10x09 - PTSD

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x09 - PTSD

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I can still smell him, the burning diesel and crap.

He said, "What's the difference between a slut...

"... between a slut and a bitch?"

A slut will screw anything, and a bitch will screw anything but you.

And then, he was in me.

Didn't even take off his Kevlar.

He violated you, Rochelle.

It is not your fault.

Yeah, but I was the one that had to hit the head for sneaking beer.

I was the one without my M4.

I had mine, and I still got r*ped.

Well, then, you should have k*lled that bastard, Kayla.

I'm always strapped, now.

You can't carry a concealed w*apon.

If you get caught, you'll go to prison.

Sounds better than getting r*ped.

Well, then, I think we should end here.

Keep writing in your journals and remember to breathe.

Hi. I need you to open your jacket.

Get off me. This is a safe place.

Everything that is said in session is confidential.


You are a client here, Olivia.

And I am a cop, and I cannot let you leave with a g*n.

Where did you get this?

If there are any bodies on this g*n, you are going to be in deep.

Now, I don't want that.

Do you?

I just want to feel safe again.

Go home.

My office.

You know, you're supposed to be addressing your anxiety from sexual as*ault.

I put you with these women because you have the same mindset.

And if you knew that Rochelle Rodriguez was carrying, you should have reported her.

I had my suspicions.

No one would trust me if I frisked them.

And I had probable cause.

You crossed the line, Olivia.

When we're in session, you have to put your job aside.

Not if they break the law.


One of my patients is missing.

She could be in trouble.

Jessie Crewes.

She went AWOL from Cherry Point a month ago.

She heard that I was doing pro-bono work with military r*pe victims and she came here for therapy.

So file a missing persons report.

I can't do that.

They'd put her in the brig.

Margo, so will I. If I find her, I have to arrest her.

She was r*ped seven months ago by a fellow Marine.

She's pregnant, Olivia.

She's having her r*pist's baby?

When is the last time you saw her?

Three days ago.

She was upset, but she wouldn't say why.

She's hasn't been a tenant that long, but you're the second person to come looking for her.

Who was the first?

Some guy I saw her with. They were having a pretty heated argument.


A couple of days ago.

What did he look like?

White guy, thirties, military.

I mean, out of uniform, but the haircut and posture gave him away.

Excuse me. Benson.


Great. Thank you, Fin.

You find her?

We found her car.

I think it's this way.

Yeah. Here it is.

Towed from outside Battery Park.

What's that smell?

Step back, please, ma'am.

Manhattan SVU to Central. I need a bus and CSU at City lmpound.

Have sectors canvas all hospitals for a 6- to 8-week-old premature newborn.

Copy that. AMBER Alert protocols commencing.

Infant's race?

The mother's Caucasian.

The father's unknown.

Rigor's set.

TOD is about 12 hours.

She has bruising around her throat.

Looks like she was yoked.

One jagged s*ab wound to the back.

Any way the baby could have survived the attack?

How far along was she?

Thirty-two, maybe 33 weeks.

The lungs aren't fully developed yet but that's not what worries me.

You think the baby was cut.

I'd be surprised if it wasn't.

The k*ller really hacked at the womb.

I've got pieces of placenta and part of the umbilical cord.

I'll rush DNA on the cord blood to see if we can ID the father.

Detective Benson?


Commander Brent Marcus, JAG Corps. What do you have so far?

Well, we're just getting started.

I'll send you copies of the records when we're done.

I don't think so.

This is a civilian homicide.

Of an active-duty AWOL Marine.

Now, we can run the show, but I don't see any reason to interfere unless you give me one.

Okay. I'm going to need the victim's military records and the file on her r*pe complaint.

What does the sexual as*ault have to do with the m*rder?

Her k*ller cut the baby out of the victim's womb.

Isn't it possible, Detective, that some woman targeted her and baby-snatched?

No woman cut our victim open, dragged the body, and then stuffed it into the trunk of her own car.

The only motive here is destroying evidence.

Now, women in the military put their lives on the line, only to be att*cked by their own men.

Like our victim. Who never ID'd her r*pist.

Because she didn't know him or because she was afraid you'd do nothing about it.

That doesn't even deserve a response. It's still an open file.

Which I need access to so I can solve her m*rder.

That's not possible.

And why is that?

Because she was r*ped in lraq, where the crime scene and most of her unit are still in theater.

How long has the infant been missing?

About 12 hours.

Any hits on the AMBER Alert?


None that have panned out.

Do we have any idea where this Marine was k*lled?

A large pool of blood was found in Battery Park.

The lab's testing it now.

She was stationed in North Carolina.

What was she doing in New York?

She went AWOL to join a therapy group that specializes in treating military r*pe victims with PTSD.

That's a long way to travel for therapy.

It's a long waiting list, and returning vets need help now.

Have we tracked Crewes' recent movements?

She sublet an apartment. Used only cash. We canvassed her block.

She didn't go out much. Drugstore, corner market. That's about it.

She was seen arguing with an unidentified male two days ago.

That's why I pulled surveillance photos from local ATMs, hoping we'd find a stalker shadow.

Someone was hunting her.

You dump her phone?

Several incoming calls from a disposable cell phone, and two from a Midtown hotel payphone.

You run them down?

The hotel was full. The payphones are in the lobby.

Anybody could have come in off the street to make those calls.

What do we know about the sexual as*ault?

Next to nothing.

She was r*ped in Iraq and couldn't, or wouldn't, identify her attacker.

Let me guess. The military will not release an active file.

Well, if it happened in country, it had to be somebody she worked with.

What unit was she assigned to?

A squadron in the Second Air Wing.

Maintenance on light attack helicopters.

Okay, there's 15 helos per squadron.

So? Cobra gets a three-man maintenance team to work on engines, navi, weapons systems and ordnance.

Plus, there's two pilots and a door gunner per bird.

That's over 75 suspects.

Then narrow it down.

Go back to the therapist. See if the victim gave her a name.

I'm still in shock. I can't believe Jessie was m*rder*d.

I've been doing grief counseling all day.

We're having problems getting the Marines to cooperate.

Does this surprise you?

What can you tell us about Corporal Crewes?


I guess you and the military have a lot in common.

Death doesn't nullify confidentiality.

Hold on, Margo.

You asked me to find her.

I'm sorry I got you involved, Olivia.

I just didn't know what else to do.

I'm not looking for an apology, Margo. I'm asking you for your help.

This woman was m*rder*d and they cut her baby out.

Now is not the time for you to hide behind confidentiality.

I have no choice.

They could yank my license.

What's our next move?

Talk to one of the patients from Jessie's support group.

The shrink won't tell you about the r*pe.

What makes you think she's going to give up her patient list?

I don't need it. I already know who to talk to.

Does anyone else know you're in therapy?


Then they won't hear it from me.


Go away, bitch.

Say that to me.

Rochelle, I just want to talk.

I can't do that. We all did time in the desert.

Talking to you would be like breaking ranks.



Rangers, Mogadishu, '93.

That's Black Hawk Down.

I was an MP turret gunner.

Ran a. 50 cal belt-fed escorting truck convoys from base to base.

It's how I met Jess.

You know, your silence is just protecting her k*ller.

If you don't talk to us, it's like her r*pe didn't happen.

Jess had night rotation.

She said he came in the hangar, locked the door, and r*ped her.

Took her a month to report it.

Why did she wait so long?

Jessie got caught a couple of months before having sex with someone in her unit.

Was it consensual?

No sex in combat.

If you get caught, they'll ding your record.

That's why she thought Command wouldn't believe that she'd been r*ped.

Then, she turned up pregnant.

She said she had all the evidence she needed and filed.

Did she tell you who att*cked her?


Only that he was ranked above her and she was afraid of retribution.

What kind of retribution?

If he was an officer, his men could jam her up.

Even her own unit could give her the cold shoulder.

You have no idea what it's like to be r*ped by some bastard that's supposed to be watching your six.

What else do you know about her r*pist?

Jessie went AWOL because she knew he was coming home.

She was afraid of what he would do.

The victim's mother keeps calling.

She's upset and wants answers.




Where did you go?

Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead.

The victim was yoked and stabbed from behind. Death was immediate.

So, you're saying the baby was taken post-mortem.

Yes. The AMBER Alert's been updated.

I tested the cord blood and placenta using DNA ancestry.

Your r*pist is Caucasian.

You got the hair and eye color, too?

The ancestry test uses genetic markers that tend to be similar in racial groups.

But can't we run it against the military's DNA base?

It's used to identify remains.

They won't give us access.

So, we have nothing to help narrow down the suspect pool.

Maybe cause of death will help.

The victim was stabbed once.

The knife was thrust under the rib cage, through the lung, and into the heart.

The right ventricle was shredded with a sharp twist of the blade.

That's a combat maneuver for a silent k*ll.

The lung collapses so the target can't scream.

Doesn't that require specialized training?

They don't offer advanced knife fighting skills in Basic.

I measured the wound tract.

The m*rder w*apon is approximately seven-inches long and non-serrated.

Sounds like a Ka-Bar knife to me. That comes with the uniform.

That should be enough to get the duty roster for the night she was r*ped.

There's only one way to find out.

I already sent the victim's military records to your precinct.

Where's the file on the r*pe?

The witness statements, the suspect list, the investigating officers that we can talk to.

There isn't one. Victims get two reporting options.

Jessica Crewes chose restricted over non-restricted.

What's the difference?

Non-restricted gets the full court press.

Restricted allows the victim to report the as*ault, get medical and counseling treatment without starting a formal investigation.

So, the r*pist goes free while you cover up the rampant sexual as*ault of enlisted females?

The policy was put in place so the victims would at least come forward and get help without feeling violated again.

You're helping rapists avoid prison.

We still ask questions, check alibis, just in case the victim changes her mind.

But just like you, we have very little evidence and no witnesses.

Unless the suspect knows he got away with it, what's to prevent him from attacking the victim to keep her quiet?

We take every precaution to make sure the victim doesn't serve with or under the accused.

Well, then, you screwed up, Commander.

Because the autopsy report shows that Jessie Crewes was butchered by a fellow Marine.

If this is true, I'm shutting down your investigation.

You can't do that. She was m*rder*d here, not in Fallujah.

The U.S. Military is sovereign, Detective.

And since both the suspect and the victim belong to the armed forces, that means that your work is done here.

A.D.A. Kim Greylek.

The answer's no.

Good. I'd like to kick your ass in court.

Then what are you doing talking to me?

Putting aside my ambition to solve the m*rder of a dead Marine.

You interested?


That's why I'm taking over the investigation.

Which you can't legally do.

Military's sovereign, Ms.

Greylek. End of argument.

Not quite. The victim was m*rder*d in the city.

She was stabbed in Battery Park, which is federal land. Next.

Time of death can't be established.

You say she died in the park, I say she died in the trunk of her car.

Evidence suggests she was m*rder*d by another Marine.

Who's unidentified.

And unless he's on active duty, he's a civilian and beyond your reach.

Okay. What do you want?

The duty roster for Second Air Wing on the night Corporal Crewes was r*ped.

NCIS already looked into that.

We'll look again.

And I need the current whereabouts of every Marine in the victim's squadron.

It's the oldest trick in the book.

Marcus is stalling by drowning us in paperwork.

Why would he?

Because the military can't afford any more bad press.

Let alone losing any more soldiers.

Marcus is running into the same brick walls we do, Liv.

Any leads on Jessie Crewes' k*ller?

Most of the unit's still deployed from tour extensions.

But there were five Marines on duty the night that she was r*ped that match those who shipped home.

Two sergeants, a gunnery and a master sergeant, and a lieutenant rank above Corporal Crewes.

We have any idea where they are?

Well, we've got Sergeants Kelly and Monroe are at Cherry Point.

The Gunnery Sergeant Ditka and Master Sergeant Pruitt have approved leave, and Lieutenant Gary Rosten's whereabouts are classified.

Excuse me. I was told I could find a Detective Benson here.

I'm Detective Olivia Benson.

I'm Jessie's mother.

We talked on...

Oh, my God.

Please, this way.

Come this way. My office...

Mrs. Crewes, I'm...

I'm so sorry that you had to see that.

I needed to see it.

To make it real.

I hadn't talked to Jessie in over a month.

MPs came to Cleveland looking for her.

They were sure I was hiding her.

I really wish I was.

Are there any leads to her baby?


My grandson's dead, too, isn't he?

We don't know that.

I have to face facts.

I worried about insurgents and roadside bombs.

But when Jessie told me men still outnumber women 10-to-1, I expected some harassment.

Not r*pe.

Did she give you any details? Yeah.

She called me right after it happened, but wouldn't say who att*cked her.

I told her to file a complaint, but Jessie was already getting harassed and didn't want more trouble.

Why was she having problems?

A sergeant lost a stripe for hanging around my daughter.

She said he was a popular guy and his unit blamed her for it.

Did she give you his name?

Dominic Pruitt.

Navy Cross, Meritorious Service, Combat Action, this list goes on and on.

He enlisted right out of high school.

Every CO I talked to wanted to adopt the guy.

Well, Pruitt's about to ship out again.

You think he r*ped any others?

There's no record of sexual as*ault.

That means nothing.

When women refuse to serve with the men who r*pe them, they get court-martialed for desertion, dereliction, conduct unbecoming.

I mean, their files get red-flagged, and the men who r*ped them get a weekend pass.

He passed a polygraph, Olivia.

Any psycho can do that.

Do we know where he is?

The JAG off said he'd get right back with me, but since I can't hold my breath that long, Munch is running his credit.

Turns out he's right here in the city.

His credit card has him registered at a hotel in Midtown.

Whoa, whoa. We should probably figure the best way to talk to Pruitt.

Put him in the box and sweat him.

He's not like the normal hump we pick up off the street.

Pruitt's not just going to start spilling his guts.

They trained him not to.


He's going to cooperate, or he's going to sit in a cell.

Sounds like you've already decided he's guilty.

Because that's how it looks.

Look, I know that this is difficult.

I get defensive, too, every time a cop goes bad.

It's funny. I just never heard you push that hard for One PP to clean house.

There's a fight.

NYPD! Hold it right there!


I said break it up!

I said stop! Stop!

Freeze! Back away!

Olivia, no!

Olivia, you okay?

Can you hear me?

Easy. Easy. Easy.


I'm sorry.

What the hell is going on here?

Stay right there, ma'am.

I'm sorry.

That's my husband, Gary.

I'm sorry.

He's hurt.

He needs a doctor.

I said don't move.


Take your time.

Feel your feet on the ground.



I can't.

Come on.

Get up. Get up.

That's not going to happen. I can't let you question the suspect.

I'm fine, Fin.

You held your g*n to the back of a man's head.

Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?

You reported me?


I'm talking about you getting your head together.

I am working on it.

Are you?

It seems like you even have issues with your shrink.

You need to talk to someone.

The only person that I am interested in talking to is the man that r*ped and k*lled Jessica Crewes.

We need to find that baby.

If I let you do this, I'm sitting in.

Look, I'm okay.

No, no, no. It's either me or it's Cragen.

You choose.

Jerking me around. I have been here for 45 minutes!

I want to see my husband!

Why can't I see him?

Where is he?

Why can't I see him?

I want my husband!

Where the hell is he? Mrs.

Rosten. Mrs. Rosten, please.

Gary? Gary!

You need to relax, Mrs. Rosten.

I will arrest you if I have to.

Why? We haven't done anything wrong, and you're treating him like a criminal.

It was Pruitt's knife. My husband was just defending himself.

That's what it looks like.

We just want his statement.

Where is Gary?

This way.

Do you know why Pruitt att*cked your husband?


What happens to enlisted men who as*ault their superior officers?

A general court-martial.

That sounds like a pretty big risk for a lifer like Pruitt to take.

It happens. Can we go now?

You seem pretty rattled.

My husband was att*cked and your cops pulled g*ns.

How should I feel?

I'd think you'd be used to it, since your husband's worth is measured by his kills.

I'm not a Marine.

When was the last time you talked to Jessica Crewes?

I tried calling her from the hotel when I got into town, but no joy.

No, I asked you when.

A week ago.

And you called her from the lobby? Yes, ma'am.

And why is that?

You don't have a cell phone?

Not on leave. Not when I don't want to be found.

Why were you trying to reach her?

I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

Isn't that considered fraternizing?

Yes, ma'am.

But you did it anyway.

Did you know where she lived?


When was the last time you saw her?

About five months ago. She took a transport from Kuwait.

Define your relationship with Corporal Crewes.

My relationship? She's a fellow Marine and a friend.

A friend?

She had to be more than a friend for you to disobey a direct order, Sergeant.

It's Master Sergeant, ma'am.

So, rank is important to you.

You're damn right.

I earned it.

So, you must have been pretty pissed when you got demoted over a woman that was four ranks below you.

Jessica's welfare was more important. She needed my help.

She went AWOL and needed to report in.

Well, if you were going to convince her, how did you even know where she was?

She told me.

I thought you just said that you couldn't reach her.

I had her coordinates before I got here.

So, you tracked her like prey.

Because you had to.

Because she was r*ped and she could prove it.

She was absent without leave and pregnant.

She needed to go back to Cherry Point, get squared away, get an honorable discharge.

Try getting a job without one.

And you were going to help her? I looked out for her!

Whether she liked it or not.

You see that?

That's adrenaline.

You almost k*lled a man.

That broad's got PTSD.

I'd know the glassy-eyed expression anywhere.

What is she doing carrying a g*n?


I'm not pressing charges, okay?

So, don't waste your time.

I don't want to get Pru in any more trouble.

You think I give a rat's ass about you filing a complaint?

Isn't that your job?

You're a combat pilot.

You're no victim. You can take care of yourself.

The question I want to know is why was Pruitt trying to k*ll you?

It was a misunderstanding.

No. Nobody comes at somebody like that over a disagreement.

The jackhole found out that I was the one who turned him into Command over Jessica Crewes.

They had a relationship?

It was more like a thing.

Pruitt's assigned to Air Wing for ground support so we don't get shot down by RPGs.

So, he lived outside the wire in the desert.

For weeks at a time.

But that's what brawn is for.

Off-duty he was all over her.

Did you know Jessie Crewes reported being r*ped?


But I'm not surprised.

Why is that?

She had a reputation.

A lot of women in the Corps do.

They're either b*tches or sluts. Which one was Jessie?

Neither. But to survive, she had to be tough.

She had to be better.

Says who?

Those are the rules when you're first.

Look, these women are the first in combat.

They're not supposed to be, but they are.

How can a man trust you to watch his back until you prove that you can?

It's not fair.

It's just true.

Now, Jess, she didn't understand that. She wanted it easy.

So, you had to teach her a lesson.

Toughen her up by raping her.

No. I told her not to ask for favors.

Some guys would take it wrong and give her trouble.

Blame the victim.

That's what rapists do.

Look, I did not r*pe Corporal Crewes.

I did not have sex with her, either. It's forbidden.

Well, we both know that you only obey orders that you want to.

Because there's nobody there to stop you.

There's nobody there to tell you no.

Did she say that? Huh?

Did she say that I r*ped her?

She was too afraid.

You made sure of that.

She was harassed when you got demoted.

Now, what would your little buddies have done if she named you outright?

I'm thinking that even your fellow Marines wouldn't have gone this far.

This was something that you had to take care of all by yourself.

And that is why you stalked her, you stabbed her, and you stuffed her into the trunk of her own car.

Well, if that's true, you should have pulled that trigger when you had the chance.

And if I was like you, I would have.

Guy's a sociopath. He didn't even blink at the crime scene photos.

He's scraped body parts off the desert floor.

You expect him to fall apart over a body in a trunk?

Why can't you just admit that four tours in lraq has turned him into a cold-blooded k*ller?

Obviously, it doesn't matter what I think.

But you don't have enough to hold him.

What about the attack on Gary Rosten?

The Lieutenant declined to press charges.

I think he wants Pruitt back at his post.

So, they're taking recruits with criminal records now.

What's one more murdering bastard with a g*n?

Forensics came back on Pruitt's Ka-Bar.

They didn't find any blood matching Jessie Crewes.

So? Maybe he cleaned it.

Well, they did say the blade is consistent with her wound tract.

That's not good enough. Since everyone is issued one at induction.

Look. The evidence is circumstantial, but it's strong.

Not against his military record.

What do you need?

Physical evidence linking Pruitt to Jessie's car or apartment.

How about a witness?

The victim's landlord?

Why didn't you check with him before now?

Because I screwed up, and it will not happen again.

Are you sure?

Yeah, yeah.

That's him.

That's the guy I saw arguing with Jessie.

Okay. I'm going to need your signature right next to that photo.

Great. Thank you.

Not your lucky day, Sergeant.

You're making a mistake.

You lied to me. You were seen at Jessie's apartment.

You were heard arguing with her.

She had to go back to base.

It was her only way out and the right thing to do.

You lied to me then and you're lying to me now.

Open your mouth.

I said open your mouth, or I'm going to have you restrained and have your blood drawn.

You decide.

Thanks for the call.

Only because I had to, Commander. It's the law.

Oh, no. Hold it. You don't get him until you sign for it.

Thanks for your hard work.

Enjoy it while it lasts. You won't have custody for long.

You can't be serious. Military justice is swift and sure.

As a prosecutor, you should appreciate that.

I have a moral objection to m*rder.

I haven't decided to seek the death penalty.

Of course you have.

The heinous nature of this crime and the press exposure alone guarantee you'll want to k*ll him.

Execution isn't m*rder when it's sanctioned by law.

Not in New York.

There's a court-ordered moratorium on the death penalty, and I intend to stop you.

Last time I checked, the Judge Advocate had jurisdiction over its members.

Not while hindering our ability to exercise law and order.

Posse Comitatus, Ms. Greylek?

A woman is dead.

m*rder*d in the city.

Her unborn child forcibly removed from her body.

And what justice can you offer the baby?

You have no recourse over victims k*lled in utero. We do.

Have we located the infant's body?

No, Your Honor.

And I don't need it to prove death.

The Uniform Code allows for joint jurisdiction.

The military has given us no relief in this case.

Tell you what. You can have Pruitt when we're done.

Double jeopardy doesn't apply.

But I doubt that we'd waste time and money trying him again.

They won't court-martial a suspect if he's already been prosecuted by the State.

They need every penny for g*ns and a*mo.

Pruitt is a United States Marine bound by military code in or out of uniform, wherever he may be. Sovereignty is absolute, Your Honor.

I'm afraid I have to agree with the Commander.

I'll need Benson to give evidence at Pruitt's Article 32 hearing.

Oh, and she'll be surrounded by uniforms. Tell her to take a pill.

Like a lot of victims, Corporal Crewes didn't immediately report her r*pe.

Why don't victims report sexual as*ault?

Because they often blame themselves.

Shame. Fear.

Many times, they feel violated again by the medical exam, by having to tell their story over and over to law enforcement.

How long did it take the victim to file a complaint?

Thirty days.

After such a prolonged period, was there any evidence left?

The victim's pregnancy.

She decided to have her r*pist's baby.

Nothing further.

Detective Benson, do you like the military?


Is it the uniforms?

The w*r?

Or is it the men and women who bleed for this country who offend you?

I support the troops that fight for our country.

Are you aware, Detective...

But my problem is with any institution that refuses to address rampant sexual trauma.

Thank you, Detective.

Are you aware the U.S. Conviction rate for sexual as*ault is 13%%?

I don't know what that has to do with this.

While the military's conviction rate stands at 10.

Isn't it true you went after a decorated Marine to get press for your crusade?


A crusade, I might add, that has no foundation.

Objection, Your Honor.

Move on, Lieutenant Reed.

Did you know that Corporal Crewes was cited for having sex with a fellow Marine?

Yes. Thirty days prior to her r*pe.

Isn't it possible that she might have had consensual sex again?

I don't know. You don't know that that's possible?

Or you didn't ask if she was still screwing against code?

Lieutenant, I'll give you every latitude, but watch it.

Yes, sir.

Isn't it possible she cried r*pe to cover up a sudden pregnancy in a combat zone as a result of an illicit sexual relationship?


Not when the consequences of reporting a r*pe are so high.

Especially in the military.

How did it go?

Better than I thought.

Pruitt's attorney didn't mention the fact that I held a g*n to his client's head.

It had nothing to do with Jessie's m*rder.

Defense attorneys find every weakness. That's what they do.

I get you not wanting people to know that you're in therapy.

Yeah, well, I may not have a choice.

As long as you work at it, the flashbacks will go away. Did for me.

There's a problem. Forensics came back on the cord blood.

Pruitt's DNA didn't match.

Test it again.

They already did. Twice.

I was wrong.

If Pruitt's not our guy, who is?

We still have four suspects who all worked in close quarters with the victim.

It had to be somebody that she worked with every day.

Who watched her, who thought about her, who enjoyed ordering her around.

Like a pilot.

Who was att*cked by an angry Marine with a Ka-Bar.

You can't keep me here.

We have questions about your movements the night Jessica Crewes was m*rder*d.

So, ask.

I didn't say we wanted to ask you.

Your husband r*ped and m*rder*d Jessica Crewes, and you helped him.

That's ridiculous.

You like being married to a pilot. You love the prestige.

And you weren't going to let Jessica ruin everything that you'd built.

You're crazy.

I'm not listening to this, and you can't keep me here.

Your husband's DNA matches the baby's blood.

That's a lie.

There is no baby.

Then, how come I have a piece of the umbilical cord that the bastard left behind?

You could be charged with aiding and abetting.

And trust me, no judge is going to be lenient.

You can't talk to my wife without an attorney present.

We have rights.

You belong to Uncle Sam.

You have no rights.

She can't tell you anything that you can use.

Okay? It's between a husband and wife. It's privileged.

There's nothing privileged about her actions.

She's guilty.

She'll flip for a deal.

Now, I can ask the D.A. For leniency, but I'm telling you right now, if I walk out that door, I promise you I will never come back.

I didn't know he was going to k*ll her.

Tell me what happened, Marlene.

Gary said Jessie was the camp slut.

And in a moment of weakness, he made a mistake.

A r*pe accusation would have ruined my family.

I wanted to confront her.

But she'd already gone AWOL, so you didn't have the chance.

How did you get Jessie's cell phone number?

I had a friend who worked in base personnel.

And you used a disposable phone.

Gary gave it to me.

What did you say to Jessie to make her trust you?

If my husband was a r*pist, I had a right to know.

That I needed to shield my kids.

I said I had to hear the details face to face.

And she told you where she was?

She felt sorry for me.

Can you believe that?

What did your husband do with the baby?

He said he threw the body in the Hudson.

You wanted to see me?

The Hudson currents run toward New Jersey, but we dragged the river on both sides to be sure.

You found the baby.

He never had a chance, did he?

Warner said he was probably dead before he hit the water.

She didn't find any fluid in his lungs.

Well, that's comforting.

I'll let the grandmother know.

Maybe she can stitch it on a pillow.


I want you to take some personal time off.


You know why.

Just do it.

Is that an order, Captain?


If it was, I'd have to make a notation in your jacket.

How much time should I take off?

As much as you need.

Commander Marcus said you wanted to see me, ma'am.

It's Olivia.

And I wanted to apologize.

For what?

You did your job and got justice for Jessie.

I don't get you at all.

I don't even know what to say to you.

I knew my DNA wouldn't match.

I told you.

I didn't have sex with her.

You just looked out for her.

A Marine in my unit got att*cked by her superior officer.

She was in trouble and needed help. That's my job.

Why didn't you go to your CO?

Accusing an officer without proof will land you in the brig.

And Rosten had already turned you in for fraternizing.

That's why I went after him.

Either he confessed or he wouldn't be coming back from his next deployment.

Would you have k*lled him?

Would you have shot me?

I can't answer that.

And you deserve to know why.

I was sexually assaulted six months ago.

Quit kicking yourself.


That's easy to say and hard to do.

Takes practice.

You'll get there.

I've got to catch my train.


Master Sergeant.


Be careful.

I'm a Marine.

It's what we do.
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