03x10 - Ridicule

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x10 - Ridicule

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, Syd.


Oh, this isn't gonna work.


Oh, what...

What the hell are you doing?

If you want me to stay, this is not gonna be...


Oh, my God.

Where's Dr. Warner?

Melinda's at an ME conference, so you're stuck with me till the end of the week.

So what's on the menu for today, Justin?

Looks like autoerotic asphyxiation.

Sydney Green, early 30s.

Husband found her.

Stabler: And he is where?

He was flipping out.

So the unis drove him to your precinct.

We cut her down?

Husband did.

Said he turned off the music, too.

Dead how long?

Rigor was just setting, so three, four hours tops.

Okay. Any fluids?

None apparent, but I don't expect to find any.

Autoerotics like to fly solo.

Is that why you're leaning toward accidental death?

Skin pics, plus the sex toys and the mirror. It's a gimme.

But it's not official till I cut her open.

Well, until then, let's work it as a sexual homicide.

Female asphyxial deaths are on the rise across the country.

If that's what this one was.

I'll let you know.

No sign of a break-in or a struggle.

The candles, the music, that strikes me as a seductive scene.

Maybe she wanted to treat herself.

Most women don't go this far, but they do like to self-serve.

Stabler: I guess you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.

How long has your wife been asphyxiating?

No, that's crazy.

Look, Sydney had never done anything like that before.

She's not that kind of person.

And how long were you married?

Six months.

We were having problems.

We decided to separate.

How long were you together before you got married?

Just a few months.

That's quick.

That's why we separated.

Look, I...

It's only been a couple of weeks. I just went over to get a few things, and that's when I found her like that.

Where were you before that?

Working. I'm an artist.

I have a loft over in AIphabet City.

And how come you two weren't getting along?

Irreconcilable differences.

Stabler: What does that mean?



Look, just 'cause two people love each other doesn't mean they can live together.

Why? Why are you asking me these questions?

I mean, somebody k*lled my wife.

Who wanted the divorce?

We hadn't decided to file, but I wanted the separation.

We got married too fast.

So then it is possible that your wife hid her sexual practices from you.

Our sex life wasn't the problem. When... Can I...

Do you know when you'll release my wife's body?

We'll let you know.

Any alarm bells going off on the husband?


He's hiding something.

Getting off while choking isn't something you share with friends and family.

People are always shocked when they get that kind of news.

I still think the victim was entertaining.

She had a new man, or hubby got there earlier than he said.

Well, if she had a partner, it's manslaughter, whether the ME rules it an accident or not.

Did the victim have any visitors besides the husband?

The visitors' Iog listed a Pam Adler and Amelia Chase, arrived around lunchtime.

Pam Adler, the criminal attorney?

Yeah. Rose, Adler & KIein.

She cross-examined me on a drug bust where a cop got k*lled.

Accused me of police brutality.

Don't tell me the perp went to the hospital.

Drug dealer's still alive, the cop isn't.

We'll take the lawyer since Fin's got history.


It's terrible. Did she suffer?

Stabler: We really can't answer that.

Were you two close friends?

Yes. We met at Vassar.

We had our whole lives ahead of us.

And now she's dead.

I just can't stop thinking about her. First the divorce and now this.

We heard it was a trial separation.

Six-month-old marriage and nothing but fights.

Sydney couldn't take it anymore, so she called an attorney I know.

Have you seen Sydney recently?

She was supposed to meet Amelia and me for lunch.

When she didn't show, we went over to her apartment.

Sydney said that she wanted to be alone, but I think she had company.

What made you think that?

She had on a robe.

Candles were burning, music was playing, and the bedroom door was closed.

Do you have any idea who might have been with her?

No. The divorce was hitting her hard. She was depressed.

Andrew was no prize.

Stabler: You don't like him?

He's an artist with questionable talent who married a meal ticket.

They met on a Caribbean vacation.

AIthough where the little bastard got the money, I'll never know.

I at least convinced Syd to sign a prenup.

Is there anything else that you can tell us about her husband?

Is there something I should know?

Are you thinking foul play?

Cause of death is still pending so the law says we treat it as a homicide.

What you know about the law I could fit in the palm of my hand.

How much was Mrs. Green worth?

I don't have a clue.

But call her divorce attorney, he should have a complete list of her assets.

Thanks for waiting. This was sudden, just a tragedy.

What was Sydney Green's financial status?

She made a k*lling in junk bonds but lost her shirt in the tech market.

There's nothing left?

Apartment's mortgaged, Iife insurance will cover her debts.

The husband might clear 50 grand.

That's still a lot of money.

In Manhattan? Don't kid me.

Would he have walked away empty-handed had your client lived?

Absolutely. There was a prenup and tax returns show a loss after they married.

Was Andrew Green aware of his wife's financial situation?

She handled the money, so I don't see how.

Her secretary said she should be done by now.

These day traders Iive pretty good, short hours, spa days.

What the hell is she doing in there?

Beauty treatments take time.

Mud bath, cellulite dissipation, an exfoliating facial.

Time and money, some women Iearn early how to waste both.

Your ex-wives made you bitter.

Not bitter, just resigned.

The receptionist said the police were looking for me.

You the detectives?

Yeah, we'd like to talk to you about Sydney Green.

I still have some errands to run.

Do you mind if we walk?

How well did you know her?

I met Sydney at OIdman.

She made a fortune in junk and got out early.

Kept her toe in trading for herself.

We remained friends, although she was a little too risque for my taste.

Can you get more specific?

I'm not interested in titillating you, Detective.

And we're not here to carry your bags.

Just speak up and we're gone.

I don't understand.

I mean, when Pam gave me the news, I just naturally thought it was an accident.

Why would you assume that?

I mean, she lived on the edge.

That's how she worked, how she lived, a big risk-taker.

Was she an adrenaline junkie?

Nothing that extreme.

But, you know, she got a rush from gambling, risky stocks, kinky sex.

What kind of kinky sex?

Like looping ropes around the neck.

Sick stuff like that.

I mean, she even tried to sell me, but I wasn't buying.

Munch: Doesn't sound like you had much in common.

You know, in some ways we were kindred spirits.

How so?

There aren't too many women in our business.

And we both like to make lots of money and show up the entitled men while we were doing it.

Amelia Chase said our victim was a choker.

Were they close enough for such an intimate confidence?

Supposed to be kindred sisters fighting male dominance in the market.

Yeah. They were so close she seemed real broken up by her friend's death.

You think she or the lawyer had anything to do with it?

Last people to see her alive, but what's the motive?

How does the husband look?

Stabler: Pretty strong.

He's got a negative bank balance, and his credit report shows Iots of bad debt write-off.

The wife cut the purse strings?

She may not have had a choice.

She was broke, too.

Why k*ll her?

Fifty grand's better than nothing.

Would that cover his debt?

Benson: And then some.

Have we heard from the ME's office yet?

Fin: Not yet.

All right, well, let's get down to the morgue, Iean on the Assistant ME.

We gotta know. Check with Green's neighbors, all right?

Find out how he's living.

If he still looks good, bring him in for a hard interview.

You were drowning in bills.

Did you k*ll her for the money?

Money? There was no money.

We were broke.

But you stand to inherit 50 grand from her death.

That's plenty.

Benson: You said that she never choked.

You said that she wasn't that kind of person.

But somebody else tells a completely different story, that she did it all the time.

Okay, which is it, m*rder or accident?

Now, if she choked, then you either knew about it or you k*lled her outright.

In that case, you're gonna do some time yourself.

Andrew, the system will go a lot easier on you if it was an accident.

But you need to tell us the truth.

We told everyone we met on the islands, but we really met in rehab.

We just didn't want anybody to know.

Stabler: Which rehab facility?


Addiction to painkillers.

We already knew the worst about each other.

I would've stood by her side through anything.

If she would only come clean, maybe she'd still be alive.

Came clean about what?

Sydney was using dr*gs again, Iosing control.

She had a bachelor party, and she and her friends att*cked the male stripper.

Was it reported to the police?


They were waiting for us on our doorstep when we returned from our honeymoon.

Benson: How badly was this guy hurt?

They r*ped him.

That's why we were fighting.

If somebody k*lled my wife, it was probably him.

Excuse me.

Looking for Peter Smith.

Is this about...


I'm gonna take a break.

I won't be long.

So, did you find out the names of the other women who r*ped me?

Do you know a woman named Sydney Green?

You know I do.

Have you been in contact with her?

Have you seen her since the alleged r*pe?


No, I haven't seen her or talked to her since she and her friends att*cked me.

You sure about that? I mean, I show your photo around and somebody from her building IDs you, I'm not gonna be so pleasant.

Listen, you're not here to help me, so what's this about?

Sydney Green is dead.

And you think I k*lled her?

You had a reason.

Cops treated me like dirt.

They made fun of me, brought me to the hospital, told the nurse it was a scam.

I've got reason to be angry, but I didn't k*ll anyone.

We need an account of your movements two days ago.

I was at the animal shelter until late evening.

Check with my supervisor.

Sydney Green's building has security. If he did it, how did he get in?

Munch: So, what's the verdict?

Autoerotic asphyxiation.

She tightened the rope around her neck, like so, and using an arm to support her weight on the bed, she leaned at a slight angle.

But she miscalculated, Iost control and passed out.

Her body goes slack and acts as a counterweight.

We call it gentle strangulation.

That's comforting.

Stabler: We sure this is an accidental death?

The Assistant ME's convinced.

He played it out and it looked good to me.

We don't have a suspect.

Peter's alibi panned out.

No sign of a struggle.

No sign of a break-in.

Do you want this to be a homicide?


I don't know, but something's off.

You can always take it up with Warner when she gets back from her conference, since you got so much free time.

Fine. Officially it's closed.

Not quite. We still have an open r*pe case.


I already talked to Cragen who already spoke with Cabot, and she'd like to see us in her office, so, yeah.

Stabler: Was he drugged?

Cabot: He doesn't need to be.

Was there even a w*apon?

None listed.

Happened at the bachelorette party.

Mob attack isn't unheard of.

Cabot: Did the uniforms follow up on the suspect's complaint?

They asked a few questions, and then they dropped it.

Because they didn't buy it and neither do I.

And more importantly, neither will a jury.

Well, if the attack took place, I'll make sure that they do.

First male r*pe victim with female perps, that adds up to a lot of attention, doesn't it, Counselor?

I am not interested in that.

He is the first man to come forward.

The statute for r*pe one was changed in January, Detective.

What about his inability to complete the act against his will?

An erection is a physical response, Elliot.

If he was aroused, he consented.

Well, the law disagrees with you.

So interview the victim and get his statement.

Well, it was your predecessor who declined to prosecute.

So maybe you should find out why before we chase our tails.

The alleged victim, Peter Smith, works as a male stripper.

His shtick is dressing as a motorcycle cop with a badge covering the family jewels.

One of the party guests took photos. Check the file.

So you decided not to prosecute because you disapprove of the victim's profession?

Get off the soapbox, Alex.

The guy claimed three women cuffed him to the bed and had a party.

The bride claimed he was a pro looking to score.

Did Peter Smith have a solicitation history?


Well, then why didn't you pursue it?

I'm not wasting taxpayer money on a no-win.

He just wasn't believable.

Even his live-in girlfriend wasn't buying.

The defense calls her as a witness, there goes the case.

So the victim reports the crime, and you just leave him twisting.

If you want to jeopardize your standing on a flimsy trial, be my guest.

Okay. I need your notes.


You clear this with Villani?

I don't have to. Sex crimes is my purview. See you.

Peter and I broke up a long time ago, and I wasn't at the party.

So what can I tell you?

We're just looking for some background. That's all.

You don't believe Peter was r*ped, do you?

Join the club.

What makes you think that he wasn't?

He's a guy. Men don't get r*ped by women.

Men can be victimized.


When I first met Peter, he was being kept by some woman 12 years older than him.

She was paying for his tuition at NYU Drama.

His parents are well off.

Why wouldn't they support him?

Because his father said he wasn't gonna shell out 25 grand a year for a drama degree.

Can't say I blame him.

What do you think your ex's motive is for coming forward?

Attention. Peter cheated on me with a casting director to get a part in a play.

He'll do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Making an accusation of r*pe is pretty drastic, don't you think?

It's not gonna be easy for him.

The tabloids will pay big money for the story.

Interviews on talk shows, pundit commentary on the evening news.

He probably thinks it's worth it.

Doesn't prove anything, Elliot.

Except maybe we should keep digging.

Why? Because she told you what you wanted to hear?

It's not our job to judge the victims.

That's up to the jury.

I can give you an assessment of your r*pe victim, but bear in mind, I haven't examined him yet.

How did Peter Smith let three women get the better of him?

The guy works out.

He takes care of himself.

And yet you tell women not to fight back.

That's different.


Because he's a man.

Because he's stronger.

He can overpower them.

Men are taught differently.

You know, "Oh, it hurts, but don't cry. Be a man.

Internalize the pain."

Does the victim have any siblings?

Three sisters.

There you go.

A Iifetime of instruction on how to treat women.

Never hit a female.

No manhandling.

If you're angry, walk away.

Yeah, but if he felt trapped, if they att*cked him, it's self-defense.

Why not just fight back?

Because he had no control over the situation.

His self-esteem and his pride were violated.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were more male victims out there.

Female rage is a growth industry.

The price of equality.

Stabler: Are you still a stripper?


Not since the r*pe.

I used to book birthdays and private parties.

It left me free to audition during the day.

Benson: So you're an actor.

I gave it up.

Okay, so you show up in your cop outfit.

Why don't you just run us through what happened?

I got there late. There were about 30 women or so, pretty sauced and hungry for entertainment.

I danced for them.

Did you have anything to eat or drink?


I asked the bride-to-be for my payment.

She said to follow her, the checkbook was in her office.

Did you feel different after that drink, you know, like you'd been drugged?

Should I have been?

Do you need a reason why this happened to me?

Why I wasn't man enough to protect myself? Would that make you feel better?


What happened then?

We get to the room, but it was dark.

She made her way to the desk and turned the lamp on.

It was a spare bedroom, and two other women were waiting.

Did they call each other by name?

No. One of them had a letter opener.

She tried to s*ab me.

The other two were pulling me back.

They cuffed me to the bedpost.

I started yelling, but Sydney turned the stereo on loud.

Then what?

They yanked my pants off and tossed them.

Underwear, too.

I didn't want to, but my body...

I can't explain it.

Arousal does not mean consent.

And rapists use the body's response against the victims to mess with their head, to make them believe that they were asking for it.

Does this type of thing happen to women, too?

Yeah. It happens a lot.

What about the other guests?

Where were they?

Still partying, until Sydney left the room.

I guess she cleared the place.

Did you ever say no?

I yelled it. I screamed it.

I even threatened to go to the police.

One cold bitch said that what I knew about the law wouldn't fit in the palm of her hand.

Pam Adler was in that bedroom.

Which means Amelia Chase is probably the third member of this r*pe troika.

I'm not so sure he's being entirely candid.

He was r*ped, Elliot.

He's an actor. He's trained to make us believe.

Three women at the same time, most guys would call that lucky.

So we're saying that men are sex hounds and only women can feel violated?

That's gender bias.

Most women don't report r*pes.

What's his angle?

We can't ask that question.

Wouldn't ask a female victim.

We question female victims all the time.

Cragen: This pans out, the press is gonna feed on this guy like carrion.

And maybe that's the point.

Front page splash, this guy's an instant star.

You think that he's doing this for the fame?

Some people will do anything for it.

Cragen: Doesn't matter.

He's a complaining witness.

So bring in Adler and Chase and do a lineup.

You can't come in here.

Fin: Consider the market closed.

I can't talk now, Detectives.

But if you'd like to wait in reception...

No. No. No. No.

Not you, KIaus.

Deutsch marks are up three points. Will it hold?

We need you down at the precinct, Miss Chase.

I'll call you back, KIaus.



For what reason?

Fin: A lineup.

Am I under arrest?

Munch: Depends on what happens.

Then I'm not coming with you.

That's fine, but when we come back to get you, it's gonna be midday on the trading-room floor.
Remember, let me do all the talking.

Don't react to anything that's being said about you.

Put your poker face on.

You got it?

Counselor, good afternoon.

I'm due in court, so whatever it is it's just gonna have to wait.

I don't think so.

What's this about?

r*pe in the First Degree.

You're not serious.

Ask for a continuance.

If not, get Bob down here to sit first chair.

Shall we?

Carolyn Maddox.

AIexandra Cabot for the People.

So I've read.

People v, Hightower, You lost due to shaky evidence and the inexperience of a rookie.

Defense counsel of record was Pamela Adler.

I hope this isn't petulance, Counselor.

Your main concern should be the lineup, Miss Maddox.


You didn't jump for the bait.

I think you'll make a formidable opponent.

Let's do it.

Number three.

Benson: Are you sure?

Take your time.

"What I know about the law," remember?

I'm positive, number three.

That's two for two.

Read Miss Adler her rights.

Looks like we're gonna be famous. See you in court.

"File numbers 434, 546 and 47.

"r*pe in the First Degree.

Sodomy in the First Degree.

"Unlawful lmprisonment and as*ault in the Third."

Is this accurate, Counselor?

I wouldn't waste the court's time, Your Honor.

I'm not entirely sure about that, since you're trying to set a very unusual precedent.

My sentiments exactly. Perhaps someone's looking for ink.


Save your strength, Miss Cabot. You'll need it.

How do you plead?

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Are we severing?

Not at this time.

Any objection to recognizance?

None, Your Honor.

Next case.

I admit to having intimate sexual relations with the alleged victim, a venal young man who wants to be famous.

My only crime is being a confident, assertive professional with a healthy sexual appetite.

If Peter Smith succeeds, it will only numb the public to the real plight of r*pe victims everywhere.

By the time she's through, she'll have victims' advocates, feminists and enlightened men burning you in effigy.

Thanks for the heads up.

This indictment's ludicrous.

Your client can spin all she wants. We both know what happened that night.

The grand jury believed the victim, another jury will, too.

You're making a mockery of women who are preyed on by men.

They're the enemy, not my client.

I guess I just heard your closing argument.

There won't be a trial.

See you in chambers.

You wanted to see me?

Alex, it's a pretty high-profile case.

You sure you haven't bitten off more than you can chew?

I don't think so.

But I guess since I've been summoned here you don't agree.

Well, I have some doubts.

May I ask why?

Using a male stripper in the first real test of the r*pe statute is not a very judicious choice.

His profession is irrelevant.

Are you asking me to dismiss the charges?


But I hope you won't mind if Stan sits first chair.

You say that as if I had a choice.

Oh, come on. We'll tag team.

I just want you handling cross on the female defendants if they elect to testify.

I don't want to look like Rick Lazio bullying Hillary.

You want me to run for coffee, too, or am I just the female attorney by your side for the cameras?

You're a highly skilled attorney.

I have every faith in your abilities.

But I'm still sitting second chair.

You also have a personal history with Pam Adler.

People will question your motives.

I Iost an important case to her once.

That does not mean I have an agenda.

I don't like to play politics, but we can't be naive.

If they find a way to use it, they will.

Preemptive strike?

That, and just making sure that our complaining witness is protected and represented to the best of our ability.

We speak for him, so let's keep our eye on the ball.

They want us to think it's a motion to dismiss.

They're trying to challenge the law.

This is a deceptive attempt by the defense to argue constitutional law in front of you.

This should only be heard in an appellate court.

I intend to prove merit for dismissal.

The legislature saw fit to change the law for political correctness.

The old r*pe statute said that only a man can be charged with r*pe in the First.

That's gender bias.

People v, Liberta, A bias pointed out by a wife-raping convict trying to get out on appeal.

Mr. Liberta did not win that appeal and the only thing the brief accomplished was to force the legislature to change the law.

And they were so outraged by the bias in the law that it took them 23 years to do it. Please.


It's still a constitutional argument, and it should only be heard if Miss Maddox Ioses the trial.

If it's all right with you, I'll hear the argument anyway.

And trust me when I say, be prepared, be diligent and be very brief.

r*pe is a violation of body and mind, a violation that comes through penetration.

Women can't r*pe men.

A woman can be prosecuted for sodomy one by fellating a man against his will.

She's not the penetrant, but she's still guilty.

I contend that arousal implies consent.

A physiological response does not override a vocal, "No."

Most men do not maintain an erection through fear, Counselor.

But some men do.

What do you propose, a tumescence exam?

Save the wit for your friends, Miss Cabot.

Medical studies document that some female victims experience arousal during their att*cks.

r*pe is not about sex.

r*pe is about v*olence, and r*pe is about control.

No woman has ever been brought to trial under this charge because we're the victims, not the perpetrators.

It was not that long ago that the court reacted with disbelief that a mother could m*rder her own child.

Now she's the first person we suspect.

Your Honor, women do not have the anatomical equipment to be equal to men under this law.

The law makes no room for selective equality under the First Amendment.

Either women are equal to men, or they aren't.

Motion to dismiss is denied.

So, this means we go to trial?

It's a minor victory.

Now comes the hard part.

It's already started.

I'm getting harassed.

Nasty phone calls.

Women following me, shouting at me. Chased by reporters and cameras.

Well, it's only going to get worse, because now the defense has a chance to dig around in your background, poke holes in your story.

So anything you want to change, you'd better do now.

My father told me my private Iife was inadmissible.

Putting the victim on trial isn't allowed.

It isn't.

But I have to be honest with you, there are ways to get around it.

You seem very concerned.

Is there something you haven't told me?


Okay. Go home, get some rest.

Is there any way I can get a ride?

I know the vultures are waiting out there.

Yeah, I'll take care of it.

Villani: What time did Peter Smith show up at the party, Miss Guevere?

I can't be sure after all this time.

But around 10:00, maybe.

What happened then?

He did his dance.

He was shaking his stuff in our faces, and we'd slide dollars into his thong. It had a big badge in the front.

Were the defendants present at that time?

To be honest, my attention was elsewhere.

So, when did you notice their absence?

When poor Sydney came out and told us all to leave.

To leave?

Why do you think she did that?

Objection. Speculation.


Villani: I'll rephrase.

Was this something that Miss Green usually did?

I mean, did she usually invite people over and then put them out?

No, she'd had parties before and never acted like that.

I thought it was rude at the time, but I needed to get home and relieve the babysitter.

Nothing further.

I have no questions for this witness.

Villani: So, how did Pam Adler, Sydney Green and Amelia Chase subdue you?

One of them had a letter opener.

She tried to s*ab me.

I kept backing up.

I just thought she'd had too much to drink.

So, did you try to subdue her?

Did you try to get the w*apon?

I couldn't. By this time, the other two were pulling me back.

I still thought I was okay.

Women get a little drunk, blow off some steam away from their husbands for a night.

I usually handle it and shrug it off.

But this was different?

Objection, Ieading.

What happened to make this time different than all the other times when you had left a job unscathed?

When they cuffed me to the bedpost.

It was so quick.

Who cuffed you to the bedpost?

For the record, the witness is pointing to the defendant, Amelia Chase.

And nothing further.




I find an accused r*pist cross-examining the victim repulsive.

Explain yourself.

Your Honor, Miss Adler is a member of the bar in good standing.

She's the co-counsel of record, and she's protected by the constitution to run her own defense.

This is an intimidation tactic used to undermine the witness.

She is asking him to relive the r*pe.

Objection, alleged r*pe.

It's an aggressive psychological ploy.

That may very well be the case, Mr. Villani, but I don't have the power to bar her from cross.

You take one step over the line and I will hold you in contempt for the duration.

Step back.

Mr. Smith, do you go to a gym, work out on a regular basis?

Objection, relevance.

My line of questioning is within the scope.

I can clearly prove that this man is more than capable of protecting himself from three women.

Petrovsky: Sustained.

Move on, Counselor.

Mr. Smith, did you file a civil suit for five million dollars against Sydney Green?

Sir, don't look at them.

Look at me.

Did you file a civil suit?

Objection. Badgering.

Peter: I needed information.

Adler: Yes or no?

That's not how it was.

Your Honor, please order the witness to answer.

Sir, you have to answer the question for the record.


Defense exhibit, Your Honor.

A copy of the civil suit filed by the alleged r*pe victim, four months ago.

I didn't want money.

I wanted names.

Your Honor, I move for immediate dismissal.

What went wrong?

Your suspicions were confirmed, Detective.

We were blind-sided by a civil suit filed by our r*pe victim.

I'm sorry, Miss Cabot.

I didn't think it mattered.

Everything matters.

You jeopardized this trial.

What else did you lie about?


Now why would anybody believe that?

Why didn't you tell us about the lawsuit, Peter?

Detective Stabler's been on my ass from the very beginning, looking for any reason to drop it.

If I'd have told you about the suit, he would've said I just wanted money.

Well, isn't that what this has been about all along, a payday for you, a little media attention?

No. I wanted my rapists' names. The cops didn't treat me seriously.

How else was I supposed to get the information?

If you'd won, you would've received a monetary award.

If I won, the money would have gone to the animal shelter, and my rapists' names would've gone on the public record.

That's very noble.

But I still don't see how we're gonna prove that your motives are anything but venal.

What if we talk to the civil attorney, get some corroboration?

Can we put him on the stand?

This is just a spin.

What have you got against me? I was r*ped.

Sydney Green was coming forward.

What? Sydney Green called you?

My lawyer. After you accused me of k*lling her, I called him.

He said Sydney had agreed to give me the names, but the death nullified the suit.

So what did I do wrong?

Turns out Peter was telling the truth.

The lawyer said he didn't want the money, just the names.

Did he confirm Sydney Green's compliance?

The day before her death, she contacted the lawyer to set up a meeting.

Stabler: That's convenient.

Benson: Sounds like motive for m*rder.

Saves the trouble of a high-profile trial, maybe even a prison sentence.

I re-interviewed Andrew Green.

He didn't know about the civil suit.

But Pam Adler had a copy of it. How did she even know it existed?

The record gets expunged when abated by death, so Adler had to have a prior copy.

Sydney Green calls up her friends, tells them she's giving in, they k*ll her.

I thought the medical examiner ruled the death accidental.

No harm in taking a second look.

Justin's a good pathologist but not very imaginative.

You find something?

Female autoerotics are rare, so it's hard to rule on cause of death.

Which is why the first suspicion was homicide.

But in this case, that's what it should've been.

What did he miss?

Most women don't use porn.

They fantasize.

AIso, autoeroticism is habit-forming. If your victim frequently choked herself, where's her towel or silk scarf, something to keep the rope from chafing?

It's vanity. No way to explain the ring around the collar.

Some women don't use a buffer, so they'll wear a turtleneck or a scarf, something to hide the evidence.

Well, if she were strangled, wouldn't there be some evidence of a struggle, damage to the body?

It didn't take long for the victim to succumbed to hypoxia.

And the ropes were tied properly, so whoever staged this is a practicing autoerotic.

Okay. Well, Doc, you wanna take a look at the crime scene?


So the phone dump shows two calls, one to each woman the morning of the attack.

She gives them the news that she's caving in to Peter's demands to save her marriage.

They decide to k*ll her.

They come prepared.

Quickest way to do that is a blitz attack right here, not in the bedroom.

You be the victim.


They say, "Come on, Sydney, let's talk about this.

"There's gotta be another way that we can handle this, "so we can deal with it, okay?"

All right. You did say there was no struggle.

Exert a little pressure, and anoxia would occur almost immediately.

As soon as she's out cold, they carry her into the bedroom.

Truss her, string her to the fan, and the hypoxia takes care of the rest.

We're thinking they staged the scene, candles, music, sexy teddy?

Maybe they didn't have to.

She was waiting for her husband.

A little make-up sex.

Looping the ropes would have taken some time.

Not if you know what you're doing.

CSU didn't dust for prints.

Not the whole beam.

Just the area around the fan.

This better be good, Miss Cabot.

It is.

Your client is under arrest for the m*rder of Sydney Green.

So let's horse trade.

Depends on what you have.

PIead out to m*rder two and all current charges.

In exchange for her testimony against Pam Adler, I'll give 12 and a half for the homicide, 7-to-15 for the r*pe.

Your generosity overwhelms me.

It's a good deal, Mr. Harper.

Your client would be advised to take it.

What are you basing this on?

Miss Chase's prints were found at the crime scene.

My client was a friend.

She's been to the apartment several times.

Prints will never hold up.

The victim was strangled, Mr. Harper.

Your client's prints were found on the bedroom ceiling above the bed.

We also searched her apartment and found autoerotic paraphernalia.

It's all circumstantial.

We're done here.

Ask your client to remove the scarf from around her neck.

Oh, now, please...


Crunch your numbers again.

By the time I get out of prison, I'll be eligible for senior citizens' discounts.

If I take this to trial, you'll get life.

Tell me about the r*pe.

Sydney was getting married.

Neither one of us Iiked the guy.

He seemed beneath her.

So Sydney planned her own shower, booked a male stripper as entertainment.

Cabot: So Peter Smith entertained the ladies and then what?

Pam pulled me aside, said she'd worked out an arrangement with the guy for a private performance.

I thought, "What the hell?"

He was hot.

What happened then?

Pam and I went into Sydney's office to wait.

After Peter followed Mrs. Green into the bedroom, what happened next?

We cuffed him to the bed and r*ped him.

I got his keys out of his pants pocket and released him when we were done.

Pam threw some cash at him and he left.

Thank you. Nothing further.

Do you know how the law defines r*pe in the First Degree?

Sexual intercourse through forcible compulsion.

And is it your testimony that that's what happened?

That's correct?


Three women r*ped a 6-foot, 170-pound man.

Is that what you did?


Well, did any of you have a g*n, a knife, a w*apon of any kind at all?

Pam had been waving a letter opener.

Well, was it sharp?


Did my client say anything to the stripper?

Did she give him orders?

No. She lunged at him a couple of times, and he kept jumping back.

Who handcuffed him to the bed?

I did.

So you r*ped the stripper, not my client. My client paid for his services.


Is there a question?


Did paying Mr. Smith seem like the act of a r*pist or that of a satisfied customer?


Was it your testimony that Miss Adler made arrangements for Mr. Smith to have a private performance?

That's what she said but...

And did you see her give him money?

A simple yes or no will do.


On the charge of r*pe in the First Degree, how do you find the defendant?

Not guilty.

On the charge of Sodomy in the First Degree?

Not guilty.

Unlawful imprisonment?

Not guilty.

And as*ault in the Third Degree?


The defendant is free to go until sentencing.

Court is adjourned.

Peter, I'm sorry we didn't get them both.

One's better than none.

Congratulations, Counselor.

You put up a good fight, Alex.

Well, I didn't get the ruling I wanted, but maybe next time.


You're under arrest for the m*rder of Sydney Green.

I'll beat this charge, too, Counselor. Just watch me.

All of your courtroom knowledge won't get you out of this one.

Man: How did this happen?

Looks like next time's now.

Feel like bargaining over a drink?

My best offer is 25.

Sixteen, you can pick up the bar tab.

That's crazy.

She'd be out in 12.
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