05x12 - Brotherhood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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05x12 - Brotherhood

Post by bunniefuu »

narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Marti: How many times have I gotta tell you?

No shutdowns.

We've got a problem with 8-G.

It's the only way...

Do you have any idea how much this is gonna cost us?

If I don't shut the t*nk down, the diffuser motor blows.

How much is that gonna cost us?

I got somethin'.

What is it?

Uni: Victim's a white male, late teens, early 20s.

Looks like something's been shoved up his...

You know.

Figured we ought to throw it to Special Victims.

Stabler: Good call.

What kind of security does this place have?

Uni: Building's locked up nights and weekends, but anyone with a pocketknife could break in.

I mean, who steals sewage?

Any luck ID-ing the victim?

No wallet, no clothes, no nothin'.

Keep lookin'.

All right.

Marti: The diffuser creates artificial turbulence in the aeration tanks, and the swirlin' action keeps solids from rising to the surface.

So that's why the body didn't float.

How long would decomposition take?

There's about 10 trillion microorganisms in that sludge.

Anything organic, they eat.

Best guess, about a week.

The body's still intact.

I bet the microbes had enough time to eat up all our trace evidence.

Whoever dumped our victim really knew their crap.

[Camera clicks]

Judging from the putrefaction of the abdominal cavity, I'd say the body went in the water about 36 hours ago.

So, late Saturday night.

Do we know how he died?

Blunt force trauma to the head.

Sewage washed away most of our evidence, but I did find this embedded in the victim's scalp.



Our m*rder w*apon was CorningWare?


Didn't find any glass at the site.

Must've been m*rder*d somewhere else.

He was also sodomized with something that caused severe lacerations to his anus.

Okay. Something like what?

Won't know till I open him up.

But I found this on his arm.

A tattoo?

The body was too bloated from immersion to identify it at first.

I had to remove five layers of epidermis to get a clear look at the ink.

Those look like Greek letters.

Tau Omega Fraternity.

I found your John Doe in the fraternity face book.

My husband's Alpha Phi Alpha.

He keeps his Greek Directory right next to his Harry Potter hard covers.

Okay. "Tyler Henry.

Treasurer of the Pan Hellenic Council."

Ran it through Missing Persons.

One of his housemates, Rob Sweeney, reported him missing yesterday.

[Bell tolling]

I knew something was up when he didn't show up for pong night last Saturday.

Rob, do you always call the cops when someone misses a beer bash?

Ty was Pledge Master this year.

He'd been planning it since August.

Man, what am I gonna tell his dad?

We'll notify Tyler's parents.

You know where we can find them?

They're divorced.

Mom lives in Maine, Dad's a partner in a law firm uptown.

I want to tell him.

He should hear it from a brother.

Tyler's dad is Tau Omega?

Class of '74.

Pretty cool for an old guy.

Let me borrow his Jag for a job interview in Hartford last week.

He and Tyler get along?

Are you kidding?

They were pals.

I guess Dad is pretty cool.

Not that cool.

Xander only paid tuition.

He's big on learning the value of the dollar.

So how did Tyler, uh, pay for all this?

Rob: Doing web design, hosting sites, net-geek kind of crap.

Must've been pretty damn good at it.

Or he was supplementing his income.

So how much do you figure is in the Pan Hellenic treasury?

$70,000, maybe $80,000.

But he wasn't stealing from the Council if that's what you're thinking.

He was just good with money.

Look, it's all right here.

Echevarria: Your victim was a lot of things, but he wasn't a thief.

Stabler: So where did he get his money?

$40,000 came via direct deposit from a variety of web retailers.

He couldn't have made that much designing websites.

He didn't. He made it off his own site.

"The Rack Menagerie."


"Wet T-shirt contests.

Girl on girl action."

He made money from porn.

Technically, no.

Accessing the video is free.

The money was coming from advertisers.

$40,000 in pop-up ads and banners last year.

Don't tell me, ads for hardcore porn sites.

So Tyler would show the voyeurs a free sample and then they'd have to pay for the real deal.

The funny thing is, he had plenty of the real deal to show.

Here's Tyler's other website.

He calls it his "Free Fun House."

Hi, everybody.

You're about to see Joanne in action.

She's a freshman from Chicago. Shh.

She's not the only one.

He taped himself having sex with a dozen different girls: Black, Asian, blonde, brunette.

Even got one with pink hair.

Okay, we'll need pictures of all the girls, and a list of Tyler's advertisers starting with the locals, if you got them.

[People chattering]

Moose: So Tyler Henry's dead.


You want a tissue?

He was a good kid, made me a lot of dough.

I thought you paid to advertise on his website.

Yeah. But I wouldn't have had nothing to advertise if he didn't dream up Ladies' Night.

"Ladies' Night at Moose's Pub. Wednesdays.

"Free cover and two-for-one drinks for the ladies.

$10 cover for the gentlemen.

Doors close at 11:00."

That's when the wet T-shirt contest starts.

Hotties are tanked up by then, guys cheer them on.

I clear $3,000 on what used to be a dead night.

Tyler videotapes the show and uses it for promotion.

Kid was a genius.

Any of the hotties get upset with kid genius for plastering their goods all over the lnternet?

You'll have to talk to Tyler's dad about that.

Fin: What's he got to do with it?

He represented Ty and me the time we had a problem.

Excuse me.

[People chattering]

Thank you for your sympathy.


It's hard enough losing a son, then you have to spend an entire day making a million decisions about the service.

Mr. Henry, we're sorry for your loss.

Det. Munch. Tutuola.

You have a lead?

We need to ask you about Tyler's legal problems with his website.

You think that had something to do with his m*rder?

Munch: We're not sure.

What happened?

A girl threatened to sue Ty to shut down his site.

Didn't have a leg to stand on.

She stripped in a public place, zero expectation of privacy.

A court in Texas awarded a girl who stripped in a bar $5 million.

Ruled she had a right to privacy.

They ruled a video company couldn't profit from distributing her likeness.

The footage from Ty's site was free.

He wasn't makin' any money from distribution.

You didn't have any problem with your son exploiting drunk college girls?

My son is dead.

You should be out looking for his k*ller instead of questioning his ethics.

He was running a perfectly legal business.

Which might have had something to do with why he was k*lled.

Her name is Chloe Spiers.

One minute you're having a couple of drinks with some friends, the next thing you know, you're all over the lnternet like some... some kind of porn queen.

Chloe, you took off your clothes in public.

Nobody forced you to do that.

Yeah, well, 50 guys feed you booze all night.

Then they carry you on their shoulders to the stage and shine a spotlight on you.

What do you call that?

I got drunk. I got stupid.

How well did you know Tyler?

Just from that night.

Seemed like a nice enough guy.

Did you talk to him after he put your video on the lnternet?

I asked him to take it off.

I could have lost my scholarship if Coach saw it.

That must have pissed you off when Tyler wouldn't take that video off the site.

Huh, you think?

Chloe, where were you Saturday night?

We had an away game.

Got myself a triple double.

Beat Penn 82-45.

[People chattering]

So at the time of the m*rder, our prime suspect was in Philly.

So maybe she had someone do her dirty work for her.

No boyfriend.

Fin's checkin' on the family.

What happened to keggers, anyway?

I mean college kids don't even party anymore.

They're busy makin' money organizing strip shows and selling porn on the web.

We live in perverted times, my friend.

How many girls pose topless on that website, and how many of them had a problem with it?

One. Chloe.

Just because the others didn't sue doesn't mean they were any less exploited.

You think all the girls on that site felt violated?

Pretty much, yeah.

Oh, please.

Our culture teaches women the easiest way to become rich and famous is to objectify themselves.

Why get a job or an education when you can become the next winner on The Bachelor?

It's the new American dream.

Chloe's not the only one with a motive.

Cragen: Who else?

Chloe's father, Vernon.

He did three years at Sing Sing for as*ault and battery.

He's got collared last week after he busted into Tyler's fraternity and took a swing at him.

That sounds like a winner.

It gets better then that.

Our man Vernon took a job as a truck driver when he got out of the pen.

Spent the last year delivering furniture from a warehouse four blocks away from the treatment plant.

Vernon: I was making deliveries till midnight.

On a Saturday?

I can't even get Domino's to deliver past 10:00 p.m.

We pride ourselves on service.

What's going on?

That frat kid you tried to beat up last week, we found his body this morning.

I had nothing to do with that.

But you're not sorry he's dead, right?

The kid deserved a good ass-whooping.

Don't mean I k*lled him.

I get it.

Some rich punk takes advantage of your little girl, you go to teach him a lesson, it gets out of hand.

No. You got the wrong guy.

If you ask me, [cell phone ringing]

Your daughter's a very fortunate girl.

She goes into a bar full of horny guys, does a striptease, she's lucky nothing worse happened.

Nothing worse?

That son of a bitch humiliated her.

Come on, she knew the camera was there.

She knew what she was doing.

Hey, hey, hey.

Take it easy, Vern.

Let's take a little ride down to the precinct.

Medical Examiner got some evidence she wants to talk to you about.

What evidence, huh?

Come on, let's turn.

What evidence?

Warner: Two kinds of fibers in your victim's a**l cavity.

It took me all day to match the samples with anything in our library.

Plate "A" is a strand of hair.

The k*ller's?

Only if he's related to Seabiscuit.

[Phone ringing]

The hair found in your victim is horsehair.

Mongolian stallion, to be precise.

So maybe a sex toy, a... a whip, or a cat-o'-nine-tails?

Not a bad guess.

A lot of floggers are made with horsehair.

Usually attached to leather, though.

Our horsehair was bound to a rare wood known as Pernambuco.

Imported exclusively from Brazil for the manufacture of violins and violin bows.

He was sodomized with a violin bow?

[Man chattering]

Been checkin' online.

A violin bow like the one used on Tyler costs over $3,000.

Vernon Spiers doesn't make that in a month.

Could be he stole it.

Or maybe it was just handy.

Tyler play the violin?

Checked with his dad.


Yeah. Only one place in the city makes these fancy violin bows.

Sold one last semester to some rich kid at Wallace University.

Name's Nathan Angeli.

He's a pledge at Tau Omega.

[Phone ringing]

Gentlemen, I'm looking for Nathan Angeli.

[Birds chirping]

[People chattering]

[Bell tolling]

Guys, police.

Nathan Angeli.

Not a word, Pledge.

Eyes front.

Sorry about that.

It's Quiet Day.

Pledges aren't allowed to speak.

Benson: Well, make an exception.

We need to talk to Nathan Angeli.

Nathan's history.

The brothers voted him out last week.


What happens during pledging stays within the fraternity.

I can't get into it.

Come here.

I suggest you do get into it before I arrest you for obstruction.

What do you think of that?

Pledge Patsy, tell the officers why Pledge Nancy's bid was withdrawn.

You may speak, Pledge Patsy.

Sir, Pledge Nancy's bid was withdrawn because he didn't understand the concepts of unity and bonding, sir.

What the hell does that mean?

Meaning no one wanted him around if all he was gonna do was whine.

Benson: Where can we find him?

Webster Dorm.

Nathan Angeli?

I'm his roommate, Will.

Benson: You mind if we come in?

Rather late to be getting out of bed.

Yeah, I pulled an all-nighter.

Look, um, Nathan's not here.

I can tell him you came by.

Chemistry experiment?

Oh, man, you can't tell my parents about that.

They'll freak.


Take a look at this.

This yours?

It's Nathan's.

He used to play.

He quit last month when he was started pledging.

Mind if we take it with us?

Well, um, you can't.

It's not mine.

Well, I'll tell you what.

How about we take that bong, and you?

Okay. The violin's cool.

Benson: Where's your roommate?

He's probably with Alicia, this chick...

Uh, girl...

Woman he's been dating.

Excuse me. We're lookin' for Alicia Morley.

I'm Alicia.

I'm Det. Benson. This is my partner Det. Stabler.

Uh, I was just gonna brush my teeth. What's up?

Know where we can find Nathan Angeli?

Is he in trouble?

We just want to talk to him about a friend of his.

Tyler Henry.

You know him?


Then how did he end up with a video of you and him having sex?

Oh, my God.

You saw it?

Uh, yeah.

He was a total pervert.

I didn't know he was taping us.


I dumped his ass as soon as I found out.

Alicia, did you take these pictures?

For a class.

I'm an Eco Science major. Why?

Does Nathan know about this place?

He drove me there.

Look, Nathan had nothing to do with Ty getting k*lled.

He was with me.

We didn't tell you when Tyler died.


He's been with me every second all week.

[Laptop beeping]

"I thought you were meeting me."

Is this from Nathan?


Where were you meeting him?

Cannon Cafe.

By the bookstore.

Nathan Angeli.

Are you Nathan Angeli?

Uh, that's me.

And you are?

Arresting you.

Turn around.

Turn it off.

I've seen it.


Tyler showed it to the pledges.

He knew me and Alicia were a thing, so it was like: "Let's watch a tape of me doing it with Pledge Nancy's girlfriend."

Just to piss you off, huh?

I was a pledge.

Making me miserable was his mission in life.

So, Nathan, what did you do to get kicked out of the pledge class?

Ty didn't like pledges who spoke their minds.

Best thing that ever happened, anyway.

Alicia hated the fraternity.

So that's why you k*lled him?

Alicia put you up to it?

You gotta be kidding me.

Ty was a pig, but that's no reason to k*ll him.

So who dumped his body at the water treatment plant last Saturday night?

How should I know?

We were at the movies.

That's just a coincidence that Tyler ended up at the same facility you'd been researching?

I don't know.

I can't explain it.

Fin: Then how do you explain that?

What's that?

Fibers we found inside Tyler.

They match your violin bow.

You shoved that bow so far up your buddy's backside, you left wood and horsehair up there.

That is sick.

And... and it wasn't me.

My bow's in its case.

Your fancy one's missing.

The cheap replacement was in the case.


So l... I stepped on the old one so I threw it out.

I wasn't gonna spend $3,000 to replace it.

You should've replaced your violin strings, too.

Your bow left hair residue on them.

It matches the hairs we found inside Tyler.

I didn't k*ll Tyler.

But Nathan did, didn't he?

And you better start tellin' us what happened or you're both goin' to jail.

You hear me?

It was Will.

Nathan's roommate?

Alicia: He called my place around midnight.

He was freaking out, he said he needed to talk to Nathan.

How did Will know Tyler?

He pledged with Nathan, but quit last month.

[Door opening]

Nathan's still not givin' us anything.

You get hold of Will?

No one on campus has seen Will for the last couple of hours.

He's not in his room, not in class, not in the library.

What about Nathan and Alicia's alibi?

Checks out.

The concessions manager at the theatre remembers the pink hair.

LUDs also confirms a phone call from Will's cell phone to Alicia's room at 12:55 a.m.

So Will's our guy.

This is the ER at Bellevue.

Will gave Nathan as his emergency contact.

He just drove his car into a wall.


Hey. Excuse me.

Where are you takin' him?

To surgery.

He's ruptured his spleen.

Give me one second, please.

Will, Will, can you hear me?


It's the violin cops.

Benson: Will, did you k*ll Tyler?

Look, we know you called Nathan.

We know he went to help you.

Did you k*ll Tyler?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

Cohen: Docket number 101771.

People V. William Caray.

One count m*rder in the second degree.

Let the record show that we are at the Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward where the defendant is recovering from life-threatening injuries.

How do you plead, Mr. Caray?

[Cardiograph beeping]

Not guilty.

Novak: The defendant seems to have forgotten he confessed to the crime, Your Honor.

His parents are extremely wealthy.

He's a significant flight risk.

The People request remand.

He's looking at six months of physical therapy in a rehabilitation center.

He's not going anywhere.

Cohen: Let's make sure of that.

Mr. Caray will surrender his passport and wear a monitoring device at all times.

Bail is set at $200,000.

And if there's nothing else, I'd like to get back to my courtroom.

Kressler: Man One.

He serves five to seven.

I have a confession and a pile of evidence.

No deal.

There are mitigating circumstances.

My client just tried to k*ll himself.

Doesn't make him any less of a m*rder*r.

Will Caray is the victim here.

He just attempted su1c1de because he was suffering from r*pe trauma syndrome.

Since when was Will Caray r*ped?

Tyler Henry sexually assaulted Will when he was making his pledge for Tau Omega.

Why didn't Will go to the police?

Because he was ashamed and embarrassed.

Like most r*pe victims.

How lucky for your defense he finally decided to talk about his ordeal.

Do you know what tea bagging is?

Do I want to?

Tyler Henry made his pledges get on their knees so he could rub his testicles across their faces.

Disgusting, but not r*pe.

He sodomized Will with a pledge paddle.

That is r*pe.

Can you prove it?

Of course not.

Because, conveniently, your client k*lled his alleged r*pist.

You don't believe me?

Have your shrink talk to him.
[Phone ringing]

Why do we have to do this?

My lawyer already told you what happened?

Huang: Yeah. He said you and Tyler went down to the basement of the frat house, where Tyler sodomized you.

Did he force you to go down there?

No, he just grabbed his paddle, said it was time to make me a man.

He ordered you to take your pants down and quote: "Assume the position."

And you did.


Pledge master says, "Jump," you say, "How high?"

So you were just going to take whatever punishment he dished out?

Even if it meant being sodomized with a paddle?

Did you tell him to stop?


Why not?

I was afraid he'd hurt me worse if I complained.

Why didn't you quit?

I didn't want to be a wuss.

But you quit later.

I was sick and tired of his crap.

I didn't want to take it anymore.

Is that why you k*lled him?

I didn't mean to.

He came over to my place.

He started yelling, calling me a quitter, pushing me around.

I thought he was gonna r*pe me again.

So I grabbed a blender and I hit him.

Will, he was just lying there.

Why did you s*domize him with the violin bow?

I wanted to do to him what he did to me.

Because you were still angry?


You let him r*pe you, didn't you, Will?


He's a text-book example of r*pe trauma syndrome.

He was r*ped, but like most victims he blames himself for not trying harder to stop the attack.

Except Will didn't fight back.

All he had to do to stop the alleged r*pe was quit pledging.

And make himself a social outcast.

None of his frat rat buddies would have gone anywhere near him.

Doesn't get worse for a scared freshman.

Initiation is all about making the pledges prove themselves as men.

If you fail, you're not a man.

How does shoving a paddle up his tailpipe prove anything?

It's about dominance.

Like a r*pist wanting to feel power over a woman.

Same reason they give the pledges girls' names.

Okay, say Tyler did s*domize Will.

Where's the paddle?

I'm not considering a plea without proof.

We're gonna need warrants.

Search orders, phone records.

You'll have them.

But find the paddle, or a corroborating witness.

Otherwise, I'm indicting Will for m*rder Two.

No way Tyler r*ped Will.

He went a little medieval sometimes, especially during encounter sessions, but he'd never do something like that.

What's an encounter session?

Uh, Ty and one of the brothers would take a pledge down to the basement.

They'd smack you around, see how much you'd put up with.

But someone was always there with Ty to make sure it didn't get out of hand.

Someone like who?

L... I don't know.

They... they keep the basement dark, there's, uh, there's loud music.

I'm... I'm sorry.

L... I got a midterm.

[People chattering]

He doesn't want to get the brothers in trouble.

If he keeps lyin' about what happened in that frat house, he's the one who's going to be in trouble.

I'll talk to him.

You do whatever you have to do. But I'm telling you, if he doesn't start cooperating with us, Nathan's gonna wind up in jail.

That was Fin.

The lab found nothing on the paddles that were seized from the frat.

They've searched Xander Henry's apartment.

Tyler spent a lot of time there with his dad.

There's nothing there, either.

Both the alleged victim and his best friend say there was no r*pe.

Stabler: Nathan's covering.

He's still trying to show his frat buddies what a stand-up guy he is.

There is no case here.

Why are we even debating this?

We're waiting on the LUDs from both places.


[People chattering]

Is everything okay?

I got what you wanted.

What is this?

The Tau Omega initiation ledger.

They keep a journal of what they do to the pledges.

This one goes back to the '70s.

Did you steal this?

It has everything you need to know to nail the Taus.

I can't accept it.

It's all here.

And not just pledging stuff, either.

It's like an instruction manual.

"Spike a girl's beer with grain alcohol "and watch her eyes roll over.

"Tell her she can sleep it off upstairs "and let the games begin.

Just make sure you dress her again when you're done."

Please. Just read it.

We've made cases before with stolen evidence.


Let's roll the dice.

"I think we cracked Pledge Susie's skull tonight "playing hammer ball.

"We couldn't wake him up, so we dumped him outside the ER."

Where did this come from?

An informant.

Every entry's worse than the last.

It's like each pledge class wanted to outdo the one before it.

"Pledge Kathy was being a weenie tonight, "so we showed him what we do to weenies.

"He'll crap blood tomorrow, but we'll make a man out of him yet."

That entry's dated the day Will Caray says he was r*ped.

This wasn't an initiation.

This is pure sadism.

We should close these idiots down.

Does the ledger give any names?

Just frat pseudonyms.

And what's Tyler's?

The Pledge Master is referred to as Brother Dahmer.

Oh, that's cute.

What do you want to do, Counselor?

Well, I was wrong about Will's r*pe trauma defense.

I'll plead him out. Man Two.

And with this evidence, he'll probably get five years probation.

It's getting off pretty easy for m*rder.

If Will Caray was a woman who k*lled her r*pist, would it be an issue?

The question is, what do we do about the frat?

And Tyler Henry's already been punished.

He's dead. But you know I bet he didn't act alone.

You're right.

Day of Will's r*pe, two frat boys ran the initiation.

Brother Dahmer and Brother Kong.

Who's Brother Kong?

He's the guy who's been writing in the ledger this year.

Let's get him.

Even if he guarded the door, he's still an accessory to r*pe.

Will should be able to tell us his real name.

Yes. So should Nathan Angeli.

I told you, I don't know anything about Will being r*ped.

Nathan, do you know anything about pledges being dragged unconscious to the hospital?


A copy of the Tau Omega initiation ledger.

"We dumped Pledge Susie by the ER doors.

"Pledge Nancy dropped his legs twice "so I had to take a hockey stick to his knuckles."

You were Pledge Nancy.

We're not discussing a deal until I've had a chance to look through that.

Knock yourself out.

Your client knows exactly what it says.

You're already on the hook for helping Will dump Tyler Henry's body.

That's hindering prosecution, two and a third to seven.

With this, I've got a shot at as*ault, depraved indifference, maybe even conspiracy to commit r*pe.


You gotta help me out.

What are you offering?

Suspended sentence.

No jail time.

In exchange for Nathan's testimony against the fraternity.


You've got a deal.


Who is Brother Kong?

[Clearing throat]


Rob Sweeney.

Rob: Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!

Faster! Faster! Faster!

Detectives, you want a beer?

Anybody who doesn't wanna be arrested for underage drinking, I suggest you leave now.

Rob Sweeney, you're under arrest for aggravated sexual abuse.

I didn't abuse anybody.

What do you call beating up a pledge with a hockey stick?

Pledge hockey?

You have the right to remain silent, smart-ass.

You give that up, anything you say will be used against you in the court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

In the unlikely event that Daddy can't afford one for you, the court will appoint one to you.

Weren't you people ever young?

Don't you know the difference between a harmless prank and as*ault?

Why don't you explain it to me?

But speak up 'cause I'm starting to lose my hearing.

Not another word, Rob.

I want to see your arrest warrant.

Mr. Henry, you can't represent this client.


Because I might expose the fact that you cut a sweetheart deal with a m*rder*r, and now you've decided to prosecute an innocent kid?

No. Because Mr. Sweeney's abuse of Will led directly to your son's death.

That's a clear conflict of interest.

Xander: She's letting my son's k*ller go.

Mr. Henry can't be an objective advocate.

He has a personal stake in this.

He's the m*rder victim's father, he's representing the interests of his son.

It's incentive, not conflict.

My son would want his best friend acquitted and his k*ller's ludicrous defense discredited.

There's no diverging interest.

He's right.

But it's your call, Mr. Sweeney.

The court will grant you a continuance if you want to find a new attorney.

I don't, Your Honor.

The record will show Mr. Sweeney waived his right to alternate counsel.

Is there anything else?

Motion to suppress the Tau Omega ledger as an illegal seizure, Your Honor.

Det. Stabler received the ledger from an informant...

Alicia Morley, who broke into the Tau House and vandalized it to the tune of $4,000 and stole the ledger.

Even if the ledger had been stolen, that doesn't automatically make it inadmissible.

It is inadmissible if she was acting as an agent of the police.

Alicia came to the police on her own.

After Det. Stabler told her to do whatever she had to to help the police make their case.

Which means she was acting under his direction.

Which means the ledger is inadmissible.

Preston: I agree.

Motion to suppress granted.

The ledger is out.

Tyler's dad came to see me.

He said I was gonna get arrested for stealing the ledger.

I freaked.

I told him I was just doing what you told me.

Oh, I didn't tell you to steal anything.

And I sure as hell didn't tell you to vandalize the fraternity.

I swear, I didn't wreck the place.

Then who did?

I don't know. Tyler's dad said I was going to go to jail.

I'm sorry.

I was just trying to help.

I think the brothers vandalized their house and made it look like a break-in.

Well, criminal trespass is just a slap on the wrist.

Felony vandalism on the other hand buys you three years in jail.

Xander scares Alicia into saying I told her to steal the ledger, makes the ledger disappear.

Then you gotta challenge her statement.

Tell the court you never told Alicia to steal anything.

Olivia will back you.

Alicia goes to jail for trying to help us.

I don't think so.

Without the ledger, all we have is the testimonies of Nathan and Will.

And they've seen Sweeney in action.

Let them just paint the picture for the jury.

Oh, the word of two fallen pledges against the all-American fraternity.

Xander Henry will say they're lying.

I can't prove otherwise.

I lose.

Casey, Rob Sweeney enjoys causing pain.

This is a bad guy who needs to be put away.

I-I'll do what I can.

But in the meantime, you and Olivia keep looking, all right.

Find me something I can use to nail the bastard.

[People chattering]

Will: Rob would make us stand naked in the snow.

He'd hit us with hockey sticks.

Kick us sometimes.

A couple of guys wound up in the ER.

How was Tyler Henry involved?

Tyler was Pledge Master.

He made sure we did everything Rob told us to do.

Tell the jury what happened on the night of December 5.

Rob and Tyler took me to the basement.

Rob said they wanted to see if I was man enough to take a good paddling.

So I took my pants down and Ty paddled me.

Novak: What did the defendant do?

Will: He kicked me, he flicked lit cigarettes at me, said, "Hit him harder, hit him harder."

When Tyler wouldn't, he grabbed the paddle.

And he called me a q*eer.

What did he do then?

He grabbed the paddle, and he turned it around and stuck the handle in me.

He was like: "Are you gonna quit now, f*g?

Are you gonna quit now?"

When he was finished, I heard Ty tell him that I was bleeding.

Novak: What did Mr. Sweeney have to say about that?

He said, "What do you expect from a woman?"

Thank you.

Nothing further.

Why did you k*ll Tyler?

I was afraid he was going to r*pe me again.

But you just said that it was Rob who r*ped you.

Why be afraid of Tyler?

Because he was a part of it.

He did whatever Rob told him to.

Well, if Tyler didn't r*pe you, then why did you tell your lawyer that he did?

Because I didn't want to get Rob in trouble.

So you lied?

Will: Yes.

And you told the same lie to the police psychiatrist, Dr. Huang?


And now you're lying to the jury?

No, I'm telling the truth.

Truth is, you cut a deal with the police, and you'll tell any lie, blame anyone, just to save your own skin.


Xander: Withdrawn.

Nothing further.

While you were pledging Tau Omega, please describe what the defendant would make you do.

Push-ups, jumping jacks, stuff like that.

Push-ups, jumping jacks...

What else?

That... that was basically it.

Novak: You were never paddled?

Or forced to stand in the snow?

Or made to drink until you threw up?

I wasn't forced. L... I did it because I wanted to.

Your Grand Jury testimony: "We had to stand in the snow so long, "I thought I'd freeze to death.

Rob made us drink so much, I puked for three days."

You were forced to do these things.

Or are you changing your testimony?

No. No, we... we had to, but it was... it was fun.

Rob didn't make us do anything we weren't okay with.

What's that on your jacket, Nathan?

It's my pledge pin.

You were invited back to Tau Omega?


As long as you didn't testify against Rob Sweeney.


Preston: Sustained.

Novak: Nothing further.

So Nathan changes his story and you're gonna let him walk?

He violated the terms of the deal.

No, he didn't lie.

He just gave a different interpretation of events.

We can't arrest him.

Okay, so we've still got the weekend.

What can we do?

I have to convince the jury that Will Caray was r*ped, and that Rob Sweeney did it.

But without another witness or some physical evidence, I'm sunk.

I called every single member of that pledge class.

Nobody would talk.

Stabler: Checked out the LUDs.

Tau Omega's, Will and Henry's, Tyler's home.

The only thing that doesn't add up is a bunch of calls from the mortuary to Xander Henry's home.

Six of them in the last 48 hours.

Three weeks after the funeral.

Check it out.

I kept calling and calling.

This jerk Henry wouldn't return my messages.

What was so important?

We always double-check with the family before incinerating any personals.


Mementos people put in the coffin.

Photos, letters, that kind of thing.

Guy finally calls back yesterday, says he doesn't have time to come down, just burn everything.

Have you done it yet?

Waiting in line.

Be my guest.

[Car honking]

Letterman's jacket, high-school yearbook.


"For the after-party."

Someone tried to bleach it clean, but it's your paddle, all right.

I found traces of blood and fecal matter deep in the grain of the wood.

Does it match Will Caray?

It's definitely his DNA.

That's my property.

You had no right to seize it.

And you told the funeral home to burn it.

That makes it discarded property.

We can do whatever we want with that.

Have those lab results faxed over to my office.


Stabler: Spin it any way you want.

You know Rob Sweeney's guilty.

I've known Rob since he was a freshman.

He's a good kid.

He's a r*pist.

You know that's some nice ink on your arm.

How many men in your platoon got heat stroke or broken bones trying to earn that tattoo?

You were pushed as far as you could go so you would bond as a unit.

That's what a fraternity is all about.

Rob Sweeney doesn't give a damn about bonding.

You've read the ledger.

That's just talk.

He wrote down exactly what he did, and that paddle proves he r*ped Will Caray, and sent your son over to his apartment to beat on him some more.

Or was it you who told Tyler to go over there?

Why would I do that?

You tell me. It's your phone records that show you spoke to your son twice on the day he was m*rder*d.

Did you call to give him your little pep talk on bonding?

What we talked about is none of your business.

A Pledge Master whose pledge quits on him.

That's got to be the ultimate failure, huh?

So you told Tyler to bring Will Caray back into the fold any way he had to.

But Tyler didn't want to, did he?

He knew Sweeney had gone too far.

I didn't believe what Ty was telling me.

Because you didn't know what Sweeney was doing.

Now you do.

Sweeney caused all of this.

Your son's death.

How can you defend him?

It's my job.

Mr. Sweeney, have you seen this before?

That's Tyler Henry's fraternity paddle.

Why was Will Caray's blood found on the handle?

Tyler shoved the paddle into Will.

Will Caray said you sodomized him with the paddle.

No. I tried to stop Ty.

Will was drunk.

He was confused.

Why did you put the paddle in Tyler Henry's casket?

Ty loved his fraternity.

He would have wanted to have been buried with his paddle.

The police searched Tau Omega for the paddle.

Why didn't you tell them where it was?

I didn't want them calling Ty a r*pist on top of everything else.

So you put the paddle in his casket to keep the police from finding it?


Because you knew it implicated you in the r*pe of Will Caray?

No, I was trying to protect Ty.

Of course you were.

Nothing further.

Did Tyler Henry r*pe Will Caray?


As president of the fraternity, have you ever intentionally hurt one of your pledges?


You've never made a pledge stand for hours in the snow or hit them with a hockey stick?

No, never.

And you never instructed one of the brothers to physically hurt a pledge?

Sidebar, Your Honor.

The witness just denied beating pledges with a hockey stick, but in the Tau Omega ledger he said, and I quote: "Pledge Nancy dropped his legs twice, so I had to take a hockey stick to his knuckles."

The People move to readmit the ledger in rebuttal.

The ledger was illegally seized.

It's inadmissible.

It was until you opened the door.

Then I'll withdraw the question, we'll strike the witness's response.

You can't un-ring the bell, Mr. Henry.

The ledger's back in.

Mr. Sweeney, you have stated under oath that it was Tyler Henry who r*ped Will Caray.

Is that right?


Please read the highlighted passage.

Go ahead.


Louder, please.

So the jury can hear you.

"Pledge Kathy was being a weenie tonight, "so we showed him what we do to weenies.

"He'll crap blood tomorrow, but we'll make a man out of him yet."

Who was Pledge Kathy?

Will Caray.

Please continue.

"Pledge Master Dahmer paddled Pledge Kathy for about 20 minutes."

Pledge Master Dahmer being Tyler Henry?


"I kicked the pledge "and I burned him with my smoke, "but he still wouldn't break.

"So I took the paddle.

"And I jammed it into him.


"Dahmer said to stop, but I kept going "until Pledge Kathy cried like a girl.

"Dahmer saw the kid was bleeding "and he stopped me.

"Just like a bitch to be on the rag during initiation."

You wrote that entry, didn't you?

Novak: Mr. Sweeney.

You r*ped Will Caray, didn't you?


You did it on purpose.

[People chattering]

Did what?

Let the ledger back in.

That would be a breach of ethics.

Was it because he called Tyler a r*pist, or because he caused his death?

I defended my client to the best of my abilities.

For what it's worth, you did the right thing.

It really used to be about brotherhood.
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