06x18 - Pure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x18 - Pure

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I think I'm gonna throw up.

Chloe, calm down!

Your heel just caught the hem. It'll be fine.

He's gonna be here any second.

Everyone panics over their first dance, sweetie.

Here, wipe your face.

Don't touch your dress.

Mascara stain would ruin it.

Oh, my God, it's him. Get it!

Let the machine pick up.


I mean it. Don't move.

Hi, you've reached the Sellers residence. Tell us something good.

Your daughter is such a hot piece of ass. Best sex I ever had.

She's a screamer, did you know that? Made me crazy.

Especially when she screamed, "Mommy!" While I...


Who was that? How should I know? It was a prank call.

If that's one of your little friends' idea of a joke...

Maybe it's one of Kaley's lame friends.

Where is your sister?

Ma, it was just some random loser.

She should've been home by now.

Why do you have to make a big deal out of everything?

You need to finish my dress.




It's Mom. Can you hear me?

Kaley can't come to the phone.


She's tied up right now.

Give me a status on the Kaley Sellers abduction.

I talked to everyone in her address book.

Nobody had plans with her last night.

Tap's in place on their phone, but our chatty r*pist hasn't called back yet.

Well, maybe he can't get through.

Mrs. Sellers has been calling here every 10 minutes.

Who was the last person to see her?

Clerk at the Federal Courthouse.

Kaley works as a bike messenger for the illustrious law firm Henshall & Langan.

They've got a big criminal defense division.

Liv's down there now, trying to sniff out a non-incarcerated client list.

Kaley's bike is also MIA. Stabler.

Court documents were stamped delivered at 4:52.

She disappeared between there and home.

That's too much ground to canvass.

Do we know any of her regular spots? Restaurants, shops?

All right.

Does she belong to a gym?

That was Liv.

Turn on the TV.

We should be holding this press conference, not you.

This isn't about who gets the most airtime.

Do you have any news?

I'm sorry.

There is really no other option than to appeal to the public for help.

I agree with you, but we need to control which information gets released.

And you just told Mrs. Sellers that you don't have any.

And given the 48-hour statistic... Well, what's that?

It's a stat that he's confusing on the abduction of much younger children.

You think he's gonna k*ll her.

We don't know that, Mrs. Sellers.

He's had her for at least 16 hours, and you people haven't done anything.

I want to do this now.

Right through here.

She's been working to pay her own tuition.

She plans to go to NYU, then law school.

Mrs. Sellers...

Is the answering machine tape available?

After conferring with the D.A.'s office, we've decided not to release that at this time.

Does Kaley have a history of drug or alcohol abuse?

No. She's never even taken a drink.

Detective, I'm Mindy Mayhern.

I'm the office manager here.

I need to talk to you.

Abusive relationships?

She hasn't had a boyfriend since high school.

Mrs. Sellers, do you have any words to say to her abductors?


I will give you everything I own.

Please, just don't hurt her anymore. Please.

Let her come home, please.

Kaley Sellers is a beloved employee here.

She has a bright future and we consider her a member of our family.

Henshall & Langan is putting up a $10,000 reward for any information leading to her whereabouts.

That's all we need.

Calls can be directed to the SVU tip line... at 1-800-789...

Here comes the crapstorm.

No one goes home.

Everybody's on overtime.

There's gonna be a lot of leads to track down.

Mostly from the fruit loop brigade.

All right.

Captain, it's The Ledger.

What do we tell them?

Pain in the ass press. Put it through to my office.

We just fired one of our other messengers because we caught him making stops at strip clubs.

You think he abducted Kaley?

No, but he's the reason we started giving our messengers cell phones and they're all equipped with GPS chips.

Hold on. You've known where she is all this time and you haven't told anybody?

No, I didn't know she was missing until this morning. I immediately checked our tracker, but her cell phone wasn't turned on until a few minutes ago.

Where is she?

According to our mobile locator, 8th Avenue.

Kaley's cell is number two. Not only is it turned back on, she's moving.

Subject is proceeding east on 44th, between 7th and 8th.

We're right on their tail.

We're on the block.

Halfway down the block, moving slowly.

She could be in a trunk or the back of a van.

Seriously doubt he's got her sitting right beside him.

She just came to a dead stop.

Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to empty the contents of your vehicle.

From the cab?

No, from the back.

What the hell for?

Guy tossed evidence from a felony crime.

You picked up the lucky bin.

Damn. I'm at the end of my run. I got a full load in there.

He may have tossed in a girl as well.

Hey, I just compressed.

If she was alive when she went in, she ain't no more.

They found the cell, but no trace of Kaley.

Why'd he turn it back on before he tossed it?

Tech thinks garbage in the truck pressed against the send button.

Phone automatically dialed the last number called.

Mrs. Sellers.

Yeah, so our phone tap recorded 20 minutes of garbage truck noise.

You know, the trash in the same bag might tell us where he dumped it.

Munch and Fin are going through it now.

TARU is working on the phone, but it's pretty mangled.

Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt.

I've seen the girl you're looking for.


Just before the press conference. She was terrified.

A man had her by the hair.

I didn't get a real good look at him, but his eyes were very distinctive.

One brown, one blue.

Okay. Where was this?

I had a vision.

Thank you very much for coming in.

Look, I know what you're thinking.

Of course you do.

You're psychic.

You believe I'm mentally ill.

He's good.

Look, I have worked with many other police departments on missing persons cases.

My name is Sebastian Ballentine.

The Sebastian Ballentine?

You've heard of me?

No. Stabler.

Officer Baxter, would you please show Mr. Ballentine out?

This way, sir.

Yeah, okay.

Look, here's my card.

Call if you need me, okay?

That's $3.95 a minute?

That's very good.

It's a local call.

The lab just called. TARU found something on Kaley's cell.

For a cheap phone, it's got a lot of bells and whistles, including a camera.

You got a picture?

Poor quality, low pixel count, but a picture, nonetheless.

When was it taken?

It's time and date coded.

7:25 a. m. This morning.

At least we know she lived through the night.

I also have two older photos.

Okay, that was last week. Mrs. Sellers said Kaley didn't have a boyfriend.

Take a look at the next shot.

I'd say he's much more into her than she is into him.

Who is he?

Jake Ostrander. Kaley's old high school boyfriend.

When did they break up?

Last summer.

Were they still friendly?

No, she hated him.

Chloe, where's your mom right now?

She's in Kaley's room, doing a reading.

What kind of reading?

Yes. I'm sensing her essence now.

She's very sweet and she's very kindhearted.

She's a Gemini, isn't she?


What are you doing here?

Hello, Elliot.

You know this guy?

Sebastian can see Kaley.

She's alive.

And you're gonna find her.

What's your angle, you little vulture?

I was just trying to help.

That woman is out of her mind with worry. She doesn't need your help.

I keep seeing a serial port and a computer cord.

Does that mean anything to you?

Maybe he met her over the lnternet.

Yes, I'm seeing that.

No, you're not.

Computer Crimes went over Kaley's computer.

There are no suspicious e-mails.

She never visited a chat room, you pathetic fraud.

What about water? I see her under flowing water.

But she's not wet.

That doesn't really make sense, does it?

What? You didn't see that coming?

No, but I do I see an anger management class in someone's future.

Hey, you think this is funny?


A girl's been r*ped and kidnapped, and you're trying to make a buck off her mother's misery?

Your temper has gotten you into trouble, hasn't it?

I'm seeing citations, suspensions...

Go home, and don't come back here.

Believe me, I understand your skepticism, but I can help you.

You wanna help? Stay the hell out of this.

You should call your wife and kids. They're worried.

Mr. Ballentine hasn't asked for a cent.

Mrs. Sellers, I know that you're desperate to get your daughter back.

But you need to understand that there are unscrupulous people out there.

That's not Sebastian.

Psychics come out of the woodwork in high profile cases for exposure.

It gets them business.

But he had a vision.

And so did the 600 psychics who called in tips on the Elizabeth Smart case.

Not to mention all the callers who had dreams about it.

A psychic has never solved a case.

But he told me things he couldn't possibly know, like Kaley wanted to go to NYU.

You said that at the press conference.

And he told me that she had a scar from a childhood accident.

And she does, under her chin.

Almost everybody has a scar from an accident from childhood.

Where's Mr. Ballentine?

You haven't chased him away, have you?

Mrs. Sellers, I promise you that we will find Kaley sooner by following tangible leads.

Like what?

Chloe, show your mother the picture.

Jake Ostrander?

When was this taken?

A week ago on Kaley's phone.

Did she mention seeing him?


Why did they break up?

Because Kaley wouldn't put out.

Chloe, did Kaley tell you that?

No. I read it in her diary.

We didn't find a diary.

She tore it up after she caught me.

Well, what else did she say about Jake?

Was she scared of him?


She just wasn't ready to do it.

Do you think it could have been Jake's voice on that answering machine?

Sebastian asked me if the letter "J" meant anything.

He must have meant Jake.

I talked with Jake Ostrander's father.

He said Jake's away at college in Boston.

Yeah, but we know that he came home last weekend.

Dad confirmed that, but he said he spent this weekend in Beantown.

I've got calls in to verify it.

What are these names?

They can't all be suspects.

The bag the phone was in tore apart in the truck.

I took names off of every loose piece of mail and crud-coated magazine trying to nail down where it came from.

And this is the garbage route.

And this is where the patrolman found her bike, an hour ago under an overpass.

Five blocks west from her cell phone.

Yeah, we're starting to narrow down the search area.

Now what?

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Now, what part of "stay out of this" don't you understand?

Look, I just... I feel that this is where I'm meant to be.

Then you are the world's worst psychic.

The amazing Ballentine is back.

I was wondering if you'd collected any evidence you'd like me to perform a reading on.



Detective Benson, show him a room.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Mr. Ballentine.

Look, Captain, Captain.

He's completely snowed the mother.

I just want him to stop bothering her and us again.

This isn't a babysitting service.

So we dump him in a room and leave him there until he figures it out.

Tip line has received over 300 calls. All our rooms are full.

So we stuff him in a urinal.

Sister Peg.

What are you doing here?

She saw the report on Kaley Sellers.

During my regular condom run, I warned the working girls that there was a man snatching young women off the street.

And Bernadette here thinks she may have run into him.

You're a prost*tute.

Mr. Ballentine, why don't you have a seat over here?

Thank you.

I was on a date.

John, my date, was totally obsessed with this story.

Has me pretend to be the missing kid.


Yeah, he keeps calling me Kaley.

Acts out this whole abduction fantasy.

He was just a little too into it, if you catch my drift.

I think it's wonderful that you two came forward.

And you're a madam?

No, I'm a nun.

What are you?

I'm a psychic.

Officer Kivlahan, would you please find a room for our visiting clairvoyant?

Make him comfortable.

I've gotta get back to Saint Anne's.

It's a full house at the shelter.

Someone can drive Bernadette home? Of course.

Guys, Jake Ostrander's roommate from BC called back.

Said he cut classes early Friday, drove home to meet a girl.


Didn't have a name, just knew he was going to "nail some skirt. "

Said he crashed over at his friend Michael's apartment.

Michael Winnick!

Open the door.

Mikey's out of town.

Step aside.

It's not Kaley.

Hey, how long has Jake been here?

Since Friday.

Well, why are you looking for Kaley?

She was abducted and r*ped. Do you know anything about that?

Just that she was asking for it.

What the hell does that mean?

Why don't you get some clothes on?

All I ever heard was how she wanted it to be special.

She held out on me the whole year we were dating. I never got the prize.

Looks to me like you never stopped trying.

Can I show you something?


When I saw her at the library, I snuck up on her and saw the site she was on.

And what was it?

Biddingroom. Com.

She didn't have that on her home computer.

Probably because her runt sister was too nosy.

Well, what was she buying?

I think it had to do with what she was selling.

Her virginity?

"I'm an 18-year-old girl struggling to make tuition.

"The high bidder will win my virginity. "

"Rare opportunity.

Serious bidders only. "

I don't care if she calls it an auction or a yard sale. It's prostitution.

Girl was desperate to get into college.

Maybe she was selling the only asset she had.

Yeah. Who gets to tell her mother?

The press is going to have a field day with this.

We know who won?

Well, it's a 10-day listing.

The bidding hasn't closed yet.

Bid's are up to $8,000.

Are the bidders listed?

Yeah, all 500 of them.

A lot are from the same guy who keeps getting outbid.

"ConEsewer. "

That's his bidding room name, but if I click "Member Profile,"

I can read feedback from people he's bought from.

If they had to send their item to him, they would know his name and address.

So tell us, Harlan, why'd you pick the screen name ConEsewer?

It's a play on words.


Yeah, I got it, dork boy.

Yeah, your taste is impeccable.

You buy all this crap on bidding room?

Each and every piece in here is a certified rare collectible.

Yeah, I can't believe they stopped making these babies.

You don't do that well with the ladies, do you, Harlan?

I do all right.

Yeah, when you pay for it.

A girl's virginity would be the ultimate collectible, wouldn't it?

In mint condition, yes.

Bet you're the type that has to win every auction you're in.

You got an expensive habit here, pal.

How were you going to pay for the virgin?

I was going to sell off my Hummels.

She was way past your price range, but you just had to have her anyway, didn't you?

They found Kaley in Hell's Kitchen.

Super went to check on the water heater first thing this morning.

He might've tainted the scene.

Put a greasy blanket on her.

How many ways to get down there? Just one.

You have to come down the front stoop, enter the exterior basement door.

Door's been jimmied.

Ligature strangulation.

Rigor hasn't even set in yet.

She's only been dead a couple hours.

No, no.


That water pipe.

What about it?

Sebastian described this.

He said she'd be found under flowing water, but she wouldn't be wet.

Where is he?




That psychic nutcase from last night, where'd you put him?

Interview room. That was like eight hours ago.

He's been there all night.

So not a single living soul can vouch for your whereabouts between Friday at 5:00 p. m. And Sunday morning?

Damn it.

What's the problem?

It's not looking good for you.

Where'd they move Ballentine to?

I haven't seen him. Why?

I let that girl die.


She was still alive. We had him before he k*lled her.



It's Ballentine. I don't know how, I don't why, but he did it.

He gave you a business card.

Do you still have it?

I tossed it on your desk.

That Sebastian guy, I thought he was the real deal.

Kivlahan, I'm in no mood for jokes.

No, he knew my mother's name and that she had passed and that she didn't get along with my wife.

If you fell for that guy's load of bull, you're in the wrong line of work, pal.

Where the hell is it?

Try looking under your mouse pad.

You're still here.

Of course.

I feel like a bad piece of furniture.

No matter where they move me, I seem to be in the way.

You're saying you've been here all night?

You asked me to wait for you, didn't you?

You never left this building.

Does astral projection count?

You knew that a computer would be involved.

You knew she'd be found under flowing water.

How'd you know that, huh?

I have a gift.

Sometimes it's more of a curse.

Your daughter is such a hot piece of ass. Best sex I ever had.

That's you.

Doesn't sound anything like me.

Our crime lab is running that through a filter and an audio scrubber.

They will get a voice ID.


Ask them to put a rush on it.

You're feeling cooperative? Let me hook you up to a lie detector.

That'd be fantastic.

And if it said I was telling the truth about being a psychic, would you believe me then?

Okay, psychic.

All right, what am I thinking?

What do you want to know?

You're the psychic.

What am I thinking?

Negative energy blocks the channel.

I'm completely open.

I'm sensing trouble with a family member, a woman. Is it your wife?

I don't discuss my family at work.

I see the number three.



That's family again, sorry.

How the hell is he doing that?

Elliot has four kids.

Three pregnancies.

One was twins.

He's using a technique that psychics have used for centuries.

Cold reading.

And what's that?

It's basically intuition and common sense.

He starts with a very general statement and then he looks for a reaction.

A nod of the head, an "uh-huh."

We give away volumes with our faces.

Elliot tensed up the second he mentioned family.

That was a tell. And Sebastian followed up on that, and he guessed the wife.

It's the most obvious.

Had he guessed the wrong person, he would have noticed a lowering of the eyebrows, a tilt of the head...

Signs of doubt.

And then he would have quickly switched to, "Oh, no, I'm wrong, it's a child. It's definitely a child."

People forget all the wrong guesses, remember the one right answer.

But he did tell Mrs. Sellers that Kaley was involved with somebody beginning with the letter "J." Jake.

Because they always start with their best odds.

The letter "J" or "M."

The two most common first names are John and Mary.

You want to expose him? Then don't contribute to the conversation at all, or better yet, telegraph him false feedback.

See how psychic he is then.

I'm seeing a rift.

I'm sensing someone has caused you a lot of pain.

It's a man.

It's someone very important in your life, but I don't see that he's really been there for you.

Well, he's been busy at work.

I'm sorry, but I see him with other women.

Oh, my God.

How do you know that?

It's your father, isn't it?


It's not my father.

Well, there is a problem with your husband.

What about him?

You don't have one.
Well, that experiment failed miserably.

I lifted Ballentine's prints off the coffee cup like you asked me, ran him through AFIS.

He's not in the system.

Am I crazy or is this guy actually psychic?

No, he's been trained in FACS.

Facial Action Coding System.

What? He's gone to psychic university?

Transferred from Klown Kollege?

There are 43 distinct facial movements.

A psychologist named Paul Ekman cataloged 3,000 possible combinations making up the entire spectrum of human emotion.


To see if someone's lying.

FACS breaks facial movement down into action units.

AU I is raising the frontalis par medialis.

That's not even English.

It's the inner eyebrow.

It's a sign of distress.

I didn't think I gave anything away.

FACS teaches you how to pick up on fleeting micro-expressions that most people don't even see.

Turns you into a human lie detector.

It's being taught at the FBI and CIA.

So how'd this numb-nuts learn it?

The CD-ROM is sold over the lnternet.

I deserve an apology.

In writing.

You'll be receiving one in the mail in six to eight weeks.

Can somebody help me?

You all right, ma'am?


My husband's been here since last night.

He called at 2:00 a. m.

And said he'd be home soon, but we're still waiting.

I'm going out of my mind.

What's your husband's name?

Sebastian Ballentine.

You're free to go, Mr. Ballentine.

Are you sure?

Don't really feel like I've convinced Detective Stabler yet.

I hate to leave him with unresolved angst.

Your wife and baby are waiting.

No, they aren't.

Well, you finally missed one, Kreskin. Mrs. Ballentine?

Pookey, we were so worried.

What are you doing here, Carlene? I told you I was working.

I'm sorry.

She vouched for your whereabouts during Kaley's abduction.

You can go.

But I'm not ready to leave.

And why's that? Because we haven't found the k*ller yet.

I promised her mother.

We've got people on it.

Listen, I'm certain that he's gonna hit again.

I think you need my help here.

We need you at home.

Henry J. Cried all night.

He can sense when Daddy's not around.

I guess he inherits that trait from his father.

I hope so.

Isn't he the spitting image?

Captain, we got a situation at Saint Anne's.

Sister Peg's room is right down here.

When's the last time anybody saw her? Late last night.

People started to get concerned by dinnertime.

She never leaves them hanging at the soup kitchen.

Sister Maria came in looking for her, found that.

Check out the logo.

Henshall & Langan.

Kaley Sellers' clothes.

It's a message for us.

"Screw you. "

He dumped them here, and then he took Sister Peg?

While I wasted all my time with that idiot, Sebastian.

Elliot, Sebastian met her.


Last night at the precinct.

He talked to her.

She even mentioned Saint Anne's.

But he was with us. Why would he go after Sister Peg?

Kaley was selling her virginity on the lnternet.

Sister Peg's a nun.

In his sick mind that means she's a virgin.

Just like Kaley.



Back in your house, lady.

There's nothing to see.

Sister Peg?

There's nobody here, Elliot.

Well, he stashed her somewhere.

He's on his way there right now.

And he's gonna come walking through what you left of his door any second.

Better hope Novak can bootstrap us a warrant.

Has he lost his mind? You tell them to get out of there. Now.

But you can get us a search warrant, right?

No. Fin, let me call you back.

Casey, please.

This is Sister Peg.

He could be assaulting her right now.

Do not make me the bad guy on this.

I'm not the one who just violated someone's constitutional rights.

This is Sister Peg. She testified for you in the Hector Ramirez case.

And I would do anything to help her, but no judge in his right mind is gonna sign off on a search warrant without probable cause.

I was there when he met her.

Fireworks went off when he found out that she was nun.

Liv, he was in your precinct the entire time.

Which means that he has to be working with a partner.

They k*lled Kaley. The same thing is gonna happen to Sister Peg.

So you're psychic now, too?


I'll be right there.

Patrol just picked up the Ballentines at an all-night car wash, hosing out the back of their van.

Is it okay with you if we bring them in for questioning?

Now, you're gonna drop the ESP crap right now.

Where is she?

Well, make up your mind. Do you want me to use my gift or not?

You know how dumb it was to go after someone I know personally?

How could I have gone after her? I was here.

Okay, smart guy.

We know who your partner is.

He talks, he gets the deal.

I don't work with anyone.

My business is very solitary, actually.

I'm a one man show.

Carlene, you were helping him tamper with evidence.

How is our van evidence?

You don't think it's a little strange to go to the car wash in the middle of the night?

No, Henry J. Threw up. Daddy can't stand that smell in the car.

We're looking for a friend of his.

Can you tell us who he's close to?

Henry J. And me are everything to him. If he's not with us, he's working.

Does he have a business partner?

Me again.

I mean, I don't have any special abilities like him.

I just make the appointments, take care of the books, whatever I can do to help.

They being cooperative?

No, it's not looking good.

Sebastian is too sharp to slip, and Carlene is almost too dim to exist.

We found a witness. Ballentines were at the car wash at least a half an hour.

Destroying evidence.

We worked out a timeline.

Good news is they had to go straight there after they left the precinct.

Meaning he hasn't seen Sister Peg yet.

Let's hope his partner is waiting on him to get there.

How many patient rapists do you know?

None. Luckily I know a judge with a drinking problem.

Come again? I stopped by his favorite watering hole, and I assured him that my search warrant contains sufficient cause.

He signed it without reading it.

Now, this gets you into the van and the residence.


Hey, I fixed this.

You fix the door.

What door?

You find anything?

No sign of v*olence.

Place is immaculate.

A diary too much to ask for?

This guy didn't leave a paper trail.

I haven't even found an address book.

I've got one.

He keeps it electronically.

Well, look for the guy he's working this with.

This is mostly women. They all seem to cross-reference with his appointment book. Those are his marks. I need his partner.

The names are all set up as URLs. What's that?

Well, let's click and find out. Ingenious.

He's searching them all on Link-It.

What's that, like Google?

This is a more sophisticated search engine. It pulls up public records.

Home addresses, mortgages, driver's licenses...

Social security number, court filings, criminal records. Was his last search Kaley Sellers?

No. Olivia Benson.

You telling me one click and he knows anybody's business? Even a cop's?

If he pays for it.

Search before hers.

Elliot Stabler.

He's gonna k*ll Ballentine.

This program isn't registered to Sebastian Ballentine.

Who is it registered to?

Henry Palaver.

That's gotta be his mystery partner.

Give an address?


In Canada.

RCMP tells me Henry Palaver was a guest of Bordeaux Prison in Montreal from '92 to '97.

Sexual as*ault?

And abduction of a minor.

But no m*rder charge. Henry doesn't k*ll his victims?

Not on this occasion, but it's probably the only reason he was caught.

Girl was fourteen, memorized his plates.

Fourteen. Another virgin.

So this Henry Palaver is Sebastian's fellow virgin hunter?

No. They're the same person.

Son of a bitch.

We ran Sebastian's prints.

No criminal record.

AFIS doesn't include Canadian prints.

Looks like the Palavers have only been in the States for six months.

Living under the name Ballentine.

The wife took on an assumed identity.

She's got to know something.

I don't understand.

Well, it's simple math, Carlene.

Your 10th wedding anniversary is coming up next month, but your husband has only been out of prison for eight years.

You had a jailhouse wedding, so you had to know what he was in for.

Didn't that bother you?

You don't know him.

Henry's the smartest, sweetest, most charming man I've ever met.

He was doing time for sexual as*ault.

How did you two meet?

Through a pen pal program.

With inmates?

Can you imagine anyone more in need of a friend?

Poor things are completely cut off from society.

Yes, that's the point of putting them behind bars.

You think that will make them better?

Sweetie, did you think that you could?


But you didn't make him good.

He made you bad.

That's a mean thing to say.

He's raping and k*lling virgins and you're helping him.


We found the search for Kaley in your computer.

You printed out directions to Saint Anne's on MapQuest last night.

We found traces of blood in your van. It's over, Carlene.

I'd like to talk to Henry, please.

Why would you go along with this?

I was afraid he'd leave me if I didn't.

I thought if I could just prove to him how much I loved him, he'd stop.

How many girls were there?

Maybe 12.

Who were they?

Usually hitchhikers.

Up in Canada.

They thought nothing of getting into a van with a nice married couple.

Carlene, Sebastian was here when Kaley was k*lled.

You did that.

I had to.

I couldn't let him go back to jail.

Not when it was my fault.

How was it your fault?

Yeah, Henry, how was it her fault?

I wouldn't have had to r*pe virgins if she'd been one.


She completely deceived me.

She swore to me that she was untouched when we met.

He wasn't allowed to have conjugal visits.

So our honeymoon wasn't till two years after the wedding.

You were unfaithful?


I was a virgin those entire two years.

But not before.

I thought that would be enough.

I knew the second I tried to consummate.

You couldn't perform.


I could read her face like a book. She was used goods.

What is it about this virgin compulsion?

Afraid you're not gonna measure up to other men?

No, no, no. I'm more than adequate in bed.

The expression on a girl's face her first time is incomparable.

These girls weren't having sex, they were being r*ped.

Their faces were palettes.

Shock, confusion, panic, fear, and always just a soupçon of pain.

Why'd you come here?

You know, if you hadn't, you might've gotten away with it.

Well, I had to see what I had set into motion.

Your expressions were priceless.

This place was like a beehive that I poked with a stick.

And also I just...

I like to help.

Tell me where Sister Peg is.

How would I know?

Henry was here with us when she was abducted. That means that you had to have taken her.

No. Listen, I know this wasn't your idea.

He told you exactly what to do, didn't he?

I need to talk to Henry, please.

Where is she?

I'd just like to see him.

Did you hurt her?


Carlene, where is she?

Sister Peg?

Sister Peg, hold on, we're here. Sister Peg? Sister Peg?

There's a gash on the side of her head.

Her head's been split open.

I got a pulse. I got a pulse.

Oh, my God.

Sister Peg.

Sister Peg! Hey. Hey!

It's okay. Relax.

You have to save the baby.

What baby?

A woman said somebody left a baby in a van.

Relax. The bus is coming.

It was freezing.

He was in there all alone.

He was naked and screaming.

I crawled in to get him, and I looked back, And the last thing I saw was this woman swinging a tire iron at me.

It's okay. She set you up.

It was her baby.

No, no. Hey, hey, hey.

We got her. We got her.

The baby is fine.

He was never in any danger.

He was. He was.

On the drive here, she was...

She was yelling at him.

Said it was his fault his daddy still needed to cheat.

Said she must've picked a bad baby.

Carlene, tell me about your baby again.

What about him?

Six months ago in Montreal, Dannette Loncour was eight-and-a-half months pregnant.

Someone cut the fetus out of her.

Now, six months, that's how old Henry J. Is.

That's when you fled Canada.

No. Henry Jr. Is ours.

We checked. There are no birth records for Henry Jr.

We can't find anyone who remembers seeing you pregnant, who thought you were pregnant.

Because you weren't.

I couldn't stand seeing Sebastian with those other girls.

I did everything he asked.

It was never enough.

I thought if we could be a real, nuclear family, that would fix everything, but it didn't.

You can't have children of your own?

Sebastian knew I wasn't a virgin.

He couldn't touch me.

You've never had sex with your own husband?


If I go to jail, will they let Henry Jr. Come visit me?

He's going back to his real father.

The grieving husband of the woman you butchered.

But I'm the only mother he knows.

You stupid, dizzy cow!

I'm sorry. I love you.

Let her go, Ballentine.

Are you happy now?

This is what I get for associating with a filthy slut!

Let her go.

Take the whore away.

Please don't say that.

Get her out of here.

Henry, please.

You said if I did all those things for you, you'd never leave me.

You promised me.

I lied.

Well, this was fun.

Best sex I ever had.

You know, they're looking to extradite your sorry ass back to Canada.

I'm gonna make damn sure you stay right here.

I believe you really mean that.

I kind of grew on you, didn't I?
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