Then your client should have thought of that before she took an innocent child to a porn set.

Your client has endangered the welfare of a minor.

For the privilege of her freedom, I want $5,000, cash or bond.

Next case.

Clerk: "Docket number 28763..."

We know Cal's connected and we know he's got a thing for your wife.

He tried to k*ll you.

Next time you're not gonna be so lucky.

Next time it might be your daughter.

But maybe that's what you want, huh?

I mean, you must be awful tired of being saddled with a sick kid.

You just calm down. Calm down.

All right.

Now, you've just assaulted a police officer and I'm gonna frisk you, just in case any of Cal's friends are hanging around.

And then I'm gonna arrest you unless you start talking to us.

If I say anything, Mara gets hurt and I can't risk it.

Then give us your statement so we can put Cal Oman away.

We can protect you.

No, you can't.

Jaina already tried to leave.

He said that he made her and that she wasn't going anywhere.

So he shot you to prove it to her?

We never thought he'd go that far.

He would've k*lled me if that homeless guy hadn't shown up.

So, stand up and say that.

My daughter is dying.

We do porn to pay for her bills.

Do you understand that?

There is nothing that I wouldn't do for her.

I'm going to bail my wife out.

If you keep coming after us, you're just gonna make it worse.

He's boxed in pretty tight.

Since Cal Oman lied about his alibi, maybe we should bring him in and do a little two-on-one.

Well, it sounds like fun, but that'll give him a heads-up and too much time to be working out another explanation with his friends.

Okay, so we pull our witness in and do a lineup.

He IDs Oman, we lock him down, with no way out.

That's if Munch and Fin can still locate Phil.

What a surprise, Phil's back in rehab.

His ID won't be any good.

That's for Cabot to decide.

It's a waste of time. What?

Don't you think you're taking Phil's relapse too personally?

He's jeopardizing the case and making my job harder.

I always take that personally.

Early on, I had a partner like you used to get worked up.

What happened?

He ate his g*n.

I need you to focus, Phil.

I've got some pictures you need to see.

Okay. I'm hurting bad.

We need you to identify the guy you saw do the sh**ting.

What sh**ting?

That's it.

I think we're done here.

Where's the fire, Alex?

We need this.

Is it against the rules to remind him of the incident?

Jog his memory about what he went through and nothing else.

How'd you get that scratch on your face, Phil?

It hurts.

Phil, you wanna be a stupid d*ck and k*ll yourself, you go right ahead.

I need you to look at these damn pictures.

You gave me orange juice.

You're a nice guy.

Yeah, I'm a nice guy.

Look at the pictures.

You see anybody?

Brunette. Snub-nose revolver.

I can't take these to a judge.

Your witness is coming off of heroin.

He was clean during his statement.

We got a tox screen, thanks to my partner, so we're covered.

Can't you call in a favor?

After working with this unit I don't have that many left.

Move! Move!

Cop 1: CIear.

Cop 2: CIear.

It's Cal Oman.

Okay. Get me an evidence bag.

I want Prints and Ballistics on this.

Tell the lab. Make it a rush.

Entry wound's through the back. He was running away.

Well, that tends to happen when you're facing the barrel of a g*n.

All right, take it easy.

We got a sick child in there.

Cop 1: CIear.


Cop 2: CIear.

They're running.

With Wesley's prints all over the m*rder w*apon, this goes out citywide, he becomes a mark.

Well, they're broke, so they can't get that far.

We know where his parents are staying. Let's go alone.


My son didn't do this.

Wesley: Mom, you have to do this three times a day, okay?

She will whine.

She'll say it hurts.

You can't let that stop you.

She will die if you don't.

Say you understand.

I understand.

On your feet, Wesley.

Please. Just give me a second, please?

There's six positions.

Chest, back, both sides, all right?

Five minutes each.

Try to make her cough after.

If she gets a fever, call her doctor, Dr. Lawrence Baylord.

That's her pulmonologist.

See she takes pancreatic enzymes also.

Don't worry.

I'll take good care of her.

(CRYING) Don't go.

Sweetie, sweetie.

All right, Iisten.

Grandma's going to finish, because I have to go with the police.

Daddy, please!

Okay, we're not gonna cuff you in front of her, but you have to come with us now.

I love you, honey.


It'll be okay.

Please don't go.


Come on, Mara, be a good girl.

Please, Daddy, don't go!


Daddy, I'm gonna miss you.

You have the right to remain silent.

You have the right...

Daddy, please!




My parents took out a second mortgage on their house for Mara.

She's on the transplant list.

She's gonna be in the hospital for awhile.

Jaina didn't need to do the g*ng-bang anymore.

So, I just went over there, and I tried to reason with Cal.

Reason with the man who shot you?

It sounds more like a motive for m*rder to me.

Well, that's not true. I mean, I'm in enough trouble as it is, why would I need to lie?

Because it's the difference between parole and a life sentence.

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

We fought, and he pulled the g*n, and we struggled with it, and it went off.

Are you claiming self-defense?

Yeah. Well, yeah.

That's how it happened.

Well, the evidence doesn't support your story.

There were no signs of a struggle in that room.

And if it went down like you say, the prints on the g*n would be smudged.

Where's Jaina?

She's taking care of a few things.

She's moving back to Arkansas with my parents.

She's gonna live there.


You need to change your story, and you need to do it now, because once we walk out this room, we're gonna recommend to the prosecution that they go for the maximum.

But if you tell us the truth, we will try to get you leniency.

Our phone was ringing off the hook.

Guys were calling from L.A. and Vegas.

They wanted to sign her up for bigger and better stunts.

You know, just lining up to turn her into a sideshow freak.

So, you shot him?

I just wanted her out.

I didn't mean for him to die.

"File number 565429.

People v, Wesley Jansen, "Manslaughter in the First Degree."

How do you plead?

I'm guilty, Your Honor.

The defendant confessed to SVU detectives and signed his own statement.

We're satisfied with the facts.

Fine. Remand until allocution.

Next case.

Clerk: "Docket number 51 28763."

Take some.


Look, is there anything you can do for my son?

Mr. Jansen, your son has confessed to homicide.

There's nothing...

It's completely out of our hands.

You know, it's just not in him.

Stabler: Well, with all due respect, sir, you haven't seen your son in a number of years.

I know my son didn't do this.

This is her fault.

You keep blaming Jaina for Wesley's bad judgment.

Well, where the hell is she?

She told us she's not going back to Arkansas.

Wesley's going through hell.

She's nowhere to be found.

Is Mara going with her?

Mara's going to live with us.

Well, even if we wanted to help, the preliminary lab report shows your son's prints on the m*rder w*apon.

I know people change, but my son didn't sh**t anyone.

I hunt. I have r*fles.

Wesley, he never touched them.


Did you find any other prints besides our perp's?

None. No smudges and no partials, but I did find prints belonging to the victim on the other rounds inside the w*apon.

That doesn't make any sense unless you wiped it clean.

Can you tell us which hands made the prints?

His right.

That's a tight trigger.

Wesley doesn't have the dexterity to fire that g*n.

So, why did he wipe it off and put his prints all over it?

Who has he been protecting from day one?

You leaving?

I've got a bus to catch.

You weren't in court today.

I just couldn't deal with it.

Your husband's going to prison. Don't you care?

Of course I care, but I have to accept it and deal with reality.

I gotta start over.

They have porn in Arkansas, or are you just giving it up?

Porn isn't what you think.

A Iot of it's fake.

And there's no way I'm going back to where small town people with small minds judge me.

So, where are you headed?

Vegas, then L.A.

It's my last chance.

I really need this.

If I'm not a star before I'm 30, I can forget about being a producer, a director later on.

What about your daughter?

She's gonna stay with my in-Iaws.

I'll make enough money and send it back till I get a nice place, and I'm gonna hire the best lawyer for Wes.

So, you get to be the porn queen while your husband takes the fall for a crime he didn't commit?

You think he's innocent?

The evidence proves that he is.

Thank God.

When's he getting out?

Why don't we go inside and talk about it?

Yeah, let's go back inside.

Have you fired a g*n recently?


Then you'll agree to a g*n shot residue test.


If we find traces of gunpowder on your skin or on your clothes, you're gonna need to explain that to a judge.

Gunpowder doesn't wash off right away, so if there are traces, we can find it.

We're gonna need the clothes you were wearing the day Cal Oman was shot.

So, are they in this bag here or on the floor?

This isn't happening.

The court will probably go easy on you.

Terminally ill child.

You were a minor who was coerced into child pornography.

There won't be a dry eye in the house.

We know you shot Cal Oman.

We just have to get you to the lab, and we can prove it.

He slapped me around.

He threatened me.

I had to sh**t him.

He was shot in the back, Jaina, trying to escape.

You didn't know him.

I had to defend myself.

So, then you let Wesley make the sacrifice.

I was a wreck.

I told him what happened.

And I didn't ask him to, but he knows Mara needs me.

But you're not going to Arkansas to be with her.

You're leaving your child with her grandparents.

You don't understand what it is like to be trapped with a sick kid, doing three guys at a time to pay off my debts.

I have a $50,000 contract waiting for me in Las Vegas.

And Cal would've taken all of it.

He was never gonna let me go.

Well, neither will Bedford Hills. At least not for 15 years minimum.

What happens to Jaina now?

Your wife's pled not guilty.

She's going for self-defense.

What are her chances?

Doesn't look good.
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