08x19 - Florida

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
Post Reply

08x19 - Florida

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Well, you guys are pretty confident.

You got your little circus act down cold.

And I respect that.

So how about throwing a little respect my way?

Well, you know what I respect, Mikey?

It's Michael.

Mickey... that you came on down here and decided to talk to us without lawyering up.

Innocent people don't need a lawyer.

You know, I gotta disagree with my partner, though.

I don't respect liars.

Is it just me you got a thing for, or all men?

Oh, you're the one with the "thing" problem. Michael.

Those two girls said you got soft when you r*ped them.

Is that why you hate all women?

What I hate is a bull d*ke.

Who gets a little power and thinks she has to use it.

Bull d*ke... is that what you call women that won't sleep with you?

You got a problem with your eyesight?

I don't have issues with the ladies.

Well, there's gotta be some reason you got soft, Michael.

Shut your mouth.

Before you shut it for me?

Just like you did to those two girls by beating the hell out of them?

What happened there?

Maybe he's one of those metrosexuals.

Michael, you gotta prove that you're not a switch-hitter?

No, but I'll prove it to you.

Easy there, tough guy.

Detective Benson.


I need you now.

Them's the breaks.

I almost had the bastard.

I don't understand.

You remember Agent Porter?

Look, I'm not going back undercover.

I'm not working for domestic terrorism anymore.

Agent Porter is with the Bureau's new sexual offender fugitive apprehension task force.

Well, we don't have any perps in the wind.

It's not an NYPD case.

We're looking for a guy out of Jersey who jumped bail on stalking and r*pe charges.

Perhaps you know him.

Simon Marsden.

What makes you think that I can help you find Simon Marsden?

I think you know where he is.

I need you to come with me.

Look, I'm sorry, but I have a r*pist who's ready to spill, so...

Olivia... with them... or without them.

Law & Order: SVU
8x19. Florida

Original air date: 2007/05/01

Three days ago, Simon Marsden cashed a postal money order for two grand at a bank in Matamoras, Pennsylvania.

Isn't that up by the Poconos?

The money order was purchased at the post office a half a block from your apartment.

Same morning you just happened to cash in a CD for the exact same amount.

And you think I sent Marsden the money.

I know you did.

Big as life on the post office security cam.

Show me.

I don't have it.

So where is it?

Being enhanced.

At our digital media recovery lab in Washington.

By the time they're done with it, I'll be able to read the serial number on the money order while it's still in your hand.

What do you want?

The truth.

Simon Marsden is my brother.

His father r*ped my mother.

And she got pregnant with me.

You said you wanted the truth.

You know, we want him.

Not you.

I don't know where Marsden is.

He called my apartment... from a disposable cell phone.

Are you gonna arrest me now?

Are you gonna call me if he contacts you again?


Get the hell out of here.

By the way... today's your lucky day.

How's that?

The surveillance camera at the post office was broken the day you were there.

Your tax dollars at work.

So who dimed me?

She said you'd know.

Well, look who's here.

Detective Benson, what brings you over the river today?

Your big mouth.

What do you want?

You out of my private life.

You're running my financials?

What, are you tapping my phone too?

Whatever it takes to lock up Simon Marsden.

You're treating me like a perp!

Yeah, you're acting like one.

You alibied that scumbag.

Because he was in my apartment that night!

And after he left, he r*ped Donna Leonte.

His hairs were in her underwear, Detective.

He took his rage out on an innocent woman because you wouldn't screw him.

You're crazy.

Try looking in the mirror.

A sex crimes cop in love with a r*pist?

Sound perverse to you?

Go to hell.

No stalkings, no r*pes since your precious Simon left town two months ago.

Still think I'm crazy?

Thought you'd be home by now.

Took another round with Thatcher.

Cragen didn't think you'd be back.

Well, neither did I.

Tough day.

Munch said you left with some suit.

Munch should mind his own business.


Just my FBI case agent from the undercover gig needed some information.

Well, I went at "macho man" for two hours, and, uh, he wouldn't spill the beans.

He'd, uh... only speak with you.

No time like the present.

Is this really necessary?

You tell me... is that what the girls asked you when you tied them up?

Hey, what happened to your partner?

He said you were too afraid to talk to him.

That little kitty couldn't even stand up to you.

Ah, but you can.

Oh, yeah.

Look how long it took you to come back.

You think I'm afraid of you?


What the hell was that for?

What's she doing?

Thatcher's an anger r*pist.

She's just trying to rile him up.

She better rile herself down, or I'm taking her out of there.

Is that how you get off?

You like your guys in chains?

Yeah, Do you like your women at knifepoint?

Those big boys in prison are gonna love your prissy pervert ass up there, huh?

Now I get it.

I get it now!

You got a thing for perverts.

Is that why you do sex crimes?

Someone diddle you when you were a kid?

You daddy's little girl?

You bastard.

Tell me you r*ped them.

You r*ped them!

Didn't you? Huh? Right!

You r*ped them!


Just admit it!

Stop! Oh, please!

I did it, yes!

That's enough!

Get off him!

Get off me!

What the hell is your problem?

We got a confession, didn't we?

And what part of that do you think is gonna stand up in court?

A five-year-old could have done a better job!

Then go hire one.

I have had it with your crap.

We are not finished yet.

You get your hands off me.

You go home. Now.

What was that?

Thatcher got what he deserved.

No, I'm talking about you.

What are you doing?

Oh, the poster boy for rage is gonna tell me how to control my anger?

Liv, what's going on?

The feds nailed me for sending Simon money.

Cragen wouldn't let you near here if he knew the feds were charging you.

They're gonna cut me a break if I turn him in when he contacts me.

His DNA is on the victim.

The cops in Jersey have him cold.

I knew that when I sent him the money.

So why'd you do it?

He's my brother.

You don't even know the guy.

Look at what he's doing to you.

Cragen wants me out of here.


Simon, where are you?

Yeah, I'll bring the cash.

Don't move.

Self-help section.

How appropriate.

When did Simon call?

Uh, about two seconds before I called you.

Where's the meet?

In the cafe.

Look, let me talk to him first.

Did you bring the money?

What are you gonna do?

I'm going home.

What's wrong?

You kidding me?

You screwed me.

I broke the law for you, and I got caught.

I could lose my job and go to jail.

I'm sorry.

But it'll be okay once we prove I'm innocent.

Save it, Simon. I'm done.

Please, Olivia, don't give up on me.

You r*ped that woman.

No, I didn't.

I thought you believed me.

I tried, but DNA proves you did.

You think I'm a r*pist?

Then why'd you help me?

Because I didn't wanna believe that my own brother could do such a thing.

You're so screwed up, you can't believe there's good in anyone.

Simon, wait!

I'll take the alley!

I'll take the back!

You okay?

That was Simon's car.

My brother tried to k*ll me.

We should be out in Jersey sitting on his house.

He's too smart to go home.

Well, he's certainly not coming here.


You're done with this.

The hell I am.

What is all that?

It's stuff that Simon sent me.

So we could get to know each other better.

Maybe there's something in here that... that will tell us where he went.

How'd he find you?

I ran my DNA in the system, and he turned up. and then I made the mistake of tracking him down.

You sure you never met him before that?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Then what's he doing with a picture of you here?

He found it in his father's stuff.

It turns out... that the dad was keeping track of me.

Wow... not exactly your average r*pist, was he?

Simon's senior class picture.

You should have seen mine.

I had a mullet.

I had feathered hair and wore acid-washed jeans.

Moorpark Mustangs.

Where's Moorpark?

It's up near Orange County.

Wait a minute.

I remember seeing an old address for Simon.

Here, 93 Ogden Avenue.

Maybe the mother still lives there.

We gotta check this out.

Can I help you?

Does Mrs. Marsden live here?


I'm agent Porter with the FBI.

We need to talk to her about her son Simon.

Well, Simon, he was here yesterday.

Okay, do you know where he went?

No idea.

What about his mother?

Does she know?

Well, even if he told her, she's not gonna be able to tell you.

How come?


Well, early onset.

Her short-term memory's gone, but she's still got some of her past up there.

Sharon, honey, you have some visitors.

Have we met before, dear?

Uh, I don't think so.

Yes, fr... from the newspaper.

The one Joe had.

You saw the picture?

Joe showed it to me.

He said it was his little girl.

She looks just like you.

Joe told you he had a daughter?

Yes, he got a girl pregnant.

A long time ago, before we met.

Oh, don't tell Simon.

He doesn't know.

He always wanted a sister.

Sharon... do you know where Simon lives?

In Florida.

He has a beautiful house on Route 94.

Joe left it to Simon in his will.

Did Joe ever go and try to find his daughter?

He... he said he called her once.

Her mother answered.

But he hung up.

Did he ever see me?



What else did he say?

Please try to remember.

Who are you?

Okay, I'll be there in a couple hours.


Operations found a Route 94 in Kendall, just south of Miami.

There's two plane tickets waiting for us at LaGuardia.

Waiting for us?

Well, Simon, I don't think, would risk using his ID in an airport.

So he's either driving or taking a train or a bus.

We get down there fast enough, we may just beat him.

Thanks, but I think I'm gonna pass.

I thought you wanted closure.

I do... not with Simon.

With his father.

You heard what Simon's mother said.

He has a picture of me.

I need to know who he was.

You gonna be okay?

Yeah. Go, get your plane, so you're not late.

Call me.

I will.

Stay out of trouble.

Excuse me.

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm, uh, looking for some information about the death of a man named Joe or Joseph Marsden.

And you are?

Detective Olivia Benson, NYPD.

I'm Dr. Pressman, one of the coroners.

Are you from Missing Persons?

Actually, Special Victims.

Joe Marsden's name came up in a r*pe investigation.

If you can tell me he's dead, I can stop chasing a corpse.

Well... don't want you to go home empty-handed.

How long ago did he die?

About ten years ago.

No results found.

And he died here in Orange County?

Yeah, he did.

It's gotta be in there.

Did he have any next of kin?

He had a son named Simon.

And a wife named Sharon.

Simon Marsden's in here.

But as a son of one Joseph Hollister.

Can you tell me how Mr. Hollister died?

Tox screen found traces of Halcyon, which he probably took for insomnia, and alcohol in his system.

Deadly combination.

So it was an accident?

No... his death was ruled a su1c1de.

The booze and the pills were found with Mr. Hollister at his office at RPB Food Distributors.

Joe was chronically depressed.

It got so bad, my dad made him see a shrink back in 69.

The doctor put him on medication.

Did it help?

Yeah, till he started drinking.

He tipped a few too many one day before he picked up Simon at school, and almost k*lled both of them in a car accident.

He go to jail?


Sharon divorced him.

She went back to using her maiden name of Marsden, and never let him see Simon again.

Now, here's Joe and Simon at a company picnic back in 76.

They were really close.

He loved that kid to death.

Do you think Joe k*lled himself cause he lost Simon?

Oh, probably, Joe didn't leave a note, but Simon was all he had.

He still had his job.

You didn't fire him.

We owed him.

Joe was the best salesman that ever worked here.

He signed up restaurants, school districts, colleges 50 years ago that are still clients today.


Columbia University?

Till they defected to the competition.

You graduate from there, detective?

Uh, no.

My mother did. She, um... she worked in the dining hall... to pay her way through.

Hollister's company delivered food to the dining hall where my mother worked.

And you think that's how he saw her.

It's the only connection.

Did he r*pe any other women?

He was never arrested, so I searched the archives.

I listened to the statement my mother gave the police.

Please state your name, Miss.

Serena Benson.

Tell me what happened.

I was r*ped.

And then I looked for similar att*cks from around the same time.

I found two more cases where victims worked in dining halls.

One at Hudson University, the other at Manhattan Tech.

Something hit me from behind.

When I came to, there was a man on top of me.

He had pushed up my dress and was...

He engaged in sexual intercourse...


What did he say to you?


I don't remember.

Which is it, Miss?

Nothing, or you don't remember?

Please, I have to stop.


When was the last attack?


That's when you said Joe Hollister started his treatment for depression.

Are you saying depression caused him to r*pe?

Anger brought on by depression.

He was a young guy, strong sex drive.

He must have r*ped to make someone else feel as crappy as he did, or else to give himself a sense of control over his life.

Or power over another's.

Men don't usually stop raping once they start.

Back then, he was probably prescribed Tofranil or Elavil, tricyclic antidepressants.

They probably both could have k*lled his sex drive.

And why did he start drinking?

The dr*gs probably stopped working.

And then, when the alcohol didn't k*ll his pain anymore, he must have thought su1c1de was the only option.

But this isn't just about Simon, is it?

Simon gave these to me.

He found them in his father's stuff.

He kept track of your mother... to know about you?

He told his wife, Simon's mother, that he had a daughter.

My mother was a drunk, just like him.

It was 1967.

Abortion was a crime.

She wasn't married.

You think your mother lied about being r*ped?

He kept track of me.

What r*pist does that?

The evidence against Joe Hollister is just as strong as the evidence against your brother.

I don't know for sure that Joe Hollister att*cked these women and my mother.

You've got to face the truth, Liv.

My mother lied to me.

About so many things.

What if this was one of them?

She's dead.

I can't ask her.

I need to know... if the man that fathered me was really a r*pist.
Jane Willet?


Well, before I was married.

Who are you?

Uh, Detective Olivia Benson.

You went to Hudson University.

100 years ago.

What's this about?

I wanted to ask you, uh... about the night that you were att*cked on campus.

Has he att*cked someone else?

You recognize him.

From where?

The dining hall I worked in at college.

His company supplied the food.

Why didn't you identify him to the police?

I was pretty wild back then.

I didn't think anybody would believe he r*ped me.

Did he ever try to contact you afterward?

No. Please go away.

And don't come back again.

I hope they're not making you do that paperwork because of Michael Thatcher.

He's done.

Without a confession.

The victims ID'd him, and we have DNA.

Captain, what happened the other night... what I did and what I said... that's not me.

I know.

Porter called, he told me what happened at the bookstore.

That he's not gonna charge you, cause you kept your word.

You need a rest.

You got plenty of time. Take it.

How long?

You'll know when you're ready to come back.

Thank you.


Trying to get yourself shot, Captain?


We need to talk.

What do you want?

Your help.

Porter's cut me out of the loop.

He won't return my phone calls.

He's out of town.

When's he coming back?

I don't know.

Are we done?

Look, I know I shouldn't have treated you the way I did.

I get it.

I'm single too.

You meet a guy, you think he's the one.

The other shoe drops, but you still have feelings.

No, you don't get it.

I don't have romantic feelings for Simon Marsden.

He's my brother.

Your brother?

So that's why you've been protecting him.

I know that he tried to r*pe your sister when they were in high school.

I just... I just didn't want to believe it.

He's family.

I understand.


It's my fault he r*ped Donna Leonte.

I screwed up your investigation, and I don't want him to attack another woman.

I'll call Porter for you.

And do whatever else you need for me to do to help.

A statement from you could go a long way toward a conviction.

Mind coming to my office?

In the bookstore, where did Marsden tell you he was going before he fled?

Home. I assumed that meant to his house here in River Park.

Were you able to ascertain where he really meant?

Agent Porter and I interviewed Simon's mother, uh, who has Alzheimer's, but was able to tell us that Simon was at their home on Route 94 in Florida.

That's how Simon's mother said it?

Route 94 in Florida?

Yeah. Porter's there, which is probably why neither of us has heard from him yet.


Got a second?


Our chief. Give me a minute?

Take a s long as you need.

Okay, I'll take care of it.



Sorry about that.

One sec.


Uh, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Uh, no worries.

I actually have to go too.

That was my captain.

Something just broke on a case.

Do you mind if we pick this up tomorrow?

No problem.


You won't forget to call Porter?

I'll call him on my way to the office.

Thank you.

Next time, call me on one of the 364 days of the year, I don't have date.


What are you dong with Jersey's photos?

You know, the less you know, the better.

This one's sort of... off the books.

What do you wanna know?

If it's legit.

The crime report says that the victim yanked the hair off her r*pist's head.

Someons' lying.

Hair has three stages, anagen, when it grows, catagen, when it's in transition, and telogen, when it's resting.

Now, anagen hairs have strong roots.

Pull them out, and you're gonna get the root sheath.

Even some skin and blood.

So what kind of hair is this?

No sheath, no other tissue attached to the root.

This is a telogen hair. which means it was neveryanked out of anyone¡¯s head.

Yeah, because telogen hairs fall out on their own in the shower or on your brush.

Now, it's possible that the hairs fell out spontaneously and landed where they were found.

But it's more likely that somebody took it out of his comb and planted it as evidence.

You've done a couple hundred r*pe cases.

How many head hairs have you found in a victim's underwear?

Captain Millfield's not here.

Well, can you call her at home?

She's out of town.

Look, why don't you check with your chief, because the three of us were here in her office last night.

I thought she was on bereavement leave.

She had a death in her family?

Three night ago.

You a friend?


I'm surprised she didn't tell me.

Her baby sister OD'd.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

How'd you find me?

O'Halloran told me about your midnight rendezvous.

Didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out the rest.

We've gotta find Millfield.

She framed Simon for the r*pes, and I can prove it.

Do you have him in custody?

Wasted trip.

For all we know, he's never been to Miami.

Well, we have to find him before Millfield does.

The sister overdosed, and she's gonna blame Simon.

How do you know all this?

It's a long story.

Are you sure that they never lived in Florida?

The mother was very specific.

She also has Alzheimer's.

She didn't know her own nurse.

She knew me.

I'm part of her past.

Why would she make up some house on Route 94 in Florida?

Route 94 to Florida?

That's upstate.

There was a police camp that my father took me to every summer.

I remember that sign, Route 94 to Florida.

It's in the Catskills.

Is it near Moorpark?


That's where Simon and Millfield went to high school.

She figured it out.

Simon's father left him a house in the will.

I'll get operations working on an address.

Tell them it's under the name "Hollister."

That's Simon's car.

No sign of Millfield.

Must have just gotten here.

It's still warm.

Come with me.

Take the back.

Simon, please.


Get out of here, Olivia!


In the mirror.

Julia, what happened?

He shot me.

Julia, where were you hit?

Right side of my gut.

Simon, you gotta let her go.

Get out of here, Olivia!

Simon, we can talk this out.

There's nothing to talk about.

Look, you gotta listen to me!

Now I need you to calm down.

Stop stalling.

I know the cops are out there.

There are no cops here, Simon.

We're alone.

Liv... I'm on.

Julia, how much blood have you lost?

I don't know. I can't tell.

I've got pressure on it.

My partner's inside with a taker.

I got them on an open line.

How many hostages?

One, cop from Jersey. She's been shot.

We gotta go in.

No, the guy's unstable.

Look, we try taking him out, he could k*ll the hostage and my partner.

Hostage negotiator will be here in ten.

It's his call.

Julia, tell me what happened.

He grabbed my g*n... and shot me.

Because she was gonna k*ll me.

Oh, he's lying, he's... he's lying.

I know you're not lying, Simon.

Julia framed you for Donna Leonte's r*pe.

She planted your hairs.

I did not!

I got proof, Julia.

Are you trying to trick me again?

No. I'm trying to help you.

Why now?

Because I should have believed you all along. Now listen to me.

You're gonna let her go.

And I'm gonna take her place, okay?

No. no.

No way! No way!

It's gonna save you... from a m*rder rap.

Now, if she dies, I can't help you.

What, I let her go?

I let her go, and then you sh**t me?

I won't sh**t you.

I would never do that.

What about those other cops?

There are no other cops.

It's just the two of us. You gotta trust me.

Now, how did Julia get hurt?

It was accident.

I didn't mean to sh**t her.

Oh, God.

You lied to me!

You said you were all alone, and you told them I was here.

Now, I know that this is all my fault.

And if I... if I would have believed you, none of this would have happened.

So I'm gonna come in there now, okay?

No, you don't.

Don't, or I k*ll her.

She dies, Simon, you die too.

If she doesn't tell you the truth, I have no reason to live.

Simon, we gotta figure this out.

Tom Nickerson, state police.

I'm the negotiator.

Elliot Stabler.

My partner, she's inside.

Your partner's way off script.

The hostage taker's her brother.

Shut up and let me think.

Patch me through to the land line in the house.

That's gotta be the negotiator, Simon.

Pick up the phone.

I'm only talking to you, Olivia.

Listen to her.

Answer the phone, Simon.



Hi, Simon, my name is Tom.

I'm with the state police.

I'm not going to jail.

Mount up!

We're going in!

Hold on, listen!


He shot the phone!

He shot the phone.

Nobody's hit.

Everybody's okay.

Who's out there?

Stand down!

Who's out there with you, Olivia?


Get out!

Get out, or I sh**t her!

Simon, listen to your sister and put the g*n down.

You got five seconds!

Don't be a fool.

Four! Three! Two!

Go, go!

I'm leaving.

He's gone.

It's just us now.

Simon, he's gone, okay?

He's gone. It's just us now three.

That's what you said before.

Why do you keep lying to me?

I don't know, why'd you try to run me over the other night?

Run you over?

Are you crazy?


Why would I try and hurt you?

I don't know, Simon.

It was your car.

Same car that's parked in the driveway.

My car is in the garage.

Stay where you are.

Get out of here, Olivia!

I'm unarmed, Simon.

Is she out of her mind?

Give me five minutes.

Give me five minutes.

I just wanna talk to her.


Cause I want the truth.

Julia, why you driving the same car as Simon?

It's a rental.

The exact same make and color as his?

Uh, luck of the draw.

I don't think so.

That was you the other night at the bookstore. You tried to k*ll me.

I was chasing Simon.

You were trying to set him up.

You wanted me to think that it was him.

I wanted you to realize how dangerous he is... and turn him in.

Why are you trying to ruin my life?

You ruined my sister's life when you tried to r*pe her.

All I did to Carrie was kiss her.

When she said stop, I stopped.

She told me... she begged you to stop... and you didn't listen.

You tore her dress off, you groped her...

I tried to kiss her!

And she freaked! She went crazy!

She was terrified because you att*cked her!

No, no I didn't!

Simon, drop your w*apon.


Don't make me sh**t her.

Drop your w*apon.

Elliot, don't.


Simon... Simon... what did she say?

What did Carrie say the night she freaked out?

What difference does it make?

It does.

Just tell me what she said.

She was yelling all sorts of stuff.

"Get off me. Don't touch me."

She started hitting me.

And then she curled up in a little ball.

She started crying.

She was scared to death.

Not of Simon.

That's who was trying to r*pe her.

Julia... was Carrie molested?

Of course not.

Listen to me... a girl doesn't freak out like that when a boy kisses her.

You don't know what you're talking about.

I see it every day. A boy kisses a girl, and she flashed back to the abuse.

Julia... did she tell you that she was molested?


And who did she say abused her?

She said our father got into bed with her.

She was high all the time.

I didn't believe her.

Because you didn't want to.

Just like I didn't wanna believe that my father was a r*pist.

My father never touched me.

I know.

And that's how it happens sometimes.

They just pick one.

I just...

Oh, God, I thought all the things she said, it was because the dr*gs were making her crazy, I...

Oh, maybe she'd be alive if I'd listened.

Julia... your sister didn't turn to dr*gs because of Simon.

And she's not dead because of you or because of Simon.

She's dead because of your father.

I know.


I gotta tell you...


What do you gotta tell us?

I was gonna sh**t Simon... to make him pay for my sister.

I... I put my g*n on him.

He grabbed it, and it went off.

It was an accident.

And why did Donna Leonte identify Simon in the lineup?

I... I convinced her that, if she didn't, he would r*pe somebody else.


It's okay.

I'm sorry.

Julia, stay with me.

Come on.

Stay with me.


Just stay with me.

Give me the g*n, Simon.

She's gonna die.

Give me the g*n.

You gotta give me the g*n.

Okay, we're clear!

Get the medics in here!

Get the medics inside!

Check the vitals...

The medics have Captain Millfield stabilized.

They think that she's gonna make it.

Are you charging Simon?

In light of her statement, that's a pile of paperwork I don't need to do.

I'm sorry.

For everything.

Me too.

We gotta get going.

Where are you taking him?

My office.

I need his help unraveling this mess that Millfield made.

He's lucky.

If it was me...

I would have shot him.

Thank you.

You too.

For what?

Trusting me.
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