08x06 - Infiltrated

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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08x06 - Infiltrated

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Why you gotta do me, huh?

Why you gotta do me?

Oh, why you gotta do me?

Ow, why you gotta do me like that?

Peter Lophus blitz-att*cked Chelsea Arndale at 4:02 A.M.

He brutalized her for 5 minutes, 27 seconds.

He broke her arm, three bones in her face, and r*ped her.

He then left her naked, semiconscious, and bleeding profusely on the floor.

Detective Stabler, when you questioned the defendant, was he able to provide an alibi for the time of the attack?

No, he was not.

No further questions.

Your witness, Mr. Kressler.

That's a very disturbing tape, I admit.

I had to look away several times myself, so maybe I missed it.

But I never saw my client's face, did you?


He was identified through DNA evidence.

DNA retrieved from the r*pe kit?

Evidently, he has a sexual dysfunction, and he was unable to maintain an erection to ej*cul*te.

So that's another no.

My client's DNA was not found on the victim.

It was extracted from chewing gum that he spit out at the crime scene.

Right. The smoking gum.

Not seen on the tape.

But you found it.

My partner did.

My partner at the time did.

Detective Olivia Benson, yes.

Are you aware of detective Benson's prior history with the defendant?

Now that you ask, she arrested him five years ago for acquaintance r*pe.

That's why his DNA was in the system.

It's an alternate theory of the crime, your honor.

Ah, it's a bunch of crap.

Nothing further.

You may step down.

Defense calls detective Olivia Benson.

Sheriff Bartley!

The eco nuts are at it again.

We're gonna have to catch them in the act for once.

They damage any equipment, set any fires?

No, but they're not moving!

Well, we'll see about that.

No more clear cuts, no more lies!

Stop committing eco-cide!

No more clear cuts, no more lies!

Stop committing eco-cide!

Lessinger lumber uses WMDs!

They're sneaking in weapons of mass deforestation under cover of darkness.

Yeah, so you idiots don't blow them up!

These trees are protected.

All right, this is the sheriff's department.

You are hereby ordered to disperse.

This is a state forest!

We have a right to be here.

If you do not disperse immediately, you will be forcibly removed.

We're not moving!

They're harvesting old-grown timber in direct violation of federal law!

All right, break them up.

You heard what he said.

Break them up!

Hey, watch your hands, pervert!

Touch her again, I'll k*ll you!

Now, wake up!

On the ground!


On the ground!

Hey, he's not resisting!

You can stop...

Law & Order: SVU
8x06 Infiltrated

Original air date: 2006/10/31

Not only was she not on the witness list, you weren't even up.

I'm not the one who's hiding a possible exculpatory witness.

Your honor, the defense doesn't have a leg to stand on.

So he's resorting to courtroom stunts 101.

No cop ever planted evidence before?

Not this one, and you know it.

She's a decorated detective with a spotless record.

You say tomato, I say motive for revenge.

Produce the officer to testify to chain of custody.

Your honor, the defense obviously found out that detective Benson is unavailable, and is trying to twist that to his advantage.

I've been trying to serve her with a notice to appear for a month.

It's like she vanished from the face of the earth.

Or somebody's hiding her.

Ms. Novak, where exactly is detective Benson?

All I know is she's working a classified operation with the feds for the last five weeks now, possibly out of state.

Holy Cross Hospital Walton County, Oregon Monday, October 9

Elliot, Elliot...

Hey, who's Elliot?


You've been mumbling the name Elliot all night.

Where are we?

County hospital. Prison ward.

Deputy Abu Grab tried to brain you for helping T-bone.

Hope, did they break your leg?


When I tried to make a run for it, I twisted my foot in a gopher hole.

I snapped my ankle.

What's so funny?

The fact that you've devoted your life to nature, and this is how it repays you?

The hell!

It was that greedy, earth-raping lumber company's fault.

Them and the corrupt police they have in their pocket.

You're right.

You're right.

You should sue them for police brutality.

You and T-bone both.

Actually, T-bone hit the cop first.

And mine was an accident.

No, it wasn't.

How on earth can you defend those fascists?

You're right.

Must be the concussion talking.

I'm not myself.

I didn't say anything else, did I?


You sure?

All I could make out was "Elliot."

So spill. Who is he?


It doesn't sound like nobody.



Hey, captain, Elliot around?

He just went out on a call with Danny.

I need to get in touch with Liv.

Forget it.

He doesn't know where she is.

Do you?


Word in the conspiracy mill is she's out having my love child.

This is serious, Munch.

If I don't find her, I'm looking at a mistrial on my r*pe case.

Shouldn't you have hashed that out before you went to trial?

Well, I was blindsided.

Stabler was the arresting officer.

I never thought they'd call Liv to testify.

You'll work it out.

Look, I just need her for a day, in closed court.


Come on, she can't be thwarting arson plots every day.

For all we know, she's got some down time right now and is bored out of her skull.

Pupils are equal and reactive.

BP's 110 over 70.

So I'm gonna be fine.

What about her?

She's about to have a baby, and they've got her in four-point restraints.

It's prison mandate.

It's inhumane.

If she were an animal, our group would be trying to rescue her.

State's taking the baby away.

Soon as I cut the cord, prisoner goes back to finish an 18-month drug sentence.

I'm here to pick up a, uh, Pers-a-fone James.

It's Persephone.

She ready to be discharged?

It's only a mild concussion, but I'd like to keep her overnight for observation.

Is it life-threatening?


In that case, she's gonna need to get dressed and come with me.

Ma'am, you're under arrest for assaulting an officer.


You have the right to remain silent.

I never assaulted anybody!

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

I was the one assaulted!

You have the right to an attorney.

I know my rights.

Can you take these handcuffs off?

They are cutting my wrists.

Sorry about that.

Thank you.

Have a seat.

Look, do I get a phone call?

You'll get your phone call.

Just sit tight.

T-bone, wake up.

I wasn't asleep.

I'm just listening and learning.

You okay?

Been better.

I figure they're gonna try to question us.

They'll try.

Is there anybody that I should avoid mentioning?

Why mention anyone?

You know, they're trying to connect us to the earth defenders group.

And if there's somebody that I need to cover for, please let me know.

Here comes the deputy that whooped our asses.

Deputy lbold, you seem like a reasonable man.

What do we have to do to clear this up?

Are you trying to bribe an officer of the law?

No, I'm not, but I'm simply saying that my friend T-bone here is willing to apologize to you.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

And I never touched you.

But I do apologize for stepping in your business.

I was just trying to defuse a bad situation.

Let's go.


Smile. You wanna look pretty for your mug shot, don't you?

You know that I didn't hit you.

Turn to your right.

You're making a false arrest.

Turn to your left.

I was trying to be nice about this.

But we both know that you assaulted me.

You took a swing at me.

I held my arm in a defensive position to prevent you from injuring an unarmed protestor!

Miss Persephone giving you trouble there, Jimmy?

A little.

Sheriff, you were there last night.

Afraid I didn't witness the altercation.

There was no altercation!

He made it up!

You seem awfully agitated.

Your time of the month?

You know, I've heard how strong that blue line is, but I can't imagine anybody perjuring themselves for an ass like you.

You need to watch your language, ma'am.

How many excessive force complaints on your jacket?

You seem to know an awful lot about police business.

I guess this isn't your first time at the hoedown, is it?

Actually, it is.

We'll know when the prints come back.

Yeah, we will.

Now, let's go find a nice, quiet room where you can tell me what mean thing I did to provoke you into hitting me.

I never hit you!

And I'm not going to some good-old-boy back room alone with you.

I want a lawyer.

My name is Delray Mellott, and I'm your assigned public defender.

What are you, 12?

I'm 25.

Oh, this is great.

You're gonna be arraigned upstairs in magistrate court, where they'll read the charges against you.

We'll plead not guilty.

The trial date will be set.

And then bail will be negotiated.

Not guilty?

You gonna ask me if I did it or not?

I don't need to know.

I'm sorry?

If you tell me something incriminating, I won't be able to put you on the stand and knowingly allow you to lie.

Oh, well, that's good to know.

But, just for the record, I never touched him.

He assaulted me.

That's beyond the scope of arraignment.

We'll get into defense strategy closer to the trial date.

Now, as to bail... they ran your prints.

They see you have no priors.

That's good.

Uh, first time offense, I'll try to get you ROR. That's...

Released on my own recognizance.

Right, um... any ties to the community?

I have friends.

No family?


Family out of state?

That makes you more of a flight risk.

I don't have any family.

It's just me.

Okay, then.

I'll be waiting for you upstairs.

Hopefully, we'll have you out of here by the end of the day.

Damn cell phone.


Sheriff Bartley.

What, did you come to offer me a ride home to make amends?

Actually, I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind coming back inside, answering a couple of questions.

In case you didn't know, I lawyered up.

You shouldn't even be talking to me.

It's not about the as*ault charge.

So what's it about?

I believe you're acquainted with this gentleman?

Mr. Carl Dunford.

No, I don't recognize him.

That's odd.

Works for the pharmaceutical company your little glee club was protesting against last week.

Something about polluting the river.

What about him?

Just fished his body out of that river.

Only it wasn't the pollution that k*lled him.

What was the cause of death?

Well, we're not sure which one of the s*ab wounds was fatal.

But I do know we're looking for somebody with a penchant for freeing willies.

If you know what I mean.

Have a seat.

No, I'm good.

So you looking at my group for this?

Oh, we've been looking at your group for a while.

Here you are.

Outside of Fitzmore pharmaceuticals, the victim's employer.

And none too happy.

Because they are dumping tons of pharmaceutical waste, including estrogen, into the river.

Which is going back into our water supply and feminizing the fish.

You mean it's turning them h*m*?

Male fish are developing female sex organs.

Some of them are even starting to lay eggs.

So now somebody has gone and feminized this employee, Carl Dunford.

Looks like retaliation to me.

Sheriff, you know that there hasn't been one m*rder in the history of the environmental movement.

It goes against everything we believe.

The whole world's gone loony with v*olence.

Your pacifist friend here, T-bone, he just sucker-punched one of my deputies.

T-bone is not a k*ller.

But your deputy, Ibold, is gunning to become one.

He struck me in the head, hard, and then he lied about it and said that I assaulted him.

I'll tell you what.

You provide us with some information about this homicide, and we'll see what we can do about making that charge go away.

Well, if I were you, I would look at your victim, Carl Dunford.

Because that is a sex crime.

Oh, is that what it is?

You ever heard of Lorena Bobbitt?

Where do you think you're going?

I'm not under arrest.

Which means you can't keep me here.

That's true.

But you are out on bail.

So don't leave the state.

I'll keep that in mind.

Federal Bureau of lnvestigation Headquarters New York, New York Tuesday, October 10

I'm afraid it's not feasible to extract detective Benson at this time.

Before you assume your big federal case automatically trumps my lowly felony, you're gonna look at my victim.

She recovered from the broken eye socket just in time to see her r*pist walk free.

I'd help if I could, but...

Let me talk to Star.


The agent we arrested working undercover with the neo-Nazis last year.

Detective Benson worked with her again a month ago on an eco-terror case.

Special agent Lewis is not your detective's case agent.

Then who is?

Could you look more like a fed?

Feds don't eat donuts.

Oh, that's clever.

Thanks for leaving me hanging with the bail.

Looks better you took a bond.

We did cover your ass on the prints, though.

They ran them through NCIC?

Luckily, we'd already red-flagged them.

Didn't kick you back as a cop.

Well, I almost wish they had.

The sheriff here is convinced that somebody from my group k*lled Carl Dunford.

If it was someone in EDG, we've got them on the federal RICO statute.

Could take down the entire organization.

Let me tell you something.

I'm practically living with these people.

And I have not seen or heard anything linking them to your string of arsons, let alone m*rder.

Take a closer look on the homicide.


But what if the k*ller is not from my group?

Then you go right back to looking for eco-t*rrorists.

Hold on. I'm not just gonna walk away from a homicide collar.

Let the locals handle it.

You're on our dime now.

If your investigation leads outside the group, you stop.

You understand?


Your victim Carl Dunford had no criminal record.

Credit history looks solid.

Any time.

It's good to finally hear from you.

My case agent would probably k*ll me if he found out I broke protocol.

So I really can't call you again.

Before you go, Novak ever get in touch with you?

A case you worked on with Elliot.

He just walked in.

I'll let you talk to him.

Guess who's on the phone.



Who were you talking to?

Probably talking to Elliot, the guy from her dreams.

Actually, it was my useless public defender.

I was trying to ask him how much we should cooperate on this Carl Dunford investigation.

T-bone says we should never cooperate with the enemy.

Come on, I wanna get some snap beans and sweet corn.

You know, the sheriff questioned me last night.

I didn't tell him anything.

What's to tell?

Don't you think we should get our stories straight?

What stories?

We had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, but you can see why they're looking at us.

I mean, the dead guy's company was wreaking havoc on the ecosystem.

So is anybody who flushes expired medication down the toilet.

What are we gonna do, k*ll everyone with a prescription?

Still, the cops are gonna be on us like flies.

I just think that it would be a good idea to back off any future demonstrations until they find the real k*ller.

So who do you think k*lled him?

Fitzmore Pharmaceuticals Hillsden, Oregon Tuesday, October 10

Excuse me, I'm doing an article on Carl Dunford.

Can you tell me how he got along with his coworkers?

Can't say Carl had any close friends here at Fitzmore.

But he certainly didn't have any enemies.

Had his demeanor changed, or was he under any stress lately?


You look familiar to me.

Where have I seen you before?

Oh, I cover stories for the newspaper all over town.

But I am under deadline, so... now, the work that Carl did here, was he working on anything that may have gotten him k*lled?

I hope not. It's the same thing we're all working on.

A new birth control delivery system for men.

Oh. Is there a rival company trying to beat you to it?

Everyone's trying to build a better mousetrap.

Or baby trap, as the case may be.

But don't put that in the article.

Oh, that's off the record, I promise.

What else can you tell me about Carl?

He was a very conscientious worker.

Very kind to his elderly mother.

He called to check on her every day.

Sorry, mom's not home.

What are you doing here?

Right now, I'd say arresting you.

I came to pay my respects to Mrs. Dunford.

Is there a law against that?

I really don't see how a visit from a suspect in her son's m*rder is gonna brighten Ms. Dunford's day.

What is that, a poison tofu bundt cake?

It's a coffee cake.

Why don't you test it?

Where's your car, deputy lbold?

I parked it where you wouldn't see it.

So Ray Denning from Fitzmore pharmaceuticals called you?

Right after you left.

He finally remembered where he'd seen you before.

Wanted to know what a protester was doing posing as a newspaper reporter.

I didn't misrepresent myself.

I write a column for an environmental newsletter.

At the very least, I've got you on another trespassing charge.

I stayed on the sidewalk.

Sorry, didn't break the law.

I don't know what you're up to, girly, but I know it's no good.

Oh, I'm just trying to clear my group's name.

You people certainly aren't doing anything to find the real k*ller.

I catch you bothering anyone else connected to Carl Dunford, I'll take you in for interfering in a police investigation.

You hear me?

Loud and clear.

Dunford Residence Hillsden, Oregon Tuesday, October 10

Don't move.

Put your hands where I can see them, and stay facing the wall.

Please don't sh**t.

I'm Debra Hartnell, Carl's ex-wife.

What are you doing here, Debra?

Carl left the house to my daughter.

I have a right to be here.

Not while there's still a police seal, you don't.

You're tampering with evidence.

Why'd you k*ll your ex-husband?

I haven't had any contact with Carl in eight years.

No, but your daughter did.


I have full custody.

Kiddy videos.

Keen teen clothing catalogs.

Your ex-husband had contact with somebody's child.

Oh, please.

It would ruin my daughter's life if this came out.

Did Carl abuse your daughter?


No, she was just five when...

Carl is dead.

Can't we just keep it a secret?

Debra, you need to tell the police.

I thought you were the police.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

You just get away from me.

Debra, Debra, you need to tell the police what Carl did.

He didn't do anything.

And I never said he did.

Thank you.

We really need to find a new place to meet.

You know why undercover agents get psychologically evaluated every six months?

Because their case agents make them nuts?

Thank you.

To make sure they're not getting too close to the subject.

So what exactly is the soy brigade up to?

Absolutely nothing.

There's a moratorium in place until the Dunford thing blows over.

Because they have something to hide?

Nobody in my group k*lled this guy.

You positive?

These people are not connected to EDG.

They are true believers.

They are not t*rrorists.

Interesting story.

Page six.

E-mail to Fitzmore pharmaceuticals less than a month ago from an untraceable account.

"You're mutating our wildlife and our children."

"Yet you have no problem sleeping at night."

"Maybe our knowing where you live will make you sleep a little less easy."

The printouts contain the home addresses of Fitzmore employees.

Including Carl Dunford.

Did you know about this?


Then you don't know your group as well as you thought.

This is a veiled threat.

Without follow-through, it's a scare tactic.

There was follow-through.

On Mr. Dunford's penis.

He was a pedophile.

Did someone in the group tell you that?

I spoke to his ex-wife.

And ex-wives never lie.

I suggest you concentrate on the job at hand and stop chasing phantom sex crimes.
Office of the Assistant District Attorney Casey Novak Wednesday, October 11

Olivia went to the hospital with me.

She held my hand.

She said she'd be there for me.

We are tracking her down.

Why do you need her anyways?

You have him.

You know he did it.

Why can't it just be over?

The trial hasn't stopped.

It's just continued over for a week.

Why? You said the case was rock solid.

You said he'd be in jail by now!

Chelsea, you need to calm down.

I can't.

I can't work. I can't sleep.

I can hardly breathe.

I have not been able to function since he...

Have you talked to the r*pe crisis counselor?

No. I don't want to keep talking about it.

I just want him locked away so I can feel safe again.

Chelsea, you need to work with someone to help you through this.

No, I don't!

I just need to see him convicted.

What if he's not?

I, I think I'd k*ll myself.

I'll be with you in a minute, Chelsea.

This could take a while.

I'll call you after we're done.

I'll let you know if the su1c1de threat was sincere.

I have three days left on my continuance.

So I don't think she'll do anything until the charges are dismissed.

And you definitely foresee that happening?

Not if you can help me.


Find Benson.

The special agent in charge here completely stonewalled me.

You're FBI.

You can pull strings.

I'll see what I can do.

Thank you.

Don't thank me yet.

I don't have a lot of stock with the domestic terrorism team.

They see me as the sex crimes guy.

It's not something they have a lot of use for.

Then what the hell are they doing with Liv?

So how many children did your ex-husband molest?

Leave right now!

This is an open house.

I have prospective buyers coming in ten minutes.

And I will leave.

As soon as you tell me what he did.

Who are you?

I work with r*pe victims.

Carl was a sexual predator.

We both know that.

You're wrong.

You were hiding his kiddy porn.

G-rated movies, clothing catalogs.

Those aren't illegal, and it isn't pornography.

Well, it is for a pedophile.

It serves the same function.

And it keeps him out of jail.

Carl's dead.

He can't hurt anybody anymore.

If this gets out, the only person he hurts is my daughter.

Then what about his victims?

Nobody's ever reported him, which means that he threatened them, or worse.

If he k*lled one of his victims to keep them quiet, then their parents will never have any closure.

Can you think about them?

I am.

The first thing I thought when I heard was that some child's father had found out and given him everything he deserved.

You left your husband eight years ago because you caught him in the act, didn't you?

Who was it?

Our 12-year-old baby-sitter.

It was taking longer and longer to drive her home.

So I followed him one night.

They were parked a block away.

Did you tell her parents?

I couldn't stand the shame of anyone knowing.

He agreed to give me a divorce and to sever all custodial rights.

And what about the babysitter?

He promised never to touch her again.

And you really believe that he stopped?

Of course he didn't stop.

Is the baby Carl's?

God, no.

I've had tons of boyfriends since Carl.

He wasn't your boyfriend.

You were 12.

He was your r*pist.

I never thought about it like that before.

Did you ever tell anybody?

No. Carl said no one would understand.

He wasn't lying about that.

When he first started bothering with me, it was just awful.

Then it was nice to finally be loved.

How long did it go on for?

A year.

And how did you finally get him to stop?

When I was 13, I started dating this high school boy.

Carl threw a fit.

He dumped me.

Listen. I gotta get Nicky to my mom's house before my shift starts, so...

Let me help you.

I'll take him.

Oh, okay.

All right.

Now, Kristy, do you know of any other girls that Carl victimized?

No, but we really didn't stay in touch.

When his wife left him, she took the child.

Didn't people wonder why you were still going over there?

Well, Carl would pick me up after school, and had me duck down in the back seat until he got into the garage.

So you'd enter the house from there?


We never went in the main house.

Where would he take you?

Oh, he had the coolest place set up.

In this room underneath the garage.

I think I found something you need to see.

I do believe we're running out of new crimes to charge you with, Persephone.

Breaking and entering.

You're not gonna thank me for finding the crime scene?

Disturbing the crime scene.

Well, I didn't touch anything.

And I wore gloves.

Aren't you just the junior detective?

Well, how much training does it take to figure out that that's the m*rder w*apon?

Yeah, coroner had it pegged for a steak knife.

Looks like it happened in the middle of dinner.


He was having steak, she was having pizza rolls.

"She" being...

I located a victim he brought down here eight years ago.

Who knows how many there's been since?

Books... board games, CDs, chips, cookies, television.

Everything a girl could want.

Except a phone.

Oh, there's motive for a teen to k*ll.

That, or... self-defense to escape her r*pist.

Self-defense ends somewhere between the first dozen s*ab wounds and the castration.

Well, she didn't necessarily k*ll him.

It could have been a parent.

Or maybe he was sharing her.

The partner got jealous, k*lled him, took her.

A lot of outfits.

I mean, hopefully if he was working with a partner, maybe he left his prints, and you'll have him in your system.


I'm not gonna press charges.

But it's time for you to stop playing policewoman and run along home to the commune.

Will you let me know what you find?

Oh, you'll be the first to hear.

During the course of our investigation, we discovered a secret chamber under the Dunford residence.

How many victims are there?

Forensic testing has so far come up with two sets of prints, one belonging to Mr. Dunford.

And for the other I'm going to defer to special agent Dean Porter with the FBI.

As sheriff Bartley told you, there was a second set of prints.

We have confirmed they belong to Britney Dunlap.

Is she still alive?

Has she been down there the entire time?

As most of you remember, Britney disappeared seven years ago, when she was 10.

The FBI has worked tirelessly in the intervening years, along with her parents, never giving up hope.

Were Britney's remains found in the room?

We have not yet located Britney.

But we have every reason to believe she's still alive.

Why hasn't she contacted the authorities?

Or her parents?

You need to come with me.

You gotta be kidding me.

Come on, I got someone who wants to talk to you.

Press conference lasted longer than we thought.

Thanks for waiting.

I didn't really have a choice.

Would you mind uncuffing me?

I'm afraid I can't.

Everything that you just claimed the glory for on national news, I handed you!

What is your problem?

Oh, I have no problem with you.

Sheriff Bartley was acting at the behest of the FBI.

What does the FBI want with me?

After all the stunts you've pulled... nothing.

You're done here, detective Benson.

Go ahead, uncuff her.

I can't believe you just outed me.

Oh, come on.

Now you're just being insulting.

I made you for a cop halfway through your crime scene analysis.

I appreciate the work on the eco-t*rrorists, though.

They're activists.

I infiltrated them, believing it would lead us to a real eco-t*rror1st.

Who, by the way, is still out there.

No. He's not.

The leader of EDG was apprehended in Montreal two days ago.

He burned down the Canadian headquarters of coniston lumber.

So you've had me with the wrong group the whole time.

Sorry about that.

Have a nice flight back to New York.


Let me help you find Britney.

Thanks, but no.

Look, I have a little experience working sex crimes.

We should work this together.

Been there, done that.

Look, I'm the one who uncovered the whole thing.

I deserve to see it through.

Frankly, I don't think we work very well together.

Agent Porter.

Call came in over the tip line.

This one's out of our jurisdiction.

I was told to pass it along to you.

Anything promising?

Trucker picked up a hitchhiker on the I-5 the night Carl Dunford was m*rder*d.

He saw Britney's picture on the news.

Thinks it might have been her.

Know where he dropped her off?


It's about 25 miles south of here.

Look, that picture of Britney is seven years old.

You're gonna be getting hundreds of tips, and most of them wrong.

Britney's parents moved to Portland two years ago.

At the time she was abducted, she lived in Butteville.

Okay, if there's one thing I know in this world, it's r*pe victims.

Let me help you.

I have a r*pe victim threatening to slash her wrists.

How could you let Liv off the phone without letting her know?

I didn't have a chance.

She hung up when Fin handed me the receiver.

Why would she do that?

You tell me.

FBI's supposed to have her back.

Would they know if she's in trouble?

They'd know, they just wouldn't necessarily tell.

I'm sure she's fine.

It's my case that's in trouble.

What time did she call?

I can get a court order and dump the LUDs on Fin's phone.

That's just gonna piss away another day and give us a useless pay phone number.

Where is she?

I don't know.

Well, tell me who does.

I'll talk to them.

I can't do that.

Are you playing company man with me, doctor?

I'm not gonna give away state secrets.

I just wanna make sure Liv is safe.

Eliot, I gave the message to my SAC.

I was told it was given to Liv's case agent.

Then why hasn't she called?

If she knew Chelsea's case hinged on her testimony, she'd be here.

Maybe her case agent just isn't in touch with her at the moment.

That doesn't make sense.

It makes sense that Britney would go back to her comfort zone.

Now, how thorough a job do you think the locals did of searching her old house?


And I think the family of five living there now probably pitched in.

She's not there.

She hasn't seen the light of day for ten years.

Where else is she gonna go?

Police are searching her elementary school, her church, the local parks.

It's a small town.

We'll find her.

Your partner back in New York... does he find you as annoying as I do?

We're best friends.

But does he find you annoying?

It'll be nice to have a partner I'm in sync with.

I almost forgot what that was like.

Well, he'll have you back soon.

Lucky him.

Here's something.

One of the friends that they interviewed at the time had a fort deep in the woods behind her house.

Britney used to play there.

Anybody check that?

44 Sawmill Road Butteville, Oregon Thursday, October 12

He must have gone off the path at some point and missed it.

Let's head back.

This is the path.

It's just overgrown.

Kids haven't been playing here for years.

If you get us lost in these woods...

There it is.

Even if she did come here five days ago, I don't think she would have stayed.

Why don't you go wait in the car, and I'll let you know what I find?


Go away.

It's okay.

It's okay, don't be afraid.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

We're here to take you home.

No, don't look at me!


Please, go away, please!

Home to her means the dungeon.

Please go away! Please!

Britney, it's okay.

Listen, we're not gonna hurt you.

We promise, okay?

Don't look at me, please!

Please, please, go away!

We're gonna take you to see your parents.


Do you remember your parents?


Then why don't you want to see them?

Too ashamed.

You have nothing to be ashamed of.

Britney, what happened to you wasn't your fault.

You know what?

Why don't you come sit at the table, and I promise, I'm not gonna look at you, okay?


Brilliant with victims, huh?

Britney, you have so much pent up.

This is an outlet.

And so is talking.

Isn't it making you dizzy?

I'm getting motion sickness.

Special agent Porter's gonna leave us now.

It's just gonna be the two of us.

Britney, would that make it more comfortable for you?

Go now.

Nobody knew about the room.

Why didn't you just leave him there?

For the rest of my life?

I thought I was going to keep living there.

I couldn't keep looking at what I had done.

Britney, how did you get him to the river?

I found a tarp in the garage.

Wrapped him up.

It took forever to get him up the stairs.

I got him in the trunk of his car.

When he was gone, I drove back home.

But it was unbearable being there without him.

Britney... he brainwashed you.

I loved him.

I still do.

He had complete control of your life.

He convinced you that he could k*ll you at any minute.

But he didn't.

He brought me a present almost every day.

Except when I picked a fight.

Britney... you had to convince yourself that you loved him in order to survive it.

Then why did I k*ll him?

He r*ped you.


Britney, over half a million women are r*ped in this country every year.

And only a fraction of them report it.

Because they're too ashamed.

It's a really screwed-up world.

But it's not your fault.

And what happened to you, it doesn't make you the monster.

I can never say what... the things we did.

It must have been unbearable.

Only at first.

I miss him so much.

I wish I could take it back.

Well, then, you'd still be his prisoner.

I didn't k*ll him to escape.

Well, why do you think you k*lled him?

Britney, it's okay.

You can tell me.

He kept trying to convince me to go outside with him.

He kept trying to convince me to go outside with him.

Go where?

I begged him not to make me.

Well, he conditioned you to never leave that room.

That's why you were afraid.

No, I wasn't afraid.

I just didn't wanna do it.

Do what?

Find someone else for him.

He said I was getting too old.

He was using you as bait.

He said I could stay.

But only if I could find someone younger.

Britney... you k*lled him to save another little girl from going through what you did.

He would have stolen her entire childhood just like he stole yours.

I was only ten.

It's okay.

It's okay, honey.

It's gonna be okay.

She has Stockholm syndrome.

Fell in love with her captor.

Stopped trying to escape years ago.

Probably had dozens of chances to before she k*lled him.

You know, no jury in the world will convict her.

Who's pressing charges?

She'll get psychiatric care?




You do have a little knack with victims.

Oh, I'm sorry. I almost forgot.

I got a message for you a couple of days ago.

While I was still undercover?

Who knew we were working together?

Uh, it came to the bureau.

An agent "Hu-ang."

You mean Huang?

Thank god.

Where the hell have you been?

Have I got some stories for you.

I am dying to hear them, but some other time.

We gotta get in there.

How's Chelsea?

She'll be fine.

I was so worried you wouldn't show up.

There was never a chance of that happening.
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