08x07 - Underbelly

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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08x07 - Underbelly

Post by bunniefuu »

What that bull, right?

It was a total waste of time.

Dude, that was the best party ever.

Yeah, but... why don't we get to leave?

I mean, we still got time.

Becky Morgan's having people over.

She said her folks are in Aspen.

All right, good.

We're there. Right.

Dude, you're bombed.

The limo's that way.

I gotta take a leak.

If you hurl, I'm outta here.

Come here.

Someone really did a number on her.

How old?

I'd say 14, tops.

Cause of death?

Looks like blunt force trauma.

She fall off that boat?

Based on the damage to her extremities, she's been in the river at least two weeks.

She doesn't look that decomp'd.

Cold water acts as a natural refrigerant.

Well, depending on the current, she could've been dumped Uptown, Bronx, Brooklyn.

Our crime scene could be anywhere.

Another one r*ped, beaten, and thrown away like garbage.

Another one?

See the tattoo?

Dog's paw print.

She's the third r*pe-homicide victim in six months with that tattoo.

Why didn't we hear about the first two?

They weren't in Manhattan.

Sandra Garner, 16, runaway from Wichita, dumped at a junkyard in hunt's point.

South Bronx is a long way from Kansas.

We haven't ID'd this girl.

Body was in the weeds by Newtown creek.

After she was found, Brooklyn sent out a memo about the tattoo.

Perfect match.

What'd their autopsies show?

Lots of brutality.

Both victims had multiple skull fractures, but no imprint of a w*apon.

Perp beat them to death with his fists?

You get a suspect, check for scarred knuckles.

Three dead girls in six months.

How many more are out there?

That tattoo is a death sentence.

Law & Order: SVU
8x07. Underbelly

Original air date: 2006/11/14

So what are we dealing with here?

All the dead girls are linked by that tattoo, could be g*ng, cult, some kind of group they all belong to.

Yeah, but without an ID, We don't have a place to start.


You guys have any luck with the tattoo?

Sorry. It's not g*ng ink.

And nobody sporting paw prints have been arrested.

It could be something vanilla.

A lot of girls love snoopy.

Maybe they're animal rights activists or future Yalies.

"Bulldog, bulldog, bow, wow, wow. Go, Yale?"

Inking styles are distinctive, just like handwriting.

Maybe a good tattoo artist might recognize the style.

I know a guy we can talk to.

Miguel Alvarez.

He does great work.

What, you got a tat?

You do, don't you?


Let's have a look. See if your guy's as good as you say he is.

Take my word for it.

I'll show you mine.

It wouldn't be a fair trade.

This is my work.

No one else in the city even come close.

But this, uh...

Anyone could do this.

I know that, Miguel.

You're an artist.

But I just thought you might recognize it.

I see the Mona Lisa, I know she is Da Vinci.

But you're asking me who drew a stick figure.

"No minors allowed."

Do you enforce that?

You bet I do.

I check IDs, make a Xerox for my files.

Health department catches me tatting a kid...

I lose my license.

You know anyone who'd work on a 14-year-old?

There is a guy in Brooklyn, Lenny Culp.

Ex-con, learned to ink in the joint.

Can't get a license because of his record.



Yo, Lenny. Police.

Hey, it ain't what it looks like.

He brought a note from home.

My son did a better job of forging my signature when he was 8 years old.

When your mother sees this, she's gonna kick your butt.

Are you kidding?

She's gonna love it.


No, no, no. "Mom."

See, he's not done yet.

Yes, he is.

Go home.

No. You can't make me go out there like this.

Bye-bye. Get lost.

Hey, look, that's not good for business.

You want to stay in business, you better tell us about these girls.

Take your time.

After all you just tattooed a minor, which is a criminal charge, and a parole violation.

Okay, look, I did them all, but they told me they were over 18.

College cheerleaders.

They look old enough to be in college?

They looked pretty enough to be cheerleaders.

See, they're hot, right?

Girl on the right?


St. Ambrose.

Go, Chantal, go, Chantal, go, Chantal, go!

Chantal loved st. Ambrose.

I enrolled her when ACS placed her with me.

You paid Catholic school tuition for a foster child?

Chantal deserved every advantage I could give her.

She had so much potential.

She was trying out for cheerleading.

Did she make it?

She never got the chance.

Right before tryouts, ACS sent her back to that no-good mother of hers.

Why was Chantal in foster care?

Mother was an addict. Crack.

Chantal was only a baby when she was taken away.

She came to me when she was eight.

I wanted to adopt her.

And what stopped you?

The good people at ACS said the mother cleaned up and wanted her back.

More like she wanted the welfare check.

You fought to keep her.

My lawyer said there was nothing I could do.

The rights of the biological parent matter more than the safety of a child.

God knows what that crazy woman did to her.

I knew that girl was gonna come to a bad end.


She was nothing but trouble from the day she came home, acting like she was better than me, getting people involved in my business.

What'd she do?

Told her school that my boyfriend was touching on her.

They called ACS, say I got to put Ricky out?

Hey, watch it!

Where's your boyfriend now?

At work.

He wasn't arrested?

Hell, no.

ACS say he couldn't live with us, so I told them to take her.

You picked your boyfriend over your daughter?

I wasn't gonna put Ricky out over her lies.

So what happened to Chantal?

ACS sent her to a group home.

Look here.

If that place let my baby get k*lled, you think I got me a lawsuit?

Is that all you care about?

Making money off your dead daughter's body?

Bitch, get out of my face!

Calm down.

Calm down. Now, where's this group home?

What's the name of it?

Broder house on Fountain avenue.

I know you want to smack her in the mouth.

And you don't?

She's not worth it.

So we just walk away?

No, we get the perv who k*lled her daughter.



Chantal Vanner.

AWOL'd a few weeks after she got here.

Did you look for her?

We don't have the manpower.

She was only 14.

Do you know how many of these girls take off?


We filed a missing persons report and sent a registered letter to the family.

Mother never got it.

She probably threw it away with her unpaid bills.

So you just sat on your lazy ass and said, "my job's done."

We do the best we can.

That girl needed your help.

Now she's dead.

Any idea where Chantal might've gone?

Most of them run away to be with a boyfriend.

Right. She have one?

Ask them.

Someone might know.

A lot of guys come around the group home.

House full of girls.

You know how it is.

Why don't you tell me how it is?

Boys come by, we kick it outside.

Chantal ever kick it with anyone?

There was this one guy, Victor.

He was talking to her all the time.

Tell me about Victor.

He has this SUV, all tricked out.

He'd drive Chantal to the store and bought her chips and soda and stuff.

Did Chantal run away to be with Victor?

He asked her to.

He said he'd treat her right, buy her clothes, jewelry, whatever she wanted.

But I told her not to trust him.

You did? How come?

Because they're all the same.



Chantal run off to be his ho.

Dani, what are you still doing here?

It's late. Go home.

We got three dead girls so far and you want me to get my beauty sleep?

We're working on fumes.

Let's just get some sleep and start fresh tomorrow, huh?

This can't wait.

Right now, there is a child prost*tute about to get into the car with a psycho John who'll beat her to death, just like Chantal.

Do you know how many Chantals there are out there?

Look, let's just hit the streets, find some girls, question them about violent Johns.

And where do you think we should look?

Where do we go?

Did you talk to Vice, find out where the baby hookers stroll?

The main track for underage girls is in East New York.

I talked with Vice, and we've set up a sting for tomorrow night.

Dani, you can't get over-involved in all this stuff.

Every one of these cases will break your heart.

Think we could head out there tonight?

Can't be more than 13.

My youngest is her age.

How can you stand this, knowing what's gonna happen to that girl when she gets into the car?

We just need to sit tight.

Hey, baby.

You want to take me for a ride?

I can't watch this.

Look, the more Johns that come through here, the better chance we got of catching Chantal's k*ller.

One of those girls has got to know something.

This is alpha one.

All units, let's go.


You. Over there.

Come on!

Line up!

Over, there.

Move it! Up against the wall.

Let's go! Come on! Come on!

Let's go. Up against the wall.

Up against the wall.

Let's go. Over here.

All right, now, I want you to focus on something here.

Who knows these ladies?

You seen her?

Hmm? Come on.

They've worked this track.

Know this girl?

Never seen this girl?

How about you?

I don't know nothing.

You're lying.

I still don't know nothing.

All right, turn around.

Hands against the wall.


Come here.

What's your name?


Your real name.

Don't play with me.

Belinda Holt.

Belinda, do you know any of these girls?


They all got the same tattoo as you do, now they're dead.

No. They can't be dead.

They were adopted.

These girls weren't adopted, Belinda.

Yes, they were.


You stupid cops don't know anything.

Listen, they were m*rder*d!

I don't believe you!

There's a guy out there k*lling girls just like you.

You're a liar.


You want to see the autopsy photos?

You're lying.

All right, fine.

See for yourself.

Stop. Leave me alone!

I want Victor.

I want to talk to Victor.

Who's Victor?

He's my boyfriend.

He's your pimp.

He makes you work for him.

He doesn't make me do anything.

I love him.

We're getting married when I'm old enough.

They work for Victor?

That's Amber.

Her name used to be Sandra, but Victor changed it.

That's Chantal, and Monique.

We're sisters.

Were they adopted?

By this rich guy, just like in the movie with Julia Roberts.

"Pretty woman?"

It's my favorite.

I've seen the DVD, like, a hundred times.

Who's this rich guy?

He comes to the track, and if a girl is really, really nice, he takes her away to live with him.

I dated him once, and he didn't pick me.

Victor said I wasn't good enough.

Well, when you dated him, did he hit you?

He spanked me.

But a lot of guys like to do that.

What else do you know about this guy?

He's white, old.

But he was still kinda cute.

Do you know his name?

Amber peeked in his wallet once when he dropped it in the car.

She said his name was Blake.

And what kind of car does Blake drive?

Benz. Big black SUV.


Anything more you want to tell us about Blake?

When Chantal got adopted, Victor said she was living on 5th avenue.

DMV's got 19 white guys, first or last name "Blake," with black Mercedes SUVs.

Four with 5th avenue addresses.

But only one with a habit of beating on women.

Blake Peters, 45, managing partner of a White-shoe law firm.

He have a record?

Well, his ex-wife filed a bunch of domestic v*olence reports.

All cases dismissed with ACD anger management courses.

Always knew those were a crock.

Oh, he's a big-shot, huh?

Society page.

Oh, yeah, "Mr. Blake Peters enjoys tennis, polo, and water sports."

And preferably with underage girls.

And he's remarried.

New wife looks barely legal.

Wonder if he smacks her around.

I'm detective Tutuola.

This is detective Munch.

Is it Blake?

Has something happened?

He's fine, Mrs. Peters.

We just need to talk to him.

He's not home.

Do you know where he is?

What's this about?

It's confidential.

But I can tell you that it involves one of his major clients and they need your husband's help and his discretion.

It's always something, isn't it?

Blake's at the office.



Mr. Peters? Here? This late?

You gotta be kidding.

Partners are all outta here by happy hour.

Well, you got any idea where he might be?

He doesn't share his social calendar with first-year associates.

Come on, man.

Help a brother out.

My captain's gonna put me on permanent midnights if I don't find him.

And if I don't get this distribution exactly right, my ass will be on the streets.

Sorry, brother.

Guess the only color he cares about is green.

Elliot, we struck out at Peters' office.

Our guy's in the wind.

Wherever Peters is, let's hope he's not paying cash.

Who're you calling?

My contact at the credit bureau.

I can get the most recent activity on all his cards.



Mr. Peters checked in two hours ago, no luggage.

With a companion?

Mrs. Peters. Very pretty.

And very young.

I did notice that, yes.

Are you sure it's legal for me to do this?

My manager might not like it.

Well, if this motel is being used for prostitution, we can padlock it as a public nuisance.

I think your manager'd be very pissed off about that.

Here we are.

What do I say?

Mr. Peters, um, I'm very sorry, but there is a problem with your credit card.

I'll come out in a minute.

Please, sir. I'm afraid I'll have to run the card again, or you'll have to vacate the room.

I assume you take cash.

Oh, yes.

Then we're done.

No, you're done.

Get over here.

Blake Peters, you're under arrest for statutory r*pe.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

I told you, I'm 19.

You got ID?


Have a seat.

Yeah, it's in here somewhere.

Sure it is.

There. See?

"Date of birth 10/10/87."

And my name really is Candy.

How long you've been working the streets?

Are you kidding me?

I go to Manhattan tech.

Can't afford the tuition?

My parents help.

And I work in a restaurant.

That's where I met Blake.



He was sitting at the bar.

He started flirting with me.

I saw the wedding ring on his finger, but I felt like partying.

It's really not that big of deal.

It was to the girls he k*lled.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

What did you do to your knuckles?

I do a lot of work on my car.

You can't afford a mechanic?

I have a '72 Ferrari Daytona spyder.

No one touches my baby but me.

So you don't share your toys.

And when you're done playing with them, do you break them?

I don't know what you're talking about.


Chantal. Monique.

You tricked with all three of them, huh?


But I didn't hurt them.

You screw little girls off the street, and you don't think you hurt them?

They love it.

They told me.

Hey, pal, you're paying them for sex.

What the hell do you think they're gonna tell you, huh?

You're a lousy lover?

It was wrong. I'm sorry.

Are you sorry?

Take a look at these.

You're so sorry that you r*ped all three of these girls and battered them to death?



Don't lie to me.

Take a look at them.

Now you hit them over and over and over until they were dead.

I didn't k*ll those girls.

I wanted to help them get off the street.

By adopting them?

I told Amber I wanted to help her get out of the life.

But that son of a bitch, Victor threatened to beat my brains in with a baseball bat if I ever tried to snatch one of his girls again.
Excuse me.

I'm looking for detective Stabler.

He's in interrogation.

Maybe I can help you?

I'm his partner, Dani Beck.

Oh, no.

That's okay.

Um, is the captain in his office?




When did you get back?

Couple of days ago.

And One P.P. forgot to notify me.

I haven't got a spot for you.

Warrants sent a body to partner with Elliot.

Yeah, I just met her.

How's that working out?

It was a rough start, but it's all good now.

I can shift Beck out, but it may take a little time to find her a new home.

No. Don't.

I'm not ready to come back.

That's what I came to tell you.

You're gonna leave without seeing Elliot?

Well, he's busy.

I'll, I'll, uh, I'll catch up with him later.

And, um... don't tell him I was here.

I think we're going about this thing all wrong.

We got to look at the girls' pimp.

What makes you think Peters isn't putting this on Victor to save his own life?

'Cause it took an awful lot of rage to beat those girls to death.

I don't think Peters has the stomach for it.

He puked when he saw the photos.

Fear can do that.

He's facing life in Attica.

I don't know. Why would Victor k*ll his own moneymakers?

The girls want to leave with Peters.

Victor's not gonna let that happen.

Pimp loses control of his stable, he's out of business.

We gotta look at Victor.

Trust me on this.

Okay. I'll re-interview Belinda, see if I can get Victor's address.

We'll talk to her together.

Let me do it alone.

Trust goes both ways.

All yours.

Victor doesn't like it if we talk about his business.

He gets really angry.

When he gets angry, does he hit you?

Sometimes, if we don't work hard enough, get a lot of dates.

What about your sisters?

One time, Monique got an extra big tip, and she wanted to keep it for a new dress, but Victor caught her holding out on him.

And he hurt her.

Real bad.

Her nose was broke and her eye was all messed up.

And she couldn't work for a week.

I miss her.

I don't have any pictures of us.

Can I keep this?



I asked Victor if I could go see them after they were adopted, but he said they were Uptown girls now.

They didn't want to see me, that I'd embarrass them in front of their rich friends.

Now you know that's a lie.

Because they're dead.

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

If you think I can't do an interview, say so, but don't spy on me.

I'm not your precious Olivia, I know that, but I'm a good cop.

I know that.

So why don't you trust me, the same way I trust you?

I do.

I wanted to introduce you to Sister Peg.

She runs an outreach program for hookers.

Sex workers, Elliot.

I thought she could help us out with Belinda.

This is my new partner, Dani Beck.

Elliot told me you were on fire.

Glad to see he's right.

Helping these girls takes a lot of passion.


Sister Peg, you want to give it a shot?


Good. While they get to know each other, we can go pick up Victor.

Belinda gave up an address.

The house she lives in, it belongs to a woman called Venice.

Victor waits there every night to collect the money.




Police, Venice. Open up!



I'm getting my clothes on.

Open the damn door or the whole street's gonna see you naked.

You got a warrant?

Where is Victor?

Victor who?

Your pimp boyfriend.

Two of you get your kicks turning out little girls.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Don't rip my cushions.

Gotta check for weapons.

You won't find nothing.

I expect scum like Victor to turn out little girls, but you, a woman, helping him out?

You're worse than he is.

Sit down.

Where is he?

I haven't seen him all night.

Sit down.

He's not here.

Told you.

Now get out of my house.

I said sit down.

Stand over here.

I paid a lot for that sofa!

Then why won't you sit on it?

Hello, Victor.

Find the remote?

Don't hurt him.

Call my attorney.

Call my attorney.

Call my attorney.

Tell him the charge is m*rder, three counts.

John Victor Bodine.

Couple of nickels for as*ault, one armed robbery.

That's ancient history, man.

You could say I learned the error of my ways.

You just learned an easier way to make money.

Girls take all the risks, you get all the rewards.

You see my rap sheet.

I ain't no virgin.

I know how the game is played.

You come in here, start hollering, probably beat me down.

Then my attorney comes in, and I walk.

I don't think so.

Chantal, Monique, Amber.

What's up?

You k*lled them.

Now why would I k*ll them pretty young things?

You feel me?

I love my girls.

You got a funny way of showing it, making them screw strangers so you can buy your huggy bear threads there?

Aw, come on, now.

I ain't never made a woman do nothing she don't wanna do.

But now the things they do for love...

And you tell them you love them all the time, don't you?

Over and over every day?

I'm an entrepreneur.

I see a need, I fill it.

Look, man, these girls are society's trash.

You people throw them away.

I take them in, give them a home, family.

They call you "daddy?"

You got kids, right?

Kids need structure.

If I don't maintain some type of discipline, they'll walk all over my ass.

You like that, huh?

You've got a lot of mileage on those mitts of yours.

Golden glove.

Used to box. Undefeated.

Now you just knock out little girls.

So what man, you gonna lock up every cat in town with a sharp right hook?

No, just you.

Man, please.

I'm about to walk up out that door, bro.

Come tomorrow, you gonna be wondering what happened.

I'll be on the beach in the Dominican, watching my girl splash around in the pool, sipping on a Cuba libre, smoking a cohiba.

Enjoying their weak extradition policy.

You know, Venice did tell me I need a vacation.

I'm gonna be so close, and you can't even touch me.

You'll still be my bitch.

We need you to sign this statement against Victor Bodine.

He never did anything to me.

He turned you out.

I told you already, I wanted to do it.

He didn't make me.

But you gave the money to Victor.


That's a crime, honey.

If you put Victor in jail, where will I live?

I've got no one else.

What about your family?

Where are they?

Back in Toledo.

We can send you back there.

Oh, to a double-wide full of brats?

My mom blobbed out in front of the TV all day watching her stories?

To my liquored-up step-daddy crawling into my bed every night?

There are good foster parents out there.

No thanks.

No one's ever taken care of me except Victor.

He's my daddy now.

Would you like to stay with me?

You'll just turn me in to children's services.

No, I won't.

Look, I know the rules.

I'm a minor.

The judge decides where I live.

And I'm a nun, which means I only take orders from the man upstairs.

Now what do you say?

I don't know.

You still have that picture I gave you?


Look at it.

Look at it.

Now I know you loved your sisters.

But they're gone, because Victor hurt them.

He wouldn't hurt me.

He loves me.

Oh, yeah, just like he loved Amber and Chantal and Monique.

But he k*lled them.



Deep down, you know it's true.

He made you believe they were living happily ever after on 5th avenue.

But he threw them away like trash.

They aren't trash.

That's right.

And neither are you.

Are you...

Are you sure I can stay with you?



I'll sign it.

Docket ending 6168, John Victor Bodine.

Promoting prostitution in the second degree.

How does the defendant plead?

Not guilty, your honor.

The people request high bail, your honor.

The defendant is a prime suspect in the murders of three teenage girls.

That's an outrageous request.

She's just trying to prejudice this court against my client.

I'm merely making sure your honor has all the relevant facts.

This defendant prostituted a 14-year-old girl.

Well, if that's the case, why hasn't she been arrested?

Excuse me?

Prostitution's a crime.

If this young girl was selling herself on the streets, why isn't she being arrested?

She's a victim.

She's a whore.

That's enough, Mr. Horowitz.

Bail is set at 500,000. We're in recess.

Better put that Dominican vacation on hold.

Pimping a kid's a C felony.

I convict him, you've got 15 years to build your m*rder case.

It won't take that long.

Well, there's not much more you can do tonight. Go home.

Get some sleep.

I'm too keyed-up.

Anybody up for a drink?

You should've seen her with Belinda.

She was great.

Don't act so surprised.

She can't take a compliment.

How often do you give them to her?

I don't remember the last time he said something nice to me.

I'm not that bad.

Yeah, you are.

Hey, it's why we like you.

There's nothing worse than a sensitive man.

Hey, Case.

Hey, Marcus. Hold up.

He's an ADA with homicide.

I gotta talk to him.

Thanks for the drink.

I gotta get home.

You left your car at the squad.

I'll take a cab.

No. I got mine out back.


Let me drop you off.

It's a 911 from Cragen.

Yeah. Me, too.

Yeah, captain.


All right, we'll meet you there.


Sister Peg was att*cked.

She's in the hospital.

Where's Belinda?


How's Sister Peg?

Well, she took a beating, but she's gonna be all right.

What happened?

Well, we don't know.

A neighbor heard a fight, went to check, and found Peg on the floor, unconscious.

Belinda wasn't there?


And there was no sign of forced entry.

You think Belinda att*cked her?

No way.

Well, look, Sister Peg will tell us when she wakes up, so...

I take it you want to wait and interview her?


I'll head back and get everybody searching for Belinda.

You think Cragen's right?

You think Belinda att*cked her?

She could be your daughter.


Belinda's not a child anymore.

That's crap.

Look, once girls get pulled down by the street, they're capable of anything.

Detectives? The sister's awake, medicated, but you can talk to her.

Sorry. Couldn't stop him.

It wasn't Belinda who att*cked you?

No. It was a man.

There was a knock on the door.

I opened it, and he shoved me back into the apartment.

I fell, then he...

I tried to get up, and he kicked me.

Couldn't breathe.

Yeah, the doctor said he cracked a couple ribs.

He took her.

I tried to stop him, but he hit me in the head a couple of times, and I... passed out.

Okay. What'd he look like?

Thin, dark-skinned, scar on his face.

How the hell did Victor make bail?

He didn't.

Bodine's still in the pens, waiting for transport to Rikers.

You're sure.

I got it right here.

"Bodine, John Victor.

Bail 500 large."


Step to the front.

Never question the power of the clipboard.

That's not Victor Bodine.

What's your name?

I already told you...

Just tell me your name again.

Jason Yount.

Jason Yount bailed out three hours ago.

What're you in for, Jason?

A fare beat.

I forgot my metrocard, and I was late for work.

So you jumped the turnstiles?

Smart, like getting involved with Victor Bodine.

Now why would you do this for somebody you just met?

I know Victor all my life, feel?

He a legend in my neighborhood.

Tonight, we meet up in here, we get to talking, you know, man-to-man.

And he asked you to do him a favor?

He said it was gonna take till morning to raise the cash for his bail.

He was jammed up, 'cause he had some important business.

Couldn't wait.

So you let him take your place.

He said his lawyer was gonna post for him in a couple hours.

I'd get out, and no one would know.

And he'd give me a lpod.

You threw away your future for an lpod?

What you talking about?

Jail break, it's a felony charge.

Yo, man, I didn't escape.

I'm right here.

Yeah, but Victor Bodine isn't.

Now you've got one chance to make this right.

What do I gotta do?

Tell us where you're meeting Victor for your payment.

He said I could catch him at Venice's crib as soon as I got out.

Last time I saw Victor, you were dragging him out of here in handcuffs.

What, you lose him?

Guess you lost him too.

What're you talking about?

Victor's on the run, but he went to a lot of trouble to take Belinda with him.

That skanky little ho?

I guess he thought she'd look better than you, topless... on the beach in the D.R.

A man wants quality eye candy on his arm while he's sipping on a rum and coke.

That was my trip.

He promised me.

Look, all you've got to do is tell us where Victor keeps his money, and we can reschedule that flight.

You're gonna let him do you like that?

Bastard's got a loft down by the river near the Williamsburg bridge.



Where my cell phone?

I, I don't...

I don't know.

I knew I saw you playing with it the other day!

What did I tell you about touching my stuff, huh?

I'm sorry, Victor.

So where is it?



Victor, police!

It's over.

The hell it is.

I'm getting out of here.

Can't let you do that.

Your choice.

Don't hurt her, Victor.

Then back up.

Both of you.

Victor, you can walk away.

Just let her go.

No. No, Victor, I don't wanna leave you.

Don't worry about it, baby. You ain't leaving me. Nobody taking you from me.

You know I love you, right?



Get the bag for daddy.

Get the bag.

That's a good girl.

Yo, Belinda, say good-bye to your little friends for me, baby.

Go, go, go!

Come on.

Come on, come on!

Come on, come on!

We have to slow down.

Come on!

My ankle hurts.

Come on, bitch.


I can't go that fast.

Please. We have to...

Belinda, come on!

Victor, let her go!

Victor, let her go.


Shut up!

What are you doing?

Drop the g*n, or I'll throw her, I swear to god I'll throw her.

Drop the g*n!


Victor, god!


Victor, please!

He's going out the back!

Don't leave me.

All right, Belinda, hold on.

Take my hand.

I can't.

Take my hand.

I can't.

Come on.

That's it. Up!

Grab on.



Can I see him?

No. That's not a good idea.

He loved me.

No one else has ever loved me.

You okay?

All right, come on.

Let me drive you home.

I need to be alone.
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