05x23 - Bound

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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05x23 - Bound

Post by bunniefuu »

narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

You understand, there's no wiggle room on the price.

Well, I'd like to see it before we talk numbers.

A brownstone like this won't stay on the market for long.

What happened here?

Oh, God.

Donna! Call for help.

L... I need the police.

Two people are dead.

Sutton: Help.


H-Help me.

Dead lady's Donna Brooks, 70.

No sign of forced entry, no security cameras.

r*ped and strangled.

Lumalite show traces of semen.

Okay. Dispatch said that you had a live one.

Old guy's Richard Sutton.

EMS is treating him out there.

Don't know why he was here.

What happened to him?

Possible heart attack.

Marks? Bruises?

Not that we could see.

Is he stable enough to talk?

Yeah, but we gotta get him to Saint Vincent's.

You can ride along.

I'm Det. Stabler.

Can you tell me what happened?

Sutton: Donna, Donna.

Mr. Sutton, tell me what happened.

God, I'm sorry.

For what?

I'm sorry.

[Machine beeping]

Mr. Sutton?

We lost his pulse.

We got another heart attack?

He's in V-fib.

You know CPR?


Start chest compressions.

Grab the paddles.

Did he say anything to you two inside?

Just that his chest was k*lling him.

Back away. Clear.

Still in V-fib.

I'll shock him again.

[Police siren wailing]


Olson: Got a rhythm and a pulse.

Benson: What the hell happened?

Olson: Okay. Let's get him in.

Heart attack.

Is that the victim?

No. More like the perp.

Richard Sutton is still unconscious.

He's in Cardiac Intensive Care.

Lives alone on the Upper East Side.

Neighbors say he keeps pretty much to himself.

What's he doing hanging around with the queen of the charity balls?

He's a good-looking guy, Donna Brooks is a wealthy widow, maybe he's her boyfriend.

So this could be a domestic dispute?

It makes sense.

There's no obvious signs of robbery or forced entry.

Donna and Richard have sex, they argue, it gets violent, he murders her, and then has a heart attack from all the excitement.

Or he finds her dead body, then has a heart attack.

The victim's family should know if she and Sutton were involved.

Her daughter Joset is on her way in right now from Jersey.

The marks on her neck are distinctive.

You find the ligature?

No. But CSU's checking for all possibles in the victim's house: Lamp cords, belts, drapery pulls.

Warner give us a time of death?

Benson: Based on rigor and body temp, she puts it at 10:00 last night.

Cragen: Okay. Keep on CSU for the ligature report.


Right this way.

Excuse me, I'm, uh, here about my mother, Donna Brooks.

Stabler: Why was your mother selling her brownstone?

Because I forced her to.

She liked her independence, but I wanted her to spend the time she had left with me and her grandkids.

She was sick.


She had less than a year.

When was the last time you spoke with her?

I called her this morning, but I got the machine.

I just figured she was exercising.

She was that strong?

She worked out every morning at 5:00.

She said she... she wanted to stay fit because there was a lot of competition for a good man.

Your mom dated a lot?

This is just so embarrassing.

So your mother was sexually active?

Joset: With all sorts of men.

Did she ever mention the name Richard Sutton?

No. I've never heard of him.

But that doesn't mean anything.

I told her to be more careful.

Benson: Was there anyone special?

Harvey Cohen.

He was an instructor at Hot to Trot.

He taught her how to tango.

Benson: Excuse me. Can you tell me which one Harvey Cohen is?

He's right there.

Right there. Thank you.

Harvey Cohen?


Mind if I cut in?

Phil, take over, will you?

I could never refuse a beautiful lady.

Then you won't mind telling me if Donna Brooks was here last night.

Why don't we step over here.

She's here every Monday.

Tell me, what is this about?

I just have a couple of questions.

How well did you know Donna?

We're partners.

We have a standing date after class.

Oh, so you were having an affair.

Oh, shame on you, Detective.

A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.

A gentleman doesn't r*pe and m*rder his girlfriend.

What the hell are you talking about?

Donna Brooks, she was m*rder*d last night.

Oh, my God.

You don't think I k*lled her.

You just admitted to having a date with her.

Well, I cancelled.


She was flirting with another man during class, in front of everyone.

What did you do about that?

I told her to take her boy toy and get out.

Does this boy toy have a name?

Ben Pawler.

Young enough to be her son.

Ben: Donna and I left class together.

Went back to her place.

What's the big deal?

Say about a 40-year age difference.

You should try it.

Older women, they have more experience, they're less inhibited, and you don't have to worry about getting them knocked up.

You forgot to mention financially independent.

Donna has a lot of dough, definitely sweetens the pot.

Had a lot of dough, ass-wipe.

Donna was m*rder*d last night.

She was fine when I left her.

No, I take that back.

She was satisfied.

Yeah, what time was that, Romeo?


Can anyone back up that story?


[Door opening]

I picked Ben up from Donna's at 9:15, Detectives.

Benny, Harvey, Sutton.

Donna got around.

Guess she was packing a lot of living into the days she had left.

She should've had better taste in men.

I got an update on Richard Sutton.

Doc says he's still intubated, nobody can see him.

But I did some digging.

Turns out Mr. Sutton had four wives.

All four still alive?

The first three died of natural causes, the last Mrs. Sutton is still with us.

She's so sweet.

And loaded.

He knows how to pick them, old and rich.

Yeah, but he didn't know how to treat them.

The most recent Mrs. Sutton filed a 61 for domestic v*olence last year.

And they didn't lock him up?

She conveniently dropped the complaint.

Where's she now?

Social Security checks go to an address in Queens.

Alexis, I wanted to ask you about Richard.


Your husband.

Marty was my husband.

My one true love.

He died in Korea.

I have his medals.

Ridley: Sorry, Detectives.

I got held up.

Your message said you wanted to talk about Richard Sutton.

Not Richard, Marty.


President Truman sent me a telegram.


Progressing rapidly.

No offense, Mr. Ridley, but we heard she has money.

What is she doing in a place like this?

Well, she did.

Until that snake Sutton got hold of it.

He married her, then he dumped her in here so he could live like a king.

Does he ever come and visit her?

Only when he needs her signature.

She is obviously in no...

Hold that cr*cker!

...condition to sign anything.

I filed a complaint, but nothing happened.

Husband has the right to do what he wants with the money.

Benson: Including romancing other women?

If you call slapping around women romantic.

He hit her?

After Sutton's last visit, I found her lying on the floor, all bruised up.

Did you report it?

I didn't see him do it.

And Alexis said that she must have fallen out of bed.

This time Sutton's gonna answer my questions.

Stabler: We found your wife, Mr. Sutton, the one you stashed away at that dump in Queens.

You want to talk about her?

I'm not surprised.

Why don't we talk about Donna Brooks, then?

Benson: Was she your next target, Mr. Sutton?

What, did she reject you?

Is that why you r*ped and k*lled her?


How did you get into the house?

Write your answer down.

Benson: The house was open.

What time were you there?

You were there at 9:00 a.m.?

This morning?

Where were you at 10:00 last night?


"Home alone."

So you have no alibi for when she was k*lled.

"Not k*lled last night."

How do you know that?


"Donna exercises a.m.

"Windows "always open."

Did you shut them?


You turned up the heat.


Postmortem body temp decreases roughly one degree per hour at average room temperature.

What was Donna's body temp when the real estate agent found her?

About 86 degrees, which is 12 degrees below normal.

That puts time of death at 10:00 p.m., 12 hours earlier.

Problem is, I didn't account for the freezing apartment or the fact she was exercising.

So, how does that change your calculation?

The exertion from working out depleted her adenosine triphosphate, causing rigor to occur faster.

So the exercise sped up the rigor and the cold caused a rapid decline in body temperature.

But what's it add up to now?

I was wrong about the time of death.

Donna was k*lled early this morning.

I'd say around 6:00 a.m.

We have to re-interview all the men.

We didn't get alibis for this morning.

I've got something that might help.

I didn't find fibers in the skin of your victim's neck, but the ligature's impression is unusual.

Stabler: Does it match anything at the crime scene?


The k*ller took whatever he used with him.

Any idea what it was?

Warner: Sorry.

But the FBI has a database.

I forwarded the image to their lab.

Huang works for the Bureau.

Maybe he can expedite our search.


Huang: The m*rder w*apon is a rope.

A static kernmantle.

It's used in rock climbing.

It's extremely strong and doesn't fray.

That's why there were no fibers.

Does VICAP have any other cases where this kind of rope was used?

I already checked and there's 15 matches.

Tell you what, let's narrow this down by using our MO, okay?

Okay, give me the search parameters.

Victim is a female, age 60 to 80, strangulation homicide.

Stabler: In her own home.

In her own home.

Benson: Wow. Two matches.

And the first one is Susan Zelman, age 65, k*lled two years ago in Brooklyn.


Second one, Claudia Wooding, 70, m*rder*d 3 years ago in Piermont.

Benson: Three females over 60, all from the Metro area, all strangled with a static kernmantle.

We've got a serial k*ller preying on the elderly.

Cragen: Three rich, elderly women, all strangled with the same rope.

Stabler: Perp's organized.

Doesn't leave a m*rder w*apon, no prints, no sign of forced entry.

The victims know him, so they let him in.

Or he conned them.

Old people make great targets.

They're lonely, they're vulnerable.

Let's keep the MO in-house.

Last thing we need is a copycat.

What have you got?

The victims' nearest and dearest.

Claudia Wooding's son Eddie Wooding.

Detective on the case says Eddie is a real schmuck.

Mother disinherited him after he lost a bundle of her money in the market.

Where's Eddie now?

He owns a fancy car dealership.

What about Susan Zelman?

No suspects in her m*rder, she's survived by her husband Marvin.

Cragen: They look at him?

He's got rheumatoid arthritis.

He's confined to a wheelchair.

I doubt he had the strength to strangle her.

Munch, Fin, go talk to Eddie.

You two pay a visit to Mr. Zelman.

There's gotta be a link between these three women.

Apart from being dead.

I'll never forgive myself for her death.

Why's that, Mr. Zelman?

Because I was out playing bridge.

She didn't want to go.

If I'd stayed home, this wouldn't have happened.

Mr. Zelman.

Did your wife know a Donna Brooks?

No, no.

And I know all of Susan's friends.

How about Claudia Wooding?

Yeah, Claudia was my mother.

Why are you asking?

Did she know Donna Brooks or Susan Zelman?

How the hell do I know?

If you're sniffing around, trying to reopen my mother's m*rder, save your energy.

I didn't k*ll her.

Any idea who did?

I just can't imagine anyone hurting my Susan.

And the police said it was probably a drug addict looking for money.

Was anything taken?

Not a thing.

She only had $20 in her purse, even though she had plenty of money.

Who inherited the money after she died?

Not me.

Bitch didn't leave me a dime.

Sounds like a fine motive for m*rder.

Why bother?

She was about to kick the bucket anyway.

Lung cancer.

Stabler: Your wife was sick?

She had breast cancer.

And on the very day she was k*lled, the oncologist told her she was in remission.

Who was the oncologist?

Stabler: Dr. Brelsford, we need your help.

It's about two of your patients: Susan Zelman and Claudia Wooding.

Unfortunately, they both died several years ago.

Of cancer?

I believe they were both m*rder*d.

That's quite a coincidence.

Isn't it?

What's this about?

Donna Brooks.

Is she a patient of yours?


She was treated at this hospital.

Why are you asking about her?

She was m*rder*d also.

I assure you, if I wanted to k*ll somebody, you'd never know it was m*rder.

Yeah, how's that?

Because I'd know how to...

Stabler: You'd know how to cover it up?

Is that what you were going to say?


You make some lethal house calls to rich old ladies?

My patients are very grateful for the quality of care I give them.

I have no reason to k*ll anybody.

I'm very busy. Is that all?

No. Where were you yesterday at 6:00 a.m.?

Brelsford: At home.

With who?

I live by myself.

Doctor, we have two, possibly three, dead women, all of them connected to you.

You have to do a little better than that.


Lots of people are involved in the care of cancer patients.

Like who?

In the hospital, there's a team of doctors, nurses, social workers.

After discharge, they often use in-home care.

Stabler: Who provides that?

I use RDH run by Dr. Matt Spevak.

My patients wouldn't settle for less.

Dr. Spevak is in a meeting, but I'm Emma Spevak, the Nurse Manager.

Are you his wife?


What can I do for you?

We need to confirm that Claudia Wooding and Susan Zelman were clients.

I-I'll check.

[Keyboard clacking]

Yes, they were.

How about Donna Brooks?

Yes, she was as well.

What's this about?

They were all m*rder*d.

Oh, my God.

Please tell me what you need, and I'll help you.

Did they have a caretaker in common?

Emma: Nurse DeVaal was the primary for all three.

What's going on, Emma?

Emma: This is Dr. Spevak.

Doctor, I'm Det. Stabler.

This is my partner, Det. Benson.


Oh, you must be here about Donna Brooks.

I saw it on the news.

Benson: Two other patients of yours were also k*lled.

Your sister says a Nurse DeVaal treated all of them.

Where can we find her?

Spevak: Him.

Gary hasn't been with us for a few weeks now.

Stabler: Why?

A patient accused him of stealing.

I fired him.

Which patient?

Donna Brooks.

Where is Gary working now?

Meals on Wheels.

[Knocking on door]

Gary DeVaal?


We'd like to talk to you about Donna Brooks.

What about her?

Why don't we take a ride?


You brought friends?

We're the police, ma'am.

The police?

W-What happened?

I can't stay today, Mrs. Rabinowitz.

Here's your dinner.

Don't go.

No one else visits me.

I'll come back tomorrow.

I promise.

Shouldn't make promises you can't keep.

Why did you steal from Donna Brooks?

I didn't. The bitch is lying.

The bitch is dead, Gary.

I hated her, but I didn't k*ll her.

Why didn't you like her?

Everyone else did.

Everyone else didn't work for her.

Getting fired was the best thing that could have happened to me.

Why did you keep her house keys?

Plan to pay her a visit?

I never got a chance to return them.

"To my dear husband, Larry.

With love from Donna."

I guess, you didn't have a chance to return her dead husband's watch, either, huh?

She docked me $20 for being 10 minutes late.

You took a $10,000 Rolex.

Fair trade?

That old bat gave $500,000 to feed the pigeons.

She didn't need the lousy watch.

Benson: You steal from them as well?


I'd never rip off Susan.

She was a sweetheart.

How about Claudia Wooding.

Is she a sweetheart, too?

I've never seen her before in my life.

Stabler: RDH says you were her nurse.

RDH is lying.

Someone's setting me up.

Check the files.

Is that enough to subpoena RDH's records?

I'll get started on the paperwork.

But since DeVaal's shouting frame job, I want the files authenticated.

Take them to the forensic document examiner.

We'll catch this lowlife in another lie.

Keep DeVaal on ice.

I'll go check it out.

I reviewed Claudia Wooding's file.

DeVaal's signature is definitely on the nursing logs.

So DeVaal is lying.

Not necessarily.

What do you mean?

The RNs have to sign off at the end of each shift.

Now, these are Claudia Wooding's case logs from two different dates with Gary DeVaal's signature on each.

Now watch this.

They're identical.


But nobody signs their name exactly the same way every time.

We call it a transposition forgery.

So someone Xeroxed DeVaal's signature and then cut and pasted it onto files.

Which was then copied, making the paste job undetectable.

So DeVaal was right.

He is being set up.

It's gotta be someone at RDH.

They're the only ones with access to the victims' files.

DeVaal is a sleazeball, he got fired for theft.

He's a good fall guy.

But why k*ll these women?

They're all rich.

They're known for their generosity.

Maybe someone made a profit off their deaths.

You're right.

Someone made a mint.

I pulled copies of the victims' wills.

Who's the lucky beneficiary?

The Golden Memories Foundation.

Who gets the gold?

Stabler: Dr. Matt Spevak, CEO of RDH and chairman of Golden Memories.
Wow, looks like the good doctor's been k*lling old ladies for their money.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

This is outrageous.

My client is a well-known and respected physician.

Well, then tell me, Doc.

These women die of natural causes?

Of course not.

But why would I m*rder them?

Benson: I can think of about $1 million worth of reasons.

Each victim left you quite a bit of cash.

By k*lling them, you got your hands on it quicker.

I don't inherit their money.

The bequests go to charity for poverty-stricken seniors.

Right. The Golden Memories Foundation.

Spevak: Golden Memories is a legitimate nonprofit organization.

Whose mission is to fleece rich old ladies.

My company is doing well.

I don't need their money.

I started this foundation to give something back.

You gave three women back to God.

Does that count?

Staines: Excuse me, aren't we missing something here?

Like direct evidence?

Your client had access to the victims' homes and profited substantially from their deaths.

That's not probable cause for arrest.

Call us if you ever get any.

Matt, let's go.

Spevak's laughing at us.

I'm not gonna let that bastard get away with this.

I'm not so sure Spevak's guilty.

Well, gee, Doc, do you know something that we don't or are you just extending Spevak a little professional courtesy?

I'm giving you my professional opinion.

A doctor would have covered his tracks better.

What do you call forging a nurse's signature?

What's his motive?


Best motive in the world.

These murders were way too personal to have been committed for profit.

Choking the life out of three elderly women is a sign of rage.

Or a sign that he couldn't get his hands on their money fast enough.

Cragen: Okay, hold it.

We don't know if Spevak got any of their money.

Where are we on his financials?

Novak says we don't have enough to subpoena his bank records.

Golden Memories is a nonprofit.

That means that its books are public record.

Have a forensic accountant see if Spevak's cooking them.

Last year, Golden Memories took in $675,000.

And how much did they spend in grants?

All of it.

Most which went for the care of two indigent patients: Maria Franco and Andrea Robbins.

That's a lot of charity for two people.

Yeah. Especially two dead ones.

I checked with Social Security.

Maria Franco and Andrea Robbins have been dead since '96.

Spevak's been keeping phony records and pocketing the money.

That's enough for a search warrant.

Fin: Look at this place.

Gotta be at least 3,000 square feet.

Beautiful view, fancy art, expensive antiques.

All of it unpaid for.

His credit cards are all maxed out.

On what?


Every casino from Atlantic City to Foxwoods.

Answering machine's blinking.

Probably a collection agency.

[Answering machine beeps]

Arthur: Hey, Spevak, you're late again.

You better pay up, Doc, or we're coming over.

Doesn't sound like MasterCard.

Explains why he k*lled the old ladies.

He needs money. Fast.

Lookie here.

When Spevak's not k*lling old folks, he's climbing rocks.

Munch: I'll say.

Webbing, harness, belay devices...

And our m*rder w*apon.

Emma: Can't this wait?

My brother's in a meeting with a new client.

Your brother is a suspect in three homicides.

You're wrong.

Matt would never hurt anyone.

We have strong proof that he did.

It's a mistake.

There's gotta be an explanation.

I'd love to hear it.

As you can see, we offer only the highest standards of care.

You'll be looked after in the comfort of your own home.

Emma, you'll have to wait.

I'm in the middle of something.

I know. I'm sorry, but it's...

Damn it, Emma.

I told you, no interruptions.


Excuse me.

I'll be right back.

Benson: No, you won't.

Matt Spevak, you're under arrest for m*rder in the First Degree.

This is insane.

What the hell did you tell them, Emma?

Nothing. I swear, Matt.

Seligman: How does the defendant plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

Seligman: I'll hear the People on bail.


Dr. Spevak manipulated three elderly women out of their money, and then k*lled them for it.

The funds have not been recovered.

He's a flight risk.

My client is a respected member of the community.

Save it, Miss Staines.

Unfortunately for the defendant, I have an 80-year-old mother.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Bail is set at $500,000.

Come on, Doc. Let's go.

He'll plead out on the fraud, Casey.

Not enough. He pleads to three counts of m*rder Two, I'll take the death penalty off the table.

The death penalty?

My brother is innocent.

Don't worry, Emma.

Miss Novak is bluffing.

She has no case.

Let's post bail and get Matt out of here.

Novak: Spevak's attorney is no fool.

The fraud case is solid, but the evidence on the murders is weak.

Stabler: The crime lab says the rope found in Spevak's apartment matches the pattern on the victims' necks.

Is it the actual m*rder w*apon?

The lab didn't find any blood or skin cells on it.

He wouldn't need much rope to strangle someone.

3 feet at most.

He cuts off a piece, he uses it, he throws it away.

We still can't connect him to the murders.

Everything we have is circumstantial.

What about the sister?

She runs Spevak's office.

She'll have to know about the fraud.

Maybe she's the one who forged DeVaal's signatures on the nursing logs.

That would make her a coconspirator.

Let's bring her in for a chat.

[Police siren wailing]

Special Victims.

What's going on?

Gal from the nursing agency was att*cked.

Looked like she was nearly choked to death.

Is she conscious?

Yeah. We called for a bus, but she says she's all right.

EMT's checking her out.

Benson: Spevak, can you talk?


Stabler: Who did this to you?

I don't know.

I'm fine now. Really.

Look, you need to get to a hospital, make sure that you're okay.

I'm a nurse.

I can take care of this.

Emma, Emma, listen to me.

This guy nearly k*lled you.

I can't...

I can't.

Was it your brother?

He's been under so much stress.

He said he needed some money.

When I told him I wouldn't give him any more, he freaked out.

He didn't mean it.

Please don't hurt him.

Looks like the doctor's gonna split.

Check out the bedrooms.

Uni #1: Kitchen's clear.

Uni #2: Bedroom's clear.


Maybe he had a few errands to run first, like choking his sister.

Or getting cash.

He's tapped out with the loan sharks.

Posting bail would've cleaned him out.

But he still knows plenty of rich old ladies.

Let's see if he called any of them. Caller ID.

Someone called at 5:05 a.m.

Vivian Calas.

Police. Search warrant.

Spevak, police.

Show yourself.

I'll check the back.

Swat #2: Clear.

In the bedroom.

She's dead.

So is Matt Spevak.

Stabler: Sorry, Doc. But there is your serial k*ller.

He just picked the wrong victim this time.

So the old lady k*lled him?

Vivian Calas shot Spevak in the heart.

Bled out in seconds.

Then she must've been pretty good with a g*n.

Judy: Not that good.

From the trajectory of the b*llet, I'd say she's on the bed, pulls the g*n out of the nightstand, fires once and misses, then takes a lucky shot and hits him.

Why lucky?

Detectives arrived at 9:00 this morning.

Spevak's blood had congealed.

That takes at least three hours.

None of the lights were on when we got here.

She shot him in the dark.

CSU found this jewelry in Spevak's pockets.

Vivian called Spevak, he rushes on over here, he uses the opportunity to rip her off for some travel cash.

He takes the jewelry, he's gonna strangle her, but she has a little surprise for him: 9mm Ladysmith.

Smith & Wesson.

Stabler: Registered in her name.

She sh**t him, dies of fright.

ME says that the left-hand side of her body was contracted.

Cause of death was a stroke.

I don't see any medications here for hypertension or blood-thinners.

She doesn't look like she has any risk factors for a stroke.

She's an 80-year-old woman with a man in her bedroom trying to k*ll her.

He scared her to death.

Well, if she's so scared, then how did she get a shot off in the dark that hit him right in the heart?

A stroke doesn't make sense.

Warner: Vivian Calas did have a stroke, but it wasn't caused by fear.

Puncture mark on her neck.

I missed it at first because her skin is so wrinkled.

Stabler: What was she injected with?

The tox screen came back negative, so my guess is air.

How would air k*ll her?

An air embolus injected into the carotid artery would cause a stroke.

The embolus acts like a clot, blocking the blood flow to the brain.

No syringe was found at the crime scene.

We know Matt Spevak didn't die of natural causes and now you're telling me she didn't, either?

There had to be a third person in that room.

Only a health professional would know about an air embolus and be able to do it properly.

There's one other person with access to RDH's files, keys, and patients.

Spevak's sister, Emma.

Why Emma?

Maybe she and Matt were in on the murders together.

She finds out that Matt's gonna run and leave her to face the music.

Emma kills Vivian Calas, then calls Matt from her house to come over, tells him that Vivian is sick.

When Matt gets there, Emma sh**t him.

She puts the old lady's fingerprints on the g*n, on the phone, and then makes it look like Matt tried to rob her.

Except Emma said Matt was the one who strangled her.

But that doesn't play because Matt was dead two hours before Emma called 911.

Then who tried to strangle Emma?

Emma strangled Emma.

If she's smart enough to k*ll someone with air, it's easy to choke herself.

Novak: It's gonna be tough to prove.

And we're gonna need the syringe with Emma's prints to tie her to Vivian Calas's m*rder.

Chances are, Emma dumped it.

I looked at the autopsy photos of the first three victims.

Strangle me.

I'll try.

I'll hold the rope.

The first three original victims were between 5'5"and 5'7".

Matt Spevak was nearly 6 feet tall. Pull.

Look at the angle of the rope.

Angled upward from front to back.

Which is exactly the way it should be, given Matt Spevak's height and natural arm movement.

Now switch places with me.

Okay, the impression angles downward.

That's what you would expect if the perp was shorter than the victim.

Just like the person who strangled Claudia, Donna, and Susan.

Stabler: All angled downward.

Emma Spevak is only 5'3".

She k*lled them all.

Your rope trick's not gonna be enough, Doc.

We need a confession from Emma, or she walks on five murders.

[Doorbell ringing]

Benson: Emma, we need to talk.

Can you please come back later?

I'm just not up to talking right now.

We know you've been through a lot.

This won't take long.

Emma: I've been mourning my brother.

I can't believe that he's dead.

Mom's gone, too.

All I have are these.

[Projector whirring]

Benson: That's you and your brother?

And Mom.

You really loved her.

Benson: How long has she been gone?

Seven years.

What did she die of?

A stroke.

You said you needed to talk.

About what?

Matt's death.

To be honest, we're a little confused and you could really help us out here.

All right.

Why don't we start with your attack?

I think I've told you everything already.

Tell us again.

Now, who choked you?

My brother.

Why are you torturing me like this?

Our problem is that when EMS found you, Matt was already dead.

Well, I passed out.

I didn't call 911 until I came to.

Y-You think I'm making this up?

What should we think, Emma?

That Matt tried to k*ll me.

Matt m*rder*d Vivian Calas.

No, we've ruled him out.

Matt did not m*rder Vivian.

Who did, then?

Benson: We don't know.

That's why we're asking you.

Well, If I think of anything, I'll be sure to call you right away.

So Emma k*lled her mother, too?

She died of a stroke, just like Vivian Calas.

How much you wanna bet it was caused by an air embolus?

How are we gonna prove it?

We have to exhume her body.

I need more than that.

You've got to check out Emma's house.

Place is like a shrine to her mother.

Except she loved her, that's hardly grounds for an exhumation.

The point I'm making is that mommy didn't reciprocate.

Matt got all the attention.

So now, she's k*lling old women to get back at her mom for not loving her.

If Emma knows how to k*ll with air, why is she changing her MO to strangulation with a rope?

It was her brother's climbing rope.

She set him up.

Sibling rivalry.

So mom really was Emma's first victim.

Most serial K*llers start close to home.

If I can establish that Emma's mother really did die of an air-induced stroke, then we've got our probable cause.

Yeah, but Emma's not gonna fry herself by letting us dig up her mother.

You know any friendly judges?

What the hell do you want?

I'm so sorry to bother you at home, Judge Terhune, but it's urgent.

I'm in the middle of something pretty important myself.

Wyler: Joe, are you folding this hand?


Come, come on, come on in.

All right. Come on.

I just need Your Honor's signature.

You just hit the jackpot, dearie.

I'm in.

Terhune: I believe you all know A.D.A. Novak?

Judge Ridenour, Judge Petrovsky, Judge Wyler, Judge Bradley.

I've had this nightmare before, only I was naked.


What could be so important that it couldn't wait until morning?

An exhumation order.

Wyler: You better sign it, Joe.

The corpse might be a flight risk.

Your Honor, this body may be the key to solving six murders.


And I take it the family won't consent, hmm?

The suspect is the sole survivor.

We want to exhume her mother.

We think she k*lled her, too.

The mom's death ruled a homicide?

No. But we have new evidence.

And you want me to disturb the sanctity of the dead on your say-so?

I have a very convincing but long argument.

It will disturb the sanctity of your poker game.


Thank you.

Go, go.

Go, go.

What are the chances of finding a needle mark after 7 years?

New York State law requires all cadavers be embalmed.

The skin should still be intact.

Whenever you're ready.

[Engine starting]

What kind of family engraves the name of their kids into their headstone before they die?

Stabler: A really close one.

Check that out: Matthew and Emma born May 9, 1971.

They're twins.

Huang: Fraternal twins.

I checked the hospital records.

Emma Spevak was born two minutes after her brother Matt.

She's been following in his footsteps her whole life.

Always trying to catch up, but never able to.

Huang: That's why she used the rope.

She hates her brother, but she's bound to him.

This is all fascinating, but it doesn't help us send Emma upstate.

This will.

Margaret Spevak's mummified neck.

And a small needle mark in the carotid artery.

Emma k*lled her mother with an air embolus.

Can you prove it?


Emma doesn't know that.

Huang: Be careful.

She's spent her whole life hating her mother.

If you confront her with what she's done, she's never gonna talk.

So what? Empathy?

Huang: She'll need more than empathy.

She'll need an ally.

So how do we do that?

Reenact the sibling rivalry.

Can I get you something to drink?

L... I'm okay.

Why did I have to come down here?

Uh, we wanted to apologize to you personally.

Apologize? For what?

For dragging you into this.

Emma, we've made a terrible mistake.

What kind of mistake?

We searched Matt's apartment and we found his rock-climbing equipment.

His rope matches the strangulation mark on those poor women's necks.

I understand.

You were just doing your job.

We are so sorry.

Am I free to go?


Come here. Come here.

Come here.

[Phones ringing]

What are you doing?

Are you apologizing to her?

What do you care?

What do I care?

I'm in charge.

My case, remember?

This is our case.

Please don't talk to me like this in front of her.

We're equals.



Did she bring you down here? Yeah?

You bring her down here so you can take the credit.

No I brought her down here because I knew you won't apologize.

You're damn right about that.

We wouldn't be here if Emma had the guts to open her mouth.

What're you talking about?

You knew what was going on.

You knew your brother was up to his ass in gambling debts and using the Foundation to cover himself.

You did nothing about it and you went right along with him.


You're a liar!


You protect your brother and he almost kills you.

You're pathetic.

I loved my brother.

Elliot, leave her alone.

Shut up!

You know what the problem is?

Women shouldn't be cops, they shouldn't be doctors, they're too weak and stupid.

I'm sorry about that.

Does he always talk to you like that?

Benson: You heard him.

He's in charge.

I'm sure you know how it is.


Do I ever.

I was always the good girl.

Always the helper.

"Emma, do this.

Emma, do that."

I know how you feel.

My mother was a drunk.

I had to carry her into her bed every night and had to scrub the vomit off the floor.

I thought I'd never escape.

But you did.

Yeah. After she died.

It's the only time that I ever felt free.


Mothers are all the same.

You try to be good to them and all they do is treat you like dirt.

You're a nurse.

You're a caregiver.

I'm sure you were great to your mother.

She had cancer.

I took care of her for five years.

Five years?

Where was your brother?

Matt was off in medical school, then doing his residency.

Mama used all of her money to pay for it.

I'm sure he didn't appreciate it, I'm sure he just took you for granted.

He made me work for him.

He made me take care of all those women that were just like Mama.

"Wash my clothes. Walk my dog.

Clean my fridge."

A girl can only take so much.

They thought that my brother was a god.

I took care of them.

I did all the work.

You had to do something.


With Matt's rope.

Then I was free.

Just like with your mother.


How did you do it, Emma?

With a little shot of air.

It always worked so quickly.

What do you mean?

When I was in nursing school, I'd see daughters by their mothers' beds, trapped, watching their lives disappear.

So you helped them.

I set them free.

How many were there?


Do you remember any of their names?

They were all called Mama.
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