06x23 - Goliath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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06x23 - Goliath

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I never thought he'd do this but things have been getting bad for months.

How so?

Tommy's changed.

He was a very loving, sweet husband.

Now he gets mad about everything.

And he takes it out on me.

What happened last night?

He was ranting about the neighbors.

He thinks they're spying on us.

They're like 80, okay?

Did you fight?

As usual.

He starts hitting me, then he rips off my clothes.

Says he's going to get his g*n if I don't do what he says.

That part was new.

Son of a bitch.

I can't believe he'd do this.

I can't let it go on.

Not with the baby coming.

Where did he hit you, Mrs. Callahan?

He's a cop. He knows how to hit without leaving a mark.

I wasn't implying...

I knew it.

I knew you wouldn't believe me.

That's not true.


You guys never cover for each other? Bull.

We ask all of our victims the same questions.

This is pointless.

You can leave now.

Mrs. Callahan, you got to give us a chance to help you out here.

I already tried.

I told that little partner of his that Tommy was hitting me.

She didn't do anything.

Big help.

Leave me alone, I'm tired...

Let's go, sleeping beauty.

We'll take you to the shelter if you want, but you can't stay here.

Officers Callahan, Vaill?

Elliot Stabler. Olivia Benson. Special Victims.

Detectives? Huh? Somebody report a sex crime?

Actually we were wondering if both of you could come with us.


Your CO knows about it.

Won't take long.

We're on the clock, Detectives.

We'll come by after our shift.

Let's take care of it now.

All right.

Can we take our own car or should we ride in the back of yours?

You're not under arrest, go ahead, we'll follow you.

I don't know why my wife would say that I r*ped her, Detective.

It isn't true.

Is it possible this is a misunderstanding?

No, sir.

I understand the difference between consensual sexual relations and r*pe.

Jamie seem upset last night?

I didn't perceive anything unusual about her behavior or emotional state.

Your training's kicking in.

I don't know what you mean, Detective.

Yeah, you do.

You're in cop mode.

Polite, professional, detached.

Is that a problem, Detective?


You know, things are going to be a lot easier if you and I just talk to each other like normal people.

Well, whatever you want, Tommy.

You know, you've got to give me an explanation here.

Is she making this all up?

He slapped her. Once.

In the heat of an argument. After Jamie hit him numerous times.

Did you talk her out of reporting it?

No. She elected not to press charges.

So you ignored the domestic v*olence must-arrest policy.

Tommy is their only source of income, they're expecting a child and with one misdemeanor DV conviction, Tommy loses his g*n and his job.

If it were your partner, what would you do?

You did nothing, Kristen.

Wrong. I gave Jamie my card.

I told her to call me if it ever happened again.

Tommy promised me he wouldn't.

He's not like that, usually.

She thinks I'm having an affair.

Okay. With your partner?

No, that never happened.

But there was somebody.

Barrel-sucker I met at a bar.

I didn't even know her name.

That's why Jamie's doing this to me, Detective.

To punish me.

And I deserve it.

What about the fights?

What are you talking about?

You know, the getting physical with her. Hitting her.

That's not true.

Well, Officer Vaill knows about it.

What do you think she's telling my partner right now?

Are you sleeping with him?

Let me be very clear, Detective Benson, I'd be more inclined to have an affair with you.

Got it.

Jamie invents things.

If nothing else, this proves how emotionally unstable she is.

Okay, so what about Tommy?

How is he dealing with impending fatherhood?

He's thrilled.

Got to stress him out a little bit.

He knows how to handle stress.

He's been through worse.



He's Army Reserve.

They got shot at and bombed at every other day.

That must've been rough on him.

Has it affected him?

I'm going to take that as a yes.

How was the canvass?

Interesting and confusing.

Callahan's either a great guy or an unpredictable bastard, depending on who you talk to. That's helpful.

Well, it's better than Munch's evil twin theory.

He's asking for his PBA rep.

Well, who do we believe here?

Callahan or his wife?

Well, she's questionable.

So is he.

I don't know.

If they were just a civilian couple?

Cut him loose.

Do it.



This is Captain Barbara Pierce, from the 74.


I want to thank you both for handling this like you did.

We're letting Callahan go.

No charges.

Well, I'm putting him on modified duty.

We'll get him help.


It's all a mistake.

Let's go, Tom.

I'll give you a lift.

Can I get my w*apon, Detective?


Come on with me, Tom.

Wait. No.

I need my g*n.

Step back, Officer Callahan.

Are you putting me on modified?

Get him down!

Get him down!

You bitch! Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me?

You bitch! I'll k*ll you! I'll k*ll you!

You bitch! Why are you doing this to me?

Why? Why are you doing this to me?

Only good thing about this is, it didn't happen in front of my squad.

Well, you got nothing to be embarrassed about.

You took a sucker punch to the face and you're still conscious.

Where is he?

Psych Services says he might need to be hospitalized.

Could we be looking at some kind of a combat stress situation?


Jamie's r*pe allegation seems a lot more plausible now.

Well, we're damn lucky we didn't send him home.

Cap, IAB's on the line.

Woman called 911, said her husband tried to r*pe her.

He's holding her hostage at gunpoint. He's a cop.

Just go away!

It's okay.

Wes, let's go somewhere and talk.

Wes, drop the g*n, all right?

How did I let this happen?

I'm not me...

Where's Kendra, Wes?

Huh? Where's Anthony?

I'm sorry. It's not me, it's not me, it's not me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry...

Let them go, and it'll be you and me, just us, like old times, okay?

She's dead.

What's wrong with me?

What did I do?



Go back inside.

Okay, buddy?

Dad, where's Mom?

Please, Anthony.

Go back inside.

It's going to be okay.

All right? It'll be all right.

Go inside.

Dad, what's wrong?

Are you mad at me?



Dad, no, Dad!

Dad, no!

Officer's name is Wes Myers, with Anti-Crime at the 51 in the Bronx.

He's in surgery, still alive.

Doc thinks he has a chance.

The wife?

Shot dead, point-blank to the back of the head.

Kid's with ACS.

Two cops, two different precincts, they both attack their wives.

Please tell me there's some connection.

Myers was on leave until two days ago. Guess where he's been?


He just got back.

You guys were partners?

He was going to take a couple weeks off and then come back to work.

He was so happy that the Reserve let him out early.

Were Wes and his wife having problems?

No. This was a good family.

Really close.

This just doesn't make any sense.

Wes loved Kendra.

This isn't him.

Well, somebody's got a big mouth.

It's already hit the papers.

How the hell did they get this so fast?

No idea, but some writer named Sherm Hempell's got some real specific information.

Take a look at this.

Yeah, we've seen it.

So has Arthur Branch.

Meaning I'll be a special kind of pain in your ass until this is sufficiently explained.

My money's on post-traumatic stress disorder.

Both men were in the same Reserve unit, the 365th MP Brigade.

That's out of Fort Crompton, in New Jersey.

Most of the reservists there are NYPD.

Yeah, but they didn't know each other.

And they didn't serve together.

Callahan served a year in Afghanistan, got back eight months ago.

Wes Myers got back three days ago, but he only served four months.

All right. Right there, that doesn't make sense.

The military is keeping guys double their initial deployment.

Why did they let Wes Myers out early?

Maybe it's combat stress, like you said.

We don't even know how much action they saw.

Well, we can't ask Myers.

He's still unconscious.

But Callahan's under psych eval at NYU.

I'll call Huang, see if he can make a diagnosis.

I've been having all these dreams.

About what?

Weird stuff.

People's faces turning into monsters' faces, spiders coming out of my hands.

How long have you been having them?

They started a couple months after I got back to the States.

Freaks me out all day.

I know that the doctors have been giving you some medication.

Do you think that's helping? Yeah.

The dreams aren't as bad.

And I don't have all that other crazy stuff in my head as much.

What other crazy stuff?

Like thinking that my neighbors are spying on me, tapping my phones.

There's something really wrong.

How's Jamie?

I haven't spoken to her.

But I could contact her for you after we're finished, if you'd like.

She doesn't come see me.

She won't even call.

Not that I blame her.

I'm sure she's very worried about you, Tom. Everyone is.

What else have you noticed about yourself?

Things you did before you were hospitalized that don't make sense now.

Sometimes in the morning, when I shave, I put the razor to my neck.

And I think, "If I could just push a little bit harder, "all the way across my throat, "it would hardly hurt at all. "

I don't think it's PTSD.

Why not?

Callahan reports no change in his sleep patterns or eating habits.

He exhibits no exaggerated startle reflex.

His nightmares are vivid and bizarre, more like hallucinations, and he experiences paranoia and suicidal ideation.

So if it's not PTSD, what is causing all this?

Well, if this were an isolated case, I'd say that he might have developed schizoaffective disorder.

Or, it could be organic, a brain tumor for instance.

But it's not isolated, it's two different guys.

What are the odds they'd both come down with the same disorder?

It's next to impossible.

Which leaves us with an environmental cause, both soldiers affected by the same toxin.

Gulf w*r Syndrome has been blamed on everything from chemical weapons to depleted uranium b*ll*ts.

Yeah, the Marines gave me a physical when I finished my tour.

I'll bet the Army does the same thing.

Actually, DOD says post-deployment physicals are optional for soldiers now.

Did Wes Myers or Tom Callahan opt to take one?

No, ma'am. Just filled out the required health questionnaire.

Either man report any problems?

Not a thing.

Could we take a look at the surveys?

I can't make that call for you, Detective.

Have to take it up with the unit commander.

I'd like to cooperate, Detectives, but I'm not authorized to release any medical records.

We could get both men to waive their privacy rights.

Not really the issue. You'd have to talk to the local general.

Ah. The wonderful world of military bureaucracy.

I hear you, Detective. I wish I could be more help.

Callahan and Myers were both good soldiers.

Well, maybe you could tell us why Wes Myers only served four months in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately, I can't do that either.

And that is to protect Myers' privacy. I'm very sorry.

I think we're going about this in the wrong way.

Why don't you tell us what you can share with us.

Well, frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this weren't some sort of combat stress situation.

A lot of men have a tough time readjusting to civilian life.

Our shrink ruled out PTSD.

Both men were hallucinating, violent, suicidal.

Any other symptoms?

Vivid dreams, paranoia.

Not to mention, they both att*cked their wives.

There's really nothing I can do to help you.

Sir? Sir, I was in the Marines, so I understand the need for discretion, but we've got a pattern here.

You'll have to take it up with the Pentagon, Detectives. I'm sorry.

Right. Now, is there anyone...

That's what I'm saying.

I've already talked to him...

Thanks. Come on, Elliot, you're one of them.

Won't someone in the military cooperate with a Desert Storm vet?

Look, I already called the local general, then his boss, then a bunch of people in Washington.

They're all just passing the buck.

It usually means we're on the right track.

I'd like another crack at the base doctor.

I've got a feeling he's got some idea what's going on here.

Elliot, get online, and check out The Sentinel's website.

What are those bottom feeders up to?

They just posted a preview of tomorrow's headline.

Wes Myers.

Why call him a coward?

He's being court-martialed for cowardice.

Refused a direct order?

Same reporter, Sherm Hempell.

You know, I'm sick of playing catch-up with these tabloids.

This guy's going to give up his inside source.

What are you looking for?

Press, okay? If it's in the trash, it's fair game.

So come on, back off.

Police, and you know, sniffing through the garbage there, is the first step down the long road to sexual perversion and deviance, Sherm?

What do you want?

Wes Myers.

How did you find out about his court-martial?

Inside source.

How inside?

Very. And if you think I'm giving you a name, you're on crack.

I'm on what?

Why don't you drop the pretend police intimidation and try to save a brother officer from yet another government frame-up job?

Meaning what?

Meaning you can't believe everything you read.

If it is a frame job, you're making it worse by printing it in your paper.

I print what I can substantiate at the time.

What does that mean?

It only has to be true for a second?

Why do you think Myers was framed?

Ah. Forget it.

Forget it?

You think that little boy is going to forget how his father m*rder*d his mother?

You think he's gonna forget the day he lost his whole family?

You know it stinks, or you wouldn't have said anything.

Just tell us where to start looking.

Here, just give me a call when you get a conscience.

Start asking about Quinium.

What's that?

The new Agent Orange.


How does someone on a lock-down psych ward commit su1c1de?

Run into a wall, head first.

He did it twice.

Second time broke his neck.

You really got to want to die to do it that way.

No one in their right mind wants this.

Whoever this guy used to be, he wasn't that man anymore.

Colonel Gage's office is directing all inquiries to the Judge Advocate General.

And the stonewall begins.

We don't even know what we're asking about.

Some reporter said Quinium.

That's all we've got.

What is Quinium?

It's an anti-malaria drug, but it also has a reputation for some pretty serious side effects.

I found hundreds of message boards alleging anything from nightmares and paranoia, to psychotic behavior and su1c1de.

Sounds familiar.

It should. You remember that string of Army murders in the summer of 2002?

Yeah, they all happened on the same base, right?

Four soldiers had k*lled their wives within a six-week period.

Three of them subsequently took their own lives.

And at least two of them had taken Quinium.

But, in every one of those cases there were allegations of marital problems and infidelity.

Well, Elliot, there's marital problems, and there's stabbing your wife 70 times and setting her on fire.

Do we know if Myers or Callahan took Quinium?

No, we don't.

And even if they did, why would the military poison their own troops?

Excellent question. I wondered the same thing a couple years ago when the military forced soldiers to take an experimental anthrax vaccine.

Even after people died, they only stopped when a federal court ordered them to.

You're acting like they were conducting tests against their own troops.

They were protecting them against disease.

Is Quinium an experimental drug?

No, it has been approved by the FDA, however, they did force the drug company to change the warnings on the Quinium label, twice in the last four years.

I wonder why they had to alter it.

Millions of people have taken Quinium with no ill effects, Ms. Novak.

It's a safe drug.

Some people claim otherwise.

That's anecdotal evidence.

Scientific tests prove the drug is safe.

Well, didn't the FDA recently make you cite su1c1de as a potential side effect?

There is no scientific evidence that Quinium causes su1c1de.

Okay, but it's on your label.

So why did you add it?

The label is in full compliance with federal law.

I've got two Army Reservists, one dead, the other alive but not for lack of trying.

I'm simply asking if they could have been under the influence of a drug, that you admit has very serious side effects.

All dr*gs have side effects. And even penicillin can cause death.

But the benefits outweigh the risks.

What's the cut-off, then?

How many people need to commit su1c1de or m*rder, before the risk is too great?

Can you prove these men took Quinium?

So we've gone from, "It's safe," to "It's within federal compliance," to "They might not have even taken it."

This discussion is over.

I'm so sorry.
Ms. Novak, the police called.

They said it was urgent.

You can show Ms. Novak out, Joanna.

And I'll call when I get your answer.

To what?

Whether or not Wes Myers took Quinium. He's awake.

It's like a dream now.

We're having dinner and Kendra's talking.

And I get this overwhelming feeling that she's having an affair with this guy she works with.

What, like a voice in your head?

No, but I was so sure.

I just started screaming at her, and chasing her around the house.

She locked herself in the bedroom.

I could hear her on the phone, I thought she was talking to him.

So I broke the door down.

She was crying and begging me not to hurt Anthony.

Officer Myers, did you ever take a drug called Quinium?

Yeah. Yeah.

Manic Mondays.

What's that?

Every Monday some medic would stand at the end of the chow line and give us a pill.

A lot of guys got really edgy.

How'd you feel on "Manic Mondays"?

My bunkmates said I'd jump on my cot, wave my g*n around and yell about insurgents.

I don't remember any of it.

Is that why you were sent home?

No. One day I just freaked out.

I was afraid to leave base camp.

My CO said get over it.

Next thing I know they're shipping me home and calling me a coward.

And they were right.

Look at me.

Look what I did.

I k*lled my wife.

My son has nobody now.

I deserve everything I get.

If his story is true...

It means the Army knew exactly what Quinium could do to people and they handed it out anyway.

You can't put Wes Myers in jail for m*rder.

Who do I put in jail, then?

The U.S. Army? The drug company?

The Army was responsible for him.

He trusted them, he was betrayed.

Yeah, but one could argue, he didn't have to take the drug.

No. You don't understand.

He didn't have a choice.

You give up everything for them.

You leave your family for them, because you believe.

It's your duty to the Corps, and to your country.

And when you come back home, you think it's going to be like it was before.

But everyone's moved on with their lives.

You're never getting that year back.

Wes Myers has already sacrificed his family once, when he left them for Afghanistan.

He doesn't even have a family now.

He doesn't deserve that.

He had a right to know what Quinium might do to him.

It's called informed consent.

There was a risk, and that risk was concealed by the Army.

Look, I'm not going to charge the Pentagon for r*pe and m*rder, but I'd settle for a good reason to plead Wes Myers out.

Plus a way to get the military to stop handing out that drug.

I'm going to need to talk to your little reporter friend.

I gave you guys a gift.

Now it's payback time.

All of you, on the record, everything you know about Quinium.

Well, we're still in the dark there, Sherm.

That's why we called you in.

Mulder. Scully.

Mr. Hempell, I'm going to be straight up with you.

I like the First Amendment.

I'm a big fan.

But I'm a bigger fan of preventing the unnecessary deaths of U.S. Soldiers.

Imagine A.D. A Novak dragging you in front of a judge, and uttering words like "patriot," "security," "homeland. "

You're a writer, Sherm, you know how powerful words can be.

So you would take advantage of terrorism fears to circumvent the Bill of Rights. That's despicable.

No more despicable than writing stories you know are false, to sell a paper.

I gave you a huge tip.

Which we can't prove.

Yeah, maybe the Army is right. Maybe Quinium is safe.

We've been saying that all along.

They would never knowingly poison their own soldiers.

Hey, Sparky, remember that little spike in military suicides in 2003?

Guess what else spiked that year?

The number of Quinium prescriptions the Pentagon wrote.

Over 35,000.

Highest number since the w*r started.

Lo and behold, they stop Quinium in lraq and Kuwait, that su1c1de rate, it took a tumble.

Is that a coincidence?

Maybe. The military started providing better mental health care for their soldiers.

That could've contributed to the drop in suicides.

Listen to what I'm saying.

They only prescribe Quinium in Afghanistan now.

Why would they stop in lraq and Kuwait if there was nothing wrong with it?

Well, you feel strongly about this. Yes!

You want the truth to come out.

That is what I'm trying to do!

So are we, Mr. Hempell. I'm about to take on the Department of Defense because I believe it is the right thing to do.

Now, you can either stand aside and do nothing, or you can help.

Come on, Sherm.

Check it out.

See how far the rabbit hole goes, as they say.

It's called a matrix. Also known as a spreadsheet.

"Fort Crompton Quinium Adverse Event Reporting Matrix. "

Soldiers' serial numbers.

Date of initial drug administration.

Date of first adverse event.

Event description.

Abnormal dreams, depression, dizziness, panic attack, nausea, tachycardia, psychosis.

The Army kept records.

Every single side effect.

The data only goes back three months. Where did you guys get this?

You know, we can't even be sure this is the real deal.

Anyone could have created this.

This is real.

I can probably tell you who modified the file last, if that helps.

Yeah. How?

Well, if it's some kind of internal file that multiple users access, there's usually an electronic signature.

There's the last person who accessed the matrix.

P. Trainer.

That doctor at Fort Crompton.

He wouldn't talk to us.

He'll talk to me.

I'm sorry, Ms. Novak.

I can't let you on base.

I have a meeting with Dr.

Trainer. Why don't you call him?

I just did. He said he can only treat Army personnel, not civilians.

No, no, that's a mistake.

It's no mistake, ma'am.

He left this for you, some referrals for other doctors.

I don't need referrals for other doctors, I...

I'm sorry, ma'am. You're going to have to move it along.

Have a nice day.

You're not even...

You can't come to the base, or my house, or attempt to contact me again.

Is that clear?

All right.

How do you usually meet with Sherm Hempell?

He didn't tell us.

We figured it out.

I can't help you, Ms. Novak.

This wasn't supposed to go this far.

I believe this has gone exactly as far as you've allowed, Dr. Trainer.

You contacted the press. You know what's happening is wrong, but you're not in a position to change anything.

I am.

Over the past three years, I've taken care of eight men with damage to their brain stem, resulting in balance disorders as well as a host of psychological side effects.

Some served in Afghanistan, some in lraq, some in Kuwait.

Their medical histories have only one thing in common.

They all took Quinium.

Some of these men stopped taking the drug months before they developed problems.

And because many of the side effects are psychiatric in nature, few sought help.

Why not?

There's no confidentiality in the Army.

You seek mental health care, that goes on your permanent record.

It's a sign of weakness. And weak minds don't get promoted.

The Army knows about Quinium's side effects.

They've known since Somalia.

Then why continue to use it?

In Afghanistan, there's a deadly resistant strain of malaria.

Of the four dr*gs that work, three need to be taken daily.

Quinium is once-a-week dose. Easier to make sure soldiers take it.

When they're not k*lling themselves.

The rear echelon considers the cost benefit.

Thousands of dead soldiers from malaria, or the few who have a bad reaction.

Plus the spouses they k*ll.

Plus the assaults or r*pes committed under the influence of the drug.

I'm not defending their position, Ms. Novak.

I'm simply explaining the situation so you understand it.

Can you get me more Adverse Event Reports?

Going back further in history?

You have everything I have.

All right, then I'll just have to subpoena them from JAG.

I'll need to know what other documents to subpoena.

I sincerely doubt the Army will be forthcoming, unless I'm specific.

What do you plan to do with all this?

File criminal charges.

Ms. Novak, you're overestimating your authority.

As far as the DOD is concerned, you have none.

But I have you. And your testimony will go...

You absolutely do not have me. I'm not testifying.

I never agreed to that.

My career would be over.

You arranged a meeting with an assistant district attorney.

You never asked to speak off the record.

You never even changed out of your uniform.

Are you really that concerned about ruining your career?

Because this doesn't seem like a career you wanted anyway.

Casualty lists, deployment lists, Adverse Event Reports with names, not serial numbers.

Raw data from the current Pentagon Quinium study.

What the hell is all this?

U.S. Army's version of burying me in paper.

Their response to my subpoenas.

These are food service orders.

Why would you subpoena these?

I didn't. I requested about 50 documents.

They're somewhere in these boxes.

And you've got to dig them out. Mmm-hmm.

Law says they have to turn the materials over.

Doesn't say their filing system has to be efficient.

How long is it gonna take to find what you need?

Well, considering there are about 300 more boxes in the conference room and the D.A.'s office doesn't have the budget to hire help, I'd say a couple of years.

You're taking this awfully well.

I have no intention of letting them get away with this.

I'm convening a grand jury.

For what?

Indict the U.S. Army for r*pe and m*rder.

Casey, that's insane.

I know I'm not going to get an indictment.

I just want someone to pay attention. Think this'll do the trick?

Conference room. Now!

What was that about?

That's probably just about another subpoena I sent out.

For what?

Donald Rumsfeld.

You're gonna fix it, and that's the end of the story.

Fix what, sir?

Oh, I don't know, maybe calling the Secretary of Defense a m*rder*r?

I didn't do that.

Do I need to remind you that I've been known to fire people, Casey?

The Pentagon knowingly administered an agent that causes violent psychotic behavior.

And they've subsequently chosen to conceal that fact.

Then why don't we get a U.S. Attorney to whip up a RICO charge while we're at it?

Not a bad idea.

I always like to hear about these nefarious forces inside our government, who inexplicably committed these wicked acts.

And that's a great way to avoid using logic.

And it must be very cozy in your Upper West Side apartment, sipping Chardonnay with your friends and talking about how evil the military is, while young men and women are getting blown to smithereens by car bombs.

I'm going to have to object to any insinuation that I am somehow anti-military or anti-troops.

My father was a door gunner on a Huey in Vietnam.

He was in three chopper crashes and he got a Purple Heart.

Listen, I support our troops. And that's why I want to stop the Pentagon from prescribing a pill that could k*ll them.


What you're suggesting doesn't make any sense, Casey.

Now, the Armed Forces may be many things, but one of the things that they're not, is inefficient.

Now there is no reason to believe that they would operate against their own self-interest, and administer a drug that would render their own soldiers unfit to fight.

Quinium is very efficient.

And most people experience minimal side effects.

But the Army is about numbers.

Some soldiers are gonna die, and whether they die by getting blown up by a b*mb or taking a pill, at the end of the day, it's just another dead soldier and they're gonna get more.

The Army could've prevented this. They chose not to.

That's your opinion.

Would you take Quinium?

Would you let your grandchild?

See, I won't convene an indicting grand jury.

I'll convene an investigating one. Let them hear the evidence, and decide if anyone is criminally responsible.

This is not going to end the way you want it to.

But all right.

You've got your grand jury.

Now, would you please inform the Secretary of Defense that his presence will not be required?

Mr. Koehler, your company sponsored a study of the side effects of Quinium.

Can you tell me what the results were?

Well, the study determined that only one in 10,000 people who take Quinium experience serious side effects.

The grand jury has examined this British report that was published three years after your study.

Are you aware of it?


Then you're aware that they claim one in 140 people experienced serious side effects.

I can't comment on their scientific accuracy or inaccuracy.

But the grand jury has also reviewed this warning pamphlet for Quinium.

Now why did your company produce this?

Well, the Food and Drug Administration asked us to.

Would you be surprised to hear that fewer than 20 other prescription dr*gs have been mandated by the FDA to issue such a warning?

We are happy to comply with any FDA instructions.

And those instructions include that everyone who takes Quinium be given this pamphlet, is that correct? Yes.

Does the Army give this pamphlet to its soldiers?

Not that I'm aware.

But you've taken Quinium yourself, and you've never seen this pamphlet.

That's correct.

The grand jury has subpoenaed the casualty list for the 365th MP Brigade, covering the last three years.

Now, according to this list, there was one death by su1c1de.

That's correct.

Now, did this soldier take Quinium? He did.

But a lot of the men in your unit have taken the drug, and in the last three years, only one has k*lled himself.

Is that right?

Yes, it is.

I count four instances of "Death by Misadventure. "

What does that mean?

It's a broad term referring to an accidental death.

For instance, a man may drown, or fall and break his neck.

And what does it mean when the cause of death says, "Pending lnvestigation"?

If the cause of death isn't immediately apparent, the Army attempts to determine how he died.

And, "Weapons Misfire"?

Exactly like it sounds?

Yes, ma'am.

It happens.

Now, have you ever heard of soldiers who, in an effort to protect their friends, or the families of their friends, will conceal a su1c1de by claiming a weapons misfire or an accidental death?

I don't know of any specific instances where that has happened.

But it is possible.

I suppose.

Meaning that it's possible in your unit, or the entire armed forces, there are more suicides than actually on record?

Anything is possible, Ms. Novak.

Will you state your name and profession for the grand jury?

Dr. Paul Trainer.

Captain, United States Army.

You also run the base clinic at Fort Crompton?


Have you treated any soldiers with brain stem damage?

I have.

And to what did you attribute that damage?

Unknown etiology.

I beg your pardon?

Unknown etiology.

Meaning their disorders were caused by factors that cannot be scientifically determined.

Dr. Trainer, are you denying that you previously stated, Quinium exposure caused brain stem damage in eight of your patients?

I am amending my diagnosis.

Did you not say that the only common factor among all eight men was Quinium exposure?

I subsequently learned that there were other risk factors.

Other risk factors.

What? Such as?

Jet fuel exposure.

Head injury. Noise.

Noise caused a brain stem injury.

There is no way to make a definitive diagnosis which is why I said...

Unknown etiology. I remember.

Do you believe Quinium to be a safe drug?

Ms. Novak, what we have not discussed is the fact that malaria is a highly deadly disease.

It kills over two million people worldwide every year.

Every 12 seconds a child dies from malaria.

That's very sad, Dr. Trainer.

You didn't even attempt to answer my question.

Is Quinium safe?

All reliable, scientific evidence says that it is.

What did they do?

What are you talking about?

Did they thr*aten you?

Your family?

You've seen too many movies, Ms. Novak.

You sat there and lied under oath.

And you expect me to believe that you weren't coerced?

I'm acting under my own free will.

And not a word I said was untrue.

We had a shot at changing things, at making them listen.

Making them stop.

I don't understand why you didn't come to me. I could have helped you.

And when the truth came out, they never could have touched you.

Ms. Novak, you are very young.

And that is not the way the world works.

It's over? I don't mean to disappoint you, but you're not getting your scoop tonight.

I'm here for moral support.

No, for real.

Moral support.

That's nice, thanks.

So what does the jury report say?

Tommy Callahan and Wes Myers are criminally liable for r*pe and m*rder, respectively.

No criminal liability for either Lifshin Forner Pharmaceuticals or the U.S. Army, although the jury believes that the matter deserves further inquiry.

Well, at least that's something.

Not really.

At least Branch let me cut a deal with Myers.

So he'll be in a mental health facility for at least a year and then we'll see.

No telling how long the effects will last.

Or who else is next.

How many of them?
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