07x02 - Design (1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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07x02 - Design (1)

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

My name's Ed and I'm here to listen to your problems with empathy, without judgment or advise.

Go away.

I care about you, and I'm sure many others do, too.

Please leave me alone!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Take it easy.

There's got to be a lot of folks that would miss you.

No, no one.

What about the baby's father?

You don't understand.

I was r*ped!


We never got that far.

Is this her room?

No, she came in here when the maid was cleaning.

I don't even think she was staying here.

I need everybody out now.

It's cold out here.

I brought you something to drink.

I can't drink coffee.

It's just cocoa, okay?

Why don't you take it?

It'll warm up your hands.

I'm just gonna put it right there, okay?

Here you go.


I'm Olivia.


What's going on, April?

April, have you picked out a name for your baby?


Sarah was my mom's name.

She died last year.

Breast cancer.

The security guard told you?


That's why I'm here.

I'm from the special victims unit.

What if I can't love my baby?

My baby...

You chose to keep your baby.

You gave her a beautiful name.

You already love your baby.

I can't, I can't do this alone.

Well, you don't have to.

I want you to listen to me.

I'm gonna help you.

I promise you, I will help you.


We're gonna figure it out together.

Now, will you give me your hand?


It's okay. It's okay.


Law & Order: SVU
7x02 Design(1)

Original air date: 2005/09/27

Patient presented as depressed and tearful upon arrival.

Her name's April. April Troost.

Ran a tox screen on her as well as a blood alcohol. Both negative.

What about the pregnancy?

She's approximately 35 weeks.

No sign of distress or malnutrition.

She's good to go.

You mean give birth.

No. I mean I'm releasing her.

Uh, maybe you missed the part where she was gonna take a swan dive off a 20-story building.

Her suicidal ideation has passed, and she has no history of prior attempts.

Well, can you guarantee that she's not gonna climb out on the ledge tomorrow?

No, of course not.

Then put her on a psych hold until the baby is born.

I can't do that.

She's not acutely psychotic or a danger to herself or others.

Hey. Hey!

The baby, baby doesn't count?

Look, she agreed to outpatient counseling.

My job's done.

I thought I was dealing with the r*pe.

Until yesterday.

I just snapped.

That happens.

You're not the first person to go through this.

Everywhere I look, I see his face.

Even when I close my eyes.

Why don't you tell me about him.

We met at a bar and talked all night.

He offered to walk me home, and I thought... finally, a gentleman.

Went to my apartment.

And I remember praying, "please kiss me good night."

It'd been so long.

That's when he shoved me in and locked the door.

Why didn't you call the police?

I was a fool.

I actually believed that he was interested in me.

A nurse's aide.

I barely have my GED.

April, what happened to you wasn't your fault.

Facing him is gonna help you deal with this.

I can't.

You gotta be strong for little Sarah.

You're all she has.

And I promise I will help you.


By arresting the man that r*ped you.

Tell me his name.

Barclay Pallister.

Pallister Labs 43 West 37th Street Wednesday, March 2

You expect me to remember a woman I met in a bar eight months ago.

You drank, you laughed, one thing led to another.

Maybe I'd remember if we'd had sex.

You did, and she's calling it r*pe.

Yeah, by the way, congratulations.

You're the daddy.

The hell I am.

I didn't have sex with anybody.

I certainly didn't r*pe anyone.

I'm happily married.

Happy enough for the wife to alibi you?

I was probably here.

I spend more time in the lab than I do at home.

No alibi.

Well, maybe she saw my photo in Forbes or Fortune.

Thought I was an easy target.

All those NBA players out there and she picked you.

Look, I don't mean to brag but, women have been crawling out of the woodwork ever since my company went public.

What's up with the stiffs?

They're my gold mine.

I invented an eco-friendly method of turning these cadavers into dust without ever lighting a match.

My flash-freeze method will revolutionize mortuary science.

And that gets you laid like a rock star.

I'd never be unfaithful to my wife.

She stood by me one failed experiment after another.

So you have no problem taking a paternity test.

If it's necessary.

But I'm telling you, the kid isn't mine.

DNA proves it. April Troost's kid is definitely yours.

But that's impossible.

I didn't touch her.

Immaculate conception's not gonna hold up in court, so why don't you try again?

All right.

Mr. Pallister admits that he met the defendant at a bar.

They had drinks, but he does not remember having sexual relations with her.

Okay, so you had one too many, you didn't know what your body was doing.

Intox defense.

That's better.

I'd know if I r*ped her.

You did.

And April Troost has a swollen belly to prove it.

In light of the DNA results, we'll stipulate to paternity.

But the sex was consensual.

There was no r*pe.

Trial Part 15

Tuesday, March 22

I begged him to stop.

But he wouldn't listen.

This was after he bolted the door.


He threw me on the floor, and he pinned me.

I couldn't move.

Did you scream?

At the top of my lungs.

But then he covered my mouth with his hand.

And I could barely breathe.

Did you fight him?

I think I scratched his face.

But then he got more violent, and he put his hands around my neck like this, and he choked me.

And I thought if I stopped screaming, then maybe... maybe he wouldn't k*ll me.

What happened next?

He r*ped me.

He r*ped me over and over and over.

Do we really want to put that poor woman through any more pain?

What are you offering?

Probation, no jail time, you and I take the rest of the afternoon off.

I'd rather work.

15 years. He does it all.

He's a contributing member of society, and she belongs in a psych ward.

Your own detectives tried to commit her.

You can't use that.

I can in a custody hearing.

First he denies having sex with her, now he wants to be father of the year?

It's his baby too.

He'll fight her for it.

Unless she agrees to a plea.


I can't face him again.

You're already halfway there.

All you have to do is keep your eyes on me.

Thank you.

Why did you wait eight months to report the alleged r*pe?

I was scared.

Confused. Humiliated.

Would you say suicidal?

I wanted to end my life. Yes.

And your baby's?


That's why I couldn't hurt myself.

I love my baby too much.

A love so strong, you're willing to charge the baby's father with r*pe?

It's the right thing to do.

And nothing will change your mind?


How about half a million dollars?

You called my office this morning and said you wanted to settle.

What the hell were you thinking?

That lawyer told me if I lose, Barclay will take the baby.

He was lying to you.

I didn't know.

You sandbagged me.

Now the jury sees you as a gold digger, not a r*pe victim.

I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

Why didn't you just call me?

Because you'd be mad at me.

You are.

I can see it in your eyes.

I'm not mad.

I'm, I'm, I'm disappointed.

How bad is it?

Our only choice is to put you back on the stand to turn down the settlement.

I'll recall you tomorrow, and you can testify again.

I will do anything to set things right.

Trial Part 15

Wednesday, March 23

My court starts at 9 sharp, Ms. Novak.

Where's your witness?

I'm sure she's just delayed, your honor.

We've been waiting 40 minutes.

She's made her decision.

She wants to settle.

She had every intention of testifying today.

If I could just have a brief continuance.

Miss Troost has obviously changed her mind.

I'm not gonna keep that jury waiting any longer.

Your honor, I have detective Stabler on the line.

Highway police just found miss Troost.

She was traveling eastbound, missed the curve, and ran off the cliff right here.

No guardrail?

I bet they'll find the money for one after this.

The gas t*nk burst into flames on impact.

No survivors.

What time?

Fire department got the call around 5 this morning.

They said it'd been burning for quite a while.

She probably fell asleep at the wheel.

I think you'll find it's a su1c1de.

Liv, there's nothing you could've done.

I was angry, and I let it show.

You got pissed off because she lied to you.

She needed somebody to believe in her.

The trial can still go on without April, can't it?

What's the point?

I'm offering Barclay a deal.

He r*ped her and he left her with a child.

The jury knows that he did it.

The jury's going to acquit.

Last two words they heard were cash settlement.

Which she was about to turn down.

Unless she says so on the stand, it's inadmissible.

So we just let Barclay walk?

Find me some evidence she was gonna turn down the settlement, and I'll use it to bluff Barclay into a plea.

Apartment of April Troost 104 East 16th Street Wednesday, March 23

There's no su1c1de note, no diary.

Nothing on her email.

No documents relating to the settlement.

Just bills.

Sofa's wet.

What's with the white crust?

Hydrogen peroxide.

Foams up when it comes into contact with blood cells.

Bubbles dry and leaves this white crust.

Well, check out the wall.

See these smears?

Tried to wipe off the blood.

And on the floor.

No body, but this is definitely a crime scene.

I'd say we have a homicide.

Perp kills April here, stuffs her body in the car, and sends it over the cliff.

I figured out how the crash was rigged.

Looks like a paint mixing can.


But these are used to store chemicals in labs.

Like Barclay Pallister's.

It was thrown from the car on impact.

See the angle of these dents?

They're consistent with the pail being wedged under the dash when the pedal's to the metal.

I found more evidence up there.

See these tire marks in the pavement?

Wheels spun in place.

He wedged in the can, and revved the engine.

Shift the car into drive, it takes off like a rocket.

Kills April in her apartment, stages the crash here.

With her history, Barclay knew we'd rule it a su1c1de.

Her body burns up so no one ever knows what he did to her.

I sent everything from the car's interior over to the morgue.

Maybe Warner can piece together how she died.

This is all that survived the fire.

Not very much.

Fire marshal says an accelerant was used, probably gasoline, to enhance the burn.

Smart guy, he wanted to make sure we didn't find a body.

I didn't.

You mean it was incinerated?

No, I mean, there wasn't one in that car.

Body burns, you always find something.

Partial long bones, dental fillings.

Son of a bitch used his technology to vaporize her.

He had to have access to her home and her car.

Maybe, maybe somebody saw him with her.

April keep her car in a garage?

She parks it on the street.

Poor Ms. Troost.

She's such a sweet lady.

Were you the doorman last night?

Until 11.

Who relieved you?

No one.

After I leave, visitors have to be buzzed in.

Well, how about security cameras, surveillance video?

Management's too cheap.

When I retire in August, won't even be a day guy on the door anymore.

When is the last time you saw April Troost?

Well, she came home from a dinner date around 10.

You sure it was a date?

She was all dolled up.

She went to Luigi's, which is kinda romantic.

How do you know what restaurant?

She brought me a doggie bag.

Nice T-bone for my rottweiler.

Of course I remember her.

She special ordered.

No garlic because of the baby.

Maybe she was hoping for a good night kiss.

I don't think so.

They barely spoke the whole meal.

What did he look like?


And from his black American express card, very rich.

You get a copy of the receipt?

Should be behind the bar somewhere.

Uh, how was she acting?

Pretty upset.

Before dessert, she yelled at him and stormed out.

Do you know why?

I figured it was the hormones.

Here it is.

Barclay Pallister.

Pallister Residence 135 East 84th Street Thursday, March 24

This is sour grapes.

You had to dismiss the r*pe case, so you're trying to pin a homicide on an innocent man.

The only reason that we lost the r*pe case is, because your client k*lled April Troost.

Kind of hard to k*ll someone in a crowded restaurant.

But easy at her apartment.

I never went to her apartment.

Where'd you go after Luigi's?

Straight home.

Will your wife vouch for that?

She left me after you charged me with r*pe.

Well, if the screw fits.

My client met Ms. Troost in a neutral location with plenty of witnesses.

No law was broken.

What about witness tampering?

She invited him.

So what do a victim and a r*pist talk about over a plate of pasta?


She had me by the balls, so I gave her half a million in cash.

You walked through this city carrying $500,000 and just handed it over to her.


Then why did she leave crying?

Because she's crazy.

I was happy to pay her just to get her out of my life.

She left with the money, and I never saw her again.

The problem is neither has anyone else.

We're through here.

Charge my client or leave.

By the way, your cleanup job at the apartment sucked.

You should've let April burn up in that car.

You've made an awful lot of mistakes, and I promise they're gonna catch up to you.

Every piece of evidence points to Barclay Pallister.

CSU checked his lab.

Same chemical cans, same industrial strength hydrogen peroxide.

Which you could find in any lab.

It's still circumstantial.

Well, look, the blood on the sofa, walls, floor, they're a DNA match to April.

We don't have a body.

Captain, we got a nosy neighbor off the canvass.

Said she complained to April about loud music the night she died.

April apologized and said she'd tell her friend to turn it down.

Did the neighbor get a look at this friend?

She just said him.

I may know who.

April's LUDs, four incoming calls to her cell phone after dinner, all from the same number.

Barclay Pallister.

No. A Roger Mason.

Lives on East 82nd.

April didn't answer the phone.

I was worried about the baby, so I kept calling.

That's what friends do.

Most female homicide victims are k*lled by a man they know.

That's another thing friends do.

You think I k*lled her?

You got impatient, because she didn't return your calls.

Went over to her apartment, got in a fight, and k*lled her.

I'd never hurt my baby.

Your baby?

Our baby.

We were going to adopt her unborn child.

April never mentioned that.

We agreed to pay for the costs and the fees of the pregnancy and delivery.

How much does a bouncing baby girl go for these days?


Sounds like you were buying a baby.

April didn't want to keep the baby.

This was best for everyone.

Now do you understand?

We could never hurt April.

Then what was so urgent that night?

April was depressed.

She'd been through a lot.

Her husband died.

She lost her job, got behind in the rent.

We had been giving her extra cash.

But then two days ago she stopped returning our calls.

April sure made a bundle off of that r*pe.

Talk about making a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Half a million from Barclay Pallister, and 50 grand for selling the baby.

Not exactly the poor, fragile victim we thought she was.

You have no idea.

Meet the Ramseys, the Harts, the Fritzlers.

All expectant parents.

All paid 50 grand to adopt April Troost's baby.

There could be dozens of marks we don't even know about.

She used the r*pe and pregnancy to turn a quick buck.

And everybody she scammed has motive to k*ll her.

Excuse me, I'm looking for captain Cragen.

I'm captain Cragen.

Lorraine Dillon.

I'm April Troost's mother.

April said that her mother's name was Sarah.

I've had six husbands and as many last names.

But I've always been Lorraine.

Your daughter also said that you died of cancer last year.

She always had a problem with the truth.

When she was a child, she'd run away.

And when I brought her back home, she'd make all these crazy allegations against my former husbands.

When's the last time you saw her?

It was about four years ago.

We had a fight.

She stole several very expensive pieces of jewelry, including my grandmother's diamond and ruby necklace.

Did you call the police?

She was my daughter.

Maybe if I'd had, she'd, she would still be alive.

Do you have any idea who did this?

Mrs. Dillon, we think April was mixed up in some illegal activity.

There are quite a few suspects.

What did she do?

She took a lot of money from a lot of people.

April always had a way of hiding things.

I remember once she said something about a safe deposit box.

Take all the time you need.

Thank you.

Any jewelry in there?

No. Headshots.

Those are very handsome men.

And well known.

He's a musician.

This one owns the hottest restaurant in New York.

This is that new third basemen that just came up from AAA.

These guys are a lot more than just good looking.

How about this guy?

Barclay Pallister.

The man who r*ped my daughter?

Why would she have his photograph?

April was stalking Barclay Pallister.

And dozens of other men.

All handsome, rich, talented, at the top of their professions.

I know this guy.

J.J. Price.

I've got his CD.

It's quite a gene pool she's got here.

April was looking for a champion breeder.

Barclay was the winner.

Some ho tricked me into fatherhood, I'd be pretty worked up.

And paying child support for the next 18 years.

17.5% of your income before taxes.

With April and the baby dead, Barclay dodges that b*llet.

Not for the m*rder charge.

If he did it.

He's only one of the men April was stalking.

Let's find out who else she burned.

Oh, that crazy chick?

What'd she say I did?

So you know her?

Yeah, I really wish I didn't.

You two have sex?

Most likely, yeah.

You forget a hottie like that?

You must get a lot of action.

Dude, you don't know the half of it, man.

I remember her face.

I just don't remember the name.

The whole night was kinda fuzzy.

Where'd you meet her?

At my restaurant.

Every man with a pulse checked her out.

But she only had eyes for you?

And my wallet.

But a body like that is worth every penny.

How much she cost you?


She bought me a beer.

Bet that happens a lot.

Well, they usually expect me to pay, especially after signing my last big contract but, she was different.

She knew everything about me, down to my stats.

What'd you do after the drink?

Think we went back to my crib.

You think?

That's all you remember?

Dude, I remember porcelain, man.

Up close and personal.

How many drinks did she buy you?

Just one, which never gives me a hangover.

I was sick as a dog.

Groggy, nauseous?

Both. I thought I had the flu.

Did you see a doctor?

Didn't have to.

Pulled a random drug test the next morning.

I failed.

What'd you take?


She doped me.

All right. What'd they find?

What are you doing here?

Just need to ask you some questions.

Get the hell away from me.

Hear me out.

The r*pe charge was dropped.

I don't need to talk to you.

Please, just listen to me.

Now, the first time that you met April, she bought you a drink.

Yeah, so?

What's the next thing you remember?

Waking up in my own bed, alone.

Loss of memory. Headache?


She put something in my drink?


I told you I didn't r*pe her.

I know.

But if she slipped me a roofie... how did I get it up?

The only explanation is a technique called electro ejaculation.

I don't like the sound of that.

Nothing to it.

Insert this end in the rectum, an electric shock causes an involuntary ejaculation.

Love used to be simpler.

The first procedure was done back in the '70s on a teenager who died in a motorcycle accident.

His parents wanted grandchildren.

It's called posthumous reproduction.

The sperm from a corpse is viable?

If harvested within 30 hours.

Will this thing work if the guy's not dead?

They've recently started using this technique on paraplegics and coma victims.

If your guys were drugged, they never knew it happened.

And this is legal?

No state law provides clear guidance on how to retrieve sperm from a man who's incapacitated or dead.

And you talked to all the men that April stalked?

34 guys, same story.

April buys them a drink.

Next thing they know, it's morning, she's gone, they're sick puppies.

Any nightmares about cattle prods?

Oh, they never knew what hit them.

I thought I heard of every sex crime.

Damn, who thinks this stuff up?

Okay, so we know that April used Barclay Pallister's sperm to impregnate herself.

What did she do with the rest?

A lot of women out there would pay big money to have one of these guys father their children.

Sperm banks make big bucks off genius sperm.

We have seven sperm banks in New York city.

Let's split them up and hit them all.

McManus lnstitute 114 East 57th Street Friday, March 25

Welcome to the institute.

Please have a seat and fill this out.

We're not interested in your services.

Do you know this woman?

April. She used to work here.

What was her job?


She was our accountant.

You lying son of a bitch.

You're a fraud.

Listen to that crap.

Excuse me?

Who are you?

The police.

What's going on in here?

That quack tricked me.

I did nothing of the sort.

I want my money back.

Okay, stop.

Now, what exactly is the problem?

He said my baby would be playing Mozart.

I told you there were no guarantees.

She can't even play chopsticks!

All she does is bang on the damn keys!

All right, what exactly did you promise her?


I inseminated her with the life juice of a renowned musician.

A genius in his field who will remain nameless.

Then why am I stuck with her?

You provided 50% of her genetic material.

Perhaps she inherited your traits.

Okay, how much did you pay for this super sperm?


I want this woman arrested for trespassing.

What are you doing?

I'm arresting you.

For, for what?

Stealing sperm.


This is absurd.

You obviously don't understand the magnitude of my work.

I'm saving the human race.

By stealing sperm.

I didn't steal anything.

You conspired with April Troost to forcibly obtain the mother lodes.

Nobody was forced.

She explained my mission to the gentlemen, and persuaded them to donate.

Yeah, with a cattle prod.

I had no idea.

I'm sorry if people were hurt.

But their suffering will benefit the greater good.

And how's that?

The intelligence of the world's population is rapidly declining.

Poor, less educated people are reproducing at higher rates than bright, successful ones.

I have four kids.


My work will reverse mankind's inevitable demise by spreading the seeds of world class scientists, musicians, athletes.

You're nothing but a n*zi trying to engineer a master race.

He's a nut job.

A lot of researchers think he's Nobel prize material.

Who, the Dr. Mengele fan club?

Almost everyone in genetic engineering.

His work in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis allows us to screen embryos for severe disorders like Tay-sachs, cystic fibrosis, down syndrome.

He's legit.

And controversial.

He just invented a technique for couples to select their own baby's sex.

And he's researching ways of manipulating inherited characteristics like height, eye color, intelligence...

Making designer babies.

He can't do it yet.

But in our lifetime, wealthy couples are gonna be able to custom-order a baby.

And the couples who can't afford it?

There'll be two races.

The enhanced and the average, driving a bigger wedge between the rich and the poor.

Looks like McManus' research is on ice.

What happened?

His clinic's broke.

He makes hundreds of thousands selling genius sperm.

But his research is expensive.

It's a temporary setback.

Dr. Frankenstein had a backup plan.

What's that?

April's life insurance policy naming you as the sole beneficiary.

$5 million?

You just went from zero to rich faster than it takes to drive off a cliff.

How could I know April was gonna have a tragic accident?

Well, she didn't.

You m*rder*d her.

That's preposterous.

It's more like ingenious.

You recognize that?

It's a chemical storage can.

We found it at the scene at April's car crash.

It's just like the one you use at your lab.

Know what else we found at your lab?

Hydrogen peroxide.

Same concentrate that was used to clean up April's blood in her apartment.

Hundreds of labs use these things.

But I bet yours was the only one who took out an insurance policy on the one person who could blow the whistle on where you got your sperm.

She suckered you, too, didn't she?

She blackmailed you so nobody would find out?

That's why you were so broke.

And if your clinic closes down, you're not saving the world.

So you m*rder*d her for the insurance money.

No. I loved her.

Oh, so you were sleeping with her too.

That's disgusting.

She's my daughter.

I didn't k*ll her.

And I can prove it.

Who told you?

Your father.

Mother always said never trust a man.

Where's the baby, April?

It was stillborn.

You're a liar.

What, you didn't need it anymore, so you k*lled it?

That's not a very nice thing to say to someone in mourning.

Cut the act, April!

I'm sick of your crap.

You were my friend.

You promised to protect me.

When you were a r*pe victim, not a r*pist.

You sexually assaulted three dozen men.


Did they tell you I assaulted them?

We've got you on extortion and fraud.

Not to mention ripping off childless couples.

And extorting half a million dollars from Barclay Pallister.

It was a settlement.

There's nothing illegal about being paid for my pain and suffering.

Faking your own m*rder for the insurance money is.

Gotta hand it to you.

Smearing your own blood on the walls?

That was good.

You have a sick imagination.

On my best day, I couldn't make this stuff up.

I'm the victim here.

None of this is my fault.

April Troost, you are under arrest for fraud.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can...

You're only charging April with fraud and extortion?

She's a walking crime spree.

My hands are tied.

Three dozen of her victims don't even have a memory of being r*ped.

What about the baby?

No hospitals in the tri-state area even have a record that she delivered one.

Casey, trust me, she did.

And then she sold it or she drowned it or who knows.

But that evil bitch did something terrible with that baby.

You know, for all we know, it really was stillborn, and that's not a crime.

No, it's a con!

April has been scamming us since day one.

She never had any intention of jumping off that ledge.

She played you, so now you're pissed.

Yes, I'm pissed.

But we still have to find that baby.

Not to mention ruining Barclay Pallister's life.

That's not our fault.

That's April's.

And knowing her, she will find someone else to blame.

Her mother.

April was raised without any moral values whatsoever.

So she's a sociopath.

April's well aware of right and wrong, but she believes the law doesn't apply to her.

That's how she was brought up.

My mother told me that storks bring babies and that Santa came down the chimney.

But you know what, you grow up and you realize that some of the things your parents told you aren't true.

Not if you're brainwashed.

April Troost is like a su1c1de bomber, indoctrinated from birth.

She lives her life by the lies her mother told her.

Ignorance of the law is no defense.

Mental defect is.

Your shrink will agree, April wasn't responsible for her actions.

Mother had me running scams from the day I was born.

I saved her thousands in hospital bills.

She conned her doctor?

She took him for everything he had.

He was husband number two.

Do you find tricking people amusing?


Mother always said if you're too stupid to see the wool being pulled over your eyes, you deserve what you get.

So it's okay to rip people off, to break the law?

I know there are rules.

But they don't apply to me.

How did that go over in school?

I didn't go to school.

Mother didn't want me picking up any bad habits.

Like what?

Feeling sorry for people.

What mother called "getting soft."

She taught me to stay alert.

Be on the lookout.

For what?

There are always people who want to take advantage of me.

That's why I have to take advantage of them first.

Survival of the fittest.

Screw or get screwed.

Mother drilled that into me.

She taught me everything she knew about people.

Men in particular.

She went through six husbands and their fortunes.

What about your father, Dr. McManus?

Husband number one.

She left him right after I was born.

He was brilliant but broke.

I didn't meet him until a year ago.

He was thrilled to find the daughter he never knew.

And how did you feel?

It was the opportunity of a lifetime.

I needed a job, and he paid me well to bring him the best genetic material.

Barclay Pallister.

April, don't you think that he deserves to know where his baby is?

Only if I get a sweet deal.

Why should you get a break?

I'm too beautiful for prison.

I had no idea how sick she really is.

April fooled everybody.

She's quite an actress.

I bailed her out, and this is the thanks I get.

All of her problems are my fault.

Can she do this?

Can she tell all these lies in court?

I can make sure the jury hears the truth.

You can testify.


Let her say what she wants about me.

I'm on my way back to Florida tonight.

Hi, mom.

How could you do this to your own mother?

Oh, some mother. You led the cops right to my safe deposit box.

Too bad the money wasn't there.

This is not about the money.

Just tell them where the baby is.

Are you kidding?

I'm through with you.

No way I'm letting April walk.

Well, if we don't give her some kind of plea, we may never find the baby.

How do we know it's alive?

I'm sure of it.

It's her only bargaining chip.

We checked out all the couples who had contracts to buy April's baby.

None of them have the child.

Hotel clerk says she checked in alone.

She was not pregnant.

There are no leads off her LUDs.

That baby could be anywhere.

Black market in newborns?

That's booming.

She's a cold-hearted bitch.

But is she crazy?


She's amoral.

She knows what she's doing is wrong.

The jury will see it as just another con job.

Take her to trial, you're never gonna find the kid.

Wherever the baby is, it's better off than being with April.

Unless she sold the kid to a pedophile.

You have to find my baby.

Mr. Pallister.

You must make April tell you where the baby is.

She won't. Unless we let her off, and I can't do that.

You have to.

She's a dangerous woman.

You owe me.

Do we have any other leverage on her?

Rikers lsland Tuesday, March 29

You're wrong about April.

She's a sweet girl.

If anyone's to blame, it's her mother.

I never should've chosen Lorraine.

For what?

My first experiment.

I was looking for the perfect woman.

Bright, beautiful, accomplished.

Lorraine was ideal.

I married her, and we had April.

She was a beautiful baby.


170 IQ.

Great, but what happened to your experiment?

I thought I'd picked the ultimate mate, but Lorraine wanted to be rich.

I wasn't.

I didn't see April till she found me last year.

I was just so happy to have my daughter back.

Your daughter's using you to scam rich and powerful men.

She meant no harm.

She was just trying to help me.

By claiming Barclay Pallister r*ped her and then having his child to prove it?

She knew it was wrong.

And she came to me.

And she said that she had to die to fix this mess she made.

Right, and you'd collect on her insurance.

No, no, I was, I was gonna give April all the money so she and the baby could start a new life.

Except that new life doesn't include the baby.

What do you mean?

April doesn't have the child.

And she won't tell us where it is.

She'll tell me.

April, you're confused.

You're not thinking about what's best for the baby.

I'm not confused. I'm thinking about what's best for me.

No one else will.

I will.

Yeah, right.

They offer you a deal if you got me to give up the kid?

No, I'm just trying to help you.


I'm your father.

I love you, April.

Love is for suckers.

That baby's my ticket out of here.

I want my deal.

I can't give you one.

Well, then I can't give you my baby.


Take this baby away from her before she destroys it.

Fine, you have your deal.

No jail.

Now, where's the baby?

Nice doing business with you.

Novak let you off, didn't she?


I'm glad.


Because you don't deserve to be a mother.

And I'm gonna make sure that you never see that child again.


Maybe the kid'll have a chance.

You poor thing.

They stole your purse at the funeral?


My credit cards, my ID, my cash.

My daughter is dead, and I just want to get my grandbaby back to Florida.

Well, here's a voucher for a train ticket to Miami.

Thank you.

You're not going anywhere.


Oh, man, you are a piece of work.

Just curious.

How did you track me down?

Your daughter gave you up.

You two have been working together all along.

That was quite a performance you gave at our squadroom.

Well, that's my girl.

I taught her everything she knows.

Well, you won't be teaching that child a damn thing.

I can't prove that you broke the law this time but, lady...

I am gonna get you.


How's the baby?

Sarah's fine.

Not that April or her mother give a damn.

I bet you they're in a bar right now laughing at us.

Let it go.

I can't.

They scammed everyone, and we just let them walk.

We got the baby.

I know.

But we haven't seen the last of them.

They will never stop playing their sick games.

Okay, she's medically cleared.

You can take her.


Liv, you gotta stop beating yourself up.

The baby matters more.

Now she'll bloved.

I was up all night preparing her room.

Because Sarah deserves the best.

Well, she's certainly got it.

You take care.

Thank you.

I hear April's IQ is 170.

That's what Dr. McManus says, yeah.

Yes, I've read up on him.

He's brilliant.

And she has good genes on my side, too.

She's perfect.
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