05x11 - Escape

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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05x11 - Escape

Post by bunniefuu »

narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Let's go.

Get a move on.

Don't mess with me, Hack.

You know what I'm in for?

Yeah, yeah, whatever it is, I'm sure you didn't do it.

Come here.

[Man groaning]

inmate: Make sure there's nothin' going on now.

What the hell?

Yo, yo! My cuffs, man.

[Man continues groaning]


What the...

Edwards, What happened?

Gamble and Baxter jumped me.

Lock it down! Lock it down!

Officer injured, two men escaped.

Baylin: Your fugitives are Dion Dwayne Gamble, a.k.a. Double D, a murderin' dope dealer in for life, and Michael Baxter, kiddie r*pist, five years left on his sentence.

How'd your inmates escape?

Knocked out Officer Edwards.

Baxter put on his uniform, pretended to be escorting Gamble.

And strolled right out.

Your COs sleeping or they're just morons?

Give it a rest, Eckerson.

Double D hails from Houston, Texas.

Good idea as any he's headed home.

I'll send a team down there.

Baxter was living here in Virginia, so...

Baylin: For what it's worth, Marshal, a reliable inmate heard Baxter yappin' about headin' back to New York City to tie up some loose ends.

His ex-girlfriend Carin lives there.

Baxter r*ped her son.

I've got grand jury in an hour on the Wellman pedophile case.

Well, if I catch up, I'll pull Fin.

Cragen: Detectives, Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler, Deputy U.S. Marshal Andy Eckerson.


Andy: Hey, guys.

Nice to see you.

Deputy Eckerson is requesting our assistance.

Wow. Pigs really do fly, huh?

Andy: We got an escaped con from Virginia named Michael Baxter maybe headed this way.

Why here?

Baxter's ex-girlfriend Carin Healy and her son Lee moved to New York about 10 years ago.

Right after Lee testified against Baxter for raping him.

You think it's payback?


You guys know how to deal with r*pe victims.

We could use your help.

Okay, let's go talk to 'em.

Can't. Carin and Lee must've changed their last names.

We can't find a listing for either one of 'em.

You pull her social off her recent W-2s?

Results will be faxed here any minute.

Elliot, you're going to be late for court.

Olivia, work this with the marshal.


Benson: Let's see if your fax came in.

Elliot, how do you know Eckerson?

Before Andy went Federal, he was NYPD.

Oh, and he also used to date Olivia.

You used to like a challenge.

I still do.

Good. Then try and keep your mouth shut and let me take the lead on the interview.

You know, I don't just kick doors down.

I can actually talk to people.

Well, you asked us for our help because we know victims.

Or did you come back for another reason?



Det. Olivia Benson, Special Victims Unit.

This is Deputy Marshal Andy Eckerson.

Can we have a word with you privately?

It's okay, Jeremy's my nephew.

You're here about Mike Baxter, right?

News said he escaped from prison.

You don't think he'll come here, do you?

Well, we don't know.

But until he's recaptured, your safest bet is to stay home.

We'll post officers outside your apartment.

Benson: Carin, we're going to need your son's address.

Think that bastard'll go after him?

Benson: We don't want to take any chances.

He moved in with his girlfriend a couple of months ago, 114 west 37th. Uh, wait.

W-What if Mike's after Danny?

Who's Danny?

My younger son.

I was pregnant when Mike was arrested.

He's Danny's father.

Does Danny know his father was in prison?

I told him he was dead.

L... I don't see him.

He's got to be here.

All right, what does he look like?

Couple of inches shorter than me, brown hair.

Daniel! Daniel!

Mom, what are you doing here?

Get your things.

We're going home.

In the middle of the day?

What's wrong?

Just do as I say.

Just the thought of Mike coming anywhere near Danny...

We'll make sure that doesn't happen.

Fugitive Detail's on their way to Lee's apartment.

We'll escort you home.

Is there anyone else that Baxter might go to?

His mother Sheila.

They're still close.

Grandma ever talk to Lee?

She asked for his address last month.

She wanted to send him a birthday card.

Okay, come on.

We should go.

You think Baxter'll come here?

After all these years?

I was just a freaking kid.

How will you protect us?

Benson: We're gonna put a radio car out front.

That's supposed to stop him?

We can move you.

Put you up in a hotel.

Megan: Sweetie, maybe we should do that.

So now I'm a prisoner?

What about my job?

I have to go to work.

Andy: Until Baxter's caught, you should work out of your home.


You know, not a day goes by that I don't think about what that bastard did to me.

I changed my last name, my phone number's unlisted.

I thought I was safe.

Baxter's mother knows where you live, right?

Sheila wouldn't help that pervert.

She knows what he did to me.

She wouldn't help him.

Maybe she wants to see him before it's too late.

Too late for what?

She's dying of cancer.

I heard about the escape this morning on the radio.

Benson: Has your son contacted you?


He ever mention that he might try something like this?

Not that I can remember.

Andy: Ma'am, sometimes we think back on conversations we've had.

Little things that didn't make sense then make sense now.

What are you insinuating?

We haven't spoken in months.

Still, you're his mother.

Nobody knows him better than you.

I'll never stop loving my son.

But he destroyed Lee's life.

He should be in jail.

Mrs. Baxter, does your son know that you're sick?

I haven't told him.

You understand that if he contacts you, you need to report it?

I know. I will.

Andy: No, you won't.

You'd do anything to see him one last time before you die.

If I were your son, I'd do anything to see you.

But if we find out that you've been concealing information, I'll arrest you.

Sick or not.

Why didn't you just slap her around?

It would've been more effective.

That woman knows a hell of a lot more than she's saying.

She admitted that he was guilty.

Give her a break.

Come on, Olivia, she's playing you and you're falling for it because the sweet old lady's dying.

God, you're even more cynical than I remember.

Why, because I chase criminals and you baby-sit victims?

You know, [sighs]

Even when you were a detective, it was never about the victims.

It's always been about the rush with you.

You liked it when you first met me.

Yeah, till I realized it would put you in a body bag.

[Cell phone ringing]


Yeah, okay. We're on our way.

Kid just spotted our second escapee on 44th and 7th.

Yeah, that was the guy on the news, all right.

Walked right past here.

He with anyone?

Some ugly white chick.

So how much do I get?

Hey, we're not offering a reward.

Wait, I put my neck on the line for nothin'?

Now you know how we feel.

Look, it'd really help us if you'd tell us which direction they were going.

Downtown, I guess.

Can you describe the woman?

Dark hair, kind of tall.


You've been very helpful.

Fine. Don't believe me.

But I know I saw him.

All right. Thanks.

Flags indicate 82 reported sightings, none confirmed.

We do have one solid lead from a trucker who picked up Baxter and Double D outside a Chevron in Richmond.

How far did he take 'em?

Jersey City.

Dropped 'em at an outlet mall near the entrance to the Holland Tunnel.

Well, the easiest way to the city from there is to take the PATH train or a bus.

I bet they're on their way to get Lee.

Women. You think with your head, these guys think with their peckers.

First place they're gonna go is for a drink and a piece of ass.

Maybe that kid's tip was legit.

Could've seen Double D with a hooker.

So we hit every rat hole, every hooker stroll within a mile of the PATH and Port Authority.

911 call from Lee's girlfriend.

I told Lee to stay home, but he couldn't miss a big meeting.

Then his office called, said he didn't show up.

I never saw Lee exit the premises.

How many cars went out?


Old black guy, silver Caddy, white female, tan Honda.

That's Lee's car.

Over there.

That's our spot.

Looks like fresh blood.

Oh, my God.

There's somethin' over here.

You recognize this?

It's Lee's. I gave it to him for Christmas.

Describe the driver.

White female, dark hair, glasses.

Kind of butch.

No one else in the car.

Bodega boy didn't see Double D with a hooker.

It was Baxter in drag.

And now he's got a hostage.

Marshals are searching the area around Lee's apartment.

Lee could already be dead.

Look, if Baxter just wanted to k*ll Lee, he would've left his body in that garage.

This is a kidnap.

Ransom or revenge?

Even money on revenge.

Lee's testimony put Baxter in prison for 10 years.

He wants to make this kid suffer.

Fin: He already has.

The lab says the blood in the garage was Lee's.

Baxter roughed him up before he shoved him in that trunk.

We watchin'

Baxter's mother?

We got a team on the house, phone's tapped, but so far sonny boy's a no-show.

Well, he's got no money so he can't go far.

Uh, we flagged Lee's credit cards in case Baxter tries to use 'em.

Double D and Baxter were together before the kidnap.

They might try to hook up again.

Andy's out canvassing the area where Double D was spotted.

Cragen: He got any other friends on the outside?

Warden says he's got no visitors from around here.

All right, we're gonna have to check his prison phone records.

John, call Virginia.

I want the name of every person he talked to in the past year.

Speaking of visitors...

He called the house.

Carin: Danny answered the phone and Mike told him who he was.

Now my son wants to know why I told him his father was dead.

Did Baxter say where he was?


I grabbed the phone from Danny, and Mike said he had Lee, and they needed to talk.

Then he just hung up.

Did Baxter say where he was headed, if he was calling back?

Just that they were going someplace safe and that I shouldn't worry, that Lee was all right.

I'll have Det. Munch take you home.

No, l... I don't want to go home.

Can't we just wait here?

Well, actually, we need you at your apartment in case he calls again.

What if he does?

Cragen: We have a trap on your line.

The second he calls, we'll know where he is.

[Knocking on door]


Excuse me.

Andy just called.

He's got a lead on Double D.

Desk clerk hit on Double D's photo.

He's in Room 213.

ESU secured all exits.

We're good to go.

Hit it.

Andy: U.S. Marshals!


Show your hands! Now!

Easy, man.

I ain't got no g*n.

You ain't kidding.

Put her in the car.

You know how long it's been since I had some ass?

Where's Baxter?

Hell if I know.

Wrong answer. Try again.

Make me, bitch.


Andy: Watch your mouth.

You hear me?

Want to try that one more time?

I'm going to tell you all again, all right?

We split up hours ago.

Don't know where he at.


On my mama's life, man.

I don't know.

Your mama's dead, moron.

Let's go.

You know, those guards are going to be so happy to see you, especially after the hurt you put on Edwards during your break.

It didn't go down like that.

Yeah. Well, I gotta tell you, guards get really angry when a brother officer is injured on the job.

Edwards? He was in on it.

Looks like Double D was tellin' the truth.

First time for everything.

Officer Edwards is dirty as hell.

Four months ago, he found himself a fairy godmother.

She's already gifted him with $15,000 in money orders.

You trace 'em?

Yeah, right back to Sheila Baxter.

She's been playing you from the jump.

We got the prison LUDs.

Baby boy calls Mama every day.

I just wanted to see my son before I die.

Benson: So you should've visited him in prison.

He didn't want me to see him caged like a criminal.

He is a criminal.

He r*ped an 11-year-old kid.

Michael swears he's innocent.

Well, if Michael didn't attack Lee, then who did?

I don't know, and neither does Michael.

That's why he wanted to write Lee a letter.

To find out the truth.

You want to know what the truth is?

Michael only wanted Lee's address so he could kidnap him.

Michael just wanted to talk to him.

He would never hurt Lee.

He already has.

He splattered Lee's blood all over that garage.

That must've been an accident.

My son is innocent and his lawyer will prove it.

Benson: What lawyer?

Isaac Sage of the lnnocence Project.

He believes Michael.

He just doesn't have enough evidence to overturn the conviction.

And let me guess, you helped your son break out of prison so that he could find the evidence.

I'm a good mother.

I don't have much time.

You broke the law.

I have nothing to say.

Lock me up or let me go get my chemo.

Let her go, but have an officer escort her to the hospital and bring her back after her treatment.

She's not going to talk.

She's a sick old lady clinging to the hope that her son's innocent.

He who lives on hope dies of starvation.

She knows that he's guilty but she needs to believe in his innocence to justify the escape.

We have to break her before he kills Lee.

She talks about this lawyer like he's her last salvation.

Maybe she confided in him.

John, go see this lsaac Sage.

Ask him if the old gal was planning a family reunion.

All right.

If I'd known about the escape, I would have reported it.

I only try to free prisoners legally.

Looks like you're pretty busy.

Every inmate in the country wants his case reopened.

DNA tests are unlocking a lot of jail cells.

How's that gonna help Baxter?

His DNA put him away.

It won't.

The kid accused him, r*pe kit confirmed sodomy, and the crime lab found a DNA match.

The trial was properly conducted and Baxter was more than adequately defended.

Which you told him.

I sent him a letter four months ago.

I said the conviction was fair and that he'd run out of options.

Well, how about helping us give Mom a reality check?

Mr. Sage, thank God you're here.

She won't believe me.

Tell her Michael didn't do it.

I can't, Mrs. Baxter.

I rechecked everything, the trial transcripts, the evidence.

There's no doubt in my mind that Michael is guilty.

He r*ped Lee.

He told me you believe him.

I told your son there was nothing I could do.

Benson: Sheila, please.

Michael is running out of time.

Help us save Lee.

Tell us where he is.

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

He knows that you're sick and you were going to meet him.

You were going to see him one last time.

Sheila, your son is armed, he's holding a hostage.

Now, if the marshals find him first, they may have to k*ll him.

You tell me where he is, and I promise you, I will try to bring him in safely.

He's down the Shore.

We used to go there when Michael was little.


Cape May.

He was going to call when he got a motel room.

Not a lot of motels open this time of year at the Shore.

Let's just hope that he parked Lee's car outside one of 'em.

Always the optimist.

Look, if we split up, we're gonna cover more ground.

All right. Tell Fin to meet us down there.

I'll call the Jersey State Troopers.

Nothing so far.

I have three motels left on my list.

I'll check in with you later.


Haven't seen him.

It might help if you actually look.

Wait a minute.

That's room 612.

He makes an ugly woman.

A better wig might help.

Which rooms are occupied?

Kind of slow right now.

Just 614, upstairs in back, and, uh, 115, first floor.

Call for backup.

Evacuate everybody on the first floor.

I'm going to take the upstairs.

You alone?


Where's Baxter?

I don't know. He left a couple of minutes ago.

Let's go.

Stay close to the wall.

Stay back.

Andy, it's me.

I got Lee, no Baxter.

Anvil Motel.

Give me the g*n or you're both dead.

What happened?

Olivia went in.

She didn't wait for backup.

Any sh*ts fired?

No. We have to assume Baxter disarmed her.

I shouldn't have left her alone.

She's smart.

She'll figure a way out.

I just don't want her playing a hero.

You talk to her?

I tried. The bastard wouldn't let me.

Threatened to k*ll 'em both.

What room are they in?

612. Command Center's 109.
You Palmer?

Yeah. Jersey SWAT.

I got the silent drill and fiber optics you asked for.

The rest of my team's on the way.

All right, we're not waiting.

Come on.

[Sirens wailing]

SWAT's pullin' up.

Andy: All right.

I'm through the wall.

Hand me that scope.

Looks like you done this before.

It's not my first hostage situation.

[Helicopter whirring]

SWAT leader #1: Fiber optic team, go!

Suspect's in room 612.

We drilled through the baseboard of 611.

Camera's set up.

SWAT leader #2: sn*pers get into position.

SWAT leader #1: Check the motel room now.

SWAT leader #2: Roger that. We're clear.

Where are we with the fiber optics?

Palmer: Almost there.

I need a picture up, now.

One more minute.

Room phone's disconnected.

Plus we got a generator in case we got to cut the juice.

McKenzie's on the roof across the parking lot.

Venetian blinds are limiting the view into the room.

What's his count?

Three subjects, all moving.

Right. Let me know when anybody has a shot.

Cragen's on his way.

Munch is at Carin's apartment in case you need her cooperation.

Picture's up.

SWAT officer #1: SWAT team, we have eyes.

Stand by.

What're you doing?

Watch this.

SWAT officer #2:

10-4. Swat leader.

Standing by.

[Phone ringing]


Hand it over.


Come on.

Who's calling?

It's my partner.

They want to negotiate.

I don't want to talk.

You got no chance here because the marshals are gonna put sharpshooters all round us.

That's all right.

They gotta know that I've got a pretty marshal as a hostage, they're not gonna fire on one of their own.

I'm not a marshal.

Well, who the hell are you then?

I'm a detective, NYPD.

My name's Olivia Benson.

I'm gonna show you my shield.

No. You're gonna keep your hands where I can see 'em.

Right on your knees.

We can work this out, you and me.

I got it all worked out.

Everything I need is right here.

I got my old... my buddy Lee, I got a nine millimeter.

Don't touch me.

Why, what are you going to do, huh?

Are you going to tell mommy?

I bet she freaked when she heard I escaped from prison, huh?

Mike, hurting Lee is not going to help you.

Lady, I don't want to hurt him.

I just want him to talk to me.

Whatever you need, I can help you, but you're going to have to trust me, okay?

Trust you?

This isn't about you.

It's about me now because I'm here.

And I am your best chance of walking out of here alive.

I don't need you.

Go on, get the hell out.



I'm not going to stop you.

Go, Olivia.

What the hell are you waiting for? Just get out!

Go on!

I'm not going anywhere.

What, are you crazy, huh?

Get out of there.

I promised your mother that nothing was going to happen to you.

I'm going to do my best to keep my word.

You keep my mother out of this.

You don't even know her.

She had everything to do with this because you pulled her into it.

And she's as involved as you are now.

Shut up. I want you to just shut up now!

She paid for your escape, Mike.

She gave you Lee's address.

She's in really deep.

If anybody goes near my mother, I'll k*ll you.

I'll k*ll both of you.

You understand me?

All right, McKenzie, green light.

sh**t the bastard.

McKenzie: Don't have a shot.

Can't isolate the target.

We take a shot through the wall?

Too risky, might ricochet.


Cragen: What's going on?


You can't sh**t with her in there.

This is my call.

And that is my detective in there.

You need to negotiate.

He's not going to talk to us.

He said if we contact him, he'll k*ll them.

Benson: Mike, listen to me.

You're not a m*rder*r.

Don't become one.

And you need to end this peacefully, Mike.

Don't give your mother any more grief.

She loves you.

She wants to see you again.

So why don't you put the g*n down and you and me are gonna walk out that door right now, okay?

My mother is the only one who believed in me.

She knows that I didn't do it.

She knows that he lied.

Why does she keep saying she is sorry for what you did to me?

What did you say, you little prick, huh?

Sit down! Sit!

She knows what you did to me.

Everyone knows what you did.

What have you told my... my son?

What have you told Danny?

Danny doesn't know anything.

He only found out that you were alive when you called the house today.

I've been waiting for years to see my boy and the whole time you've just been filling his head with lies.

McKenzie: Command, I have a shot.

Repeat, I have a shot.

McKenzie's got a shot.

Don't do it.

This isn't up to you.

They're talking.

Benson: I can help you.

Give her a chance.

Benson: You have to rust me.

Your mother sees your son.

Your mother sees Danny all the time.

McKenzie, hold your position.

Wait for my signal.

McKenzie: Roger that.

Benson: Yeah, she does.

She would've told me what he looks like.

She couldn't.

Carin made her promise not to.

It was the only way she would let your mother visit him.

Oh, no. You're just screwing with my head.

You're making things up.

My mother would have told me if she had ever seen Danny.

Lee: She knew that you were guilty.

That's why she didn't tell you.

She didn't want you messing with my little brother like you messed with me.

No. My mother never would've helped me escape if she thought I was guilty.

Your mother wants to see you before she dies.

And I can take you to her, but you got to let him go.

And then what?

Your pals sh**t me down?

No, 'cause you know what, I'm gonna walk out of here with you.

And you can use me as a shield, Mike.

You can use me as a shield.

Son of a bitch.

What the hell is she doing?

She's going to get herself k*lled.

She's connecting with him.

Baxter: See, I just don't trust cops.

You people believe what you want to believe, not the truth.

So what if somebody made a mistake?

Lee was young, he was traumatized.

I've seen it happen before.

L... I didn't make a mistake.

Yeah, but suppose somebody did make a mistake.

That makes you a victim.

I don't need your help.

I need his.

You sick bastard.

Lee. Lee.

You ruined my life!

I loved you like a son.

Your father walked out and I was always there for you. Always!

Lee: You wanted one thing and you used my mother to get it.

I never hurt you. Ever.

I want to talk to Carin.

You leave my mother alone.

She hates your lousy guts.

The phone is dead.

They cut it off.

They cut it off, but they can connect you.

Munch there yet?

He's waiting for instructions.

Tell him to prep Carin.

Get her ready.

Try to stay calm.

He's got Lee in there.

How can I be calm?

Munch: We can get him out safe, but we need your help.

Carin: I can't!

You've got to gather yourself.

Pull yourself together and do this.

Okay, okay.

All right.


Just gather yourself and do it.

Andy: Eckerson.

All set.

Stand by.

[Phone ringing]

Answer it.


It's Carin.


Hello, Mike.

They said you wanted to talk to me.

Is Lee all right?

I don't want to hurt him, Carin.

Carin: Well, what do you want?

To talk to Danny.

You know, when I first went to prison, I used to try to call all the time. I...

I wanted to have a picture of my son.

Carin, I didn't even know his name until today.

Danny, say hello to your father.



Hi, Danny.

I'm your dad.

Everybody said you were dead.

I hope someday that, uh, maybe I can explain everything to you.

Listen, whatever happens, uh, I think, uh, it's important for you to know that I love you.

And I loved you ever since the day you were born.

That's enough, Mike.

Now I let you talk to Danny.

Let Lee go.

No, no, no, not until you to listen to me.

You never would.


Carin, that night, I came home from work, and, uh, the police were waiting at our front door.

I mean, you never even gave me a chance to tell my side of the story.

You lying sack of...

Lee, you got to let him finish.

Shut your mouth.

Carin, you got to believe me.

I swear I never touched him.

All right, he's getting too emotional.

We're gonna cut the phone off before Baxter loses it and does somethin' crazy.

Hold on, hold on.

I never went into Lee's room, ever.

You snuck in my room and touched me every night.

You stop lying right now.

You're going to tell her it wasn't me!

Tell her!

Yes, you did.

You r*ped me and I hope that you burn in hell!

Give me the g*n.

I ought to k*ll you right now.

Green light.

Take your shot. Go!

Benson: Let's end it right now.

Andy: sh**t the bastard.

Benson: I'm going to take the g*n, Mike.

[g*n firing]


The b*llet grazed his aorta.

We had to put in a graft.

What are his chances?


We'll call if his condition changes.


So you heading back to Virginia?


My job's done.


Andy: Here comes trouble.

Look what you've done.

And you promised you wouldn't let them hurt my son.

All these years, I've had to lie to everyone.

Tell Lee I believe him, tell Danny his father's dead, tell my son I've never seen his child.

Michael has suffered for 10 years.

Did he tell you anything about what really happened?

He said that he didn't r*pe Lee.

What did Lee say?

He stuck to his story.

Why, he's lying.

Can't you tell that?

Andy: He put a g*n to her head.

You're lucky he's still alive.

You know that Michael is innocent.

Now, I told you where he was so you could help him, not execute him.

Why are you still here?

Oh, I just need to finish a few things.

No, what you need is a few days off.

And a visit to the Department shrink?

That's up to you.

I think you should go home.

I can't.

Something's not right.

Well, what's bothering you?

A couple of things.

Baxter could've fled to safety and instead he risked coming here.

He didn't want revenge, all he wanted was to talk to Lee.

Don't you mean terrorize Lee?

Put a g*n to his head and force him to recant?

I was in that room, Captain, and by the end, I didn't know what to believe.

Then believe the DNA, Olivia.

It says Baxter's guilty.

Actually, that's just what I was looking at.

Did you know that the Virginia crime lab that tested the DNA in Baxter's case is under investigation?

Let me see that.

Guy who heads it up, his name is Paul Wytko.

He was indicted for lying about his qualifications.

He personally handled Baxter's case.

Just because he faked his resume doesn't mean he fabricated evidence.

No harm in making sure.

All right. Call Warner, see if she knows anybody in that lab who can retest the sample.

But if the DNA doesn't exonerate Baxter, it's over.

Ten years ago, DNA testing was in its infancy.

The serologist would eyeball the results and determine a match visually.

So there was room for error.

The DNA should be identified by a code number to prevent biased results.

When Wytko tested Baxter's DNA, it wasn't a blind sample.

He knew the facts of the case.

Which means that he knew that Baxter was being charged with sodomizing an 11-year-old boy.

That makes it pretty hard to be objective.

Lab in Virginia retested the samples and emailed me the results.

Left is Baxter's.

Right is the sample taken from Lee's bed sheets.

That doesn't look like a match.

It's not.

Whose DNA is it?

I don't know.

But I compared Lee's DNA to the sample from the bed sheets just to make sure they were different.

And what'd you get?

Quite a surprise.

They're different, but they have the same Y-chromosome.

Lee and his r*pist are related.

Andy: Baxter's not guilty? Great.

I ordered the shot that could've k*lled an innocent man.

Andy, you didn't have a choice.

He's an escaped prisoner holding two hostages.

So who the hell r*ped Lee?

Somebody related to him on his father's side.

But the grandfather has been dead for 30 years and the dad moved to Europe when Lee was four.

What about uncles?

They'd have the same Y-chromosome.

There's only one, he moved to Vegas 12 years ago, nobody's heard from him since.

Which leaves us with Cousin Jeremy.

Guy who works with Carin?

I read the file.

He never lived in Virginia.

But according to Carin's statement to the Virginia police, he was visiting them.

Returned to New York the night before the r*pe.

Cops didn't see a reason to interview Jeremy.

We got one now.

I was there for two weeks over spring break, but I left before it happened.

Can anyone corroborate that?

What's this all about?

Just tying up loose ends.

You caught Baxter.

What do you want from me?

Your DNA.


It'd really help us out.

For exclusionary purposes.

To exclude what?

A couple of details that the Virginia police may have overlooked.

You gotta be kidding.

That pervert breaks out of jail, holds my cousin hostage, and now you want to put my family through more hell?

I'm guessing that's a no.

Damn right. You have the man that r*ped Lee.

Andy: Yeah. Standing right in front of me.

You're wrong.

No, I'm not.

Let's see you prove it.

You son of a bitch.

Benson: Andy! Andy!

You've been lying for 10 years.

Andy, let him go.

An innocent man almost died because of you.

Ten years of his life!

Benson: Andy, that's enough!

That's enough!

Stop it! Let him go!

Get the hell out!

Can you get us a warrant to test Jeremy's blood?

Are you sure you want me to?

Why wouldn't I?

Because I'd bet my paycheck Jeremy will counter with a brutality complaint.

What the hell did you tell her?

The truth.

The truth is he's a liar and he is a r*pist.

Okay, I'm trying to protect you and the integrity of this investigation.

I suggest you find a way to prove your case without a warrant for Jeremy's DNA.


You okay?

Just a bruise on my forehead, otherwise he didn't hurt me.

What about 10 years ago?

What is that supposed to mean?

You don't believe Baxter?

I believe DNA.

Good. Good. It was a match.

That's right, Lee.

It was a perfect match, but not to Baxter.

The lab made a mistake.

We retested it.

We know that it was Jeremy.

You're crazy.

Jeremy didn't r*pe me.

Lee, stop.

I understand that you're scared and I understand that you're embarrassed, but the lies have to end now.

I told you, Jeremy didn't r*pe me.

Well, then it was consensual?


I don't think you're hearing me.

Think of your little brother.

He's never even seen his father.

And your mother, believing all these years that the man she loved was a r*pist.

Please, just stop.

But the lies have to stop, Lee.

Now tell me what really happened.

Be a man and make things right.

We shared a room.

Jeremy got into my bed, and he touched me.

Things got out of hand.

I didn't know what to do.

When my mom saw the sheets, I panicked.

I didn't think she would call the police.

I was scared.

What was I supposed to do?

What was I supposed to do?

I was scared!


Please don't tell my mom.



[Door opening]

What have you done?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, it just came out and then it was too late to take it back. I'm sorry.

Mike loved you like his own son, and you stole 10 years of his life.

No, no.

He was not right for you.

We were doing great, just you and me.

You needed a father.

I needed you and Baxter was taking you away from me.

He got you pregnant.

You were going to go have your own family, and I was going to be left out.

I never meant to hurt you.

Mom, this is not your fault.

Yes, it is.

I raised a son with no heart.

This isn't right.

I didn't do anything.

Sure you did.

You obstructed justice, hindered prosecution, plus, you're a lying piece of crap.

We ain't gonna charge you with that one.

I'm not puttin' up with this.

Hey, my lawyers are going to sue you for brutality.

Be my guest, tough guy.

Kind of low on credibility there, Jeremy.

Lee told us everything.

What did you tell them?

What you did to me 10 years ago.

You're making it up.

You're confused.

You told me to keep it a secret so I made myself forget.

Do you know that I said it was Baxter so many times that I almost believed it myself?

But it was you.

We were just kids, okay?

We were just messing around.

With 10 years of someone else's life.

Come on, you're going to Booking.

I spoke to the Virginia DA about Sheila.

They're willing to settle for a nolo contendere plea for her role in the prison break.


What about Baxter?

If he recovers, Virginia will vacate the original sentence because he's innocent.

They'll give him time served for the prison break.

Well, either way, your work is done.

I could stay a couple of more days.

Andy, I don't think that's a good idea.

How about one drink before I leave?

It's not going to work between us.

Why not?


Because I have enough insanity in my life.

I need stability.

See you around, Liv.

Det. Benson.

How you doin'?

Not too bad, considering I got a hole in my chest.

Kind of wish the b*llet had hit my heart.

I can't go back to prison.

You're not.

We know that you didn't r*pe Lee.

It was his cousin Jeremy.

You can prove it?

Already have.

You're going to be a free man, Mike.

Your mother is on her way over here.

So is Carin, who's bringing Danny.

She wants him to get to know his father.
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