05x03 - Mother

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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05x03 - Mother

Post by bunniefuu »

narrator: In the criminal justice system sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Okay, I think I've soaked up enough atmosphere for one night.

That paraplegic h**ker's good for two chapters alone.

Open those doors to perception, I promise you'll have an entire novel.

Dominick: Enrique?

Ricardo down at the Java Barn in Soho said you could hook us up.


Jordan: That sounds reasonable.

You have got somethin' for us?

That was just a house fee.

Enrique's downstairs.

Third door on your left.

It's the second door on the left, right?

I don't know.

I'm just tryin' not to pee in my pants.


Jordan: I don't think we're in the right room.

Who cares?

We're still gonna score.

I'll flip you to see who does her first.

You're a sick freak.

She's unconscious.

She is totally hot.

Come on, man.

It's now or never.

Once you sh**t the 'H', you won't be able to get it up.

Then why the hell would anyone do it?

Police! Don't move!

Keep those hands over your head!

Down, down!

Tighty-whitey, no funny business.

I tripped.

Okay, lady let's get our clothes on.

Lady, wake up.

Hey, Will, I don't think this one came here on her own.

narco agent #1: Well-groomed, no track marks.

Looks like she took a nasty blow to the head.

Any ID?


Caught this one with his pants down, just about to do her.

You don't say.

I was just tryin' to help her up.

With your penis?

How's she doin'?

Stable, but she hasn't regained consciousness.

Elliot, the Fitzsimmons trial.

Stabler: Is she one of the victims?

No, the expert witness.

Dr. Greta something.


Greta Heints.

She's the woman who thinks she can fix rapists.

Dr. Greta Heints, top forensic psychiatrist, teaches at Hudson Medical School.

Yeah, but spends most of her time trying to cure sex offenders.

She even wrote a book about it.

Yeah, I read it.

It's a load of crap.

Any records on the two losers they found her with?

Clean. Claims they were doing research for their art.

Well, what kind of research was our noted shrink doing in a sh**ting gallery?

I don't know, but the hospital said her tox screen's negative.

r*pe kit?

No fluids, but signs of external trauma.

They said they'll call us when she comes to.

Where have Munch and Fin been?

Narcotics, workin' through the addicts picked up in the raid.

Whoa, whoa, you're not gonna put him in here, are you?

What'd you two banditos tell them? Ahh!

Look at that.

They're old friends.

I swear, sir, we didn't say a word about your job there.

What job?

I was just hangin'.

That makes you a material witness.

Which means we can keep you in here a good, long time.

Sooner you talk, sooner you walk.

I don't know nothin'.

Don't sell yourself short.

Hey, what about us?

We didn't do anything.

How do we know you were not the ones that att*cked that woman?

We just got there.

Ask that nice gentleman with the tattoos.

When did they get there?

They came in a minute before the bust.

I knew those cholos were bad luck.

Benson: What time she arrive?

What do I look like, a doorman?

No, more like a lowly lookout who saw everyone comin' and goin'.

You got me confused with someone else.

Oh, yeah?

Javier Francisco Medina, aka Bad-Ass.

Possession, possession with intent to sell, menacing in the first degree criminal facilitation.

Shall I go on?

All right. All right.

Not a lot of room left on that rap sheet of yours.

She came in a half hour before the raid.

She walk in or somebody carry her in?




Benson: For what?

One of those do-gooders.

Bad for business.

I didn't want to let her in.

So why did you?

She said a patient was in trouble inside.

She seemed desperate.

Okay, she gave me $40.

[Knocking on door]

Hospital called.

Doctor's awake.

Benson: Dr. Heints, can you tell us who att*cked you?

No, I-I'm sorry.

Apparently the trauma to my head has caused retrograde amnesia.

What's the last thing you do remember?

Leaving the Hamptons late on Sunday.

We got home just before 10:00, uh, and the phone was ringing.

Who was it?

Patient line.

I know by now not to ask.

She went out right after that.

How many of your patients live or work in Washington Heights?

I'm not sure any of them do.

We're gonna need a list.

I can't do that.

Doctor-patient confidentiality.

Honey, you do enough for them. Please.

You are obligated to report them if they're a risk to themselves or others.

If I had a name to report, which I don't.

I have no idea who did this and I can't have you traumatizing the innocent ones.

You treat rapists.

None of them are innocent.

I'm sorry.

She's pretty uncooperative.

Her hands are tied.

What was your take on the husband?

Loves her, hates her job.

How would you like it if Kathy was treating sex offenders one on one every day?

Wouldn't let her.

Let her?

Did I say that?

Look, you know, these skels are only goin' to see Dr. H.

Because the court ordered 'em to.

Make it a public record.

Want to drive?


Well, let's see.

Out of the 500 parolees I supervise a year, I farm out about 50 per shrink.

I figure a good portion of those have re-offended, gone back to prison.

Then some finish out, move away, die, or just disappear.

How many go straight?

That's a good one.

How many are seeing Dr. Heints right now?

Two dozen.

That's still a long list.

Who do you like?


This guy, Bruce Horton.

He came back after a few sessions, said he'd rip her guts out if he had to see her again.

What was his problem?

Her method.

It's a little unorthodox.

She's a freak.

Takes one to know one.

What'd she do?

The bitch tried to emasculate me.

Come on, big guy like you?

She told me to suck my thumb.

Excuse me?

She's into that inner-child crap.


Gave me stuffed animals, read me bedtime stories.

She even had me call her Mommy.

That monster.

Where were you Sunday night?

I was here, workin' a double shift.

We'll be checking on that.

Who you should be checking on is that quack.

Her therapy backfired.

Is that a confession?


But I gotta tell you, her program made me wanna go out and prove my manhood, if you know what I mean.

Dr. Heints is a pioneer in the field.

She operates on the assumption that all sex offenders were themselves abused as children.

How is that new?

Most were.

Greta believes if that they can be regressed back to the time of their original trauma, she can re-parent them in a correctively emotional way.

Healing their psychic boo-boos.

It's cutting edge.

The jury's still out.

What do you think?

Regressing violent criminals can be dangerous, but if she can find a way to make it work, she'd be a hero.

Sexual predators can't be changed.

All you can do is lock 'em up.

Sooner or later, they get out, 7 out of 10 r*pe again.

At least she's trying something.

What's wrong with civil commitment?

Ah, yes, after prison, toss them in the nuthouse.

Punish them twice for the same crime.

Goes over gangbusters at the ACLU.

Greta serves on the civil commitment review board.

You're kidding.

They just let out their first committed r*pist.

Yeah. Benny Edgar Ralsay.

He r*ped seven women up in Albany, right?

Wrong. That's just how many they got him on.

He did 30 or 40.

Cragen: They called him the Duct Tape r*pist.

The day he got out of prison, he was civilly committed to the state psych hospital.

Benson: Where's Benny now?

On the street.

A few months ago, he was released from the psych hospital right here on Randall's lsland.

Of all the psychos our victim could've set free, why this one?

She claims his treatment was a complete success.

Fin: Planning your next r*pe, Benny?

Dr. H. Completely rewired me.

I don't even think that way any more.


Isn't this your old restraint of choice here?

You don't have to broadcast it.

I paid my debt, and I'm registered.

Fin: Seen your therapist lately?

I never missed a session.

Afraid this week's is cancelled.


Somebody put her in the hospital.

What happened?

You tell us.

I would never hurt the Doc.

She's the reason why I'm out.

Where is she?

Why would you need to know that?

I'd like to send her flowers.

She's like a mother to me.

So tell me, why do you hate your mother?

I told you, it wasn't me.

Where were you Sunday night?


Don't tell me.


Yeah. So?

So can somebody put you there?


Mr. Ankle Bracelet.

Dr. Sheldon: It's a pilot program.

One of the conditions of his release is that he not go out at night.

So there's no way he could've gone out last Sunday night?

If he had even stood on the sidewalk, I'd have been notified.

He's never broken his curfew once.


How do you know for sure?

We've got him on GPS.

This system can track him within six feet.

So you can tell us where he is right now?

Dr. Sheldon: See the moving dot?

56th and Broadway.

Two blocks from work, on his way home.

Stabler: What are the red zones?

Known areas of prostitution.

Most of his victims were hookers.

Well, they're now off-limits.

He's getting awful close to a ho-zone now.

Stabler: What happens if he takes a right here?

Well, that would signal an unauthorized departure and I would be beeped immediately on my PDA.

Well, get ready.


Resisted temptation again.

And there's no way of beating this system?

It's foolproof.

Although every time they build a better mousetrap, someone finds a way to outsmart it.

Benson: Looks like he's itching to get out.

This guy Benny's climbing the walls.

Okay, thanks.

Munch just got the LUDs from Dr. Heints' patient line.

How'd we get those?

Cragen talked her into giving us the hour before her attack.

Any calls from Benny?


And none coming from his building.

It was a pay phone.

In this neighborhood?

No, 86th and Lex.

And you got a subway right down here.

Two stops up on the six train is the pay phone.

But how'd he beat the monitor?

The guy's in electronics.

Stabler: I think he's also trying to climb out the window.

Just his cat.


[PDA beeping]

Unauthorized departure.

The cat must be a diversion.

Fin, he's on the move.

You see him comin' out back?

Fin: I got nothing back here.

It's dead.

How the hell did he get out?

I don't know.

Liv, check out the cat.

Benny's ankle bracelet.

That son of a bitch slipped his leash.

Benny Ralsay pop up on the radar yet?

No, and we're workin' blind here.

We can't even get into his apartment.

We're still waiting on a warrant.

Maybe his employer could steer us in some direction.

Yeah, the unemployment line.

Turns out he was fired yesterday after we left.

The co-workers revolted when they found out who he was.

Well, if he's smart, he's halfway across the country by now.

The next of kin is listed as a mother in Pennsylvania.

Authorities there are watching the house.

Tell them not to hold their breath.

I just subpoenaed the visitor logs from Attica.

Mom didn't visit him once in eight years, nor did anyone else.

Where are you on the search warrant?

Floundering in uncharted waters.

Stabler: What is the problem?

This guy violated the conditions of his release.

He served his full prison sentence and was never on parole.

Therefore he was never subject to the Department of Corrections' supervision.

Benson: So who has jurisdiction?

The Department of Mental Health.

But, remember, this is their first civil commitment release.

They've never had to deal with enforcement.

I'm telling you, this guy is the Duct Tape r*pist.

His victim is his own psychiatrist.

More than enough for a warrant if Benny was on parole.

Legally, he is Joe Citizen.

The standards for probable cause are much higher.

I need more.

Our only road left is his shrink slash victim.

Get her to hand over his file.

Might have trouble findin' it.

Just got word somebody vandalized her office.

Stabler: First he att*cks you personally, now professionally.

This is a vendetta.

In your sessions with Benny, has he been unusually upset recently?

I take all my patients to painful places.

None have lashed out like this.

This is empty.

What was in here?


My session tapes from the last week.

Why would he take all of them?

They're sent out for transcription.

To ensure privacy, they're... they're labeled by case number, not name.

So whoever did this would not know which tape was his.

Dr. Heints, has Benny disclosed anything incriminating lately?

Look, he hasn't re-offended.

Of course, you couldn't say even if he had, right?

Dust this. Boy, I tell you, therapists and priests always there to listen, just not allowed to tell, huh?

Benny is my biggest success.

He had a new life.

A good job, a healthy relationship, until you persecuted him.

Who was this so-called healthy relationship with?


Doctor, you want to clear him, we need to find him.

I only know her first name. Amy.

Well, who else would he go to?

He was estranged from his family, but I'd been encouraging him to reconnect.

He's an embarrassment to the family.

We want nothin' to do with him.

He's your baby brother.

If he had trouble, seems like he'd come to you.

Not after last time.

I made myself crystal clear.

"Lose my number."

When was this?

Couple of weeks ago.

Said he needed to rebuild his family support system.

I don't know what talk show he's watching, but I ain't buying.

So you don't think he's changed?

I got a wife and three kids, all girls.

I can't take any chances.

You at least catch up?

Find out what's goin' on in his life?

New friends, maybe a special lady?

Yeah, that was his big pitch.

Said he was dating a nice, wholesome girl.


Yeah, that was her name.

I thought for sure he was making that up.

Why's that?

Get this.

Said she was a librarian.

Here you are, Treyshon.

Benny and I just celebrated our one-month anniversary.

Uh, have you ever noticed, Amy, that Benny wears an ankle bracelet?

It's a little hard to miss.

Oh, I know all about his house arrest.

And you didn't have a problem with that?

It's not his fault.

Benson: Well, whose fault is it?

Benny had an addiction, but it's under control now.

Lady, I gotta tell you, you are pretty damn understanding.

We have a whole section here on that subject.

You'd be surprised how many people have a problem with gambling.



Your boyfriend r*ped over 30 women.

Why would you say something so horrible?

Benson: He told you that he was from Albany, right?

In the early '90s, Benny was known as the Duct Tape r*pist.




Amy, where is he?

He's at my apartment.

He said his sentence was over.

It was the first time he ever spent the night.

Ah, sweetie, you're early.

I made your favorite.

I wanted to surprise you.

Trust me, Amy can't handle any more surprises.

What you cookin'?

That's a bad idea.

Step away from the knives.

Step away from the knives.



You're a creature of habit, Benny.

Might want to change MO.

Benny, tell me something.

How many times have you gone out while the cat stayed in?


This was my first time.

Right. Where are the tapes you stole?

I told you I didn't break into the Doc's office.

Stabler: And you didn't attack her the night before?

I don't do that any more.

Oh, I believe you, but Amy doesn't.

What did you tell her?

Just a few things that you were obviously too bashful to mention.

That made her want to learn more, so she went through your suitcase.

She doesn't remember posing for these, or giving you permission to take them while she was sleeping.

She looks so pretty.

Well, she wasn't when she found these.

Gloves, crowbar, glass-cutter.

Oh, and look here, it's our old friend, Mr. Duct Tape.

What exactly were you doing with these?

Okay, I admit I still think about it.

I-it's a constant struggle, but the Doc was keeping me clean.

Try again.

I didn't buy 'em till you started hounding me.

But I wasn't gonna use them, I swear.

Benny, science has advanced an awful lot since you went in.

Now, all of this stuff is at our crime lab right now.

If there's even one microscopic wood fiber on this crowbar, they can match it to the busted drawer in her office.

If the strip you bound Dr. Heints with is the last off that roll, we'll know it.

I didn't do it!

I wouldn't.

Don't you get it?

Dr. H. Was helping me.

Benson: Then why did you run?

Because my life here was ruined, thanks to you.

Stabler: Do you believe this guy?

It's our fault he's a sick prick.

We're way off track, huh?

[Knocking on door]


[Door opens]

Mental Health Board finally took a stand on the violations.

We're shippin' Benny back to the state hospital.

Screw civil commitment.

We're putting this guy back in prison.

I'm afraid not.

I just talked to the lab.

Nothing matches Benny's tools or prints.

So he must have worn gloves.

Well, whoever broke in didn't.

Prints were everywhere, including on the locked drawer.

Belonged to a Robert Logan.

I don't remember that name from our sex offender list.

He's not a con.

He's a second-year law student from Hudson U.

How do we have his prints?

He's clerked for the city last summer.

Dr. Heints teaches at Hudson U.

Maybe she treats some of her students there, too.

His address is in the file.

Pick him up.

What's goin' on?

Bloody mess.

su1c1de attempt.

Oh, maybe not.

Female victim?


Some law student.

Robert Logan?

Yeah, that should be him right there.

Stabler: He's a suspect in a r*pe.

He needs to be taken to Bellevue prison ward.
What the hell is she doing here?

When I got to Robert's apartment, he was despondent.

He'd locked himself in the bathroom.

I feared the worst, immediately called 911.

What were you thinking, making a house call after what had just happened to you?

He was a patient in crisis.

He's the one who att*cked you.


I suspected that.



The last time I saw him, he had anger issues with me.

W-when was that?


Doctor, it would have saved us an awful lot of time and energy if you'd told us this before.

I couldn't.

Remember, I had no memory of that night.

My testimony would've been based solely on privileged communication which is inadmissible.

But we have a very resourceful ADA.

She would've found a way around that.

It's fruit of the poisoned tree.

Without your independent investigation, any half-decent defense attorney would've thrown the entire case out.

Look, you seem to have the whole thing figured out.

Now, why exactly was Robert angry with you?

I told him I needed to transition him to another therapist.

Because he threatened you?

No. Because I had lost control.

Because I took him too far too quickly.

He'd become obsessed with me.

I thought it best he have a male therapist.

So obviously Robert didn't handle rejection too well.

Greta loves me. She's leaving her husband, you know.

To be with you?

Yeah. In our sessions, all we do is make love.

Who initiated this relationship?


She was professional at first, and then she started dressing seductively just for me.

How did you respond to that?

I'd have dreams about her every night.

I couldn't think of anything else, you know.

Why did you steal her session tapes?

So I could hear her voice.

It hurts when I'm not with her.

Where are the tapes now?

Somebody stole them.

Uh, uh, I have to get them back because they prove that she loves me.



Tell me about them.

Well, uh, she wants me to take my clothes off so we can take a bath together.

She wants me to suck on her breasts.

Did she ask you to hurt her?


Then why did you?

Excuse me, I would never hurt her.

But what about the crack house?

You called her and told her to meet you there.

Tell me what happened.

I can't remember.

L... l... I lose chunks of time, you know. I always have.

It's why I started seeing her in the first place.

You have blackouts?

I don't know. I don't know.

You know, l... I go to sleep, and I wake up days later and sometimes... sometimes in another town.

Did you have a blackout on Sunday night?

I just told you I don't know.

I don't... I don't know.

What is the last thing you do remember?


Greta breaking up with me.

What happened?

She just said she didn't want to see me any more.

It's common for patients to fantasize about their therapists.

In psychiatry, it's called transference.

Around here we call it sexual as*ault.

Robert doesn't deny the attack.

He just has no memory of the details.

Oh, bull.

Plus he has a history of going into psychogenic fugue states.

Okay, I'll bite.

What's that?

Dissociative episodes where one loses days, even weeks.

The patient is not aware of the time that's lost nor has any memory of what happened during it.

Including a half-assed su1c1de attempt?

I read the report.

He sliced the wrong way.

He sliced deep enough to have the hospital admit him.

Look, this is obviously a desperate attempt to get the doctor back in his life.

Or a setup for a handy insanity defense.

In which case we couldn't touch him.

His attorney has requested a 730 exam.

I have asked our civil actions ADA to observe the psychiatric evaluation and let me know if and when he is fit to stand trial.

Well, frankly, I don't see that happening any time soon.

He may be crazy, but he was competent enough to plan that crime.

Okay, look, we'll dig into his mental state leading up to it.

Keri: Robert hasn't been to class in weeks.

Munch: Is that a habit with him?

No. It only happened once before.


Last year.

He made Law Review, but the pressure got to him.

Day his article was due, he disappeared.

When did he come back?

A week later, thinking it was due day.

He freaked when they told him he wouldn't be published.

I had to force him to get out of bed and eat.

So you two were dating?

I tried.

It seemed like he needed me.

He's so smart and cute.

But troubled.

He's an over-achiever.

He worked so hard, he just didn't have any energy left for...

You know.

He's impotent?

I hoped he'd work through it with that shrink, but she only made him worse.

How so?

Robert told me to stay away from him because I was dirty.

Where'd that come from?

I don't know, but it wasn't just me.

He cut off everyone.

I'm late.

What about family?

Maybe his sister, Christina.

They were really close.

Christina: We've always been so proud of him.

He's a genius, you know.

He was gonna be the first person in the family to make somethin' of himself.

So, now, a whole lot of pressure maybe got to him.

I tell you what got to him, that quack.

Dr. Heints?

Since he started seeing her, he hasn't had a thought of his own.

You, you better come with me.

Everything's always, "Greta says this, Dr. H. Says that."

Robert's obsessed with her.

Because she brainwashed him.

Thanks to her, he's a nonfunctioning mess.

It got so serious, I filed a complaint with the State Medical Board.

Excuse me. Excuse me, Dorothy.

Dorothy: Yeah?

Dorothy, take care of him.

And what did they say?

They contacted Robert, who said that she was helping him, so they dropped it.

Then he tried to k*ll himself over her.

Over what he did to her.

What did he do to her?

Your brother att*cked Dr. Heints.

He put her in the hospital.

Robert's never been violent his whole life When was she att*cked?

Sunday night.

Then it couldn't have been him.

Well, let me guess.

He was with you that night.


Earlier that morning.

He was rambling like a three-year-old.

He didn't even know who I was.

So I took him to St. John's where they admitted him for 24-hour observation.

Robert Logan was admitted at 2:15 Sunday afternoon.

Take a look at his file?


It's confidential, we know.

man: Hey, Nurse Lynch.

Uh, no pun intended, but this place is kind of a madhouse.

Is there any chance Logan could have slipped out of here?

Absolutely not.

When someone's checked in for observation, we do observe them.

Quite regularly.

So he was here the whole 24 hours?



Wait a minute.

You just said he couldn't get out.

I said he couldn't sneak out.

Robert checked in voluntarily, so he was free to leave.

AMA, mind you.

Against medical advice.

All right, so you knew he was dangerous.

His behavior was erratic when he came in, but he settled down.

He wasn't suicidal or homicidal, so we couldn't stop him from going.

You got a real crack team here.

After he left, your patient tried to k*ll his own psychiatrist and then himself.

Dr. Heints?

Stabler: You know her?

First couple of hours Robert was here, he kept asking for her, but we couldn't reach her.

And how did he respond to that?

Lynch: Not well.

But when he settled down, he remembered they had a session coming up.

He said he'd be fine as soon as he talked to her.

We have pretty solid motive.

She rejects him, he falls apart.

Begs to see her, she doesn't come.

Just hours before the attack, he tells witnesses he's going to find her.

He may be crazy, but he definitely knew what he was doing when he lured her there.

Who cares?

Benson: Who the hell are you?

Bettina Amador.

You must be Benson and Stabler.

The civil actions ADA Alex so highly recommended.

Ms. Amador here was informing me Mr. Logan won't be going to trial.


I just got the results of his 730 exam.

Powers that be say he's not fit to proceed.

Well, they're wrong.

We just busted our humps getting this guy's state of mind.

It was premeditated.

Amador: It's not relevant.

Doesn't matter how sane he was at the time of the attack.

They're saying he's Looney Tunes now.

Which means he can't help with his own defense.

Well, I think that he's doing a damn fine job.

He's faking it.

Okay. It's a long shot, but I can challenge the findings.

You might want to spruce up a little bit for court.

Dr. Baca: I examined Mr. Logan and found him to be delusional and highly agitated.

His sense of reality is so poor, he doesn't understand the charges against him.


He looks pretty calm and collected to me, Dr. Baca.

Dr. Baca: He's heavily medicated.

Oh, he's high?

Well, maybe that accounts for his inability to help in his own defense.


Dr. Baca: Mr. Logan is so entrenched in fantasy, he believes his relationship with Dr. Heints was consensual.

Amador: Does Robert understand as*ault is a crime?


And does he also understand he's being charged with attempted r*pe?

Yes. And he's deeply upset about it.

Upset? Doesn't that indicate remorse?

Well, that's where it gets complicated.

Robert is devastated that Dr. Heints was injured, but he maintains that she controlled every sexual aspect of the relationship.

"The victim was asking for it."

Isn't that what they all say?



Amador: Nothing further.

Robert is extremely ill.

I'm afraid the attack came out of our intense therapy which triggered his emotional ability.

Actually, his competency at the time of the attack is not at issue here.

But his pre-morbid condition is.

He suffers from well-documented psychogenic fugue states.

He was in one when the incident occurred.

Have you ever requested of anyone to be hit over the head with a blunt object, rendering you unconscious?


Are you in love with Robert Logan?



Why would she say that?

Amador: Have you ever engaged in sexual intercourse with him?

Heints: No, of course not.

What? Why are you lying?

Just tell them the truth.

Tell them you love me.

Rothman: Counselor.

Robert, calm down.

Amador: Is it safe to say your patient was and is sexually obsessed with you?

Not with me.

Amador: Then who?

You're the one he att*cked.

The fantasized relationship is projection based on transference.

In layman's terms?

He has confused the pain of his severe childhood abuse with the intimacy of our corrective therapy.

In his mind, the two have melded and he is desperate to believe that we are in love.

Oh, come on, we are!

Why are you denying it?

Just tell them, just tell them you love me.

Why won't you do that?

Rothman: Counselor, control your client.

Just tell them you love me.

Robert, please.

Stabler: Let her go. Come on.

Please calm down.

I'm not who you think I am.

I'm a doctor.

Just tell them.

Just tell them you love me.

Rothman: Someone please restrain this man.

Just tell them you love me, please.

Just tell them.

Just tell them you love me.

Just t-tell them, tell them, tell them.

You missed quite a circus.

Robert had a complete meltdown in court.

For show or for real?

It doesn't matter.

Judge deemed him unfit to proceed.

I'll tell you why.

Because of what that woman did to him.

I want her arrested for malpractice.

Christina Logan.

This is Robert's sister.

This is our captain, Donald Cragen.

I'm sorry, Ms. Logan.

This is a matter for civil court, not criminal.

Just listen.

Here's what your illustrious Dr. Heints considers therapy.

Heints: You know what my favorite time of the day is, Robert?

When you come out of the bathtub.

You're naked, and clean, and you smell so good.

I hold you close.

You find my breasts with your lips, and you start to suckle...

I can't listen any more.

It makes me sick.

Where did you get this?

I needed answers, so I searched Robert's apartment.

You still think she's the victim?

Benson: You were screwing your patient.

I absolutely was not.

Heints: Think about me lying next to you in bed.

I wrap my arms around you and smother you with kisses.

Insurance cover a session like that?

It is not what it sounds like.

This is all part of Robert's therapy.

Sex therapy.

I'm a professional.

This is my life's work.

I would never be inappropriate to a patient.

I was re-parenting him.

Lady, I've got four kids.

If I ever talked to one of them like that, I'd arrest myself.

I had to regress Robert to the point where he was traumatized and give him the love and affection that he desperately needed but never got.

And that just had to involve breasts, huh?

Yeah, yes.

A baby bonds with his mother during breast-feeding.

So you simulated breast-feeding.

No, not physically.

I talked him through it.

Like phone sex.

There was never any physical contact.

I'd say the doctor has some unresolved issues of her own.

Maybe it's counter-transference.

That's when the therapist develops feelings for the patient.

It's not uncommon.

When a therapist has sex with a patient, that's r*pe Three.

And don't forget, he assaulted her.

She's the victim.

They're both victims.

And perps.

We know Robert att*cked her.

The judge ruled him unfit, so we can't touch him.

The question is, did she have sex with him?

I ran Robert's picture past the junkies busted at the sh**ting gallery that night.

No one puts him there.

We do.

You talk to the lookout?

Mr. Bad-Ass is in the wind.

We're trackin' him down.

He's the guy we need.

Everyone had to get past him.

One of my informants just did.

We're on it.

You know, you drive.

Business never skips a beat.

Get out! Git! Go!

Hey, man, I got no business here, man.

Then you're loitering.

Let's go, you're gonna come with us.

Come on.

What do you want?

This guy ever cross your path?

Yeah, I seen him before.

Munch: The night of the bust?

No, a couple of weeks before that.

Doing what?

Passin' out needles.

Showed up with one of those do-gooders.

What's his name?


Pain-in-the-ass woman always coming around all the time, passin' out flyers for her clinic.

Pushing methadone?

Yeah, she gets a few.

They always come home to poppy.

Robert's sister Christina works at a clinic.


That's the bitch's name.

Was she there that night?

Yeah, which was kind of weird.

She don't usually come around after dark.

It all makes sense now.

You hated Dr. Heints.

You tried to get her fired.

You tried to get her license taken away.

And when no one would do anything, you decided to took it in your own hands.

Who knows how many lives she's screwed up?

I doubt I'm her only enemy.

Well, you're the only one a witness puts there that night.

I'm there all the time trying to help people.

He mixed up the nights.

He also plant your prints on duct tape?

The strip you used to bind her.

Stabler: Hmm?

Benson: Come on, Christina.

Tell us what happened.

After I checked Robert into the hospital, I went back to his apartment, and I found that cassette.

I went crazy when I heard it.

I didn't know what to do.

The things she was doing to him, they were humiliating.

I phoned her and told her I was a friend of Robert's and he was in trouble and to please come quick.

Why the crack house?

It was the lowest place I know.

I wanted her to fall as far as Robert had.

Benson: You sexually assaulted her.


Christina, there was trauma to her genitals.

That's because I kicked her as hard as I could between her whoring legs.

No matter what she did to your brother, this was a pretty, um, extreme thing to do, don't you think?

I am all he has.

I've been looking out for him since he was seven, when Mother died of cancer.

So you were just being a good sister?

And if I have to go to jail for that, fine.

But she has to pay, too.

Christina insists on pressing charges against Dr. Heints.

That's a tough week for the Doc.

Brutally att*cked, life's work discredited and now she's facing jail.

If she Freudian slipped it to him, she could end up servin' longer than her attacker.

It's Christina's first offense.

She's lookin' at a year, tops.

And Dr. H.

Could do up to four.

Yeah, well, Robert could be screwed up for life.

He's turnin' out to be the only pure victim in this thing.

That's messed up.

So is this. Christina just told us her mother died of cancer, right?


I just Googled the Logan family.

Newspaper article says that Victoria Logan died in a house fire in 1987.

Cragen: You sure you got the right woman?

"Her son, Robert, age seven, "was found wandering the streets with no memory of what happened."

Sounds like one of his psychogenic fugue states.

Well, losing your mother in a fire.

It's probably what started them.

The fire was suspicious.

Accelerant used was lighter fluid.

We're thinking Robert set the fire?

What fire?

Stabler: The one that k*lled Robert's mother.

What are you talking about?

Benson: Their house burned down when he was seven years old.

It's a matter of public record.

You two never talked about this?


We spent a year on his mother, and we never got anywhere near this.

Are you telling me he witnessed the death of his mother?

We believe that he may have caused it.

My God.

If I had known this, I would've never taken him down that path.

This completely explains the attack.

He's not the one who att*cked you.

Heints: What?

It was his sister, Christina.


Stabler: She felt you were responsible for Robert's condition.

Not for the reasons that she thinks.

I never touched him, but I did push him too far.

Listen to me.

It's imperative someone see him immediately to talk him through this.

You know that we can't allow you to do that.

No, of course not.

I'm the worst person at this point.

What about your psychiatrist?

Stabler: Dr. Huang.

Did Robert respond to him at all?

They talked pretty freely, actually.

He's gotta talk to him again.

Well, you've gotta give us something that he can go on.

Robert's mother was a religious fanatic.

She'd pull him out of bed in the middle of the night and make him pray for his sins.

You're 7 years old.

What sins does she think you committed?

I was born a boy and boys are dirty.

Is that why she washes you?

All the time.

Does it hurt when she washes you?


She, she...

She hits me down there.

Your genitals.


She ties a string around them, tight.


So it'll die and fall off.

Why would she want to castrate you?

Sex is evil.

That's what makes men bad.

Robert, when your mom died, how did it make you feel?

Look, I don't want to talk about it, okay?

I know it hurts.

You've kept it in too long.

You've gotta let it out.

I can't!

I'm right here.

Just take me through it.

I'm not allowed!

Who won't allow you?

I don't want to talk about it, okay?

I can't! I can't! I can't!

I don't! Don't do this to me!

I don't wanna talk about it.

I don't wanna talk about it!

Robert, you don't have to keep punishing yourself!

We can take away the pain, but we have to talk about the fire.

No, please. I... Please...

Your mother is in the house.

Where are you?

Where are you, Robert?


Tell me what's going on.

I can hear her screaming.

She can't get out.

But you did get out, after you set the fire.

No, I didn't set the fire.

Who did?

She did.

Who's she?

I can't tell!

Why can't you tell?

Because I promised!

Who did you promise?



It's okay, Robert.

You had to tell.

Christina will understand.

No, she won't.

Why not?

She did something bad when she was little, and my mother sent her away.

She wasn't allowed to be there.


But she came back that night.

To save me.

Benson: You k*lled your mother.

My mother threw me out when I was 14.

I never saw her again.

Why'd she kick you out?

She didn't approve of the boy I was seeing.

We heard she didn't approve of any boys at all.

What was that about?

One got me pregnant.

Mother nearly beat me to death and left me with relatives in Minnesota.

Told me never to come back.

But you did come back.

You were there the night of the fire.

You're mistaken.

I came back after I read about it in the paper.

No one here even knew I existed.

She told everyone Robert was her only child.

We all know what she did to him.

Christina, we understand why you k*lled her.

We know the horrible things she did to your brother.

She wasn't abusing my brother.

She was abusing my son.

She tore him out of my arms the day he was born.

He was punished for seven years for my sins.

When you came back for him, you saw what she had done.

You had to protect him.

Wouldn't you do the same thing for your son?
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