04x20 - Dominance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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04x20 - Dominance

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Cab driver went the way I told him to, we wouldn't have got stuck in traffic.

We should've taken the subway.

Body-slamming my way onto the Number 9 with the great unwashed?

No thanks.

You're a snob.


We're so late, I'm sure they started dinner without us.

Come on, guys.

Take it easy, Josh, I'm sure they're in the back by the dining room.

There. Open.



Sorry we're late.

Oh, my God.


Yo, Lucates.

Take this couple up to Homicide and have Kroling get their statements.

All right?

Detective Dave Duethorn, I missed dinner with my wife and kids, this better be good.

Two naked women, fluids everywhere, both r*ped and shot in the head.

That's our bread and butter.

So I guess the two head-shot naked guys with them are nothing special, right?

Duethorn: Well, what do you think?

Stabler: Looks like the party from hell.

Duethorn: Dinner party, to be exact.

With an orgy for dessert.

Except they never made it to the appetizer.

Dining room table's still set.

And check that out.

"Happy engagement.

Share wonderful Iives together."

There's no signature.

Who's the unlucky couple here?

Evan Briggs and his fiancée, Melissa Ziman.

Other two are Dean McCarren and Regina Valerio.

Couple who found them made the IDs.

Evan and Melissa invited some grad school friends over to celebrate.

Not the type of evening you'd expect to turn into a sexual free-for-all.

I'm thinking home invasion.

Doorbell rings, victim opens door, whacko busts in and robs them.

You got four victims, gotta be at least two perps.

What'd they take?

All the victims' jewelry.

Marks on the men's wrists indicate they wore watches, the women wore necklaces.

Duethorn: Their wallets and IDs are also gone, along with Miss Ziman's two-and-a-half karat engagement ring.

Couple who found them told me she got it last week.

Oh, and there's something else, right, Doc?

Both men were beaten, probably with the business end of an a*t*matic.

Something must have set them off.

Pummel the men and r*pe the women.

Warner: Not just the women.

Excuse me?

The men were r*ped, too.

All the v*olence was pre-mortem, the beatings and the r*pes.

Anything from the kits?

PIenty of fluids.

But when I combed for hairs things got strange.

Define strange.

Take a look.

Hairs look the same to me.

Warner: Both belong to Evan Briggs.

I found the one on the left on his fiancée.

Nothing unusual about that.

The other was in the second male victim.

What the hell went on here?

Both men had blood and fluids on them that matched the blood types of the other victims.

So the perps forced the men to r*pe the women and then each other?

I'll need the DNA to confirm it.

But that's how it looks.

The townhouse belongs to Earl Briggs, CEO of Happy Time Toys.

Evan is his son, two of them lived there alone.

Mom's deceased.

I checked Earl's background and financials.


Aside from being worth 50 million, nothing points to anyone intentionally targeting his home.

Well, what about the victims?

Squeaky clean.

All four come from wealthy families, had entry-Ievel jobs in media.

Fin: Are you ready for this?

We're looking for one perp.

Lab found a bunch of bloody footprints, all made by the same pair of shoes.

And I checked ViCAP.

Nobody's active with a similar MO.

It's hard to believe this sadistic son-of-a-bitch just suddenly popped up on the radar screen.

Guy like this was probably in the system before.

Sexual as*ault, r*pe, burglary, maybe a few street holdups.

Pretty big step from there to making four people s*domize each other and then whacking them.

What set him off, Doc?

Probably one of the victims said or did something to challenge his masculinity.

The sodomy was to humiliate them.

k*lling them was the ultimate power trip.

Is this nut job gonna hit again?

If he is a sadist, he enjoyed it and he'll want more.

Fin took your notification and your boss agrees we should be working this case together.

So you're temporarily reassigned here.

All right.

That works for me.

But we got a little math problem.

Munch: Yeah?

Well, educate us.

Four deceased, plus our two latecomers.

Look at the dining room table.

Munch: Seven place settings.

Well, maybe our missing dinner guest didn't like what was on the menu.

We know who it is?

No, but Evan's father probably does.

Everybody loved Evan.

I can't...

I can't think of a soul who'd want to hurt him.

Anybody have a grudge against you?

Oh, I doubt any of my competitors would resort to this kind of mayhem.

As soon as you can, we're gonna need a list of everything that was stolen.

There's some jewelry missing, none of it's worth much.

The most valuable thing to me was the picture.

What? A piece of art?

A framed photo of Evan and me fishing.

It was hung in that empty spot on the wall.

Why would he steal that?

Well, it's possible it fell during the break-in, and we have it in evidence.

We'll check.

Best we can tell, Evan invited two couples and another friend for dinner.

But we can't account for the single friend.

I think it was Buzzie.

Fin: You know Buzzie's real name?

I'm sorry, Paul Dumont.

He just moved back from Boston.

Evan and Buzzie used to go to camp together.

You have any idea how we can find him?

I just got him a job over at NOHO Magazine.

He started two weeks ago.

Paul's not picking up.

You want to leave a message on his voice mail?

No, we want to talk to him in person.

You don't know if he's in?

We have over 100 people working here.

It's not my job to keep track of them.

Fin: Is there anybody that can help us?

The police are here looking for Paul.

Sure, I'll tell them.

Editor is on his way out.

Appreciate it.

Are you the officers looking for Paul Dumont?

Fin: Yes, we are.

I'm Ralph SIoan, the editor.

I just got a call from Paul's parents.

Did something happen?

There was an accident last night.

He's in the hospital.

Fin: They say which one?

Roosevelt. He's in bad shape.

EMS brought him in last night with massive skull fractures.

Duethorn: Was he awake at any time?

Extent of his injuries, I'm surprised he was alive.

We rushed him to the O.R. to reduce the swelling in his brain.

What are his chances?

Not good. A Iot of damage and bleeding.

In my opinion, too much for a fall.

Who said he fell?

EMS run report.

Said he was under the influence, found lying on the street.

But it didn't scan for me.

Fin: I'm no doctor, but that doesn't look good.

It's not.

Mr. Dumont was hit in the head in three places with such force, it caused radiating fractures.

More consistent with being whacked on the head with a blunt object than with a fall.

You checked his blood alcohol?

Yes, and it was zero.

He didn't have a drop to drink.

Munch: Patrols from the 20 respond to a call for a drunk in one of the stairwells of the 79th Street subway station.

They find Dumont, all covered in blood, smelling like he was dragged through a wine vat.

Cops figure he tied one on, fell down the stairs, so they call the bus.

DNA put this guy at the crime scene?

No. No, no.

Only blood found belonged to the four m*rder victims.

So he never went inside.

But his flowers did.

FIorist IDed Dumont as the guy who bought the flowers.

So we're thinking the perp sees Dumont going up the steps of the Briggs place with his flowers and a bottle of wine.

Conks Dumont on the head, throws him down the stairs.

Holds the flowers like he's delivering them.

The door opens, he goes and he does his thing.

Meanwhile, those whacks on the head leave Dumont disoriented but not down for the count.

So he somehow makes it from the townhouse all the way to the subway station.

That's a long way to go with a skull fracture.

Doctor said it's possible, before he passed out.

And the wine?

Lab found stains on his coat.

Bottle must've broken when he went down and got all over him.

So Paul Dumont is victim number five.

Crime of opportunity, Captain.

Wrong place, wrong time.

Thanks. Just like victims six and seven.

We got two more?

Riverside Park.

Layton: Parks Department guy emptying the trash found them.

Any ID?

In their wallets.

Russell and Darlene Weston, both 51, Iive a couple of blocks up Riverside.

Both head-shot, naked.

Same as the townhouse.

Any signs of r*pe?

BIood on Mrs. Weston's nether region.

Still waiting for the M.E.

Your guys find anything else?

Dug a spent slug out of a tree.

Looks like a.380.

Rushed it to Ballistics, waiting to see if it matches the other victims.

And check this out.

Duethorn: Keys.

Belonging to one of the victims, I presume, right.

But found a couple of yards away.

And look at the ring.

Oh, he left the keys to the house, but he broke off whatever was on the other end.

Maybe the keys to the car, right.

Cash and credit cards are gone.

Layton: So is their jewelry.

Got six murders in two days.

Dumont dies, that makes seven.

We got ourselves a spree k*ller.

Add Paul Dumont to the loss column.

Hospital called.

He died an hour ago.

Seven victims.

Except for Mr. Dumont, they were all robbed, sexually assaulted and then shot.

Both scenes are within 20 blocks.

This guy's k*lled as many people in two days as Son of Sam did in four months.

Now you all have your assignments, let's get this guy.

Okay, how's it going at the park?

CSU's still there, Munch is supervising.

The slugs they found confirm that the Westons were shot with the same g*n used at the Briggs' townhouse.

Anything from the M.E.?

r*pe kits on both victims tested positive for fluids.

Doc Warner says pending DNA, no stray hairs were found other than the victims'.

So it's the same MO, perp probably forced them to have sex.

Well, Mrs. Weston also had bruising consistent with being p*stol-whipped.

Before she was shot.

Perp orders them to do it, hubby says no.

Perp beats wifey, threatens to k*ll her unless he can get it up.

Huang: That makes sense.

He probably beat the men at the townhouse for the same reason.

Okay, we got five kids in their 20s and a middle-aged couple.

This guy's making it up as he goes along.

Or to him they all have something in common.

Did we find out what was hanging on Mrs. Weston's key chain?

Family said it was a picture of her grandson.

Huang: And the photo missing from the Briggs home?

Not in evidence, so it was probably stolen.

Those are items that only have value to their owners.

We thinking trophies?

Very specific trophies.

He's destroying happy families, maybe because he's jealous.

I bet his own family was miserable, some kind of abuse.

And he's just gonna keep taking it out on these people until we stop him.

Elliot and OIivia will run things from here.

Duethorn and Fin, Iight a fire under CSU.

Siper: We're combing the park half a mile north and south, from Riverside Drive to the Hudson.

Any luck besides the slug?

So far, three distinct sets of footwear impressions at the m*rder site.

Two sets belonging to the victims.

The third is a work boot, presumably the perp's.

This is where he left the park.

Toes facing towards the sidewalk.

Dental stone'll pick up his tracks.

He ran from the bodies to this point.

Duethorn: You know he ran?

Yeah. Check out the foot angle.

When you walk, your feet point out slightly at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock.

But they're slightly straighter when you run, like these prints.

Georgie: Captain!

Siper: What's up, Georgie?

More impressions.

FIat sole, athletic shoe and work boot.

Get lvan over here with the camera.

Our victims and the perp.

Toes pointing to the m*rder site.

Here's your entry point.

I guess Mr. and Mrs. Weston weren't out for a midnight stroll in the park.

They're on the sidewalk, they look like easy marks, our guy forces them to go with him.

Yeah. When he's done, he leaves the park a couple yards south of where he came in.

He's got a thousand places to run, he goes back to the only place where he could be seen. Why?

No parking, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Our perp's traveling by car, it's perfectly legal to park here.

He comes back for his ride after he's done the deed.

Well, maybe somebody in one of these buildings parked behind him, remembers the car.


The reason most spree K*llers get caught is 'cause they can't help baiting the cops.

This animal's giving us nothing.

Yeah. Neither are any of these people.

How'd you get past the doorman?

With this.

Detective Tutuola, Detective Duethorn and you are?

Renny Nix, and you can't barge in here like you're Hawaii Five-O.

Take it easy, Mr. Nix...

When there's some guy running around k*lling people.

What are you doing about that?

Seeing if anyone in the building saw anything.

Do you own a car?

No. Now get lost.

You'd think they'd be more helpful instead of slamming their doors in our faces.

Some people don't like talking to the cops.

Yeah, until they need us, right?

How old are you?


How long on the job?

What, eight, nine years?


Where'd you work before Homicide?

Patrolling the 48, before I got my gold shield.

Only way that happens is you collared Osama Bin Laden and I didn't get it, or you got a real good rabbi on this job.

I grew up next door to the First Deputy Commissioner.

So you parachuted into Homicide.

You know what, start in on how I didn't earn it and I'll parachute right back.

I don't need a lecture.

You do the job, you got no problems with me.

Brenda: Excuse me, Officers?

Can we help you?

I'm sorry, my husband, Renny Nix, was horribly rude to you inside.

He said we shouldn't get involved.

Did you see something, Mrs. Nix?


Last night, around midnight I was closing the curtains on my living room window.

I saw a man and a woman standing here next to a car that was parked right there.

Then another man got out of the driver's seat, and walked behind them into the park.

Could you see what he looked like?

His dark winter coat, wool cap.

I didn't see his face, he walked around the front of the car.

Fin: How long before he came back?

I don't know.

I went to sleep.

Do you remember anything about the car?

It was gold, Iast two numbers of the license plate were 3-5, my daughter's birthday, March 5th.

But I wouldn't know a Lexus from a Lincoln.

Detective Shubel from our Accident Investigation Unit's gonna take you through his computer program.

Now we already know the car's gold.

Were there two doors or four?


Did it have a trunk, a hatchback, or a flat bed?

A trunk, definitely.

So it's a sedan.

Can you describe the rear lights?

Kind of oval?

Okay. Like this?

No. The lights wrapped around the side.

And the license plate was on the trunk.

Okay. How's this?

That's it!

Ford Contour.

Here we go. '95 Ford Contour.

Address Central Park West.

Oh, wait. There's gotta be hundreds of them.

How do you know that's the one?

This one came up as stolen.

Charlie: This about the car?

Duethorn: Yeah.

You AI Baker?

I'm Charlie Baker, AI's my father.

Dad, the cops are here.

Al: Hey, how you doing?

Auto Squad, Detective Tutuola, Detective Duethorn.

You filed a stolen car report with the 20th Precinct three days ago?

Charlie, you're gonna be late.

Okay, okay.

Al: And don't forget your brother, Billy.

So, you haven't found it, have you?

Sorry, we're just doing a follow-up.

Could you tell us what happened?

Yeah. Sure.

About three days ago, I go out to my plumbing supply place in Jersey, and I go to where the car is parked, it's not there anymore.

It's all in the report.

Are you sure you just didn't leave it somewhere else?

I mean, me, I'm always forgetting what street I put the car on.

No. No. I searched this neighborhood, I'm telling you, I even called both my boys.

I thought maybe one of them took it without telling me, you know?

You gonna get it back for me?

Well, it was a Ford, so it probably wasn't boosted for parts.

Most likely some kid looking for a joyride.

We'll get back to you.




How'd that happen?

Al: What?

Working on an owner's sink and I forget to look out for the cabinet, you know.

It's occupational hazard.

Occupational hazard, my ass.

Guy smelled like he bathed in Johnnie Walker.

Probably didn't even see that cabinet door.

High-end building like this, surprised the owners put up with a drunk for a super.

Duethorn: What's up, guys?

Fin: Drag you lost your car.

Well, it sucks for Dad.

Don't know how he's gonna pick up stuff for the building now.


This your brother?

Oh, yeah, sorry.


Hey, how you doing?

So you guys use that car?

Fin: Tutuola.

No. It's an eight-year-old piece of crap.

I mean, would you wanna pick up girls in that?


How do you get to work?


Charlie, we better move it, we're gonna be late.

All right.

Take it easy.

Take it easy.

Fin: All right. Thanks.

What now?

They found the Contour.

Two more bodies.

Cragen: Two cops in an RMP spotted the car.

Lights on, driver's side door wide open.

Steering column hasn't been touched.

So whoever boosted this, did it the easy way, with a key.

Or the owner dumps it with the key in it.

Somebody else steals it, owner collects the insurance.

Where are the victims?

Cragen: Adam Darling and Craig Fischetti, both 22.

Found both guys' wallets, no cash inside.

What about jewelry?

Warner: They both wore wristwatches, they have corresponding marks on their wrists.

Cragen: How long they been dead?

Six to eight hours.

They were m*rder*d last night.

They got their clothes on.

Any signs of sexual activity?

Haven't checked yet.

But Mr. Darling's fly is open.

Yeah. Could have stopped here to take a leak, you know?

This place is a Iover's lane at night.

These two might have been in the middle of something when the perp found them.

Or maybe the perp didn't have enough time to make them do what he wanted.

Well, assuming these two walked in, why'd the perp dump his ride?

My guess, he got spooked.

He could've left on foot.

Or in the victim's car.

Registration in Adam Darling's wallet.

Silver Acura, address Tenafly, New Jersey.

New York Police?

We're here about the silver Acura SUV.

My son Adam borrowed it last night and we haven't heard from him.

Are he and Craig and the girls okay?

What girls?

Duethorn: Names are Claudia Smullen and Diane Combs, both 21, roommates at Barnard.

Double-dating with our two male victims.

We grid-searched the park, checked their apartment, and called their parents.

These girls are in the wind.

Let's get alerts out on all their credit cards and bank accounts in case somebody's using them.

How are we doing on those phone tips, John?

Do you remember that white van everybody saw during the DC sn*per sh**t?

Well, our man is a plumber, garbage man, doorman, husband.

The city's out of control.

Ballistics says it's the same g*n.

Nine dead, two missing.

This guy's k*lled every one of his victims so far, why snatch these two women?

They're living trophies and I think he's stashing them somewhere.

So what's changed?

Huang: His confidence.

He used the victims as surrogates to r*pe each other.

Maybe he's ready to r*pe the women himself now.

This guy's MO's all over the map.

But we still do have some constants.

The g*n, for one thing.

His comfort zone, the Upper West Side.

He likes controlled environments, the townhouses, secluded areas of parks.

And he targets couples.

A woman or a man walking alone Iate at night, they're vigilant.

But two people walking together, they don't always perceive the danger.

Guy's an animal hunting the slowest prey in the herd.

Or a loner who has trouble making social connections.

So people in successful relationships trigger his rage.

Because they have what he never will.

And maybe kidnapping these two women is his way to fulfill his fantasy.

Benson: Assuming that they're not already dead.

How much time do we have?

When he's done or when one of these women pisses him off, he's gonna k*ll them.

Stabler: Maybe we just caught a break.

Lab got something out of the Contour.

No blood, no prints matching anyone in the system, no fibers connecting any of the victims to the Contour.

But we did find footprints consistent with all of the crime scenes.

So we can estimate his height.

EIeven-and-a-half inch impressions means the perp's shoe size is between eight and nine-and-a-half.

So our guy is between 5'5" and 5'10".

And, he's wearing these.

OutdoorWear Explorers.

Very expensive.

But great treads for trace evidence.

Which we found in the car and in his boot impressions.


Pine, oak and cherry.

The tube next to it has fiberglass insulation.

Sounds like we're after someone who works in construction.

That's what I thought until I found the rest.

Duethorn: What is this?

Grass seed?

Two different blends.

Rye and Kentucky bluegrass.

Suburban boy?

Yonkers, but even my old man never made me seed the lawn in the middle of winter.

Well, I doubt it came from the park.

There were also traces of diazinon, a common pesticide, ammonium nitrate and lime, both used for fertilizer, and some metal shavings, bronze and brass.

From what?

I'd say a key-cutting machine.

So he had key shavings, wood, insulation and bug k*ller.

All the stuff a building super uses.

Except for the grass seed and the fertilizer.

We're looking for someone who works around these materials every day.

Duethorn: The only place you can find all that stuff is in a home improvement store.
All right, send a flatbed and a team and make sure nobody touches it before it gets here.

What's up, Captain?

Your silver SUV just turned up.

With somebody sleeping inside.

Anti-Crime found the SUV parked on 49th between 8th and 9th.

I managed to get a description from a drunk who was sitting in the back seat of the car.

Young, average height, dark hair, blue eyes.

Great. So he looks like a million other people.

Yeah, but most of them don't work in a home improvement store.

And we're gonna have to canvass every single one of them that sell lumber.

That's the only solid lead we have.

He's about 5'9", dark hair, blue eyes.

We have several employees who fit that description.

Hari Singh, Andy Regal, Butch Lanahan, Billy Baker...

Billy Baker?


Works 4:00 to 11:00 in the lumber department.

He lives over on Central Park West?


Seems funny someone with that address would work here.

I can't imagine him being in any kind of trouble.

Yeah. Why's that?

He's a boss's dream.

Does whatever you tell him to, never complains.

Worked here three years, only late once.

Fin: When?

Other day.

Said his car was stolen.

The Contour was never boosted.

Billy just took it.

Yeah, and Billy knows we're asking questions about it, he figures it's too hot, dumps it in Central Park.

Cragen: Explains why the steering column was clean.

That quiet little guy was a time b*mb waiting to explode?

Billy's the super's kid.

He grew up surrounded by rich people who probably treated him like dirt.

And every one of our victims is wealthy or appeared to be.

And now he's getting back at them.

We picking him up, Captain?


It's an all-power game.

Arrest him now, he may never tell us where these missing women are.

Cragen: Then we sit on him to make sure he doesn't k*ll again and hope he leads us to the victims.

Three teams, three shifts, 24/7.

CSU is done with the Contour, let's get it back to the Bakers.

Unless he stole another car, Billy's gonna need some transportation.

Fin: How you read that trash?

I got an inquiring mind.

You get off on that psych stuff, don't you?

Average m*rder's one drug dealer sh**ting another, a bar fight or a domestic gone bad.

Once you figure out the who, working Homicide's all about where the perps are and finding them.


Sex crime is about the why.

This city's a three-ring circus and SVU's the freak show.

And you wanna be the ringmaster.

I wanna know what makes them freaks.

Here it comes.

Fin: It's the Contour.

Okay, kiddies, car's on the move.

Billy's driving.

South on Columbus.

Our boy's behind the wheel.

Comes all the way down here to get cash?

He could have done that on Columbus Avenue.

Duethorn: Look at that.

Do you know anyone that needs a cheat sheet to remember a PIN number?

Only when it ain't their card.

SVU detail to base, subject appears to be using a stolen ATM card.

If he's got the PIN number, they could still be alive.

Cragen: Take him.

Fin: 10-4.

We're taking him.

Nice and easy, may have a g*n.

Police officers, stop!

Billy: No, no.

Get off of me, please.


That what you did, Billy? Huh?

Fin: Dave!

Huh? Is that what you did?

You made them plead for their lives?

Before you blew their heads off?

Come on. Ease off.

Is that what you did? Huh?

Dave! Easy! Easy!

Crying like a little girl.

Where are they?

Don't you move.

Where are they?

Where are the girls?


Where are the girls?



The ATM card will be enough to get a warrant to search his crib.

Cragen: Anything?

If it's here it's well-hidden.

You guys are making a big mistake.

Billy wouldn't do something like this.

Our evidence says he did.

Billy have access to anywhere else in the building?

Yes. Everywhere.

I keep all the master keys in my office.

Billy's been hanging out in the basement a lot lately.

What's down there?

Boiler room, Iaundry, owner's storage lockers.

You got keys to those, too?

Al: Yes, sir. I do.

Don't you need, like, a warrant or something?

Not if we have the owner's consent.

Over here.

What have you got?

Cragen: Evan and Earl Briggs.

Munch: Mrs. Weston's grandson from her key chain.

Melissa Ziman's engagement ring.

And one pair of OutdoorWear work boots.

Duethorn: Game's up, Billy.

We got you cold.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Save it, Billy.

I don't wanna hear how you didn't do it, it wasn't you, you were abused as a child.

We have the boots.

Look at them.

They match prints at all the crime scenes and in your father's car.

What, you can't stand the sight of them, Billy?

Look at them, Billy.

They're your boots.

Look at them.


Why are you picking on me?

I told you I didn't do it.

Then explain this stuff!

You know what this is?

This is your one-way ticket to a lethal injection.

But you got a chance here, Billy.

What chance?

Tell us where these women are.

The DA'll spare you the death penalty.

They die and it's all over for you.

The story doesn't have to end that way though.

Look at me.

Don't blow this, it's your only shot.

I wanna talk to my brother.

Duethorn: You gotta show us some good faith here first.

Where are the women?

I'll tell you whatever you want.

Just let me talk to Charlie first.

Two hours, it's the first time he's cracked.

Brother goes in and tells Billy to lawyer up, we're screwed.

Doesn't matter, the case is already bulletproof without Billy's confession.

Our priority is finding those women.

They've been missing for 24 hours.

We gotta take the risk.

Charlie goes for it, I want both of you and Huang Iistening to every word.

Maybe I should call a lawyer?

No lawyer in the world's gonna be able to help him out of this.

His only chance to stay alive is to tell us where those women are.

He's right, Dad.

We have to save his life.

Look, you sure you know what you're doing?


Let me talk to him.


I'm so sorry, Charlie.

It's gonna be okay, I promise.

I screwed up.

Are you mad at me?

No, you're my brother.

But you and me, we gotta work this out.


The cops want you to show them where these women are.

No, I won't do it.

You have to do the right thing here, Billy.

You have to be strong.

You have to be a man.

I am.

Can't you see that?

No matter what happens I'm always here for you.

You understand?

I love you, Charlie.

I love you, too, Billy.

He's not gonna tell us a damn thing.

Lied so he could see his brother.

Anything, Doc?

Nothing, except Billy never asked for his father.

Well, Charlie's sober.

Dad isn't.

Sorry, Detectives.

Thanks for trying.

Your father's outside.

He didn't give up anything, Captain.

We're heading back in.

Forget it.

We got two more bodies.

Greenwich Village.

That's way out of his comfort zone.

What's going on?

Iris and Daniel Braverman.

Mid-20s. Found by their maid.

Iris was shot once, execution-style.

Husband's another story.


Man, this guy's face is gone.

Found some stippling on what skin was left.

sh**t put the g*n right between his eyes.

As if he wanted him to see it coming.

Was Mrs. Braverman r*ped?

Yes. But no fluids on the husband.

Which means our guy did the deed himself.

How long they dead?

They're not in rigor yet.

Less than six hours.

Duethorn: Rules out Billy.

He's been in custody all night.

Okay. The perp empties a whole clip into this guy's face point-blank then r*pes the wife, himself.

It's way off the MO.

It could be a copycat.

Or Billy had a partner.

Whoever it is, this is personal.

We need to check these victims' backgrounds as quickly as possible.

And get the ballistics.

The Bravermans have been in the same address for two years.

Before that, college.

Before that, Daniel Iived with his parents, same address as Billy Baker.

How long?

Their whole life.

Grew up there.

With Billy and his brother.

I got it! I got it.

Guess what?

It's the same g*n.

It's the same g*n.

But guess what.

Cragen: What?

It's two perps.

How do we know that?

The footprints. All right.

This one we found in Riverside Park, right?

This one we found in Central Park where the women were snatched.

Two right foot prints, same boot, same size.

This one, this guy walks normally.

And then this one, with the smudge, we found four of them, one right in front of the next.

This is our second perp and this guy, he walks with a limp.

Just like Charlie.

Huang: That song-and-dance in interrogation was all an act.

Charlie was telling Billy to keep his mouth shut.

Charlie's the dominant one.

He's the one calling the sh*ts.

We gotta pick him up.

Go easy.

He knows we're onto him, he's liable to k*ll the women if he hasn't already.

Charlie's gone.


I don't know.

He at work?


They called here looking for him.

But they said he never showed up.

When's the last time you seen him?

Was when we left the police station.

Got any idea where he may have gone?

Why, you think he'd tell me?

Let me guess, he's in trouble now, too, huh?

Duethorn: You don't even sound surprised.

No. Because if Billy did what you think Billy did, Charlie must've had something to do with it.

Why do you say that?

Because Billy can't do anything without somebody telling him to.

This kid has never made a decision in his whole life on his own, you know?

Lets the whole world push him around.


Hey, hey, hey.

We got two women missing and I don't have a lot of time!

Okay. Okay. Just don't hit me.

Just... Just don't hit.

All right. All right.

We got it.

Does anyone besides his brother know where Charlie is?

Yeah. Yeah. His girlfriend.

He and that slut work together.

Marie: I have no idea where Charlie is.

Why are you asking me?

Well, because you're his girlfriend.

I was his girlfriend.

I dumped him six months ago.

He's crazy.

He and that brother of his.

You know Billy?

Yeah. Too well.

And that was kind of the problem.

You had sex with your boyfriend's brother?

Billy was a little fast, but cute.

I didn't really mind when Charlie told me to break him in.

And you did everything Charlie told you to do?

I thought I loved him.

Until the last time.

What happened?

Charlie climbed into bed with me and Billy.

You had a threesome?


Until it became a twosome.

And I wasn't one of the two.

Charlie and Billy?


Billy didn't really want to, but Charlie made him.

Billy was crying so loud that their daddy came back and caught us.

Charlie threatened to k*ll me, Billy and their father if we ever told anybody.

What'd those officers bring me here for, huh?

I told you I don't know anything.

Mr. Baker, how did you hurt yourself?

I'm a building super.

It happens.

Fin: You're pretty accident-prone.

I had a bad week.

Yeah. Is that why you been drinking?

So I take a pop every now and then, so what?

Fin: You reek of booze.

You're drunk!

Hey, hey! Come on!

I said just, just don't hit me, okay?

Just don't, don't hit me.

I'm not trying to hurt you.

Come on.

I'm trying to help you.

Get up.

Huang: Who's been beating you, AI?


Was it Charlie?


But you caught Charlie having sex with Billy, didn't you?


Yeah. He was raping Billy.

And you tried to stop him.

I told him to leave him alone.

He just laughed at me.

He said I was a drunken loser.

He said I couldn't keep a woman.

He told me he was gonna do whatever he wanted to do.

So I tried to pull him off Billy, he just pushed me away.

All right and then what happened?

Then I called him a f*gg*t.

So he hit me. Boy.

My kid hit me, again, and again, and again.

Now he hits me every day.

Did Billy beat you, too?


Never. Billy would never do that. He's a sweet kid.

Wouldn't hurt a fly unless Charlie told him to.

Billy's a good, good kid.

Billy didn't put that stuff in that locker from those poor people.

Charlie did it.

Charlie got the key and Charlie stole every time he could from all those residents.

Said I was gonna lose my job if I told anybody.

Did you help Charlie hide those women?

No. I swear I didn't.

Huang: AI?

We need to find them.

Yeah. I know.

Fin: Are you hiding Charlie?

Boy, you guys don't understand.

He's gonna k*ll me.

He's not gonna ever be able to hurt you again.

If you don't tell us where he is and those women die, that's on you.

He's in an apartment in my building.

One of the residents is on vacation.



Don't move!

Get off of me!

Let me go!

Get off of me!

You told them where I was!

You bastard! I'll k*ll you!

I should have k*lled you for what you did to Billy.

Charlie: Billy hates you more than I do!

Cuff his legs, too.

I got him.


.380 Beretta.

Is this what you were looking for, Charlie?

Two more seconds and you guys would all be dead.

Then us, then your dad, then you'd do yourself?

Not today, Charlie.

Come on.

You're never gonna find those b*tches.

They're gonna die and you're never gonna find them.

Where are they?

How many times you gonna ask me the same stupid question?

As many times as it takes!

Where are they?

You're wasting your breath because I'm not gonna tell you a damn thing.

Give it up, Charlie!

Your father told us everything!

My father doesn't know d*ck.

Yeah? He saw you r*pe your brother.

He doesn't know what he saw.

He's a drunken loser.

That why you beat him?

Because he caught you screwing your brother and he called you a f*g?

Your ex-girlfriend, Marie, said that right foot of yours ain't the only thing that's limp.

But you can make it happen with your own brother, ain't that right, Charlie?

Yeah. That why you r*ped him?

That's why you got that g*n to show everybody you're a man.

You think you guys are better than me?

You think you're like all those rich people?

You think you can push me around like they did?

Is that what this is all about?

You're damn right it is!

And I showed them!


You showed them.

Now tell us where they are!

If you're so smart, go find them yourself.

Look at that...

Look at that door, pretty boy.

Look at that door.

You think this is gonna work, huh?

Billy, you have to tell them.

No. Take me back to jail.

I tried, Son.

I did. I tried to protect you from him.

So I could grow up to be like you?

Charlie is twice the man you'll ever be.

Fin: Charlie set you up, Billy.

What are you talking about?

Know all that stuff you stole from the people you m*rder*d, and the boots you wore, you know where we found them?

In a storage locker in your building.

Don't tell them anything, Billy.

That's not where we hid those things, Charlie.

Why'd you put them there?

Because he was gonna make you take the rap all by yourself.

No, I wasn't.

It's not true, Billy.

It is true.

He stole the keys.

He betrayed you, Billy.

He would never do that.

Al: He's no good.

I may not be much, but I never lied to you, Son.

I never sold you out.

He sold you out.

Billy: No.

Only your boots were there, Billy.

Not Charlie's.

Why did you do that?

Be a man, Billy.

Don't tell them where those b*tches are!

Why didn't you protect me?

Shut up!

You said it was us against everyone else!

And you lied to me.

You're a liar!

You little wimp!

I'll rip you apart if you tell them anything!

Charlie made me k*ll those people!

Shut the hell up!

But he shot those women's boyfriends!

Shut up!

Where are they, Billy?

Where are the women?

Charlie: No!

Don't tell them anything!

They're on the roof!

You stupid son of a bitch.

What roof? What roof?

Shut up!

Of our building.

In the old water tower.


How are they?

Paramedic: They'll be all right.

They're frostbitten.

Got her.

They wouldn't have Iasted another night.

Any signs of sexual as*ault?

Not that we can see.

Won't be sure until we get them to the hospital.

You're gonna be okay.

What now?

Go to the hospital, take their statements, get some sleep.
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