05x06 - Coerced

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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05x06 - Coerced

Post by bunniefuu »

narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I know it's your turn, but Eric can't spend this weekend with you.

Adam, breakfast is ready!

Why can't I see Dad this weekend?

Hold on, Steve.

Because it's Grandma's birthday.

And I promised we'd go out with her.

Come on, Mom.

Don't argue with me, Eric.

Just go get him or we'll all be late.

Eric: Move it, shrimp, let's go.

Please, Steve, I never ask you to switch.

I'll owe you one.

Eric: Mom, come up here, hurry.

Thanks, Steve.

I've got to go.

What's wrong?

Adam's gone.

What do you mean gone?


[Carolyn panting]

Carolyn: Oh, God, no.

I tucked Adam in at 8:30, checked on him at 11:00 before I went to bed.

He was sound asleep.

Was the window locked?

I always leave it open a crack.

Adam likes to be cool.


Look, my bastard ex-husband did this.

Why would he climb up the fire escape?

He would do anything.

Peter agreed to take Adam Tuesday nights and every other weekend, but now, that's not good enough.

We had a court date this morning, Peter's suing for sole custody.

But not for Eric?

Carolyn: Eric and Adam are half-brothers.

The boys have different fathers.

Eric's from my first marriage.

Adam was watching me play The Hulk on my X-Box.

Then Mom put him to bed.

You guys play together a lot?



Only when Mom's with us.

Eric, did you ever notice any strangers watching you while you play?


Liv, they need us upstairs.

The dad could have taken Adam from school.

Why risk breakin' in?

I don't think he broke in.

Take a close look.

See the edges of the cut?

Benson: The screen's been pushed outward.

Perp sliced it from inside the house.

To make it look like Adam was kidnapped.

Cragen: This flyer has gone out to every precinct in the city, every police department in the Tri-State, and the FBI.

Captain, any response to the Amber Alert?

Uh, we've had numerous calls.

We're checking each one out.

Now, unless there are any further developments, the next briefing will be in two hours.

All right, thank you.

That's all.

Who has keys to the house?

Just the cleaning lady.

Comes twice a week.

We're trying to locate her.

We're still thinkin' it's a custody snatch.

Divorce wasn't finalized till a month ago.

Peter didn't move out of the house till then.

He still has a working key?

Carolyn never changed the locks.

Divorce 101.

First thing my ex-wives did.

Smart women.

You guys find Adam's father?

Fin: He wasn't home and three shifts of doormen haven't seen him since he left for work yesterday morning.

His and Carolyn's court date was set for 10:00.

That was 15 minutes ago.

Court Officers haven't seen him yet.

Precinct cops say Peter's been here every night, the past two weeks, demandin' to see Adam.

Any v*olence?

Everything but.

Except for last night.

Peter didn't show.

Put details on Peter Forbes' home and office.

Let's get traps on his credit cards.

If he tried to skip town with Adam, we can track him.

Well, you might not have to.

Peter's on the set.

Carolyn: What are you doing here, you son of a bitch? Huh?

I'm Adam's father.

Where is he?

You think I took him?

How could you do this to your own son?

I don't have him, you crazy bitch.


Carolyn, this isn't gonna help.

All right, now listen to me, both of you.

You're gonna have to put your problems aside and work with us together.


She's insane.

He stole my baby.

Mr. Forbes, I'm Det. Stabler.

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Of course. But do you mind if we wait for my attorney?

He should be here any minute.

Peter: I don't care what she told you.

I didn't kidnap my own son.

Nobody's accusing you of anything, Mr. Forbes.

But when there's a custody fight, we have to rule everybody out.

God knows where Adam is and you're wasting your time with me.

Stabler: We wouldn't be if we knew where you were last night.

For crying out loud, I was at my girlfriend's place.

Ira, help me out here.

My client will be glad to give you her name.

She'll vouch for him.

I'm sure she will, Mr. Rosenman.

Where did you go from there?

Motor Vehicles.

My license expired.

I was trying to renew it.

I have receipts.

How come you didn't make your court date?

He was on his way in a cab when he heard the news on the radio.

Had the cabbie bring him here.

Businessman like you doesn't own a cell phone?

It was turned off. Believe me, I got all her crazy messages as soon as I turned it back on.

Yeah, to call Mr. Rosenman here.

I brought lra because I knew Carolyn would try to turn this on me.

Just like everything else.

She got half my money, my house...

And Adam.

You're suing for sole custody.

Afraid you might lose?

You think I have Adam?

Search my place.

Take my DNA, my fingerprints.

Whatever you need.

But I'm telling you, I love my son.

I would never put him through this kind of hell.

Motor Vehicles confirms Peter got there just after 8:00 this morning.

Girlfriend swears he was with her all last night.

Forget the cleaning lady.

She's been in Antigua since Friday, visiting family.

Which leaves Carolyn herself, or big brother Eric.

Is he capable of doing something to his little brother?

I didn't get that vibe from him, but with the custody battle going on, Adam's probably getting most of mom's attention, Eric got tired of it.

Anything's possible.

Maybe you should ask him before he skips.


Can I help you?

Cops, Dad.

Detectives Benson and Stabler.

You're Eric's father?

Steven Manning.

I am taking Eric until this is ironed out.

Can I have a word with you?

Sure, anything I can do to help.

Stay with the detective.

Why don't you have a seat over here?

Sorry that we, uh, got interrupted before.

So, Eric, you and Adam were pretty tight, right?

I guess.

When you lived with Adam's dad, were you pretty tight with him, too?

Not really, I mean, Peter's cool and all, but I got my own dad.

Did Peter or your mom ever talk about taking Adam away?

If you know something, you've got to tell us.

I can't, I'll get in trouble.

You'll get in trouble with who, Eric?


What did your mom say?

Eric, it's okay.

That she'd hide Adam before she'd let Peter have him.

That was just talk.

I was angry.

I thought I was goin' to lose custody.

We understand that.

Look, if someone threatened to take my kids, I can't say that I wouldn't do something desperate.

You really think I'm hiding Adam?

That I would harm my own son?

Carolyn, we know that you wouldn't hurt Adam.

But the only way for us to focus this investigation is to rule out everyone who had daily access to him.

Including you.

Detectives, a moment? Now.

I'm pretty sure you can rule her out as a suspect.

I brought a dummy screen to show you. And this.

A fingerprint.

Trevor: Fresh off the handrail of the fire escape.

Matches several prints on the screen.

Why is there a print outside, when the screen was cut from inside the house?

I asked myself the same question.

So I took another look at the screen and found this under the microscope.

It's oxidation.

Happens when the screen and frame are exposed to the elements.

Stabler: What's the problem?

This side of the screen is supposed to face out.

But it's less weathered than the side that's supposed to face in.

So the screen was in backwards.

They took it out to clean it and put it in wrong.

Which means it was cut from outside by a perp who came up the fire escape.

You got a hit on those prints?

Sorry. Not in the system.

We got to go.

Benson: What's up?

Fin just called.

Adam may have been spotted three blocks from here.

A newspaper delivery guy saw a man carryin' a boy in pajamas around the grocery store at 5.00 a.m. This morning.

Called when he saw the kidnappin' on TV.

Think Adam and whoever snatched him are inside?

Precinct cops say this place has been open every day for 12 years, except today.

And they can't locate the owner.

How do you want to play it, Captain?

Lift the gate.

Let's take a look inside.

We got a victim down, still movin'.

Take the door.

Give me your flashlight.

He's cut, but he's breathin'.

Sir, we're the police.

We'll get you to a hospital.

You hang in there, ok?

Stabler: Another one here.

Cragen: Go. I got him.

All set?

That's stairs to a basement.

Fin: Clear to the left.

Stabler: Clear to the right.

Guys, check this out.

Home sweet home.

One of the victims must sleep here.

Or whoever stabbed him.

Look at this.

It was taken in the store here. It's Adam.

Then why's the kidnapper calling him Tate?

Deceased victim is Lester Hale, store owner.

Multiple s*ab wounds to the chest.

This guy's the assistant manager, Emilio Vasquez.


But the EMS thinks he's gonna make it.

What about our basement resident?

The precinct cops say the guy who works here, his name is Kevin.

Nobody's seen him today.

But people I canvass say he's a little off.


Get a sketch artist down here.

Perp left us some patent prints.

Forgot to wipe the blood off his hands after he opened the door from the inside.

So he stabs the victims, takes Adam down into the basement, they come out this way.

And goes who knows where.

The blood trail ends here.

Huang: What've you got?

So far, just this picture.

We found three more.

"I'm coming to get you, son."

Cragen: He thinks Adam is his boy.

He's been stalking him for months.

The kid's wearing winter jackets.

Here's the Forbes' brownstone, labeled "Tate's House."

"Tate's Room." He even scoped out Adam's window.

He's x-ed out the faces of the other kids in this picture, but completely obliterated the face of the mother.

She's the one who could pose a threat to his fantasy.

So he snatches the kid, takes him down to his bedroom.

The victims catch him in the act with the boy, he chases them upstairs, stabs them so they can't talk.

Except, his bed is so neat you can bounce a quarter off of it.

Would he take time to make it after stabbing two people?

Adam's not defaced in any of these pictures.

A pedophile has his choice of any kid on the street.

But this guy believes he has an absolute right to Adam.

So this isn't a pedophile?

Huang: I doubt it.

But the clock's ticking and he's in a volatile state, so if Adam sets him off then he'll probably k*ll him, too.

So we got to find out who this Kevin is in a hurry.

Maybe we should start with Carolyn.

The window's three stories high.

He knows it's Adam's room.

He must have been inside.

Kevin from the grocery store?

I never let him in here.

Why, did he do something?

Well, every time Adam and I were there, Kevin gave him a candy bar.

And I thought it was a little weird.

[Phone ringing]

And you never once saw him follow you home?


What kind of person st*lks a 5-year-old child?

Kevin believes that Adam is his son.

We just have to think positive that he wouldn't harm his own child.

The Assistant Manager just woke up from surgery.

Two of our detectives will be talking to him now.

Vasquez: Lester and I came in, and Kevin was there with the boy.

This boy?

Kevin says he's his son.

But I knew the kid from deliveries.

Lester told me to take him back home.

What happened?

Kevin went loco.

He said we were hombres malos.

I tried to grab the boy, and Kevin stabbed me.

Then Lester tried to stop him, and Kevin cut him, too.

Kevin ever mention any favorite places of his, someplace he might have taken Adam?

He mostly just talked to himself.

Lester said Kevin has demons in his head.

He felt sorry for him because he lost his house and family.

So he let Kevin live in the basement in exchange for work.

For how long?

Seven, maybe eight months.

Did Kevin ever make a delivery to Adam's house?

Couple of days ago.

I was alone in the store and Kevin was all I had.

He said he knew where it was because he used to live across the street.

Carolyn's cleaning lady let him leave a candy bar on Adam's bed.

Explains how he knew where Adam's room was.

Ok, the super in Kevin's building said he lived there until about four years ago.

Cragen: He know what happened?

Said Kevin was a partner in some big accounting firm until they fired him.

Kept showing up to work drunk.

About the same time he got a bad case of paranoia.

Started talking to himself, he thought everybody in his office was staring at him.

What about the family?

Sold the apartment last year.

Moved away after Kevin started begging on the street corner.

Did Kevin's wife take a son named Tate with her?

He's about five years old now, same as Adam.

Super doesn't know where they went.

Kevin lived across the street from Adam.

He panhandled on the corner, worked three blocks away at a grocery.

Seems he likes it close to home.

It's pretty risky to be hangin' around if he's got Adam with him.

They both got to eat, and Kevin's cut off from the grocery store.

Well, the precinct community cops might know where Kevin used to go dumpster diving before he worked at the grocery.

Guess what?

He's not in this one, either.

Cragen wants us back at the command post.

Didn't take him five minutes to tell you that.

No. Three years ago, cops picked up Kevin for yelling at some woman on the street he swore was following him.

They didn't collar him or we'd have his prints.

They sent him off to Bellevue Psych, and that's the last they heard of him.

Until now.

Across the street.


Benson: That's him.

Benson: Excuse me. Excuse me.

I wonder if you can help me out?

I'm busy, I can't talk to you.

I was wondering if you could help me out.

I'm lookin' for 569.

Sorry. I'm in a hurry.

I can't talk to you.

My son's waiting for me.

I'm in a hurry.

Do you mean Tate?


Cacisti! Cacisti!


Kevin: Don't let her take my son.

No one's gonna take your son.

Don't let her take my son!

Cacisti! Cacisti!

I know she's back there, watching me behind the glass.

I know she is.

I told you before, there's no one behind the mirror.

Just you and me.

Snug as a bug in a rug.

You pull the rug out from under me.

I'll go underground.

I'll go underground.

You are cacistis.

You are cacistis, all of you.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Kevin, talk to me, where's the boy?

I won't tell you where the boy is.

I know who you are.

I know what's going on here.

You're working for that witch behind the window, and she is evil.

She is trying to steal my thoughts and I will protect myself.

I am trying to help you.

Tell me where the boy is.

I want to protect the boy.

Elliot. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Kevin: They want to indoctrinate my son and I will stop them!

I will stop them!

I will stop you!

Well, I will stop you!

I have news for you.

I will stop you!

The guy is hopeless.

He's a paranoid schizophrenic and these cacistis are his delusion.

You're not gonna get anything more out of him.

Well, he's got a 5-year-old kid stashed out there somewhere.

And he's decompensating.

Anymore stress, he'll go into a psychotic break and he'll never talk.

He needs medication.

You've got a medical bag.

You got anything in there to make him lucid enough to talk?

Yes, but I can't give it to him just to make him confess.

Why not?

Because he's not my patient.

I could lose my license.

We need to get him to a psych hospital for treatment.

And lose him in the mental health system?

We don't have that kind of time.

Well, we don't have a choice.

Without medication, he's never gonna be able to tell you what you need to know.

How fast can you make it happen?

I'll make some calls.

Any luck, he'll be able to talk tomorrow morning.

[Phone ringing]

I appreciate that.

Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Hey, found Kevin's wife and son. Jersey City.

Doesn't want anything to do with him.

Oh, too bad.

Did you get him in somewhere?

Bellevue Psych's gonna take him.

The bus is gonna be here any minute.
[Furniture crashing]

Is Elliot still in there with Kevin?

What the hell is going on?

You're one of them!

They sent you!


Need a little help in here!

Kevin: She's the one who did this.

She wants Tate.

You can't have him.

You can never have him.

He's locked away, hidden away.

My medical bag's in your office.


Kevin: Your secret police probes, your drones, your spies, your agents!

What the hell happened?

I told him he was going to the hospital.

He freaked out on me.

Threw the chair.

Knocked over the table.

Oh, you can k*ll me, you can m*rder me, but you can't find my son.

Here, Doc.

You will never find my son!

We got him, Doc. Let's go.

Kevin: No! No!

Cragen: What are you givin' him?

Ativan and Haldol.

Hold him still.

Kevin: Not a shot! No!

No! No!

It'll take about 10 minutes to kick in.

[Kevin screaming]

Stabler: Is he stable?

Enough to transport him.

I need two minutes with him.

Well, you better make it quick.

He's on the express to lala land.

Kevin, where's Tate?

Don't be scared, Tate.

Daddy will be home soon.

Hey, Kevin, Kevin, you're not going out on me now.

Where's your son?

Where's Tate?

Look out the window, baby.

Look out the window, Tater.

See the man with the big white hat?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Kevin! Come on.

What are you tryin' to do?

I'm trying to wake him the hell up.

Nuclear b*mb won't wake him, what the Doc gave him.

You think it's okay we take him to the hospital now?

We've been through every building within 12 blocks of the kidnap site.

Have the teams go two more blocks.

Adam's been gone for 36 hours.

What are we missing?

"Look out the window, Tater.

See the man in the big white hat."

When did he say that?

He mumbled it when they put him on the bus.

Sounds like a parent talking to a baby.

Do we know where Kevin lived immediately after his son was born?

Two family house in Astoria.

The 109 precinct checked it and the neighborhood. Nothin'.

What about where he grew up?

Maybe he's flashing back on his own childhood.

DMV has every address where Kevin had a driver's license.

The earliest one was East 200th Street in the Bronx when he was 17.

Manhattan Special Victims?

Stabler, Benson.

Thanks for helping us out here.

You want to call it that.

There's your location.

Parking lot?

Sorry. We checked the buildings on either side, no sign of him.

We'll go through them again if you like.

Not necessary, thanks.

Hey, I hope you find your kid.

[Tires screeching]

Damn. We have nowhere left to look.

Elliot, back up, back up, back up, man in a white hat.

Round the corner, down that side street.

[Tires screeching]

He was talking about that bakery.

Elliot, that building.

Boarded up.

The building's condemned.

View from here of the sign.


Adam Forbes, you in there?

Adam? This is the police.

If you can hear us, bang on something.

There's no way to get in back here.

[Metal clanging]

Adam, do it again, bang again.

I can hear him, I just can't tell where it's coming from.

[Metal clanging continues]

Kevin's getting in and out of there quickly.

We need flashlights.

And a crowbar.

You okay?


[Static crackles]

Manhattan SVU to Central, requesting a bus and ESU to 511 Valentine Avenue in the Bronx.

Watch out.

This place is a hellhole.

Adam, it's the police.

Knock again.

[Metal clanging]

[Stabler grunting]

Are you all right?

Except for my armpits k*lling me, I'm fine.

Take the flashlight.


Step back.


[Clanging continues]

It's coming from upstairs.




Benson: Adam, we're police officers, we're here to help you, are you okay?

I think so.

You think so? You okay?

We're gonna get you loose here.

Is Kevin coming back?

No. You're safe now.

Kevin hurt those guys in the grocery store.

We know, sweetheart.

We're gonna take you to your mommy and daddy now.

He said he had to protect me.

I know.

Here, you're goin' home.

[Police siren wailing]

[Police radio chattering]

Casey Novak?


Rebecca Balthus, Kevin Walker's legal aid attorney.

Your, uh, boss order you to try my client?

No. That was my decision, but the District Attorney did sign off on it.

Waste of time and money.

Kevin's a lunatic.

Your client kidnapped a 5-year-old boy, m*rder*d a man, and almost k*lled another who tried to stop him.

And a jury will institutionalize him quicker than you can say "cacisti."

He's schizophrenic.

He stalked Adam Forbes for months.

He took photographs to help plan the kidnapping.

He knew what he was doing was wrong.

He tied the boy up and consciously tried to elude the police.

Because a bunch of little men in his head told him to.

We're pleading insanity.

You'll get the psych records.

Read them.

Not good enough.

I want him examined by our psychiatrist.

Thank you.

They started talking to me when I was 25.

Huang: Who's they?

The cacistis?

Yeah. The drinking helped at first, but after a while it didn't do anything.

Let's talk about Adam Forbes, okay?


He came into the store one day.

The cacistis told me he was my son Tate.

I try not to listen to them, but they scream at me if I don't.

What are cacistis?

Secret police.

They know everything.

And are they talking to you right now?

No. They go away when the doctors give me dr*gs.

Why don't you stay on the medication?

I don't want to talk about that.

Okay. Fair enough.

Can you remember the night you took Adam?

Yeah. I went up the fire escape a couple of times before, but they kept telling me to stop.

Cacistis kept telling me to stop.

Until that night and they said it was time.

You know, I told him not to scream because I wasn't gonna hurt him.

But he was scared, like Lester.

You feel pretty bad about Lester, huh?

I don't want to talk about that.

Why? Because you did something bad?

Don't want to talk about it.

Kevin, what did you do?

You know I didn't mean to.

I didn't want to k*ll him.

He's the only person who ever tried to help me.

Then why did you s*ab him?

Well, the cacistis told me that he was goin' to call the police and that they would take my son Tate away from me.

So I grabbed a box cutter and I couldn't stop myself.

So the cacistis told you to throw the chair at the police station?

Oh, no.

No. I did that because I was scared.

What were you scared of?

The police officer.

You were scared of Det. Stabler?


When he came back in, he told me the cacistis were going to take my son and that if I didn't tell him where the boy was, they would k*ll me.

It's not coercion.

You pushed Kevin into a psychotic rage so I would drug him and you could coerce his confession.

I did what I had to do to save that boy.

Great. What are you gonna do next?

Bash in people's skulls to make 'em talk?

Your way Adam wouldn't have been found until he starved to death.

Cragen: All right, that's enough, both of you.

Did the medication hurt Kevin?


Cragen: Then what's the harm?

Unless a court forces him to, it's Kevin's choice whether to take it.

We don't have the right to make that decision for him.

Do me a favor.

Stop treating this perp like a patient.

He became my patient the second I gave him that injection.

Do me a favor. Start thinking about the victims here.

The kid he kidnapped.

The two people he stabbed.

They're your victims, Doc.

Not Kevin.

You made Kevin a victim, and I'm gonna testify on his behalf if this goes to trial.

Which Kevin will win since you handed the defense its case.

Stabler: How did I do that?

They're gonna make you say that he wasn't rational until he was medicated, which means, he's not responsible for his actions before then.

You get it now?

Cragen: Let him go, Elliot.

I didn't do anything wrong here.

I understand why you did what you did.

You didn't have time to think about the consequences.

We saved that kid.

Kevin goes to trial, you testify what you did to him goes on the record.

Every perp you collar from then on, their lawyer's gonna make you tell the jury how you coerced a confession from Kevin Walker.


How do I make this right?

Boy, you've got some pop in that bat.

Bet you didn't come all the way here to watch me swing.

I need you to plead Kevin Walker out.

Why is that?

I can't tell you.

Oh, well, I don't really need to know, do I?

Cragen: You're an officer of the court.

And you don't want whatever happened going on the record.

I don't know your detectives, and I don't know you.

When you worked felonies, you had a different cop every case, right?

Yeah, so?

Special Victims, it's just us.

We gotta trust each other.

You're asking for a hell of a lot of trust.

Either way, Kevin Walker goes someplace where he can't hurt anybody.

You take him to trial, a good detective loses his credibility as a cop.

He'll never be able to testify in court again.

His only choices will be to quit or finish his career in the property clerk's office.

What this detective did was necessary?

Under the circumstances, I can't say I would have done any different.

Can you assure me the defendant wasn't hurt, and I'm not gonna get my ass kicked in court on a technicality?


Kevin: I kidnapped Adam Forbes because I thought he was my son Tate.

I stabbed Lester Hale and Emilio Vasquez because I was afraid they would take him away.

I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and was not medicated at the time.

And though I am not being held legally accountable for my actions, I feel completely responsible for them.

You can never know how sorry I am for all the harm I've caused.

Are the People satisfied that the requirements of the plea agreement have been met?

We are, Your Honor.

Judge: The defendant will rise.

Kevin James Walker, on the counts of second-degree m*rder, attempted m*rder, and kidnapping, I'm entering a plea of not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

I order you remanded to the custody of the Commissioner of Mental Health, until such time...

Kevin: Mental Health?

You can't send me back there.

Rebecca: Kevin, take it easy.

Don't send me back there.

They'll k*ll me.

Please be quiet. Another word and I'll have you removed.

They will m*rder me if you send me back.

Judge: Remove the defendant.

Just like they m*rder*d Martha. No! No!

No, Your Honor, listen to me.

No, this is you, you did this.

They sent you to shut me up so I wouldn't talk about Martha.

Don't let them k*ll me.

Don't let them k*ll me like they k*lled Martha!

Don't send me back there!

Please don't send me back there!

What the hell was Kevin talking about?

I have no idea.

So it has nothing to do with whatever you got me to cover up?

I'm not covering up anything.

I put my ass on the line for you when I pled Kevin out.

Now he's lucid, screaming about someone k*lling Martha.

Well, I'm telling you, I don't know who this Martha is.

You better find out.

If there's been another m*rder in this case, I'm holding you responsible and your dirty little secret's going on the record.

Elliot, Novak is diggin' in her heels.

She wants an answer by tomorrow.

Is there any chance we can get Kevin's psych records?

His pleading out takes away our right to see them.

Then how am I gonna prove to Novak I'm not trying to cover up some m*rder?

We have to figure out what Kevin was rambling on about in court.

Well, I just spoke with Kevin's social worker.

Says he was never institutionalized.

Then where was he before Lester Hale's grocery store?

Three years at an adult home for the mentally ill out in Queens called Jackson Manor until he walked out a year ago.

What about our mystery m*rder victim, Martha?

Don't know, but Jackson Manor says there hasn't been a homicide since the early 80's.

They say why Kevin left?

No, but they can't force him to stay.

He did tell an aide that he was going home to his wife and son.

Julia: I told the detective on the phone that I didn't want to talk about Kevin.

Mrs. Walker, I'm sorry, I just need to ask you one question.

Did Kevin ever talk to you about a woman named Martha?

A woman who lived next door to him at Jackson Manor?

Yes, constantly. Why?

Because in court this morning, Kevin talked about someone named Martha being m*rder*d.

Then maybe you should ask his cacistis instead of me.

Kevin's been on medication ever since we arrested him.

He wasn't delusional.

Then I don't know what to tell you.

If that's all...

Do you know why he left Jackson Manor?

He said they kicked him out.

When did he tell you that?

Last year.

When he asked to move back in with me and Tate.

You let him come back?

He called from the home.

Said he was on his meds, doing great, that he wanted to see us.

I told him he could come over the next day.

What happened?

He showed up at the apartment a week later.

Said the cacistis wouldn't find him here.

I told him to leave.

He lied to me, just like all the other times.

He wasn't taking his meds.

Did you ask him why?

I loved him. I still do.

But I just couldn't stand the lies anymore.

He said Jackson Manor ran out of his medication.

How could that happen?

I hear you're jammed up.

Well, word travels fast.

I got a call from Novak.

I told her the injection didn't harm Kevin and he's right where he belongs.

I'm sure you didn't come all the way up here at this time of night just to tell me that.


Martha Davis, age 45, lived in the room next to Kevin at Jackson Manor.

And I thought I was going to have to go through every obituary on the lnternet.

How did you find out about Jackson Manor?

A friend at the Health Department.

[Phone ringing]

This friend of yours know how a place like that could run out of medication?

You know, the good adult homes help schizophrenics lead productive lives.

But the bad ones, the flophouses, just provide minimum care while their owners line their pockets with government money.

So instead of dr*gs for their patients, they use the money to buy themselves a Mercedes.

What was Martha Davis's cause of death?

Uh, su1c1de.

Why did Kevin say she was m*rder*d?

Let's ask him.

[Door opening]

Rebecca: What's he doing here?

We need to speak to Kevin.

Speak to him, or send him into another psychotic break?

I know you didn't mean to k*ll Lester.

And I'm sorry about what happened.

Kevin, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for what I did.


That little boy might have died if I hadn't found him.

Yes, I know.

I know.

What do you want?

We know you were telling the truth about Martha in court.

I can't talk about that.

Why can't you talk about that?

Because they'll get me.

Stabler: The cacistis?

No. No. No, the people f-from the home.

Look, Kevin, nobody from Jackson Manor can hurt you now.

But if you're right, if they k*lled Martha, you know they're gonna do it to someone else sometime unless we stop 'em.

We need your help.

Last summer, one day during the heat wave, Martha shut herself in her room and wouldn't come out.

L... l... I begged them to help her because she was burning up, you see, she was burning up.

And they won't turn your air conditioning on there unless you pay extra, and she couldn't afford to pay extra.

Kevin, what happened?

Kevin: Well, the same night, I heard a commotion.

They tried to save her.

They put her in a tub full of ice water and, you know, it was too late.

And I asked them what happened and they said she slit her wrists, but they were lying.

I knew they were lying.

So I started screaming.

I started screaming, screaming at them, calling them K*llers, telling them I'm gonna tell the police.

And the next day, I went in for my medication and they told me that they ran out and the same thing the next day, and the next day, and then, on the fourth day, they told me that they didn't have any room for me and that I was gonna have to leave.

Kevin, why didn't you tell anyone?

Well, they said if I did, what happened to Martha would happen to me.

Whoever runs Jackson Manor is as guilty of k*lling Lester as if he put the knife in himself.

Kevin, thank you.

I promise you we're gonna make this right.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Can I ask you something?


When I, uh, moved out of there, they wouldn't let me take my things.

And in my room I had a really nice photo of my son Tate.

Could you just bring it to me?

You got it.

Stabler: No security. Anyone can walk in here.

Or out.

A health facility and they're smoking?

Who's gonna stop 'em?

Who's gonna put this guy's pants on?

You got nobody supervising these people.

Except her.

She's handing out meds.

She must work here.



Police. We need to see Kevin Walker's records.

[Speaking Russian]

She don't speak English.

Of course she doesn't.

But she's passing out the medication.

Actually, this is exactly what I'm looking for.

Thank you.

Randall: Put that down.

Those records are confidential.

Excuse me, who are you?

Randall Haber, the owner.

Mr. Haber, this is a binding consent signed by Kevin Walker and his attorney permitting us to see his records, why don't you stand there and read it?

Says here that Kevin Walker was given 10 milligrams of Olanzapine before bedtime. Last night.

Mr. Haber, we find that really very funny because Mr. Walker hasn't lived here in a year.

I don't know how this happened.

Sure you don't.

Why don't you put your hands behind your back since you're under arrest for fraud.

You're making a mistake.

My wife is on the city council.

Really? That's great.

Tell you what?

We're gonna make a phone call, see if she wants to join you when we parade your sorry ass in front of the TV cameras.

I didn't even know Kevin Walker was gone.

Novak: Your administrator's going to testify that you ordered her to keep Kevin on the books, so you can get his money from the state.

Those people are no longer your own personal cash cows.

That's enough.

If you think you have a case, charge him so he can make bail.


What the hell is this?

Randall Haber, you're now under arrest for the murders of Lester Hale and Martha Davis.


Martha Davis committed su1c1de.

Stabler: We exhumed her body.

She died of severe heatstroke.

Because you told them not to turn on her air conditioning.

A jury's gonna believe him?

He m*rder*d that grocer in cold blood.

Which only happened because you withheld his medication and kicked him out on the street.

That makes you responsible for Lester Hale's death.

Okay. One count of Man Two with a sentencing recommendation...

Are you crazy?

I'm not makin' a deal.

Why did you tell the aide to cut Martha's wrists?

I heard you.

He doesn't know what he heard.

He's a mental patient.

He's back on his medication.

He's perfectly lucid.

And he's our star witness.

Two counts Man One, concurrent.

He does his 15.

15 years?

That, or a jury can sentence you to 25 to life.

It's your choice.



How you doin'?

I'm okay.

You find my picture?

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

They tossed everything.

I did get you a camera, though.

What's that for?

I brought him to see how great his father's doing.

It's okay, Tate.

Say hello.

Hello, Daddy.

Hey, hey, hey, Tate.


How are you doin'?


I missed you.

I missed you too, Daddy.

I missed you very, very much.
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