05x01 - Tragedy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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05x01 - Tragedy

Post by bunniefuu »

narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Police operator 5527.

What's your emergency?

[People chattering]

Caller, can you hear me?

Caller, can you hear me?

What have you got?

Hello, caller, are you there?


[Woman screams]

man: Shut up!

She must've dropped her phone.

Do what I say and I won't hurt you!

What's the location?

Haven't got one.

It's a cell phone.

Only the number's coming up.

Shut up.

Start the car.

Get going!

Okay. Okay.

Come on! Come on!

Where do you want me to go?

Drive away.

Come on, honey, tell us where you are.

Which way?

Take a right.

Take a right.

Let's go!

Please don't k*ll me.

I'm not going to k*ll you.

I've got something else in mind.

Sweet mother of God.

It's the carjack r*pist.

woman: Please don't k*ll me.

That's it.

There's dead air for a while, then the call cuts out.

We've been chasing this guy for a month.

He blitzes his first four victims from behind, knocks them out, r*pes them and steals their cars.

Something's must've gone wrong.

He didn't dump her.

Tape sounds like she was next to him.

Which means that she's the only one who can ID him.

Is there any way that you can bring out his voice more clearly?

Quality's too poor.

She either dropped the phone or it was in her purse or pocket.

Voice enhancement will take a few hours.

How about a fix on her location?

The phone's first three digits are an exchange used by Cell Atlantic.

Tech guy over there says the call relayed off two different cell towers.

The first is on Avenue A and Sixth Street.

Stabler: How many blocks does that cell site cover?

Houston to Seventh to Avenue B.

Then the call switched over to the second tower, here, south of Houston.

Goes all the way to the East River.

Which means this could have happened anywhere within 30 blocks.

If the City had enhanced 911 for cell phones, we'd know exactly where this happened.

Morales: Settle for a lead on who she is?

We'll take whatever you got.

Cell Atlantic says the phone is one of 18 leased to the Studio Arts League.

Our artists in residence spend most of their time teaching classes in public schools.

We give them phones to keep them in touch.

Whose cell phone number is this?

Um, let me check.

[Francesca murmuring]

Annika Bergeron.

She's a painter.

That's one of hers.

Wonderful sense of color and line...

Why are you asking about Annika's phone?

We need to see her.

Do you know where she lives?

Over by Tompkins Square Park.

Matches where the call came from.

Yeah. Um, has Annika come in today?

No, she's home on bed rest for the last week.


Annika's pregnant, due in two weeks.

Doctor says high-risk.

Tony: I don't know where she could be.

Doctor told her to stay in bed or she'd lose the baby.

She's been taking his orders real seriously.

She has an appointment card for an ob-gyn.

Dr. Crespo.

Who's been helping her out since she's been on bed rest?

This is a good building.

Folks look out for each other.

Neighbors come by all day, Annika knows if she's needs anything at night to call me.

When was the last time you saw her?

Checked on her last night, around 9:00.

Said she was going to sleep.

Does she own a car?

Big, black SUV.

Tahoe, I think.

This doesn't add up.

Pregnant woman on bed rest doesn't go for a drive in the middle of the night without a good reason.

Maybe she got a call.

She went out to her car, she got jacked.

We'll pull the LUDs, see who she was talking to last night.

Is this Annika?

Yeah. Pretty girl, huh?

Baby's father around?

I haven't seen any guy come around here since Daniel moved out last year.

Daniel have a last name?

Daniel Lester.

Nice guy, carpenter, always helped me fix stuff.

They have any problems?

Not that I saw.

Then one day, poof!

He's gone.

Stabler: You know where we can find him?

Granville Developers.

Big-shot contractors in midtown.

Annika's missing?

Is there anything I can do to help?

Stabler: The super says she drives a black SUV, but we haven't been able to find anything registered under her name.

We never had a car.

Annika must have bought it after I moved out.

You still in touch with her?

Not much.

She, uh, e-mailed me a couple of times, little things like wanting something out of a closet.

That sort of thing.

Well, in any of those e-mails, did she mention a baby?

No. What baby?

Annika's pregnant.


[Phone ringing]

When is she due?

Soon, and we are concerned about her medical condition.

We need to speak with her right away.

Rose: Daniel, I promised Melinda she could have your attention for a full five minutes.

The florist needs the final decision today.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Uh, Jeannie didn't tell me that you were in a meeting.

This is Rose Granville, my boss, and her daughter, Melinda, my fiancee.

Detectives Benson and Stabler.

The police? What's wrong?

My ex-girlfriend, Annika, is missing.

How long?

Benson: Since last night.

She made a 911 call that we couldn't trace.

Rose: That's terrible.

We'll let you finish talking.

We're pretty much done here.

We do need contact information for a family member, though.

Annika's parents are dead, but her sister, Laura, lives over in Jersey, Passaic County.

Laura: Annika doesn't own a car.

The... the Tahoe's mine, I lent it to her.

Did something happen to my sister?

It's possible she was carjacked last night.

Is she all right?

We don't know.

She's missing.

Ah, that doesn't make sense, really.

Because if the car was stolen, where is she?

She wouldn't just disappear.

We're doing everything we can to find her.

Now, did you speak with her last night?

No, I spoke to her a couple of days ago and everything was fine.

Stabler: She left her apartment late at night.

Is it possible she went to see the baby's father?

As far as Annika's concerned, the baby doesn't have a father.

She had a one-night stand and she never saw the guy again.

How does she feel about being a single parent?

She's 31.

She always wanted a child.

She doesn't want to wait around for Mr. Right.

That baby is all she talks about.

Fin: We canvassed Annika's block.

The guy at the bodega next door said he saw a black SUV with Jersey plates parked in front of his store all week, till this morning.

So we got no car and no witnesses.

Pregnant women are fighters.

If Annika resisted, she could be lying somewhere injured.

Or he freaked when he saw she was pregnant, k*lled her, dumped her, then took the car to a chop shop.

Let's just keep working it like she is still alive, huh?

Dr. Crespo's here, Annika's ob-gyn.

I got a message from Det. Stabler.

That's me.

Thanks for coming.

He says we have a problem.

Annika can't deliver the baby vaginally. She has a condition called placenta previa.


The placenta's blocking the birth canal.

She's scheduled for a C-section.

What happens if Annika goes into labor before then?

The baby tears through, causing a massive hemorrhage.

Annika bleeds out, and the baby could die from lack of oxygen.

Fin: Okay. Thanks for the info.

That was Morales.

He got something off the audio tape.

I didn't get anywhere with the perp's voice, but I isolated the background noises.

Listen to this.


[Car engine starts]

It's the ignition turning over.

Exactly. Now they're driving.

Based on the position where the car was parked, they're headed south on Avenue A.

You hear that?

The turn signal?


They're eastbound on Houston.

How do you know they turned left?

Fast-forward a few minutes.

One more turn signal and they're at the highway.

You hear the traffic?

Must be the FDR Drive.

That's the only highway nearby.

Any idea how far they traveled?

Listen to the echoes.

[Horns blaring]

They're going under a bridge.

So it's gotta be the Williamsburg, Manhattan, or Brooklyn.

Right, but which one?

And then the engine stops.

I'd say they're parked next to the FDR.

It's the only area that matches these acoustics.

This place is secluded enough for a r*pe.

So were the Williamsburg and Manhattan bridges.

No sign of her there.

Dumont: Over here!

Find her.

Find her, Barnaby.

Find her. Find her, Barnaby.

Find her.

Good dog. Good dog.

Good dog.

The scent trail starts at the curb, ends here.

Definitely belongs to your victim.

So he dragged her over here?

Check out the skid marks.

There was another car here.

Think she was transferred?

Could've had a partner waiting.

He takes the woman but leaves the car?

That's not the carjack r*pist's MO.

He's graduated from r*pe to kidnap.

Maybe he wants more time with his victim.

He went to a lot of trouble to arrange it.

If he took Annika in another car, where's her SUV?

[Police radio chattering]

Maybe it got towed to impound.

"No parking anytime."

Black Chevy Tahoe, towed from South Street and Dover.

Slim Jim?

There you go.

I think we got ourselves a copycat here, using a high-profile MO to send us down the wrong track.

Somebody targeted Annika.

They called her, they lured her out of the apartment, and kidnapped her.

This was planned.

Got it.

Seat's soaked with blood.

Siper: The victim's prints are all over the steering wheel.

She drove, perp controlled her from the passenger seat.

His hand was here, on the back of her headrest.

You lift prints?

I wish.

This bastard's smarter than the average mutt.

He was wearing leather gloves.

How'd you get that?

Animal hide has a unique texture, plus the stitching along the seams makes its own impression.

I can match it if you find the gloves.

That's easy once we find out who he is.

Can you help us with that?

I'll have more in two hours.

Trevor: This can't wait.

What have you got?

ME says the blood is definitely Annika's with cervical cells present.

Good news: There's no trace of amniotic fluid, so she's not in labor yet.

What's the bad news?

I talked to her doctor.

Based on the amount of blood she's already lost, he says she's got 36 hours, tops, before she and the baby both die.

If it's not the carjack r*pist, what's the motive?

Don't know.

Annika was squeaky clean, no problems with anyone we can find.

Pregnancy elevates a woman's risk of intimate partner v*olence including homicide.

What do we have on the baby's father?

He's out of the picture.

Annika never told him she was pregnant.

Pregnancy could still be a factor.

There's a bunch of cases nationwide where women are being snatched for their babies.

In which case he's stashed her somewhere until she gives birth.

If we don't find them in 30 hours, she and the baby are both dead.

If the perp was after a baby, she didn't just find Annika on the street at 3:00 a.m.

You're right.

The LUDs are back.

At 3:16 Annika got a phone call from a payphone a block away from her apartment.

It lasted 50 seconds.

That's 15 minutes before she called 911.

Then an outgoing call to a car service.

Dispatcher remember her?

They say a woman called asking for an out-of-town fare.

They sent a car, but Annika never showed up.

She goes downstairs to meet the car, but whatever she's got to do is so urgent, she decides to drive herself.

That's when he jumps her.

Where the hell was she going?

Before she left, the last call she made was at 3:22 to her dial-up ISP.

She went online?

Yeah. I had Morales look at her computer.

She went to a Maplt Now website, downloaded driving directions.

Passaic County Hospital.

Her sister lives in Passaic.

Your sister calls, says she's hurt.

What would you do?

You think I set up my own sister?

I didn't call her.

So it's just a coincidence she was headed for your town at night?

No, l... I can't explain it.

I haven't even spoken to her in weeks.

I thought you said you talked to her a few days ago?

I lied.

I was embarrassed.

I had a fight with her, and I hung up on the phone.

Let me guess.

You fought over money.

W-Who told you?

Well, the cancelled checks in Annika's apartment.

She gave you half her salary, even with a baby on the way.

L... I was having some cash-flow problems.

That's the understatement of the year.

Credit cards are maxed out.

Bill collectors have you on the hot list.

Bankruptcy looks like a sure thing.

My ex-boyfriend was a real con artist.

He ran up some major bills, and then skipped out.

L... I made some mistakes trying to get out of debt.

Annika was helping me out.

Why would I want her to disappear?

Well, maybe your boyfriend thought she was a cash cow, he wanted a little extra.

No, no, no. Bob is locked up in Arizona.

He pulled the same scam on the sheriff's baby sister.

Now that leaves you all alone in the jackpot, doesn't it?

Listen, I am telling you, I never called her.

Someone must've made up a story just to get her out of the house.

Like the father of the baby?

I promised I would not tell anyone about him.

Your sister and the baby are going to die if we can't find her.

Daniel Lester.

It's her ex-boyfriend.

That's the baby's father.

You think I hurt Annika?

Benson: Did you?

I can't believe this.

I was in Boston.

Here's my boarding pass.

I stayed at the Ritz-Carlton.

Why would I do anything to her?

Because she's carrying your child and you're about to marry another woman.

It's my baby?

Are you sure?

Annika was.

You two sleeping together?

No. I love Melinda.

Annika and I are through.

Stabler: Since when?

You broke up 14 months ago and she's eight months pregnant.

Gotta be some reason why she thinks that baby's yours.

It happened once.

It was after we broke up.

I went over to Annika's apartment to pick up some old receipts for my taxes.

And we had a glass of wine and then another, and we ended up in bed.

It was stupid.

We laughed about it afterwards.

Why'd you two break up?

We fought about money.

Rose Granville has got to be paying you a pretty good salary.

That was the problem.

Annika said I was selling out.

But you didn't.

Look, my dad was a garbage man.

He had six mouths to feed.

Annika thought being a starving artist was cool.

I knew it wasn't the life I wanted.

Neither of us would change our minds, so we broke up.

And Melinda didn't have anything to do with that decision?

No. Annika and I broke up before Melinda even knew who I was.

Does your fiancee know that you slept with her?


But I'm going to have to tell her now.

Melinda: You don't have to tell me.

So Daniel cut Annika loose and now he's marrying the boss's daughter.

This guy just hit the super lotto.

An illegitimate child would mess up his plans to marry into money.

Very least it's going to cost him a bundle in child support.

So he makes sure his pregnant ex-girlfriend disappears along with her little secret.

Boston's a four-hour drive from here.

Easy enough to fly up, check into a hotel, drive here, k*ll Annika, and back to Boston.

Great way to establish an alibi.

Playing it real well.

Guess who's got a rap sheet?

Daniel Lester.


Couple of as*ault charges, mostly dismissed.

One plea to disorderly conduct.

Your boy's got himself a temper.

Cragen: Set up the hotline phones over here and keep me informed.

woman: You got it.

What's going on?

Only 25 hours left.

One P.P. Is going public.

We're notifying hospital ERs and OB departments now.

Press conference in half an hour, get Annika's face on the morning news.

Why are we going public when Lester looks like our perp?

Department isn't prepared to call him a suspect yet.

They've got a better theory?

Annika was abducted by somebody desperate for a baby.

You must be kidding.

We considered that.

We thought it was a stranger kidnap before we knew Lester had a $1 million motive to get rid of his baby.

The minute you get me proof he's guilty, I'll take it to the brass.

Benson: Who's gonna cry for the cameras?

Annika's sister.

Annika was here yesterday at 3:15 a.m.

Getting into a black Chevy Tahoe.

If you've seen her, please contact police.

A tip-line is open and all calls are confidential.

Please help my sister and her baby.

Bring Annika to...

Elliot, look who's here.

Rose: Good morning, Detectives.

What can we do for you?

I would like to speak to the reporters.


Granville Developers is offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to Annika's safe return home.

That's very generous of you considering that Annika's baby is the child of your future son-in-law.

My daughter loves him.

That matters far more to me than one indiscretion.

Does Melinda share those feelings?

There are two innocent lives at stake.

We want to do whatever we can to help.

reporter: Mrs. Granville, why are you here?

Do you know the missing girl?

Annika Bergeron is a family friend.

She's a lovely, talented young woman with a promising future.

Stabler: Daniel ripped a page from the O.J. Playbook, getting Rose to post a reward for "the real k*ller."

That guy's got brass balls.

We have over 500 calls in less than three hours.

Every bottom feeder in town is after that reward.

A psychic claimed she could channel Annika for a price.

Let me guess.

She's in a cold, dark place, near water.

Fin: I got one.

A guy just called, said he'd swap information for Annika for the reward money.

According to him, she's still alive.

Why do you think he's legit?

Well, I asked him the baby's father's name, he came right back with Daniel Lester.

That was our hold back.

Did you set a meet?

He did.

Two hours.

A pedestrian island, Sixth and Fourth Avenue.

Let's go.

Hold up.

He's got one condition.

He says Daniel's gotta bring the money.

Stay with the detectives at all times and follow their instructions explicitly.

Daniel: I understand.

Daniel, be careful.

Don't worry.

I'm not looking to be a hero.

Daniel's going to be fine.

Guy's got no reason to harm him.

Melinda: Then why the bulletproof vest?

Just a precaution.

We got people covering the entire area.

That corner will be the safest place in the city today.

Once Daniel makes the exchange, he just walks away.

I have the money, Detectives.

Morales: I'll take the briefcase.

What about the FBI?

Don't they handle this?

They're already in place.

Trust me, we got everything covered.

You'll let us know the minute this is over?

You have my word.

It's time to go.

It's five after.

He's not coming.

Be patient.

What if he doesn't show up?

He will.

He's got 100,000 good reasons waiting for him.

2:00. Black coat, ball cap.

Is that him?

We'll see.

Take your positions.

Here we go.
Where's Annika?

Give me the money.

Tell me where she is.

[Both grunting]

Benson: Look out!

[Horn honking]

[Woman screaming]

I'm sorry. I freaked out.

I just wanted to know where he took her.

Where is she? Where's Annika?

Where the hell is she?

Come on. Talk to me.

Where the hell is she?

Where's Annika?

Come on. Come on.


He's gone.

He didn't say a word.

Our only lead to Annika is road k*ll.

We're screwed.

The tips are coming in, but nothing solid.

Prints on the dead guy came back.

Greg Jezic.

Two-time loser with a nasty past.

Bunch of assaults, one m*rder, got pled down to Man two.

Parole officer said he was muscle for hire.

Used to break legs for some loan shark until he did his last bid upstate.

Guy's a wannabe mercenary.

Advertises in the back pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine: "Have g*n, will travel."

Doesn't sound like Jezic's the type to come up with this on his own.

Somebody paid him to snatch Annika.

Jezic does the job, hears about the reward, decides he wants to get paid twice.

If he left Annika alone when he came to the meet, she could be locked up, bleeding somewhere.

Which leaves us with about 19 hours left.

John, Fin, keep going on Jezic's background.

Financials, LUDs, known associates.

Elliot, Olivia, get a warrant for the apartment.

Maybe something there will tell us who paid Jezic for the abduction.

Stabler: Police! Open up!

We're clear.

What a dump.

There's no blood trail.

I doubt she was ever here.

Porno, Soldier of Fortune, more porno, g*ns & a*mo.

Well, Jezic's a real renaissance man.

There's got to be something here to lead us to who hired Jezic.

Hey, check this out.

Annika. Telephoto lens.

There's got to be dozens of pictures here.

Bastard's been stalking her for a while.

For a guy who lives like a pig, he keeps meticulous records.

"2:17 p. M: Target returns to apartment.

4:16 p. M: Target goes to the grocery store."

When did you say the surveillance started?

I didn't.

It's August 22.

August 20, Jezic received a $5,000 wire transfer from Western Union.

Guy works cheap.

That was just a down payment.

He got another $5,000, the day before he snatched her.

Western Union funds originated from an account in the Cayman lslands.

Benson: Whose?

No name.

Banks down there take privacy very seriously.

Munch: Whoever paid Jezic, they're not going to tell.

In the Caymans, even asking information about an account holder is a crime.

Guys, you've to get us something we can work with.

We may have a lead on Jezic's LUDs.

Day before the down payment, Jezic got a collect call from an inmate at Sing Sing.

That's where Jezic did his last jolt.

Fergus: Inmates can only make collect or prepaid calls.

Either way, They have to key in their ID number before using the telephone.

Stabler: So who called Greg Jezic?

Sam Marlett.

What's his story?

No disciplinary infractions.

Uh, doing six to eight for extortion.

Benson: You know what the con was?

Yeah. He got his stripper girlfriend to bang a married man, then he tried to blackmail him.

The mark had balls and he reported the shakedown.

He had any visitors since coming upstate?

That's easy enough to check.

One. Daniel Lester.


About a month ago.

I got nothing to say to you.

So just listen.

This is Annika Bergeron, Daniel Lester's ex-girlfriend, the one he asked you to help him get rid of.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Benson: We know that Daniel came to see you.

He tells you about his problem, so you reach out to your old cellmate, Greg Jezic, who he hired to kidnap a vulnerable, pregnant woman who never hurt a soul.

I haven't talked to Jezic since he made parole.

How's he doing?

He's dead, asswipe.

He got greedy, so Daniel shoved him under a car.

Daniel's doing a very nice job keeping his hands clean, which still leaves you holding the bag.

So you want me to give Daniel up?

Smart guy.

Screw you.

Daniel is not worth adding 25 to life to your sentence.

He's the only family I've got.

Daniel never stopped looking out for me.

He even got me a job in the mailroom at Granville Developers before I screwed up again.

He never gave up on me, I'm not giving up on him.

So you're gonna take the fall?


I'll die in here before I say one word against him.

Kidnaplmurder conviction will make that wish come true.

Lethal injection.

Yo, C.O., I want to go back to my cell.

This is your last chance to save Annika's life and your friend from a capital charge.

Go to hell.

You're right, friends should stick together.

You and Daniel can share a cell on death row.

Warden's orders.

He's going to the hole, no phone privileges.

We wouldn't want you warning your old pal that we're coming for him.

Daniel would never hurt anyone.

Stand By Your Man sounds much better when Tammy Wynette sings it.

You're wrong.

Stabler: Is that right?

How much do you know about your fiance?

I know he is a good, kind, gentle man.

With two arrests for as*ault.

He was a kid.

He got in some bar fights.

A couple of nights in jail does not make him a monster.

But he's got friends who are.

Sam Marlett's got a hell of a rap sheet.

Sam from the mailroom?

Daniel's trying to help him straighten out his life.

Is that a crime?

Daniel's a real saint, huh?

He tell you how Marlett paid him back?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sam Marlett arranged Annika's kidnapping.

That can't be true.

I guess you don't know Daniel as well as you think.

Fin: Look what we found.

"Invest in Paradise: A guide to tax-free, confidential Cayman lslands banking."

Brochures from the same bank the payments to Jezic came from.

We found it in Daniel's desk.

Melinda, where's Daniel now?

I don't know.

Two innocent people are going to die.

Do you understand that?

He's at the new building site.

Rose: Make sure you check the shipment carefully.

No problem, Rose.


Any news about Annika?

Drop the act.


Put your hands behind your back.

What are you doing?

This is a mistake!

No, it's not.

What's going on?

Daniel Lester, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Annika Bergeron.

You've got the right to remain silent.

Don't say a word.

I'll call my lawyer.

I didn't kidnap Annika.

Because you didn't want to get your hands dirty.

So you paid Greg Jezic to do the dirty work.


Greg Jezic, the guy you pushed under a car.

That was an accident.

Is it an accident that he's the ex-cellmate to your best friend, Sam Marlett?

Sam? What's Sam got to do with this?

Don't play games with me.

I'm 30 seconds from shoving your face right through that wall.

I swear, I don't know what you guys are talking about.

Come on, sure you do.

You wanted Annika out of the picture, so she wouldn't get into the way of your plans to marry into more money than you could ever have made in 10 lifetimes.

You cry on Sam Marlett's shoulder, so he finds Jezic for you.

While you're conveniently out of town, Jezic lures Annika out of the house and fakes a carjacking.

Benson: But you screwed up, Daniel.

That reward you offered was a little bit too tempting.

$100,000 sounded mighty good to Jezic who you only paid $10,000 for the original job.

Jezic's no fool.

He asks you to bring him the money so if things go wrong, he just gives you up.

But we know what you did to Jezic.

No! This is insane.

I've never met that man before in my life.

Daniel, the payments to Jezic came from the same bank in the Cayman lslands where you do your business.

We found the brochures in your house.

Where's Annika?

I don't know.

Is she alive?

I don't know.

Daniel, Annika's going to die.

That baby is going to die.

That baby is your baby.

Yeah. You're right. I did it.

I'm so sorry.

Daniel, it's not too late to fix this.

Tell us where Annika is and we can get to her in time.

I don't know where he took her.

Yes, you do.

Yeah, you do.

Just tell us.

I wish I could.

[Knocking on door]

If she dies because you're holding out on us, I will personally stick that needle in your arm myself, you little prick.

I thought he was going to go for it at the end there.

Why'd you pull me out?

Did you think I'd hit him?

I know your act, Elliot.

Rose Granville is in my office.

You've arrested the wrong man.

Daniel couldn't have done this.

With all due respect, Mrs. Granville, he just confessed.

That's impossible.

Did he say why he did it?

Marrying your daughter is quite a lucky break for a boy from the wrong side of the tracks.

Overnight, he makes the "A" list.

Daniel loves Melinda.

He would never marry her for her money.

I made sure of that.

So you were concerned?

Rose: Of course.

I made a mistake marrying Melinda's father.

I wasn't going to let history repeat itself.

He left you?

With half my money and my secretary.

But Daniel isn't like that.

Stabler: You had him checked out?

A woman in my position has to protect her family.

Did your private detective find anything?

No. He's devoted to my daughter.

He cheated on your daughter.

She forgave him.

So did I.

But he didn't know you would.

Why would he risk that when he could make the problem disappear?

Daniel is not capable of v*olence.

He k*lled the man who kidnapped Annika.

That was a freak accident.

You're railroading him based on your fantasy of who he is.

Yes, Daniel grew up poor, but he would never k*ll anyone to get rich.

Ma'am, you're entitled to your opinion.

But we're running out of time.

Daniel does know where Annika is, and if he doesn't tell us, she dies.

I can see that I can't convince you.

Perhaps my lawyer can persuade the District Attorney not to file charges.

He went to law school with him.

Goodbye, gentlemen.

She's definitely going to put her money where her mouth is.

[Knocking on door]

Without more evidence, we don't have a chance.

Fin: Lab just called.

They may have something that'll help.

Warner sent over Jezic's clothes from the morgue.

Found this in his pants pocket.

Looks like a receipt.

Took me an hour to unfold without shredding it.

Too much blood.

It's illegible.

To the naked eye.

That's why God invented lasers.

Different frequencies reveal different inks.

Who knew?

k*ll the lights.

We'll start at 400 nanometers.


Trying 500.

Still nothing.

Let's see what 600 does.

I'll be damned.

I can read that clear as day.

Fin: Gas receipt.

Jezic tanked up an hour before the meet.

Moe's Gas 'n' Go, in the Rockaways.

I know that place.

It's out by the beach.

I used to spend my summers there.

Let's go.

Moe: Sure, I've seen him.


Yesterday, maybe the day before.

Drove a black Mustang.

Nice car, but beat to hell.

You know which way he came from?

Not the bridge, that's for sure.

Plenty of service stations closer than mine, that's why my business is in the toilet.

If a guy wanted privacy, you know, no neighbors, there a place around here he might hole up?

There's a couple of old cottages on the beach around the point.

Pretty deserted out there after Labor Day.

This way, right?


Hey, you won't make it in that car.

Take my truck.

[Seagulls cawing]

No cars, no signs of life.

Could be any one of these.

I'll call for backup.

woman: Help! Please!

Did you hear that?

Please help.



Help me!

This is it.

[Annika crying]

Annika? Police.

Anyone in the house?


You'll be fine.

I'm getting you out of here.

SVU Detective to Central K.

10-54 on the sand at beach, 139 Street.

We have a woman in labor with complications.

Please don't let my baby die.

No one's gonna be dying around here, okay?

Just relax.

The bus will take at least 10 minutes.

All right.

How long have you been in labor?

All day.

The placenta's almost out.

She loses more blood, they're both going to be dead.

I think my baby's coming.

Don't push.

You can't do that.

The ambulance isn't here.

You must wait for it.

No, then my baby will die.

You listen to me.

If you give birth to that baby now, you will bleed to death.

Please, I want to save my baby.

Please save my baby.

Go out to the truck.

See if they've got a first-aid kit and a flashlight, and get the newspaper off the front seat.

All right now, Annika.

It's just you and me, all right?

Have you ever done this before?

I have four kids of my own.

I helped deliver each and every one of them.

How many girls?

Three, one boy.

I'm having a girl.

No flashlight, no first-aid kit.

Give me the light.

Give me the light.

You're doing great.

You're doing great.

I'm so tired.

You hold on, all right?

Stay with me.

You gotta do this, Annika.


Placenta's almost out.

Keep her talking.

Annika. Come on, baby.

Stay with me.

Tell me about your baby.

Her name is Celia.

After my mother.

Fin: That's a pretty name.

Almost here.

You've got to tell Daniel.

Daniel already knows.

Melinda wasn't supposed to say anything.


She came by to see me.

Oh, God!


Now push.



Now push.


Give me the newspaper.

[Annika crying]

One more push, Annika.

One more push.

Oh, God!

[Baby crying]

Is my baby okay?

She's perfect.

Hello, Celia.

I love you, baby girl.

Annika, the man who brought you here.

Did he say why he took you?

She paid him to.

Who paid him?


I'm losing her pulse.

Annika, Annika, you have to hold on.

Help is almost here. Hold on.

Annika, look at me.

Look at me.

[Police siren wailing]

That's it, that's your baby.

Why was I brought here?

Because there's somebody that you need to see.

Annika? You found her.

Can I see her?

Drop the act, Daniel.

I know that you didn't do this.

I told you.

I wanted Annika and the baby out of the way so I could marry Melinda.

Stop protecting her.



Annika told us everything.

Before she died.

She told us that you didn't know about the baby, but Melinda did.

Melinda had nothing to do with this.

It was me. I'm responsible.

[Knocking on door]

Daniel, this is Celia, your daughter.

And you're all she has in the world.

You take the fall for Melinda and you go to jail, and she's all alone.

Can I hold her?

Here you go, honey.

[Baby cries]

There you go, sweetie.

You said it was urgent.

Is Daniel okay?

He's fine.

We're releasing him.

Thank God. L... I knew he couldn't have done this.

Um, I-I've got to go see him.

We still have to clear up a few things.

Why'd you visit Annika?

I fell in love with Daniel the first moment I saw him.

But I was afraid he still had feelings for Annika.

So you talked to her, woman to woman?

About a month ago.

And I just knew that it was Daniel's baby.

She tried to deny it, but I just knew.

And Annika said that she wasn't going to tell him.

But you didn't believe her.

You panicked.

It was falling apart.

And you thought of Sam Marlett.

He'd do anything to help Daniel.

No, it wasn't me.

Couple of calls, a little bit of money, all of your problems just disappear.

You're wrong!


Don't touch me.

You have got to believe me, I would never ever hurt Annika.

Jezic told Annika a woman hired him.

I swear, it was not me.

Melinda, nobody knew that Daniel was the father except you.

Who else knows?

No one.

You're a liar.

Benson: Melinda.

You have to tell us.

I can't.

You told your mother.

She knew Marlett from the mailroom.

She was the one who put the bank brochure in your house.

You knew.

All along, you knew.

No, I didn't.

You let Annika die.

No. I did not find out until this afternoon.

I went to our business manager to get money for your bail.

I didn't have enough cash, so I asked him about your Cayman account, and he said that you didn't have one. Only Mom does.

Why didn't you say anything?

Because it was too late to help Annika.

And you were going to let your mother get away with it.

She's my mother.

I love her.

I didn't know what to do.

Daniel, my attorney said you've been released.

What wonderful news.

How could you do this?

I don't understand.

I know I'm not the man you'd have chosen to marry your daughter.

No education, no money, no future.

But I would have loved your daughter.

I would have been good to her.

Where are you going, Daniel?

Mom, they know it was you.

What did you say to them?

Why did you do this?

Why? I had no other choice.

You love Daniel. You deserve a wonderful life together.

That baby would have ruined everything.

I told you that didn't matter to me.

Oh, you've always been so trusting.

But I know men.

Daniel would have taken your money and gone back to that woman and her baby.


I did this for you.

I wanted you to be happy.

That's all I ever wanted!

Rose Granville, you are under arrest for kidnapping and the m*rder of Annika Bergeron.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used...

Daniel, wait.

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