04x01 - Chameleon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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04x01 - Chameleon

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Is there anyone sitting here?

Want to go somewhere a little more private?

Lead the way.

Police! Everybody, stay right where you are.


All right, all right, all right, all right!


Everybody remain where you are!

Hey! Hey! That means you don't move, sir.

Police! Everybody zip up and stand against the wall.

Where you going, sweetheart?

I swear, she just brought me back here.

I'm having a bachelor party.


We have a warrant to search the premises and to arrest anybody engaged in illegal activities.

That's all of you.

You gonna fine that guy?

How come you're not arresting him, too?

What's the problem?

Says some guy att*cked her.

He tried to r*pe me.

Sweetheart, when they don't pay you, it's not r*pe, it's theft of services.

Look, I'm not lying, okay?

That guy was nuts.

Point him out, and I'll haul his ass in with yours.

He tried to r*pe me.

I'm not moving until I make a report.

This is a huge mistake.

I had no idea what kind of a club this was.

FIy's down.

Eddie, what's happening?

Hit a little snag in our raid.

Gal here says her name is Chantilly.

CIaims she was r*ped.

AImost r*ped.

AImost r*ped.

You know the policy.

She cries r*pe, she's all yours.

Thanks, Eddie.

Eddie: You're welcome.

Look, this guy tried to attack me.

Miss Chantilly, first things first.

Look, why don't we work with your real name.

Lisa Perez.

Lisa Perez, me and you are gonna have a problem if you're making something up to avoid charges.

He tried to strangle me.


I don't see anything and if you weren't r*ped and there's no evidence of as*ault, then there's not a lot we can do.

What do you mean there's no evidence...

Detectives, you better come see this.

Oh, my God.

That's Randy.

I told you guys.

I told you.

Lisa: Why are you making me sit through 10 Iineups?

Dude was gone when the storm troopers busted in.

I told you that 300 times.

Tell us 300 more times.

We love the sound of your voice.

Hey, I am a victim.

Why are you gonna disrespect me?

Now, look, Detectives Munch and Tutuola are gonna get you coffee while you wait for the sketch artist.

That's your answer?

Coffee is your answer?

If you get something in your mouth, maybe you'll shut up for five seconds.

Okay, you know what?

I want everybody's name and badge number.

Hey, don't touch me like that!

She's spunky.

You get an I.D. on the victim?

Yeah, Randy Colligan, a.k.a. Godiva, 23, worked at the club a little over a year.

Two prostitution priors.

Anything conclusive from the r*pe kit?

No fluids from the preliminary.

Our guy probably used a condom, and it looks like she was strangled.

Trace evidence at the crime scene is gonna be a joke.

I don't even want to know how many different DNA strands are on that bathroom floor.

Well, this guy was ballsy.

Public place, plenty of potential witnesses.

He tries to r*pe one woman.

When she's too much trouble, he just finds another.

My friends are getting k*lled all over the place and y'all are taking a break?

Somebody please find the sketch artist and set her up as far away from me as possible.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

You got the eyes all messed up.

Miss, can you please stop knocking my arm?

Sit down, Lisa.

Forget this.

You're not gonna try to find this guy.

You don't care about me.

Okay, okay, the persecution rant, it's getting really old.

My friends get r*ped all the time.

Who's investigating that?

Benson: Nobody, if your friends don't report the crime.

We get punished because we don't act like society's version of a woman.

We're at risk, and nobody cares.

You're at risk because you put yourself at risk.

So do you, Detective.

Yes, to help people like you.

Oh, no. The only people who help us is us.

And Sister Peg.

I should've Iistened to her.

She told us some whack job was trying to choke girls.

The nun who hands out clean needles to junkies?

How did Sister Peg know about this?

I thought you were the cop with all the answers.

That's good enough.

We done?

Stabler: Sister Peg?

Morning, Detectives.


Special Victims. Stabler.

This is Benson.

That must go over well with the church.

We've settled on a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy.

You investigating a r*pe?

r*pe-homicide of a sex worker at a nightclub called Onyx.

Did you warn Lisa Perez about a man who was trying to strangle prostitutes?


How'd you hear about him?

Some of my girls.

I keep a bad trick list.

Sort of an internal memo about johns to avoid.

"White guy goes by Jack Psycho.

"BIack guy, scar over his eye, tried to k*ll me."

This is the bad trick list?

It's better than nothing.

They're traumatized.

I don't interrogate.

Well, do you call the police?

My policy is no cops.

No offense.

None taken. This look like the guy you heard about?

Well, I'll show it around, let you know. Got a card?

Probably be better if we talked to them ourselves.

I can't do that.

Well, we're not gonna arrest them.

I believe you, but they won't.

I start handing them over to police, they stop coming, and I can't do my job.

What exactly is your job?

Trying to keep them smart and safe, like you.

Well, your homicide victim was a long-time sex worker, that's most evident.

Hep B, hep C, PID.

Twenty-three years old, probably would've been infertile had she lived.

How'd she die?

Hanging her with the belt was done post-mortem.

Cause of death was strangulation, but there's no fingerprint bruising.

Looks like he used his forearm.

How can you tell?

Check out this crescent-shaped indentation on her neck.

He must wear a jacket with a flat metal button on the cuff.

Pins her against the wall or the floor, presses down with the forearm, Ieaves an imprint behind.

Once rigor sets in, the indentation remains.

Munch: A r*pist who wears a jacket. That ought to narrow it down.

Best I can do for now.


r*pe kit was negative for fluids. No blood under the nails, found three distinct hairs other than her own.

She's a pro. All that proves is she had sex.

That was the captain.

They found another body.

How fortuitous.

How'd you like to ride to the crime scene with two handsome members of the NYPD?

My lucky day.

This is a real party zone.

Needles, pipes, condom wrappers, empty forties.

Neighborhood's a known track.

She was probably a pro just doing some business.

Nobody cares if you scream.

Melinda: Detectives.

Fin: Got something?

Give me a boost, will you?

I'm light as a feather.

Thank you.

Is that lipstick?


And a nicely preserved thumbprint.

Shawn Becker.

Convicted of as*ault and attempted r*pe in '94, released from Attica three weeks ago.

His PO has been out of contact with him for the past four days.

We got a radio car sitting on his residence.

Didn't take him long to get back in the saddle.

Key witness against him was an ex-girlfriend.

She's since moved out of state.

And yes, you guessed it, she's a blonde.

So he's looking for a surrogate to take it out on.

She hung him out to dry, and he's doing the same thing.

You've all gotta be so literal.

While Vice is handing out his mug to the working girls, I want you all to do the same.

Stabler: You know where we're heading off to?

Sister Peg.

Guy is on a mission.

Maybe now she'll be willing to break their confidence to save their lives.

Thanks, this will be a big help.

And now we need yours.

We need to talk to the women who've seen him.

Can't do that.

I'm sorry.

Stabler: And you care about these girls, huh?

In the past year I was mugged four times, once at knifepoint.

You tell me, Detective.

Do I care about them enough?

What you're doing is great, but explain how you're helping anybody by preventing us from arresting this guy.

I have to keep my word.

But when he kills five, 10, 20 more times, what's your word gonna mean then?

Just give us a location.

We don't even need a name.

A few of the girls used to work out of a hotel on 37th and 10th.

They don't anymore.

They said a guy hanging out around there was getting rough with them.

Man: Police?

Stabler: Yeah.

That was quick.

I just called you guys.


Somebody heard a g*n go off.

Room 502.

Have you seen him?

That's him, that's the guy.

Had a lady with him.

sh*ts fired, detectives on scene, send units to 515

West 37th Street.

NYPD, open up!

Woman: I shot him.

Ma'am, drop the g*n now!

Put down the g*n!


Shawn Becker.

He's dead.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

I didn't intend to k*ll him.

I just wanted him to stop.

The guy was scum, so don't worry about that.


Thank you for helping me.

Can you tell us what happened?

Look, we know that this guy was targeting prostitutes.

So we're not here to jam you up for that.


Well, I was working in the bar next to the hotel, and he came in, and he sat down next to me.

But to tell you the truth, I had warning bells going off the minute that he sat down.

But I needed the money.

Well, guess I was asking for this, right?

Nobody asks to get r*ped.

You don't have to patronize me, Detective.

I mean, I appreciate the support and everything, but I know the risks.

Occupational hazard, right?

Debra, what happened when you got up to that hotel room?

Well, I told him that we needed to settle up before we got started and then he just hit me.

Like that was his plan all along.

And he kept hitting me.

And then he threw me on the bed, and he r*ped me.

And then he pulled out a g*n.

And what did you do?

I just kept fighting.

And then he dropped the g*n, and I picked it up and I just pulled the trigger three times.

And then the cavalry arrived.

You are very lucky.

I know. I know that.

So then you probably know that you might not be so Iucky next time, right?

Isn't this the part where you try to convince the seasoned hooker to mend her ways and become a contributing member of society?

My card.

On the back is a number for victims' services.

Thank you.

Everything confirms self-defense.

Guy beat the crap out of her so hard the hospital admitted her with a concussion.

The tearing and the contusions from Debra's r*pe kit are consistent with sexual as*ault.

We know for a fact that Becker was a r*pist and a k*ller.

So as far as we're concerned, k*lling him was a public service.

I'm inclined to agree.

Anything else?

Cragen: Just tying up Ioose ends.

Nothing came up when we ran her name through the system.

Munch and Fin are running the ballistics on the g*n.

I'll make my recommendation not to press charges.

Nice work.

Staley: Well, you know the g*n you gave me off your r*pist-homicide has another body on it.

Munch: What body?

Unsolved homicide from last December.

Are you sure?

Firing pin impressions and breech face marks on the slugs are exact matches in both homicides.

This gotta be an unregistered H&K P7 M8 auto.


Probably a dealer g*n.

Any prints on the unfired b*ll*ts?

Magazine was empty.

Captain, we may have a small problem.

Problem? What problem?

This is a good thing.

Now we know your dead guy capped somebody else about six months ago.

Our dead guy was in Attica six months ago.

Previous victim was Leonard Graves.

Had quite a nice rap sheet.

Possession with intent to distribute, carrying a concealed w*apon.

Three sh*ts to the head and robbed, 22 ruled it a drug-related homicide.

Aside from the g*n, there's no immediate connection between Becker and Graves.

Well, maybe there is none.

Dealer g*ns get passed around.

Graves had it first, got shot by his own piece.

Becker bought it off the street six months later.

And he gets k*lled with it, too?

That's a big coincidence.

You know the statistics on people k*lled by their own w*apon?

Look, this g*n could've been making the rounds for years, and I'm not all that interested in chasing after it.

Now, what is the straight-Iine explanation here?

Debra Weldon owned the g*n all along, and she k*lled the both of them.

Why do we think it was Becker's g*n in the first place?

'Cause that's what she told us.

And she's the one who shot him.

Guys, we have a big problem.

Debra Weldon was r*ped by Becker.

She didn't make that up.

All right, then let's concentrate on who k*lled Leonard Graves.

I want a fresh look at that case with our new theory.

We're not gonna get it from Debra Weldon or whatever her name is.

Why not?

Hospital says our hooker took off minutes after talking to the police.

Fake name, fake address, fake social.

The fake name's no surprise.

It's typical pro behavior.

It's also the behavior of somebody with something to hide.

OIivia, Elliot, get on homicide at the 22.

Find out who looked good for the Graves m*rder.

John, Fin, check with cab companies, dump the E.R. phones, and find our mystery hooker.

Graves was just a bad guy.

PIenty of reasons someone would want to k*ll him.

What's this credit card statement?

It came about a month after he kicked.

We pulled the receipts, every one of them signed Mrs. Leonard Graves.

There is no Mrs. Leonard Graves.

Only description we got from the merchants, she was a blonde.


She was smart.

Only kept it a couple of days, didn't charge up enough to alert the credit card company.

She's running all over town with this credit card, no one once asks for I.D.?

You gave me your credit card to buy Kathy's birthday present, nobody asked me for I.D.

It's 'cause you look like a cop.

What'd she spend the money on?

I do not look like a cop.

40 bucks on groceries, 15 bucks at the nail salon...

Make-up counter at Saks, $150 at the Porter Hotel, Midtown.

Treating herself.

And somebody else.

Biggest expenditure, $400 at FAO Schwarz.

Munch: Mrs. Kerber, we traced a call from Mercy Hospital to your residence at 3:25 this morning.

Did you take that call?

Yes, from Maggie.

She was mugged, is that what you're investigating?

How'd you know Maggie?

Oh, I baby-sit her son, nights.

Is this her?

Oh, yes.

Isn't it awful how that man beat her?

What'd she call you about?

Well, she wanted to pick up Joey early.

Came over about 5:00 this morning, paid me, and they left.

Where to?

Oh, they're going on a little vacation.

You know, Maggie's always doing that.

She's such a wonderful mother.

Full name's Margaret Peterson.

We got her address, but like we expected, nobody home.

Mrs. Kerber actually believes that Maggie works nights in a diner.

What diner waitress can afford $100 a night for a babysitter?

Did a little research on VICAP.

Looked at murders in known prost*tute areas where a credit card was stolen.

From those we pulled only the cases whose charges included hotel rooms and children's items.

Stabler: Philip Malakowski in Manhattan, Michael O'Connell in Queens, John Donatov, Brad Horton in New Jersey.

All of them unsolved homicides.

We can pin all of these on Maggie Peterson?

That's what it's looking like.

One self-defense m*rder I can buy.

But six of them?

This lady's a serial k*ller, Captain.

Three of these victims fall under our jurisdiction.

Becker, Graves and Malakowski.

But it looks like we've got a bigger picture to consider, so let's hear about everybody.

Well, other than the credit card purchases, there's not much of a pattern.

Both Becker and Graves did time.

Donatov had a soliciting collar in Jersey four years ago.

The other three were clean.

Cause of death varies.

Two were bludgeoned, one was stabbed, one had his throat slit, the last two were shot.

Now, most serial K*llers use one method.

She's either using weapons of opportunity or trying to throw us off her trail.

I'm not entirely comfortable Iabeling the suspect a serial k*ller.

Well, how many guys she got to whack to make you comfortable?

I'm just not sure that she fits the typical profile.

There is no profile for the female serial k*ller.

The FBI studied 36 guys, like, 20 years ago.

Historians now believe that many unsolved murders were committed by women who got away with it simply because no one thought a girl could k*ll.

Maggie Peterson certainly is a multiple k*ller, but there's one fact that nobody's mentioning.

She was r*ped.

Her actions could be the product of pronounced r*pe trauma syndrome.

What, you're saying she has a flashback and cuts a guy's throat?

It could be more about a trigger.

The guy does something that reminds her of a past as*ault, and it provokes the same feelings of fear, anger, helplessness...

So whether or not the guy's going to attack her, she thinks that she's in danger, and she fights back.

Then goes on a shopping spree. No.

She's celebrating her kills.

All right, these are all great theories, but we know nothing until we find her.

So let's follow the money.

Shawn Becker was her last victim.

Did he have any cards?

No one's given a recent con a Visa.

We checked.

Which means sooner or later she's got to find herself another source of income.

Special Victims.

We took the call about your homicide.

Well, we got a victim, but he ain't that special.

Got a report about somebody bleeding all over the inside of his Seville.

Appearance paints a nice picture of how it went down.

Pants undone.

Rolled by a pro.

She rolled him good, too.

Looks like about six s*ab wounds.

No cash.

Lots of credit cards.

We know she only Iikes to take one.

Name's Vincent Bertram, Iived on West End.

We get his credit report, find out which one's missing.

Hope Maggie's in the mood for another hotel getaway.

Vincent Bertram's credit report.

The guy was carrying more debt than all of our salaries combined.

Spends all his cash getting service in his car.

Now, it says that he owns five credit cards.

We only found four in his wallet, right?

Here. American Express is missing.

That's a wise choice.

You get frequent flyer miles with that.

What did the M.E. have to say?

The cause of death was between two and four hours ago.


Is that significant?

No. That's just cold.

30 minutes ago, $400 charge on the Amex to the Lancaster Hotel.

Go on. I'll tell ESU to meet you there.
Stabler: Margaret Peterson!

Police! Get your hands up. Get them up.

Cop 1: Stay right there, ma'am.

Cop 2: All right, clear.

Cop 3: Put the baby down.

No. No g*ns, please.

No g*ns.


Okay? Okay.

You're scaring him.

Benson: Hand him over to me, nice and easy.

I'm not gonna do it.

Maggie, no one will get hurt if you hand him over.

Hand him over to me, Maggie.

No, no. Don't hurt him!

Don't hurt him!

Maggie Peterson, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Vincent Bertram.

Joey! Joey!

You have the right to remain silent, anything you do or say can be held...

Benson: Where's ACS?

They can't pick the kid up for a couple of hours.

She keeps asking for him.

Might make her more amenable to a confession.

Let's find out.

Could I make a suggestion?

I'd just like to speak with her first.


To do a mental status exam.

Just do it afterwards.

If she thinks we're concerned about her mental state, we lose an advantage.

We want her scared.

I disagree.

Who knows how traumatized she is.

If she feels like she's being ganged up on, then she could just shut down completely.

I'll just do a brief exam and then the two of you'll be better equipped to question her once I'm done.

This is new territory for everybody.

I agree with the doc.

Do the recon, let us know where she's at.

Let's talk a little about your relationships.

Did you get along with your parents?

No. No, I didn't.

Either of them?

My mother died when I was six, and my father was not a very nice man.

How so?

He was abusive.

After my mother...

He started drinking.

When he drank, he got violent.

Have you ever had hallucinations?

Saw things that weren't there or heard voices?

No, nothing like that.

Have you ever felt someone was out to get you?

No. Well, yes, but then again, I was right about that, wasn't I?

Have you ever felt that someone could put thoughts into your head or take away your own thoughts?

God, do people really think that?

No, I've never felt that way.

Have you ever experienced a situation in which you found yourself in another place and you couldn't remember how you got there?

Yes, often.

How did you know that?

When have you experienced this?

When I go with these men.

I'll be in a...

A hotel room or someplace and, I don't know, I just blank out, and the next thing I know, I'm on the street, walking home.

Can you remember the first time that you blacked out?

Yeah. I was a kid.

That's what I'd do when my dad would start hitting me.

I'd just float away and pretend I wasn't there.

I never thought about this before.

About what?

How I keep doing it.

How I...

I meet these men, and I let them hurt me.

And then I...

Keep coming back for more.


Why do I do that?

So what's your diagnosis?

She's not psychotic.

But she does seem to suffer from PTSD and dissociative episodes.

So you're still thinking it's a r*pe trauma?

No. She's lying.

She's just telling me what I want to hear.

Why don't you go in next.


I need to see her interacting with one other person, not being interrogated by both of you.

Keep her talking.

Just let her direct the conversation.

And give her just enough rope to hang herself.


So did Dr. Huang tell you about me?

Stabler: He says you act like you've been traumatized.

You disagree?


Well, what about your r*pe?

It happened.

I can't change that.

You're a cop.

Don't things happen to you that other people might find traumatic?

I guess.

So you deal with it and you move on.

Like me.

You know, Maggie, there are an awful lot of dead bodies connected to you.

I heard.

You cut out of the hospital, you give everybody a false name.

Well, I thought you guys were gonna arrest me for hooking.

Let's talk about Vincent Bertram.

How'd that happen?

You really want to talk about that?

Or maybe you're more interested in all the moments Ieading right up to it.

So you get in his car.

You get paid. You go to work, and you s*ab him to death.

Am I...

What am I missing here?

Do we really have to talk about this? Really?

It is getting warm in here.

What do you want to talk about?

Whatever you wanna talk about.

AIthough guys like you, you don't usually like me to talk.

Guys like me?

I am a professional, Detective Stabler.

I know men.


Why don't you sit back down over there.

But you...

You're different from most of the others.

Am I now?

And how am I different?

Well, you try to be nice and normal.

But there's a part of you that will never be that guy.

I mean, look at your body.

Who are you trying to impress?

Maybe my wife.

Oh, no.

No. That entire package is for everyone else.

You're a tease, Detective Stabler.

Everything about you says, "Look at me, look at what you can't have."

Well, I... I like that.

I aspire to that.

You should listen to yourself.

You sound just like a shrink.

Like I said, I know men.

So you must enjoy your job.

I'm good at it.

You're not afraid of getting hurt?

You walk around afraid, you're never gonna get what you want.

I'm not afraid, Detective.

Are you?



Thought we'd call you out of there before she took all her clothes off.

What is she playing at, some kind of multiple personality defense?

Well, not quite.

It's called a cocktail personality.

She senses other people's vulnerabilities, she reads their personalities and then she performs accordingly.

It's the classic sign of a sociopath.

So she reads my personality and decides to seduce me?

Well, for her, it's all about how to best manipulate the situation.

You're the virile cop, and so she's trying to appeal to your physical nature.

I'm the good doctor and so she's trying to appeal to my desire to help her.

But she was r*ped.

Are you saying she manipulated that situation?

In a sense. She might be targeting these violent men in order to make herself the sympathetic victim.

But she never feels like the victim because she always feels like she can control every man.

So let's take away her control.

You're right.

And the best way to do that is by exposing her lies.

That way, she'll have nowhere to hide.

Tell her what we know.

Sit down on the chair, Maggie.

Where's Elliot?

Just us girls now.


That act of yours was a whole lot of fun to watch, but you should know that it's not gonna work with me.

What act?

You can pretend to be a victim, you can pretend to be a whore, you can pretend to be whatever it is you want to be.

It's a joke.

Maggie, you're done.

Where's my son?

No. See, that's not gonna work either.

I do not believe that you are talking to me this way.

I was r*ped.

More times than I can remember.

Right. And your mom died, and your dad beat you.

Your mom's alive.

No dad on the birth certificate. You never knew him, did you?

Was your mom a pro, too?

Where's my son?

I need to see him.

Your son?

You're never gonna see that kid again.

You m*rder*d seven men for a hotel room and a manicure.

They r*ped me!

You want the whole world to think that you're a victim?

Well, Maggie, you're getting your wish, because the state's gonna k*ll you.


Don't touch me.


Maggie Peterson's DNA was found in trace evidence in both the Malakowski and Bertram murders.

We also exhumed the remains of Leonard Graves.

Got a match on two hairs.

Well, it sounds like a tight case.

But I'm guessing you didn't ask me here to brag.

I'm making my recommendation to the capital committee.

Seeking the death penalty against a woman for the first time in New York State.

That ought to get some headlines.

Well, just based on the evidence, it is clear to me that this is a death penalty case.

And you want my blessing?

You know my position on capital punishment, Alex.

George, you evaluated her.

I want your opinion as a psychiatrist.

Do you honestly believe that all these men r*ped her, and each m*rder was in self-defense?

No, I don't.

Do you think she is legally insane?

She may have any number of psychiatric disorders, but she knew what she was doing was wrong.

She just didn't care.

And if given the chance, will she k*ll again?

In a second.

She is a calculating predator.

I love a good fight.

I can't believe that turned into a women's rights debate.

We don't have the right to execute a woman just because she's a woman?

The majority of the Capital Committee agreed with your recommendation.

We get Lewin to sign it, we make the world a safer place.

And you're labeled the enemy of feminism.

Hey, as far as I'm concerned, this is a coup for women's rights everywhere.

Maggie Peterson has the right to a needle in the arm just like any other cold-blooded k*ller.

So she should just take it like a man.

Gender has nothing to do with it.

The fact that she m*rder*d four people in this jurisdiction alone does.

But she's only charged with three.

Yeah. The fourth was ruled self-defense against a known r*pist and m*rder*r.

I have a real problem with this.

That one incident does not change the circumstances of the other murders.

Do you think that the first woman New York State executes should be a single mother, prost*tute, r*pe victim?

Serial k*ller.

She knew those guys were violent.

That's why she chose them.

To feel morally justified.

You're saying she asked for it.

Being the victim of a violent crime does not mitigate capital punishment.

Neither does being a woman or being a mother.

If this was a man we were talking about, who was abused as a child and then m*rder*d four women, would we even be having this discussion?

If you were seeking the death penalty?

Of course we would.

I don't think so, Nora.

Because executing a man wouldn't offend the female constituents who put you in office.

Whom we choose to execute is always a political decision.

But I'm not gonna k*ll anyone, male or female, if there's a possibility that they acted in self-defense.

You don't like it, you can always run against me next term.

Dr. Erica OIsen.

I'm the chief of emergency services at St. Andrew's.

This is a medical chart you completed after treating Maggie Peterson in the E.R.

Defense one.

Will you read the first highlighted portion?

"Fractured cheekbone, facial lacs, multiple contusions."

And please read the highlighted portion of your physician's notes.

"Bilateral bruising, injuries consistent with an as*ault.

"Patient refused police notification."


Why are we hearing about the defendant's medical history?

I'd like to know that, too, Miss Greer.

What is the date on that chart, Dr. OIsen?

March 12, 2000.

Defense directs the court's attention to People's four, already in evidence, the document which clearly establishes the discovery of Mr. Philip Malakowski's body by police, also dated March 12, 2000.

So now we know.

Your objection's overruled, Miss Cabot.

I wasn't surprised when the police told me Vincent may have been k*lled by a prost*tute.

That was somewhat of a hobby for him.

Greer: It didn't bother you?

If it meant he'd stay away from me?

Honestly, no.


Because I got tired of explaining the black eyes to my friends.

Objection. Vincent Bertram isn't on trial here, his m*rder*r is.

Greer: My client maintains that she k*lled these men to keep them from raping or k*lling her.

Now if they have a history of violent behavior, the jury should hear it.


Greer: Defense three.

A domestic incidence report filed by Mrs. Bertram in August of last year.

Now, you called the police on your husband.

What did he do?

That night was unusually bad.

He'd been drinking.

He pulled me out of bed and started to hit me, then tear off my nightgown.

Somehow I got away and got to the phone.

The police showed up just in time.

He would have r*ped me or k*lled me. I know it.

So, Maggie, you're a prost*tute?

Maggie: Yes.

And you admit to being responsible for ending the lives of Leonard Graves, Philip Malakowski and Vincent Bertram.


How do you feel about all that, Maggie?

Maggie: About being a prost*tute?

Well, I'm not proud of it.

But I do what I have to in order to make a life for myself and my son.

About k*lling those men, I am sorry they died.

But if I hadn't protected myself, they would have k*lled me.

And my son would be alone.

I thought about him.

It was the only thing that I could do.

Greer: Nothing further, Your Honor.

You're not proud of being a prost*tute.

But you do it anyway in spite of these alleged att*cks.

I don't have a choice.

I didn't grow up privileged, with parents who'd send me to law school.

I'm simply trying to survive.

You say you were in danger with these men, that your life was threatened.


But the threat wasn't so great it stopped you from stealing their credit cards.

You still found time to do that.

Well, I was only thinking of my son.

Of how I could make his life better.

Cabot: Everything you do is for your son?

Maggie: He's the most important thing in my life.

He's the only good thing that I've ever done.

He's my little prince.

So every day you wake up, you drop your son off at the babysitter's, and you go to work.

You knowingly put yourself in danger.

You knowingly place yourself in situations you cannot control, where you admit you could be k*lled.

Is that how you love your son?

Is that how you take care of the most important thing in your life?

I accept the risk.

I accept it on behalf of that boy.

I would die for him.

You can question my past, you can question my life and my profession, but do not ever question how much I love my son.

How the hell did you miss the domestic incidence report?

It wasn't on his rap sheet.

The wife never filed charges.

Being a batterer does not make him a r*pist.

Don't count on the jury to make that distinction.

Look, we've got the weekend to poke holes in this defense.

Please tell me the E.R. doc's got a history of lying on the stand.


Well, not unless she lied about it for Maggie's charts from two years ago.

Okay. So we offer one count, man two, eight-to-10.

No way.

Are you paying attention, Alex?

We are screwed.

Do you honestly believe she k*lled all of those men in self-defense?

Who cares what I believe if she walks?

We just give her exactly what she wants.

She convinces the world she's the victim, she's the perfect mother, she's everybody's favorite hooker...

How old did she say that her son was?

Stabler: She said he turned two-and-a-half.


Which means that he would've been born in April 2000.


So look at the medical report.

It's dated March 2000.

Para zero, grav zero.

No pregnancies.

No children.

Doctor would've known if she'd been eight months pregnant.

Unless she wasn't.

We have her DNA from the r*pe kit.

The child is in ACS custody.

They'll give us permission for a sample.

Where the hell did she get this kid?

She kills to get what she wants, right?

She wanted to be a mother.

Meeting on a Sunday?

Level of desperation must be pretty high.

Not desperate.

Simply fulfilling my Rosario obligation.

So the kid's not hers.

Why does it matter?

Do you want to tell her how you got your child, Maggie, or should I?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Let me jog your memory.

Eighteen months ago, 26-year-old Erin Byers went grocery shopping.

Her body was found in the store parking lot, strangled.

Her stolen car turned up a week later, intact.

Her six-month-old son was never found.

You'll never be able to introduce this.

Actually, it was your client who opened the door.

Everything she does is for her child.


The judge will call a mistrial.


I'll just re-file and tack on the kidnapping charges, plus the m*rder of the mother.

Do you think a jury is going to believe your "I k*ll men because they beat me" story now?

Do you think the D.A. is going to give you another pass on the death penalty? Try it.

Where's Joey?

With his father who thought he was dead.

Greer: Is there an offer on the table?

m*rder two on all counts, concurrent sentences, 15-to-20.

What about the new charges?

We'll talk about that after I file.

You'll never get a better deal than this.

I'm not pleading guilty.

I did not k*ll that woman.

I found Joey.

She threw him away.

It's over.

This whole motherhood facade, this lie you have told yourself and the whole world is going to be exposed.

I have to think about it.

Fine, you can think about it all you like.

But if you don't tell me by tomorrow morning at 9:00, I'm gonna make up your mind for you.

Is Corrections producing the defendant, or are we making the jury wait all day?

We may have a plea, Your Honor.

Call down to the pens and see when Miss Peterson will be gracing us with her presence.

Yes. Waiting on Defendant Peterson.

There's a problem.

Officer: We didn't leave her alone that long.

She used her stockings like a noose, and just sat down till she died.

"Last will and testament.

I leave all my worldly belongings "to my beloved son.

Without him, I am nothing."

There's a number for a safety deposit box.

Says there's 10 grand in there.

Her last act, and this is when she decides to be selfless?

Look at her.

Every hair in place, perfect make-up.

She gets to go out like a beauty queen, and everybody thinks she's sacrificing herself.

It's a performance.

Performance of her life.
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