04x17 - Privilege

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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04x17 - Privilege

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Love is all very nice, darling, but what does he really want?

Your pecan pies or your nice, fat bank balance?

What on earth?

Not you, dear.

I think there's a dead animal in my wisteria.

Now, if AIbert is only after sex, you have my blessing.

I mean, you're pushing 70.

How many more rides are left on the merry-go-round?


Home owner's name is Katerina BIundell.

Victim dropped in on her unexpectedly.

She's in her 20s.

Wearing a maid's uniform.

No ID.

Miss BIundell have a housekeeper?

No. Lives alone.

She recognize the victim from the neighborhood?

I doubt it.

The victim has no face.

From the lividity, she's been dead a while.

Why'd you call us?

Warner: Looks like a su1c1de, but somebody worked her over pretty good.

There's bruising on her breasts, buttocks, thighs.

Maybe a r*pe and toss?

Some of these are old.

This stuff didn't just happen once.

Benson: Looks like she fell from there.

Stabler: Trellacker Tower.

Millionaire heaven.

So she lands head first, breaks the glass, falls onto the plants which hold her for a while until Katerina goes poking around.

She's a maid.

Probably doesn't speak much English.

AIone in a foreign country.

If she was r*ped, it's not surprising she didn't call the cops.

So she takes the high dive.

Or she was pushed.

Stabler: Mr. Paysen?


SVU. Detective Stabler.

My partner, Detective Benson.

Now, the doorman says that you run security for the Lamerly family.

Yeah. SVU?

What's this about?

We've got a jumper.

Looks like she fell from the penthouse.

Did you check all the other apartments?

Well, the doorman says that the windows don't open wide enough to let a child out.

Well, why is sex crimes interested in a su1c1de?

We believe that she was assaulted before she fell.

You did some time on the job?

Put in my 20 at the 29.

When'd this happen?

Sometime over the weekend.

No one's been in the penthouse from Friday morning till Sunday night when Mrs. Lamerly came home.

From where?


The rest of the family's still up there.

I drove Mrs. L. back early to take in a concert.

There's no sign of a break-in.

Even so, we'd like to take a look around.

Like I said, nobody's been here since Friday morning.

Well, we could come back with a warrant and a couple of TV crews if you'd like.

Just let me warn the old lady.

Thank you.

You think she fell from our balcony?

Benson: It seems likely.

Oh, the poor soul.

Do you know who she is?

We're working on that.

She was wearing a housekeeper's uniform.

Gray dress, white apron.

But all our help had the weekend off.

Stabler: We'll need names and addresses.

Of course.

Tom will get them for you.

Benson: There's our crime scene.

There's no sign of a struggle here or inside.

I still don't understand how she could've got out here.

We're going to need to take a look at the building security camera tapes.

Ma'am, please don't touch the railing.

I'm sorry. Is this where she fell?

Looks like it.

We're going to have to have a Crime Scene Unit come up here and check things out.

Of course.

Lamerly money comes from late Grandpa's real estate business.

He had the cash, Grandma had the class.

Son Douglas runs everything now.

Wife lives in Bermuda and rarely comes ashore.


Yeah, one son, Drew, just back from Europe.

And what about Granny?

She hosts tea parties and presides over a dozen charitable events.

Their story hold up?

Doorman said that the penthouse had no visitors over the weekend, but he can't see who comes in through the garage.

Fin: This is off the penthouse lobby camera.

4:45 p.m. Saturday.

She's got her own key.

Any pictures of her face?

Now, that would be too easy.

And that's it.

She's the only one who went into the penthouse till Gran and the chauffeur come home Sunday evening.

Any reports of missing servants?

All present and accounted for.

So who is this woman?

I'm running prints, dental, DNA.

There's too much bone damage to try facial reconstruction.

Tested her for dr*gs and alcohol.

She's clean.

Did you get anything from the r*pe kit?

No fluids.

But traces of Iubricant and spermicide.

Her attacker used a condom.

Can you connect the as*ault to the time of death?

Most of the bruises and strap marks are old, but there are petechiae here.

Broken capillaries that didn't have time to form bruises.

So she was r*ped, beaten, and went up to the penthouse to die?

Or she likes rough sex.

None of this proves she was r*ped.

Hands around the throat could be erotic asphyxiation.

The strap marks could be the badge of an S&M junkie.

Possible. The degree of v*olence is pretty controlled.

Another thing, CSU only found one shoe.

They're still looking for the second one.

Pretty high-end for a maid.

Nice stockings, too.

Okay, she's wearing high heels, fancy underwear, dresses like a maid, and lets herself into a rich man's apartment?

Sounds like an out-call fantasy to me.

My God.

I think it's Anna.

I can't believe she'd do this.

Who's Anna, Mr. Lamerly?

Anna Rivera.

She worked a month for us, and then we learned that she lied about her legal status.

Last week we had to let her go.

Do you always check the immigration status of your staff?

We lead public lives, Detective.

We have to be able to withstand scrutiny.

Do you have any idea why Anna would k*ll herself?

She was very upset about losing the job.

She begged us not to fire her.

But I honestly never thought she'd do this.

The severance was very generous.

Three months' salary.

That'll put a dent in the bank account.

Did Anna usually wear shoes like this to work?

I have no idea.

I don't inspect the staff's shoes.

She was wearing stiletto heels and expensive underwear.

I don't think she came up to polish the credenza.

What are you trying to say, Detective?

Whoever abused Anna made a habit of it.

Her body showed signs of repeated, violent sex.

Well, what has that got to do with me?

Anna came to this apartment to die, Mr. Lamerly.

Why do you think she did that?

You can't honestly think I have anything to do with this.

How well did your son know her?

Where was he Saturday night?

In Connecticut.

We all were.

You barge in here, no warrant, no nothing, making wild accusations...

Douglas, please.

Don't shout.

Police have to do their job.

Benson: Do you know where Anna used to live?

My son will get you the address.

Layton: Detectives?

Something you should see.

Benson: Prints.

Took the same prints on the balcony door.

Was she alone?

Far as I can tell.

There's only the one set.

What about inside?

Nothing. PIace is immaculate.

But, hey, Granny looks like a clean freak.

So our victim gets att*cked someplace else but comes here to k*ll herself?

She came straight out here, she climbs over the edge, she holds onto the railing.

Smearing suggests she didn't let go right away.

She changed her mind.

She tried to pull herself up.

Stabler: Wasn't strong enough.

Anna's address.

Benson: Mr. Karenn, when was the last time you saw Anna?

When she paid her rent.


Did she pay you for the whole month?

Wouldn't be Iiving here otherwise.

She ever bring boyfriends here?

No. Is she in trouble?

That's what we're trying to find out.

This her?


You got any numbers or addresses for her family?

Said she was from Guatemala. Try there.

Can't find a note.

What was Anna like, Mr. Karenn?

Quiet, clean.

She paid her rent.


Then I guess you'd be real upset to find out she's dead.

Oh, jeez.

What am I going to do with her stuff?

Why don't you send it to Guatemala?

We'll take these for the M.E. so she can make a positive ID.

Can't get anything off of these for DNA.

They're brand new.

Oh, well, that figures.

All right, I'll have CSU comb the place.

Take a look at this first.

Lots of fine cuts, some healed, some new.

Benson: From cleaning a penthouse?

I swabbed her hands.

Didn't find any household cleaners that a maid would use.

Only an acetone called Rexton, exclusively used in cleaning motion picture film.

Early 20s, handles lots of film.

Could be a film student.

The Lamerlys were definitely in Connecticut.

Had some local muckety-mucks over for dinner.

Son Drew even got his picture taken up there running a red Iight in his little Audi.

6:10 p.m.

Anything on the film schools?


Any idea how many film schools there are in New York?

PIus a student failing to show up for class on Monday morning is not exactly going to set off alarms.

Any chance Anna was taking classes?

Well, not unless she went by the name of Carmen Trancoso.

Carmen was supposed to screen her first-year film at the New School.

She didn't show. The girl she made it with said she hasn't seen her since Saturday.

Suzie, you knew her well. Has Carmen been upset lately?

Why? Tell me what's going on.

We're worried about her.

Does she leave her personal stuff here?

This is hers.

And this stuff.

Yeah? Where's Carmen from?

Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Well, she have a hard time adjusting here?

She does okay considering her English isn't too good.

Is this Carmen?

She's a beautiful girl.

Does she have a boyfriend?

Used to. They broke up.

Carmen was pretty upset.

Benson: She talk to you about it?

Not really.

Well, what'd she say about it?

That she was going to make him pay.

Well, do you think Carmen was upset enough to try to hurt herself?

What do you mean?

Is that what's happened?

We don't know, but we have to look at all the possibilities.

What's her boyfriend's name?

Drew. Drew Lamerly.

M.E. confirms.

The DNA off the lipstick proves that the dead girl is Drew Lamerly's ex, Carmen Trancoso.

So he dumps her, she goes to his apartment for an attention-seeking su1c1de?

Dresses as the maid to get by the doorman.

She uses a key that either Drew gave her or she stole it.

What about Anna Rivera?


Customs has no record of her on any flights out of New York.

And if she's going to go home, why not take all of her stuff with her?

Look who's here.

Poster boy.

Hi. Can we help you?

My name is Drew Lamerly.

Suzie called me.

I think I should make a statement.

About what?

Carmen Trancoso.

It's my fault she's dead.

Carmen and I went out for about a month.

It was intense.

So intense it scared me.

I broke up with her.

When'd you break up?

About ten days ago.

She took it bad.

She kept coming to the apartment, following me around.

When was the last time you talked to her, Drew?

Saturday. She called me, begged me to see her.

I said I was with my family in the country.

She became hysterical.

Said she'd make me sorry if I didn't come over.

So I told her to get a life and I hung up.

If I'd just gone there, been kind to her, she might still be alive.

What time did she call you?

Around 5:30, I think.

So Anna Rivera isn't dead then.

No, she's not.

One of the other maids just heard from her.

Turns out she's in Miami.

Why'd she run and leave everything behind?

Well, she didn't.

Her aunt was really sick and she had to go see her.

Aunt is sick.

I'm missing something here.

Drew, why did your dad say the dead girl was Anna?

He got all teary-eyed and everything.

Well, the girl in the tape Iooks just like Anna.

She's wearing a maid's uniform.

Well, so was Carmen.

Why is that?

She knew she couldn't get into the building any other way.

I'd told the doorman not to let her in.

Carmen got by him dressed as a maid. She get a copy of your key?

Yes, which she must have taken from me while I was sleeping and duped it.

You guys spent the night together a lot, right?

Well, I told you, it was a very intense relationship.

You call beating the crap out of her intense, huh?

You little prick, you did this to her.

Yes, I did do this, but she wanted me to.

No. No woman wants this.

Carmen did!

This was her thing.

So you beat and r*pe her because it was her thing?

I never r*ped her.

She liked it.

It was never enough, though.

She wanted more.

She wanted more of what?

She... She wanted me to...

She wanted me to choke her until she blacked out.

But I couldn't do that.

I couldn't.

That's when I knew it was too much.

I couldn't do it.

I'm sorry, okay?


I'm sorry.

Drew's story checked out.

We got a 10-minute call from the penthouse to Connecticut.

5:32 p.m. Saturday.

What about the bruising?

M.E. said the v*olence was controlled. So it could have been consensual.

What's your take on this kid?

He's got answers for everything.

Fin, you and Munch see if Drew's got history.

But do it quietly.

I don't want the Lamerlys complaining to the brass that we're harassing them.

You know, this is Carmen's date book.

She met with this Roger Burnbaum three times last week.

There's a number here.

Another boyfriend?

Maybe it was Drew who didn't end it.

Maybe Carmen dumped him for this Roger Burnbaum.

Guess who I'm holding for.

Roger Burnbaum and DeLisle, personal injury lawyers.

She was suing someone.

We represent Carmen Trancoso, but I can't say why without her permission.

She can't give it.

She's dead.

What happened?

She committed su1c1de.

So I hope you're paid up.

We take cases on a contingency basis.

No win, no fee.

That's noble of you.

What was Carmen hoping to win?

A substantial settlement from her ex-boyfriend for r*pe.

Her ex-boyfriend being Drew Lamerly.

How do you know?

She said she hadn't told anybody.

Carmen died by throwing herself 20 floors from the Lamerly penthouse.

Stabler: She have a good case against him?

To be honest, no.

She told me her sex life with Mr. Lamerly had gotten increasingly violent.

She tried to break up, he pursued her.

When she resisted, he r*ped and beat her.

And how is that not a good case?

She refused to report the r*pe to the police.

Afraid it might affect her student visa.

Benson: Did you believe her?

I believe he hurt her very badly, but I wasn't sure he r*ped her.

But you took the case anyway.

Yes. I thought they'd settle.

If you were the Lamerlys, would you want this sort of publicity?

Lamerly: Detectives, our attorney, Lorna Scarry.

Funny, we just came from Carmen Trancoso's attorney.

How is Mr. DeLisle?

Hit by any ambulances lately?

He's sad that he won't be trying his case.

Oh, pity.

Just when he thought the gravy train had stopped at his station.

You see a r*ped woman as a gravy train?

I swear to you I never r*ped her.


Believe me, officers, I am sorry for the girl's death, but she was unbalanced.

She tried emotional blackmail, she tried the law, and when she realized that we weren't going to cave in to her outrageous claims, she k*lled herself.

Well, the marks on Carmen's body support those outrageous claims.

I told you, that's what she wanted.

Well, that's easy to say, given she's not here to defend herself.

Can you prove it?

It's not our job to prove.

But we can.

Affidavits from three of Carmen's former boyfriends, two of whom she picked up in bars.

They testified that she was an animal.

The rougher the sex, the better.

So our victim is now a gold-digging whore and we are totally being jerked around.

Every time we come up with something, the Lamerlys are ready and waiting with some plausible explanation.

What've you got?

Facts and figures on Drew Lamerly.

Your typical red-blooded, all-American boy with an eight-figure trust fund.

Wrapped a few sports cars around lampposts, a few parking tickets, but no record, no ex-girlfriends crying r*pe.

He's popular.

PIayed hockey and tennis.

Good enough for any college varsity team.

Except he didn't graduate high school. He spent three years at college in Paris.

Well, you know what I think?

I think we've got nothing we can prove and too many cases with real, Iive victims to waste time chasing shadows.

Now, see if there's a reason Drew didn't graduate.

If there isn't, case closed.


I'm afraid the Radleigh School didn't quite meet Drew Lamerly's needs.

Can you translate that for me?

We expelled him. Pity.

He was a good student.

What did he do?

Disrupted our senior prom.

He brought a very attractive older woman as his date.

I suspect it was to show off, but she seemed out of her element.

Kind of girl you don't bring home to Mom and Dad.


Well, it still doesn't explain why you kicked him out.

To cut a sordid story short, they both got drunk, there was an altercation.

The woman called the police and accused Drew of assaulting her.

Did he?

The police didn't seem to think so.

And neither, in the cold light of day, did the young woman.

She dropped the charges.

However, school policy is very clear on these matters.

No alcohol.

He had to go.

Do you remember the young woman's name?

It was five years ago.

Radleigh High prom gives us a date, May 16th, '97.

We're at the 29 now. Yeah.

All right, we'll be in touch, Captain.


There's no 61.

You mean no one filed a complaint?

Oh, they filed a complaint, but the 61's disappeared.

Looks like the Lamerlys are sweeping up after Drew again.

This time they missed some dirt.

One of the cops filled out an "Aided" card.

They're not kept in the same place as the 61s.

Nope. Card gives the as*ault victim's name as a Miss Jenny White, 24.

She refused medical assistance, but she did give us an address.

I'm Camilla Hartnell.

Can I help you?

Yeah. Detective Benson, this is Detective Stabler, SVU.

We'd like to speak to a Miss Jenny White.

Jenny gave this address in a complaint that she made to the police.


About five years ago.

She was assaulted at a high school prom.

It's taken you this long to respond?

Well, we have some new information.

I'm sorry, I... I've lived here for 20 years and I don't know a Jenny White.

You know him?


Oh, Frank, hi!

See you tonight at around 6:00. Bye.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

No. Thank you so much.

Benson: It's a dead end.


I think we need to talk to the cops who took the statement.

Stabler: Wait, check this out.

Want to go get a cup of coffee?

Come on, come on.

Yeah, okay.

I think one of Mrs. Hartnell's girls just decided not to come home.

Place is a brothel.

Oh, you're still here.

Yeah, and we're going to stay here until you start telling us the truth.

I have told you the truth.

Then your memory's not serving you correctly.

Jenny White works for you, and if you don't tell us where she is, we're going to have Vice tear this place apart.

Do you really think I'm afraid of Vice?

All I need to do is make one phone call...

Great. Why don't you go ahead and do that then?

Excuse me, but where do you think you're going?

All right, Iisten up.

NYPD. This is a raid.

Everyone up against this wall.

Benson: Let's go.

You, all of you out of here.

Stand right there.

Come on.

Please, don't do this. Don't.

I'll tell you, I'll tell you.

Jenny White stopped working here three years ago.

Benson: Where is she?

Married to Angus Rochester, one of the richest men in Manhattan.

And I think you'll find she's similarly disinclined to remember the past.

Excuse me, Jennifer White?

I'm sorry, my name's Rochester.

Prom night, Radleigh High School.


I don't know what you're talking about.

Sure you do. We spoke to your former employer, Mrs. Hartnell.

Drew Lamerly ring a bell?

We believe he r*ped another young woman who recently k*lled herself.

Angus: Jen!

Lady, we don't care who you were or who you are.

Just yes or no, did Drew Lamerly r*pe you?

Yes, he r*ped me.

But if you ask me anything in front of my husband, I will deny it.

Oh, who's that?

Angus: Hi, hon.

Hi, sweetie.

Stabler. Yeah.

So now Drew gets away with it again.

Maybe Drew's Iuck just ran out.

Something was bugging me about Carmen's su1c1de, the arc of the fall.

So I had the boys set up a simulation.

Digital model of Trellacker Tower.

The M.E. gave us Carmen's weight, factored in building height, wind speed, body's acceleration.

If Carmen just let go of the railing or simply stepped off it, this is what happens.

Benson: She falls into the yard next door.

Five yards short of where she actually Ianded.

But if she's given some Iateral propulsion from the railing, we get this.

Lateral propulsion.

She was pushed.

That's right.

Wait, but the prints show that she was over the railing clinging onto the edge.

Yeah, but if she's pushed back against the railing, she'd be gripping it in exactly the same way.

So he pushes her further and further, she fights, she kicks him, the shoe comes off, but his body weight is against her, she can't hold anymore, she goes over.

Not su1c1de, m*rder.

So somebody pushed Carmen off the roof.

For all the evidence you've got, it might as well be a ghost.

That ghost is Drew Lamerly.

Wouldn't be the first rich kid who thinks he's entitled to treat women how he wants.

You only have the two r*pe cases, Jenny White and Carmen?

Well, one can't talk and the other one won't.

We've been looking.

Can't find anyone else.

But who knows how many others were bought off or intimidated into silence?

Okay, what's your next move?

Well, Fin's checking on why the cops buried Jenny White's 61 from five years ago.

CSU just found the other shoe stuck in a tree nearly half a block away.

They're running tests.

It's Drew, Captain, and I'm going to put him on that balcony.

Well, your first problem is to explain how he is running a red light in Connecticut at the time of Carmen's death.

What if he's not Drew?

Baseball cap is covering half his face.

Well, it doesn't help us if it's not a positive ID.

Isn't there some work you could be doing, John?

I am working.

The techs checked the security tape after Carmen entered the penthouse.

Came up with zip.

I've been looking at it before she arrived.

I think I got something.

Look at the second hand on the clock.

It stops and then it jumps forward.

Benson: Ten seconds are missing.

Somebody cut it out of that tape.

The doorman said that a repairman from tower security came by Sunday morning to do a maintenance check.

So at 4:15, half an hour before Carmen arrived, we've got someone entering that penthouse.

He was waiting for her.

That call from the penthouse to Connecticut at 5:30 wasn't from Carmen, it was from Drew, calling home to say what happened.

Dad jumps into Drew's car, runs a red light, it's an instant alibi.

So Drew kills Carmen but leaves no trace of himself on her or the balcony and he's clever enough to make sure that Carmen's prints are left on the railing?

This kid had to have help.

He did.

Guess which cop interviewed Jenny White five years ago?

Tom Paysen, the Lamerlys' Mr. Fix-it.

PIot's starting to unravel, Tom. We know about Jenny, the camera...

I don't follow you.

Drew calls Carmen, tells her to come over to his penthouse.

"Let's try to work things out."

Then he tells her to dress as a maid so the doorman doesn't recognize her.

Yeah, and Carmen comes over, she still loves Drew, but they fight.

So he r*pes her and pushes her off the balcony.

That's when the cover-ups begin.

Word from the local precinct is the jumper has no face.

Cover up number one, girl's in a maid's uniform, why not call her Anna Rivera?

Fin: Anna gets moved out, place gets cleaned so the DNA doesn't mess up the story.

But the dumb old cops figure out it's Carmen anyway.

Cover up number two, Carmen's a nut and a whore who offs herself because she loses her rich boyfriend.

But who could have fixed all this?

Somebody who knows how the police think, how they work.


I got to hand it to you guys. SVU.

I thought you were just the panty police, but you're right up there.

Up where?


Carmen was a mixed-up kid who committed su1c1de.

Look at the evidence, you dumb bastards.

Evidence you manufactured.

You cut 10 seconds off that security tape.

How many more cover-ups you think this clown's got?

I don't have to Iisten to this.

You've been off the job so long you forgot the law.

Yeah, what law?

The ones you broke, hindering a police investigation, tampering with evidence.

Make yourself at home.

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Detectives.

I was getting changed.

My son isn't back from the city yet and I'm afraid I have to go out.

Yet another charity dinner.

Mrs. Lamerly, we need to speak with your grandson.

But that's not possible, Drew's my escort tonight.

Detectives, what is it?

We know that you were in the penthouse with Carmen.

So what'd you do to her up there?

What are you talking about?

He was with us that night.

Tell them, Drew.

Look, can we do this somewhere else?

My grandmother's not well.

Drew, we know about the cover-up.

Are you saying Drew hurt that girl?

That's not possible.

He couldn't do such a thing.

Oh, yeah?

Jenny White.

That name mean anything to you?


I knew this would come out eventually.

I told you, I told your father.

He wouldn't listen.

You told him what?

That Drew should take his punishment for hurting Jenny.

So you admit that he did it?

Well, why didn't you speak up then instead of shipping him off to Paris?

One's instinct is to protect one's children, Detective.

But I insisted Drew get help.

Six months in a psychiatric hospital.

He was a child then.

He's grown up now.

And become a m*rder*r.

Drew didn't do anything to Carmen.

Test him.

You have lie detectors, don't you? Test him.

If he didn't k*ll Carmen, who did?

Tom Paysen, our security man.

He was obsessed with Carmen.

He wasn't here on Saturday night.

How can I make you believe me?

Take the polygraph test.

Huang: How would you describe your childhood?

Was it happy or unhappy?

Pretty happy.

Did you get along with your parents?


Am I being tested yet?

This is the pre-test interview.

I asked you about your relationship with your parents.

Well, I mean, it's okay, I guess.

My mom is not well.

Hasn't been for a while.

Dad's working all the time.

So I guess you could say we're mutually indifferent.

Man: We're set.

I'm going to show you some cards and I'm going to try to guess what each one of them is.

You must answer no even if I guess correctly.

Is it the four of hearts?


Is it the king of spades?


Is it the eight of diamonds?


It is the eight, isn't it?

Huang: The graph clearly registers the lie.

No way out then, huh?

Are you ready?

Is your name Drew Lamerly?


Have you ever stolen from a friend?


Have you ever forced a woman to have sex with you?


Was that woman Jenny White?


Did you force Carmen Trancoso to have sex with you?


Did you m*rder Carmen Trancoso?


The polygraph says he's being truthful.

But I think he's lying.

What, he's using countermeasures?

Yeah, like a pebble in the shoe, breathing control.

Anything to manipulate his body's physiological response.

Well, how do you know that from the test?

I ran a Control Questions Test which means that I included non-relevant questions which could still provoke a guilty response.

Like, "Have you ever stolen from a friend?"

Huang: Right.

Drew was taught how to spot the control questions and how to adjust his body's response accordingly.

The polygraph shows a guilty response for, "Have you ever stolen from a friend?"

But almost no response for the relevant question, "Did you m*rder Carmen Trancoso?"

Well, couldn't that mean he is innocent?

It could, but I think he fooled the machine.

He ramped up his body's response to the control questions to cover up his lies about k*lling Carmen.

He wanted to take the test.

He knew he'd pass.

Huang: Exactly.


You get anything out of Tom Paysen?

He denies murdering the girl and won't roll over on the kid.

Even though the Lamerlys gave him up.

He's a cop.

He knows we have no case against him.

Even if you get him for tampering, the most he'll get is a couple of years.

And one hell of a Christmas bonus.

If we can't put Drew on that balcony with Carmen, we got no case against him.


Maybe we do.

CSU found something.

There are traces of suede in the abrasions on the heel of Carmen's shoe.

BIue-dyed calfskin, pretty nice material.

So it looks like something caught in the heel, like a blue suede jacket.

Is that enough for a warrant?

How many suede jackets are running around Manhattan?

This suede was produced by a toxic tanning process.

For starters, they used a hexavalent instead of a polyvalent chrome to clean the leather.

Okay, which means?

Not made in the U.S.

Probably comes from one of your Baltic states.

If your perp has the jacket, I can match it.

What's going on?

We have a warrant to search Drew's room.

What on earth for?

Kid's got taste.

Detectives, can I help you?

We're helping ourselves, thanks.


Heel made an impression.

Drew Lamerly, turn around. Turn around.

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Carmen Trancoso.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney...

Okay, want to deal?

Getting cold feet, Lorna?


Man two. He does five years in a psychiatric institution.

Your client inflicts a terrifying death on a young woman and you want him to get counseling?

No. m*rder two.

He does 25 years.

No, thanks.

The results of Drew's psych eval.

Here's your notice.

Not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

Diminished capacity caused by brutalization at the hands of his father?

You've got to be joking.

See if the jury laughs.

Well, it's an impressive tactic.

Brutalization is part of criminologist Lonnie Athens' violentization theory.

Another lame excuse for criminal behavior?

Not necessarily.

Athens believes that violent environment and example are the cause of all violent criminal acts.

What, no interest in genetics or brain chemistry?


Athens interviewed a hundred convicted violent criminals and found that they were all abused as children.

All saw family members brutalized and were all taught to use extreme v*olence in response to stressful and threatening situations.

We found nothing that even hints Drew was abused.

How am I going to fight this?

By using Drew's own words.

Defense claims that Drew's father abused him.

But in his polygraph interview with me, Drew said that his relationship with his father was one of mutual indifference.

Scarry: Was Drew's childhood happy?

It was comfortable, not happy.

Why not?

He always had to succeed.

At school, at sports, at everything.

And if he didn't?

He was punished.

By whom?

By whom, Mrs. Lamerly?

His father.

My son, Douglas.

Did his mother not protect him?

Grace tried, but she was terrified of Douglas.

That's why she turned to alcohol.

Several years ago she checked herself into a clinic in Bermuda and Drew hasn't seen her since.

Did Douglas ever beat Drew?


After a flunked test or a lost game.

Douglas said failure reflected badly on the family, made Drew less of a man.

Your Honor, I am showing the witness Defense Exhibit Three.

Mrs. Lamerly, do you recognize this x-ray?

Drew's broken arm.

He got in a fight at a hockey game, and when he came home, Douglas threw him down the stairs.

Because he had been in a fight?

Because he didn't win the fight.

What happened the next fight that Drew was in?

He had to be pulled off the other boy.

He nearly k*lled him.

So he had learned the violent lesson his father had taught him?


Thank you.

Mrs. Lamerly, you don't seem to have a problem exposing your own son in court.

I am mortified.

Douglas is my only son.

I failed him.

Don't mock me for trying to redeem myself with my grandson.

You say that your son often abused Drew, but in his interviews with the police, Drew never mentioned that.

In fact, Drew said...

Your Honor, the interview to which the A.D.A. refers was with a psychiatrist.

It's privileged.

Mr. Lamerly volunteered to do the interview, Your Honor.

He was talking to an FBI psychiatrist in a police precinct.

A psychiatrist is a psychiatrist.

My client had the expectation of privacy.

I'm sorry, Miss Cabot, the interview is out.

You say that Douglas taught Drew v*olence.

Did he also teach him to r*pe?

He showed him how to abuse women.

Drew's mother will testify to that.

Unfortunately, she's in Bermuda.

So do you have some other examples?

He taught him to think that women can be bought.

So does the advertising industry.

The fact is that Douglas didn't teach Drew to r*pe, did he?

Drew learned that all on his own.


From the age of 13, Douglas took my grandson to have sexual encounters with prostitutes.

Buy a woman, you can do anything you want with her.

Mrs. Lamerly assassinates her son and turns her grandson into the victim.

I couldn't put a dent in her.

Jury's buying this brutalization crap, huh?

Well, so far the evidence supports it.

Drew got into fights, he beat up Jenny White.

Maybe his dad did brutalize him.

Benson: You don't believe that.

If Drew was a g*ng kid with no dad and a mother who was on crack, we wouldn't blame them for using an environment defense.

I do blame his environment.

He's a spoiled rich kid whose family helps him get away with r*pe and m*rder.

What can we do, Alex?

Well, the defense is going to use violentization to say that Drew was not responsible for his actions.

Carmen threatens him and Drew's learned response is v*olence.

So in a rush of rage, he pushes her off the roof.

If we could prove that there were other cases where Drew acted violently without provocation, then we might have a chance.

But who'll testify against him?

Jennifer, we really need you to testify.

No. I can't.

You're going to let Drew Lamerly get away with r*pe and m*rder.

Very much, will you please just go?

I understand what you have to lose.

We've got to stop this guy, and we can't do it without you.

What's going on, Jen?

I can't. It's nothing.


Who are you?

What do you want?

Police, Special Victims.

We were hoping we could speak to your wife about something that happened to her.


It was before you knew her.

It's not important, Angus.

I know about Jenny's past.

Well, maybe you don't know the whole story.

She's my wife. Try me.

Drew said he needed a date.

He bought me a dress, picked me up in his car.

For a while it was as if I really was...

His prom date.


But Drew had been drinking.

He pulled me into a room, started to have sex.

I went along with it.

After all, that's how I made my living.

But suddenly he slaps me and says, "I'm not paying you to enjoy it, bitch."

He ripped my dress.

He hit me again and again.

And he r*ped me.

He treat any of the other girls the same way?

A couple said he'd hit them.

But he was easier to handle then.

He was 13, 14.

When his father first brought him?

No, that was the sickest thing about Drew.

He came with his grandmother.

She'd pick his girls for him.

I told Carmen that it was over.

She got really upset, ran out on the balcony.

And I tried to calm her, but she screamed at me, hit me.

And then something inside just snapped.

You... You saw red?


She kept on screaming and kicking at me and I pushed her against the railing and I just pushed her and pushed her until she fell.

Scarry: Drew, did you mean to k*ll her?

No, God, no.

Thank you.

Remind us again, Mr. Lamerly, how did you break your arm?

I told you, my dad did it.

Cabot: Really?

Because I have affidavits from your former headmaster and the teacher who took you to the ER, and they could swear that you did break your arm playing hockey.

They remember because they were afraid your parents were going to sue.

Your Honor, we haven't seen any of these.

It's the People's 23, People's 24.

Go on, Miss Cabot.

So tell us again, Mr. Lamerly, how did you break your arm?

Your father didn't do it.

He didn't touch you, did he?

Yes. Yes, he did.

Mr. Lamerly, do you recognize this woman?

No, I don't.

Her name is Jennifer White and I have a sworn affidavit from her as well, the People's 25, that states that you att*cked and r*ped her without provocation...

Your Honor... which expressly contradicts your violentization defense.

Your Honor!

The jury will disregard the last statement.

Miss Cabot, watch your step.

Your Honor, I'm trying to establish that Mr. Lamerly's entire defense is a lie.

Then stick to the facts in evidence.

Do not try to introduce new material.

You testified that your father took you to a brothel. Is that true?


May I remind you that you are under oath.

I told you, it was him.

Who took you, Mr. Lamerly?

Stop it! Enough!

That's enough!


Scarry: Your Honor, we need a doctor!

Order! Order in the court!

How could you do such a thing, you bitch?

It's all your fault!

You're going to pay for this!

You're going to pay for this!

You can trust me on that!

Get off of me! Get off of me!

Get him out of here.

Settle down!


Mother, it's the police.

How are you feeling, Mrs. Lamerly?

I'll survive.

I hope so.

Long enough for you to stand trial, anyway.

What are you talking about?

Conspiracy, perjury, hindering a prosecution. Do you want me to go on?

You can't prove a damn thing.

We can. Douglas told us everything and now you'll be joining Drew in prison.

What have you done?

I let you turn my son into a monster.

You are nothing.

I built this family, I kept it strong.

You never loved Drew like I did.

I made him a man.

I made him a man.

You are nothing!

You never were anything!

You're nothing!
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