06x02 - Debt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x02 - Debt

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I got six of my own, plus 11 grandkids.

I know when something's not right.

How long has the baby been screaming like that?

All day.

My husband's been super for 30 years.

Always been a nice building, good families.

The woman in 2D, how long has she lived here?

Mrs. Wu? Couple of years.

Always nice and quiet.

Don't speak a lot of English, so...

Mrs. Wu? Police.

Everything okay in there?

Someone's moving.

Give me the key.

Mrs. Wu?



No sign of the mother, and the little girl only speaks Chinese.

We got that covered.

You know their names?

Landlady says the baby's Suzie. This is Hannah.


"Please find my mama."

Honey, is this your mama?


Where did your mama go?

"Mama locked the door and said, 'Give the baby a bottle 'when the hand points to the red. "'

Every three hours.

"I used up all the milk. Suzie was crying. I gave her some crackers, but she kept crying."

How long has your mama been gone?


"A really, really long time."

You know, I'd say, judging from the empty formula bottles, that mama's been gone a week.

Mother's name is Jiao Wu. Illegal immigrant, no criminal record.

We checked jails, hospitals.

No sign of her in the system, no husband in the picture.

ACS know the family?

No, and they said it's going to take a couple of days to find a Chinese foster home.

Well, she taught her six-year-old how to feed the baby, left a supply of formula.

Sounds like she planned on being gone quite a while.

Probably shacking up with her boyfriend.

It's the number-one reason for home alones.

You know, if that landlady had not called the cops, those kids could have died.

They're ready.

Okay, Hannah, I need you to think really hard.

Did your mama say where she was going?


"To meet a man. "

Do you know the man?


Has her mama left them alone before?

"Auntie Li Mei usually watches us. "

Does your mom have other friends?

"Miss Penny. "

"She works at the market next door. "

Jiao has a sister but I never met her.

You know where she lives?

She didn't say.

Jiao pretty much kept to herself.

She keep her boyfriend to herself?


Because she left her two kids alone for a week.

Jiao would never leave her kids for him.

Who is he?

Some rich white guy.

Can't blame her for trying to marry for money.

Or citizenship.

You ever meet him?


I told her be careful. A lot of creeps out there like Asian women.

How did they hook up?

Dating service.

You got a name?

Golden Happiness.

It's an introduction service for Asian women.

Totally legal, Detectives.

Did that go for your clients?

Illegal immigrants have the right to get married.

Unless it's a scam to get a green card.

These women don't pay me a dime.

The white guys do, and they're all citizens.

How much do you charge?

Flat fee, $8,000.

Guaranteed to find you a wife, or your money back.

How closely do you screen these guys?

I check their credit.

So you could be handing over vulnerable women to psychopaths?

Not my problem. They've got the dough, I've got the girls.

Who got Jiao Wu?

Pretty girl. Lot of guys liked her picture.

Let's see.

Lucky winner, Howard Kendall.

Hot shot Wall Street guy.

Howard Kendall has one DV as*ault, couple of collars for DWI, plus resisting arrest.

Drunk with a temper, huh?

Well, maybe he lost it when he found out Jiao only wanted him for his money.

Can I help you?

Yeah, we're looking for Howard Kendall.

I'm Howie.

You're the mail boy.

Who the hell are you?


Why don't we talk in your office, Howie?

Yeah, I know Jiao Wu.

We went out a couple times.

Awful fast worker, Howie.

Two, three dates with a woman who barely speaks English, and we hear you're getting married?

Not anymore. We broke up.


Jiao's a lying bitch.

She told me she was 25.

Then I find out she's 33, with two brats.

I still would have married her.

But then she dumped me last week when I told her I was a mail clerk.

You sound like an angry guy.

Damn right.

She called the wedding off, and then she welched on three grand she owed me.

For what?

Wedding dress.

She said she couldn't return it. I told her to leave.

You get rough with her?

Maybe I shoved her.

But not so hard that she had to call you.

No, she didn't.

Jiao's missing.

She's probably out scamming some other sucker.

Or maybe you pushed her harder than you meant to.

No, she was fine.

She called the next day, asking for this purse she left at my place.

I told her to come here and get it, but she never showed.

You still got that purse?

Yeah, it's right here.

That's an Hermès Birkin bag.

It's gotta be $10,000 retail.

Must be fake.

She said she made it at work.

Where's that?

I don't know.

Some sweatshop in Chinatown.

The counterfeit squad can help us with that.

The leather's good quality, but the machine stitching's a giveaway.

Hermès bags are hand sewn.

This is definitely a fake.

We got a witness who says the bag was made locally.

Any idea by who?

We used to raid sweatshops every week for making phony handbags, designer jeans, even T-shirts.

But since 9l11, we put all our manpower into DVDs.

Bootlegged movies pose a threat to national security?

When Al-Qaeda's selling them.

Interpol raided a sleeper cell, found 20,000 copies of The Lion King.

Cheap to make, profit margin's higher than dr*gs, and a hell of a lot less risky.

Using Mickey Mouse to fund t*rror1st att*cks on America. What next?

Baby formula, brake pads, hell, even double-A batteries.

Best bet to find a sweatshop is to track it back from the retailer.

You got a Chinatown connection?

Let's start on Canal Street.

Nice bag.

Kate Spade, only $40.

Yeah, I'm looking for leather.

We got a nice Coach. $50.

Everybody has those.

I'm looking for something really special, like Prada, Ferragamo...

Oh, do you have Hermès?

You got good taste.

How about this?

Take your pick.

I will take this one right here.

Very nice. For you, $300.

You got yourself a deal.

All right.



What's going on?

You're under arrest for trademark infringement.

I didn't know they were fake.

That's funny, since the real ones cost 10 grand.

Guy gave me a good discount.

We can get you one on your prison term if you tell us where you got this bag.

They make them over on Eldridge Street.


Nobody leaves.

We're not lmmigration, we just need your help.

We're looking for a woman who works here, Jiao Wu.

Jiao has not come to work for a week.

Do you have any idea why?

No, but she's been very upset.

Said she's been having problems.

We heard Jiao has a sister. You know her?

Jiao's missing, we just want to speak with her sister.

Li Mei Wu. Works at the laundry on Pell Street.

There's Li Mei, up there.

She speak English?

Always taking classes.

Thank you.

Li Mei Wu?


I'm Detective Benson, this is Detective Stabler.

We'd like to talk to you about your sister.

Did something happen?

We don't know. We found Hannah and Suzie alone in the apartment.

Oh, no.

Are they all right?

Right now they're in foster care.

How long has Jiao been gone?

We think about a week.

Oh, this is all a mistake.

You'll see.

Hannah feeds the baby like she's had a lot of practice.

Does your sister leave them alone when she goes to work?

No, no, never.

Jiao takes them to a babysitter, a woman who works night at the factory.

She loves the girls.

She's a good mother.

When was the last time you talked to her?

About two weeks ago.

Uh, we had a fight.

About what?

About money.

She wanted to borrow some and I said no.

You know why she wanted the money?

For her wedding.

What did Hannah tell you?

Not too much.

Jiao taught Hannah never to talk to the police.

She's afraid of lmmigration.

Please, let me see Hannah.

She'll talk to me.

She says she don't know anything.

Can I take the girls home?

Well, there's a family court hearing, day after tomorrow.

She's lying.

That's not what Hannah said.

She said, "Mama went to give the man money for our big sister. "

Jiao has another child?

Her name is Ping.

Where is Ping now?

I don't know.

Don't lie to us again.

Please, if I say anything else, they'll be k*lled.

Li Mei, you gotta trust me.

I am afraid.

I understand that you're afraid, but I can't help you, your sister, or her daughter unless you do trust me.

You've gotta tell me everything.

Now let's start with Ping.

How old is she?


Ping was only a baby when Jiao and her husband came here.

They couldn't take her on the boat.

We saved every penny to bring her to America.

And then Jiao's husband left and took all our money.

Where's Ping now?

I don't know.

Come on, Hannah told you Jiao paid the man to bring her over here from China.

Yes, but I don't know if Ping is here.

And the wedding money is for the smugglers, right?

These snakeheads charge $50,000.

And until you pay off the debt, they own you.

Now, these snakeheads, I need names.

I don't know.

Li Mei, these are the people who have your sister.

Now, every second you waste keeps us from finding her.

Please, you must believe me.

I don't know.

I begged her not to go.

I told her that these people k*ll if you don't pay them back.

Your sister took a huge risk.

Do you have children, Mr. Stabler?

Yeah, I've got four.

Then wouldn't you deal with murderers to get your baby back?

You think the snakeheads k*lled Jiao?

She's dead, she can't repay her debt.

They'd k*ll members of her family first to intimidate her.

More like they stashed Jiao in some sweatshop to work off what she owes.

Probably in Chinatown.

But nobody there talks to outsiders, especially the police.

I'll take a few days, ask around.

It doesn't matter you know the language, they'll make you for a cop.

Have you got a better idea?

Use Li Mei.

You can't send her out there alone.

I wasn't planning to.

I'll go with her.

And they won't make you for a cop?

I'm not going to be doing any questioning.

She'll do the talking, I'll play her boyfriend.

I'll do it.

Ms. Wu, that's against our policy.

Agent Huang will be handling the investigation.

No, they don't know him.

They're not going to tell him anything.

I can't allow a civilian to be put at risk.

Fine. Then I go myself.

Jiao is my sister.

She is all I have.

I don't stop until I find her!

Why don't we grab a cup of coffee?

Don't do it, Captain. I'll be with her every step of the way.

The minute it gets hairy, I'll yank her out of there. She'll be safe.

Too dangerous.

Captain, you heard Li Mei.

She's going, with or without us. I'm there, I can protect her.

Background information only.

The first hint of trouble, I'm shutting you down.

Li Mei: Mr. Zhang comes from our village in China and runs the district association.

My sister often comes to him for advice.

Who are you?

I'm with her.

You're not to come here to pray.

Uh, no, Mr. Zhang, just to ask you for your help.

My sister and I, we had a stupid fight the other day.

With the company you're keeping, I'm not surprised.

I want to say sorry to her, but she's not home.

Have you seen her?

Thank you, Mr. Zhang.

So what'd he have to say after he lectured you for dating a white guy?

Jiao came to visit him.

Asked whether it was safe to visit the INS detention center.

He say who she wanted to visit?

No, he didn't know.

But it must have been my niece.

Ping must have been caught coming in.

Makes sense Jiao would want to see her daughter before she got deported.

Maybe they found out my sister is illegal and locked her up, too.

Li Mei, we checked. She hasn't been deported, she's not in jail.

We must go to the detention center.

I'll check it out after I drop you off.

No, no, I'm going with you.

Li Mei, listen to me.

You're undocumented.

Now, I can protect you on the streets, but not from the Feds.

Come on.

A 15-year-old named Ping Wu was popped at JFK getting off a flight from Jamaica.

I thought Chinese smugglers brought their cargo in by container ships.

Well, not since the Golden Venture ran aground back in '93.

So how do they get them here now?

Well, they fly them from China to Cuba, then take a boat to some small Caribbean island, then a commercial flight to the States, try to blend in with the tourists.

How'd she get caught?

The girl's papers were really bad fakes.

She get deported?


Straight to detention, then her attorney filed an asylum claim.

You still got her in your lock-up?

I'll check.

A pending asylum claim makes her eligible for bail.

Yup. Three grand bond posted last week.

By a Jiao Wu?

That's her mother.

No, by Winnie Chan.

Don't know that name.

Okay, we'll also need the lawyer's contact information.

Roger Baker.

Office on Essex Street.

Every detainee at the center knows me.

I'm the only guy left who'll do deportation cases without cash up front.

No good deed goes unpunished.

What do you mean?

The address that Ping gave lmmigration is phony.

So is the relative who bailed her out.

Guess I'm not getting paid.

You don't sound surprised.

Unfortunately, it happens a lot.

Then why do you do it?

This is still the United States.

All our grandparents came here from somewhere else.

These people are entitled to the same chance.

I wish she'd trusted me. I think she had a good shot at asylum.

On what grounds?

She converted to Christianity and was being persecuted for practicing her faith.

That plus her age, I could have gotten her a green card.

Ping's mother hire you?

No, Ping called herself. My number gets passed around a lot.

Give us a call if Ping gets in touch with you, okay?

I will. But she won't.

Did you find Ping?

Your niece got sprung from the Detention Center.

Nobody knows where she went.

Well, why aren't you looking for her?

There's nothing more we can do tonight. LI MEl: No, no!

First my sister is missing and now my niece?

You're wasting time!

Listen to me.

Hannah and Suzie are due in family court tomorrow morning at 9:00 a. m.

You meet us there.

I'll recommend that the children are released to you.

And then what?

I'll keep looking.

You take care of those children.

I will be there tomorrow at 9:00.

It's 9:55.

Where the hell is Li Mei?

She's... She'll be here.

Yeah, but she wouldn't be this late.

There's something wrong.

All parties on the matter of the Wu children, step forward.

Why don't you go see if you can find her?

I'll get the case recalled for this afternoon.

Li Mei was here last night.

She wasn't scheduled to work, but she said she needed some overtime.

When did she leave?

Oh, about 5:00 a. m.

She had to get dressed for court.

Make a good impression on the judge.

She never made it there and she's not at home.

Well, then I don't know where she is.

Look, pal, I got two women missing already.

You don't wanna piss me off today.

I talk to you, my trucks can have accidents.

My store can burn down.

Yeah? Bad things can happen to you if you don't talk to me.

This kid, Tommy.

Gangster wannabe.

He came in here to see Li Mei last night.

For what?


So he was shaking her down and you did nothing to help her?

She's an employee. I got my own family to worry about.

She leave with him?

Down the back stairs.
Oh, my God.

Li Mei? Li Mei?

Manhattan SVU, I need a bus.

Canal and Ludlow, immediately!

Li Mei. Li Mei.

10-4. Bus is on the way.

Hang in there, hang in there.

It's gonna be all right.

It's gonna be all right.

How's Li Mei?

Man, they beat the hell out of her.

Nasty cut on her head, a few broken ribs, but she'll be all right.

They taught her a lesson.

Next time, she won't be so lucky.


You can see her now.

I'll wait out here.

Li Mei, who did this to you?

Leave me alone.

Stop, what are you doing? You're in no shape to move. Get back.

I am not talking to you!

Who's Tommy?

Did he want money, or was he trying to scare you?

Li Mei, I know you're afraid.

You've gotta talk to me.

My sister is dead.

How do you know that?

The man who beat me said they cut her throat.

When Jiao didn't get her daughter, they...

She told them that she would go to the police.

And now Jiao's debt is my debt.

Who beat you up?

Was it the kid at the laundry?

No, no. Not Tommy.

Then who?

It was too dark.

I couldn't see his face.

Please! Please!

Just go! Just go!

Li Mei...

I'm sorry.

What can I do so you'll trust me?

Can you protect my nieces?

They'll k*ll Hannah and Suzie if I don't give them all my savings tomorrow.

I promise you nothing will happen to them.

When I know they're safe, I'll do anything you want.

Has anyone been here to see you?

A man came when she was playing outside.

Told her to give me this picture.

It's Ping.

Look how she's dressed.

Snakeheads are pimping her out.

She's asking about her mother.

Don't tell her that she's dead until we know for sure.

You sure they'll be safe?

Cops'll be on the girls 'round the clock. Nobody's getting near them.


Where are you meeting the snakeheads?

No, no, I can't.

We had a deal.

That was before I saw the picture.

If they find out I am helping you, they'll k*ll Ping.

Come with me.

Why are we here?

Something you need to see.


Take all the time you need.

Who are all these people?

Nobody knows.

These are the dead we can't identify.

Please, don't make me...

No, look.

All of them, young women.

Exploited, thrown out like garbage.

Stop it.

Just stop it!

Have you seen enough?

Why are you doing this?

Because the snakeheads will keep k*lling girls until someone stands up.

I can't promise you we'll find Ping in time, but the only chance we have is if you tell me where that meeting is.


In a restaurant.

Mobile 1.

Street's clear.

Leader to Ghost 1, report.

I'm in.

Ghost 2?

Have no sign of her yet.

Hold your positions.

Little Sister's on the set.

Stand by.

Got an eyeball on her.

Little Sister's in.

It's all there.

Better be.

Sit. Have some tea.

I'll see you next week.

Same amount.

Subject's on the move.

Red leather jacket.

Red jacket on foot, moving south on Pine.

I got him.

Just turned right on Elizabeth.

We got the eyeball.

He's going into the pool hall.

It's all here, man. Nice and clean. Very easy.

Red Leather Jacket is making a hand-off.

Corner table.

The subject is an Asian male in a dark blue suit.

We're a go. I repeat, go.

Police! Put your hands on the table, now!

Put down your cue. Put your hands on the table now.

Who are you?

What's that?

What's your name?

You speak English?

Ricky Yao, you're under arrest for extortion.

Call my lawyer.

Return to my place and wait for me. I'll be there soon.

Don't bet on that, pal.

Let's go.

Where's Jiao Wu?

Who's that?

The woman you m*rder*d.

You have the wrong guy.


We've got your errand boy next door. First one to talk gets a deal.

Now, how about the two of us?

Candlelight, bottle of Cristal...

I don't date scum.

Such a beautiful woman with such a foul mouth.

What a turn-on.

Shut up and wait for your lawyer.

I bet Junior's already spilling his guts.

You can't scare me into talking. I know my rights.

Well, Tommy, you're a smart kid.

What do you think will happen when Ricky Yao finds out you led us to him?

You're setting me up to be k*lled.

After what you did to Li Mei, I don't give a crap what Ricky does to you.

I'm not a rat.

Ricky knows I'll never betray him.

I'm not worried.

Tommy won't talk.

My partner can be pretty persuasive.

Can your partner promise him a future?

Tommy's a bright kid. He knows I can offer him opportunities.

Like sharing your cell at Rikers?

Is he gonna be your punk there, too?

I'm not going to jail, Detective. You have nothing on me.

Just a couple of counts of as*ault and extortion.

Not to mention three open homicides.

Check my rap sheet.

No charge has ever stuck.

That's because your witnesses seem to disappear or get amnesia.

Not this time, Ricky.

That's a promise.

What is it with this tough-guy act?

I know underneath you're a good kid.

Stop blowing smoke up my ass.

All right.

Where were you born?


Your parents?

They're from Fujin. Little village, middle of nowhere.

Coming to America, they took a lot of risks for a chance at a better life, huh?

Some life.

My dad was a teacher in China.

Here, he's nothing but a delivery man.

Riding around on a stupid bicycle, shoving menus under doors.

"Beef fried rice, $2."

You ever ask yourself why he does it?

He tells me all the time.

For me, so I could have a better life.

Well, that's what I'm trying to do.

By working for Ricky Yao?

I earn more in a week than my dad makes in a month.

You shake people down.

I pick up the money.

I don't hurt anyone.

You muscle working people like your dad for their last dimes and hand it over to Ricky Yao.

You're ripping off poor folks to make that dirt bag rich?

Tommy, talk to me.

I can't betray my people.

Ricky Yao's not your people, don't you get it?

He preys on your people! He beat up Li Mei in that alley!

Be a man.

You stand up for her.

Now, Ricky told Li Mei her sister was dead.

That true?


You see it happen?


Ricky called me over to his whorehouse out in Flushing.

He told me to bring a shovel.

Found the room Ping was photographed in.

She was here, but the house has been cleaned out. No girls.

No, we're checking the grounds right now. I'll let you know.

Methane probe hit.

Something's decomposing under those trees.

Well, looks like we got something.

Dead cat.

Keep searching.

You wake up half the neighborhood because someone gave Miss Kitty a proper burial?

Oh, yeah, well...

You notice any guys working out here last week?

Just the moving van.

All those lovely exchange students went back to China.

Anyone digging?


But they did repave the garage last week.

Hand me the crowbar?

One, two, three...

Jiao Wu.

Yes. This is my sister.

If you can just sign the form...

When can I bury her?

As soon as the autopsy's done.

Come on.

I know they k*lled Ping.

We don't know that.

I know she's dead.

Listen to me, we're not giving up. We're going to find her.


We got Ricky Yao.

Are you ready to deal?

Like I told that hot lady cop, I have nothing to say.

Maybe this'll change your mind.

We found Jiao's body buried underneath your whorehouse in Flushing.

Check the property rules.

Mrs. Chan owns that place.

Sweet old lady.

Grandma didn't slit Jiao's throat.

How do you know?

Do you have any direct evidence linking my client to this m*rder?

We have enough to arrest him.

Anyone could have k*lled that woman, especially if the place was a whorehouse.

So many men coming and going.

We'll find witnesses.

Meanwhile, we'll hold you on the extortion.

And my client will make bail at arraignment.

By the way, I hear your detectives are very concerned about a missing girl.

Jiao's daughter.

What was her name?

Oh, yes, Ping.

Have you found her?

We get the girl, I'll recommend reduced sentencing.

m*rder two, 12 and a half-to-25.

You'll have to do better.

Young girls get lost so easily.

I could be very helpful.


Too bad about the kid.

I hear she's a real nice piece of ass.

Ping's gotta be alive if he's using her as a bargaining chip.

Or maybe he's playing us.

I think he's sweating over her.

Maybe she saw Ricky m*rder her mother. Ping was at that brothel.

He can't let her testify against him.

Second he gets to Central Booking, he makes a phone call, she's dead.

We're done with Ricky Yao.

You can process him.

I can drive him downtown, give you a little time.

Liv, I can't do anything in an hour.

Talked to a friend in Vice.

Bunch of Chinese hookers got picked up last night.

Ricky Yao's girls?


Vice shuttered the brothel, but he's probably got it back up in another spot by now.

Are the girls at Rikers?

Lmmigration, waiting to get deported.

Kathy's cousin works Central Booking.

Mistakes happen.

He could get on a bus to Attica.

Give us time to talk to those hookers.

We gotta get to Ping before he gets to a phone.

When I met Ricky, he said I was gonna be a waitress.

Stupid me, I believed him.

How many other girls has he got working for him?

About 100 come through each year. Where are the brothels?

Ricky Yao owns houses all over the place.

Queens, plus Chinatown.

Some in Brooklyn.

Maybe you can save other girls from what you went through.

You recognize her?

Name's Ping Wu.


Came in with a bunch of new girls about a week ago when we were at the house out in Flushing.

She wasn't picked up in the raid last night.

She's very young, so Ricky probably had her working at a private party.

We need to find her. Do you have any idea where they are now?

I could probably find out, if you can help me beat this deportation.

If your information is good, we'll work out a deal.

I want a deal in writing.

Get me a lawyer.

Call Roger Baker, see if he'll do another pro bono case?


That's the son of a bitch who filed my asylum claim!

Then he sent me to Ricky Yao!

Thank you for coming, Mr.

Baker. How can I help you?

My cousin was caught at the airport.

She will be sent back to China.

They say you are a very good lawyer.

I've had some success.

Please, help her.

First, I need to take a look at her case.


Shing Shing.

Mr. Baker, this is my cousin, Shing Shing.

I could file asylum papers for her. But that's expensive.

I cannot pay very much right now. Maybe a few hundred dollars.

Your cousin is young.

She's a hard worker?

She is.

I think she could make good money working for a friend of mine.

The debt would be repaid in no time.

She says she'll do anything.


I'll bail her out.

Take her to see this man.

Ricky Yao?


You're not going anywhere.

I don't know what that hooker told you, but I didn't k*ll anyone.

Yeah, you're just a saint with a law degree.

I'm just trying to help these people, okay?

Your big house in the Hamptons, your power boat, the Porsche, your Chinese clients help you pay for that?

The market's been good to me.

You buy your toys with blood money.

I never hurt anyone, okay?

Is that what you tell yourself, so you can sleep at night?

These people are gonna be deported.

I'm helping them stay in this country!

By being Ricky Yao's sex slaves, huh?

To be used up and buried when he's done with them!

You're a pimp and a m*rder*r.

No. No, listen, listen.

Yao calls me when people he smuggles are picked up by INS.

I spring them with phony asylum claims, and then he fronts the bail, and they go to work.

In his whorehouse.

The pretty girls.

The other ones work straight jobs.

Where's Ping Wu?

Where's Ping Wu?

I thought she was cute, she would make good money.

I sent her to the brothel.

Where'd he move it to?

Where'd he move it to?


Mosco Street.

Your Honor, they put my client on a bus to Attica.

It appears to have been a clerical error, Your Honor.

It better have been, Miss Novak. You have the court's apology, Mr. Yao.

In recognition of this glaring violation of his rights, I'm releasing the defendant on his own recognizance.

Thank you.

Miss Novak, do you plan to present this case to the grand jury?

Yes, Your Honor.

Then my client asserts his right to testify in his own defense, pursuant to 18080.

So noted. I'll see you back in court on Monday.

Mr. Yao, you're free to go.

Court is adjourned.

Police! Nobody move!

Stay right where you are!

Have you seen this girl?

Ping Wu?

Look at this picture.

Have you seen this girl?

Is she here?

Where is she?

Down the hall!

Down the hall!

Officer, get that man off the phone.

Too late.

We're walking out or she's dead!

Don't hurt her.

Okay, okay, take it easy.

Put the g*n down.

Ping, it's okay, it's okay. We're gonna take you to your family, okay?


Let's get her out of here.

Is she okay?

She's fine.

The blood's not hers.


You can come with us to the hospital, okay?

Come on.

Thank you.


Internal Affairs is waiting on you.

They'll want this.
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