06x01 - Birthright

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x01 - Birthright

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Daddy! Daddy!

Hey! What's the matter, baby? Did you fall?

No, the boy!

What boy?

On the bike!

What did he do to you, huh?

He grabbed me and pulled my hair so that I would go with him.

Oh, God.


He hurt your daughter?

Yeah, he tried to kidnap her.

You got a cell phone?


All right, call the cops.

It's okay, baby.

Patricia Branson, six years old.

Dad's reading The Times, perv tries to snatch her in a park full of people.

Anybody see anything?

Only description we got is a white guy wearing a baseball cap.

Bystander chased him, but perp got away on his own bike.

What was he gonna do, tie her to his handlebars?

Girl's father.

Mr. Branson?


I'm Detective Benson, this is Detective Stabler.

Special Victims Unit.

Bastard tried to pull my daughter over the fence by her hair.

Ripped it right out of her head. I...

I just took my eyes off Patty for a second...

Well, now, the important thing is that she's safe, but we do need to talk to her.

I want to stay with her.

Well, if it's okay, sir, victims Patty's age are usually more comfortable talking one-on-one.

And I need to get some information from you.

Okay? Come on.


Give us a minute?


My name is Olivia.

Hi, I'm a police officer.

How are you feeling?

My head hurts.

Because the man pulled your hair?

He wanted me to go with him.

Where did he want you to go?

To play with Dinky.

Who's Dinky?

His puppy.

He let me pet him the other time.

So you've seen this man before?

When he showed me his puppy.

I talked to every kid, nanny and parent at that playground.

Nobody's ever seen the guy.

Checked with the local precinct, no similar complaints.

Bike rules out a snatch attempt, so we're talking perv. Perv who's done his homework.

I think he knows Patty's movements.

He's tried that doggy-lure trick on her once before.

Okay, so he tries to lift her over the fence and take her where?

Dozen places within a hundred yards of that playground where he could have taken Patty to play doctor.

How is she?

Aside from that scalp injury, okay.

No signs of sexual as*ault.

Patty's his fantasy girl.

He's not gonna give up.

Family lives on the West Side.

We're gonna get a better description out of Patty, canvass the neighborhood.

How's it going?

Olivia's just getting her warmed up.

Mr. And Mrs. Branson? This is my boss, Captain Cragen.

Patty's seen this man twice now.

She's scared to death he's gonna come back.

We're doing everything we can to find him.

Have either one of you noticed anyone following you?

We never thought to look until today.

Any time besides when Patty's at school that she's away from you?

I'm home and we don't have a nanny.

Patty's always with one of us.

Olivia's about to start.

Can I have the brown, please?


What's that for?

Her hair.

You know, Patty, I wanted to ask you
about the man in the park.

What color was his shirt?



What color was his hat?

It was red.

Like Jimmy's. My cousin.

He's a big boy.


Is the person that hurt you a man or is he a big boy?

A big boy.

Patty, will you tell me about the big boy's dog?

Not a dog.

I told you, Dinky's a puppy.

Well, where were you when you saw Dinky?

I was riding the horse.

That doesn't make any sense.

That's when he let me pet him.

Patty's never been on a horse.

Did the big boy say anything to you?

He said he wanted to see my bracelet.

Yeah? May I see it?


Who gave that to you?

The doctor.

It says I have diabetes.

May I have the green, please?


Patty, when you were riding the horse, was that in the park?

Not a real horse, silly.

Well, what kind of horse?

You know, the kind where you put the money in.

Oh, God.

I don't want to talk anymore.

The ride in front of the supermarket.

Down the block from our apartment.

There was a teenager.

He showed her his dog.

Did you get a good look at him?

I think so.

But I can't describe him.

It's like he's following her everywhere!

We'll put detectives in front of your building until we're sure Patty is safe.

May I have some apple juice, please?

Sure, let me go get you some.

She knows to ask when her sugar is low.

I have a juice box in here.

You can take it to her.

Let's retrace Patty's steps for the last week.

I'll have Munch and Fin hit the supermarket.

Anybody ever use that thing?

Kids ride that horse all day long.

How about her?

Sorry. Be glad to ask my employees.

Could you ask them if they've seen anybody strange hanging around outside of here?

Does that include two guys in a blue van?

What'd they look like?

Both white.

Middle-aged guy behind the wheel, teenager riding shotgun.

Some mutt in his lap.

When was this?

Last week. Parked right by the front door, blocking all my deliveries.

You ask him to move?


The driver told me to call the cops.

I did. I told them Arizona plates and the number, nobody showed up.

You still got the license plate number?

On my desk in the store.

We got a pair of pedophiles.

With their very own perv-mobile.

Molester doesn't usually share his children till he's done with them.

Older guy could be paying the kid to snatch his prey for him, or the kid could be dependent upon him.

Like an old kidnap victim all grown up.

SVU Mobile unit, I have your plate.

Ready to copy, Central.

Registered to a '96

Ford Econoline van.

No warrants, but subject of an lntel report from the 22.

Filed by who?

School safety at PS 45.

That's Patty Branson's School.

I would have wrote him a summons if I had the authority.

What did he do?

He parked in the teacher zone.

Ignored me when I told him to move the vehicle.

So you filed an lntel report.

Yeah, 'cause he sat there watching the kiddies till after dismissal.

It didn't feel right.

Anybody else in the van?

No, not that I saw.

Give us a call if he shows up again, okay?

Hey, you got it.

Patty's school, her neighborhood, the park.

He's got her routine down cold.

A perv drives all the way from Arizona to snatch a kid?

Maybe he got made, maybe he had to get the hell out of Dodge.

We should call the Arizona police.

Even still, there's thousands of little girls out there.

This guy wants Patty.

Why her?

He's obsessed?

He's here.

Blue van, right on the corner.

Arizona plates.

Circle around, call for back-up.

Plate matches the van at the supermarket.

Any movement?

Not since we called you.

How many inside?

Driver's all we can make out.

He's a white guy reading the newspaper, we can't see his face.

Heads up, back of the van.

The big boy.

Tried to snatch Patty.

Complete with red baseball cap.

We got 15 minutes until school lets out.

He's gonna mix with the mommies waiting on their kids.

We gonna take him in the act?

No, there's too many kids and parents around.

I don't want to spook them or risk anybody getting hurt.

Here's what we're gonna do.

You gotta move this.


This is Board of Ed parking.

You gotta move.

Get lost, all right?

I got one of those, too.

Where's your ID card?

Hey, you know what?

Gold shield doesn't mean I answer to you, okay?

You answer to me.

It's an IAB caper, Captain.

What's today's color?



Turn off the engine and step out of the vehicle.

Hey! Police!

We gotta talk to you!

You okay?


Get out of the car!

Let me see your hands!

Let me see your hands!

Hands! Don't sh**t, don't sh**t.

I'm coming out.

I'm coming out!

I need an ambulance.

I have ID. Back pocket!

It's a private investigator's license.

Where'd you get this?

From the state of New York.

You're under arrest for attempted kidnapping and reckless endangerment.

You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Three thousand dollars' worth of damage to the car?

What can I tell you? I zigged when I should have zagged.

What do we got on this perp?

He's a PI named Peter Carson, licensed in New York and Arizona.

Guy's got a reputation for rescuing kids from all over the country and then reuniting them with their custodial parent.

With no thought for the psychological damage he inflicts.

A baby bounty hunter. 50 grand a pop plus expenses.

It's a lucrative gig.

What about Baseball Cap?

Well, PI ticket's legit.

His name is Kenneth Pratt, 23, also lives in Tucson.

So someone hired them to snatch Patty.

Well, that makes sense, but nobody's talking.

Mr. And Mrs. Branson?

Is this really necessary?

I could do it.

I might recognize him.

You daughter is the only one who saw the man who att*cked her in the park.

We can't charge him or his partner without Patty's ID.


Can't my mom come in?

You know what, sweetie?

She's right outside, and we're gonna call her in here as soon as we're done.


You remember what to do?

What if he gets mad at me?

Can I pick you up?

I wanna show you something.

You see that window? It's magic.

Because anyone who's standing in here, they can't see through, can they?


Let's go, gentlemen.

Stay on the line.

Number 1, move down to the end.

Face the mirror, numbers up.

What's the matter, Patty?

I'm scared.

Why are you scared?

Boy with the 4.

Honey, why are you scared of Number 4?

Pulled my hair at the park.

She saw me in the park.

So what?

So you're looking at attempted kidnapping and as*ault unless you tell us who hired you.

I can't talk about an ongoing investigation.

I think he's lying.

About what?

About what they were really doing in the park.



You know, trying to pick up a little girl for your own pleasure?

You calling me a pervert?

Come on, Pete, don't go sensitive on us.

No, I got a job to do.

And it's no different than yours.

It's a lot different. We don't go around abducting children.

No, what I do is perfectly legitimate.

Why the stunt driving when we show up?

Because you people think I'm doing something illegal.

I don't kidnap kids.

That's right, you rescue them from custody cases.

Only this time you went after the wrong kid.

No. No, I didn't.

You sure about that?


You better think again!

I don't have to.

The information is solid!

Well, then let me give you the 411.

Patty Branson's parents have never been divorced.

I know.

This is not a custody case.

I never said it was.


What's this, the heavy a*tillery?

Or are you guys getting big-footed by the boss?

New York State is ready to pull your PI ticket.

That happens and Arizona finds out, you're washed up.

Hope you got another skill, Kenny.

You're bluffing.

You willing to take that risk?

Pete's the brains. I get close to the kids because I look young.

What's the job?

To return that girl to her real mother.

So Patty Branson was already kidnapped? Yeah.

Matt and Sarah Branson aren't really her parents?

That's right.

That's crap.

No, that's the truth. My client's daughter disappeared four years ago.

These clients of yours, did they ever call the cops?

Sure. Of course, you people didn't do squat.

Oh, I assume that an expert like yourself would ask for some kind of proof?

I have the police reports.

Pictures of my client's daughter and Patty, same hair, same facial features.

Both kids diabetic.

They're the same girl.

And you couldn't have made a mistake?


Now, this is what we know.

Unless you tell us who hired you to kidnap Patty Branson, the only thing you're gonna do is time.

Michelle Osborne?



You must be here about my daughter.

This is the last picture of Anna before I lost her.

She was two.

And this is what she would look like now.

Who did this?

Peter Carson, my PI, has a forensic artist who specializes in age-progression photography.

You know it's Anna, don't you?

That little girl in the park is my baby.

Well, actually, Mrs. Osborne, we checked.

NYPD has no record of Anna as missing or abducted.

The New Jersey State Police do.

And how did this abduction happen?

Anna and my husband, Steve, were on their way to visit Steve's parents in Moorestown.

She was taken from a rest area on the turnpike.

Can we talk to Steve?

He was k*lled in a car accident.

How did you find Patty Branson?

I saw her at the playground about three weeks ago.

I used to take Anna there, and so I go sometimes to see the kids.

You know, every day, I have prayed that I'd find Anna.

Everywhere I go, I look for her.

I'd see a little girl with Anna's smile, or Anna's hair and I'd hold my breath.

It would never be her.

Until the second I saw that little girl on the swing.

My heart stopped.

I knew I had found my baby.

With all due respect, Mrs.

Osborne, a feeling is not enough.

A mother knows her baby.

A mother always knows.

What did you do when you saw Patty?

I called the police.

You people thought I was crazy.

So you hired Peter Carson.

He was the only one who believed me.

And you don't.

Let me show you something.

I always knew Anna would come back to me.

She's a big girl now, but I'm ready for her.

Mrs. Osborne, I know you think you have proof that Patty is your daughter...

I know that it's hard for you to believe, but you've seen the pictures.

And Anna is a diabetic, just like the little girl at the park.

A coincidence doesn't give you the right to hire someone to take her.

Mrs. Osborne, we're going to have to place you under arrest.

For what?

Conspiracy to commit kidnapping.

Go ahead.

You'll see I'm right.

How do your clients plead?

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Ms. Novak?

The People request high bail, Your Honor.

The defendants conspired to stalk and kidnap a six-year-old girl.

She's my daughter!

That's not a matter for this court, Mrs. Osborne.

Ms. Emmett, no more outbursts from your client.

Yes, Judge.

The People also request an order of protection.


Should you make bail, you are not to come within 100 feet of the minor Patricia Branson, her parents, their home or the girl's school.

If you violate this order, you'll be arrested and charged.

Are we clear?

Five hundred thousand dollars, each defendant.

Ten minute recess.

I'm worried.

Did you get anything off Michelle?

Her outburst tells me that she doesn't think taking Patty was wrong.

So she is crazy.

No. Michelle's having a single, fixed delusion.

She knows kidnapping is against the law, but she's so convinced that Patty is her daughter that, in her mind, taking her isn't a crime.

It doesn't mean that she's not mentally ill.

Then if she pled insanity?

She'd lose.

Something else is bugging you.

It's what you told me about how Michelle keeps Anna's room.

That it's ready for a six-year-old?

Most missing children's rooms become shrines, frozen in time from the moment the child vanished.

Michelle updating Anna's room tells me that she's confident that Anna's coming home.

You mean, even if she has to steal another Anna to make it so.

What do we know about Michelle's past?

She's clean. There's nothing suspicious, even her credit's perfect.

And the girls?

Well, I've got two birth certificates here.

Patty Branson was born August, 1998 at Mount Sinai and Anna Osborne, arrived two weeks earlier 100 miles away in Hartford.

So they weren't switched at birth.

State Troopers should have entered Anna's information into the Missing Children's Center database.

What, it's not there?

If it is, I can't find it.

Well, there's gotta be someplace else you can look, right?

FBI computer.

I'll enter her name into our search engine.




You were right.

Michelle just violated the protection order.

Did you find Anna?

Yes, but she wasn't kidnapped.

She's dead.

Call came via 911.

Woman ringing some resident's buzzer repeatedly, yelling something about she had proof.

Wouldn't tell us for what.

You're making a mistake.

No, Michelle.

The judge warned you and you wouldn't listen...

Get out of here!

Get away from us!

Come on, come here. Calm down.

Why can't you leave us alone?

She's my daughter!

I gave birth to her!

Honey, the police are here...

She's not gonna bother you anymore, because Michelle is going to jail.

She is wrong.

Michelle, this has gotta stop now.

Okay, we know everything.

Anna was on the police report from your husband's accident.

She died in the car with him.

No, they never found her remains.

Michelle, they were hit by a gasoline tanker.

Now, there was nothing left.

I'm sorry.

But you know what I'm telling you is the truth.

I know my daughter is alive!

Olivia! Look what I found.

Guy doesn't give up.

Where'd you find him?

Around the corner.

That's not too smart, Pete.

Your bail's history.

Piece of paper in my pocket.

Read it and weep.

What is it?

It's a lab report.

They tested the hair from Patty Branson for DNA.

But what does it say?

Patty is Michelle Osborne's daughter.

Patty's our child.

I have the scar from the C-section.

There's home video of her delivery.

Why are we having to prove that our child is ours?

We just need both of you to take a DNA test.

We'll do anything you want, but, please, you have to believe us.

Sorry to interrupt.


It's urgent.

What's so urgent?

I just found out that Patty Branson and Anna Osborne are not the same child.

How do you know?

I ran another test on a lock of Anna's hair that Michelle gave me.

Patty and Anna don't have identical DNA, but their mitochondrial DNA is the same.

And mitochondrial DNA is only passed from the mother.

Yes. That makes Patty and Anna sisters.

How is that possible?

I checked Anna Osborne's birth records.

Anna was conceived through in vitro fertilization.

So was Patty Branson.

So you think some fertility doctor made a mistake and put the Osbornes' embryo into Sarah Branson.

It's the only way to explain any of this.

And I need that doctor's name.

Dr. Stanley Norton.

He was my doctor, too.

Both women had the same doctor, both girls born within weeks of each other.

Somehow Sarah got Michelle's embryos.

Oh, my God.

How could this have happened?

Dr. Warner says it could be as simple as somebody mislabeling a petri dish.

I'm so sorry for what I did.

Ms. Novak, is it possible to have the order of protection removed?

We don't want Mrs. Osborne to suffer any more than she already has.

You can petition a judge, if that's what you want.

I'd like you to reconsider the attempted kidnap charge.

Your client was ordered to stay away from Patty Branson and she ignored that order.

She broke the law.

I have to take her to trial.

Casey, you gotta plead her out.

Why would I do that?

Because what happened was a mistake.

Michelle is uncontrollably driven to kidnap someone else's little girl.

Her little girl, biologically.

But not legally. I can't let Michelle off the hook just because you feel guilty you didn't believe her.

Well, then give her a break, because she's also a victim.

What that fertility doctor did to those two women is genetic r*pe.

And don't tell me that that doesn't bother you on some level.

Talk to the doctor.

Confirm what Michelle and the Bransons say, and I'll consider a deal.

Sarah and Michelle both sent me pictures of their little girls when they were born.

Horrible what happened to Michelle's daughter and husband.

So you remember them?

I remember all of my success stories.

I wouldn't exactly call them that.

Two previously childless couples gave birth to beautiful kids.

What would you call them?


Excuse me?

You heard me.

The medical examiner tested their DNA.

Anna Osborne and Patty Branson both have the same mother, Michelle Osborne.

That could never have happened here.

It did, and we need you to tell us how.

I don't know how.

We have safeguards in place.

Well, apparently someone screwed up and made a mistake.

The only explanation I can think of is that Michelle Osborne must have donated her unused embryos.

And how would she do that?

Michelle would have filled out a form, signed it, counter-signed by a witness...

Well, if we can see that form, we can clear this up quickly.

I'll have the file clerk make a copy for you.

I don't believe this.

This is my signature, but I never consented to donating my embryos.

Then why did you sign it?

Because I consented to ICSI.

What's that?

Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm lnjection, where they injected Steve's sperm into my eggs.

See? It's on the same form.

I checked the ICSI box but not the donation box.

Michelle, this was seven years ago.

You sure about this?

Of course I'm sure.

Dr. Norton asked us and Steve and I said that we didn't want someone else having our child.

What happened to your extra embryos?

Dr. Norton said there weren't any.

I had six eggs, four of them fertilized. He put them all back into me.

He obviously lied about that.

And he's lying about this form.

Both "X's" look the same to me.

It's a legal document.

Forgery's a crime.

You don't know that doctor forged anything.

Maybe it's buyer's remorse.

Michelle did consent to donate her embryos and now she's sorry she did.

That doctor pulled that story out of his ass.

Come on, Elliot, he was making it up as he was telling it to us!

So you think he's lying.

Michelle Osborne hired private detectives to kidnap a child.

Why do you believe her?

Because Michelle Osborne has never lied to us about anything.

Patty is her biological daughter.

So let Michelle and the Bransons sue Norton for malpractice.

But if he intentionally put one woman's eggs into another without consent, we can't just let him get away with it.

There's no law against that in New York State.

And we can't charge him with larceny, because stolen property has to have value and body parts don't.

In vitro fertilization costs tens of thousands of dollars a pop.

If Norton misrepresented what he did and put that "X" on this form, then we have him on fraud and forgery.

If he did it once before, you can bet that he's done the same thing to other women.

Now all we have to do is prove it. Right.

This consent form is a copy. You get us a warrant for the original and we will.

Well, we verified Michelle Osborne's signature on the form is authentic, but the "X's" are a different story.

Take a look.

Now, the one on the left is from the ICSI box on the form, the other is for donation.

Both have traces of formamide in the ink, which pen manufacturers use to keep ballpoints from drying up.

But they don't look the same.

Yeah. See the striations?

See, ballpoint pen ink is extremely viscous.

It sits on top of the paper.

But look at the "X" on the right.

No striations.

And the ink's been absorbed into the paper.

So the "X" was written with a different pen.

Well, not just a different pen. A gel writer.

Those things are all over the place.

Except this manufacturer has only been making them for five years.

Michelle signed that form seven years ago, even before she got pregnant.

Which means our Dr. Baby Maker's a big, fat liar.

I did nothing wrong!

Say nothing else, Stanley.

My client made an error in judgment.

That's an understatement.

Michelle Osborne gave my client verbal permission to donate her embryos seven years ago.

Dr. Norton marked the "X" on the form because he thought it would help her remember.

Oh, she remembers, all right. She remembers that she never consented.

And you believe her.

After she tried to have a little girl kidnapped.

Because of what Dr. Norton did to her.

So we're dropping those charges.

It's still Michelle's word against my client's.

And his own employees.

We have signed, sworn statements saying that you routinely implant one woman's genetic material into another.

All I have ever done is help infertile couples have children.

All you've ever done is pad your bank account.

And you can be sure we'll find out how many other women he's victimized.

How? You can't subpoena my client's privileged patient records.

Unless there's evidence of an ongoing criminal conspiracy.

That forged "X" on the consent form is all the amm*nit*on I need to go before a judge.

We scored a clean sweep.


What'd we get?

Warrants and subpoenas for the records of all of Dr.

Norton's in vitro patients, plus all surgical and cryopreservation logs.


Where eggs, sperm, and embryos are frozen and stored.

Any of this make an impression on Dr. Norton?

Nope. That guy still thinks he did a favor for the Bransons.

Sarah's medical records have a notation that none of her eggs fertilized.

So Norton just slipped her one of Michelle Osborne's embryos to keep up his batting average. What a guy.

Okay, so we get him on a couple of counts of fraud, he loses his license and he does some time.

22 Precinct just called.

They're mobilized.

For what?


I don't know how it happened.

I counted the children before we left the building.

Patty was in line!

When did you notice she was missing?

When I counted again on the bus, Patty wasn't there.

Did you see anyone following your class into the museum?

No, I... I don't know.

I was too busy keeping an eye on the kids.

Hey. Checked the whole building. Nothing.

What about this woman?

Oh, God.

She was at the door when the class was leaving.


Bed's made, drawers and closets are full.

Doesn't look like Michelle packed in a hurry.

Suitcases in here are covered with cobwebs.

Haven't been touched in a while.

She knew that this is the first place we'd look.

She grabbed Patty, took off and left everything behind.

Not easy for a mother to turn off a natural bond with her child.

It does look like they had a place at the beach.

I found a picture like this upstairs from before they had the baby.

Michelle picked up her car from the garage down the street this morning.

Attendant say where they were going?

Yeah. Queens.

Why Queens?

Says she goes there every weekend.

To her beach house.

Belle Harbor.

You can't take her, she's my daughter.

No, she's not.

She belongs to me! Put your hands behind your back.

I never gave Dr. Norton permission to take my eggs!

Michelle Osborne, you are under arrest for kidnapping.

He stole my motherhood!

Please don't do this!

You have the right to remain silent... Where's Patty?

It doesn't matter who gave birth to her. You know she's mine.

Michelle, she's six years old and I'm taking her home.

Now where is she?


In here.


Are you okay, Patty?

I don't want to stay here.

You don't have to, sweetie.

I came to take you back to your mommy and your daddy.

They still want me?

Of course they do, honey.

Why would you think they don't?

Because Michelle said she's my real mommy.

It's not true, is it, Olivia?

Is it?

Come here, sweetie.

Let's get you back to your mommy and daddy, okay?

Patty? Patty!



I missed you, Patty!

You can't let Michelle Osborne come near us again.

Michelle is being arraigned right now.

A.D.A. Novak is going to make sure that she's held without bail.

That's not going to stop her.

The judge is going to keep her in jail.

Until she gets out and comes back, and comes back again!

Nothing is gonna stop this woman. She's never gonna give up!

You can't kidnap your own daughter.

The law says she isn't yours.

Well, the law is wrong.

Well, we should just forget about the law and focus on what's right.

What's right is for your client to accept that she has no claim to Patty.

I can't do that.

I'm Patty's mother.

You're a victim, Michelle. We'll take that into consideration.

How much consideration?

We're still willing to make an offer.

Michelle will have to serve three to five years and get counseling...

No, thank you.

If you go to trial and get convicted, you're looking at 15 years in prison.

I'll be acquitted, and then I'll sue for custody of Patty.

You kidding me?

This isn't your idea, is it?

The jury has plenty of evidence to convict Michelle.

So if they find her not guilty, it's because they've decided Patty is her child.

That's not binding on any other court and you know it.

We can use it to argue the next logical step, which is to award Michelle custody of Patty and get a judge to hear the case.

It'll never work.

I have to try.

You can't.

Why did you bring her here?

'Cause she wanted to come.

I know you lost your daughter.

But can't you see what you're doing to Patty?

She's my flesh and blood.

But she came from inside me.

She kicked in my belly.

She nursed from my breast.

She has my genes.

And my husband's genes.

Because of a mistake!

It wasn't a mistake.

My daughter died.

And now God is giving me a second chance.



A mother wouldn't do this to any child.

A mother would fight for her child.

I'm sorry.

But I'm not gonna give up until that jury looks me in the eye and tells me that I am guilty of stealing my own child.

No one here will try and tell you that Michelle Osborne is violent or evil.

She was driven to kidnap Patty Branson because she believes Patty is her little girl.

And, biologically, Patty is her daughter.

But you must remember, the law says the birth mother is the child's mother.

So Patty is not and can never legally be Michelle's daughter.

Now, Michelle kidnapped Patty from the mother who gave her life and from the parents who've raised her since birth.

So no matter how much you may be moved by Michelle Osborne's pain, you cannot ignore the fact, she broke the law.

The moment that Michelle Osborne laid eyes on Patty Branson at a playground in Riverside Park, she felt drawn to her.

A powerful, uncontrollable, biological attachment to her.

She knew Patty was her child.

And DNA proved she was right.

That maternal instinct brought out the truth, that Michelle and Patty's birth parents are all victims of an unscrupulous fertility doctor who stole an embryo from Michelle and implanted it in Sarah Branson without anyone's consent.

Now, to find Michelle Osborne guilty of kidnapping, the People must prove that she had intent to commit a crime.

So as you hear evidence, you must consider, did Michelle Osborne intend to break the law?

Or was she driven by a more powerful law?

The law of nature.

The love of a mother for her child.

Pass it, Dickie!

Pass it!

Dad, I was wide open!

Why didn't you give the shot to your sister?

Elizabeth can't sh**t as good as I do.

Yeah, but you didn't have the shot. She did.

If you would have passed, I would have scored, dope-o.

Here. Who's that lady staring at us, Dad?


Hey. Your wife said I could find you here.

Dickie, Elizabeth, this is Ms. Novak. We work together.

You guys look like a couple of pros out there.

Yeah, so go practice.

And you don't hog the ball.

Let me guess, you just happened to find yourself in the ass end of Queens?

Michelle Osborne trial prep.

I need a reality check.

Okay, for what?

There's no way to win it.

You got her cold on the evidence.

Well, defense has already won the jury.

Once they hear about what happened to Michelle, no one is going to care about evidence.

Are you worried about losing this case, or are you having second thoughts?

I don't think the law can do anyone justice in this case.

You just figuring that out now?

Michelle gets convicted, she goes to prison.

If Michelle gets acquitted, she'll never let go of Patty and there'll be no end to this.

Either way, somebody loses.

Right. What's the question?

If you found out you had another kid out there, would you want it?

Damn right I would.

So you know why she's so obsessed.

It's not an obsession, it's a love.

It's a connection that transcends everything and anything, it's...

I would die for my children, and there's nothing in the world that would ever change that.


So Michelle and Sarah will never stop fighting over Patty.

"And King Solomon said, 'Bring me a sword.

"'Divide the living child in two.

"'Give half to the one and half to the other. "'

Except I can't split the baby.

Solomon didn't have to.

Patty, do you see the person who took you from the museum?


She's over there.

Let the record show that she's indicated the defendant, Michelle Osborne.

So why did you go with her, Patty?

She said she had to take me to my mommy.

Where did she take you?

To her house.

Mommy wasn't there.

Did you ask her where Mommy was?


Michelle said she's my real mommy.

My egg mommy.

Did she tell you what that means?

She said I came out of Mommy's tummy, but the egg that I came from was from her tummy.

What did you do while you were at Michelle's house, Patty?

Watched TV.

Played with toys.

Do you think Michelle is nice?

She's okay.

You know what Michelle said about being your egg mommy is true, right?

Your Honor?

Could you please answer the question, Patty?

No! It's not true!

Yes, it is, Patty.

Michelle's not my mommy!

You came from her egg.

That is true.

I want to go now...

No. You can't until we're finished.

I don't want to go with Michelle!

Your Honor, she's just a little girl...

Is this line of questioning necessary?

Patty, do you understand?

I don't want to go with Michelle!

You don't have to, Patty.

Not yet.

I want my mommy and daddy!

No, you have to stay here.

Please! Don't take me away!


Stop it! Just stop it.

Sit down now, Mrs. Osborne.

Patty, I'm sorry.

I won't ever bother you again.

Mommy! Mommy!

I've changed my mind.

I just want this to stop.

I'll plead guilty, if that's what it takes.

Just leave Patty alone.

Michelle pled to custodial interference.

Suspended sentence.

Said she's moving out of state.

It's too painful to be near Patty and not see her.

She did the motherly thing, loving her by letting her go.

Damage is already done.

Patty's relationship with her parents will never be the same now that everybody knows the truth.

The law has to catch up with technology.

Yeah, but both mothers love that one child.

How you gonna make a law to deal with that?

When Patty's 18, she can make her own choice whether or not she wants to contact Michelle.

Like in an open adoption.

I finished the audit on Dr. Norton's clinic.

And what's wrong?

Michelle didn't have four embryos.

She had 16.

Ten of which were implanted in other women.

How many live births?

Besides Patty, Michelle has two daughters and a son out there somewhere.
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