05x10 - Shaken

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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05x10 - Shaken

Post by bunniefuu »

narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Veronica: Good nannies are hard to find.

Mrs. Endsley offered to double my salary if I went to work for her.

Lucy, go play with the other kids.

And keep your jacket on.

I'm not telling you again.

Of course I told her I couldn't possibly leave little Jack.

He's devoted to me.

Give me her number.

I'll take the job.

She's looking for someone with more training and experience.

I can't work for Mrs. Prichard anymore.

Lucy is driving me nuts.

She never obeys me.

That's because her mother spoils her rotten.

Have you tried using time-outs?

Mrs. Prichard won't let me.

She says it will stunt Lucy's creativity.

Nonsense. I keep telling you, children need limits.

Call her over. I'll show you how to handle her.



I don't see her.

Lucy! Lucy, where are you?


Ramirez: Missing kid is Lucy Prichard.

20 months old.

Red and pink jacket, denim jumper.

That's her nanny, Sarah Rendell.

Older nanny with her is Veronica Nash.

Says a freak's been hanging around here the past couple days.

Figured if it was a pedophile snatch, you guys would want to get an early heads up.

Okay. Thanks.

Tell the nannies to stick around.

Where's Olivia?

Emergency hearing on the Yeager case.

Gonna take a few days.

You're stuck with me.

So you think this is a kidnap, or she just wandered off?

Sounds like the real deal.

We got a nanny here that says she saw a creepy guy.

Bushes are a perfect place for a perv to fantasize.

So he hides up here, lures the kid over, and then carries her off to a waiting car.


Call a bus!

Cragen: Got it!

Stay with me, sweetheart.

Stay with me.

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be all right.

Dr. Morella: Lucy's CT shows intracranial bleeding.

She has a laceration to the back of her head, but no skull fracture.

She's on her way to surgery right now to reduce the brain swelling.

Did you do a r*pe kit?

No time.

Her clothing was intact.

We did a quick Lumalite.

No semen.

Okay. Give me a call after the surgery, please.


I spoke to the mom.

She's on her way.

Works at an ad agency downtown.

May take a while to get here.

And the dad?

Died last year, heart attack.

Hits just keep coming, huh?

The nanny's in the waiting room.

Let's talk to her.

I only took my eyes off her for a moment.

One minute she was playing, the next she was gone.

We heard about a strange guy who's been hanging around the playground.

Did you see a man today?

No, but Veronica did.

She saw him a couple times before.

Have you?


And I take Lucy to that playground every day.

Stabler: Where else do you two go?

Mostly the park, the zoo, or the museum if it's rainy.

Her mom wants her to get lots of fresh air.

Anybody ever pay unusual attention to Lucy?

No. I see the same people all the time.

I don't remember any strangers.

Oh, God, Lucy.

Stabler: Mrs. Prichard.

Evelyn, I am so sorry.

Where's Lucy?

In surgery.

The doctors are doing everything they can.

I'm Capt. Cragen, Special Victims.

This is Det. Stabler.

Who did this?

Cragen: We've just started our investigation.

Sarah has been very helpful.

How could you let this happen?

[Woman chattering on PA system]

Sarah, come on.

Let's go get some coffee.


What if she's not okay?

Oh, God.

This can't be happening.

I don't know what I'll do if I lose her.


Why is God punishing me?

I've seen lots of tragedies that I can't explain.

There's a chapel in the hospital here.

Sometimes going in can help.

Elliot, I'll stay with Evelyn.

Go interview the other nanny and see if you can get a description of the perp.

Call me when you hear anything about Lucy.

Sarah's a babysitter, not a certified nanny.

It's sad, but this happens when children are left with unqualified caregivers.

Let's talk about what happened today.

My point exactly, Detective.

I was taught to observe my child's surroundings.

That's why I noticed that man and Sarah didn't.

Can you tell me about him?

White guy, mid 40s, short dark hair, very stocky.

He's been lurking around the playground the last few days.

Did he seem especially interested in Lucy?

I really couldn't say.

At first, I thought he was just one of the dads, trying to get some good candid sh*ts.


Yes, he was taking pictures.


The man was standing right there on those rocks.

Thank you. We're going to have an officer take you down to the precinct for a sketch.

I'm happy to help.

Detective, lan Felson from the Trib.

You got anything for me?

Too soon to say.

But you're working it as a pedophile kidnap.

No comment.

Deep background's all I need to really get into this thing.

No comment.

Sorry, Elliot, I told the guy to get lost.

Walk this way.

It's gonna find its way to the headlines.

Tomorrow he'll probably dub the guy "The Park Pervert".

Well, if he's got any information, I'd like to read about it.

The area where you found the girl, it's clean.

Bagged all the trash nearby, but nothing pertinent.

We got a witness who places a guy up on these rocks taking pictures of the kids.

Use a telephoto lens, you get great sh*ts.

Nobody would know you're there.

We haven't searched up here yet.

Didn't have any indication the rocks were part of the crime scene.

Siper: Ah, the ground's too uneven for footwear impressions.

But if the guy smokes or chews gum, we could get his DNA, if he left anything behind.

Will that do?

Using film's unusual.

What do you mean?

Pedophiles love photos.

No, I'm not talking about the pictures themselves, I'm talking about how they were taken.

Most pedophiles have gone digital to avoid getting caught when they get the film developed.

Your guy's a risk-taker.

Yeah, I think he proved that by attacking the kid in broad daylight.

If he had been waiting for the perfect child, then he wouldn't consider the danger.

He'd be compelled to act.

But then he realized Lucy was missing before he could do his thing.

He panics, knocks the girl out, and runs.

Leaving his prints behind on the film carton.

Dennis Papillion, one arrest, Burg Three.

Probation officer says he works at a drug store on Broadway.

43, stocky, short hair.

That sounds like Veronica's description.

Let's go.

Cragen: You know this guy?

Uh, yeah, he's right over there in photo finishing.

Thank you.

You don't need a digital camera if you can print your own porn.

Cragen: Dennis Papillion?

Yeah, what do you want to know?

The badges mean we ask the questions.

Where were you this morning?

You got the wrong guy.

I've been here since we opened at 7:00.

Check the security tapes.

Now, can I ask what this is about?

Your prints were found at a crime scene on a box of film.

Now there's a surprise.

Know how much I sell?

The customer asks for it, I hand it over.

You process it for them, too?

Sure. I do a couple hundred rolls a day.

You ever look at the photos?

Just to make sure they came out okay.

The guy we're looking for would've taken sh*ts from a playground in Riverside Park.

Oh, yeah, I ran those off this morning. Boring.

Stabler: Did he pick them up yet?

About an hour ago.

But he dropped off another couple of rolls.

Said he'd be back later to get them.

Ronny lckles.

Address on 29th Street.

We'll make a special delivery.

Hold on.

I'm no damn baby-raper.

Stabler: Hanging around a playground, taking pictures of little kids is a normal pastime for a grown man.

I was working. I'm a PI.

Where's your ticket?

I don't have my license yet.

If it was a legit job, why'd you leave the playground when the cops showed up?

I didn't want to get involved.

My client wouldn't like that.

You're working an illegal shop.

You cooperate or we collar you.

All right, all right.

My client's this rich guy, David Jeffries.

Did he hire you to sh**t kiddie porn on commission?

I don't need work that bad.

Oh, yeah?

This is a six-month supply for a pedophile.

He wasn't into kids.

He wanted me to spy on his nanny.

Jeffries hired me to watch how his son got treated when he wasn't around.

Worst thing I saw was the nanny was smoking.

Hey, I picked up the rest of your PI's photos on my way back from court.


How's Lucy doing?

Last I heard she's still in surgery.

The client confirms Ickles' story.

So do these pictures, once you sort them out.

You've got a lot of sh*ts of the kids, but even more of the nannies.

Now, I've got about 10 photos of Lucy up here, all of them timecoded.

These are the last three before she disappeared.

So we've got Lucy playing with a little blond girl.

Benson: The next is a minute later, and Lucy's wandering away.

Cragen: She's headed right to the spot where we found her.

Stabler: That's the last one.

Benson: Lucy's almost out of sight.

And then Sarah is panicking.

And these sh*ts are only about a minute after the last one with Lucy.

[Phone ringing]

Not a lot of time for an attack.

There's somethin' just not right here.

There's no one anywhere near her.

Benson: Benson.

Maybe there is no crime.

Or this could be an accident.

Lucy tripped, conked her head on the way down.

Oh, yeah, kids her age fall down all the time.

They don't knock themselves out and need surgery.

Elliot, that was the hospital.

Lucy's doctor wants to see you.

Dr. Morella: Lucy's out of surgery.

She's stable but still unconscious.

Any chance she could've fallen?

No. She has bilateral subdural hematomas with retinal shearing.

Shaken Baby Syndrome.


She was shaken with enough force to cause severe trauma.

What are her chances?

Oh, it's hard to say.

But if she does recover, she'll probably have permanent brain damage.

Are you're sure about this diagnosis?

There was no way this was an accident?

Oh, I'm sure.

Someone shook Lucy so hard it damn near k*lled her.

Shaken Baby Syndrome refers to a constellation of injuries, most commonly bilateral subdural hematomas.

Novak: Which means?

Stabler: Massive bruises to the brain.

The shaking causes the baby's head to snap back and forth.

Let's say this egg is the baby's brain and the jar is its skull.

When the two collide at high speed from shaking, the injury is devastating.

So you'll testify that Shaken Baby Syndrome can be the only cause of Lucy's brain injuries?

Warner: Yes. I read her doctor's reports.

Her eyes show distinctive retinal shearing and small hemorrhages.

Plus she has compression fractures of the ribs from where the perp grabbed her.

That's pathognomonic for Shaken Baby.

How can this happen on a playground without anyone noticing?

Based on the amount of blood in the skull cavity, I'd say the attack happened between 12 and 48 hours before you found her.

She would have been sleepy, lethargic, maybe even vomiting, but ambulatory.

So the perp could be anyone who had contact with Lucy in the last three days.

Evelyn: I don't understand.

When I left for work yesterday she was fine.

She was walking and talking.

Well, did the doctors explain that her brain could have bled out so slowly that she would've seemed fine for a few days?


It's just hard to believe that she was hurt and I didn't know it.

Who does Lucy spend most of her time with?


Just me and Sarah.

Do you have a boyfriend?



I haven't dated since my husband died.

How'd Lucy seem Monday night?

I worked late.

By the time I got home, she was asleep.

I try to get off work early, but I need all the overtime I can get.

So Lucy was alone with Sarah all day Monday and Tuesday, right up until the time they went to the playground?


Are you happy with Sarah?

She's all right.

I wanted somebody with more experience, but I can't afford it.

Was she ever rough with Lucy?

I caught her yelling at Lucy once, but if she ever would've hit her, I'd have fired her.

You ever notice any marks or bruises on her?

Yes, sometimes.

I asked Sarah about it, and she'd say that Lucy fell down or that she got hit by a kid in the playground.

You think Sarah hurt Lucy?

Do you?

I'm only supposed to work from 8:00 to 6:00, but Evelyn never gets home till after 9:00.

Long hours.

A lot of responsibility for a young woman.

Is Lucy an easy kid?

I wish.

She was a colicky baby, and now she's a screamer.

Throws huge tantrums every time her mother goes out.

You couldn't pay me enough to do what you do.

I hear kids screaming, it makes me insane.

L... I don't know how you stand it.

It's so hard.

Sometimes I get...


She's just a little girl, but she can make me so mad.

I understand.

A couple months ago, Lucy threw a toy at me, and I spanked her, even though Evelyn told me not to.

When we get mad we lose control.

We all have our breaking point.

Are you saying I hurt Lucy?

Sarah, you were the only one with her all day Monday and Tuesday.

I didn't hurt her, I swear.

Then how'd she wind up on life support?

That day she fell down a lot.

The injuries Lucy has couldn't have been caused by a fall.

Then I don't know.

Are you willing to take a polygraph?

I'm afraid.

Sarah, if there's something you're not telling me, now is the time.

Evelyn pays me so little and I work so hard, it makes me really mad.

I knew it was wrong, but I did it.

What did you do?

I took money from her purse.

$5, sometimes $10.

I don't think Sarah did it.

Based on what?

My gut.

That's not admissible.

Look, Huang says Sarah fits the profile.

Overwhelmed, cooped up long hours with a difficult child.

She's torn up about ripping off a couple hundred bucks.

I don't think she's lying about her and Lucy.

Could be she's a clever sociopath.

Admits to a meaningless infraction, gains your sympathy.

So give her a polygraph.

It'll prove she didn't do it.

Hate to rain on your parade, but looks like you're wrong about Sarah.

What have you got?

A call from the Tribune.

They've got the story, plus a source who saw Sarah abusing Lucy.

Who's your eyewitness?

They didn't say.

Lan Felson wrote the piece.

Your office said I'd find you here.

Make it quick.

Perp walk starts any minute.

I need your witness in the Prichard case.

I know it's confidential.

You help me out, I'll make it worth your while.

[Camera clicking]

Exclusive on the arrest?


Let me make a call.

It's lan Felson, from the Trib.

The police would like to talk to you.


She says it's cool.

Who's she?

Veronica Nash.

That's the other nanny.

I already talked to her.

Guess you didn't ask the right questions.

How in the hell did you forget to tell me that Sarah had abused her?

You didn't ask.

I thought that pervert from the park hurt Lucy until that reporter started asking me questions.

What exactly did you tell him?

Lucy is a difficult child.

Willful, defiant.

Sarah has a hard time controlling her.

She gets frustrated and hits Lucy.

You've seen her do that?

More than once.

Can you remember any specific incidents?

Will I have to testify?

Ma'am, you just told millions of Tribune readers.

I think you can handle 12 jurors.

A few weeks ago, Sarah and I took the children to the museum.

Lucy started running around like a little maniac.

Then she started throwing things.

One of the staff yelled at Sarah for not controlling her.

Then she smacked Lucy across the face.


Clegg: Sure, I remember that kid.

She's a very active little girl.

She was very excited by the artwork.

She ran around touching everything.

Was that a problem?


Our exhibits are designed to be interactive.

We encourage the children to express themselves.

It was the nanny who got upset.

She was rough with the child.

Hit her pretty hard.

Did you report her?

I went and found a security guard, but when we got back, they were gone.

It's just a formality, but do you recognize this woman?

Sure, she was there that day, too.

What do you mean, "too"?

Oh, she didn't hit the kid.

It was this other woman.

Lady, you're either stupid or out of your mind.

What did you think, I wouldn't go to the museum and check on your story?

What are you talking about?

You hit Lucy, not Sarah.

Museum staff picked you out.

Lucy deserved a spanking.

The way I hear it, you gave her a lot more than that.

She needs discipline.

Her behavior is atrocious.

So's yours, sweetheart.

You're sick, you know that?

What is it?

You need attention so bad that you run to a reporter and lie to him just to see your name in the paper?

I have years of training, Detective.

And I've got a witness who saw you hit that child.

You shake her, too?

I hadn't seen Lucy for days until Tuesday morning at the playground.

I was with my employers at their country home all weekend.

Call them.
Veronica Nash's story checks out.


She didn't shake that baby.

We could still charge her for assaulting Lucy at the museum.

Good. Do it.

Papers crucify her, she'll lose her job.

That's somethin'.

Are you mad at her or at yourself?

Look, I got a little girl in the hospital who's not gettin' any better.

I just wasted a whole day on that idiot's lies.

I'm no closer to making a collar here.

I got one you can rule out.

Polygraph results.

Sarah passed with flying colors.

Well, any consolation, your gut instincts were right.

I should've trusted them instead of that crap in the Tribune.

Yeah, the only thing that paper's good for is lining my birdcage.

Cragen: Where you goin'?

Back to the hospital.

She almost looks like she's sleeping.

Any news, Detective?

Sarah Rendell's been cleared.

Then who hurt Lucy?


You tell me.

You're crazy.

I love my daughter.

Only you and Sarah were with her the last two days.

Your own words.

L... I should have told you before.

There was someone else.


I didn't think he could've done it.

I was only gone for a little while.

That's your daughter lying in the crib.

A machine's breathing for her.

You really want to protect the person who put her there?

It's a man I've been seeing.

Drew Farmer. He's married.

I left him alone with Lucy.

How come we're hearin' just now about Evelyn Prichard's mystery man?

Stabler: Because this Drew Farmer is her boss.

They've been having an affair for the past couple of months.

The "overtime"

Evelyn works.

You got it. Sunday night Drew's wife was out of town, Evelyn gave her nanny the night off, invited him over for dinner.

Any idea how Drew feels about kids?

According to Evelyn, doesn't have any, doesn't want any.

Cragen: How long was he alone with Lucy?

20 minutes.

Mom's not gone that long.

Why would he shake the kid?

Huang: Kids get shaken when they're crying.

Research shows that a child's screams can provoke extreme stress in some people.

Maybe Drew was trying to shut Lucy up.

Bring him in.

Evelyn's an employee, nothing more.

No one on the support staff at the ad agency works overtime but Evelyn.

And she only does it when your wife's out of town.

This is absurd.

I'd like to call my lawyer now.

You got it.

You just put yourself in the jackpot, pal.

You're crazy.

I never touched the girl!

So you admit you were there.

Look, if my wife finds out, she'll cut my balls off in divorce court.

If you keep jerkin' me around, criminal court will do a lot worse to you.

I don't know what happened to Lucy.

Yeah, you do.

Look, it's turning into a beautiful night just you and Evelyn, then all of a sudden she's got to go to the store.

And the kid starts screaming.

Well, you know you got to shut her up because you know if mommy comes home and that kid is still crying, Evelyn will be taking care of her needs instead of yours.

So you pick her up, try to quiet her down, but she keeps crying, and she's crying, and she's crying.

I just wanted her to go back to sleep.

Of course you did, but she wouldn't, would she?

You don't know what to do.

You don't need kids.

So you shake her.

You shook her, and you laid her down, because she's quiet now.

No, no, you're wrong.

You shook that baby.

You shook that baby.

And then you got your rocks off with her mother while her baby lay dying a few feet away!

No! I didn't shake her.

I picked her up, that's all.

She must have been sick.

What do you mean, she was sick?

She puked all over my jacket and I put her right back down.

Evelyn never said Lucy threw up.

I didn't tell her.

I didn't...

I didn't want to spoil the mood.

Oh, jeez.

It's not enough for an arrest.

We've got to cut him loose.

I know. I'm telling you, It pisses me off.

Somebody almost k*lled that little girl.

She can't speak, but all the adults in her life are lyin' their asses off?

Then we go back to the medical evidence.

We put it all together and let it tell the real story.

Warner: This is the time line of the last three days.

Tuesday, Lucy collapsed.

But according to Sarah, she was lethargic and clumsy on Monday.

Ataxia and decreased motor skills are common after a shaking incident.

So you're saying the attack happened Sunday.

Yes, Lucy vomiting Sunday night is a classic sign of head trauma.

So Evelyn shook Lucy earlier, and that's why she threw up on Drew?

Well, who knows what came first?

Getting puked on could've pissed Drew off enough that he shook the kid.

There's no medical reason for Lucy's sudden emesis without the shaking.

I could be wrong, but the symptoms and the time frame point to Evelyn.

Any way to connect Evelyn to Lucy's wounds?

Lucy has rib fractures from where the perp grabbed her.

A different hand size would cause a different fracture pattern.

If I shook you, I would leave an impression here.

But the Captain's hands are bigger and would cause a different fracture pattern.

Find the hand, find the perp.



Have you heard something?

No. This is Dr. Warner.

She'd like to conduct an examination.

Hold out your hand like this, please.

I don't understand.

Just help us out.

It's a match.

Drew Farmer's hands are much bigger.

You shook Lucy.

No. I'm her mother.

I love her.

I love my little girl.

I would never hurt her.

Evelyn, you're under arrest for as*ault and attempted m*rder.

This is a mistake.

I'm a good mother!

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.

Novak: You get a confession?

She lawyered up.

I look forward to trying her.

She's gonna be sympathetic.

I can't believe a jury will feel sorry for a parent who scrambled her kid's brain.

I'm telling you.

Every parent's been there.

A baby's crying can make you lose your mind.

You'll pick them up, you'll rock them, I mean, hell, you'll beg them and sometimes nothin' works.

Sounds like you're speaking from personal experience.

Oh, the unholy cabal.

Planning on how to railroad the next innocent person?

I'm planning on locking her up for life.

What a pity.

A few months in Special Victims and you're already a zealot.

An injured child comes in and you scream "abuse".

Lucy wasn't spanked.

She's in a coma, close to death because her mother shook the life out of her.

What happened is a devastating tragedy, but it's not Evelyn's fault.

Temporary insanity, brought on by the stress of raising a child with permanent live-in help?

No excuses.

I meant what I said.

She's innocent and I'll prove it.

Novak: So in your expert opinion, Dr. Warner, who is responsible for the injuries to Lucy Prichard?

The defendant, Evelyn Prichard.

Thank you. Nothing further.

Are you saying that the only possible cause of Lucy's injuries is Shaken Baby Syndrome?


The subdural hematomas and retinal hemorrhages are classic signs.

Are you familiar with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, or HLH?

It's a rare blood disorder that disrupts liver and bone marrow function.

Isn't it true that HLH also causes bleeding of the brain and eyes?

Warner: Yes.

Was Lucy's blood tested for HLH?

There's no blood test, but HLH could not have caused her rib fractures.

CPR was performed on Lucy in Riverside Park.

CPR requires chest compressions, correct?


So isn't it possible that the lifesaving treatment caused the fractures?

No. CPR is administered with the patient lying on her back.

Chest compressions could've caused the frontal rib fractures but certainly not the posterior ones.

But couldn't those have been caused by Det. Stabler who testified that he "grabbed Lucy and ran".

Balthus: Why didn't you rule out a diagnosis of HLH?

Because the only way to distinguish between HLH and Shaken Baby Syndrome is an autopsy.

So, for all you know right now, Lucy's injuries could have been caused by a natural disease and not a criminal act?


The day my daughter was born, it was the happiest day of my life.

Balthus: And then your husband died.

It must be very difficult raising a child without him.

Yes, it is.

I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but now I have to be the breadwinner.

For the child's sake.

Evelyn, did you ever spank Lucy?

No. I don't believe in corporal punishment.

Have you ever shaken Lucy?


I know what shaking can do to a baby.

I would never hurt my daughter.

Thank you.

Your witness.

You say you love your daughter, Mrs. Prichard.

How much time during the last few months did you actually spend with her?

Not as much as I wanted.

My husband's death left a lot of bills.

I had to work very long hours just to make ends meet.

So you relied on Sarah to be her primary caregiver?

I take care of my daughter.

But you would leave before she got up in the morning and come home after Lucy went to bed.


So who hugs Lucy when she gets up in the morning?

Evelyn: Sarah does.

And who puts Lucy to bed?


And who takes her to the park and to the zoo?

And who comforts her when she cries?

And who puts a Band-Aid on when she skins her knee?

I wanted to be there.

Lucy was crying that night, and you didn't know how to comfort her.

She was ruining your romantic date.

That's why you shook her.


L... I could never hurt Lucy!

Why don't you believe me?

Nothing further.

The judge is going to charge the jury after lunch.

Then hopefully it'll be a quick verdict.

I think they're with us.

I'm telling you, you can't tell with these cases.

Are you preparing me for an acquittal?

I've worked enough battered-kid cases to know giving birth doesn't make you a mother.

[Cell phone ringing]

But juries, they believe what they need to believe.



Okay, I'm here with Novak.

I'll tell her.

Tell me what?

Lucy just had a stroke.

They don't think she'll live.

A massive brain hemorrhage destroyed Lucy's cerebral cortex.

She'd be dead already if she wasn't on life support.

How long can the machines keep her alive?

We don't know.

Could be days or months.

Explain her condition to me.

Uh, Lucy is in what's called a persistent vegetative state.

She has minimal brain stem function that keeps her heart beating, her blood circulating, but she can't move, speak, hear, or see.

Does she feel pain?

I'm afraid that's all she feels.

Her EEG shows no active thoughts, but her primitive brain functions are still intact.

Her body senses and responds to painful stimuli.

Is there any hope she'll get better?


Her condition will only continue to deteriorate until some infection kills her, or life support is turned off.

I've got rounds.

[Woman chattering on PA system]

The jury needs to know this.

[Cardiograph beeping]

Summations are over.

The judge is getting ready to charge them.

Then ask for a delay.

I don't have any legal grounds.

This baby's suffering is not irrelevant.

I'll see what I can do.

Novak: Your Honor, the facts in the case have changed and the jury has the right to hear them.

What's changed?

Lucy was in a coma then, she's still in one now.

She's brain-dead.

A ventilator is breathing for her.

That's tragic, but you don't have grounds to reopen the case.

Evelyn Prichard is on trial for as*ault, but when Lucy dies, which she soon will, it will be m*rder.

Balthus: A m*rder charge is only proper after life support is turned off, and Evelyn Prichard has no intention of doing that.

You Honor, the jury should be allowed to consider newly discovered evidence.

Only if offered by the defense.

The prosecution just gets one bite of the apple.

She's right.

I'm sorry, Counselor.

The jury will have to render its verdict based on the facts already in evidence.

I got your page.

What's the verdict?

Hung jury.

Hopelessly deadlocked.

So you'll be retrying Evelyn?

Yeah, we start on Monday.

The jury's gonna hear that Lucy's brain-dead.

Yeah, but I don't think it'll make a difference.

You were right.

Evelyn's too sympathetic.

I'll never get a jury to convict her.

This woman's a m*rder*r.

Not as long as Lucy is technically alive.


"...and goodnight to the old lady whispering 'hush'.

"Goodnight stars.

Goodnight air.

Goodnight noises everywhere."

[Cardiograph beeping]

Why are you here?

To see Lucy.

Do you have children, Detective?

I do. I have four.

And I can imagine the pain you're going through to see your baby like this.

What do you want from me?

Let her go.

So you can charge me with m*rder?

So we can end Lucy's pain.

I believe that's up to God.

So do I.

I love my children.

If one of them was sick, I would do anything in the world to make them better.

But I would also pray to God that if all hope were gone, he'd give me the strength just to end their suffering.

I love my daughter.

If I lose her, I might as well be dead, too.

Det. Stabler, your Captain said you wanted to talk to me about the Prichard case.


I think the DA's office should fight to turn off life support.

And what makes you think Judge Preston would grant such a motion?

I read the papers.

A similar request was made in California successfully when a father shook his son.

And it was unsuccessful in Florida.

Parents are winning the fight to keep their comatose daughter alive despite legal precedent.

Lucy's doctor says she'll never recover.

What's this really about, Detective?

You fighting for Lucy, or bringing Evelyn Prichard to justice?

I don't know if she's a grieving mother who can't let go or if she's just trying to beat a m*rder rap.

What I do know is that little girl's in constant pain, and there is no hope of her ever getting better.

Okay, Detective.

But Evelyn gave birth to her.

Lucy is her flesh and blood.

You be careful, or they'll paint us as baby-K*llers.

Why'd you go over my head?

I'm trying to do what's right for that child.

So am I.

But it's my case now, and it's my choice, not yours.

You should've come to me first.

I apologize.

You're right.

You have every right to be pissed at me.

Now, you tell me, do you think it's wrong to stop life support?

I'm not a mother.

I don't know what I'd do if she were my child.

Welcome to Special Victims.

It's not always black and white.

Novak: Removing Lucy Prichard from life support is the only ethically responsible option.

This is reprehensible.

She wants to k*ll a child so she'll have a stronger case.

Novak: It's my duty to represent Lucy Prichard's best interests.

It's hardly in her best interest to be dead.

Every night I pray she gets better, but Lucy is in God's hands, not yours.

Balthus: We vehemently oppose withdrawing life support.

The prosecution wants to execute a helpless child.

Enough, Ms. Balthus.

What grounds do you have to judicially supersede a parent's right to make decisions for the minor child?

Mrs. Prichard's right is nullified by her legal predicament.

Her judgment is biased because her own future rests on her child's survival.

Then prove to me that cessation of life support is truly in Lucy's best interests.

Dr. Morella: Lucy has violent pain responses and little more.

When we touch her, she has a seizure.

Novak: What are her other medical problems?

Lucy's bones have become demineralized.

Can you tell us what that means?

They're very brittle.

Yesterday when a nurse changed her diaper, it fractured her hip.

Thank you, Doctor.

Nothing further.

Preston: Your witness, Ms. Balthus.

Dr. Morella, are you familiar with the case of Estelle Sanchez?


Richard Youst?

Francine LeMott?

No. They're not my patients.

Well, thank God for that.

Because Estelle Sanchez was in a coma for 10 years, woke up and asked for pancakes.

Richard Youst...

Objection, Your Honor...

Sustained. You've made your point, Counselor.

Move on.

Isn't it true, Doctor, that people awake from so-called persistent vegetative states years after the doctors have told the families to give up hope?

Dr. Morella: Every case is different.

But miracles happen.

I wouldn't call them that.

Balthus: What would you call them, then?

Can science explain the sudden recovery of all function in previously non-responsive patients?

No, but...

It happens, doesn't it?

It can.

Thank you.

Redirect, Your Honor?

Preston: You may proceed, Counselor.

Dr. Morella, can Lucy awaken as the defense implies?

No, she suffered permanent and irreparable brain damage.

Life support is mechanically keeping the shell of what was once Lucy Prichard alive.

Is there any hope she can recover?


So in addition to seizures and breaking bones, how would you describe Lucy's life?

I believe she's in constant, excruciating pain.


Balthus: Evelyn.

No, no, no, l... I don't want Lucy to suffer anymore.

Please, please turn off the machines.

Preston: Ms. Balthus, explain to your client that if she does consent to a cessation of life support, she will face a m*rder charge.

I don't... I don't care!

I don't care.

I did it.

I'm so sorry.

I love her.

Please, please turn off the machines.

Detective, you have to know I love my baby.

Everything I did, I did for her.

That night l... I just wanted a chance at a normal life again with a man I loved.

I've been so alone.

I just wanted a night to myself.

At first, Lucy was sleeping peacefully, but then she woke up, and she wouldn't stop screaming, and I was so angry.

I shook her over and over until she stopped crying.

And... and then I put her down and she smiled up at me.

She seemed okay.

After the doctor told me that she had been shaken, I just kept telling myself that it couldn't be my fault.

Oh, God.

I never meant to hurt her.

I love her.

[Evelyn sobbing]

Is it over?

They turned the machines off.

Ten minutes later, Lucy was gone.

It was peaceful.

Evelyn there?

Corrections sent her down from Bedford Hills.

Give me your keys.

I'll drive you home.


This is Maureen, when she was about Lucy's age.

I had just gotten out of the Marines.

I was unemployed.

Kathy was pregnant again.


One night she went out, and I was home alone with Maureen.

She spilled her grape juice all over this brand-new carpet we just bought, which we couldn't afford to buy.


And I grabbed her arm to spank her.

And she twisted away, and I slapped her in the face.

As my hand was coming down the second time, this voice in my head said, "Stop".

So I'm standin' there in the middle of this room holding the limp body of my little girl.

She starts cryin', and I pick her up, and I just keep saying over and over, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


I could have k*lled my kid over a lousy carpet.


Come on.

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