04x25 - Soulless

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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04x25 - Soulless

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Did she come in with anyone?

Just the paramedic who dropped her off.

How bad?

Passed out drunk.

We hooked her up to the banana bag, left her to sleep it off and she starts to choke on her own vomit.

Is she okay?


But she started to freak when we cut her clothes off with the trauma shears.

Thought she was still being r*ped.

How long has she been waiting?

Came in at midnight, we finished the kit around 1:30.

I'm sorry.

It's been a crazed night.

Well, she's in here.

You dumped a r*pe victim in lsolation?

We're having a crazy night, too.

Hi. Chloe, right?

Is it okay if I call you Chloe?

I'm OIivia from Special Victims Unit.

I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting.

Stupid nurse made me sit here for these.

Nice look, huh?

So, Chloe, I know how difficult this is, but I need you to tell me everything you remember about your attack.



You know, about that, I don't know...

I don't know what I was smoking.

It didn't happen.

I understand that you were drinking.

That doesn't give anybody the right to violate you.

Just drop it, okay?

I really just wanna go home.


How about I give you my business card in case you change your mind, all right?

There's nothing to change.

And there's no harm in taking it, either.

So it happened at a club?

I wasn't at a club.

Well, there's a stamp on the back of your hand. Look.

The UV Iight makes it show up.

What part of "drop it" don't you understand?

Poor girl. I was starting a new IV on her when she reported it.

So you believe her?


She was hysterical.

She was drunk.

Had a nasty head contusion, consistent with an attack.

Or passing out.

No, it was on the top of her head, like he hit her with something.

Or rammed her into a wall during.

Detective, we've got a situation with your r*pe victim.

She got detained at discharge, didn't have any ID.

Well, you didn't tell me that.

Well, she was trying to work things out with Nancy in billing when a guy comes in, starts to harass her.


By the way she reacted, I think it could be her r*pist.

Oh, my God, Nancy.

Someone, call security.

Are you okay?


What happened?

A guy started to drag her out without paying.

I tried to stop him and he cold-cocked me.

Where's Chloe?

Oh, he pulled her out the exit, kicking and screaming.

Witness saw our girl being dragged into a silver car.

Could've been blue.

Make? Model?


Too dark.

What do we know about the girl?

Even less. The name, number, address she gave to the hospital?

All phony.

How's your partner doing?

She's k*lling herself.

She was already OT when she took the call.

She still hasn't slept.

You gotta send her home.

Just give me a minute.

All right.

You know what's bothering me, though?

How did the r*pist track her down?

Maybe he followed the ambulance?

Munch: Maybe she called him.

I'll dump the hospital LUDs.

Stabler: You're thinking "acquaintance r*pe"?

It explains the 180.

Date r*pes are more likely to drop charges.

So she calls him, says the cops are on the way.

He sweet-talks her, convinces her to let him pick her up.

Stabler: Makes sense.

So does a little privacy.

OIivia, get some sleep.

Not until I find this girl.

Fin: Security photos from the hospital camera.

In all the pictures he's got his hat pulled down, dark glasses and he knows to be camera-shy.

She doesn't.

She's staring right at the camera, terrified.

We know where the ambulance picked her up?

The hospital faxed me over the ambulance run sheet.

Driver left half of it blank including the point of origin.

Yes, another underpaid, overworked civil servant.

It wasn't a city ambulance.

Private company.

Fin: Well, that's the new scam clubs are running.

They're hiring private buses to cart off the ODs.

They bypass police involvement.

This girl had a club stamp on her hand. An elephant.

Let's run it down.

Man: I don't know what else to tell you.

She was passed out in the street.

Munch: What street?

Canal, in Tribeca.

That's a big street.

Between Church and Varick.

Who called it in?

Anonymous Good Samaritan.

Good Samaritans call 911, they don't call private ambulance services.

We know you picked her up at a club.

Her hand was stamped.

Man: She was soused.

Probably stumbled out of one, just can't tell you which.

You can't or you won't?

You better search your memory.

This girl was r*ped and abducted.

If anything happens to her, I promise we're taking you down.

So, one more time, where'd you pick her up?

Air Bar.

Vera: I comply with all codes.

Even this new, pain-in-the-ass no smoking ban. See?

I think the Liquor Board might be more interested with how many patrons are rolled out of here with acute alcohol poisoning.

I don't know anything about that.

Lady, you've got your own ambulance waiting for them outside.

I wonder how many girls leave here with GHB in them?

You know, a date r*pe drug isn't taken voluntarily.

I know clubs have had people die in the time it takes to call 911.

That's why I go that extra mile to protect my clients.

You did a piss-poor job of protecting this one.

Before you poured that girl into the ambulance last night, she was r*ped by one of your guests.

Now a hot spot like this has to have a VIP Iist, huh?

You'll need a court order.

Well, the girl that you allowed to be r*ped is missing, so I don't think we're gonna have any trouble getting that, do you?

Roger, get that ID they found last night.

You knew who she was the whole time we were talking?

That's obstruction, Iady.

I just put it together.

You just put it together, huh?

Jenna Sterling, 21.

Strong resemblance.

It's not her.

It's the ID she used to get in.

Stabler: What makes you so sure?

CIeaning crew found it in the same men's room stall where she passed out.

Men's room?

I haven't been to a men's room since Daddy dragged us to Hong Kong and my Cantonese was still choppy.

When was the last time that you were at the Air Bar, Jenna?

Never. But I hear it's fabulous.


Do you mind?

What is that?

Just a light.

No stamp.

Stabler: They do wash off.

Where were you Iast night?

At a gallery opening in Chelsea.

Can anyone vouch for that?

My parents.

I'm graduating from Wellesley so we went shopping.

Art? That's a nice graduation gift.

My gift was a co-op.

But we had to have something for the walls.

Your daddy is Marvin Sterling, that real estate guy.

Is he home?

No. He flew to Frankfurt this morning.

Is she a friend of yours?

No. I've never seen her before.


'Cause she got into the Air Bar last night using your driver's license.

You found it?

Stabler: She lost it.


Like, a week ago, maybe two.

Jenna's alibi checks out.

The gallery puts her there until midnight.

Well, that was the DMV.

Jenna did apply for a new license a week ago.

Which is about as long as it's been since you've slept.

Grab a few upstairs.

Hey, guys.

Got an interesting hit off Air Bar's VIP Iist.

It seems that one of their patrons has a prior sex as*ault charge two years ago.


Morris Brandeburg, a.k.a. Bone Kracker.

That's a pretty tough street name.

That's a stage name.

He's a rapper.

Now, her guy was disguised, but he was definitely white.

They don't get any whiter than "The Kracker."


Chill, yo.

I gotta lay it down while I'm channeling, you know what I'm saying?

Not a single word.

What went down at the Air Bar last night?

PIayers ball, baby.

Off the hizzy.

I was just parlaying, kicking it, you know.

Like in the old days, when you had sex in the clubs?

There's no law against that.

Actually, there is.

Fin: We're talking about the time you lured that groupie back here and you and your manager double-teamed her.

She didn't sign on for him.

The manager gets 10% of everything.

I thought she knew that.

Skank was a sack-chaser looking to hit a Powerball, all right?

Which she did.

Ho settled, dropped all the charges.

What did she want?

Cuz, you're skitzing, man.

I don't do J.B.

What made you think she was jailbait?

Shorty she was hanging with.


A little honey I met at this charity ball.

Her family's rolling in bank, right?


Jenna Sterling, back on the radar.

This girl was in the Air Bar last night?

No, not that tight-ass biatch.

Baby sister, Vienna.

We need to talk to your sister.

Vienna's not home from school yet.

Stabler: That'd be high school?

Yeah. She's a senior.

Oh, well, that explains why she swiped your license.

What? That doesn't make any sense.

She's Vienna.

CIubs just let her in.

Vienna: Jenna?

Wait till you see what I got.

You bitch, you stole my license?

Do you know what a hassle that was?

What are you talking about?

Who's she?

I don't know.

You were at Air Bar with her last night.

No, I wasn't.


What are you doing?

Well, the elephant says you were.

And they never forget.

Okay, my friend was having a bad day.

I wanted to show her a good time.

Well, your friend was r*ped.

Now what's her real name?

Chloe Dutton.

Who were you with last night?

No one.

I wanted to dance, she didn't.

When I got off the floor, she was gone.

I thought she went home.

Stabler: Where's that?

Central Park West.

She wasn't at school today, was she?

I don't know.

We don't go to the same school.

She's only in ninth grade.

How old is she?


But she's really mature for her age.

Our girl still MIA?

She didn't show up for school yesterday, but apparently that's par for the course.

Well, they didn't even bother to call the parents?

Mother's out of town staying at some fat farm, and the housekeeper said that Chloe's staying at her father's this week.

Her father, Phillip Dutton, is across town in merger negotiations.

His assistant's trying to get word to him, but she swears it's the mother's week.

Let me guess, an acrimonious divorce.

Is there any other kind?

Obviously neither one of them give a crap about their daughter.

Stabler: Well, she conned him for a free night out.

Trust me, when they're working an angle, teenagers are very slippery.

Oh, so now she deserved what she got?

That's not what I'm saying.

Look, all I'm saying is that this girl was r*ped and kidnapped, and nobody in her family even noticed.

Look, OIivia, you've been at this for three days.

If anything breaks, we'll call. Go home.

SVU. Benson.

We'll be right there.

Who found her?


I'd say just after she washed up on the bank.

Is this your girl?


Stabler: What did he do to her?

No obvious wounds or ligatures.

Going by exclusion, I'd say drowning.

Contusion to the head.

Might have knocked her out before throwing her in.

No, she had that bump yesterday.

It was from the r*pe.

How about the cut on her lip?

That's new.

I was right there.

I should have had him.

No broken teeth, no petechial hemorrhaging of the gums.

Wait. There's something down here.

Some kind of business card?

Please tell me this guy was stupid enough to leave his name.

No. Yours.

After submersion she hyperventilated, aspirating water into the lungs Ieading to pulmonary edema and hypoxia.

Stabler: She drowned?

Yes, but the question is where?

Not in the Hudson?

Water from there is brackish, so I should have found salt water in her lungs.

I didn't.

Well, currents could have carried her a ways.

It's fresher upstream.

Not this fresh.

I ran a diatom test which should have found traces of algae, plankton, krill.


You said that she swallowed water?

Yes. Containing chlorine, fluoride and orthophosphates.

Tap water.

With traces of a chemical composition consistent with Sparkly Bowl.

The bastard shoved her face in a toilet.

Finger impressions on the back of her neck to support it.

Parents are here to ID the body.

Stall them.

I'll try to clean her up.

Mr. and Mrs. Dutton, we're very sorry for your loss.

We're the primary detectives on your daughter's case.

How the hell did this happen?

You were watching her.

You tell them.

It was your week.

I understand this is a very stressful time, but we need to focus on Chloe.

Do you have any idea who could have done this?

No one I know.

Of course not.

You were never home.

I was closer to her than you were.

The viewing is done on closed-circuit monitor here.

Are you ready?

Why can't we see her in person?

You should wait to see her at the funeral home.

It will be easier.

Mrs. Dutton: Oh, God.

Oh, God.

You son of a bitch.

How could you let this happen?

We'll need to talk to her friends.

Woman: Chloe was a loner.

Do you have any idea why?

Her parents divorced, best friend moved away, puberty...

Cut the lock.

She was miserable here.

She petitioned for early graduation but she didn't have the grades.

Books, gym clothes, there's no date book or photos or anything.

There's something here.

A little note.

A secret admirer?

"Chloe, I've done everything I can to help you, "but you've screwed me for the last time.

"You're dead to me."

Signed B.T.

I'll check the roster.

"You're dead to me."

I meant it figuratively.

And yet, she's dead.

Chloe and I were partners for the science project.

It's due in two days and I've done all the work.

The charts, graphs, report, water sample collections...


What was the project?

The effects of acid rain in the urban setting.

I compared rain water from various points throughout the city.

Including the Hudson?

You don't wanna know its pH Ievel.

What about Manhattan toilet water?

That water's been treated so it's not relevant to my study.

It's relevant to this investigation.

When's the last time you saw her?

Two days ago.

She promised we'd work after school on the oral presentation.

I waited outside and she rides right by in some stud's sports car.

Fin: Describe him, Bertram.

High school, of course.

Maybe college.

Do you remember anything about the car, the make, the model?

Cars aren't really my thing.

Munch: And what about numbers?

Do you remember any part of the license plate?


I Iive for 42 Ds.

We know it's a rental.

What can you tell us about the renter?

Mr. and Mrs. Stark from Oklahoma.

Checked in Monday.

He's in oil.

Very particular.

Fin: When's the last time he called down for his car?

Not since Tuesday.

Are you sure he hasn't used the car since then?

Actually, we wouldn't know.

Mr. Stark has chosen not to use valet service.

Your basic pain-in-the-ass.

Yeah. I mean, we try to keep the guests happy.

So we informed Mr. Stark that he was welcome to get his own car.

He took his key back.

The first few days I drove myself everywhere.

Really? Well, most tourists take taxis.

You ever seen those guys?

It's like they're on a su1c1de mission.

Zane says there's plenty to see within walking distance.

You make any exceptions the last few days?

Hell, no.

They've been keeping me busy at the convention anyway.

Stabler: A shame you're missing the night life.

He hasn't taken you out at all, huh?

No, not when there's clients to wine and dine.

Well, where'd you take these clients two nights ago?

Some supposed hot spot where the drinks were warm and the waitresses cold.

PIace got a name?

I'm sure it does, but damned if I can tell you what.

Well, how'd you get there?

We had a few before we went, so I can't quite recollect.

Why do they need to look through our car?

Probably just a mix-up.

Can I get that for you, Mr. Stark?

I got it, I got it.

Probably find a spare tire in there.

May I?

What's that?

Hell if I know.

These are hospital issues just like the pair they gave Chloe.

Who in the hell is Chloe?

Sir, you're gonna have to come with us.

For what?

You cheating son of a bitch!

What have you done now?

Benson: Hold on.

We just had the nicest conversation with your wife.

Boy, once you get that woman started.

What'd that cow say?

That you've got a problem keeping it in your pants.

Benson: And you like them young.

This young.

Get that out of my face!

Is this how you like it, you little freak?

What the hell is going on here?

I've never seen that girl.

I'm being railroaded.

Who'd want to set up a nice guy like you?

Zane: You don't know how cutthroat the oil business is.

Or maybe the ball and chain finally went off her nut.

Well, Dora says that you didn't come back to the hotel Tuesday night.

All right.

I cheat on my wife.

But where I come from, that's not a police matter.

So who'd you cheat with?

I don't know her name.

The boys and me went to one of them titty bars that never closes.

We went straight from there to the convention.

Ask the boys.

Oh, we will.

Names and numbers.

And if you're feeling generous, DNA sample.

Hey, I donate all the time.

AB Negative.

The rarest type there is.

They call me the Tulsa gusher.

Witnesses put Stark at Peek-a-Boobs all night.

What about 3:30 the day before when that science geek saw Chloe in his Jag?

Couldn't have been Stark.

He was too busy putting a room full of conventioneers to sleep with a long-ass speech.


Chloe's r*pe kit came back.

Stark isn't a match?

To any of them.

There's more than one doer?

Try four.

She was g*ng-r*ped.

Okay, we know one of our perps got hold of Stark's Jag.

The question is how?

It was parked at a week-Iong excuse for a bender.

A couple of drunken fellow oil men could have easily Iifted the keys.

Do you know how many people crammed into that hotel for the convention?

Munch: Maybe this will help narrow it down.

I plowed through the LUDs from the hospital.

Found an outgoing call to a cell phone registered to...

Stabler: Vienna Sterling.

Who swore that she never talked to Chloe again after the club.

Odd. It was a seven-minute call.

Well, what are all the other names?

At 3:40 a.m., Chloe calls Vienna from the hospital.

That's less than an hour before I got there.

At 3:47, Vienna calls Andrew Kenworthy who then calls Davis Harrington at home, then his cell, then five more times at home until he finally picks up.

Well, that sounds pretty desperate.


Davis then calls Vienna, who calls Seth Wolfford III.

And then they ping-pong back and forth throughout the day.

Sounds like we got three of our four guys, Andrew, Davis and Seth.

Pick them up.
Munch: Andrew Kenworthy?

Damn it!

A little advice?

Keep your eye on the ball.

Who the hell are you?

Detective Tutuola.

You need to come with me.

For what?

The r*pe and m*rder of Chloe Dutton.


Come here.

Can you believe the attitude on her?

I mean, the girl's a sales clerk.

Hello? A little help, please.

These weigh a ton.


Well, there went our last chance.

They've all lawyered up.

Well, we still have one unaccounted for.

I don't suppose anybody gave him up?

What, and incriminate themselves?

Not one of them talked.

Or gave up their DNA.

Well, they're not going to now, not with their $1,000-an-hour attorneys.

Yeah, well, screw their money.

Ask for a remand.


I might have Vienna here on obstruction, but I don't even have enough for an indictment on the boys.

What're you talking about?

We've got two of them on the club's VIP Iist.

Well, it doesn't put them in the men's room.

Three words, Alex, "Max Factor heir."

These kids have the means to flee the country.

Not without a passport, which my client will gladly surrender.

Cabot: Well, that's awfully big of you, Trevor.

On the condition he be allowed to leave the state, today.

For what?

Congressman Sayres, maybe you've heard of him?

He's expecting me in DC to start my internship.

Yes, the calling to serve is strong in this lad.

He'll do well there.

Here's where Seth will be staying.


You can go.

What was that about?

Stabler: What are you doing rolling over for Langan?

He has a client headed to Virginia.

Thanks to you.

Virginia recently became the first state to allow DNA collection upon arrest.

Conviction not required.

BIatantly violating constitutional rights.

It will be overturned.

As well it should be, but hopefully not today.

What are the odds Seth commits a felony in Virginia?

Let me make a phone call.

Sergeant: He's in here.

Your car is ready, Mr. Wolfford.

Fin: Traffic's light and it's a fine day for an extradition.

You set me up.

I assure you, a local bank was indeed robbed and a guard was shot.

It wasn't me and you know it.

One of the perps was a six-foot tall white man.

Makes you a viable suspect.

That's bull.

That's racial profiling.

Sucks, don't it?

This is insane.

I'm innocent.

Well, maybe the bank job, but in accordance with the law, Arlington PD ran your DNA through the national data bank.

And you're a dead match for one of Chloe's rapists.

They had no right to take my DNA.

Yeah, well, write to your congressman.

This is preposterous.

Your friend Seth gave him up.

A court order for his DNA is on the way, which you know is going to match.

Davis: The sex was consensual.

Andrea: Davis, shut up.

There is no such thing as consensual sex with a 15-year-old.

I didn't know.

The girl was in a bar being served alcohol.

My client had no reason to doubt she was 21.

You can't use a dispositive defense.

Statutory does not require intent.

Look, I had nothing to do with the m*rder.

And you have no evidence proving he did.

I have a motive.

A r*pe conviction might have tarnished the silver spoon he was born with.

I don't know who k*lled her, but I swear to God, it wasn't me.

Convince me.

Start from the beginning.

I was out with Andrew and Seth that night.

It all started when we ran into Max.

Who's Max?

He's a friend of Andrew's.

He said he had just done this girl in the bathroom and she was open for more.

You mean she'd passed out?

I was too drunk to appreciate her condition.

All I know was she was passed out by the time we left.

Tell me more about this Max.

He's a cool guy, filthy rich.

I think his father invented Krazy GIue or Post-Its or something huge like that.

Where can we find him?

Like I said, he was a friend of Andrew's.

Ask him.

Max Van Horn. I only met him a few weeks ago.

Okay, so what do you know about him?

Not much.

He let it drop once that his father works for the CIA.

I thought his father was an inventor?

I don't know about that.

What kind of car does Max drive?

A black Porsche and a silver Jag.

So, Max must have picked up Chloe from school that day.

He met her a few days before at Vienna's.

That'd be your girlfriend Vienna?


So then this Max snatched her up from the hospital, so you guys could k*ll her to save your own asses.

No. I had nothing to do with the m*rder.

It must have been Max.

Well, we've got a problem here because Vienna didn't call Max at 4:00 in the morning, she called you.

To warn you that Chloe was gonna turn you guys in.

No, to scream at me for cheating on her.


Cheating, really?

She didn't have a problem with the bigger picture, like the r*pe?

You don't know Vienna.

It's all about her.

Oh, what is it with you people?

What is wrong with you?

Do you have a conscience?

You r*ped and k*lled a little girl!

I didn't k*ll her.

We've got panicked phone calls between you, Vienna, Davis and Seth, but not one to good old Max.

He's not in the picture, son.

Why is that?

Explain that to me.

Because I didn't have to call Max.

He was crashed on my couch.

And when I told him what V said, he booked.

Where can we find him?

Benson: He's gotta come home some time.

Stabler: Not if one of his friends tipped him off.

These are not the kind of guys who would go out on a limb for each other.

You got a point.

What do you think it is, the money?

Not all rich kids are like this.

Yeah, but these are trust fund babies.

Everything handed to them.

No character, no conscience.

You're either born with a conscience or you're not.

Oh, no, no, no.

It's all about how you're raised.

We've got someone approaching.

Max Van Horn!

Hey, Max.

It's the valet guy from the hotel.

Son of a bitch.

Now, do you prefer Max Van Horn or your legal name, Mitch Wilkens?

Just... Just Mitch.

Where'd you get Max?

I thought it sounded rich.

You know, like those guests whose bags I schlep every day.

I just wanted to be one of them.

Benson: So you stole their cars?

I only borrowed them.

And the first time was a couple of weeks ago, you know?

I took out a Porsche, just for a spin, but, there was this line outside this club.

I mean, you should have seen the looks I was getting.

It was my in.

That was the night I met Andrew and Vienna.

So what happened?

We clicked.

Even exchanged numbers.

The problem is, I had to keep up the image.

And the best way to do that is by raping a 15-year-old.

They set me up!

Benson: Your new best friends? Why?

I don't know.

Maybe they're rich and bored and that's how they get their kicks.

I mean, they probably sensed I wasn't one of them.

Stabler: How'd they set you up?

Andrew asked if I would pick up one of Vienna's friends and we'd all go out.

Did you pick Chloe up at school?

I picked her up across the street.

I mean, you saw her.

Would you think she was 15?

Maybe not, but I wouldn't have g*ng r*ped her in the bathroom.

Andrew pulled me in.

I said, "No way."

They gave me a hard time.

They called me a wuss.

They pressured me into it.


Because we heard that you started the party.

It's a lie!

But, you know, of course, they're gonna get away with it.

'Cause they're rich.

So help us out here, Mitch.

Who was with you when you k*lled her?

I didn't k*ll her.

All I know is Andrew got a phone call at, like, 4:00 in the morning.

You know, he said things had turned south, he needed the Jag to take care of it.

So how do we know that you didn't go with him?

Because I panicked and I took the first bus to my mom's in Jersey.

That's a bad story, because we've got a picture of you dragging Chloe out of the hospital.

That's not me.

There are witnesses, Mitch.


I know this coat.

That guy... That guy, Seth.

Seth... Seth Wolfford.

Seth was the first one to roll.

That's why he got a deal.

Do you think we gave it to the wrong boy?

Does this Mitch have a record?

No. CIean as a whistle.

If he's telling the truth, you've gotta yank Seth's deal.

That's why I don't like to make deals until everyone's done their job.

We'll check out his story.

Mitch showed up at 5:00 that morning.

Oh, he was so upset.

About what?

He said he'd made some new friends and that they'd gotten him into trouble.

Did he tell you what the trouble was?

Something about a car.

He had taken one for a joyride thinking that he could get it back in time, but those boys took advantage of him and disappeared with it.

Mrs. Wilkens, did your son tell you he was involved in a r*pe?



That can't be true.

Benson: There's no question.

We have his DNA.

I knew there was more.

You have to understand.

He tries so hard to impress people.

He's so easily influenced.

The girl he r*ped was found m*rder*d the next day.

Well, I know he had nothing to do with that. He was here.

We saw him later that day at the hotel, with the Jag.

How did he get it back?

That boy drove it here.

He took Mitch in to work.

What boy?

I think his name was Seth.


You know, if you'd tell me what you were looking for, it'd save my maid a lot of work.

Damn it, this is harassment!

Give me that, you low-Iife piece...

Think long and hard about your next word, Seth.

Harassing a police officer's a sure way to get that bail revoked.

Lookee what I found.


Just like the hospital security photos.

Oh, my God.

You're framing me again.

Nice shades.

Those aren't mine.


I got traces of blood.

Why, Seth, what pretty blue water you have.

That was hell.

Seth's attorney give you a tough time on cross?

Langan was a cakewalk.

That media circus was another story.

Stabler: Rich, pretty boy defendant.

Sells a hell of a lot of papers.

This kid's an idiot.

He should have taken a plea like his buddies.

What he got to lose?

He was the only one facing m*rder.

Arrogance. He thinks he can beat the rap.

And he still swears he was on his daily 10-K during the time of that m*rder.

Policeman: That's them, over there.

Benson: Can I help you?


I know who k*lled Chloe Dutton.

Excuse me?

You arrested the wrong boy.

That's the one who did it.

That's Mitch Wilkens.


That's probably what he calls himself now.

But his real name is Eric Wayne Proctor.

And how do you know this?

Because he m*rder*d my son.

Okay, maybe we should have a seat.



It said in there you cut him a deal.

That means he could get two years this time.

What do you mean "this time"?

Twelve years ago, he lived down the street from us.

He and his mother.

Eric led my little boy, Tommy, into the woods.

Eric was 10.

My little guy was only three.

Take your time.

Why don't we have a seat here?

Eric tortured my son.

He molested him.

He poured gasoline on him.

They said that when he set my guy on fire, he was still alive.

Was this Eric ever convicted?

Yeah, but not as an adult.

He went to a juvenile facility, for kids, and that's all the information I got on him.

So you haven't had any contact with him since the trial over a decade ago?

No, sir.

How can you be sure that this is the same person?

Because you never forget the face of the monster who k*lled your son.

Stabler: They couldn't publish the k*ller's name because of his age, but I'm telling you, it was the most gruesome m*rder in Bedford, New Hampshire's history.

We talked to the local police.

They said that he was always a psycho.

He's been collared five times for breaking and entering.

His juvenile records were sealed and then expunged when he was released.

When did he get out?

Benson: Three years ago, when he was 19.

He was supposed to be in there till he was 21, but he got out early for good behavior.

Of course he did, because he's a sociopath.

He gets a clean slate, a new name and then he moves here.

Where he kills again.

Cabot: You're going on a hunch.

All you have is his prior bad act, which I can assure you is not admissible in court.

Alex, I'm telling you, you've got the wrong kid up for this m*rder.

If we've screwed up, then fix it, preferably before the end of Seth's trial.

Benson: I'm sorry.

Which did you prefer?

Was it Max or Mitch?

Or was it Eric Wayne Proctor?

I think I had the most fun as Max.

So, Eric, tell me, you had three jerks to choose from.

Why frame Seth?

I didn't frame anybody.

But if I had, Seth did have the most money, the best looks, the brightest future.

Who could resist?

Well, Seth denies that the hat, the coat and the sunglasses are his.

You planted them.

Now how could I get into his house?

The same way you got into Stark's Jag.

You stole the key and you made a copy.

A boy gets quite an education in juvie.

You're right.

But I didn't do this.

Oh, you're good.

You got your own mother to alibi for you and to tell you the truth, we believed her.

She's a bigger sociopath than you.

Everyone assumes she did something awful to me.

But she didn't.

You're a liar.

She's never abused me once.

You're a liar.

Not physically or psychologically.

You're a liar.

That woman did something terrible to you, boy.

I wish.

Poor old thing.

She got hate mail, death threats, people spit on her in the street.

She stuck it out there just to see me.

Now that's love.

No. That's denial.

You think that your mother can't be broken?

You think you're in total control of her?

You just watch me.

Bring it on, bitch.


As I said, there's nothing to break.

But do go easy on the old girl.

I've put her through so much already.

He ruined your life.

You lost your job, your friends, your husband.

You stood by him.

He's m*rder*d again.

Only this time he dragged you into it.

You perjured yourself, you obstructed justice and you could go to jail.

I didn't lie.

He didn't k*ll that girl.

Her name was Chloe.

She was only 15.

Of course, that's five times older than his first victim.

Eric was only a baby then.

He didn't know what he was doing.

He thought it was a game.

A game?

This is not a game.

Your son is sick!

No! They cured him!

Nine years he spent in that prison.

It was a juvenile facility.

It was his entire childhood!

He had counseling that whole time.

He did so well that they let him out early.

He played them.

He showed them exactly what they wanted to see, just like he does with you.

Oh, you don't know him.

He's a good boy.

He's got a job.

He lives in a beautiful brownstone.

And he led Tommy Leggatt into the woods to his death, just like he led this girl into the men's room to be g*ng r*ped.

But he didn't k*ll her.

Mrs. Wilkens, a mother knows her son.

Now you know that that's him, dragging her from the hospital to her death.

Before he dumped her body into the river, he shoved her face into the toilet and he held it there until she was dead.

That's how much regard he has for human life.

And when he gets out, he's gonna k*ll somebody else.

You're wrong.

He didn't do this.

Oh, my God.

Elliot, look at this.

The bracelet.

She was wearing it when she was dragged out of the hospital, but not when she washed up.

He took it.

Mrs. Wilkens, where'd you get the bracelet?

Cabot: Mrs. Wilkens, you'll have to speak up, please.

Where did you get the bracelet?

Mrs. Wilkens: My son gave it to me.

Cabot: When?

It was a Friday.

It was the first week of May.

That was one day after Chloe Dutton was k*lled.

Did you see your son the day before, the actual day of the m*rder?


Why did you tell Detectives Benson and Stabler that you did?

My son asked me to.

What exactly did he ask you to do?

He said that some boys had found out about his past and they were going to use it against him.

He said that they had done something bad and they were going to make everyone believe that he had done it.

Did you believe him?



Why not?

Every mother knows her son.

That bracelet that he gave to me, he took off the dead body of Chloe Dutton.

I'm so sorry.

Eric should never have been let out after he k*lled Tommy Leggatt.

Objection! Your Honor...

That judge had no choice, but you do.

He's sick.

If you ever let him out again, he will k*ll again.

Mrs. Wilkens...

No! Listen to me!

There's no fixing him.

He was born bad, and he's gonna die bad.

There's just...

There's nothing anyone can do.

Larsen: Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

On the count of kidnapping, how do you find?

We find the defendant, Mitchell Wilkens, guilty.

On the count of m*rder in the first degree how do you find?


Larsen: Sentencing will be imposed June 4th.

The jury is excused.




This is a capital offense, Mitch.

Looks like you're going away forever.

Don't worry. I'll write.

Well, we did a little digging.

You don't own that brownstone where you were living.

You never paid rent, you had no lease.

It's owned by an elderly woman called Emily Owens.

No family, most of her friends have died.

And we can't find her.

Eric, everybody including your own mother believes you're beyond redemption.

That's not true.

This woman deserves a proper burial.

You know that's the right thing.

Where is she?

Gee, I don't know.

I guess I'm going away for a while so I should probably give notice.

Bailiff: Let's go.

Do let me know if you find her.
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