07x08 - Starved

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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07x08 - Starved

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Obey me, or die.

Obey me, or die.

He put his hand over my mouth.

I woke up and he was standing over me.

Did you see his face?

No, he was wearing a ski mask.

Was he tall, short?

Tall and strong.

What about a scent?

Any aftershave or cologne?

Thought I smelled baby powder.

Did he say anything to you, Janice?

"Obey me or die."

Third attack this month.

So far.

Law & Order: SVU
7x08. Starved

Original air date: 2005/11/15

I'm very careful.

I always lock the door.

He picked the lock.

He knew that you were alone.

Are you saying he's stalking me?

We think so.

He att*cked the other two women the same way.

We need to figure out what you all have in common.

Can you walk me through your daily routine?

I don't have one.

I'm a hotel developer.

I spend most of my time on the road.

Okay, when you're in town, is there a gym that you go to?

Um, sports mania. Mid-town.

I don't go to a gym.

I have a personal trainer.

I'm the firm's only bankruptcy lawyer, I don't have time to work out.

You belong to a church?


Do you volunteer anywhere?

I wish I had time.

Have you applied for a credit card or a mortgage recently?


Did you fill out any forms with personal information?

Like, at a doctor's office?


But I did fill out a questionnaire.

For what?

Speed dating.

Speed dating.

Speed dating.

Invented by a rabbi to match his students with Jewish mates.

One of my people's many contributions to the world.

Second only to bagels.

How does it work?

You meet ten women for three minutes each, first names only.

You write down the ones you like.

If the feeling is mutual, the organizer emails you both.

You sure know a lot about it.

Well, I went through a little dating slump.

Called adulthood.

Find any women worth dating?

You'd be surprised.

They have events for all types.

Under 30, over 50.

Straight, gay, professional...

Which allows our perp to zero in on successful women in their 30s.

Just like our victims.

Well, all three went to speed dating events hosted by speed encounters.

But none of them went out with the same guy.

We got their names.

Ted Kaye, David Clark, Peter Lowe.

I don't think our perp was a date.

Why not?

Speed encounters' organizer used to be a shrink.

Lost his license two years ago.

For what?

Sleeping with his patients.



It's not what you think.

You had sex with women you came to you for therapy.

What do you call that?

Exploring new treatments?

With your compass pointing north.

Look, I learned my lesson, okay?

I lost my practice.

And found an endless supply of rich, single women.

I didn't r*pe anyone.

Well, the only link between those women is you, Jack.

Well, how do you know it wasn't someone they met here?

They all dated different men.

Maybe not.

A lot of guys don't use their real name for speed dating.

Well, can you find out if a guy used three different names to date those women?

I can if he used the same email address.

Ted Kaye, David Clark and Peter Lowe.

And what do you know?

We get romeo@4umail.com That's a free service.


So then I'm off the hook?


Let us know if Romeo R.S.V.Ps to any other events.

Okay, Ted, David, and Peter's our Romeo.

So what else do you remember about the date?

He paid for everything.

He opened the door for me.

He actually listened to what I said.

Sounds like a nice guy.

But you all turned him down for a second date. Why?

He insisted on ordering for me.

He was a control freak.

Me too.

Even though I told him I hated sushi.

So how did he take that?

He said he knew I'd like it if I tried it.

Different names, the same guy.

And they're all the same kind of woman.

Smart, powerful, accomplished.

But when they won't go out with him a second time, he becomes enraged.

These r*pes are about revenge.

He's a narcissist.

He's trying to repair his wounded ego.

What's your profile?

He's detail oriented. Precise.

He takes pride in his work.

He plans every attack like a mission.


He could be, he's disciplined and organized.

And meticulous.

He hasn't left DNA, fingerprints or a single fiber.

Just the scent of baby powder.

He's perfected his technique.

I doubt that any of these women were his first victims.

What he's really aroused by is the total control, not the k*lling.

The guy from speed encounters called.

Romeo just signed up for tonight's event.

He's looking for a new Juliet.



I love cats.

I'm a dog person.

It was like I was outside my body watching.

You know what I mean?


I felt the same way when I was abducted.

Ten second warning, folks.

Wrap it up.

Collecting pez dispensers sounds like a very interesting hobby.

And time's up, folks.

Gentlemen, please move one seat to your left.

Okay, thank you.



I'm Jim.



Well, you are the most beautiful woman in the room.

Thank you.

You don't waste any time, do you?

Just being honest.

I can't believe that you need help finding a date.

I'm in advertising.

And, uh, the only men that I meet are either colleagues, or clients, and I don't like to mix business with pleasure.

Ah, well, I'm on Wall street.

So my business will not interfere with our pleasure.

Any word?

Not yet.

Well, maybe you're not his type.

Oh, no, he was interested.

I could feel it, you know?


Think he's our perp?

I couldn't get a read on him.

Normally, I need two minutes in the box with a guy, then I know if he's guilty but...


I've got a match.


He wants to buy Rachel a drink.

I can't remember the last time I met a woman who had... brains, beauty, and a successful career.

Wow, it's nice to meet a man who appreciates all three.

I do.

Thank you.

Ah, that's better.

Would you like another drink?

Um, sure, I'll have another glass of cabernet.

No, no, she doesn't want that.

She'll have a vodka martini, dirty with extra olives.

Oh, I don't drink vodka.

I think I'll stick with the wine, thanks.

Trust me, you'll love it.

Would you get the lady her vodka martini, please?

Thank you.

So how many times have you tried speed dating?

You are my first.


What about you?

I just got back on the market.

Long term relationship?

A year.

But I knew two months into it that she wasn't for me.

Too clingy. Insecure.

Well, you kept seeing her.

Had to be something you liked.

She was a good cook.

She kept the apartment spotless.

But we didn't have any common interests.

You're looking for an equal.


I need a woman who knows what she wants, and how to get it.

What are you thinking right now?

I'm thinking that it's late.

And I've got a long day tomorrow.

Rachel, please stay.

Thanks for the drink.

Good night.

What's going on?

We're arresting you for r*pe.

Three counts.


I didn't r*pe anyone.

I'm a surgeon.

I save lives every day.

Big man in the OR.

My skills are well respected.

Like in bed?

I hear you get turned down a lot.

You got me mixed up with somebody else.

Yeah, with Ted, David, Peter.

And Jim.


It's detective Benson.

This is Mike Jergens.

He's a surgeon.

Why'd you lie?

A lot of women hear doctor, and they see dollar signs.

I was just protecting myself.

Then why'd you follow me home?

I just wanted to apologize to you.

You wanted to know where she lived, so you can go back and r*pe her.

You got the wrong guy.

You meet a girl, you date her, then you act like a control freak.

She turns you down, you stalk her, and you sneak back later to r*pe her.

Guys like you are compulsive.

You follow the same script every time.

Just like you r*ped Janice Clay Tuesday night.

You are crazy.

I'm crazy?

Don't say another word.

Minerva Grahame Bishop.

I represent Dr. Jergens.

Come on. They won't bite.

Who's this?

This is my girlfriend.

Cora Kennison.

Your girlfriend?

Thought you were single?

No, Mike and I have been living together for a year.

Tell the detectives what you told me.

It's all right, darling.

Tell them.

Tell them where I was Tuesday night.

We were home.

All night? Mike never left?

No, he was right next to me in bed.

Mike spent half our date bad-mouthing Cora.

He doesn't love her, he just needs an alibi.

Which will hold up without any physical evidence against him.

No evidence?

All three victims ID'd him.

Yeah, as a man they dated.

Not as their masked r*pist.

Mike went out with three women.

All three women were att*cked.

That's a clear pattern admissible in court.

Yeah, but it's still circumstantial.

It's not enough to convict.

You should've waited for him to attack Olivia.

The women were r*ped weeks after they dated Mike.

We couldn't wait.

And I can't indict.

Cut him loose.

He's gonna do it again.

Then break his alibi.

I'll take a run at Cora.

I did date her boyfriend.

Mike's at the hospital.

Well actually, I came to see you.

He said not to let the police inside.

Well, we could go someplace else to talk.

No, I better not.

Cora, wait, just...

There's something that you need to know.

Mike said that you'd try to trick me.

Did he also say that we went on a date?

You're lying.

Another detective took photos.

Well, there must be some explanation.

There's a coffee shop around the corner.

How did you and Mike meet?

My last boyfriend beat me up.

I went to the ER.

Mike took care of me.

When did you two start dating?

Last year.

A guy like that...

I couldn't believe he was interested in me.

Does he ever ask you to, you know, do things in the bedroom that you don't wanna do?

There's nothing I wouldn't do for Mike.

I love him.

He loves me.

Then why does he date other women?

I'm not as smart as Mike.

I didn't go to college.

Sometimes he just needs other people to talk to.

But he always comes home.

That's what matters.

Cora, Mike told me things about you.

Like what?

But I knew two months into it, that she wasn't for me.

Too clingy. Insecure.

But you kept seeing her.

You had to like something.

She was a good cook.

She kept the apartment spotless.

We didn't have any common interests.

You take really good care of him.

And he's making you cover up the truth.

Cora... did he ask you to lie for him?


Was he home on Tuesday night?

I'm gonna be sick.

Did Mike take anything with him when he left the house that night?

His gym bag.

Thought he was gonna work out.

We're gonna need to find that bag, Cora.

I need your permission to search the apartment.

Look, I know Mike's a good man.

Cora... he r*ped three women.

I don't believe you.

If Mike is innocent, then he's got nothing to hide.

So give us your consent to search the apartment.

Well, well, well. Latex gloves.

Surgical tools.

Pair of magnifying glasses.

I could pick any lock with that stuff.

And here's our baby powder.

Mike's a doctor, he knows it'll stop him from sweating, leaving DNA.

He's a smart cat.

Why's he out raping?

He's got money, good looks, a woman waiting on him when he gets home.

Attacking women's his way of venting anger.

What the hell are you doing here?

Arresting you again.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You sure you don't wanna wait for a ride?

No, I'm fine by myself.

Cora, my cell phone number's on the back.

I want you to call me if you need anything.


Sweetheart, I told you not to talk to them.

I'm so sorry.


It's not your fault, honey, not your fault.

Don't worry about it, okay?

We're gonna be together soon.

Don't bet on that.

Found his goodie-bag.

Lock picks and baby powder.

I don't understand.


Honey, I love you, okay?

Remember that.

I can explain everything.

Cora, don't listen to him.


What is the basis of your motion, Minerva?

Cora had no right to consent to a search, since it isn't her apartment.

Precedent's clear.

A live-in girlfriend, a roommate can consent to a search of a common areas, and that's where we found the bag.

Except she doesn't live there.

This is the lease to Cora's apartment.

That's her legal residence.

This is where she gets her mail, and is registered to vote and pays her taxes.

She is merely an overnight guest at my client's, and therefore has no standing to authorize a search.

Were your detectives aware of this, Casey?

Absolutely not.

I don't need to play fast and loose.

And regardless of Ms. Bishop's motion, the evidence should be allowed.

Under what theory?

Inevitable discovery.

The defendant is our prime suspect.

We had grounds for a warrant.

We would have found it anyway.

Found what?

My client is a doctor.

Those were surgical instruments in that gym bag, not lock picks.

Mike Jergens is too smart to risk arrest carrying around burglar's tools, so he used a legal alternative.

The victims all describe a ski mask.

Where is it?

Not recovered, but we did Find baby powder.

My client is a surgeon.

He scrubs his hands constantly.

Baby powder is used to soothe the skin.

You can't take this seriously.

I take the Constitution seriously.

The search is out.

Your honor, the gym bag is the people's only evidence against my client.

I move for a dismissal of the r*pe charges.

I'll leave that to the grand jury.

You have 72 hours to get an indictment, or Dr. Jergens walks.

What now?

We start over with fresh evidence.

So I got new warrants for Jergens' house, hospital locker, and car.

Find that ski mask.

This guy is no dummy.

That mask is long gone.

Yeah, so prove that he bought one.

Check his Financials for purchases.

Oh, Olivia, see, I'm gonna need your help with Cora.

She's gotta testify.

Oh, I don't think she can handle it.

She already feels guilty about turning Mike in.

We need Cora.

You gotta convince her to do it.



She's my first witness in the grand jury.

I'll break the news.


Cora? Detective Benson.




Cora, wake up.

Wake up.

SVU portable to central.

I've got a woman who's unconscious.

I need a bus.

390 west 23rd street.

Cora? Cora, wake up.

Wake up.

Cora's blood alcohol was .35.

She's lucky she didn't die.

Will she be all right?

For the time being.

But her hematocrit showed macrocytosis, and impaired liver function.

The signs of chronic alcohol abuse.

How could somebody so young have done so much damage?

Binge drinking.

You're seeing it more and more in young people.

They don't drink every day, but then they'll down five or six cocktails in an hour.

So your diagnosis is alcohol poisoning?

Yes, but that's not her only problem.

I found scarring on her knuckles, damage to her tooth enamel.

She's bulimic.

Yeah, I'd say for quite some time.

Look, she should be in rehab.

Can you admit her?

I can keep her overnight to adjust her electrolytes.

But we just don't have the long-term treatment program she needs.

How you feeling?

Okay, I guess.

The doctor says that you're pretty sick.

I don't drink all the time.

I never blacked out before.

I was just so upset about Mike.

I understand. But... if you don't stop drinking, and bingeing and puking, you could die.

You can't hide it anymore, Cora.

Mike knew about my problems.

He was trying to help me.

Now I got no one.

If I get you into a program, will you go?


Thank god you're all right.

Mom, what are you doing here?

The hospital called, so I've come to take you home.

Actually, Cora's just agreed to go to rehab.

I'm sorry, who are you?

I'm detective Benson, special victims unit.

What did Mike do to you?


Then why are the police here?

Mrs. Kennison, Mike Jergens r*ped three women.

Cora has to testify against him.

Oh, that man is poison.

Cora, he is why you're drinking.

Now I don't want you seeing him again.

We'll go back to Wilmington tonight.

Actually, Cora can't leave.

She's going to be a witness in the grand jury tomorrow.

Good morning.

Novak call yet?

Ten minutes ago, grand jury indicted Mike for all three r*pes.

Oh, good.

Well, don't look so happy.

I'm worried about Cora.

She had a rough time facing the grand jury.

And she still has to testify against Mike at trial.

She's really fragile.

Well, that's why you got her into rehab.

Oh, no, the mother won't let her go.

Virginia says that she can take care of Cora all by herself.

Love never cured an alcoholic.

Mrs. Kennison?

She's gone.


We were at Penn station waiting for the trains, and she just disappeared.

This is all my fault.

I should never had let her out of my sight.

Calm down. What happened?

She went to the bathroom.

And she was in there a long time.

I thought she might be throwing up, and I went in. She's gone.

Do you have any idea where she could be?

To see Mike.

She's probably at Rikers.

Let's go.

All she could talk about was saying good-bye.

Mike Jergens is on a visit right now.

With Cora Kennison?

Don't know.

What, is he seeing a priest?

Guess so.


We're married.

You son of a bitch.

Please, you're in god's house.

Yeah, I bet you proposed when you saw Cora's name on the witness list.

This isn't gonna stop her from testifying at your trial.

Yes, it is. You can't make me, I'm his wife now.

There's no spousal privilege here.

These r*pes were committed before this wedding.

That's not the reason I married her.

Right, officer, take him back to his cell.

I'll come visit you tomorrow.


I love you, Cora, okay?

Nothing can change that.

Cora, your mother's very worried about you.

Mike needs me.

What about rehab?

My husband will help me.

He's never helped you before.

He only lets you drink so he can control you.

He loves me.

That's why he married me.

Cora, he married you to shut you up.

Don't you know that he's using you?

You are the one that's using me.

Pretending to be my friend so that you can frame him.

Mike swore to me.

He never r*ped anyone.

Mike's Fingerprints were on his r*pe kit.

Well, you planted them.

It was found in his gym bag.

You told us where to look.

Stop it.

He left your bed to r*pe three women.

Shut up!

Cora, listen to me.

I know that you know in your heart that he's guilty.

I don't want him to be.

I know how hard this is to face.

You have to testify.

You want me to send my husband to prison?

I want you to tell the truth.



In your initial statement to the police, you said that Mike was home with you on the nights of the three r*pes.


Is that true?


Why did you lie?

Because Mike told me to.

Do you know where he went?

No. He didn't tell me, I didn't ask.

Thank you.

Cora, you married Mike Jergens after he was accused of sexual as*ault.

Yes. I love him.

Do you believe your husband is a r*pist?

I don't know.

Was he ever violent with you?


In fact, he saved you from an abusive relationship.


Did he ever r*pe you?

No, Mike would never hurt me.

Cora, why are you here today?

They told me that I have to testify.

And by they you mean, detective Benson and ADA Novak?

Yes, they said I don't have a choice.

And they said that Mike r*ped those women.

But you don't believe that.

You love him. You married him.

You think he's innocent.



Why are you doing this to the man you love?

Objection, your honor, she's leading the witness.


Would you like to take a break, Ms. Kennison?


We're in recess until tomorrow.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, sweetheart.

I love you, okay?



Hold on.

When did Mike call you?

What did he say?

Cora, Cora, how much have you had to drink?

Okay, Cora, calm down.

I'm on my way.

Elliot, it's me.

Send a bus over to Cora's.

And call Rikers and have Mike Jergens put on su1c1de watch.



How drunk is she?

I did CPR until EMS got here.


What the hell happened?

Hey, what's going on?

Her sats are dropping.

Respiratory arrest.

I just talked to her.

We need to intubate.

She's bradying down.

We're losing her.

Tube's in.

We got a pulse.

Sats are rising.

Let's go!

Cora's heart is still beating, but her brain was deprived of oxygen too long.

Will she recover?

No. Her EEG shows signs of irreversible brain injury.

But she's awake, her eyes are still moving.

That's only a brain stem reflex.

She can't see us.

She doesn't follow commands or respond to pain.

How did this happen?

She probably had four or five drinks.

But Cora's system was weakened by her bulimia.

It doubled the impact of the alcohol.

Okay, well, when will she get better?

Mrs. Kennison, Cora's not going to get better.

Is there anything that you can do for her?

We'll continue to provide supportive care and keep her comfortable.

In other words, not a damn thing!

I'm sorry, Mrs. Kennison.

She drank because you made her testify.


She drank because Mike called her from Rikers, and told her that he was gonna k*ll himself.

And he's not dead, is he?

You can't protect her.

I'm taking my daughter home.

I don't think that's advisable.

I don't care what you think!

It's my decision.

Cora's going home.

Virginia Kennison won't accept the diagnosis.

She wants to keep Cora's body alive even though her mind is dead.

Cora and her mom haven't been close for a long time.

Virginia's gotta be feeling guilty.

She's not the only one.

I pushed her to testify.

And I subpoenaed her.

How's this gonna affect the trial?

Well, it won't.

Cora Finished her testimony, so the defense can't ask for a mistrial.

Too bad the corrections officers got to Mike before he could off himself, and he wouldn't have to finish the trial.

I'll still convict the bastard.


The office has been trying to Find you.

I had my phone off in court.

Judge Donnelly wants you in chambers now.

This can't be good.


What's your business, counselor?

My client is seeking a court order to have the feeding tube removed.

He has no right to remove Cora's feeding tube.

He has every right.

Cora Jergens is his wife.

The wedding was a sham.

He only married Cora to keep her from testifying.

She chose to marry my client, whereas you forced her to testify.

You couldn't shut her up at trial, so you shut her up forever?

This is retaliation, your honor.

This is an act of love.

Hold on.

Dr. Jergens, I'd like to know why you made this decision.

I've spoken with my wife's neurosurgeon.

Cora is in a chronic, vegetative state.

She has no cortical activity or EEG.

She'll never recover.

I can't let her suffer.

Don't let him do this.

The law is clear.

I don't have a choice, Casey.

What about Cora's mother?

She wants to continue life support.

I'm sure this will be very difficult for Mrs. Kennison to accept, but she has no standing.

As Cora's husband, Michael Jergens is the next of kin.

So a r*pist has more rights than her mother.

In this case, yes.

This judge is giving Mike exactly what he wants.

Ultimate control.

He's the wrong person making the right decision.

You think Cora should be taken off life support?

Cora's never getting better.

She deserves to die with dignity.

Mrs. Kennison wants to keep Cora alive.

She has been her mother for 30 years.

I think that counts more than a quickie marriage.

None of this matters.

It's not up to us to decide when life ends.

So Cora should suffer.

All right, disconnect her.

Who's next?

Are we gonna decide the quadriplegic's lives aren't worth living?

What about the severely Ret*rded?

We k*ll them too?

No one's suggesting we m*rder the disabled.

The Nazis didn't call it m*rder either.

I have to follow the law.

But I would feel a lot better about it if I knew what Cora would want.

Okay, who would know that better than her own mother?

No, she's trying to communicate.

She's fighting for her life.

And did she ever tell you what she'd want if something like this happened?

No, we never talked about it.

But I know my daughter.

And she's not a quitter.

Her father got sick when she was eight.

They gave him six months to live.

She went to the hospital every day.

And she'd sit by the bed, and she'd say, "daddy, don't give up."

He lived for two years.

He said Cora gave him the strength to hang on.

And you are sure she'd wanna live like this?

I know she'd want to fight.

But how do I stop Mike?

You could file an appeal of judge Donnelly's ruling.

A lot of good it'll do.

I mean the law's not on my side.

And the judge, she won't listen to me.

There are other ways to make people listen.

What the hell were you thinking?

Cora's mom went to the papers.

How is that my fault?

You gave her the baloney, and she made the sandwich.

Says so on page three.

You told her to shout her story from the rooftops.

She's frustrated and she's voiceless.

And the law can't help her.

Which is the reason you have no business involving yourself in this mess.

We speak for the victims.

And you taught me that.

Crime victims.

Nobody's committing a crime here.

Mike Jergens did.

So should a r*pist who's been her husband for a week get to pull the plug on Cora?

She married him.

He conned her, he doesn't know what Cora really wants.

And you do?

Her mother does.

Based on what?

Letters, diaries, a memorable conversation? A living will?

Based on the mother knowing her child.

That's not enough.

There's a difference between law and justice.

Casey, I agree.

But this is not your fight.

Casey, turn on New York one.

Protect the disabled.

Looks like there's no stopping mama now.

This r*pist is trying to k*ll Cora.

Do not let him do it.

Please, I know my daughter.

I know she wants to live.

Help me fight back.

This is legalized m*rder. Please.

Help me send a message to the judge to protect the disabled.

Don't let a tragedy turn into a circus.

Convince Mrs. Kennison that the case oughta be tried in a court of law, not in a court of public opinion.

Lawyers from around the country are calling to take Cora's case.

Thank you for telling me to fight back.

I didn't mean for you to go on the national news.

This should be a family decision.

Not a public free-for-all.

Well, this has nothing to do with me or Cora.

People are angry.

They don't want the government deciding who lives and who dies.

What's he doing here?

Judge Donnelly authorized this visit.

I don't care, I don't want him anywhere near my daughter.

Mrs. Kennison, I know you don't believe that I love Cora, but I do.

And I know she would not wanna live like this.

You know nothing.

I lived with her every day for the last year, you never called her once.

Because you pulled us apart.

I have always loved my daughter.

Why didn't you tell me he'd be here?

My client doesn't need your permission to visit his wife.

Is that the consent form?

It's an injunction.

The court has granted Mrs. Kennison an emergency hearing to determine Cora's wishes.



I promised Cora I would never let her live like this.

And did you have a discussion about end of life issues?


Would you please tell the court about that conversation?

One night last summer, we were driving back from the beach.

There was a terrible accident right in front of us.

A drunk driver ran a stop sign, and T-boned a young couple in a convertible.

I told Cora to call 911, and I ran over to help.

How bad was it?

The man was dead.

And his girlfriend had severe head trauma.

She was unresponsive.

All I could do was clear her airway so she could breathe.

I was covered in blood, and then I heard Cora crying.

And did Cora say anything?

She asked me if the girl was gonna make it.

And I said that if she did, that she would be a vegetable.

And how did Cora take that?

She said, Mike, promise me you will never let me live like that.

That's a lie.

Cora never said that.

Mrs. Kennison...

You bastard!


Don't believe him!

Sit down, Mrs. Kennison.

No! I won't let him k*ll my baby!

Clear the court.

We're in recess.

What are you doing?

After reviewing all the medical testimony, I am convinced that Cora's condition is irreversible.

Her mind is gone.

And medicine cannot cure her.

Only an act of god, a true miracle, could recreate her brain.

Both Mrs. Kennison and Dr. Jergens believe they know what Cora would've wanted.

But while Mrs. Kennison's belief is based on a mother's instinct, Dr. Jergens testimony provided compelling evidence that Cora's desire is not to live in a persistent, vegetative state.

Therefore, I am lifting the injunction.

Dr. Jergens may remove Cora's feeding tube.

She went peacefully.

Just like she wanted.

Thank you for letting Virginia hold her daughter's hand.

I know how much it meant to her.

You're welcome.

Now there's something you can do for me.

Like what?

Expedite the death certificate.

The life insurance company's gonna need that before they can process my claim.

I should've known.

How much you gonna get?

$1.5 million.

I added Cora to my policy right after we got married.

You were never gonna k*ll yourself.

But you knew that Cora wouldn't live without you.

That's a terrible thing to say to a grieving husband.

Get him the hell out of here!

Come see me tomorrow.

We need to get started on my appeal.

Is there anything else I need to sign?

No, but I do have the results of the autopsy.

Oh, tell me.

I found widespread cell death in Cora's cerebral cortex.

The damage to her brain was irreversible.

So there was never any hope.


There's something else you should know.

We found a newspaper article about the car accident that Cora witnessed.

Was Mike telling the truth?

Cora told a reporter that what happened to that young girl was a tragedy.

She said she'd never wanna live like that.

Thank you.
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