09x14 - Inconceivable

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x14 - Inconceivable

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Hey, yeah, I'm on my way to an interview.

Yeah, communication degree is finally paying off.

Big bucks.

Yeah, a high-tech firm wants my input on a project.

May I help you?

Actually, I'm here to help you.

You advertised in my alumni magazine for ivy league sperm.

Says it pays up to $50,000.

That's for egg donors.

What about the boys?

$100 per collection.

That's a big pay gap.

Sexist, really.

Your procedure's much simpler and you perform it yourself.

Well, since I'm here, I...

You need to fill out a detailed medical history.

Then we'll schedule you for a physical.

If you qualify, then you can donate twice a week for two years...


Somebody stop her!

Hey, I think they want you to... Unh!

Chief of d's is heading our way, and the captain doesn't look happy.

What did I do now?


Elliot, I understand you're a proud new papa.

Hmm... Oh, this is the little tyke?


Hmm, now that is fine work, detective.

Thank you.

The chief has personally assigned us a case.

Wants it top priority.

Absolutely. What is it?

Robbery and aggravated as*ault.

A deranged female perp stole a portable cryotank from a clinic.

Put a good samaritan who tried to stop her into bellevue with a concussion.

2-6 caught it a couple of days ago.

They're sending over the file.

What's in the cryotank?

The victims.

About 100 frozen embryo.

Fertilized eggs.

Eight cells each.

Don doesn't believe this falls under your purview.

But those are potential children who have been kidnapped.

If they're not special victims, who is?

Law & Order: SVU
9x14. Inconceivable

Original air date: 2008/01/22

Of all the detectives to have had this case before us, why'd it have to be fiorello?

Marty's a good guy.

What's your problem with him?

I can't understand his handwriting.

It's like a serial k*ller's.

Worse. It's like a doctor.

I gotta tell you, he didn't do much leg work.

There's no prints, no suspects.

There's no leads.

Can you make this out?

"Hormonal wannabe mama.

Re-interview." nice...

Look, I like marty, but it's probably best we're handling this.

And here's the reason we are.

Guess who one of the stolen embryos belongs to?

Police commissioner and his wife.

Well, I'm sure that he's every bit upset as the rest of the victims.

Yeah, I know, but we've got a lot of cases we should be working ahead of this one.

Well, it's not like somebody stole their hubcaps, Elliot.

Do you know what they went through to get those embryos?

You know, I don't.

I had kids the old-fashioned way.

Well, some people aren't as blessed as you are.

Fiorello red-flagged a couple of client whose embryos were were stolen as troubled cases.

We'll go talk to them.

We'll take the clinic.

What I want to know is why are some of the names on this patient list redacted?



These names are blacked out to prevent doctor-client privilege.

If patients don't want their information released, my hands are tied.

But why wouldn't they cooperate?

If my future kids were stolen, I would.

For some it's a very private matter.

Others I haven't gotten a hold of yet.

Anybody unhappy with your services?

People are always disappointed if the procedure fails.

And then there are those who are morally opposed to what I do.

Well, maybe one of them did this to stop you from playing god.


To them, every embryo is sacred.

Could have they been destroyed?

It'd be a tragedy.

You know, many of these couples have been trying for years to get pregnant.

One woman went through in vitro before undergoing chemotherapy, which made her infertile.

It's her last chance to have a baby.

She's been hounding me to do the implantation, but I've insisted she wait six months after the chemo.

Maybe she got tired of waiting.

Another client, kelly ryland, froze her eggs before shipping out to iraq as an insurance policy for her husband.

How long will the stolen embryos last?

Six or seven days until the liquid nitrogen in the t*nk evaporates.

She grabbed them two days ago.

It was filled two days before that.

So the best case scenario, we have less than three days to find them.

Would she know whose she was taking?

Each client's is stored in an individually marked ampoule.

The bigger tanks can hold up to 20,000 samples.

You do a booming business.

Women are putting off having children longer and longer now.

Especially those with careers.

Some wait too long.

And for these women with limited time, these embryos are extremely valuable.

Clients spend tens of thousands of dollars each.

You're saying they have a street value.

Well, a few of the embryos screened positive for rare diseases and were marked by their owners for disposal.

To a researcher, they'd be priceless.

You punched a keypad to get in here.

How did the thief know the code?

I'm an idiot. I let her right in.

Why would you let a stranger in a restricted area?

Yeah. Hold on.

I don't want to make another stupid mistake.

That's an embryo.

Three days old.

I'm extracting a cell for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to make sure we implant only healthy embryos.

I was running out to give Dr. Berletch some bad news on one, and I think that's when she slipped in.

Get a good look at her?

I had my nose in a file.

The screening showed a marker for duchenne muscular dystrophy.

All I remember is blonde hair.

These all accounted for?

Thankfully, yes.

Before freezing, they have to be kept at a constant 98.6 degrees, just like in the womb.

They're all babies Dr. Berletch helped conceive through in vitro.

Do you have some place we can interview the rest of the employees?

The procedure rooms are private, but a bit cramped.

I'll ask Dr. Berletch if you can use his office.

How about ex-employees?

Any disgruntled ones?

No, but we have a few clients that are tied up in lawsuits.



They were holding my babies hostage.

Now they conveniently disappear?

Why were they keeping your embryos from you?

Because Stan, my sadistic ex-husband, got a court order.

The clinic won't implant them till it goes to trial.

Wait a minute. Who's the father?


You're trying to have the baby of a man you hate?

I didn't always hate him.

We tried for years to get pregnant.

Finally we go through in vitro... Bam!

Jerk decides he wants out of the marriage.

The baby would be his too.

You don't think he should have a say in the matter?

He had a say when he fertilized my eggs.

What am I supposed to do?

Toss 'em in the garbage?

Trust me, you're going through a nasty divorce.

You're lucky you're not dragging a kid through that.

I'm divorced with no prospects.

I want children.

All I have are these embryos.

Do you have them, maya?

Oh, you think I took them?

If I have a baby in nine months, come arrest me.

If anybody took them, it was Stan.

I don't want kids in any form.

Yeah, that's what we call a motive.

Hold my calls, Joanie.

I was here monday from 8:30 on.

We weren't going to ask you that, Stan.

But I would like to know where your secretary was.

Joanie? You gotta be kidding.

You ever have her run any errands for you?

Like pick up your laundry, lunch?

Future kids?

She was here. Ask anyone.

We'll do that.

How's your court case coming?

Well, it's making my lawyer very rich.

Again, Stan, motive.

You want motive?

Talk to my greedy pig of an ex-wife.

Taking half my earnings isn't enough.

Now she wants to stick me for child support too.

And those embryos disappearing save you from 18 years of ball squeezing.

I'm fighting a financial and biological relationship I don't want, but I'm not a sociopath.

What would I have against all those other couples' embryos?

Fertility clinics are death camps.

People have a big problem with nazis practicing eugenics, but no one's bothered that doctors determine which embryos are the purest and then destroy all the rest.

Or donate them to stem cell research.

It's genocide.

Give us a minute.

Turn off the camera.

Who are you?

James and Victoria Grall with the VDL.

I'm sorry, I'm not familiar.

The values defense league.

You just admitted on camera that you had a personal vendetta against this clinic.

Which was recently vandalized.

Was that somebody from your group?

You obviously didn't see the beginning of our press conference.

Yeah, well, so did most of the press.

We believe that life begins at conception.

Embryos are human beings.

We wouldn't hurt a single one.

Now, we made an appeal that whoever took them return them to us, no questions asked.

Which would make you an accessory after the fact.

No, no, we're gonna return them here.

Back to the place that you consider a death camp.

We'd like people to consider adopting the extra unwanted embryos and then bringing them to term.

Because donation is always an option.

There's no reason a single one ever has to be destroyed.

These people believe that if an embryo screens positive for some devastating fatal disease, like tay-sachs, it should still be implanted.


Knowing full well that the baby that comes out will never know anything but pain and suffering.

Look, it's tough.

No, it's not.

You give your kid a fighting chance.

Hi. Detective Benson.

Can I help you?

I hope so.

The cryobank said you were handling my case.

Your embryos were stolen.


Have you made any progress?

We're working on it.

Can I get your name, please?

Eva Sintzel.


I need you to know how important it is that you find them.

I do, Mrs. Sintzel.

No, I'm not married.

I'm not dating for that matter.

Okay, so the father's no longer in the picture?

No, my eggs were fertilized by donor sperm that I picked out of a catalog.

Now really how I dreamed of it happening growing up, but I ran out of time.

Forgive me for prying, but you're so young and attractive.

I'm not that young.

I got caught up in my career, and time just...

Got away from me, you know?

I was in complete denial about my biological clock.

And then I got cancer.

Oh, Dr. Berletch told me about you.

That because of the chemotherapy you can't produce any more eggs.

So these embryos are my last chance.


Well, I'll let you go. thank you.



We'll find 'em.

Dr. Berletch called. Says there's another couple that we should check out.


Wouldn't say.

Just that their case is controversial.



We took her to dozens of specialists for years.

They did test after test on her.

They never figured out the cause of alicia's brain damage.

She has the mental age of a three-month-old baby.

And how old is she now?


She'll never be able to walk, talk, eat on her own, even hold her head up.

You had her through in vitro?

No, we had her naturally.

So you're screening to make sure that your next child doesn't have the same disorder.

We didn't have embryos in the stolen t*nk. Just eggs.

Our case was published in a medical journal.

A lot of people are upset about it.

We've been flooded with hate mail, hang-up calls, even threats.


The eggs aren't mine.

Well, whose are they?

They're my little girl's.

Girls' eggs don't start to mature till they hit puberty.

Your daughter is only eight.

Alicia is taking high-dose estrogen treatments.

Turn her into a baby-making machine.

We only did one collection cycle.

I'd be her surrogate.

You'd be giving birth to your own grandchild.

She wouldn't be the first.

A 51-year-old woman in the brazil just carried twin boys for her daughter.

Did the daughter have a say in it?

I'm unable to conceive again, and alicia can never get pregnant.

Without harvesting our daughter's eggs, our family line ends with her.

Maybe somebody thinks that it should and stole the cryotank.

Now, you said you received hate mail.

You still have it?

We throw it out as it comes.

Have you been bothered by anybody from the values defense league?


And you really think that carrying on your family name justifies putting alicia through fertility treatments.

That wasn't the original goal.

Menstruation is a side-effect of an experimental procedure she's undergoing.

To do what?

Stunt her growth.


Alicia doesn't understand words, but like babies she reacts to tense voices.

Let's take this downstairs.

Growth plates fuse at the end of puberty.

Doctors started hers early to stop her from getting any bigger.

Oh, so you're purposely deforming your daughter.

To enhance her quality of life.

Sounds like a great future.

Alicia can't turn herself over.

We carry her to the dinner table.

Give her baths, put her in a stroller to take her for a walk.

This is for your convenience.

The more movement Alicia gets the better her circulation, which means fewer sores and infection.

What you're doing is wrong.

The bioethics committee disagreed.

We're not the first ones to do this.

It was done once before in washington state.

Who are you calling?

Children services.


You can't possibly be okay with what they're doing to her.

Look, it's a nightmare, but it's a bad situation no matter what they do.

They think they're doing what's best for the kid.

They're trapping her in a child's body forever.

Parents have to make hard choices.

Now, this last pregnancy, kathy was over 40.

It... It makes for much higher risk.

Things like down syndrome...

And you know what?

Eli turned out perfect.

So spare me the perils of women over 40 having babies.

You know you'd make a great mom.

Oh, my god, I'm not having this conversation.

You're great with kids.

Yeah, I know.

Look, maybe you should start thinking about having kids.

And any way you want to do it, I'll support you.

Elliot, do me a favor.


Shut up and drive.


It's humane to get rid of the defective ones.

Babies born with h*m* achondroplasia usually die within a year.

Their tiny chest cages cause constriction, resulting in respiratory distress.

It's a nasty death.

That's what you were screening for.

We had a little girl named rose who had it.

She died in my arms.

I'm so sorry.

My husband is also a dwarf, which gives us a 25% chance of having a baby with the condition.

So you had them weed out the embryos with the death sentence attached.

I donated them to research.

Sounds like the clinic helped you, but we heard you caused a disturbance.

Yeah, well, after all of that, my doctor refused to implant one of my healthy embryos.

He discriminated because of your size.

No, because of my baby's.

He wanted to use an embryo that would become what you'd call normal size.

I wanted an LP.

LP? Little person?

You wanted to purposely create a child with a disability.

Size is not a disability.

We have normal lifespans and lives.

Why shouldn't I be allowed to have a child who looks like me?

Everybody else can.

So if you weren't allowed to, why should all those other parents, right?

I think someone would've noticed if the thief were 4'1".

We getting anywhere?

Well, we had our sketch artist do a rendering.

That's one of our victims.

Should I put out an APB on him?

Where are we on suspects?

Maya and Stan Jergensen are battling over embryo custody.

Anybody else?

I got one. Thirteen, actually.

Meet the masturbated race.

They're donor sibs.

What does that mean?

Many mothers, only one daddy.

Donor 10-29.

They're wondering where to send their father's day cards to.

Well, those kids have gotta be pissed.

Hudson Cryobank keeps sperm donors' names anonymous.

For all they know, I could be donor 10-29

Those kids don't look like freaks to me.

Well, of course not.

They're a fine-looking bunch I may or may not have sired.

Liv, if you're in the market, you could do worse than donor 10-29.

You're an idiot.

How did these kids find each other?

It's called donor sibling search.

They've got over 12,000 members signed up.

What's up with liv?

Case is getting to her.

Hey, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.

No, I'm grateful that you could see me at all.

You sounded so upset when you called I wanted to make sure you're okay.

Have you gotten anywhere since we last talked?

Well, I... I can't discuss the details of the investigation with you, but... No, nothing solid yet.

Just coffee, please.

You're not gonna find them, are you?

I'm not gonna stop until I do.

And it'll be too late.

I should've forced Dr. Berletch to implant them right after chemo ended.

Or taken them to a doctor who would.

But your chemo was successful, right?

Yeah, four months cancer-free.

And infertile.

I thought I was getting a second shot at having a life.

And now this.

Eva, we still have some time.

No, we don't.

You know that, right?

It's gonna run out.

Do you have kids?

Uh, no.


Don't you want them?

I... yes, I do. Very much.

Then what are you waiting for?

Let's start in there.

You can just leave it.

Hold on a second.


Look, last night when Munch made that...

El, can we please just drop it?

Hey, I got something.

Fin, come here.

I want to show you something.

This better not be another one of your jokes.

You think that's all I'm good for?

I've trying to figure out when the thief came in, so I matched up the exits with the entrances.

Somebody came in that didn't go back out?

No, everyone who came in that day was accounted for.

So you called me over here to tell me you got nothing.

She got in another way.

On another day.

I pulled the tapes from that night.

Blonde cleaning lady.

Yeah, she emptied the trash, but she didn't vacuum.

Not a very hard worker.

At least till she gets here.

Techs clean out the restricted areas themselves.

Cleaning company's not allowed in there.

Yeah, looks like she's trying to figure out the code, but can't.

There she is leaving.

Yeah, and here she is coming back, but we never pick her up leaving the building.

Where'd she hide all night?

Well, this is a business that requires discretion.

There are no cameras in the procedure room.

Just... Magazines.

I'm afraid they're gonna have to get themselves a new cleaning lady.


So what do you guys want with me?

You're the regular cleaning person for Hudson Cryobank, huh?


You work sunday night?


You look hotter on camera, Enrique.


We know you were involved in the burglary.

It had to be you, right?

Your service said you put in a time card for it.

That wasn't me.

Who was it, Enrique?

I don't know.

Nobody was supposed to be working.

Look, you're already going down for the aiding and abetting.

Don't take the whole grand larceny.

Last week she told me not to come in sunday night.

Said I could put in for it anyway.


Who was it, Carol?

What are you talking about?

Cuff her.


You set it all up.

You told Enrique not to show up to work last sunday.

You let your friend in here to steal those embryos.

Which in less than 12 hours are no longer viable.

Where are they?

It was just for publicity.

They weren't going to hurt them.

They were supposed to bring them back today.

Who's they?

You don't understand.

They called me.

They mailed me literature.

They... They talked to me on my way in.

And finally it got to me.

I mean, they have a point, you know... who?

James Grall and his wife.

Victoria was wearing a wig.

You talking about those nuts from the values defense league?

Yeah, nice values.

Joining us now from the values defense league are James and Victoria Grall...

She's on the air.

You can't do...

I think what this theft highlights is the fact that.

That embryos are human beings and as such have constitutional rights.

You want rights?

How about your right to remain silent?

Let's go.

Victoria Grall, you're under arrest.

Don't do this.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.

There are over 400,000 frozen embryos being warehoused in this country.

You just reduced that number by 100.

They haven't been harmed.

Time is running out here, James.

Now, you may not believe in science, but it is very real here.

So does what's being done to them.

There's only a small fraction that will be implanted.

The rest will be destroyed.

The ones you took won't be viable in a few hours.

Drastic measures needed to be taken.

I had to get people's attention.

So tell us where they are, and we will give you a full press conference.

People need to be told that there are organizations out there that will arrange for the adoption of unwanted embryos.

That's great, especially for all those gay and lesbian couples in the market.

They're only put in suitable homes.

Straight, christian, and white.

We're not r*cist.

There are christians of all colors.

Where are the embryos, Victoria?

James already sent them back.

Wrong, there's no sign of 'em.

And their little clocks are ticking.

We know your husband dragged you into this, Victoria.

You shouldn't have to do as much time.


You're both going to jail.

You know that, right?

A lot of great men have gone to jail to bring about social change.

Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela...

Don't you dare compare yourself...

Now, James, listen to me.

You gotta help us out here.

Just tell us where they are.

They're fine.

No, but if they're not.

Okay, if they're not, according to your belief, you'd be murdering them.

They've already been returned.

No, they haven't.

That's what I'm trying to tell you.

Who was supposed to bring them back?

They over-nighted them yesterday They guaranteed they'd arrive first thing this morning.

The moron checked the overnight box, but not the early morning delivery.

Luckily, they scan it every step of the way.

Well, where are they?

We tracked it to the hub in pittsburgh.

For a cross-town delivery?

All their packages are routed through there.

So they're in pittsburgh?

No, it landed at jfk at 5:33.

Put on a truck to the distribution center on 96th street.

Tell 'em to hold it for us.

No, no, no, they just sent it out on another truck.

Where are they now, munch?

We're trying to get in touch with the driver.

Where was his last delivery?

That's what I'm waiting for...

What? Thanks.

He just scanned a drop-off on 57th street.

No sign of the truck here.

If he sticks to his route, he's turned onto 54th.

Got him!

Cab's empty You in there?!

Must be making a delivery.

He just scanned a package on the 24th floor.

He should've made a prompter delivery.

Come on, it's gotta be a big container.

Right size, wrong address.

Here's a section going to park avenue.

No. Hudson Cryobank.

Here it is.

That's it.

Hey, what the hell... police emergency.

We couldn't wait on you.

Let's get 'em into the fresh t*nk!

Just under the wire, right?

How are they?

There's no vapor.

The liquid nitrogen evaporated.

But if it just ran out. if there's even a little left on the bottom to keep them frozen...


I'm sorry.



Docket ending 2-5-8-0-1.

People versus James and Victoria Grall.

One count as*ault in the second degree.

One count grand larceny.

One count burglary.

How do you plead?

Not guilty, your honor.

They should be charged with m*rder!

Court officers, remove this woman.

She's right.

We should be charged with m*rder.

Would the people like to amend the charge?

No, your honor.

The defendants are only grandstanding to further their political agenda.

If you were fit for your job, you'd seek justice for these lost souls.

It was an accident.

Mr. Hunter, control your clients.

As your honor well knows, according to new york law, life does not begin until a baby draws breath.

It begins at the moment of conception.

Even in the cases of abandoned newborns, a m*rder charge cannot be brought if it's determined the infant was stillborn.

The charges stand.

Actually, your honor, the grand larceny should be dropped to petty larceny.

Human bodies cannot legally be sold, and therefore have no monetary value.

The couples who went to Hudson Cryobank each spent tens of thousands of dollars to get those embryos.

That was for services provided.

It wasn't a sticker price of an embryo.

That's an issue for your trial judge.

I'll add on the lesser charge and hear the people as to bail.

$100,000 each.


Defendants are not a flight risk.

They have ties to the community.

Bail is set at 10,000 each.

Cash or bond.

Next case.

Thanks for the call.

Eva was gone by the time we got here.

She played right into their hands, screaming for m*rder charges.

I'm sure the Gralls will be using that for the free publicity.

Yeah, we passed a gaggle of reporters on the way in.

The wife doesn't seem to be enjoying the notoriety as much as James.

Detectives, I wonder if I could ask you a favor.

You can ask.

I've tried, but they won't give me the names of the parents of those embryos.

It's none of your business.

I want to express my condolences.

If any of them are having funeral services, I'd like to attend.

For eight microscopic cells. Please.

James, let's go.

Those people don't want to talk to you.

Oh, I disagree.

I'm sure a lot of them will be seeing you in civil court.

I hope the values defense league has lots of assets.


I want something good to come out of this.

Against the advice of my attorney, we're going to talk to the press.

No, I can't.

Victoria, people are finally starting to pay attention.


No, after what we've done I can't look those people in the eye.

All right, go on home. I'll...

I'll meet you there.

Trouble with the missus?

You should follow her lead.

Do me a favor.

Leave with me out the back way.

These parents didn't lose property...

Oh, the idiot didn't listen to his lawyer.

Good, everything he tells them now through the trial can be used against him.

Can't believe the press is lapping it up.

See the sh**t?

I don't see him.

There's been a sh**ting on the courthouse steps. I need a bus.

He's dead.


Eva, thank you for coming down.

It didn't sound like I had a choice.

Listen, I'm gonna have you out of here in a few minutes.

This is just standard procedure.


You treat all of your victims like criminals?

Eva, you made a scene at his arraignment.

You... You think that I k*lled him?

You left the courthouse minutes before the sh**ting.

Because of your actions, somebody had to talk to you, and I thought that you'd prefer it be me.

Why? Because we've become such good friends?

Can anybody vouch for your whereabouts after you left the courthouse?


Then until we know who k*lled Grall, I'm gonna have to ask you not to leave the city.

No problem, Olivia.

Sorry. Detective Benson.

He was holding a press conference, and with all those people, and nobody tried to tackle the sh**t?

Nobody saw him.

Including us, and we were right there.

Was it a sn*per?

Warner says it was a small caliber handgun.

Got him clean through the heart from two inches away.

So he had to be in the crowd of reporters.

Doesn't that mean we should have the k*ller on camera?

I'm working on it, cap.

Vultures already aired Grall taking a b*llet on their newscasts.

With a little prodding, they were kind enough to give us this footage.

These parents didn't lose property.

They lost lives at their very genesis.

What this means to future gen...

There's the moment of impact.

So where's the g*n?

All I see are microphones.

Which is why no one paid attention to another hand reaching up to Grall's face.

Look at this.

Why cover your mike with a jacket?

Has to be our sh**t.

Tell me you got his face.

There he is.

Well, it definitely isn't Eva.

Must be somebody who lost an embryo, right?

Anyone recognize him?

No one we talked to.

We didn't interview them all.

Just the red flags.

I say release his picture to the news.

Somebody'll turn him in.

Or tip him off.

Well, right now he thinks he got away with it You air it. He knows he's been id'd.

He skips.

Run the picture by the clinic.

Gotta be one of their clients.

I've never seen him before.

Look, Doc, I know you're dedicated to your clients.

I am. He's not one of them.

This doesn't fall under doctor-patient privilege.

If you know who he is, you have to tell us.

If I knew, why wouldn't I say?

Well, the guy did do you a favor.

He k*lled your embryo-napper.

I don't support people who take an actual life.

I wanted James Grall sued, not dead.

I have no idea who this man is.

Hey, come and look at this.

You still on that machine?

Since when did you become super tech?

Since you dumped me for lake.

Bessie here is the only one who'll have me as a partner.

I think you like her better.

Whatcha got?

The sh**t on "b" roll.

Victoria Grall left before her husband.

The press mobs her.

She refuses to speak to them.

There's the sh**t.

There's no sound, but they talk for a while.

Widow Grall seems to be pretty friendly with her husband's k*ller.



We're sorry for your loss.

I know you didn't see it, but he really was a good man.

But you decided not to stand by him at the press conference.

What is wrong with you?

Why aren't you out there looking for his assassin?

We were hoping you could tell us who he is.

I left in a cab.

I wasn't there when it happened.

But you talked to the k*ller first.


Who is he, Victoria?

He stopped me on the street.

But you wouldn't talk to anybody else.

Why stop for him?

He said, "are you all right, ma'am?"

He sounded so sincere. It was...

You know, it was the first kind word I'd heard all day.

Say anything else to you?

He said he recognized me.

He knew I was with the VDL.

He had heard about our troubles.

That he would pray for us.

I said thank you, and that our love and... faith would get us through.

He didn't sound angry with you?

No, he said, everything would work out even though we were going to prison.

That I'd be fine as... long as James and I still had one another.

He punished them both.

James got death.

Victoria got life without James.

He wanted one of them to feel his loss.

Lucky they don't have a kid.

Gotta be one the fathers.

Who else could it be?

You gotta know I didn't say anything to the guys about you wanting a baby.

I mean, that was munch being munch.


No, I understand.

Your biological clock's ticking.

I'm gonna shut up.

Elliot, a few months ago I looked into adoption.

That's great.

They turned me down.

What are you talking about?

Well, I'm single.

I don't have an extended family support system. I work all hours.

They didn't see me as prime parent material.

They're wrong.

Elliot, there's one person at the clinic that we didn't show the sh**t's picture to.

Carol, the ex-receptionist.

Everybody who went in there had to walk by her.

She make bail yet?


Hi, Carol.

I'm here for my appointment.

Who are you?

You ever see this guy?

Maybe he came into Hudson Cryobank with a friend or a sister?

Hung out in the waiting room?

He looks familiar.

Well, think hard, because he k*lled your dearly beloved friend, James Grall.

No, it doesn't make any sense.

So you do recognize him.

I think he might be Kelly Ryland's husband.

She showed me a picture once while she was waiting.

Well, if they were gonna get in vitro, why wouldn't he go in with her?

No, she wasn't getting in vitro.

She was in the military, and she had some of her eggs stored and frozen before she went to iraq.

Scott Ryland!

Police! Open the door!

I don't hear any movement.

Mr. Ryland, we have a search warrant.

Subject isn't here, but hold your positions out front in case he returns.

Hey. Scott and Kelly Ryland.


Nine millimeter browning.

That'd fit as our m*rder w*apon.

Good thing to know he doesn't have it on him.

'cause he knew he couldn't get it on the plane.

La guardia, 2:45.

It's 2:00 now.

He's gotta be at the airport already.

He didn't write the airline, just the departure time. Check 'em all.

I've got flights to denver, phoenix, and boivia, 2:45.

But scott ryland's not on any of the manifests.

I'll check the charter flights.

Munch, we're at the airport now.

Where is he leaving from?

Guys, it's not a departure.

It's an arrival.

Forward... Huh!

We got into a big fight once she joined the reserves.

But, uh, she just wanted to serve her country. It made her proud.

Kelly was a supply truck driver, and, uh, a su1c1de car bomber att*cked her convoy. and... and, uh... all the hoopla and the media attention those nuts who stole her eggs got, and, uh... this is all that shows up for her.

That's why she had her eggs frozen.

In case something like this happened, we could still have a child.

That way I'd always have a part of her.

Somebody who'd, uh, carry her on her memory.

Somebody who'd care.

Somebody... who'd know she died a hero.



Front face!

The jury will understand what you went through, but you're still gonna have to do time.

Doesn't matter.

My time already ran out.
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