06x09 - Weak

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x09 - Weak

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


I'm Olivia Benson.

I'm a police officer.

Can you open the door?


We're here to help you.

Your landlord gave me the key, but I'm not gonna use it unless you say I can.

Can you say something, Colleen?

Let us know that you're all right?

I'm here!

Good. Is anybody with you?

No, I'm alone.

Okay. Can we open the door?


Are you hurt?

No. I just need my chair.

We're gonna get it for you.

Colleen, that's Detective Stabler and these are Officers Tanner and Galloway.

They're the ones who were knocking on your door.

Can I?

Just get me in it.

You okay?

Yes. Yes.

Colleen, you told the 911 operator that the man who att*cked you left two hours before you called.

He told me to wait or he would come back.

And when I heard them knocking, I thought it was him, testing me.

He might still be watching.

He could still come back.

They always say they're gonna come back. They never do.

Detectives, better listen to this.

10-5 that, Central.

Be advised, we're receiving a report of a second sexual as*ault at 65 West 95th Street, apartment 6-David.

Another r*pe?

It's four flights up.

The hallway was empty.

What time was this, Samantha?


We had just gotten in from the airport.

I put my key in the door and he grabbed me from behind.

What happened then?

He pushed us inside and he wouldn't let me turn on the lights.

He was behind me the whole time.

I woke up and he was just sitting there, right at the end of my bed.

I thought that I was dreaming.

But then he put his hand over my mouth, and...

It's okay, Colleen.

Just take your time, okay?

I don't know how he got in.

The window's always locked.

The lock was broken.

Building cheaped out. These things break if you blow on them too hard.

She couldn't see up this high from where she was sitting, though.

Fire escape ladder's been pulled down. That made some noise.

Downstairs neighbors might've heard it.

He rolled me over onto my stomach. I never saw his face.


Did he seem particularly short or tall?

How about a smell?

Do you remember a smell? An aftershave? Some kind of soap?


Stale, like a bar.

Did he say anything?

He wanted me to tell him things.

How good he was.

How much I liked it.

And I said it.

It was like he needed it to get going.

I don't know. And even then, he couldn't finish.

God, he got so angry, and Benjamin started to cry, and I just shut my eyes.

And then he was just gone.

That's the escape route?

Down in the alley.

Six flights. You're gonna have to print all these railings.

What's that?

Condom wrapper.

Guy was taking out the trash.

This ought to give us some nice prints.

I don't think you're gonna find anything. He wore gloves.

When did he push the wheelchair out of your bedroom?

After. He had to do one more thing to show me how helpless I am.

Colleen, we are gonna get this guy because of the information that you've given us.

That's not helpless.

Now, is there anything else that you can remember?

Anything else that was familiar about him?

I don't think I know him, but...

He knows me.

Why do you say that?

He just kept saying that I wasn't as good as he imagined when he first saw me.

He thought I was gonna be "the one. "

Neighborhood canvass is ongoing, CSU is still pawing through the dumpsters in the alley.

Two r*pes in under an hour.

This guy's not wasting any time.

I think he stalked the first victim.

Perp sounds like he'd seen her before.

And Samantha was opportunity.

That guy's on a binge. The first r*pe didn't live up to his fantasy.

He sees Samantha after he's left Colleen, figures he has another chance at finding the perfect girl.

Only there never is a perfect girl.

He's gonna keep looking.

I'll run the MO through ViCAP back at the house.


Saint Catherine's E.R. Has a woman who was att*cked two blocks from here.

Could be our guy.

He may have wanted to, but he didn't r*pe me. Not that he wasn't trying.

So what happened?

He just grabbed me right off the sidewalk, pulled me into an alley, threw me against a wall.

I screamed, but that hour, no one's around.

What time was that?

4:00 something. I had just gotten off of work.

Paulie's Tavern.

He told me not to fight, that he wasn't gonna hurt me.

But I know that's crap, so I popped him with my crutch.

Why did you wait before coming to the hospital?

He got pissed that I was fighting so he bashed my head against the wall.

I passed out. Next thing I know, some guy in a suit is standing over me, saying an ambulance is on the way.

We got blood here.

So, Gina, you were on these crutches before the attack?


Knee surgery.

A woman in a wheelchair, one with a baby, another with a bum leg.

You think you got a good enough look at him to work with a sketch artist?

He was behind me most of the time.

White guy, hood of his sweatshirt pulled over his head, big sunglasses.

Smelled like an ashtray.

Guess that's not gonna help you for your sketch unless it's a scratch-and-sniff, right?

Oh, that's great.

Our r*pist is the Unabomber.

It's more to warn the neighborhood than to identify the guy.

And you're sure it's the same perp?

It's the same MO, Captain.

The only reason he beat up the last victim is 'cause she fought back.

Why didn't he r*pe her? She was knocked out.

Maybe he only likes them when they're conscious.

Or something scared him off.

He chooses women who are physically vulnerable.

We're thinking that he's new at the game.

Three women in one night, not a single one got a good look at the guy.

He's off to a hell of a start.

Something set him off.

Forensics find anything?

No prints, r*pe kit turned up spermicide, no semen.

DNA from the blood on the crutch is still running through the system, nothing yet.

This third victim who wasn't r*ped, if someone scared him off, they could've seen something.

He att*cked her in an alley at 4:00 in the morning, could've been trash collection or a delivery man. We'll ask around.

If Colleen was being stalked by this guy, maybe somebody noticed something.

Find out where she's been the last few days.

I'm so upset about this.

We all love Colleen.

Comes in for a manicure and pedicure about once a week.

She say just because she can't walk, don't mean her feet can't be pretty.

Did you notice anyone paying particular attention to her the last time she was in here?

You know what kind of awful?

Everybody stares at the girl in the wheelchair.

Any male clients that day?

Annie, you did a guy's nails the other day, didn't you?


What a mess.

How so?

They were filthy.

And he'd chewed them half off, not much I could do for him.

Like you. I've got some bitter nail polish if you want.

Thanks, no.

Can you describe him?

Uh, white, average.

Hair color?

Eye color?

Sorry, I was looking at his hands, not his face.

Besides, he was wearing shades.

Kind of like that?


Isn't that the Unabomber?

Find Colleen's stalker?

Everybody saw him, nobody remembers him.

And what about Gina's attacker? Any witnesses could've scared him off?

Delivery guy didn't see her, but he saw a guy come running out of the alley, get into a dark Ford Taurus, mid-to-late '80s.

But he didn't get the license plate number.

Only 20,000 or so Ford Tauruses in the five boroughs.

Who wants to start knocking on doors?

Well, why don't we call Huang, get him down here, at least get him started on a profile?

He's not available.

He's on assignment in D.C.

Three, four... Four of them are three. Three of them are right.

I don't think...

Can I help you?

Unit of measure for chloride and anhydride and dicarboxylic acid, and unit three and four, four of them are...

Three, three of them are right. It's the pattern...

The principle, they know the unit.

The over-the-shoulder score of the day. Ma'am?

Got them overdrive.

Do you know where you are?


We're going to take you someplace safe, okay?

If this is the principle, the preamble...

The perimeter of 14 and 17 and 22 or 36 and 37...

The bonds underscore...

Four and six, so four units.

But only three in carbon.


Ma'am, were you att*cked?

That was the reason.

They knew with the signal and the Sarin gas to get over in time...

Okay, why don't we go someplace where we can...

Okay. You're gonna hurt yourself. Come on.

What the hell's going on?

Could be victim number four.

Get a bus to Bellevue Psych, and go with her.

Pressure, 150 over 100.

Miss, do you know your name?

We found this ID in her coat, Miranda Cole.

Pupils reactive to light, pulse 110. Couldn't get her temp.

Almost bit my finger off.

Are you taking any medications, Miranda?

Get away!

I'm not going!

Get Dr. Hendrix.

Rebecca Hendrix?


Miranda? Miranda.

Who's Rebecca Hendrix?

She used to be a cop.

Miranda, listen to me. Is there anyone we can call for you?

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no. Let's get a CBC, chem seven, blood glucose, tox screen and blood alcohol, pregnancy test.

Give her two migs of Ativan I-M.


20 of Geodon.


Two of Cogentin.


Olivia. Hi.

She may have been sexually assaulted.

Miranda, are you hearing voices right now?


Yeah? What are they saying?

It's my fault.

I brought this on.

What's your fault?

Miranda, do you believe people want to harm you?



Bin Laden wants to hide it in plain sight but I can see.

Miranda, when were you att*cked?


I have to leave now.


Miranda, no, it's okay.

Nobody's going to hurt you.

Why don't you lie back, and we're going to examine you, okay?

They want to stop me.

They can get into my mind.

Miranda, can you describe the person that att*cked you?

What are those?

The nurse just wants to make sure you're not injured, Miranda.

I know what they are.

Don't put anything else in me.

Miranda, is that where he touched you?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No more listening devices.


I know the procedure, it's the pattern, stop...


Stop. Stop, stop.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Start her on five mgs of Zyprexa b. i. d.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Let's talk outside.

Stop, stop.

Stop, stop, stop.

What'd she say?

As far as I can figure, she was r*ped by t*rrorists.

She's schizophrenic, she's probably been off her meds for a while.

We're gonna try some anti-psychotics, hopefully, she'll be able to tell you more later.

It was great to see you, Olivia.

But what about the r*pe kit?

You saw her.

It's too traumatic.

It'll have to wait.

Well, do you think she was r*ped?

Schizophrenics rarely false report sexual assaults, and stress often precipitates a psychotic break.

Rebecca, I'm sure that you can appreciate the importance of getting this done fast.

Our guy att*cked three women in one night.

And if Miranda is the fourth, then any forensic evidence we have is degrading as we speak.

I get it. But my priority now isn't the case, it's the patient.

Who thinks that you're implanting listening devices into her body.

That's not gonna change in 24 hours.

She's still gonna be mentally ill, and by then we could have more victims on our hands.

We may not have to wait that long.

Victim's Lori Switzer, 24, closing up shop by herself.

Dad called us when she didn't come home.

Dispatch said this is the same neighborhood as your other three incidents. Yeah.

Same neighborhood, different outcome.

I was hoping your guy'd keep me out of this.

Are you sure it's him?

Best I can tell.

She was r*ped from behind.

Looks like fingerprint bruising on the nape of the neck where he held her down.

She struggled, so he put his weight into it, snapped her neck.

Defensive wounds and offensive wounds. She fought hard.

Doesn't look like we've got any fluids. I'm guessing he used a condom.

I'll try to get something for you from under the fingernails, but she kept them short.

Does it appear that she has any physical disability?

Not that I can tell. But if I find anything I'll let you know.

He's evolving, getting more comfortable and more violent.

Doesn't need his victim to be vulnerable anymore.

Doesn't need her to survive either.

This is ridiculous.

We have a living victim in the hospital who may have seen this guy and we can't talk to her.

The doc says it's too traumatic.

It's always traumatic.

We need access to the victims to prevent future ones.

So why don't you ask Hendrix to cut us some slack? She's your friend.

She's a cop.

She's a former cop.

We went to the academy together, and then two years later she decides that her time is better spent shrinking heads.

So, I seriously doubt that she remembers what we're up against.

Then we should remind her.


We need to talk to Miranda.

And I need that r*pe kit now.

Oh, it's already done. It's at your crime lab. I was just about to call you.

Wow. Finally, a shrink who gets it.

I wish all you guys were cops.

Look, I hope they find something.

I don't want to make your jobs any harder.

Miranda's responding well to the anti-psychotics.

You can interview her whenever you like.


Where is she?

Oh, she's...

She's aware of her illness.

She's self-conscious about how her delusions sound to others, but she believes they're real.

She thinks she can predict the next terror attack by analyzing molecular diagrams.

Did she say anything about her r*pe?

No, she's not gonna talk about that. Look, I have to warn you about post-traumatic stress in schizophrenic patients.

We understand PTSD.

I know you do. But Miranda doesn't just have flashbacks.

She will relive the experience when she talks about it.

The sounds, the sensations, all come back so vividly, they seem real.

Look, if you want, I can sit in to facilitate. I've got time now.

Sounds good to me.

Fine. Let's go.

Miranda, do you remember coming to the police station last night?

Sort of.

Why did you come in?

Something happened to me.

I know you don't believe me.

Miranda, we believe that somebody hurt you.

What did he do to you?

He read my mind.

I couldn't stop him.

What does he look like?

He controls my eyes, so I can't see.

He teleports so he's always behind me.

I can hear him.

"Don't scream or I'll k*ll you. "

He communicates through the lights.

Someone in Pakistan tells him How to do it.


Miranda, is this the man that r*ped you?

Miranda, stop.

It's okay. You don't have to say any more.


So we don't know if she was r*ped.

She said something about the man standing behind her.

All the victims were r*ped from behind.

That a coincidence?


Hendrix also said that schizophrenics often incorporate details that they've heard in the media into their delusions.

I mean, these att*cks have been all over the news.

Well, she found her way to our unit.

Look. Let's be honest, she's the only thing we've got.

She's on a 24-hour hold, let's try again when she's more stable.

Lab found semen in Miranda's r*pe kit.

And they got a match.

Raymond Ettinger.

You've got spiders in your eyes!

Arachnids! You are not a real person!

You'll turn me into a broken glass, a fireplug! Don't be a werewolf!

Don't be a werewolf! Don't be a werewolf! Don't be a werewolf!

Don't be a werewolf! You're under arrest Don't be a werewolf!

For the r*pe...

Don't be a werewolf!

Shut up!

Don't hurt him!

He can't help it!

Well, there's a key.

I mean, actually, it's not really a key, it's made of hair, of follicles.

You know what I mean? I can look at a point on the wall and crawl right inside. I mean, actually, that's only sometimes.

I mean, sometimes it's too sticky.

But, you know, he is not my friend, not at all, no, sir.

I mean, actually, there's something over us, inside the air, it's very funny, actually.

I was talking, you know, at inappropriate times and my mom says, "It's better to use the pencil, not the crayon. "

But I actually think red isn't the color of blood anymore.

I mean, everything is different.

You guys have really changed.

You should think about that.

Actually, you know, it's only when I eat the crust and the center falls out right in the middle of the world and the goats actually had strings on their toes, but it was Julie Andrews singing like...

No. Ray-Ray.

Who's Ray-Ray?

He's a frequent flyer at Bellevue.

He and Miranda must have had sex in the ward.

He was discharged this morning.

You sure the sex was consensual?

Unfortunately, it happens all the time at the hospital, and Ray-Ray is not a r*pist.

His DNA is in the system for filing hundreds of false reports about his neighbor trying to m*rder his cat.

I don't believe this.

Well, look, as far as Miranda's concerned, this is good news.

She wasn't r*ped.

I talked to her, Olivia.

I think she was.

The r*pe kit didn't find any evidence of spermicide, which was present in the other two victims that were r*ped, and the only semen belonged to Ray-Ray.

Which only means she wasn't r*ped last night.

Schizophrenics often lose perception of time.

Something that happened a week ago they'll say happened yesterday.

And she does fit the perp's criteria.

You find a victim who has a disability and exploit it.

A schizo off her meds, seems like the perfect target.

Schizophrenics are twice as likely as the general population to be sexually assaulted.

Statistics aren't gonna tell me when she was r*ped.


I can't find my head.

Let's bring Ray-Ray back to Bellevue and ask Miranda.
Oh, Cathy, is Miranda Cole awake?

She checked herself out, Dr. Hendrix.


Couple hours ago. Soon as the 24-hour hold expired.

No luck?

In the wind.

Where does she live?

She wouldn't tell me.

I doubt she has a permanent address.

She should've been kept in the hospital.

We can't force her. She's allowed to check herself out unless a court compels her to stay.

This is exactly the problem with the mental health profession.

You medicate them just enough so you can cut them loose, and then nobody monitors them.

They go off their meds and the next thing you know, they either become a victim of a crime or they commit one.

Either way, we have to clean up your mess.

So, what, we lock them up to make your life easier?

Is that your solution, Olivia?

If it keeps them safe, yes.

I left the job because I got sick of locking them up.

I'd rather treat the criminals and help the victims.

You think Miranda's being helped right now on the street?

I think we all can agree, the answer to that is no.

So let's find her.

Any relatives?

She mentioned a sister.

I'll check her old medical records, see if I can find a contact number.

Check public records, too.

Where are you going?

To work.

We're gonna need a shrink if we find Miranda. She trusts you.

I already have a job.

So what are you doing here?

You may not be a cop anymore but I know you want to find this guy as badly as we do.

Miranda got sick not long after this was taken.

But back then, I thought she could do anything.

Her junior year in college, she got an internship with a senator in D.C.

That's when she started telling us the Soviets were bugging her phone.

Now it's t*rrorists.

When was the last time you saw your sister?

She called four days ago.

She was pretty bad.

She say anything about somebody trying to attack her?

She was rambling about a man who tried to k*ll her.

Someone is always trying to k*ll her.

He hurt her inside, she said.

God, if I had known it was true...

There's no way you could've known.

You can't help your sister if she refuses to be helped.

You have any idea where she might go?

I bought her an apartment with the inheritance after our mother died.

But she rarely stays there anymore.

Well, where is it?

Upper West Side, near the park.

And near the other r*pes.


It's Dr. Hendrix.

She covered all the windows.

There's not a lamp anywhere.

She said they communicate through the lights.

Look at this.

Soda can tops. There must be thousands of them.

She probably uses them for protection.

Protection against what?

Surveillance, mind reading.

Chemical weapons.

World Trade Center, USS Cole.

It looks like every plane crash from the past decade.

What does all this mean?

It only makes sense to her.

She fixates on molecules and terrorism.

Others fixate on the devil, or Jesus, or aliens or the FBI.

God, what a way to live.



I'm blocking you.

I'm blocking you.

I'm blocking you. I'm blocking you. Miranda?

Blocking. Blocking.

Blocking. Blocking. Blocking.

I'm blocking you. I'm blocking you.

I'm blocking you. I'm blocking you...


I'm blocking you.

Blocking, blocking...

Miranda, it's Dr. Hendrix.

Remember how we talked about you taking your meds so you wouldn't be afraid?

It's not safe.

It is now.

Can you come out?

I've been blocking him and he's come in anyway. It's not safe.

Who came in?

Three and then four.

Kitchen is wired.

Three and then four.

Four victims.

It's not safe.

Pants and underwear.


She was r*ped here.

And she preserved the crime scene.

Say it.

Say you like it or I'll hit you.

Tell me what's wrong.

Tell me I'm a man.

The best man you ever had.

Miranda, what's happening?

What is he doing to you now?

Something is inside.

He is.

He hears from the inside out.

He has a disguise over his eyes.

The sunglasses.

His head is made of bugs.

He left one here to spy on me.

This is blood.

Say it feels good.

Say my name. Say Thomas.

Come on. Come on.

We pulled every Ford Taurus matching this description registered to a Thomas in five boroughs, about 150 of them.

Anybody got a rap sheet?

Well, three with violent priors.

No sex offenses.

But only one lives in the middle of all the r*pe activity, Thomas Mathers.

He's a part-time data entry clerk for an insurance company, no record.

The blood in Miranda's kitchen was a match to the blood on Gina Kownacki's crutch.

Then assuming Miranda's name recall is sound, we got a suspect.

Olivia, run a background check on Mathers.

See if M.E. Warner's free to make a house call, and use your powers of persuasion to get Thomas to volunteer a DNA sample.

Thomas Mathers, police! Open Up!

You're not Thomas Mathers.

No. Alan Richter.

What's wrong?

Where is he?

He's indisposed.

What's going on?

Alan, you mind if we talk inside?

Yeah. All right.

Come in.

Hi. Thomas is your roommate?


Who's she?

Dr. Melinda Warner.

I'm the medical examiner.

Somebody die?

You could say that.

Either one of you smoke?

Quit a year ago.

Thomas hates it.

Al, do me a favor. Get dressed.

We'll wait for Thomas out here.

Hey, Elliot.

Check this out.

Roommates, but one bedroom?

This guy's gay?

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

It's a damn shame.

Can you tell me why you want to talk to Thomas?

Yeah, we're investigating a series of sexual assaults on women in your neighborhood.

And you think that he did it?

Not necessarily.

What's going on?

They think you att*cked some women.

Well, we just want to ask you some questions, Thomas.

You still drive a Ford Taurus?

Yeah. I'm sorry, who was att*cked?

Can you account for your whereabouts three nights ago?

Thomas, come on.

He was here. We went to bed at 10:00.

God, Alan, why don't you broadcast it?

They're investigating crimes.

You can't come out of the closet for that?

Hon, it's okay.

Stop it.

I told you.

Hey, Thomas, I need you to answer these questions yourself.

Now, three nights ago, where were you?

I was here. In bed.

In bed alone?

With Alan, okay?

See? Easy. Now just give us a DNA sample, it'll clear it all up, we'll get out of your hair.



I don't want to.

They're not gonna catalog it as h*m* blood.

No blood.

Just a swab in the mouth.

Warner put a rush on Mathers' DNA, but it's a good bet he's not our guy.

Women aren't exactly his type.

Still doesn't explain what Olivia and John found.

What's that?


Seems to follow Thomas wherever he goes.

During the six-and-a-half years that he attended Michigan State, there was a rash of unsolved peeping incidents all over East Lansing.

Don't tell me they stopped when he graduated.

It also stopped when he took three extended medical leaves.

No peeping reported during those times.

Then he moved to Cleveland for two years, where their PD reported several unsolved breaking and entering incidents.

Female victims, nothing missing.

He was in training for r*pe and m*rder.

Boyfriend alibied him.

Home in bed all night.

Well, then, the boyfriend's either a liar or a heavy sleeper because the night that Colleen, Samantha and Gina were att*cked, Thomas' cell phone received an incoming call at 10:00 p. m.

From his mother in Queens.

Now, at midnight, there's an outgoing call to Mom, but the cell site used was in Queens, not Manhattan.

That puts him at Mom's house, not in the vicinity of the r*pes.

Well, Colleen wasn't r*ped until 2:00 in the morning.

Depending on how long he stayed in Queens, plenty of time to get back in the city.

A visit with Mom, an evening of r*pe. What would Freud say?

I'd rather ask Mrs. Mathers. Find out how long Tommy Boy visited.

Tom didn't tell me about a car accident.

Witnesses are wrong all the time, ma'am.

We just want to confirm his whereabouts three nights ago.

Maybe it wasn't his car after all.

You're probably right.

He would never hit somebody and drive away.

Let me just get off this telephone call.

Does the smoke bother you?

I can open a window.

Don't worry about it.

Wouldn't do a damn thing anyway. I can taste it.

We're gonna smell like an ashtray when we leave, just like our r*pist.

Three nights ago, you say?

Yeah, he was here.

What time was that?

A little after midnight.

My furnace broke again.

I don't know what I'm gonna do with that darn thing.

How long did he stay?

About 20 minutes.

Tom tried to fix it that morning, too, but it's still not right.

Let me take a look at it, Mrs.

Mathers. My uncle owned a repair shop.

Aren't you sweet? The basement is right down those stairs.

It's nice to have your son help you around the house.


I had to twist his arm to do it.

He yelled all the time he was here.

You know, he's got his own life, he can't drop everything 'cause of me, all that nonsense.

Still, he's a good boy.

What are you doing here?

Just getting some straight answers out of your mom, Tommy.

A lot more than we got out of you.

You can't come in and harass people.

We're just being helpful.

That furnace is a lost cause, by the way.

Look how dirty my nails are.

Oh, man, you're gonna need a manicure. You know where you can go?

Well, he can make me an appointment for me down at our station.

Thomas Mathers, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Lori Switzer.

You have the right to remain silent...

So we're thinking the gay thing is a cover?

It's pretty elaborate. He's been living with that guy for over a year.

A h*m* r*pist is new to me, but it's not impossible.

r*pe isn't about sexual attraction. It's about power.

Most men would be too difficult for him to control, so women make better victims.

Regretting the career change, Doc?

Elliot asked me to stop by.

Why would a h*m* man r*pe women?

Well, I guess for the same reason a heterosexual man does.

I'd have to know more about his psycho-pathology.

Why don't you sit in on the interrogation?

Wouldn't be a bad idea to have a shrink in there, help us figure this guy out.

Since when are you such a champion of the mental health profession?

You just said it yourself, Liv. This is new to us.

I agree.

He's already rattled. Three of you should be able to get in his head.

This is Dr. Hendrix.

Detective Benson, and me you know.

I didn't r*pe anybody.

Now, Thomas, we're gonna have a hard time believing you, especially after you lied to me.

You were at your mom's house when you said you stayed home.

So? I forgot.

You forgot?

I got confused.

And so was Alan. He said you stayed home, too.

Or is he lying?


He had a few drinks and he didn't wake up.

Then why didn't you tell your boyfriend that you went to your mother's?

He's not my boyfriend.

Oh! Because you live with him, you sleep with him, you have sex with him...

That is disgusting.

What's disgusting?

That. I don't want to talk about that stuff.

Now, Tom, the only person in this room who's got a problem with h*m* is you.

Get over it.

You're bleeding.

It's nothing.

I cut myself shaving.

So, Thomas, why are you so hung up about being gay?

I mean, from what I hear from the M.E., this Alan is quite a catch.

I'm not gay, all right?

I'm just...

I'm going through a thing.

Have you ever had a girlfriend?

Lots of guys don't find the right girl.

That's true. I mean, being single's not easy.

You would not look at me twice if I asked you out.

You would not give me the time of day.

So don't pretend you understand what I'm going through.

I don't need your pity.

You're just looking for the right girl.

And one day you'll r*pe her and live happily ever after.

There's no doubt in my mind he did it.

That guy is the worst liar I've ever seen.

He's got a built-in defense. He's gay.

No one disputes that.

He's no different from any other r*pist.

Men like him view all sexuality as sick and depraved.

Sex is equated with degradation and v*olence.

He probably blames women for making him gay.

Look how he instructed the victims to tell him how much they wanted him.

Like if they found him attractive, maybe he'd be fixed.

Yeah. But ultimately his sexual preference is incidental.

He feels helpless, he wants control.

He'd be a r*pist, gay or straight.

All right.

Arrest him.

Belay that.


Because he didn't do it.

Warner called.

Thomas Mathers' DNA didn't match the blood found at either crime scene.

Well, could it be a lab mistake?

She ran it three times.

Cut him loose.

I don't know what to tell you, but this is wrong.

Thomas Mathers is your r*pist.

We just got proof that he's not.

Maybe he worked with an accomplice.

Elliot, every victim told us the same story, one r*pist.

Everything else fits.

The car, the smell of cigarettes, the dirty nails, Rebecca's profile...

Which was wrong.

I don't believe it was.

And I can't believe you're taking a shrink's opinion over actual facts.


We don't even know that the perp's name is really Thomas.

What's your problem?

If Miranda is taking her meds now, then she's gonna be more lucid and maybe she remembers something.

I want to talk to her without Rebecca.

What's your problem? She's a cop. That's all I need to know.

No, Elliot. She didn't think being a cop was good enough, so she quit.

Is that what this is about?

Some sort of inferiority complex?

You know, I get that you're on the rebound and everything, but if you could keep it out of work that'd be great.


Look, the last thing I want to do is get between you and your partner.

Don't worry about that.

But something has been bugging me about Mathers.

The shaving cut on his neck?

It looked like he hadn't shaved in at least a day.

So why didn't the blood clot?

I don't know. But what's that got to do with the case?

Let's find out.

Both blood samples from the crime scenes had a low platelet count.

And that would make the blood take longer to clot?

Yep. What would cause a low platelet count?

Could be any number of things. Disease, dr*gs...

Well, do we have enough blood to do a tox screen?

Yeah, but we have to know what drug we're looking for.

Mathers took medical leaves in college, right?


During my E.R. Rotation, a patient came in, unconscious, some kind of allergic reaction.

All we had was his name and the college ring he was wearing.

I called the school and got his medical history, saved his life.

You want to call Michigan State and find out why Thomas' blood isn't clotting?

I can't.

I'd lose my license.

But Dr. Elliot can.

Miranda, Detective Benson's here.

How're you doing?

Van der Waals forces.

The weak non-covalent bond.

Oh, the bug is in the kitchen.

But it's dead.

Evaporating, vapor and gas, but that's a lie.


Remember when you told me about what happened in the kitchen?

It's not in the bonds.

Was there only one man or were there two? They're too fragile.

But I know...

I know what to do.

Do you want me to call Dr. Hendrix?

He can teleport with cobalt and three atoms, plus one.

He found them in the library.

He's made of books in my hand.

Miranda, did you see him in the library?

Is that where the t*rror1st followed you from?

He was changing all the words.

He burned it up without fire.

Can you show me where you saw him?


Is this where the t*rror1st was?

He was pretending to read but I knew that he was recording my thoughts.

And he sent them to Afghanistan.

Where was he standing?


Was he standing right here?

Principles of Particle Physics.

He was reading this book?

They record you and steal the inside parts of your brains.

It's because of the waves, the oxygen and the hydrogen...

I'm blocking it now.

I'm blocking, I'm blocking.

Miranda, I need you to promise you'll take your medication.

It will make the t*rrorists go away.

Will you promise me that?

They're recording you, too.

Hey! His blood isn't his blood.

What? We know why his DNA didn't match.

Thomas had leukemia.

In college his bone marrow was ablated and replaced with donor marrow.

From that point on, the blood he produced had different DNA from the rest of his body.

We only took a cheek swab.

He knew that the blood would never match the crime scene.

This is unbelievable.

Yeah. But the problem is the information wasn't exactly obtained on the up-and-up.

Sure it was.

Reasonable deception.

It's thin, and still not enough to get a blood warrant to retest him.

This is.

Thomas stalked Miranda.

And this time he forgot his shades.

Counselor, I'm denying the request for bail.

Mr. Mathers, you're hereby remanded to the custody of the court pending disposition of this case.

We're adjourned.


Miranda Cole is dead.


She committed su1c1de, Olivia.

Margo found her this morning.

I wanted to tell you so you didn't have to hear it from somebody else.

What is this, some sort of "I told you so" lecture?

Her death had nothing to do with you.

The disease k*lled her.

The voices in her head that have been telling her to do this for years.

The voices that got louder after she was r*ped.

You can't save everyone, Olivia.

I'm sorry.
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