04x10 - Resilience

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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04x10 - Resilience

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I ever tell you about my nephew Sandy?

Once or twice.

Well, his kid Josh just turned one, and got his own room.

So Sandy buys this fancy intercom so they can listen to Josh and talk to him.

Anyway, the first night, Sandy and Mel...

Josh's mom?

Yeah, decide to test it out.

So, Sandy says, "Hi, Josh, are you there?"

And then, no answer.

So, he says again, "Please say something.

Josh, talk to me."

Still nothing.

Now they're starting to get nervous.

It's the express.

So he says again, "Josh, talk to me."

Still nothing...

He says, "Josh, please say something..."


Sorry to drag you out of bed.

Girl tried to donate her body to the downtown express.

No panties, torn shirt, fresh bruises on her thighs.

Does she have any ID?

Just some loose change.

And she's not talking.

Munch is checking out the security cameras right now.

Give me a minute.


I'm OIivia.

Can you tell us your name?

We'd really like to call your mom and dad, and let them know you're okay.

I've got a daughter your age.

I gotta tell you, if something like this happened, I'd want to be there for her.

Please tell us your name.

Jackie Landricks.

Jackie, I'm Elliot.

Where do you live?

On 16th, in Chelsea.

That was Munch.

He's got something.

We're gonna call your mom and dad and they'll meet you at the hospital, okay?

No, please, don't tell them.

They'll k*ll me.

Jackie, this is not your fault.

They're just gonna be glad you're safe.

Larry: We got three cameras on that side of the station.

Did you know the London Underground has a system for identifying potential suicides?

It's called Cromatica.

There she is.

Your average su1c1de waits about 10 minutes.

Cromatica will spot that, and sound an alarm.

Now look at this.

See there, the guy behind her?

This is what we got on Camera 4.

There's your girl again.

Fin: That same guy's following Jackie too close.

Can you freeze-frame on his face?


Benson: Great. Print that out and let's go to the next camera.

Larry: Camera 5, shows the platform.

Stabler: Still following her.

Benson: There's too many people. He doesn't wanna make a move.

Look at this.

That was close.

Looks like he's got something to hide.

He's got a logo on his shirt.

Can you blow this up?


Fin: The logo belongs to Mercury Bike Messenger Service.

The night manager IDed him as Karl Sirett, 19.

She said he was fired Iast month, spent more time visiting his girlfriends than delivering packages.

PIus not all his deliveries were welcome.

He's had two arrests for as*ault.

All right, pull him in.

Get his picture over to Benson and Stabler.

We found fluids and abrasions to the vaginal walls and these.

Benson: Restraint marks?

Doctor: I believe so.

She was tied down and r*ped.

Multiple times.

I asked her if she'd had sexual relations before the attack, she said no.

Her parents.

I'll send the r*pe kit and the results of the pelvic to your lab.


Mr. Landricks, I'm Detective Stabler.

This is my partner, Detective Benson.

Thank you for finding Jackie.

We were real worried when she didn't come home.

And then we got the call.

Mr. Landricks, does Jackie have a boyfriend?


It's procedure for us to request DNA samples from all male family members.

I have two boys, Gary's I 2, Jason's nine.

You want them done, too?

Just Gary, please.

Whatever you need.

Benson: Jackie, you think you can tell us what happened?

I was coming home from school when this guy grabbed me.

I was taking a short cut by the parking lot by A&M on 10th.

I heard a car pull up behind me and he pushed me into the car.

Stabler: Did you get a look at him?


He said if I screamed he'd k*ll me.

We drove a bit, and then he pulled me out of the car.

We walked down some steps and I heard a door open.

And then what happened?

He tied me to a bed.

He pulled off my clothes, and then he did it.

How'd you escape?

After he finished, he left.

I Ioosened the straps and I ran.

Jackie, I want to show you some photos, okay?

He was following me at the subway station.

Stabler: Did he r*pe you?

I don't know.

I told you, I was blindfolded.

I couldn't see anyone.

Well, do you remember anything about the man who did do it?

Something about his clothes, the sound of his voice...

What is it, Jackie?

His penis.

It was pierced with a ring.

Stabler: How do you know that?

He made me feel it.

So why'd you run when she tried to k*ll herself?

Those guys had it under control.

Or you knew the cops were on the way, and she'd finger you.

Finger me for what?

We know you like attacking women.

Did you go all the way with Jackie?

Who's Jackie?

The girl you followed into the subway, the girl you r*ped.

I told you, I never saw that bitch before.

"I never saw the girl, never met the bitch."

You should get a better story, don't you think?

And you should learn to read.

Those charges were dropped.

We could clear this up real quick, Karl.

Just give us a DNA sample.

No way.

And I was just beginning to think you were innocent.

Any luck?

Cragen: It's a matter of time and gravity.

You get a match on the restraint pattern?

Well, M.E. says that she remembers a female corpse being pulled out of the river two years ago, south of Chelsea Piers.

No head, no fingers, but marks like these.

Manhattan South Homicide couldn't ID her.

Called her Chelsea Doe.

Unsolved homicide.

City should still have the corpse.

Call Warner, see if she can dig up the body.

Man needs to relieve himself.


No, but I am impressed.

I believe the technical term for that is a Prince AIbert.

Ladies love the prince.

The technical term for these are handcuffs.

No. No.

You're under arrest for the r*pe of Jackie Landricks.

Bernardo, you're up late.

I want my client.

His roommate called me.

He said you pulled him out of bed.

You've held him more than five hours.

Uncuff him and let him go.

He's not going anywhere.

He's under arrest for r*pe.

Based on what evidence?

Subway cameras show the victim tried to commit su1c1de to get away from him.

That's tragic, really, but it's hardly proof that he r*ped her.

She identified him also by the piercing on his penis.

Oh, so he is the only man in New York City with a pierced schlong?

And I assume you just happened to see his privates when you took him to the bathroom after you poured soda down his throat for five hours.

Was he under arrest at the time?

We were just sh**ting the breeze.

Bernardo: Right.

You think you're gonna get a free DNA sample out of that?

Think again.

I want to talk to the A.D.A.

Cragen: It's standard procedure to escort suspects to the facilities.

Really? Is it standard procedure to inspect their genitals?

You're not gonna claim it was an illegal search.

You led him to believe he was in custody, when you didn't have probable cause to keep him in custody.

That means, anything you got out of him, including sight of his privates, it's inadmissible.

If he's innocent, you won't object to him giving a DNA sample.

Oh, I will object, and I will win.

So I'll see you in Chambers.

She could win.

I hope you have something else.

How about a dead body?

Warner: Chelsea Doe, Caucasian, brunette.

I remember her.

Pissed me off.

Perp went to such extremes to make sure we couldn't ID her.

These are the restraint marks on Jackie Landricks.

What do you think?

Similar, but not the same.

We think Chelsea had rope burns.

These on Jackie look like they were made from some kind of strap, like the kind you'd use to move furniture, tie up luggage.

Was Chelsea r*ped?

She was in the water two weeks.

Long enough to wash away any useful fluids.

Benson: How old was she?

Late 20s.

Head and fingers were cut off with some kind of cleaver, but she was probably strangled first.

There were signs of capillary damage here.

You think Jackie might have run into Chelsea's k*ller?

We were hoping you could tell us.

Well, if she did, you're not just looking for one k*ller.

I got a preliminary result on the fluid.

It was a mixed sample.

Two blood types?

Two rapists.

And one of the samples showed traces of medication.

Mevastatin, for high cholesterol.

Maybe Karl had an older partner?

What about dad?

No. When he gave his DNA, I took blood as well.

BIood type doesn't match.

We better talk to Jackie.

I'm sorry, Tom's on a job today, and we're baking cookies, so...


Why don't we just keep this on the ground there, cowboy, okay?

I run a day care center here, call me crazy.

Sally and Jason, two of mine.

I kept them home today.

So, did you find anything out?

We have reason to believe that Jackie was att*cked by more than one man.

Has she said anything?

Benson: Hey, Jackie, how you feeling?

I'm okay.

Is there some place we could talk?

Sure. Take them to your room, hon.

Jackie, you said that one man r*ped you.

Now, according to our forensics, there were two.

I told you, I was blindfolded.

Did you hear two voices?

All I heard was, "Scream and I'll k*ll you."

Were there two different bodies?

I don't know.

I tried to block it out.

Were there different smells, Jackie, like aftershave or soap?

Hi, you're Sally, right?

My name is Elliot.

Has Jackie been bad?

No. We're here to help her.

Could I have your pen?

Sure. Why do you want my pen?

For a present for me.

Sally, can you tell me who James Randall is?

He lives with us.


And is he, you know, old like me?

Worse. Can I go now?


Jackie, what can you tell me about Mr. Randall?

What do you mean, what can I tell you?

How long has he lived down the hall?

Couple months, I guess.

Has he ever bothered you?


You're telling me he's never bothered you before?


Why are you asking me these questions?

Elliot, what's going on?

Mr. Randall takes Mevastatin, for his high cholesterol.

No wonder she's not talking.

Her r*pist Iives right next door.

Just because I have high cholesterol doesn't mean I r*ped anybody.

So it's just a coincidence, Mr. Randall, that the medication you take wound up inside Jackie Landricks?

Yeah, it's just a coincidence.

Lots of guys have high cholesterol.

Lots of guys don't live next to the victim's bedroom.

Jackie's kind of hot, but schoolgirls aren't my scene.

Know him?

I've never seen him before.

Explain something to me.

What's a hotshot ad exec doing slumming it at the Landricks'?

I had some bad breaks.

The last time I Iooked that wasn't a crime.

Are we done?

No, we're just getting started.

You think she's kind of hot?

God, who the hell is that?

You r*ped Jackie Landricks.

Did you r*pe and m*rder this girl, too?


Then give us a DNA sample.

You want a DNA sample, sure, I'll give you a DNA sample.

Just get me a plastic cup or a pretty woman, (UNZIPPING ZIPPER)

I'll give you all the DNA you want.

Put it away, Mr. Randall, all we need is to swab inside your mouth.

A guilty man doesn't usually offer up his DNA.

Which means he's either really dumb, or really innocent.

That was the lab with the results from Jackie's pelvic.

Jackie has cervical dysplasia.

Our girl with no boyfriends has had a lot of them.

I'm sure she doesn't want daddy finding out about that.

Where are we on Karl Sirett?

The judge refused to give the order for Karl's DNA.

On what grounds?

Police misconduct.

Apparently we coerced the suspect into self-incrimination by taking him to the john.

And Cabot let him get off on that crap?

She said we did.

Munch, Fin, see if you can find a connection between these two losers.

Elliot, OIivia, get over to Jackie's school, check if anybody knows who Jackie's boyfriends are.


I don't feel comfortable discussing my students' personal lives with you.

Miss Bowen, the principal says that you've come to him with concerns about Jackie.

Now we're on the same side here.

Jackie has real potential.

She has a gift for writing.

She's bright.


Several students told me she's been sleeping around.

Did you ask her about it?


She said she'd been dating this senior.

She promised she'd stop.

And you believe her?

She tells me the truth.

When did these two start dating each other?

Last year, when she was a freshman.

Stabler: When she was 14.

How old was he?


Miss Bowen, that's considered statutory r*pe.

Do you know how many of my 14 and 15-year-olds are having sex with older boys?

The relationship was consensual and it stopped the moment I found out.

Benson: Did you contact her parents?

I suggested we talk to them, but Jackie begged me not to, said they'd k*ll her.

Did you talk to the boy?

I told him, if he went near Jackie again, I'd cut his balls off.

What's this guy's name?

Karl Sirett.

Stabler: It's our Prince AIbert.

Benson: You know Karl Sirett, don't you?


Benson: And you went out with him, and you had sex with him?

It's all right, sweetheart.

Just tell them.


When did it stop?

About a month ago.

I broke up with him after my teacher, Miss Bowen, talked to me.

She knew about this?

Did Karl r*pe you?

I don't know who r*ped me.

Jackie, you picked him out.

Because you showed me his photo.

I wanted somebody to blame.

Benson: Why was he following you?

Because he saw me outside the station.

He hangs out at the deli out there.

If Karl didn't r*pe you, who did?

I told you, I was blindfolded, I couldn't see.

Benson: Jackie, please.

We cannot help you unless you tell us everything.

I am telling you everything, you just won't believe me.

Can I go to my room now?


So, you think this Karl guy's in the clear?

Benson: We don't know.

I mean, you heard Jackie, she didn't see anything.

What about that bastard Randall?

I mean, I thought you'd arrested him.

We questioned him, but without Jackie's ID, we couldn't hold him.

You know, I gotta ask you something.

Why would you let a 40-year-old man rent a room right next to your 15-year-old daughter?


Because I need my head examined.

We needed the money.

And usually, I only rent to women, students, but Randall seemed okay.

Angie: Hey, honey, we're back.



Phillip: I did this!


Phillip: Don't pick up, I did it.

Has something happened?

Benson: Well, we're working on a number of leads.

Good. I've been so worried about Jackie.

Yeah, it might be a good idea if you would talk to her.

She's got a lot of stuff going on.

I got you a present.

You did?

Don't tell.

I know the case.

15-year-old r*pe victim.

Well, this is about her little sister.

She's six years old, unusually friendly.

Asks strangers for presents, gives them presents.

She's just a little too affectionate.

Sometimes that kind of inappropriate behavior is a sign of abuse.

I've seen abuse of families.

And her parents seem to love the kids, and the kids seem happy.

M.E. got a DNA match on one of the samples.

Charles Eno, did time for robbery and as*ault, Iives a block from the Landricks'.

We're picking him up.

And here's the best part.

Two years ago, he worked as a butcher in the meat-packing district.

Where were you Iast night, Mr. Eno?

Home till 11:30.

Then I went to the club.

I work security.

Anyone can back you on that?

I Iive by myself.

And you were watching TV, didn't go out to dinner, nobody in the world saw you.

And I didn't r*pe no girl.

Well, your sperm tell a different story.

(LAUGHS) That's crap.

No. You r*ped Jackie Landricks and you left your calling card inside of her.

Big guy like you have to tie up a defenseless girl.

No. I didn't tie up no girl, man.

Just like two years ago, in the meat-packing district, when you were chopping up those carcasses.

You chop her up, too?

You're sick!

What do you think I am?

A r*pist and a m*rder*r.

All right.

I had sex with Angie Landricks, but I never touched the girl.

You had sex with Jackie's mother?


Why would I mess with jailbait when I could get it from her moms?

We've got his DNA inside her, he just put himself in the apartment.

Why's he holding out?

Maybe he's doing them both, and doesn't want to cop to statutory.

M.E. just called with a match on the second sperm sample.

Karl Sirett's in the clear.

It's James Randall.

The jackass who gave up his DNA.

I swear I never laid a hand on her.


Your little tadpoles just swam in all by themselves.

Do you know him?

Yeah. He works at a club I go to.

Oh, I think you know him better than that.

Jackie Landricks, she some kind of joint project you and big Charlie work on together?

God, what are you talking about?

There were two semen samples inside the girl.

One yours, and one Mr. Eno's.

I didn't touch the girl!

Don't tell me, you just had sex with her mom.

Yeah, that's right.

That's pretty ballsy, doing it right under her husband's nose.

What the hell?

He paid me to do it.

He paid you to have sex with his wife?

Yeah. He likes to watch.

Is it possible that Eno and Randall aren't just Iying scum, Doc?

Is there any evidence that they abducted Jackie together?

Well, they claim their only connection is they were both servicing Mrs. Landricks.

Then from what you've told me about Jackie's behavior, and her little sister's, I'd say dad is a sexually obsessive narcissist.

You telling me this guy gets his kicks from prostituting his wife and daughters?

Huang: His family is his own little cult.

They devote themselves to making him happy.

Benson: You think he's abusing Sally, too?

I don't know if she's sexually abused, but I wouldn't be surprised if she knew exactly what went on.

Well, there's sex education for you.

Dad doesn't even have to touch his daughters.

Just treating them as adults turns them into his own vicarious sexual partners.

They don't tell because he's their dad, and they love him.

It's called child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome.

If Jackie talks, she's responsible for breaking up the family.

All right, besides the fact that none of the evidence implicates Tom Landricks, just tell me why.

My guess is that he's impotent, possibly infertile.

His family is the only area where he has power.

Angie Landricks is running a day care center from their home.

Captain, we've got to get those kids out of there.

Then bring Angie in.

She sees her world falling apart, she just might tell us what the hell's going on.

Angie: Wait...


Jackie, Jackie, come on.

You can't do this.

Please. I have to call their parents.

We can take care of it.

I have to call Tom.

What have you done?

Benson: Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Angie: Why are you trying to hurt us?

I don't understand!

I'm sorry.

Detective Benson, we've got a problem.

There's no record of these two in the home.

No names, no addresses.

What does Mrs. Landricks say?

Woman: Nothing I can repeat.

Can you tell me who they are, over here?

That's Phillip and that's Antoine.

Who's their mom?

Mom is.

Who's their real mom?

My mom is, stupid.

They're my brothers.

We checked birth records.

Phillip and Antoine are your kids.

I never said they weren't.

Well, who are the dads?

I don't know.

You don't know.

Well, how does your husband feel about that?

Him being so big on family and all?

He wanted me to have the kids.

He wanted you to have the kids.

Sally was his last.

He can't have any more.

That's very sad.

So he just pulls men off the streets, and lets them play inseminator?

Tom wanted more kids.

I wanted to keep him happy.

Well, how long are you gonna go on keeping Tom happy?

I can't give him any more.

It was Phillip.

His birth went wrong.

I had to have a hysterectomy.

I can't have any more children.

You can't have any more children.

So what, Jackie's the next best thing?


You used your own daughter.

No. Those men did.

Randall and Eno.

They swear that they didn't.

But they're lying.

Either you let them r*pe your daughter, or your husband took their semen out of you and did it himself.

That's disgusting.

You're disgusting!

You are!

Your own child!

I want to talk to Tom.

We would never hurt our children.

Never, we love them.

I want my husband.

Cragen: Where are you two going?

To talk to Jackie Landricks.


Kid's not at Lait House.

She's been moved to Adams' Treatment Center.

What happened?

Some kind of breakdown.

Better talk to the doc.

Where are my children?

They've been removed for their own safety.

You can't do this.

Where are they?

Mr. Landricks, your children are safe, you'll need to contact ACS.

Where's my wife?

She's answering some questions.

And giving some answers.

You bastard, I trusted you.

And your kids trusted you.

Benson: Elliot, whoa, whoa!

Fin: Hey, hey, come on, come on!

Come and sit down somewhere quiet, Mr. Landricks, and talk this thing over.

What's going on?

Regression in service of the ego.

When the present gets too frightening, people try to escape to a safer time.

Can she recover?

Children are incredibly fragile.

And incredibly resilient.

Jackie could go either way.

She's playing with dolls.

How do you know she's not faking?

You don't.

Not until you talk to her.

Who, me?

No. No. No, no, no.

No, you're the shrink.

And you're the dad.

That's what she's looking for, another father.

This is Cindy.

Isn't she pretty?

She's very pretty.

Do you like playing with dolls?

Of course.

This is Cindy's friend, Bear.

He likes her very much, don't you, Bear?

Why does he like her?

Because Cindy knows what Bear wants.

And what do I want?

You want Cindy to be nice to you.

And how are you gonna be nice to me?

She'll make you feel good.

Do you want her to show you?

It's okay.

I know what to do.

Yeah? How do you know what to do?

'Cause I've watched.

Who did you watch, Jackie?

My mom.

You watched her with other men?

Is that what you want to do?

Daddy said I couldn't.

That's because he is selfish.

He just wants to keep you all for himself.

He loves me.

Sometimes, people say that they love you, and they can do bad things.

No! He loves me!

He loves me!

He doesn't love you.

He doesn't love you.

Look what he's done to you.

He's using you.

He's using you.

Jackie, I know why you ran.

You're safe.

Talk to me.

He told me mom couldn't have a baby.

He said that made him sad.

He asked me to help him.

He wanted you to have a baby?

I didn't want to.

But he said I was old enough now and that I had to.

For the family.

Okay. Okay.

Tell me what happened.

He took me to my bedroom.

He took off my clothes.

He told me to lie down on the bed.

Then I saw he had this syringe.

I tried to get away, but he caught me.

He pinned me down.

Then I saw my mom.

I begged her to make him stop, but she wouldn't.

What did he do to you?

He pushed the syringe into me.

He said, "Good girl."

It's all right.

I'll make this as painless as I can.

My client is ready to plead guilty to promoting prostitution.

You're trying to get him off on a misdemeanor?

He tied down his own daughter and tried to inseminate her.

Angie Landricks denies it happened.

The forensic evidence proves Tom Landricks didn't r*pe her.

And your search of the apartment turned up absolutely nothing.

This is all a figment of a disturbed child's imagination.

The forensics will confirm Jackie's testimony, that her father attempted to impregnate her using other men's semen.

Jackie was just transferred to a psychiatric treatment facility.

You think a jury is gonna buy her crazy story?

I think when a jury hears that your client paid strangers to screw his wife, they're gonna believe pretty much anything she says.

You put Jackie on the stand, I'll be forced to bring up her promiscuity, her false accusations of r*pe, her lies...

Take the deal, Alex.

I love my daughter.

She means everything to me.

I would never harm a hair on her head.

Shut up.

I'll see you in court.

Your honor, I'm showing the witness what has been marked as the People's 967 in evidence.

These are photographs of the night you were taken to Saint Gregory's Hospital.

How did you get these bruises?


And how did the straps cause them?

I was tied up.

Across here, and here.

Now, Jackie, where were you tied up?

To a bed.

Whose bed?

What do you mean?

Was the bed in your house, Jackie?

It might have been.

Who tied you to the bed?

Who did this to you, Jackie?

I don't know.

Is the man who tied you up in this courtroom?

Jackie, please answer the question.

Your Honor, why is counsel badgering her own witness?

Miss Cabot, do you wish to continue?

Cabot: One moment, Your Honor.

Jackie, do you recall your grand jury testimony?

You said, "He made me take off my clothes.

"I tried to get away, but he caught me and he tied me down."

Who was that man?

I was blindfolded.

I couldn't see him.

Do you remember what you told the grand jury?

I said what you wanted me to say.

I asked you to tell me the truth.

I was scared.

That policeman told me that my father was bad.

He told me to say that my dad did bad things to me, but dad wouldn't, he just wouldn't.

So who did them?

I told you, I don't know.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Just one question, Jackie.

Did your mom and dad ever hurt you?


You heard Tom Landricks is getting his family back?

It gets worse.

ACS just called.

Jackie's pregnant and wants to keep the baby.

Daddy's turkey basting worked.

Well, what the hell happened to the morning-after pill?

It's standard in r*pe cases.

By the time we got to the hospital, Jackie's parents were already with her.

They must have talked her out of it.

So the bastard gets away with impregnating his daughter, and gets to keep the kid.

And little Antoine and Phillip are gonna be uncles.

How old are Antoine and Phillip?

Benson: Four and two.

Wonder why he took so long.

Cragen: To do what?

Well, Angie had her hysterectomy two years ago.

If he wanted more kids, why wait two years to use Jackie as a baby-farm?

What if he didn't wait?

What if he tried this on someone else before?

Chelsea Doe?

The restraint patterns are consistent.

Well, if we can't get him for r*pe, go after him for m*rder.

You think Landricks is a m*rder*r, and not just a sick freak?

Since when did those two exclude each other?

Randall rented a room at the Landricks, but Tom said that he usually took in women.

What if one of them was Chelsea Doe?

Munch, Fin, canvas the neighbors.

See if there was a woman Iiving there, around the time Chelsea Doe was m*rder*d.

OIivia, Elliot, check with HRA, missing persons, social services, DMV, check bank records.

I'm going to introduce the doc to Chelsea Doe.

Huang: The head was removed post-mortem?

Yes, death by strangulation.

Which suggests that it wasn't planned.

The m*rder was an act of fear or rage.

A hand is easier to cut off at the wrist, but he takes off the fingers.



The British serial k*ller Fred West collected bones. Fingers, kneecaps, vertebrae.

Warner: But that increases the risk of discovery.

And the feeling of power.

The victim may be dead, but he still owns them.

Do you think Landricks could've k*lled her?

Tom Landricks enjoys violating the rights of others, which is the mark of an antisocial personality.

But he also exhibits schizotypal features, which provoke him to act out his fantasies, sometimes violent ones.

Look at these restraint marks.

He keeps the arms and the legs free so that the victim will fight, making his dominance more satisfying.

Yes, he could k*ll, and grow to enjoy it.

Captain, DMV records show that two-and-a-half years ago, a 28-year-old Karen Stenslin gave the Landricks' as her home address.


And there's been no movement on her social security number since Chelsea Doe's body was found in the Hudson.

Where do her folks live?

Only living relative is her grandmother.

Lives in Jersey.


What are you waiting for?

I'm afraid I haven't spoken to Karen for a long time.

Is it important?

Well, actually, it is.

Do you have any idea how we could get in touch with her?

Well, I'm afraid that would be rather difficult.

You see, she moved to Europe.

She got a job there.

And how long ago was that?

Oh, well, nearly two years now.

Now, I know that a telephone is expensive, but I do wish that she would call.

That postcard there was the last time I heard from her.

Manhattan postmark.

Check out the date.

Couple of weeks before Chelsea Doe was found.

Karen's not in any trouble, is she?

This postcard doesn't mention anything about Europe.

No. That nice man that she lived with in New York, he told me.

She was the nanny for his children.

Is this Karen?

Yes, isn't she lovely?

Stabler: She is lovely.

So is the bracelet.

It was her mother's.

She died when Karen was very young.

Karen always wears it.

Stabler: Hi, Sally.

Hey, remember you gave this to me?

I want it back.

Where did you get it?

Where'd you get this?

It's mine.

You know, it's so pretty, Sally.

I'd like to have one like this.

Can you tell me who gave it to you?

Sally, can you tell me who gave this to you?

Nobody. I took it.

Benson: Where from?

Jackie's drawer.

Stabler: Jackie, is that yours?

Whose is it?

It's Karen's.

What happened to Karen?

Jackie: She went away.

And she gave that to you before she left?

No. I found it.

Where, Jackie?

In Karen's room, underneath her bed.

Which room is Karen's?


Used ground-probing radar to locate the void.

Had to dig through two feet of solid concrete.

I think I've got a skull here.

It has to be Karen.

Benson: We went digging around your apartment, Tom, and guess what we found.

Karen's head.

No, Karen's in London.

She's got a job there.

This is a mistake.

This is a mistake, too?

These are Karen's fingers that we found along with her head in your basement.


There is no way that I would hurt Karen.

The kids loved her.

You are setting me up!

You put those terrible things there.

Under two feet of concrete?

Benson: Tom.

We know that it's Karen.

How, for God's sake?

Benson: Her mitochondrial DNA was an identical match to the grandmother.

What are they talking about?

I didn't do anything.

You know something, I'm done with this guy.

Yeah, you did.

You tied her up.

You r*ped her.

You k*lled her.

You tried to hide her body.

Next time I see you, you're gonna have a needle in your arm.

Keep denying it.

What happened, Tom?

Did she try to run away?

thr*aten to call the police?

She tried to destroy us.

She said she'd have a baby, then she backed down.

Mr. Landricks, you don't have to go through this.

She said she'd tell.

She said she'd make them take our kids away.

So you had to k*ll her.

I had to protect my family.

If there are no children, the family dies.

What about Jackie?

She tried to run away.

Were you gonna k*ll her, too?


I'd never hurt Jackie.

Well, she's hurting now, Tom.

She's got a baby inside of her that you put there.

Jackie loves me, she knows that I love her.

And she'll do what's best for the family.


How are they doing?


And you?


That's good.

I've been following Dad's trial.

Well, that must be tough.

It's weird.

Like I'm watching somebody I don't even know.

He's my dad.

He did all those horrible things and he's my dad.

But you got away.

Yeah, I did.

I'm not gonna keep the baby.

It's what Dad would have wanted, isn't it?

I'm not gonna do that anymore.
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