08x11 - Burned

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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08x11 - Burned

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Almost there.


All right, make it 10.

Ooh, I'm done.

That's it, that's it, baby.

You're gonna quit on me already?

That's it.

I can't do any more.

Good job, dad.


All this working out, this got anything to do with that boy you're crushing on?




Hey... don't grow up too fast, okay?



What's a Dallas headhunter?

Tessa, it's time to go.

I'm sorry, Mr. Sennet, we're gonna have to cut this visit short.

Okay, now... that's the third time this month you've bitten into my only visit.

Tessa's grades are slipping.

She needs the time to study.

There's nothing wrong with my grades.

I got one D on a pop quiz.

Let's go.

I'm entitled to another half an hour with my kid.

Your presence is enough of an insult without you making a power play.

Take care yourself.



I love you.

I love you too.

I know you're angry and I'm sorry, but this isn't easy for any of us.

I'm not the bad guy.

Is daddy?

He has some issues he's trying to deal with and some he's not.

I can't trust him.

No, no, let me go! no!

Why didn't you report this last night?

I had to wait until my daughter went to school.

She's only 12.

So what happened next?

He dragged me into the bedroom, then... he r*ped me.

Then after he was finished, he said he was sorry.

Like he always is.

You know him?

He's my soon-to-be ex-husband.

Tessa's father.

He r*ped me last night, and my daughter can't know anything about it.

Law & Order: SVU
8x11. Burned

Original air date: 2007/01/09

Walk us through last night.

Tessa visited her father yesterday.

She got home around 5:30, 6.

I got the silent treatment through dinner until she went to her room, where she stayed.

Something happened to upset her?

She thinks I'm keeping her from her father.

A social worker supervises the visits.

Yeah, yeah. Now, why is that?

Did your husband abuse your daughter?

Does alcohol and drug addiction qualify as abuse?

By themselves, no.

Well, it's a good thing the judge disagreed with you and gave me a protection order.

Miles was in my house.

He att*cked me.

Why haven't you arrested him?

As soon as we finish taking your statement, we're gonna talk to him.

We're also gonna need to speak with your daughter.

She doesn't know anything.

She was asleep.

Well, there's no sign of forced entry, so your husband had to have the key.

Tessa didn't give it to him.

You seem pretty sure about that.

Miles isn't supposed to know where we live.

We've had to move so many times, Tessa knows if her father ever found out, we'd only have to move again.

There's no way she'd risk it.

Even if she were angry with you?

She's just a little girl who loves both her parents.

You question her about this, she's going to feel that she has to choose between the both of us.

And I can't have that.

She's been through enough.

Please, keep my daughter out of it.

Well, if she didn't give him the keys, who did?

Miles Sennet's on a business trip.

He'll be back tonight.

That's convenient.

Well, according to his boss, it's been on the books for over a month.

What evidence do we have?

CSU found hair and fibers at the victim's house. they're running them now, positive for intercourse, negative for fluids.

Which means he wore a condom.

Doesn't sound like any husband I know.

Well, unless it was premeditated and he went there to humiliate her.

And you think the child told dad where they lived?

I Think that she's angry and she misses her father.

Enough to give him the address and a key?

Only Tessa can tell us that, but, you know, we can't talk to her without parental consent.

I'll check with Novak, see if we can get around it.

Any DV calls to the Sennet house when they were together?

Yeah, two.

First call, no dispensation.

Second one, Miles put his hand through a wall.

Court ordered anger management, but there's no history of ER visits for either wife or child.

I grew up with an alcoholic mother, and, uh, abuse doesn't have to be physical to cause damage.

That's true, but if that's all it takes, there'd be a hell of a lot of families with protection orders and supervised visits.

How long has the RO been in effect?

Almost a year.

It expires in a week.

Well, those are renewed annually.

When's the court hearing?

That happened last month.

No extension granted.

Let's see if the judge can tell us why.



There were no grounds to issue the order of protection in the first place, but these days jurists feel so pressured by power Nazis, they just hand them out like candy.

I read the court transcript.

Valerie Sennet feared for her life and you just dismissed her.

She probably watched too many women-in-jeopardy movies.

There's no history of v*olence abuse in this case.

Well, then explain the as*ault last night.

Her husband r*ped her.

If you had the evidence to prove that, you wouldn't be here.

Or do you always jump to conclusions?

It's our job to believe the victims, your honor.

I work in family court. It's my job to believe whoever's lying the least.

Valerie Sennet has no reason to lie.

Sure, she does.

For the spoils of w*r.

Accuse your husband of abuse and tip the balance in your favor.

The silver b*llet strategy.

Also known as sexual as*ault in divorce.

It's very popular these days.

You have personal experience?

A divorce lawyer suggested my wife go in that direction, but she didn't hire him.

Well, most men aren't so lucky.

I'm not saying there aren't terrified women in need of protection.

But there are a lot of vindictive ones who abuse the system under the guide of a divorce strategy.

I think your alleged victim is one of them.

Do you have any evidence to support that, or are you just making it as you go along?

Accusing me of judicial misconduct without proof will get you time in a cell, detective.

If I were you, I'd watch my tongue.

You don't bait a judge.

Valerie Sennet was r*ped.

End of story.

You seem awfully convinced of that.

And I think your current situation is coloring your judgment.

My current situation?

You don't normally empathize with the suspect.

It's not empathy. It's outrage.

The guy never touched his wife.

Until last night, Elliot.

You saw the bruises.

That doesn't prove r*pe.

Is that your gut talking?

Miles Sennet never abuses his wife or his daughter, but he gets punished for it anyway?

Now, how is that right?

I've been covering the Sennets for the past six months.

I pick Tessa up, or I stay for the visit, I take her home.

Why all the cloak and dagger, Ms. Jenner?

At first, I thought Valerie was being overprotective.

But then Miles started showing up at her apartment, claiming he wanted to see his daughter every day.

He does that, he gets pinched for violating the protection order.

There's no records of any arrests.

Oh, he stays 500 feet back, but it still looks like harassment to me.

And she's afraid of him especially when he's drunk and high.

That's why she moved so often.

You ever see him under the influence?

No, but I can understand how Valerie feels.

Her husband's got a nasty temper.

Define nasty.

I had to cut a few visits short, he got in my face.

Maybe 'cause that's not your call.

Look, I don't need this.

I gotta go sit a guy down who spanks his son.

That's not against the law either.

It should be.

v*olence just begets more v*olence.

Besides, there was a complaint.

You need anything else?

Yeah, the name of your supervisor.

Go to hell.

What are you gonna do, write her a ticket?

I'm filing a formal complaint.

Cutting visits short is an abuse of her power.

Unless Miles was actually harassing his wife.

P.S. 388


You sure you want to do this?

Look, it's the only way we're gonna find out if Miles was in the house.

Tessa, these are detectives Benson and Stabler.

They'd like to ask you some questions.

Questions about what?

About your father.

Have a seat.

Is he in trouble?

Why, Tessa?

That happen a lot?

Well, my dad's had some problems in the past.

You know, with booze and pills.

So what's wrong now?

Does your dad know where you live?


When you go to visit him, do you leave your backpack hanging around?

I guess.

Does he have access to it?


Did you give your dad your address?

I already told you no.

Where do you keep your house keys?

In my backpack.

Tessa, if you told your father where you live, nobody's gonna be angry. Nobody.

But we do need to straighten this out.

I didn't tell him anything, but you obously don't believe me.

Did you see your father in the house last night?


Tessa, wait outside.

I thought I made myself clear.

Valerie, we're trying to help you.

We didn't tell her anything about the as*ault.

We just need to know if she saw her father in your house.

And did she?

She claims she didn't.

So why don't you believe her?

She's hiding something.

Look, r*pe is a serious charge.

You've got to let us do our job.

You've already questioned her now, and she doesn't know anything.

Stay away from Tessa.

Tessa knows her father was in that house.

She's protecting him.

She's protecting somebody.

I'm just not convinced it's Miles.

Every time I try to get my life together...

Just take it easy.

No, you take it easy.

She took my child.

She took my bank accounts, the property.

And now she wants my damn freedom?

Sit down.

How much more of this do I have to take?

Sit down.

Just have a seat.

Sit down.

All right.

Your wife says you r*ped her.

Now, we want to talk to you.

'cause we want to hear your side of the story.

Do you understand?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I am a recovering alcoholic and a drug addict.

And also a lousy husband.

But I am no r*pist.

I never touched Valerie without an invitation.

So you're saying the sex was consensual?

If she had sex, it wasn't with me.

Maybe she said yes and then no, and you got your signals crossed.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

There was no sex.

So where were you last night?

Home alone.

That's not gonna cut it.

You're gonna have to come with us so we can straighten this out.

And just how am I supposed to do that if there's no one that can vouch for my whereabouts?

You willing to take a poly?


You need to think about this, Mrs. Sennet.

I know what I'm doing.

I just wanted to put a stop to this.

Miles is free to go.

Valerie Sennet just recanted.

Stupid, vindictive bitch.

No, you're the stupid bitch!

Bitch, how do you use damn talking like that?

You came into my home and att*cked me!

Do us a favor and get cancer!

I made you!

Get some control or I'll handcuff you right here.

Officer, take him out of here.

Calm down.

Stay with him till he's off the premises.

Down the back stairs.

Valerie only recanted to stop us from talking to her daughter again.

What's your take?

Too soon to tell.

The guy's a time b*mb, and you know it.

He's a hothead, but the problem is, they've both got an agenda here.

Which is?

They're trying to destroy each other.

Your wife called.

Lab came back with a match to the hairs found at the crime scene.

Belongs to Miles Sennet.

Oh, so much for him not knowing where they live.

That doesn't prove he was in the house.

Where were the hairs collected?

Daughter's room, hallway, common area.

Any prints?

Smudge, nothing usable.

Tessa was in her dad's house.

She could've tracked that stuff home.

To several different locations?

You're reaching.

And you've got blinders on.

I'm the longest relationship you've ever had with a man.

You have no idea how bad things can get when a couple goes sour.

And eight years in this unit tells me that I don't need to be married to know when an abusive man is escalating.

Since we don't have a corroborating witness that puts Miles Sennet in the victim's house, no judge will sign a warrant.

Then let's arrest Valerie Sennet for lying to law enforcement and filing a bogus police report.

That's revictimizing a r*pe victim, Elliot.

Well, she recanted.

Now, she's either a victim or she's not.

You can't have it both ways.

This is payback.

You're just mad 'cause you think she's abusing the system.

No, I think if she's facing jail time, she'll let us talk to Tessa to save her own skin.

I'm not comfortable arresting the mother to make her kid talk.

If Valerie lied about being r*ped, then she should be charged.

If not, then he goes right back on the books and we get what we need to nail the son of a bitch.

It's your call, counselor.

Pick her up.

And just to cover ourselves, have Huang do the interview with the girl in case mom sticks to her g*ns.

You two think you can work this together?

'cause if you can't, I will reassign it.

That's fine.

Valerie Sennet.

I've already talked to you, captain.

What do you want?

You're under arrest for lying to police and filing a false report.

Let go of me!


It's okay.

What's the matter?

It's all right.

We can do this the easy way or hard way.

It's up to you. Let's go.

No. Don't touch me.

Don't, Valerie. Listen, listen, listen.

You need to calm down.

You're only making matters worse, okay? why don't you think about your daughter?

It's the best thing.


It's okay, Tessa. It's just...

Just come with me.

What's gonna happen now?

That depends on what your mother decides.

That's not an answer.

No one talks to me.

Everybody treats me like a kid.


How do you want to be treated?

Like I have a brain.

Like I can handle things.

Do you know how many times I found my father passed out?

How many times I took his stash and flushed it?

Did that make him angry?


He'd yell and scream.

Then go get more.

Did he ever hit you?

No. Not ever.

He'd break things or hit the wall, but not us.

You know... your mother says that he att*cked her.

That's not true.

Valerie, did he r*pe you?

I don't want to talk about that.

I want a lawyer.

And I don't have to talk to you without one.

Fine, then we'll just give you some information.

You're being charged with two class A misdemeanors.

That's a $1,000 fine and up to one year in jail for each count.

You can probably plead it down.

The bottom line is, while you're locked up, your husband will get custody of your daughter.

Some divorced couples fight a lot.

Did your parents ever get physical?

They fought all the time.

They still do, but my father never touched my mother.

Well, we know that your father was in the house that night.

How did he get there?

Look, I don't know how he knew where we lived, and I didn't give him my key.

He was just in my room wanting to talk.

About what?

I asked him what a headhunter was when Ms. Jenner cut our visit short.

I heard my mom talking on the phone to one in Dallas.

I was scared we'd be moving again.

And you told your father about this?

He was really mad too.

Even when I stole his dr*gs, he never looked like that.

Miles was angry, wasn't he?

Valerie, did he r*pe you or not?


Then why did you recant?

I just wanted it to stop.

I didn't want Tessa hurt.

Did the kid cop to giving dad access?

No, she insists that she didn't.

She says that he just appeared suddenly in her room.

I don't think she's lying.

Now that we have enough for a search warrant, we need to know how Miles Sennet got in that house.


One divorce was enough for me.

I can't figure out how you did it four times.

You've got to play to win.

Here. Check this out.

It's an instruction manual for a wireless GPS transponder with a cell phone and laptop tracking.

Makes it easy for you to follow somebody without keeping them in sight.

Yeah, this model was designed to be attached to a car, but Miles doesn't have one.

Well, who has a vehicle and access to both homes?

The social worker.

You find any bugs in Sara's car?

Nothing yet.

Oh, I take it back.

Looks like pay dirt.

No one would've found this unless there was a flat.

Any prints?

Looks like a partial.

And two pristine hits with a ridge detail.

Oh, What now?

Excuse me.

Miles Sennet, you're under arrest for r*pe and stalking. Turn around.

I didn't r*pe my wife.



You have a problem?

It's just nice to see someone else with an anger issue.

You want to read him his rights?

No. He's all yours.

I swear I didn't touch her.

Well, swear on what?

The Bible, God, your daughter?

You have the right to keep your mouth shut.

I wouldn't touch Valerie if you paid me.

I don't even talk to her unless I have to.

I have every reason to be angry.

Which is why you r*ped her.

Not that... that's not true.

She got an order of protection against you.

You blamed her for your supervised visits with your daughter.

It was her fault.

It was time for her to pay up.

Miles, your daughter puts you in the house.

I went to the house.

I went to the house 'cause my visit was cut short and I wanted to talk to my daughter.

But why this time?

Your visits had been cut short before.

Tessa asked me about a Dallas headhunter.

Now, if Valerie was gonna leave the state, I had every right to know.

So you attached a GPS unit that you just happened to have lying around the house to the social worker's car, so you could finish a conversation?

That's your story?

That's what happened.

Okay, then what?

When Tessa told me they were probably moving, I just lost it.

I heard the shower running, I went in, and I yanked Valerie out of the tub.

I was so pissed.

How could she do this to me?

How could she take away the most important thing in my life, the only good thing?

So you wanted to teach her a lesson.

So you draged her into that bedroom, and you r*ped her.

No! That did not happen!

Yeah, I shook the snot out of her.

I shook her, and I left.

You lied about knowing where they live.

You lied about being in their home, and you're lying now.

I know it looks bad. I know.


And I admit, in that moment, I knew I'd be better off if she was dead.

But I felt sick about that.

And I got the hell out of it.

Miles, you've got a problem here 'cause you said you never touched Valerie and now you just confessed to as*ault with intent.

Look, man, I love my kid, okay?

And I don't want to lose her.

If she moves away,when am I gonna see her again? Thanksgiving?

Maybe Christmas?

Valerie treats her like a hostage in a negotiation, something to twist me with.

What was I supposed to do?

Valerie said he dragged her into the bedroom.

Why not attack her in the bathroom where it all started?

Maybe it was too close to his daughter's room.

No sign of transfer.

I mean, if he fought, dragged, and r*ped her, where's the evidence? fibers, fluids?

Well, we've found less evidence and gotten convictions before.

And she has the bruises on her arm.

Yeah, but that supports Miles' story.

He pulled her out of the shower, he shook her.

That's what he said.

And then he left.

Look, that's what you want to believe.

This guy is dangerous.

He goes from a man who's never touched his wife to shaking her? What's next?

The daughter never witnessed any v*olence.

That's unusual when there's physical abuse in the home.

She's already lied for her father once.

How do we know that she hasn't been protecting him for awhile?

That's not part of the pattern.

In physically abusive environments, the boys tend to put themselves in harm's way to deflect the attention away from the mother, while the girls cling to them, identifying with them as targets.

Are you saying there was no abuse?

I don't know if he made verbal threats, or assaulted the victim in her bathroom.

You're never gonna be able to prove a behavioral pattern.

It just isn't there.

It doesn't matter.

Valerie Sennet says she was r*ped.

Her husband admits to assaulting her, and there's evidence of intercourse.

Maybe she had sex with someone else.

This is a hostile divorce.

Crying r*pe is a pretty efficient way to get rid of an unwanted husband.

When did you start working for the defense?

The moment you were more interested in an easy close than the truth.

My only interest is in being an advocate for r*pe victims.

Now, I thought that's what we do here.


That's what we all do.

Olivia can reinterview the victim while you dig discreetly into her background.

Make sure there are no surprises.

Oh, so now we're putting victims on trial.

Good to know.

Well, a statement with this many red flags, no good cop would overlook it.

Especially not one with a dying marriage and a history of v*olence.

I thought you said they were working it out.


Yeah, hi.

No. He, uh, he just left.


When'd you get back?

It's been about a month now.

What happened to the stunner?

Dani Beck?

She transferred back to her old unit.

Why'd she leave?

I have no idea.

It makes me feel better to know you didn't like her either.

Kathy, what's this about?

I just want to know how everything's going.

With Elliot?

He's what we have in common.

Why do you care, Kathy?

You're getting divorced.

A piece of paper doesn't stop you from caring.

Not that he'll sign it.

Look, you... you can get a divorce without, without consent.

It's expensive and takes a lot more time.

Look, Kathy...

Do you think this is easy, Olivia, talking to you about the state of my marriage?

It's none of my business.

Do you have any idea how much I used to worry that he preferred spending time with you than with me and the kids?

Come on now.

You know that's not true.

Elliot talked about you all the time.

The truth is, you know things about him I will never understand.

That's what I'm counting on.

You want me to try to convince him to sign the divorce papers.

You're his partner.

You give him stability.

Elliot can't move on until he feels like he's on solid ground.

Excuse me, miss?



Detective Stabler, NYPD.

Do you know this woman?

Yeah, that's Valerie.

I live across the street.

Denise Fielding.

Denise, you two friendly?

Sure. Coffee and gossip.

She in some kind of trouble?

No, not at all.

I was just wondering, have you seen any men coming or going from her house?

Sounds like trouble to me.


Yeah, no, I really see Val with her daughter most of the time, except one night she was with a man who she introduced from her attorney's office.

It doesn't sound like you bought that.

I'm sure it's true, but it was kind of late for a professional visit, if you know what I mean.

Do you remember his name?



Yeah, I never caught his last name.



That's okay. Thank you.



Docket number 71112.

People V. Miles Sennet, one count r*pe in the first degree, two counts stalking in the first degree, one count breaking and entering.

How do you plead?

Not guilty.

The People ask for bail to be set at $100,000.

We have no objection, your honor.

There is an existing order of protection against this defendant.

Do I have that right, Ms. Novak?

It expires tomorrow, your honor.

And not only did he violate it, but he is accused of violating the complainant as well.


Your honor, if I may, I'd like to...

When I'm done.

Bail is set at $500,000.


That's excessive, your honor.

I'm surprised at you, Ms. Novak.

Women have been preyed upon enough.

There is a restraining order in place, but it has done nothing to stop this defendant from hunting her down.

Perhaps he needs more of an incentive.

$500,000. Next case.

Docket number 73995.

Well, I didn't expect that.


He'll never raise that kind of money.

Well, then he won't be able to hurt you, will he?

We need sit down and go over your statement.

I, I can't do this right now.

That doesn't bode well.

Good morning.


I'm on hold.

Did you find anything surprising about our victim?

You know, I was surprised to find out about Valerie's boyfriend that she forgot to tell us about.

Yes. Yeah, I'm looking for one of your employees.

Uh, his first name is Phillip.

I don't know his last name.

But he's either a lawyer, paralegal, or an investigator on the Sennet divorce.


You got my number?

I'll wait to hear your call.


Valerie Sennet was just att*cked in the street.

Where is she?

The burn unit at Cornell.

She's got third and fourth-degree burns through the dermis, fascia and muscle, extending to the bone.

Start another line of ringer, and push 750 milligrams of cefuroxime.

I smell gasoline.

She was saturated with it.

Is she in a lot of pain?

Her nerves are gone.

If she makes it through the night, she'll have severe pain tomorrow.

Valerie... Valerie, can you tell us who did this?

Miles did this.

She shouldn't be talking.

Her lungs are burned.

What are, what are her chances?

It doesn't look good.

Look, that's why we need her dying declaration.

Fine. Just be quick.


Valerie, what did Miles do?

Can you tell us?

He had gas in a... a water bottle, and he sprayed... he sprayed it all over me.

He, he chased me.

He struck a match.


It's okay, it's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Don't touch her.

Miles... he grabbed Tessa.

We're looking him now.

We'll get him.

Don't let him take Tessa.

She's in respiratory arrest.

Bag her!

Over her to vent.

Get in intubation tray.

You got it.

Get in tube. 7.5.

All right, quick intubation...

It's horrifying.

These aren't from a security camera?

Some tourists snapped these photos.

So much for no pattern of abuse.

Based on his history, there is no way we could have predicted that he would soak her with gasoline and set her on fire.

Women's groups and the media are already calling for judicial censure because of the lapsed protection order.

My office is accused of being soft on crime, which is why I have a meeting with the DA in an hour.

Let's hope he doesn't agree.

How'd he make bail?

His parents put up their retirement home.

Is there any word on his whereabouts?

Odds are he's meeting up with her daughter.

She's not in school. We've tracked her cell phone to Central park.

ESU's headed there now, Olivia and Elliot are running point.


Let's assume he's armed.

When you said he was escalating, you were right.

Do you think that's what I want to hear?

He set her on fire, Elliot.

Who could've anticipated that?

If I'd listened to you, we could've prevented this.


Have Novak push for remand, get a blue-and-white on him when he made bail, anything but make excuses for the guy.

Miles Sennet chose gasoline and a match, not you.

He didn't just want to k*ll her, he wanted her to suffer.

He said he wanted her dead.

I just wasn't listening.

Well, you weren't the only one in that room. I was there too.

Eyes on the prize.

Central park, east side.

In positions now.





Dad, what happened to you?

You're scaring me.


What's the matter?

Daddy did something awful today, and I wanted to tell you myself.

I k*lled your mother.


No, no, no, look.

Look, look at me.

You listen to me 'cause I don't have a lot of time.

I love you and I always will.

And one day, you'll remember that.

No, I won't.


We're gonna get Tessa out of harm's way here.

Don't sh**t him!

Miles, listen to me.

You're her father.

You caused enough damage.

She doesn't need to see this.

Daddy, daddy, daddy...

Tessa, it's okay.

If you just come with me...

Tessa, stop, stop.

It's okay. You have to go now.

Come with me. Come with me!

You have to leave, okay?

You have to go now.

Come with me!


Go! Get away from me!

Daddy, please.

I can't.



Come get her.

Daddy, no. Daddy, no!

No! Let me go!

Let me go!

Daddy, no, no!

Come with me!

Let me go!

Drop it! Stay where you are!


Your ribs will probably hurt.

Plastic b*ll*ts do that to you.

Valerie is going to the t*nk for the first round of very painful debridement.

If she lasts a few days and stabilizes, she'll have surgery, then a course of maggots, and more surgery to remove the dead tissue.

How long's she gonna be here?

There's no way to predict.

It's remarkable she's survived this long.

You don't expect her to live, do you?

No, she'll probably succumb to shock before she even gets to the OR.

Hey, Valerie, can you hear me?

Miles is in custody, and Tessa's with your mother in the waiting room.


Did you get him?

Did you k*ll him?

She's out of it.

The shower was the fault, but I showed him.

I showed him.

Valerie... did Miles r*pe you?


I'm looking for detective Stabler.

He's gone for the day.

I'm his partner. Can I help you?

I'm Phillip Anders, an investigator with Valerie Sennet's divorce attorney.

I understand you guys are looking for me.

Actually, that case is closed.

Now I saw on the news where she is in critical condition.

It's terrible.

She was an amazing woman.

Were you close?

Not really. It was casual.

We got together on her daughter's visit days with dad.

When was the last time you were together?

That's personal.

Well, actually, it needs to go in the file.

Excuse me?

Valerie Sennet accused her husband of raping her.

So I need to know, when was the last time you had sex with her?

Earlier in the week.

The fifth?


I left around 5. I had to be out before her daughter came home.

Did you use a condom?


I hope you're done prying into the intimate details of my sex life 'cause I'm leaving now.

She's at the burn unit of Cornell university if you would like to visit her.

Like I said... it was just casual.

Meet me downstairs...

LIV Thanks.

Is that a flower in your cup?

It's tea.

You're serious about that, aren't you?

I couldn't sleep.

Me neither.

Valerie Sennet wasn't r*ped.

She was sleeping with a law firm investigator.

She really put her husband through the wringer.

She died 20 minutes ago.

She knew that she was gonna die, and she still lie to my face.

When love warps into hate, there's nothing you won't do.

That's why I signed the divorce papers.

I don't want Kathy to ever regret me.

That's a step in the right direction, Elliot.

So are we okay?


I just... need space to disagree with you so that I don't feel like it's gonna cost me our partnership.

You've never been gone shy before.

Yeah, well, you know, I mean, things change.

Like you said, you're the longest relationship that I've ever had with a man.

Who else would put up with me?

You hungry?

I could go for a bite.

Who's buying?

Well, you are going through a divorce and you do have four children so I guess you are.

That's what I thought.
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