06x17 - Rage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x17 - Rage

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Every cop has a weakness.

You've just gotta know how to exploit it.

They think they're so smart. They treat you like you're an imbecile.

If you're not careful, you start to believe them.

It's a game for them. They get off on it. They've got these huge egos.

That's their biggest problem.

All you gotta do is let them know who's in charge.

Not them. You.

They used to call FBI agents gangsters with badges.

One step away from being the worst criminals in society.

Stabler's like that.

Big time.

Who's Stabler?

Jarhead detective.

You know Stabler?

I do. And he knows me, too.

He's been thinking about me for a long time.

They try to hang you, with your own words, catch you in a lie.

You're dead once that happens.

So what do you tell them?

The truth will set you free.

Mr. Rickett, let's get you set up in more hospitable surroundings.

Okay, have a seat.

I thought this would be a little more comfortable.

You all right there, Mr. Rickett? I'm fine.

You sure you don't want an attorney? I'm sure.

Okay, we're going to start in a few minutes when the case detective gets here.

In the meantime, you can relax.

You want anything, like a soda, coffee?

Hey, you wanna look at the sports section? We might be here for a bit.

I was never much into sports. My high school basketball coach said I looked like a Ret*rded gazelle with a spastic disorder.

Mr. Daley. Real loving guy. You look like you're in pretty good shape.

You work out, Mr. Rickett?

I've been thinking about getting a trainer myself, you know?

Bulking up a little bit. I think it might help me with the ladies.

Is that why you work out?

Ah, here we go.


"Single white male wanted for my wife's playmate.

"Prefer hedonist who likes pleasure mixed with pain. I get to watch. "

This could develop into something really meaningful for you.

Didn't somebody tell me that you lived in California for a while?

You gotta be nuts to come back to this city.

In a few years when I get my pension, meager though it is, I'm heading straight to the beautiful San Fernando Valley.

Live the sweet life. I can't believe you came back.

Why did you?

Did you have a girlfriend in California, Mr. Rickett?

I don't feel like chatting anymore, friend.

I hear you. Might as well wait till we get started.

Plus it'll give you more time to come up with an answer.

Detective Olivia Benson, Gordon Rickett.

Where's your partner?

He's just taking care of a few things.

We were just going over the classifieds, trying to help out Mr.

Rickett with his sex life.

He's very open-minded.

You want something to eat, Mr. Rickett?

I'm fine.

He is so easy to please.

Well, I see you're gonna have a lot to talk about. Good night.

We gonna start now?

Just waiting for my partner.

Your partner is Detective Stabler?

You want my advice, get yourself a new partner.

Tell you the truth, I'm surprised he's still got a job with this outfit.

Unless he's on medication or something.

Whack job.

Total lack of control.

Like an animal.

You can tell him yourself when he gets here.

You think I'm an idiot?

You think I don't know he's right outside right now?

What, are they afraid to let you in here with me?

Too unstable, Detective Stabler?

They got you on a leash now?

There's no one there.

Come look for yourself.

Forget it.

I wish she wouldn't do that.

He wasn't coming out. Wouldn't risk looking that stupid.

Smart enough to beat a m*rder rap.

Nothing to do with brains.

Rickett lucked out because a jury wouldn't convict on the strongest circumstantial evidence we could've given them.

Well, he may luck out again.

No forensics, no w*apon.

No crime scene, and no idea how he transported the body to the dump site.

I'm aware of this, Captain.

How long since you arrested him?

Three hours.

Then you got 21 more till he walks.

He was packing up his apartment.

If I hadn't collared him, in a couple of hours he would've skipped and gotten away with another one.

Not this time.

He really wants you in there.

I'm gonna make him beg for it.

This is harassment, you know.

I never touched that girl.

I know my rights.

You can't drum this up after 14 years.

The jury found me innocent.

You're not here about Dana MacNamara, Mr. Rickett.

What are the boxes for?

When the interview begins, you're gonna answer our questions.

See, that's the way it works around here, Mr. Rickett.

In case you've forgotten.

I don't have to answer anything.

I don't have to say a word.

That's true.

You know what they said about me?

Do you know what that trial did to my life?

That was before my time.


You don't know?

You never heard anything about it?

Then why even bring it up?

Come on.


Let's get this over with.

Why'd you leave California, Mr. Rickett?

I didn't like it.

Why not?

It was too hot.

Tell me about Dana MacNamara. No.

I thought you wanted to get this over with.

I don't want to talk about that.

This is a frame job.

I'm not stupid.

Nobody's calling you stupid, Mr. Rickett.

In fact, I believe that, that was Detective Stabler's mistake 14 years ago.

Not respecting your intelligence the first time around.

There was no first time around.

Dana MacNamara, 11 years old.

Last seen on January 10th, 1991, 3:30 in the afternoon.

Witnesses say that she was walking up the street with you.

She also lived in your building. Not true.

She lived in the apartment above my bar, where lots of people come and go.

Lots of suspects that you guys never talked to.

Police questioned Vanessa Serafino. Your fiancée at the time.

Now, Ms. Serafino stated, and later testified at trial, that you were prone to violent outbursts. She's a liar.

And, whenever you had sexual relations with her, you make her wear pigtails because it made her look younger.

And although she complied with your request, you'd often beat her.

Dana MacNamara was found in a drainage ditch, on Staten lsland, a week after she went missing.


Her clothing dumped next to her dead body.

She was sexually assaulted.

Her hands and feet were bound.

She was strangled manually.

But that's not all.

I've heard all this before.

You beat her after she was already dead.

Kicked repeatedly, post-mortem, in the ribs and the head.


That's enough.

You mutilated her body, took a knife and carved out her chest.

I'm innocent.

Tell me, Mr. Rickett, what kind of man does that?

A smart man or a sick man?

Somebody intelligent, or an animal?

A man with no control.

Shut up!

There he is.


Detective Elliot Stabler, shining star of the New York Police Department.

You miss me, you old bastard?

You know I missed you.

This is Kerry Lynn Palmer.

12 years old.

Her body was found in the Hudson River a week ago.

She'd been r*ped, strangled, mutilated post-mortem.

Same way as Dana MacNamara.

The medical examiner estimates she'd been dumped in the river one hour before she was discovered.

I'll bet the k*ller wasn't counting on that.

Now we can start.

You sure you don't want a lawyer, Gordon?

I'm sure.

Well, I've gotta tell you, I don't think that's too smart.

sh**t me when I start to care about what you think.

How was California?


Why did you leave?

Because it was hot.

How have you been, Gordon? Life been treating you well since we last spoke?


Financial problems?

I get by.

What's your job again?

I work with hazardous materials.

You dispose of hazardous materials. That's what I said.

So you're a garbage man.

I'm a tax paying citizen.

I'm not ashamed to say that.

What happened to that bar you owned? I sold it.

Wasn't that in your family for a few generations?

You inherited that place from your mom.

That's a shame.

Thanks for your sympathy.

So you went to California. Did you fly? No.


I don't own a car.


I took the bus.

Directly to California, or did you live someplace along the way?

Lot of states between here and there. Like Nevada. Arizona.

Did you live in those states before you got to California?

Why'd you leave California?

What are you, deaf?

I said I didn't like it.

You were there almost a decade.

Maybe he was getting his head together.

That's what they do there, you know.

He was deciding what he wanted to do with his freedom.

I think he's decided.

He's gonna be a garbage man.

But you can pick up garbage anywhere. Why come back here?

My aunt died.

I needed to take care of things, decided to stay.

That's very decent of you, Gordon. I'm sorry for your loss.

No, you're not.

You're laughing at me.

You wrecked a man's life and you think it's a big joke.

I wrecked your life?

Tried to.

I must be a pretty powerful guy.

I know you think you are.

Are you hungry? I'm starting to get hungry.

Would you like something to eat, Gordon? No.

Mr. Rickett, where were you between the hours of 4:00 p. m., Sunday and 3:00 a. m.

The following Monday?


The entire time?


There was nobody there with you?

I was alone.

Home alone.

That's what you said the last time.

That's a 14-year-old alibi, Gordon.

Spend a lot of time alone? Yeah.

You don't you have a girlfriend? Nobody special.

Nobody special?


When did your aunt die? A month ago.

Why weren't you at work? When?

Sunday at 4:00 till the following morning.

I don't work weekends. Because you're a trash collector.

I work with hazardous materials.

What are you driving these days, besides a garbage truck?

I said I don't own a car.

Mr. Rickett, do you know this girl?


You've never seen her before. Not once.

So nobody will ever tell us that they saw you talking to this girl, or even were in the same vicinity as she was?

No way. Why did you and Vanessa Serafino break up?

Because you told her that I k*lled that girl.

No, she called off the wedding long before I arrested you.

I just can't remember why.

Doesn't it have something to do with medical school?

Yeah, that's it. You told her you were getting your medical degree at NYU.

I was going to night school.

You were pretending to be a medical student.

I mean, how long did you think you were gonna pull that one off?

You gonna pull people off the street, start performing surgery on them?

I couldn't get financial aid.

Money had nothing to do with it, Gordon.

You never finished high school. Come on.

Lie to your fiancée, don't lie to me.

I'm not lying about anything.

You lied about your current girlfriend.

No. I said there was nobody special.

So who's this woman that keeps visiting you at work?

You're the detective.

Your ex-fiancée, Vanessa, the one with the pigtails, she took out a restraining order against you after the trial.

She changed her name.

Left town. What happened?

You thr*aten her? I never spoke to that skank again.

You said that your aunt died a month ago.

Yeah. And that's why you came back to New York.


You came back six months ago, Mr. Rickett.

She was sick.

I took care of her.

Like you were her doctor?

She needed help.

I didn't wanna put her in a nursing home, so I came back. Period.

That's very loving of you, Gordon.

Those places are hellholes.

She needed help. I stayed with her till she died.

Why did you leave California, Mr. Rickett?

You already asked me 20 times.

Dana MacNamara was m*rder*d a couple weeks after Vanessa broke off the engagement.

On a scale of I to 10, how mad did Vanessa make you?

I didn't care.

Now, you were fired three weeks ago, Mr. Rickett, weren't you?

I wasn't fired.

They gave the jobs to one of their mafia buddies.

They screwed you.

It was political.

Yeah, but you get caught up in the process. They treat you like you're nothing.

They're nothing. I know, but they've got the power, and you're the one who's unemployed.

Because I'm being disrespected, again, as usual.

Why is that, Gordon? Why are people always disrespecting you?

I don't know.

How can you take it?

I'm not going to take it anymore. They don't know.

They don't know anything about you.

That's right.

I'm gonna show them.

You're gonna show them, aren't you? Yeah.



Yeah, 'cause no one's innocent. Your bosses.

That's right.

Your girlfriends.


The kids.

Even the kids! What are you going to do to them?

I'm going to hurt the kids!

Hurt your kids, Stabler!

We're talking about Kerry Lynn Palmer.

I'm going to k*ll all the kids!

What are you going to do about it, huh?

Tell me how you k*lled her.

Then I'm going to k*ll their puppies, and I'm going to k*ll their kitties!

I'm a psycho k*ller!

What are you going to do about it? Huh?

Come on! Come on! I'm a psycho k*ller!

What are you going to do about it, huh?

What are you going to do?

Come on! Come on!

You're a hoot, Stabler.

k*ll the kids.

You're just like I remember you.

Only now they send you in here with a babysitter.

You bust on me because I'm a garbage man?

Well, what about you?

You're an animal.

A Neanderthal.

Sit down, Mr. Rickett.

You see that?

That's a little reminder I've got of your partner.

I never forgot him.

I had a little accident last time we were together in a room like this.

I accidentally let him put me through a plate glass window.

Did I cry about it?

Did I sue the city, look for a handout like all the other schmucks? No.

Because I'm a man.

He didn't hear what he wanted from me, and he had a temper tantrum.

He has no self control.

Like a baby.

Like a stupid, selfish, whiny child.

Who wants something to eat?

I want cheese on that. Whatever has a really strong smell.

And extra raw onions, like double the normal amount.

That's it.

Good. Thanks.

Why don't we really mess with him and order in a couple of filet mignons?

If only we had it in the budget.

Good luck, Elliot.

Night, Cap.

Elliot, we're almost five hours into this. I can still get to him.

We've gotta start thinking about a different tactic than getting creative with takeout.

Listen to that last thing Rickett said about kids.

They're greedy.

They're out of control.

They're stupid. Now, for Rickett that is the worst insult he can give.

This guy is never gonna confess.

Captain, I know this guy.

He's like an addict.

He's hooked on the rage. Not expressing it, controlling it.

He gets off on denying himself an outlet for his anger.

And it builds and it builds, till he finds a girl and he takes it out on her.

Rickett was playing you in there.

He was perfectly in control. Were you?

Rickett thinks he's in charge.

You make sure he knows he's not.

Just keep pushing his buttons.

See which one lights him up.
Boy, that was good. You sure you don't want anything, Gordon?

Nope. You gonna spend a long time with us.

Might as well get a free meal out of it, you know?

I'm not hungry.

God, that was good.

Could you explain one thing to me? Why'd you leave California?

You're out of your mind.

No. Seriously.

Just give me an explanation I can grasp. Why here, why now?

My aunt died.

Mr. Rickett, you don't have an aunt.

Your father was an only child, and your mother had two sisters, long deceased.

You've got wrong information.

That's your problem.

What's this?

Detective Tutuola.

What's up, Gordy?

All that talk about telling the truth, "I'm a genius. "

"Cops are punks. "

You're embarrassing yourself, man.

You're lying your ass off, and everybody knows it.

No, I'm not.

Talk to Sandra Brophy lately?

Remember? Your girlfriend from California.

She told us to tell you "Hello," then rip off your nuts and feed them to you.

You're making friends all over the country, aren't you, Gordy?

Whatever she told you is a lie.

She told us you tried to r*pe her 14-year-old daughter.

Then you ran away like a little girl.

And the only reason you're sitting here right now is 'cause that kid's too scared to talk to the cops.

The girl had emotional problems.

The only problem that she had was running into you.

We also heard that you got evicted from your apartment down there.

A week and a half before you att*cked her kid.

Let's see, you m*rder Dana MacNamara after your fiancée dumps you, you m*rder Kerry Lynn Palmer after you get fired.

Tell us about Nevada.

And Arizona.

Carson, Nevada.

Chloe Lynch, age 13.


Presumed dead.

Carson police questioned you about it.

Tempe, Arizona.

Heather Morrison, 11.

Missing. Presumed dead.

You were questioned and released for lack of evidence.

That's why you kept moving.

That's why you left California.

That's why you were packing to leave New York.

You know, I've dreamed about this day.

Seeing that look on your face when I catch you in every lie, in every mistake.

And you've already made your biggest one.

Yeah? Yeah, you came back here.

You haven't forgotten me?

I haven't forgotten you, either.

Where are you going?

To the crib.

See you in 30.


Let's get in there.



Rickett's sleeping.

And you're letting him?

About 10 minutes.

I'll wake him up. Let him sleep some more. Wake him up again.

Just keep doing it until the sun comes up.

Okay, I'll go in when you wake him.


Why not?

Look I'm changing it up. Nothing personal, just changing it up.

So you're gonna do this by yourself?

What are you, a one-man squad now?

Look, he called you my babysitter.

So what?

So I want to use that.

I want him to think that when I go in there, I'm gonna throw him right through that window again.

I know what I'm doing.


Wake up, Gordy. There's enough time to sleep when you're dead.

You drink it. You look like you could use it more than me.

I'm getting my second wind.

I feel pretty good.

Get this look, Elliot. It's like I'm a cheating boyfriend.

Don't worry, baby, I'll always love you.

You're funny.

Yeah you're hilarious acting all betrayed.

We snowed you, Rickett.

Get over it.

You're a good actor.

Unless that wasn't acting.

You on the pipe back in the day?

I think he's mad at you, Fin.

Bet it was real tough growing up in a studio apartment like cockroaches.

You should be real proud of yourself.

This guy's good.

I know.

It's like he's turning the tables or something.

Damn. He's like some reverse psychology evil genius.

You're both pathetic.

Who's pathetic?

It's amazing how much you know about being a bastard child.

That's personal experience, Rickett?

I know who my daddy is.

I do, too.

But mine stuck around.

Not like your daddy.

What do you know about it?

Everybody knows everything about you, Gordon.

Because you told the shrink who evaluated you before your trial 14 years ago.

Let's see now. Your father abandoned you when you were 18 months old.

They make a big deal out of everything.

Six months later your mother gets pregnant again, by another guy who won't marry her, your sister is born.

How is your sister, Gordon? Ask her.

Yeah, I did.

Must be a big kick in the balls to know your own blood thinks you're guilty as sin.

No, Gordon doesn't care about his sister. She ruined his life.

That's what he told the shrink.

So now you got two babies in the house.

Only, that's too much work for Mommy, so you're forced to grow up. No more bottles. No more diapers.

Definitely no more crying.

Your mom would kick your ass if you shed a tear, huh?

"That selfish bitch!

"She ruined my life because she wouldn't take care of me. "

I'm not gonna talk to you about my mother.

"My mama never loved me.

I had no childhood. "

I never said that to the shrink.

No, that's what the shrink said about you.

"Subject," that's you, "has a childlike view of the world.

"Believes the world has conspired to deny him success and happiness, "in spite of his inflated estimate of his own intelligence. "

She just called you a moron, Gordon.

Do you think I care what that bitch said?

Yeah, I do. Look at you. It's eating you up.

If that bitch were in this room right now, you'd tear her apart.

If that bitch was in this room right now and she were 11 years old, you'd k*ll her.

I don't need a PhD to know what kind of person you are.

You're a loser. But you had a tough childhood, that makes you special?

That makes you a victim?

You're nothing.

You contribute nothing.

The reason your life sucks is because you've done nothing.

I've done nothing?

Are you counting the little children that you've r*ped and m*rder*d?

Is that what you're saying to me?

You want to walk me through that, you piece of garbage?

Tell me how good you are at torturing children!

Tell me how strong you've gotta be to k*ll a little girl, huh?

What's the problem? A grown woman too much of a challenge for you?

I should do to you what you do to those little girls.

I should put you in pigtails, you little bitch.

Come on, you little bitch. I want you to cry for me. Come on! Tell me!

Come on! Cry for me!


Get out.

Come on, man!

Come on! Come on, you little bitch!

Tell me about the little girls, huh? Huh? Tough guy.

What the hell was that?


So Elliot screams at him for a couple of hours, and what's the plan after that?

I don't know. That was the end of the plan.

Night again.

Looks like you and me are going to say goodbye pretty soon.

Messed with my chair, huh?

Screwed with the lights, cranked up the heat.

I miss anything?

Here, fix the chair if you want.

The food.

Get you to eat or drink so you'd have to ask to use the john.

We try to make you need something from us. Food, sleep, whatever.

But you didn't need anything.

You are your own man.

And you know what else?

You're smarter.

At the end of the day, that's the one thing I'm pretty sure of.

You don't know how much it pains me to have to say that.

It's weird, because back then, with Dana, I thought I knew it all.

It didn't matter that we couldn't find the place where you m*rder*d her.

Didn't matter that we couldn't prove how you dumped the body.

I knew you were guilty.

I thought that was enough, but we both know how that turned out.

See, back then, I thought you were a pedophile.

And pedophiles, you know, in their own sick way, think they love children.

They build a relationship with them.

They believe that they have an emotional connection to the child.

You know how you get a pedophile to confess?

You offer them the opportunity.

Some of them just feel so guilty about it that they're dying to tell you.

But that's not you, is it, Gordon?

I was all wrong.

You know, working in SVU, I learned the difference between a pedophile and a man who r*pes children.

You don't care about the kids. You hate the kids.

It's not about attraction, or power, or dominance.

It's about annihilation.

You defile and destroy her because she has what you'll never have.




Is that why I do it?

That's part of it.

The other part, the part that I've been trying to get at all night, is the rage.

You're very good at hiding it.

It's unbelievable.

But I know it's there. I mean, I can see it, even when you're sitting still like now.

Gordon, you're kidding yourself if you think you're controlling it.

It's controlling you.

Every lie you tell to cover your inadequacies, every perceived insult you think you're getting, just feeds it.

You're lecturing me about rage?

Are you kidding?

I'm not.

What do you know about controlling anything?

I don't m*rder people.

Give it time.

You say you see something in me?

Well, I see something in you, too.

You think you control.

You can't.

You're controlled.

By your boss, by your job, by your wife, your kids.

What would you be if all those controls went away?

I'd be you.

Mr. Rickett, you're free to go.

Look, I know we're all disappointed about this hump being back on the streets again.

But we get past it and find the link between Rickett and Kerry Lynn Palmer.

Or something that leads us to where he k*lled her.

They never found that 14 years ago. I doubt we'll find it now.

When I arrested Rickett for Dana MacNamara's m*rder he lawyered up immediately.

This time we've got 24 hours worth of interrogation.

I wanna go over everything that came out of his mouth.

That's what we've been doing, Elliot.

You know this crap about the truth will set you free?

Every other word out of Rickett's mouth was a fabrication.

No. Not everything.

The dude couldn't even tell us about his job.

Kept saying he worked with hazardous materials.

Okay. Let's start with that.

Why lie about something that's insignificant?

Same reason he told his fiancée that he was a med student.

Just to make himself look better.

Okay, so let's call his work and education exaggerations?

Vanity lies.

What else?

Everything that went down in California.

That's a guilt lie. He att*cks his girlfriend's daughter.

That's incriminating.

It's obvious why he lied about that.

Claims he didn't have a car or access to one.

We can't prove it, but we know it's false.

No other way to dump the body in the river.


He's lying about having a girlfriend now.

You'd think that he'd want us to know that, just to prove that he doesn't need to have sex with little girls.

Did we get the LUDs on his phone?

No, we're still waiting.

You think he would tell a girlfriend about this?

Rickett does work alone, but if he's hiding her, maybe he's afraid she'll lead us in the right direction.

What about his aunt?

Doesn't have one.

So why lie about it?

To explain the move from California?

A lot better ways to do that.

That means something.

If the phone dump gives us the girlfriend, she maybe able to illuminate.

That's good work, Elliot.

Not good enough.

Linda Cusick?


Police. We'd like to talk to you about your boyfriend, Gordon.

Oh, no.

God, you guys are brutes.

Yeah. Did Gordon warn you we'd be coming around?

No, but he told me how you framed him and everything.

How long have you two been dating?

I don't remember, and anyways we broke up weeks ago, so I can't help you.

Try again, sweetheart. You call him twice a day, every day.

Hey, Linda.

You don't want to lie to us anymore. I'm not in the mood.

We've been dating two months.

Last Sunday night and Monday morning, did you see him or speak to him?


Why not?

We don't spend every second together.

You ever meet his aunt?

No. He doesn't have any family. Does he?

Do you have a car?


Who needs a car in New York? Your boyfriend did.

He ever borrow someone's?

Ask him.

I don't know, I swear.

I never saw him driving if that makes you happy.

Linda, did he ever make you dress up?

You know, play games where you're supposed to be a little girl?

That should set off some bells.

What is this? Aphrodite Salon. What is it?

I'm allowed to take stuff home to test it out. I work there.

Two blocks from Kerry Lynn Palmer's apartment.

Sorry, I've never seen her.

Well, have you ever heard Linda's boyfriend talking about a girl named Kerry?

Not that I can remember.

I know Gordon's a thug, but I didn't think he was into little kids.

Why do you call him a thug?

Because all Linda's boyfriends are.

She picks up guys in this neighborhood, even after I told her it's not a safe place.

My salon gets robbed, my car gets stolen.

When did your car get stolen?

Couple weeks ago.

Did you report it?

Cops said it was probably just kids, joyriding.

Took it to Staten lsland and torched it.

Staten lsland. Where Dana's body was found.

Fire burned hot and long.

Definitely used an accelerant, which means any and all trace evidence was probably gone.

Now, there's a lot of crap to sift through in this lot, but we'll look at everything.

So other than dumping Dana MacNamara's body here 14 years ago, what is his connection to Staten lsland?

Never made one.

So Dana was found less than a mile from here.

Kerry Lynn was dumped in the Hudson, and then he drove all the way out here to dump the car.

Why is he so comfortable here?

He knows this place.

Look at that.

Nursing home.

Remember what Rickett said?

He'd never put his aunt in one of those dumps.

He doesn't have an aunt.

They're not really blood relatives.

Mrs. Larson grew up with Gordon's mother back in lllinois. Is he in trouble?

You could say that.

I just want to know in case he shows up. I can't have my patients in danger.

Why does Mr. Rickett come here anymore? His aunt died.

No, she didn't.

She's been paralyzed for 20 years, but for her age, Mrs. Larson's healthy as a horse.

Well, I'm certainly a popular girl these days.

You getting a lot of visitors, Mrs. Larson?

Especially since Gordon's back from lndia.

He was a Doctor Without Borders, you know.

Does he come and visit you a lot?

He's my lifeline.

Now that he's back, he's taken care of all my finances.

Pays all my hospital bills.

What else does Gordon do for you, Mrs. Larson?

Well, there's the gardening, of course. And general maintenance.

And he said that he just bought some new storm windows.

For your house?

He's been taking care of it until I move back in.

Where's your house?

Car doesn't look like it's seen the road since Dana MacNamara's m*rder.

What do you wanna bet that CSU could find her DNA in there?

It's freezing in here.

No heat.

He's taking care of this place for her?

More like selling everything that's not nailed down.

Final notice, collection agencies.

These are all months old.

He's robbing her blind.

I'm surprised he didn't just sell the house out from under her.

He didn't sell the house because he needed a place to work.

He's paying the electrical bill.

Hey, Mrs. Larson's been in a wheelchair for 20 years.

No way she'd ever make it down there.

It's like a bunker down here.

Nobody would ever hear a sound.

I got blood.

Kerry Lynn Palmer was wearing those the day she went missing.

Please, I want my mom.

Please, I want my mom!

Shut up!

Police. Get your hands up.

Get them up now. Rickett, get away from the girl!

Gordon, there's no way out of this. Let go of the girl.

Please, he's hurting me! Ow!

Rickett, let her go or I'll k*ll you.

You're gonna have to sh**t me.

I swear to God, I'll k*ll you.

That's what you wanted all these years, isn't it?

Go ahead.


It's over.

Gordon Rickett, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Kerry Lynn Palmer and for kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one...

We got there just in time.

Rickett didn't r*pe her.

CSU found two types of blood in the basement.

One is recent, and the other is likely years old.

Did you think I froze?

Is that why you fired first?

I fired first because you would've k*lled him.

He deserves to die.

Maybe he does.

But he wanted you to k*ll him.

He wanted you to always remember that you took his life, not 'cause you had to, but because you were angry.

You wanna get something to eat? Come on.

I'm just gonna go home.
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