03x21 - Denial

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x21 - Denial

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, (MUSIC PLAYING)

Tina, wait a sec.

I'm out.

What do you want me to do?

You've done enough.

I can't believe you're making this up.

I saw you, Malcolm.

You checked her out, and then you got her number.

No, I didn't.

Empty your pockets.

Come on.

Hey, get out of here.

Sorry, man.

Malcolm, get out of the way.

You can get your coat later.

There was someone on the bed. Now move!

Malcolm: Dude went out the window.

5'10" to 6', buck 90.

Between 30 and 40 years old, dark brown hair, brown eyes.

Any distinguishing marks?


How'd you see all that?

You only had a couple of seconds, and it was dark.

We've been examining eyewitness testimony in mock court.

Most of the time it's unreliable, and that's why I wrote it all down.

You a law student?

Third year, NYU.

You find him, I can ID him.

There's plenty of semen and foreign hairs present.

She still out of it?

Tox screen is positive for opiates.

There are needle marks between her toes and her upper thighs.

When can I talk to her?

In a while. I gave her some Narcan to wake her up.

Detective, we have a problem with the r*pe victim.

No ID?

No, we know who she is, but I found something in her purse.

What the hell is this?

A finger?

Does anybody know why our r*pe victim was carrying a human body part?

Fin's at the hospital waiting to ask.

Name's CIaire Rinato, a 29-year-old heroin addict.

She's unemployed.

She lives across the river.

Well, we know what she was doing in the city?

Probably scoring.

She was arrested last year for drug possession and resisting.

It was bumped to a misdemeanor probation and court-ordered rehab.

Yeah. Her maternal grandmother, Rose Rinato, paid her fines, assumed responsibility for her granddaughter's compliance.

Well, I guess the rehab didn't take. We got any Ieads on our r*pist?

I put the witness with a sketch artist.

She should be done soon.

I'll make sure Fin shows it to the victim.

If we're lucky, she knows him.

I want an update from Warner.

And a New Jersey search warrant for the rest of the body.

Detective Fin Tutuola.

I'm here to take your statement.


Hospital has extras.

We had to keep your clothes as evidence.

What kind of a name is Fin?

It's mine.

Remember anything about your r*pe?


What time did you get to the party?

Around 11:00.

Go alone?

Guy I know told me about it.

We were supposed to hook up, but he never showed.

What's his name?

It's not important.

He your dealer? Hey, we know you like the needle.

We found it in your blood, so don't even waste a lie on me.

Anybody bother you?

Pay too much unwanted attention?


I didn't notice.

Who'd you score from?

I knew it.

You ever think the guy might have slipped something in on you on purpose?

A guy at the party offered a sample.

Said he lived there.

Okay. Let's go check on him, see what he has to say.

Lose something?

My purse.

Yeah. I got that.

Do you always carry a human finger around in your bag?

I found it on the street Iast night. I put it in a baggie for safekeeping.

It's official.

The finger's dead.

For how long?

The mid-PIP has partial epidermis and some mummified tissue intact.

Without the rest of the body and the temperature conditions of its location, I'd have to guess, say, 10 to 12 years.

There may not be a body if the victim says that she found that on the street.

No, she didn't.

There's no dirt or signs of scavengers.

It didn't come from a medical school or lab because there's no formalin present.

And the base of the finger shows it was ripped from the hand.

Then the body was stashed somewhere that was protected.

Yes, and you need to find it so I can tell you how the baby died.

How young a child are we looking for?

Caucasian between the ages of 20 months and a little over two years.

You have access to the common living areas and CIaire's room only.

You've been through this before.

My granddaughter's having a rough time trying to reconnect with her mother.

Was CIaire visiting her recently?

Over the weekend.

It didn't go well.

Is that why she's using again?


Whenever she visits her mother, there's usually a fight.

Why don't they get along?

Grace thinks CIaire is just willful.

If she really wanted to quit dr*gs, she would.

Where does Grace live?

AIphabet City.

How bad is it?

What did CIaire do?

She was r*ped.

I'm going out, so this'll have to be quick.

Did your daughter stay here in the last couple of days?

That was the plan, but we got into it, so she decided to go elsewhere.

What'd you fight about?


Her complete lack of control, the company she keeps, same old, same old.

What'd she do this time?

Your daughter was recently r*ped.

Well, if CIaire was high, then it's her own fault.

She was asking for it.

No one asks to be r*ped.

So if my cub didn't do anything, why are you here?

We've discovered a child's decomposing finger in her purse.

Any ideas where she got it?

A finger?

Did you ask CIaire?

She says she found it.

(SCOFFS) Strange as it seems, she probably did, knowing the company she keeps.

Is your daughter in the habit of carrying around human body parts?

Who can know with CIaire?

She's had so many problems for so long, it's hard to tell.

She's been in and out of trouble, she spent a year in juvenile, she's tried every drug they make.

I'm not surprised by anything she does anymore.

Fin: Mr. Harding.

Here's the hump that threw the party.

Is he the guy that slipped you the sample?


You the detective that called?


What's going on?

Looking for a r*pist.

I already told the cops I didn't do it.

And when I catch the bastard that did, what do you think he's gonna tell me?

What's up, fellows?

Officer: Captain told us to swing this by.

Come here.

You recognize him?

That's the guy with the tar.

Yeah. I saw him.

What's his name?

I don't know, but he came with a waitress.

Name's Bella, she works at the diner a couple blocks away.

I need to ask about a friend of yours, Bella.

You went to a party Iast night, is that right?

What's his name?

He couldn't have done anything.

He was with me.

He leave your side for more than 10 minutes?

Yeah. We weren't attached at the hip, and it was a party.

He leave with you?

He said he had to meet a client.

A woman was r*ped at that party, and I need to know his name.

Arthur Felton. He's a car broker. At least that's what he told me.

He comes in here, flirts with me. I thought he was a nice guy.


Sweet ride.


Artie Felton.

Knew you'd like her.

Hey, let's take her for a spin.

Tell me what you think.

Detective Odafin Tutuola.

What the hell's going on?

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Felton processed?

On his way to the Tombs, and his blood's at the lab.

Good job.

I wish they were all that easy.

The lineup must have been solid.

Well, the witness did everything but wrap him in a bow.

Sorry to blow your high, but the DNA on the finger came back a match.

To who?

Our r*pe victim, CIaire Rinato.

I thought you caught the guy who r*ped me.

We did.

We want to talk to you about the finger you've been carrying.

I've already explained that to Fin.

You got any kids?

I wouldn't bring a child into this world.

So you've never been pregnant?

How is that any of your business?

We ran a DNA test on the bone.

It belongs to your blood relative. Who?

CIaire, she and I can be very patient.

You think you can last all day with that knot churning in your stomach?

Her name's Lisa.

She was my sister.

What happened to her?

I was 13 when she was born.

I took care of her.

I got her ready in the morning, dropped her at the sitter, went to school, picked her up.

I fed her, gave her a bath, did my homework, sang songs to her, taught her not to cry, to never, ever cry.

And if she did?

My mother would hit her.

Crying drives her crazy.

How did your sister die?

I had to stay after school.

I called the sitter, asked her if she could keep Lisa till I could pick her up, but she was busy.

So what happened when you got home?

She was dead when I got there.

She probably cried for me and Grace just snapped.

What did your mother tell you?

That it was an accident.

Lisa fell and hit her head.

I knew she was lying.

CIaire, where's the body?

Grace stuck her in an old trunk and put it in the bedroom closet.

Why are you bothering me at work? You could've made an appointment.

God, how am I gonna explain this to my supervisor?

Tell him the truth.

Which is?

We're investigating a homicide.

Did something happen to CIaire?

No. Your daughter's at our precinct.

Did you have a child in 1986?

Why are you asking?

CIaire said that she had a baby sister whose body is stuffed in your closet.

And you believe that?

Why shouldn't we?

Because it's ridiculous.

Did you have another baby after CIaire was born?

I've only had two children, Detective.

One, a son who died a long time ago, and two, CIaire, who's slowly k*lling herself.

Why would your daughter Iie to us?

To get back at me.

Well, we certainly don't mean to make the situation between you two any worse, but we have to check these things out.

I guess.

We could always search your home.

That would satisfy us and CIaire. Maybe even get her to face her problems.

I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to invade my privacy just because my daughter told you a fairy tale.

Even if it might convince your troubled daughter to get some help?

If you had lived with CIaire's problems as long as I have, you would know when to throw in the towel.

I need to get back to work.

We done here?

You got someplace to go?

I'm tired.

Well, we got some cots back at the station.

No, thanks.

I'd like to go home.

Well, we need you to hang around the city for another day while we sort things out.

Fine. I'll be at the Lydia Hotel in midtown.

You can find me there.

That's a junkie whore hotel.

They charge by the hour.

You're just looking to score.

I need to nod, or are you offering to cop for me?

You don't scare me.

Not sporting that retro ponytail.

You look like a pimp.

All you need is a feathered hat and a crushed-velvet suit.


Stop it.

Just waiting on you to turn it off.

You're hurting, so lash out.

Say when, I'll try to get you some help.

Next you're gonna tell me you understand my pain.

No, not me. I didn't see my sister stuffed into a box and stored in the closet like an old pair of shoes.

So you could cut me some slack here.

Maybe can the lecture and leave me alone.

You like what you've become?

You like being a junkie, CIaire?


Why no needle marks for anybody to see? You stick the needle between your toes.

Let go.

Why hide it if you're so proud of it, if you like it so damn much?

It's the only time I feel good about myself, okay?

I can't see her face anymore, except when I'm high.

How'd you make out with CIaire?

Who knows?

She's got more demons than most.

No wonder, with a mother like that.

Fin: You lean on her?

We asked nicely to sweep and search, Grace still refused.

But we've got an RMP close by just in case she decides to do a little spring cleaning.

That doesn't mean anything.

Fin, I gotta tell you, your attitude baffles me.

You either believe CIaire's story or you don't.

Living with an addict's a special kind of hell, Ioving one's even worse.

I Iearned a long time ago not to believe most of the things they say.

Grace Rinato has agreed to let the police search her house.

She say when?

Tomorrow afternoon when she gets home from work.

So go sit on her in case she dumps it.

What is she waiting for?

Dead of night.

That smells good.

It is good. You want some?

I can't. Coffee runs right through me.


We're wasting our time, The ho's probably asleep, Well, I hope not since I don't want to be sitting here all night.

That's easy to do in a nice warm car.

In another 10 minutes, you're gonna have to park your ass out here.

Okay. It's a go.

She's on the move.

Fin: She's on the street, As soon as she drops it, check the bag. You give us the all clear, we'll pick her up.

She chucked it.

Take her.

I'll call the morgue, get CSU.

Grace Rinato, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Lisa Rinato.

Hey, I didn't k*ll anybody.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You don't understand.

I had to get rid of it.

I couldn't let anything else happen to CIaire.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.

Please don't do this, or my daughter'll go to jail.

It was an accident.

CIaire k*lled her baby sister 14 years ago.

You almost done with the bones?

We're just degreasing the last batch with soapy water.

Wasn't a lot of tissue left, so it didn't take long.

Dr. Phillip Devere, he's our consulting forensic anthropologist.

Fin. Thought you only used facial recreations to ID a body.

Well, there are no photos of the victim, and you need visuals for trial.

And it'll help connect the jury with the little girl.

I'll show you.

Now, it used to take a few days working with modeling clay to sculpt a face.

But now, with this new computer software, it just takes a few hours.

All right now, I'm guessing at the eye color and the flesh tone, but at least most of her hair was still intact.

Am I too early for cause of death?

For a written report, yes.

For my findings, no.

All right, now, she has a compound fracture of the left scapula. It's shattered.

Warner: Pay close attention to the fracture pattern of the ribs.

Most are cracked and broken, perimortem.

The trauma is ventral to dorsal, in other words, the blows landed front to back.

Which means she was kicked to death.

More like she was Iying on her back when the attack started and turned defensively on her right side.

This kind of damage, she was stomped.

Can I smoke?

Maybe later.

I don't have any cigarettes.

I don't have my purse.

You said that CIaire k*lled Lisa accidentally.

What happened?

CIaire had only been living with me for a couple months when I got pregnant again.

So where's the baby's father?

We were a family for a while until CIaire ran him off.

She was in and out of trouble, and he couldn't take any more.

He didn't have to since she wasn't his.

Where's CIaire's father?

Who knows?

Why wasn't Lisa born in a hospital?

Because I wanted a home birth.

It's more natural.

Everything went fine.

Lisa was a healthy baby girl.

Right up until you beat her to death.

CIaire did that.

She was always jealous of Lisa. I doted on my baby and CIaire hated that.

She used to fly into these rages.

Jeez, I couldn't control her.

Fights at school, suspensions, cops always at my door.

That girl was trouble from the minute she was born.

What happened the day Lisa died?

I contacted her father.

Thought it would be good for Lisa to have a relationship.

God knows, girls need their dads.

We agreed to work something out, and CIaire overheard me, started asking questions about her own sperm donor.

All right.

What did you tell her?

The truth.

That I've been with a lot of guys, and I didn't really know who he was.

I thought she could handle that.

So how did she react?

She seemed okay, but the rage came later.

Where were you when CIaire beat your daughter to death?


Benson: Out.

That's funny, 'cause CIaire said that she was out, too.

Not likely, since she was babysitting Lisa.

Stabler: Out on a date?

Okay, so I was in a bar getting fixed up. Men considered me very attractive.

They still do.

If you didn't trust CIaire with Lisa, why would you leave them alone together?

I didn't think she'd k*ll her.

Look, I'm not proud of myself.

When I got home my baby was dead, and CIaire was a wreck.

She said it was an accident.

She was always sorry after her rages.

She needed help then, and obviously she needs it now.

So you stuffed the remains of your youngest child in a trunk to protect CIaire?

Why not get her help then, when you knew she needed it?

I did help her!

Her secret was safe with me for 14 years.

Is that why you didn't dump the body before?

Well, I couldn't risk anyone finding it and tracing it back to CIaire.

With her juvenile record, she would've gone straight to prison.

Look, I'd already failed her enough.

She's my daughter.

What else could I do?

Well, that's textbook hump behavior.

Deny everything and stick it to the other guy.

I've got enough to put Grace Rinato away for m*rder.

She lied to the police and she dumped the remains.

Possession's being nine-tenths and all.

Something sticking in your craw?

Both suspects have an agenda.

Neither one of them is exactly trustworthy.

We should do a thorough background check and find out who's lying.

Well, let's just check into Grace's statement, look into CIaire's records from her school, juvenile facility.

We'll pull up the old 61s, see if she's as much trouble as her mother claims.

Well, it's up to you, Alex.

Do you want to vacate the charges against Grace while we try to nail her to the wall?

Not a chance. I've got enough to go to trial.

Anything else is just gravy.

"Docket number 624353, People v, Grace Rinato, "Two counts of m*rder in the Second Degree, Intent and Depraved lndifference.

"One count Hindering Prosecution.

"One count Tampering with Physical Evidence"'

How do you plead?

Not guilty.

Remand, Your Honor.

That's ridiculous.

My client has permanent residence. She's gainfully employed by the state.

She's not going anywhere.

Cabot: The defendant committed m*rder.

She willfully and maliciously beat a two-and-a-half-year-old child to death and then callously dumped the remains in a bedroom closet to avoid justice.

Do you propose to try your case right here, Miss Cabot?

No. I'm merely using rhetoric to make my point.

One of your more endearing qualities.


There seems to be some error here.

There is only one defendant.

There should be two.

I don't understand.

Your entire case rests upon the word of the victim's drug-addicted sister, who I don't see on my docket. Why is that?

The People aren't charging her with Lisa Rinato's death.

Is there any corroboration?


My client acted to prevent her daughter, CIaire, from being charged with m*rder.

The defendant had possession of the body.

If that's your only argument, CIaire Rinato was also in possession of body parts.

Well, if that's true, then it stands to reason that you would charge CIaire Rinato as a co-conspirator.

So I expect you to bring charges before the close of business today.

With all due respect, Your Honor, you don't have the right or the authority to tell the District Attorney's Office who or when to level charges against.

Step back.

The People have requested remand.

Well, you're not gonna get it.


Cabot: Objection.


Your Honor, I must object.

Since you've rebuked me for manipulating the law to my own advantage, your ruling seems hypocritical.

That's enough.

One more word out of you and you will be enjoying my hospitality.

Ma'am, I urge you to reconsider or you will force me to file a grievance.

You're in contempt. Bailiff.


Lewin is making nice with the judge to get you out of here, so be prepared for that ass-chewing phone call.

I'm not going anywhere.

Petrovsky crossed a line.

I want to get her censured or thrown off the bench.

At least you're not dull, I'll say that for you.

Forget her, Alex.

She'll bury you.

I need your support, Liz.

For what?

So you can start a w*r?

You file a judiciary grievance against her, and every judge we face will take it personally.

So what, she gets to push us around?

She's not pushing us around, she's pushing you.

All the more reason not to bait her.

How am I baiting her?

By refusing to prosecute someone I don't think is guilty?

I won't do it, and she can't force me to.

But I can.

And I wouldn't be so quick to pronounce CIaire Rinato innocent without all the facts.

SVU detectives found that CIaire was prone to uncontrollable rages.

It's all well-documented by the school and juvenile detention.

She att*cked kids and had a nasty habit of kicking them while they were down.

Are you ordering me to file charges?

No. I already did it for you.

Thirty-four hours, 22 minutes and still clean.

I'm dying, just like my plants.

Gotta lock you up, CIaire.


You lied.

About what?

About flying into rages and attacking people.

You there when your sister was k*lled?

I couldn't stop it.

It was already too late.

I gotta take you in, CIaire.

What's happening?

Stay out of it, Nana.

Let him do his job.

She's gonna be booked and sent to the Tombs.

Arraignment'll be day after tomorrow. Bail will be set around $300,000.

You'll need 10%.

Can you get that?

Miss Cabot.

My granddaughter did not k*ll her sister.

With all due respect, Mrs. Rinato, you didn't even know she had one.

I was ill. It took me a long time to recover. But I raised CIaire. I know her.

You raised Grace as well.

Are you saying she's capable of m*rder?

Mrs. Rinato, you need to see the clerk just down the hall to post CIaire's bail.

What's really going on here is a young woman is paying for your inability to play well with others.

If nothing else, you should recuse yourself.

Not gonna happen.

Your client was present during the crime, and she does have a history of violent behavior.

Then charge her as a minor.

She was only 15 at the time.

I'm sorry, but my hands are tied.

Maybe a different judge can untie them for you.

You've got five minutes.

I'm all ears.

My client is running late, Your Honor.

My docket is full.

Define "Iate"'

I can't.

Was the defendant made aware that the motion hearing was scheduled for today?

A motion that you filed on her behalf to try her as a minor.

Yes, sir.

Did the People send notice?

We did.

Then where is she?

I don't know.

When was the last time you actually spoke with your client?

Your Honor, if there are no objections, I would be willing to reschedule.

A generous offer, Miss Cabot, but totally unnecessary since I'm issuing a bench warrant for the defendant's arrest right now.

You wanna tell me why a bench warrant goes city-wide for CIaire Rinato, and you couldn't pick up the phone?

There wasn't enough time.

The judge issued the warrant when she didn't show up for court.

If you hadn't charged her in the first place, she wouldn't be in this mess.

That wasn't my call.

CIaire lied to us. I can't ignore that. I don't think you should, either.

Can you buy me some time?

Why, do you know where she is?

I'm guessing this skank hotel in midtown she likes.

She came in a while ago and hasn't left since I've been on.


Damn it!

Yeah, this is Detective Tutuola, badge number 43198.

I need a bus at the Lydia Hotel, midtown, Room 419, got a heroin overdose.

Come on. Don't do this.

Come on.

Damn you, CIaire.

Trying to take the easy way out?

And if I was?

Then it's too bad I got there in time.

I really didn't mean to overdo it, really.

That's what all junkies say.

You've done your good deed.

Now you can go.

Maybe you don't get it.

You're in serious trouble.

You don't pay attention, you're going to prison.

Are you still here?

I really can't believe, you know, I almost bought it.

How you took care of your sister and loved her.

Damn girl, you're better than the soaps.

You have no idea what it feels like to have a mother that doesn't give a damn about you.

Violin's gonna start any minute.

Screw you.

Lisa was all I had.

Oh, she was actually happy to see me come through the door.

Unconditional love is a rush.

Give it to me straight.

You k*ll her?


But I couldn't protect her.

Grace was too strong.

She told me that if I didn't keep my mouth shut, I was next.

You tell anybody?

I called my grandmother the first time I was alone.

But she was recovering from another stroke and I guess she didn't believe me.

Well, if that's how it went down, then it wasn't your fault.

That little girl trusted me to keep her safe.

How is it not my fault?

CIaire's on her way back to the Tombs. Is there anything we can do to help her?

No, she's going to prison.

With her history of violent rages, the jury's going to believe that she is guilty.

That's what you're going with?

She did it 'cause you can sell it?

I'm not railroading her.

You just need a win to get the boss out of your ass.

You seem to have done a 180 all of a sudden.

Excuse me?


If CIaire k*lled her sister, she wouldn't have taken the finger after all those years.

Well, I might be able to sell that if she had turned her mother in or asked for help or told someone.

She did tell somebody.

She told Grandma.

Grace had three kids.

Two are dead. Now I don't like those odds, do you?

Maybe it's time to ask Rose the hard questions.

And dig up the infant's body.

Just so you know, if you're looking for a miracle, you'd better start praying.

The death certificate says crib death. I'm just hoping they missed something.

SIDS-related death is an exclusionary pathological finding.

So if a kid croaks and the ME can't find another reason, it's Sudden lnfant Death.

We call that idiopathic when there's no clear medical explanation.

Everyone experiences sleep apnea.

You stop breathing during the night, but usually the body knows when to start up again.

SIDS babies don't know when to breathe, and we don't know why.

What if our suspect smothered the kid with a pillow?

I'd check the eyes, but at 30 years plus, I probably can't tell you.

Don't give up yet.

Just giving you the long odds.

While I was recuperating, I didn't speak to CIaire.

She'd upset me wanting to come Iive with me again.

And I barely spoke to her mother.

I could never get a straight answer.

Straight answer about what?

How CIaire was adjusting to life with her. I'm only here to vouch for CIaire.

You don't like Grace.

She's my daughter, Detective. I love her.

It's not her fault she's like she is.

She's had problems from the day her father left.

So CIaire didn't fit in with her lifestyle.

The situation required an adjustment for both of them.

But I was concerned because Grace isn't patient.

Is that what happened with the first baby? Was her lack of patience the issue?

What are you getting at, Detective?

What happened the night he died?


We went to sleep as usual.

I got up in the middle of the night to check on Anthony.

The crib was in Grace's room.

When I got there, he was already blue.

Why did you check on him?

Well, Grace was a young mother.

She didn't know anything.

Stands to reason I would help her with the baby.

Yes, but the baby was two months old when it died.

Why didn't she have a handle on it by then?

He was colicky.

Cried all the time.

Nothing worked.

We spent our nights walking him.

We were told that your daughter can't stand crying, that it makes her crazy.

Excuse me, how is this going to help CIaire?

Ma'am, no one can help your granddaughter.

She's going to prison.

Why? She didn't do it.

You have to believe that.

All a jury has to hear is that CIaire's violent, and she's doing 25-to-Iife, easy.


Fin just called.

Warner can't find a thing to support infanticide.

The hyoid wasn't broken?

That'd be too easy.

She probably smothered him with a blanket.

I'm out of suggestions.

Let Mrs. Rinato talk to Grace in Rikers.


We don't have evidence.

We're gonna need a confession.

I think Rose is ready to fall on her sword.

If the purpose of this little gathering is a digging expedition, we can stop right here.

It's a separate issue.

We are within our rights to interrogate a homicide suspect.

You can do that on cross, Counselor.

I can't cross-examine your client for something she hasn't been charged with yet.

Barbour: Excuse me?

Let's talk about Anthony Rinato.

What about him?

Stop. Who's Anthony?

Stabler: Another dead child.

We exhumed his body, Grace.

You can't do that.

Can they just do that?

Can they just dig up my son like that?

They need a court order or permission from a family member.



I can't let you do it, Grace.


You sold me out, didn't you?

Should've done it long ago.

Oh, you promised me, Mama.

You swore when Daddy left you'd look after me.

Since you were the one that drove him away.

That man was a lousy husband and horrible father.

I don't know why he never kept in touch with you.

Maybe he saw something ugly in you, something I couldn't face until now.

No. That's not true.

He loved me!

It was your fault. You kept him from me. You're just bitter 'cause he dumped you.

Grace, I'm tired of the guilt.

I'm tired of cleaning up your mess. I'm tired of you.

You suck the life out of everything you touch, but you won't get CIaire.

What the hell's so special about her?

She never k*lled anyone, Grace.

She never covered her son's face to stop his crying and watched him struggle for his last breath.

I didn't k*ll him, you did.

If you had taken him for just one night, but, no, you had to teach me a lesson.

You wanted that baby, you were damn well gonna take care of him.

He was your responsibility.

I never wanted him.

Kids are the price you pay for being with a man who'll just dump you in the end.

Isn't that what you said when Daddy left?

Whose idea was it to put him in that crib and wait to call the doctor?

Hers. Isn't my mother brilliant?

I did that to protect you.

I wasn't the best mother.

You needed so much.

I just could never fill that hole in you.

But you jumped through hoops for CIaire.

You thought she was your second chance to get it right.

Well, she's a junkie, Ma, so you still screwed up.

It's not me, it's you!

Deep down, I knew you'd k*ll again.

The only reason CIaire's alive is that I took her from you.

Wish I could've done the same for Lisa.

I never should've covered for you.

Who are you kidding, Ma?

You covered it up for yourself so the neighbors wouldn't gossip.

I know that, Grace.

I Iive with it every day.

Do you have what you need?

I'll drop the charges against your granddaughter as soon as we're done here.

Barbour: What are you offering, Counselor?

Cabot: Nothing, going for the maximum.


You're under arrest for obstruction of justice in the m*rder of Anthony Rinato.

Do we have to use the cuffs?

I'm responsible for the deaths of two innocent children, Detective.

I think handcuffs are appropriate.




How's my grandmother?

She's holding her own.

You won't be able to see her till tomorrow.

What's that?

Your last excuse for not going to rehab.


No more lame-ass whining about how you gotta get high to remember what your sister looked like.

I would hug you, but I can tell you don't like to be touched.

This is a good place to go to start getting clean.

A friend of mine runs it, and I told him to expect you.


Don't make me have to come run your ass down, CIaire.

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