06x08 - Doubt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x08 - Doubt

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Greenpoint. Brooklyn? No way. Out of service.

I said out of service, lady!

You okay?


Crazy bitch. What's your name? Where do you live?

I told you. Greenpoint.

You're going to pay for this.


Damn drunk busted my window.


He tried to run me over.

Look what she did to my cab!

Okay. Let's everybody just cool down.

Forget it!

I want her locked up.

Just wait, please.

I was just r*ped.

Name's Myra Denning, graduate student at City Arts.

Got into a hassle with a cabbie, we try to calm it down, she suddenly outcries about a r*pe.

She know who did it?

Wouldn't say.

Really freaked out when we asked, figured I'd better call you.

All right, thank you.

Hi. I'm Detective Stabler. This is my partner, Detective Benson.

Can you tell us what happened?

I can't...


We're going to get you to the hospital. I'll ride.

Anyone see where she came from?

Cabbie said she was staggering down the street.

Okay, let's start a canvass, huh?



This man says he saw what happened.

Well, I didn't exactly see it, but I heard the commotion, I looked out, and I saw the ambulance.

I live up there, third floor.

What's your name, sir?

Ron Polikoff.

I know Myra.

Is she okay?

She says she was r*ped.

Know anything about that, Mr. Polikoff?

She's going to say I did it.

We're here.

We're going to be inside in no time.

Please, can I just go home?

You've come this far, Myra.

Don't give up now.

Where's my portfolio? It's right here on the end of the gurney.

We're going to take good care of it.

My prints got thrown all over the street when the taxi driver took off.

You must think I'm such a loser.

No, I think that you're scared and upset, which you have every right to be after what just happened to you.

Oh, my God.

Please don't let him see me.

It's okay. Don't worry.

Keep moving, guys.

Keep moving.

Let's go.

Let's get her inside.

Was that Myra?

Follow me.

Where are we going?

Medical Examiner's office.

We're not going to the morgue, are we?

It's right next door.

Is Ron going to be arrested?

My partner's talking to him.

What happens now?

Louise is a sexual as*ault nurse.

She's going to check that you're okay, and then we're going to do a r*pe kit.

What's that?

It's an exam to collect any forensic evidence from the as*ault.

Do I have to do it?

No. Suspect exams are voluntary. You can leave anytime.

Will it prove I'm innocent?

Definitely help.

Because I am innocent.

Okay. Unless bad sex is against the law.

Consensual bad sex?


Dr. Warner, this is Ron Polikoff.

Sorry, I can't shake hands.

I'll need you to get undressed. Behind the screen.

Do I have to take everything off? Yes.

I'll take that.

Stand on the paper.

Put your clothes in the labeled bags. I'll collect them later.

I showered before I left my apartment. Does that matter?

The Lumalight can still show traces of body fluids.

Well, Ron called me.

He said he wanted to talk to me about my work.

He told me to come over.

I said, "Feel free to drop by. "

I didn't know she'd show up at 9:00 the same night.

So you invited her in?

Well, yeah.

She wanted me to look at her portfolio.

You know?

I'm on her MFA committee.

He's your teacher?

Not like my teacher-teacher.

I'm a graduate student.

Right, but he still grades your work.

Well, yeah, but I'm one of six people evaluating her.

Well, what happened once she got into your apartment?

We talked.

I opened a bottle of wine.

You often invite your students over for drinks?

Yeah, he does all the time.

He just loves to get to know his students, especially the women.

Yeah, well, I find that my students are more relaxed and honest about their work in a domestic setting.

Do I have to take off my shorts? Please.

Come to the table, please.

So, you had some wine?

Yeah, just a couple of glasses.

We were talking, one thing led to another.

I should've known better, but we started kissing.

And you were okay with that?

With the kissing, yeah, but not with what happened afterwards, no.

All right, what's that?

A Lumalight.

It detects any body fluids on the skin. It won't hurt.

I'll get the light.

Okay, got to get your arm out of here.

Okay, there's something on your thigh.

This is so humiliating.

You're doing fine.

I'm going to take a sample and send it to the lab.

So tell me what happened after the kissing.

He wouldn't stop.

He was all over me.

She wouldn't stop.

She was all over me.

Which would've been fine, but I just...

I wasn't into what she wanted.

Found something. There are fluids on your shoulder.

What did she want?

She wanted me to be rough.

Not play rough, be rough.

She told me to hold her down.

He grabbed me by my neck really hard, and he held me down.

And then what happened?

I begged him to stop.

And he didn't. He...

What? When are you going to be done?

Louise is just going to check your wounds and abrasions, and then I'm going to photograph them.

Open your mouth, please.

Abrasion on the tongue.

She bit me.

Show me your tongue.

When I wouldn't hold her hard enough, she bit me.

I mean, look at this.

And then she tears me up with her nails.

You fought him.

As hard as I could, but he had his hands around my neck.

You had your hands around her neck? Well, yeah.

It was the only way I could keep her from attacking me.

And, at this point, is it still consensual?

Yes, but, you know, I just wanted to get the whole thing over with, and get her out of my apartment.

Did she ever accuse you of raping her?

No, but I could tell she was upset when I didn't ask her to stay.

I wasn't too surprised when I heard a commotion in the street.

You're her professor, you call the sh*ts.

But you were helpless?

Look, my wife left me nine months ago, and I was lonely and I wasn't thinking straight.

And this Myra, she came at me like a...

Like a bird hits your windshield.

You know? And I just went off the road, I crashed.

Haven't you felt that way?

You think you're in control, but you're not?

We've got everything we need now.

We'll wait for the lab results, compare statements, and decide if we have a case.

I'm free to go?

Yeah. Yeah, you're free to go.

Why did he have to hurt me?

I worshipped him, and he just treated me like a piece of trash.

But I started it.

I kissed him.

And then you said, "No," and that's enough.

"No. " Enough to count?


It's okay.

Sorry, it hurt when you touched me.

That's okay. Just going to take time. You're going to get better.

Okay, please, can I go home now?

We still have to do the vaginal exam.

Okay, can you open your legs a little bit more?

You're going to feel a little pressure.

How's Myra? This girl had it pretty tough.

The way he tells it, she was looking for rough sex.

Oh, yeah.

That's what they all say.

Well, sometimes it's true.

I need to voucher this r*pe kit at the lab. Where's the sector car?

Tell you what, I'll call the 29, wait with her until they get here.

You sure?

Yeah. Go.

Thank you.

Dr. Lee Shaw, please...

Yeah, this is Detective Stabler, Manhattan SVU.

I'm waiting for sector Charlie at St. Vincent's.

You got an ETA for me?

Okay, thanks.

Take care of yourself.

Hi, Myra. I'm Detective Stabler. We spoke earlier.

I remember.

Your car's not here yet.

There was a pile-up on the FDR.

Oh, well, how long?

About an hour.

Oh, I'm so tired.

I'll take you home.

Thank you.

Do you have anybody who can help you out in the next couple of days?

My roommate, if she's not too busy.


I can't tell them this.

You might be surprised.

No, I wouldn't.

I can't do this right now.

I feel so...

I'm so scared.

Think you can make it?

I don't know.

Okay, try.

I'll be right behind you.

You did great.

I think it could be buyer's remorse.

Myra had the physical reaction of a victim.

She didn't want to be touched.

Sounds like you believe Ron Polikoff.

Well, look. He could've agreed to that suspect exam because he's playing us, or he's an honest guy who doesn't know what the hell hit him.



Okay, thanks.

That was Warner.

The fluids on Myra's silk teddy match Ron Polikoff's blood type.

Figured that.

We didn't figure there'd be a second blood type.

Myra entertained two guys last night.

What is this about?

Have you arrested Ron?

We've questioned him.

Myra, did you have sex with anyone besides Ron Polikoff yesterday?

No! Why are you asking me that?

Well, we got a preliminary lab result on your teddy.

There's semen from two men on it.

Myra, if you had consensual sex with somebody yesterday, that doesn't change what happened with Ron.

Is this some trick to see if I'm lying?

No, but you need to tell us.

I have told you. I didn't have sex with anybody but Ron Polikoff that night, and it wasn't sex, it was r*pe.

The sooner we get the DNA from the r*pe kit, the better.

I can't draft the complaint unless I know what she's hiding and why.

Maybe she's just embarrassed about having sex with two men in one day.

Well, she'd better get over it.

The two samples are enough to get her sexual history admitted.

Captain Cragen? Donna Emmett wants to see you.

And I do see him, thank you.

g*ng's all here.

And the complainant, too!

How can I help you?

I understand your detectives entertained a client of mine last night? Ron Polikoff?

He volunteered for a suspect exam.

Something I would have strongly discouraged had I been consulted.

Is the D.A.'s office planning to file charges?

We're discussing that right now. Discuss this.

A list of Ms. Denning's numerous sexual partners.

I don't know how you got this, but it's irrelevant.

Ms. Denning's truthfulness, or lack of it, is a matter of record.

After rear-ending a van on the BQE last year, she told a heart-wrenching tale about being upset about her grandmother's death.

So upset she couldn't walk a straight line when the officer asked her to.

Well, if her grandmother died...

Her grandmother miraculously came back to life and bailed her out.

This time, I understand she smashed a cab window with a bottle?

She was distraught.

She was drunk!

And I know this because my client was with her when she got herself that way.

He didn't force her to drink, or to have sex.

Let me know when you drop the case.

Better look at the list.

So Ron Polikoff wants to play dirty.

Now, how did Emmett get those names so fast?

That's a good question.

Send Myra home and get to those people before Emmett does.

First name on the list is Justin Wexler.

Yeah, I know Myra.

I'm going out with her.

So you're her boyfriend?

Isn't that what "going out" means?

Can you tell us when the last time you had sex with Myra was?


If you tell me when you last got laid.

Where were you last night?

Here, with two friends.

We watched the Knicks get their asses kicked until about 11:00, and then I went to bed.

Why, what's going on?

Is Myra in trouble?

She may have been r*ped.

Is there anything I can do?

Yeah. Tell us when the last time you slept together was.

Three nights ago.

You remember what she was wearing?

Some slinky lace thing. Black.

A teddy?

Wait a minute.

Is she accusing me?

We need a DNA sample to exclude you.

Has she been sleeping around?

It's Ron Polikoff, isn't it?

I knew she'd cheat on me with that fraud.

Why would you say that?

'Cause she can't stop talking about him.

What is it with that guy?

Some lousy gallery show back in '85, and it still gets him laid.

Girls at school line up around the block to "inspire" him.

Here's your DNA sample.

Pass it on to Myra when you're done with it.

Myra, why didn't you tell us that you were dating Justin Wexler?

I'm sorry. I didn't think it mattered 'cause I hadn't seen him in a couple of days.

Or maybe you didn't want us talking to your boyfriend.

No, I didn't want him knowing I was at Ron's because he gets ridiculously jealous.

Is the second sample of DNA that was on your teddy Justin's?


And this is the same teddy that you wore to Ron Polikoff's?

This is so embarrassing.

I got home from Justin's, I took it off, and I threw it in a pile of clothes.

And then last night, Ron called me and he wanted to go over my thesis proposal, so, you know, I just threw on some clothes.

And the teddy?

It looked clean.

Have you had any other recent sexual partners?

Define "recent. "

Max Bernbaum, once last May, Charlie Washington, beginning of the semester...

Where are you getting all this?

Myra, who else would know?

It has to be Jenny, my roommate.

She has a big crush on Ron, and when I told her that I was r*ped, she acted like I made the whole thing up.

Yeah, I gave Ron the list.

So what?

I thought Myra was your friend.

She's my roommate.

She knows I like Ron, so she goes over there and sleazes her way into his bed.

So you don't think Myra was r*ped?

By Ron? No.

She was beat up pretty badly.

Myra gets crazy when she drinks.

Maybe she fell down some stairs.

She try to strangle herself, too?

It wasn't Ron.

He's not into kinky stuff.

And you know this how?

Personal experience?

Actually, yes.

Thought we were in a relationship, then he goes and bones my roommate.

That's a good reason for you to be pissed at Ron.

So why would you tell him about Myra's sexual partners?

He was really upset! Myra was charging him with r*pe!

He admitted he screwed her, and he apologized to me.

So you're seeing him again?

He loves me, okay?

I know he's not a r*pist.

What a gentleman.

He gets back together with Jenny, so he can get dirt on Myra.

Wonder how long that's going to last.

Let's talk to Polikoff again.
Is Ron Polikoff home?

Who wants to know?

How old are you, sweetheart? She's 16.

She's my daughter.

Sophie, say hi to the detectives. Hi.

Dad, I'm late.

I need to take a shower.

Yeah, okay.

Come on in.

I have Sophie Wednesdays and every other weekend.

It's not nearly enough.

You thought she was my girlfriend?

We heard that you like them young.

Who said that?

Doesn't matter. Do you?

I'm a father, not a r*pist or a child molester.

I haven't dated anyone under 21 since I was that age myself.

Yeah, but you do date students. Jenny, for example?

Jenny's 25, and she's not an undergraduate.

If you want a list of my girlfriends, just ask.

Well, we're more interested in the list that you gave your lawyer.

The one of Myra's boyfriends.

Pretty long, isn't it?

Kind of shows the woman who's accusing me will sleep with anything in pants.

Is that why you invited her over to your house late at night?

I said I wanted to talk to her. I didn't know she'd come right over.

Well, she says that she was worried about her thesis.

And she should have been.

She brought her portfolio.

Her work's not good.

Did you actually look at it?

Yeah, for about an hour. I even made notes on some of the prints.

Before you had sex?

No, after.

Look, do you guys really think she'd have hung around if I'd r*ped her?

I get there, he pours a glass of wine, we talk, I show him my portfolio, he r*pes me. Clear enough?

So he looked at your drawings before the r*pe?

I just said that!

What happened after the attack?

He walked out of the room.

I couldn't move.

I heard the shower.

And then he came back out and said, "You can't stay here all night. "

So I got dressed and I left.


No, not okay.

Why do I get the feeling you guys think I'm lying?

Myra, I believe you.

I just need to know the facts.

You've got the facts!

What's next?

So, Warner says that the other DNA sample on Myra's teddy is indeed Justin Wexler's.

Good. I don't think that's going to hurt us with the jury too much.

The fact she wore sexy silk underwear to Polikoff's sure will.

That's not an invitation for r*pe.

Maybe she didn't even see it as r*pe until he told her to leave.

Elliot... Guys, I can't prosecute this until you agree.

Call me when you get on the same page.

What is your problem with Myra? She's neurotic.

Look, she chased after a guy whose life is falling apart.

So that gives him the right to force her to have sex?

She was the one who wanted to have sex.

Really? Did she want to be strangled, too? A lot of people do.

Elliot, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with me?

Myra hasn't told a consistent story yet!

She lied about when he looked at her portfolio!

Right! Maybe he lied!

It's her word against his!

Yeah, but her words can put him in prison for 10 years!

She hails a cab instead of calling the cops?

She doesn't even mention r*pe until she's about to be arrested!

Elliot, r*pe victims are in shock, they're in denial!

You know that!

You've seen it!

I've also seen liars.

Elliot! Olivia! My office.

You know Miss Scarry. She now represents Myra Denning.

And I would like to know why Ron Polikoff hasn't been arrested for raping her.

Because we don't have enough evidence.

My client's r*pe kit isn't enough?

Bruises? Bites? Contusions?

Strangulation marks on her neck?

That could've been caused by rough sex.

Are you just looking for reasons not to bring charges?

This case won't be easy to win.

We don't want it to fall apart.

Maybe you do.

And why would we?

To hide the fact that Detective Stabler sexually harassed my client.

Excuse me? You took her home from the hospital.

He was doing her a favor.

And in her building, you touched her in an inappropriate manner.

The only time I touched her was to stop her from falling down the stairs.

Maybe you used that as an excuse to cop a feel.

That's enough, Counselor.

In 12 years, there has never been a complaint against this man.

Men change.

Especially when their wives file for legal separation.

My investigator checked the court documents.

He also found out that your wife took the kids and moved in with her mother.

You have no right to use my personal life to make your case.

I don't give a damn about your personal life unless it affects my client, and it does.

Stay away from her!

I want Detective Stabler off this case.

And I want SVU to do its job.

Elliot! Elliot, stop! Hey!

What's going on?

I touched her in an inappropriate manner. Didn't you hear?

I don't believe that. Forget that. What's going on at home?


Hey, would you talk to me?

Kathy left me.

You okay?

You need any time off, you'll let me know, right?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Myra's allegation.

You know I have to ask.

It's crap.

You broke procedure.

Why did you get into a car alone with a female victim?

It was 3:00 in the morning, the sector car was going to be an hour late.

Why not just drop her at her building? Why go inside?

Captain, that girl was dead on her feet. She lives in a fifth-floor walk-up.

That it?

No, I wanted to size her up.

You should've done that in the precinct.

You really think that lawyer's going to file a complaint?

I think Scarry's just trying to bully us.

We arrest Polikoff, this will all go away.

I thought we decide who we arrest.

We do.

And you are done with Myra Denning.

I don't know what to do.

Only Ron and Myra know what really went on in that room.

What do the forensics show?

Well, the evidence indicates r*pe, but Myra's behavior before and after was pretty erratic.

So her credibility's an issue.

What's SVU's position?


That explains why Scarry's threatened to go to the media if they don't make an arrest.

So I just wait.

Skip the arrest.

Bring an X indictment to the grand jury.

Present the evidence, and let the jurors decide whether there's a case.

Detective Benson, on what do you base your opinion Myra Denning was r*ped?

Myra's behavior was consistent with somebody who's been sexually assaulted.

She had all the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Can you elaborate?

It's like when a w*r veteran hits the floor after a car backfires.

Myra suffered an event that was so traumatic for her that her body was actually waiting for another as*ault.

So she interpreted Detective Stabler's gesture as an attack.

Well, her body did.

I touched her in the hospital, just to reassure her, and she flinched as if I'd hit her.

Myra. What happened?

Miss Novak, my client has something to show you.

Apparently, the police aren't the only ones who don't want this case to go forward.

What are you talking about?

I checked my e-mail this morning, and...

Read this!

"Whore! Liar! Burn in hell!

I hope you die, bitch"?

How many are there?

Thirty so far.

We'll put a trace on the account.

You can't. The e-mails are from a free ISP.

Screen name's Eagle.

As in Eagle, Colorado.

The Kobe case.

Anybody could have sent these.

No, it's Ron. For sure.

Or one of those angry men's groups.

Dads' Manifesto, The National Alliance of Free Men.

There are plenty of trogs who think r*pe's a feminist invention.

Well, how are they connected to Ron Polikoff?

It's obvious he contacted them.

They're using hate mail and death threats to scare Myra into dropping the charges.

Can I borrow this?

Our computer people may be able to figure out who sent these e-mails.

I can't trace the screen name, but I did track the e-mails to an address in Chelsea.

2411 West 21st.

City Arts!

Where Ron Polikoff teaches.

And Myra goes to school.

Are you suggesting that Myra sent these e-mails herself?

I just don't think we can count her out.

Detectives, it might not be either of them.

The e-mails came from a computer in the library.

Anybody with a college ID has access.

I'll double-check, but I was at my desk all day, and I didn't see Myra or Ron.

So you know them?

Oh, they're nice people.

This mess has divided the whole college.

Half are on Myra's side, half on Ron's.

All I know is they're both going to lose. How is that?

Look what happened to Ron.

Dean called him in this morning and fired him.

Neither of them checked out any books.

Okay, how about the computers?

Can you tell who's been online?

Well, there's a sign-up sheet.

And look who signed up.


No, that's his daughter, Sophie.

Faculty kids have full access.

You leaving town, Ron?

College told me to vacate faculty housing.

So much for innocent until proven guilty, huh?

r*pe or no r*pe, Ron, you did sleep with a student.

That is against the rules.

Thanks, Jenny.

I'll get more stuff.


So you and Jenny still together, Ron?

She's helping me move out. To her place?

Into a hotel!

Look, I have lost my job, I lost my home.

I've lost everything.

All because an unbalanced woman couldn't deal with rejection or a bad grade.

Are you satisfied?

We need to speak with your daughter.


Why not?

Because she's a minor and I won't allow it.

Ron, if you've got nothing to hide, you should let us speak to her.

Either that, or we ask her mother.

Sophie, I understand that you were in the City Arts library this morning.



I was working on a science project.

Is that all you did?


You see that?

I had to look up a bunch of stuff...

She looks to her dad every time before she answers.

I've got a paper due next week. Maybe she's just scared.

When you were at the library this morning, did you use the computer?

Yeah, but it was for research.

I didn't do anything wrong.

He's coaching her.

Sophie, did you write this e-mail?

"Whore. Liar. Burn in hell.

I hope you die, bitch"?

Answer the question.

Sophie, answer the question!

Did you send this e-mail?

Look at it!

Did you send this e-mail?

Why don't you just leave us alone?

My dad didn't do anything, and you've destroyed his life.

All right, that's enough.

That's enough!

You should be talking to me, not her.

You sent the e-mails.

No, Sophie did, but it's not her fault.

She must have heard me talking on the phone about Myra.

She'd have seen how upset I was.

I'm responsible for this, not her.

It's okay.

Isn't he smart?

He comes forward, he says, "I did it," and we all think he's a stand-up guy.

Maybe that's what he is.

He just manipulated the hell out of his daughter, and he's manipulating us.

The first time that I saw him, he walked right up to me and he said, "She's going to say I r*ped her. "

This guy's good.

So now you don't believe him.

Grand jury came back. They just voted to indict Ron Polikoff.

Does Myra know?

I'm on my way to tell her now.

You want to come?

Not in.

Maybe she's on campus.

Answer the door!

Open up, damn it! Sir, calm down. She's not home.

She better be! There's water pouring through my bathroom ceiling!

Damn kids, stay up all night, sleep all day... Sir, get out of my way!



Over here!

We got a pulse.

We need an ambulance, Driggs Avenue, Greenpoint, apartment 5.

Sleeping pills.

Attempted su1c1de.

Drug overdose.

How's Myra?

She's okay.

You know, I should've seen how depressed she was. I should've done something.

Well, you did exactly what she wanted.

What are you talking about?

How long'd it take you to get to Brooklyn?

Forty-five minutes, maybe.

After you left the office, Myra called.

She wanted to find out about the grand-jury decision.

Munch told her that Polikoff had been indicted, and that you were on your way to go see her.

She knew that I was coming.


You saved my life.

And what if I'd been stuck on the Williamsburg Bridge for an hour?

I don't understand.

You made sure that your tub would flood the downstairs apartment.

Your neighbor works from home.

You knew he'd be there.

You're wrong.

You called my office.

You spoke with my colleague. He told you that I was on my way.

You weren't going to die.

Okay, I was taking a bath and I couldn't stop crying, so I just took some pills to make the pain go away.

And it wasn't working, so I took some more.

And I felt myself going, but I just didn't care, 'cause I just wanted to die.

Why? Because I can't do this anymore.

The grand jury was horrible, and court's just going to be worse.

They're going to make me relive every horrible detail.

And Ron, all he has to do is say that I'm lying.

And I can't prove a thing.

But I'm not lying.

He r*ped me.

He r*ped me.

After Mr. Polikoff told you to leave his apartment, why didn't you go to the police, or to the hospital?

I just wanted to go home and hide.

So you hailed a taxi?

Right, and the cabbie wouldn't take me to Brooklyn, and I lost it.

So I threw a wine bottle at his cab, and then that's when the police showed up.

And you told them you'd been r*ped.

Yeah, they were the first people I felt safe to tell.

Thank you.

Miss Denning, now that we heard all the reasons why you didn't act like a victim of r*pe...

Your Honor. Get to your question, Miss Emmett.

Have you ever made an allegation of sexual abuse against another man?



Didn't you, on the night of the alleged r*pe, accuse Detective Stabler of inappropriate sexual behavior?

I don't remember.

Let me refresh your memory.

Detective Stabler gave you a ride home, helped you to your door.

The next day, you claimed that he had touched you inappropriately.



I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Yes.

A police officer with 12 years of unblemished service helping the victims of r*pe.

He groped you?


No? So you made it up?

I'm sorry, I was just confused, and I was...

I was in pain, and I...

Did you make it up?

Not at the time.

And now?

And now?

Your Honor, the witness needs a break.

You may step down, Miss Denning.

Ten-minute recess!

Finally, I'd like you to search your soul.

Did you do anything that night that you regret?


I regret inviting Myra into my apartment.

I regret drinking wine with a student.

I most regret having sex with a troubled young woman.

But I broke no laws.

If you are looking for a victim in this, it's me.

Thank you.

No further questions.

So you're the victim here.

That's right.

You recognize this photo?


These are blowups of the contusions on Myra's arms.

Who did this to her?

I did.

But Myra asked me to.

And this?

Strangulation bruises on Myra's neck. Did you do this, too?

You have pictures of my bruises? My bite marks?

Answer the question, Mr. Polikoff.

Did you make these marks?

Yes. But Myra told me to.

And when I wouldn't, she...

She scratched me so hard she drew blood!

You're about, what, 6'4", 200 pounds?

Myra Denning is maybe 115.

You still want to claim that you're the victim here?


Because a woman forced you to have sex with her?

No, because it's my picture in the paper, not hers.

My daughter has had to change schools.

My wife is suing for sole custody.

I've lost my job.

My life is a shambles, and all I can do is say, "I did not r*pe her. "

I did not r*pe her!

What do you think?

I don't know.

I'm glad I'm not on that jury. Me, too.

At least we agree on something.

I saw this scared and angry woman. Maybe I jumped the g*n.

Look, maybe I didn't give Myra a fair shake.

When I saw Polikoff and his daughter...

Wednesday nights and every other weekend?

That got to me.


What happened with you and Kathy?

The job.

Makes me kind of hard to live with.

She should try working with you.

You okay?

Novak called.

Closing arguments.

The crime of r*pe used to be hard to prove.

Even harder to convict.

The victim was on trial, not a r*pist.

Then the laws changed.

Woman's identity was protected, her sexual history excluded, and rapists were rightly brought to justice.

And, now, perhaps the pendulum has swung too far.

Women who have sex and later regret it are not entitled to call their partners rapists.

Now, Miss Denning went to my client's apartment late at night, wore sexy clothes, drank several glasses of wine, and then kissed him.

But now, she says she was there to discuss her art portfolio.

Now, every piece of evidence is open to interpretation, but two facts are undeniable.

First, there is nothing in Ron Polikoff's past to suggest he is capable of such a violent act.

Second, his life has already been ruined by this woman's unfounded, unsubstantiated and unjust accusations.

Don't punish him any more for a crime he did not commit.

Believe me, r*pe is still hard to prosecute, and it is still a nightmare for the victims.

Miss Denning has had to endure three separate sexual humiliations.

Her teacher, a man she admired, r*ped her.

In the hospital, she had to strip naked.

She was photographed, poked, prodded, and then scraped, so the police could gather evidence.

And finally, she sat here and relived every sordid, painful detail.

Her sex life dissected, her psychological traumas exposed, her entire motivation called into question.

So ask yourselves this.

Why would she put herself through such hell if she wasn't telling the truth?

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

In the case of The People v. Ronald J. Polikoff, docket ending 445, on the top count of the indictment, the charge of r*pe in the First Degree, what is your verdict?

We find the defendant...
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