10x13 - Snatched

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x13 - Snatched

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Night-night, Rosie.

Good night, Amy.

Greg! If Rosie hears you... Come here.

She's sleeping like a baby.

Good. Then let's watch the movie.

Rhonda says it's awesome.

The boy vampire is so hot.

Hotter than me?

Okay, maybe not that hot.

Then let's skip the movie and get right to the good part.

Who's that?

I don't know.

Police. Open up.

The cops?

Who called them?

I said open the door.

Okay, I'm coming.

Take it easy. I'm coming.

Hurry up.

Let's go.

No! No, please!

No, please! Don't hurt us!

No fluids on her bed.

Perp went out the window so nobody would see him with the kid.

Uses a fake police badge, wears a ski mask, and knocks out any witnesses.

Taker's a pro.

Looks like Rosie put up a fight.

She left footprints on the window.

The perp leave anything? Nothing.

Babysitter said he wore gloves.

How's she doing?

She's got a broken nose.

Pretty hysterical about Rosie.

EMTs had to sedate her.

What about the boyfriend?

His ego got the worst of it.

We reach the parents yet?

Calls are going straight to voicemail.

I left a message for them to come down to the squad.

Any idea where they went?

Sitter said they were doing dinner and a movie.

You go out for a good time, you come home to a nightmare.

APB is out on Rosie Renaldi.

Her photo is on the way to every police department, toll booth, airport, bus station within 100 miles.

AMBER Alert?

It's in the works for Jersey.

Ditto Connecticut and Pennsylvania.

FBI. No child abductions in the last six months with our taker's MO.

What about the canvasses?

It's a bust so far. Nobody saw or heard anything.

Fin's still on it.

Detective Benson?

I'm Liz Renaldi.

I got your message.

Oh, my God.

That's Rosie.

Is everything okay?

What happened?

Mrs. Renaldi, your daughter has been abducted from your home.


Yeah, I'm Pete Renaldi, Rosie's step-father.

Why aren't you out on the street searching for her?

Mr. And Mrs. Renaldi, we're doing everything we can to locate your daughter.

Geno took her.

Geno Parnell, her biological dad and a bust-out loser.

I'll run Parnell through the system.

He's an ex-con.

Got out of the joint a couple of months ago.

What was he in for?

r*pe and kidnapping. He only did three years in Sing Sing.

At trial, the victim wouldn't testify.

She must have been afraid he'd k*ll her if she did.

Looks like after the first jolt he stayed clean for a while, till he got popped for home invasion and grand larceny.

Not out of prison three months, he hits again, snatching his own daughter.

That's about as sick as it gets.

I was 18 when I met Geno.

I knew he was trouble, but I was into that back then.

I got pregnant with Rosie, he said he'd clean up his act.

Does your ex have visitation?


When he got busted four years ago, I went to see him in prison and I told him it was over.

How did he take that?


He started beating on me.

In front of Rosie.

The guards had to pull him off of me.

Two weeks later, I had his parental rights terminated.

So Rosie hasn't seen her father since then?


I'm her father.

I work every day, put food on the table, keep a roof over her head.

That prick's just a sperm donor.

He's been locked up since Rosie's been in diapers.

Have you had any contact with Geno since he got out?

He called once.

He said if I ever tried to take Rosie away from him, he would make my life a living hell.

You're going to want to see this.

Surveillance tape from the apartment building.

Camera caught a guy getting a little too close to Rosie.

My God. That's Geno.

The bastard's not supposed to come within 200 yards of her.

I knew we should have moved.

Oh, my God. He's got my baby, and it's all my fault.

Mrs. Renaldi, why don't we go sit down? Come on. Come on.


Oh, my God.

Reach out to Parole. Parnell just got out of prison.

His PO should know where to find him.

First couple of months after he got out of Sing Sing, Parnell did everything by the book.

He made his appointments, he passed his piss tests.

Then he stopped showing up.

And you didn't violate his parole?

Of course I did.

But finding a loser like Parnell's way down on my scumbag totem pole.

Maybe if you tried, a little girl would be home, safe in her bed right now.

Don't blame me.

Blame the city.

We just don't have enough manpower.

And you can live with that?

For the next 80 days, until I take my pension and say goodbye to these animals.

Well, let's put this one back in his cage, huh?

Geno's in room I F. Hey!

Hey, hey! Turn that crap down.

I'll throw your ass out of here. Yeah, yeah.

Tough love, huh?

You've got to get tough on these guys.

They'll walk all over you.

Geno Parnell, you got to get tough on him?

He's a creep. He never drinks with the fellows.

He's always talking about little girls.

If he didn't pay his rent on time, I'd kick his ass out, too.

So pervs are welcome as long as they pay you.

Their money's as green as yours.

Geno Parnell!

Police! Open it.

I'm sorry, Detective.

Even bust-outs got rights.

I ain't opening nothing without a warrant.

Out of my way.

Good thing a parole officer doesn't need one.

Wasn't so hard, was it?

No Geno.

But plenty of Rosie.

At the playground, walking home from school.

Most of them taken from a distance.

He's been on her like a lion stalking his dinner.

Wearing lots of different outfits.

Must have been watching her for a month.

Probably since he got out.

When's the last time you saw Geno?

Maybe a couple days ago.

What the hell are these?


That's how he pays his rent.

These won't get you on the subway.

Yeah, but they will get you off.

They're from that jack shack he works at over on Broadway.

Each one of them is worth some private adult entertainment.

Lennon, you let him work at a sex shop?

Please. I got him a gig at a gas station.

He must have been moonlighting.

Well, our next stop is the Nut Hut.

They got a nice selection.

Yeah. No wonder Geno got revved up and hit again.

Like a kid in a candy store.

All right, everybody!

Let's zip it up!

Forrest Hump will still be here tomorrow!

Whoa, whoa. Both of youse. Back the hell up.

You first.

You can't come in here chasing off my clients.

I run a legitimate business for mature adults only.

Yeah, you got a store full of pervs with their pants around their ankles.

That's very mature.

Geno Parnell.

Where is he?

Don't know him.

Let me refresh your memory.

He's the ex-con that you're paying off the books.

Yeah, we could have the IRS come on in here and help you look for his W-2s.

Geno's in back.

Mop duty.

So what do you think?

It's like Let's Make a Deal in hell.

Pick door number one.

Get your own booth.

This is a private party.

One at a time, sweetheart.

Geno Parnell. Police.

Police! Freeze!


I didn't do nothing.

You're training for the marathon, huh?

On your knees.

Where's Rosie, Geno?

I don't know.

I'm not supposed to see her.

What do you have here?

A little girl's barrette?

What, are you putting your hair up in a ponytail now?

It's a little something I keep to remember her by.

Yeah, it's called a souvenir.

I've got one for you.

A one-way ticket back to prison.

I didn't break no law.

These sh*ts were taken 200 feet away.

That's how far the court says I have to stay away from my own flesh and blood.

So it's okay for you to stalk your daughter, as long as you do it legally?

Hey, it's my little girl.

These pictures are all I got.

You're breaking my heart.

Yeah? You're lucky I'm not breaking your face.

Take it easy, pal. You're in enough trouble already.

Hey. I've got a right to see my kid.

Not this close, you don't.

It was her birthday. I wanted to give her a present.

Yeah, well, it looks like you took one, instead.

Now, we found hair in this thing.

DNA's going to say it's Rosie.

One lousy clip.

That's all I've got of her.

But it wasn't enough.

You touched her one time, you had to have more.

You calling me a pervert?

What do you call a guy who kidnaps and r*pes a 15-year-old girl?

It was a misunderstanding.

Judge called it a conviction.

Yeah. I picked that chick up in a bar. She said she was 20.

Hell, the bartender was serving her drinks.

How many girls do you double-check their ID before you pick them up?

I don't pick up 15-year-olds.

Well, if I knew her age, I wouldn't have touched her. She tricked me.

She tricked you.

She trick you into kidnapping her, too?

We hooked up for the weekend.

She went home and her dad called the police.

So you didn't snatch her?


No. Why would you cop a plea?

Because the DA offered three years, and I was facing 12 and a half to 25.

And I didn't want to risk it.

And then those bastards jobbed me.

Okay. Okay, okay.

The girl, she refused to testify.

If I'd have gone to trial, I would have walked.

You're innocent, like everybody else in prison.

Which is where you're going.

No, man. Come on.

All I wanted to do was to see my little girl on her birthday.

Don't lock me up for that.

No, no. I'm locking you up for kidnapping Rosie.

Now, where is she?

What are you talking about?

Stalking her wasn't enough for you? Somebody took Rosie?

You stroked her hair, and she ran away? No, hey.

Hey, that's sick.

Hey, that's my kid!

Every girl getting guys off at the Nut Hut is somebody's kid.

That didn't stop you from working there.

The gas station pays minimum wage.

I work at the Nut Hut for the extra cash and because they don't do background checks.

You're a pervert.

No, you're wrong!

I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't take Rosie!

I was working all last night!

I couldn't have done it! Check!

I swear! What did...

You've got to help me find Rosie!

You mean bury her body deeper so she won't be found.

Sit down!

I had him.

Yeah, like Custer had the lndians.

I want out of here!

Let me out of here!

Geno, calm down.

I've got to find Rosie!

Would you let me out of here?

You want out?

You answer my questions.

So ask!

Did you take your daughter?

I told you I didn't. I love Rosie.

I would never do that to her.

Who took her?

I don't know.

Look, man.

I have made a lot of bad decisions in my life, but I would never do anything to hurt my kid.

So who's looking to hurt you?

The only one with a grudge is my ex.

Liz set me up.

Why would she do that?

Because she's a con artist.

You're the one with the rap sheet.

Liz has never been locked up.

It's in her blood. Her old man is Frank Hager.

That guy would steal anything that ain't nailed down.

Her old man has a lot of enemies.

Maybe one of them snatched my Rosie to get even.

Frank Hager was one of the best thieves in the city for over 40 years.

Back in the '60s and '70s, if a big score went down, odds are Hager was the mastermind.

I collared him myself once, when I was a patrolman.

He's that old, huh?

Jewel heists, bank jobs, armored cars.

Guy's talented.

He stole an RMP once with the cop asleep in the back, just to prove he could.

Looks like Hager's gone into retirement.

His last arrest was '04 for possession of stolen property.

A truckload of TVs. He walked. Look who didn't.

His son-in-law, Geno Parnell.

Geno does four years for Liz's father, and then she kicks him to the curb.

Everybody's hands are a little dirty here.

Frank's spent a lot of years in the business.

He must have made some enemies.

Back in the day, he ripped off a mobbed-up numbers joint.

The Five Families put a hit on him.

Word was he bought them off with an airport job.

Hit Pan Am for a couple of mil in cargo.

Yeah, but that was then.

Maybe this time, he pissed somebody off that he couldn't buy.

They targeted his family.

My father's retired. Why do you want to harass an old man?

Just to ask him if any of his old pals would get even by snatching Rosie.

Then you should go talk to my ex. Geno's got my baby.

He was working. There's no way he took her.

Where's your dad?

I don't know.

Rap sheet says he lives here.

He used to.

After my mom died, he gave me the apartment and moved out.

He said he didn't want me to worry about saving for college for Rosie.

Where does your dad live now?

In the apartment above his store.

I thought you said he was retired. What store?

He runs a pawn shop.

There's no way they would give a convicted thief a license to hock.

He did the papers in his dead brother's name.

What's the address?

Benny Lombardi's on 39th.

Looks like somebody got here first.

I'll check upstairs.



Easy, easy, easy!

I thought you were a robber.

Get up.


Would you give an old guy a hand?

Thank you. What the hell are you, a linebacker?

Strong safety.

Where's Frank?

I don't know.

You work here?

No. He's my friend.

We have coffee every morning.

Two days I haven't seen him, so I came to check.

You swing first, ask questions later, huh?

An old habit.

Yeah. Wait, wait, wait.

Frank's not here. If you see him, have him call me.

You got that?

I got it.

It's important.

Yes, yes, yes.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Who the hell was he?

Concerned citizen.

Well, looks like a tornado hit upstairs. No sign of the old man.

You smell that?

Yeah. You step in something?

It's coming from underneath the floor.

It's a trap door.

It's a panic room.

Take it easy, fellows.

I've got the money.


Here it is.

All of it.

So nobody's got to get hurt, okay?

Come on, Frank.

I told you I'd take care of youse.

Now, what do you say we go get some Salisbury steaks at the Fontainebleau?

It's all there.

Don't you trust me?

There's got to be at least 100 grand in here.

Frank, who's the money for?

Don't worry about it.

Frank never screws up.

Put 20 on the Berwyn Kid across the board. Cicero to show.

The guy's been rambling like this since we found him.

Back in '74, we arrested him for grand larceny.

He was looking at serious time.

He ate his shoe.

The whole thing.

He wound up in the funny farm instead of prison.

Two weeks later, he waltzes out the door and laughs at us all.

So you're not buying it.

I think Frank is reviving his old act, so he doesn't have to tell us where Rosie is.

Well, somebody trashed his place.

And he was hiding in his basement.

The guy's definitely afraid of something.

We need Huang down here to tell us if this guy's a fraud or a freak.

Either way, I think Frank knows something about the kidnapping.

I mean, I see a guy with 100 K in a suitcase whose granddaughter has just been snatched, I'm thinking ransom.

Hey, he is your old pal.

Do you want to take a crack at him?

He's no pal of mine.

All yours.

A tall guy falls off the Empire State Building, hits the ground.

A fellow comes by, looks down, and says, "My God, mister, what happened?"

He looks up from the ground. He says, "I don't know. I just got here. "

That's a good one, Frank. That's a good one. Sit. Let's talk.

So are we going to be pals, or am I in trouble, or...

Why would you be in trouble?

Come on.

You MPs are all the same.

You're always looking for a little taste. Which is normally fine, but tonight, unfortunately, I got rolled by a couple of gyrenes.

They cleaned me out.

Fortunately, I've got a few extra bucks under the bunk.

Yeah? What?

Like $100,000?



All right. I think I can get you 50 bucks.

Maybe 60, but it's back at the ship.

What ship?

USS Magpie.


I thought the Magpie was decommissioned before Vietnam.

Hey. Toking on the wacky weed, are you?

You better stay in shape, pal.

Those North Koreans look like they mean business.

So now you're fighting in the Korean w*r.

Hey, hey. Trust me.

We don't take care of them Commie bastards right now, they're going to rule the world.

Frank? Frank.

Where's your granddaughter?


Where's your granddaughter?

No, no, no.

Hey, look, look, look.

I've got buddies over here got kids running around all over the place.

But not Frank Hager.

Mr. Johnson always wears a raincoat. Always.

You have no kids?

No kids.

And sure as hell no grandkids.

I'm done yakking with you.

Either I get back to my shore leave, or take me to the brig.

All right. Sit tight.

He's sun-downing.

What does that mean?

People with dementia are usually more lucid in the morning.

They tend to get irritable as the day goes on.

We can't wait until tomorrow for answers.

Well, I'm not sure you're going to get them at all.

So you think this nonsense he's spewing is the real deal?

He goes in and out of reality.

His memory is random bits and pieces of his life, mashed together into a nonsensical puzzle. Classic Alzheimer's.

Any way to jog that memory?

Alzheimer's patients live in the past.

Sometimes, an old friend or family member can trigger a moment of lucidity.


Hey, Frankie.

Where the hell have you been?

I was starting to worry about you. No calls, no nothing.

I haven't seen you since that bank job went south.

Yeah. That was 1999.


Sorry about that.

Someone must have tipped off the bulls. Yeah.

I had to hide out in that farmhouse in Pennsylvania.

That Amish broad with the whiskers?

Yeah. She take care of you?

She sure did.

Hey. Have you seen Rosie lately?



I don't know any Rosie.

Hey, who's the jamoke?

He's my new entry man.

Who you work for before Geno?

The Solanos out of Brooklyn. Did a lot of work for them in Florida.

Well, the trick with them Florida snow birds is fire.

Put a cigarette out on the wife, and the husband's running to open his safe.

Listen. Don't hurt her, okay?

I'll get you your jewels back.

Who are you talking about, Frank?

Rosie. Let her go.

Who, Frank?

Who should let her go?

Who's got Rosie, Frank?

Look, pal. If I want any lip out of you, I'll rattle my zipper. Okay?

We just want to find Rosie.

Hey, have a little respect.

I'm fencing 750 Gs of Harry Winston's finest.

I'm a professional.

I was doing jobs when you were filling your diapers.

Take it easy.

You're just a wannabe.

Mr. Hager...

Take it easy, Mr. Hager.

Hey! Don't tell me what to do!

I'll hack your feet off, pal.

Hey, hey!

Like I did with that punk from...

Hey! Shut up, Frank!

No one needs to hear about that.

Frank? You took me in.

You loved me like a father.

I did four years hard time for you, and I have never asked you for anything.

Please. Tell me what happened to Rosie.

Rosie? What...

Your granddaughter!

Where is she?


What a beautiful baby.

That's right.

But your Rosie's all grown up.

You held her at her christening.

You took her to her first day of school.

I remember.

Well, she's lost.

She needs your help, Frank.

Only you can help her.

Don't I know you?

Were you in the Navy?

No. I'm your son-in-law!


What? Are you ready for another job?

Frank. Listen to me.

We saw the 100 G in your suitcase. What was it for?

I've got to pay the guy.

I lost his jewels.

Right. Who?

Yeah, he's pissed off.

He says he'll hurt Rosie, and...

I've got to find a girl.

I only got two more nights in port.

I pulled every jewel robbery in the last year.

Found only one major heist, three quarters of a mil.

750 grand.

Just like Frank said.

It's got to be the same job he's talking about.

That's amazing.

My whole life, I never made a score half this rich.

Yeah, I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.

The report says the perp entered the brownstone through the front door, got into the safe within half an hour, didn't trigger any alarms, and then left out the back window.

No prints, no evidence.

Only got one witness.

Said he saw a man in black going through the window.

Same way Rosie was taken.

It's got to be the same guy.

He gives the jewelry to Frank to fence.

Frank screws up, can't remember where he stashes the loot.

When the jewel thief comes back for his big payday, Frank can't even remember who he is or where the jewelry is.

Then Frank runs and hides when he hears the thief trashing his place, looking for his stuff. When he doesn't find it, he steals my daughter.

You know, maybe Frank got a ransom call in a moment of lucidity, and that's why he had the 100 grand.

He was waiting for instructions.

So what? We waiting for the phone to ring?

No. We try and crack the jewel heist. Find the kidnapper.

Call Frank's daughter.

Tell her what happened.

Maybe she can let us know how he scrounged up 100 grand on such short notice.

Hey. Somebody? Mayday.

I've got to take a leak.

He needs to rest before you go at him again.

Well, I'm running out of time here.

The more tired he is, the less cogent he'll be.

I'll call a friend at the VA about getting Frank into care.

So some government doc can stop me from interviewing him? No.

Frank stays here until I get a lead.

Detective Stabler.

I've got to talk to you.


What is my daddy doing here?

Get your hands off my father, you son of a bitch!

Hey. I've done more for your father than you ever have.

Honey, don't talk to your husband like that.

He's not my husband anymore!

He's just trying to give me a hand.

Yeah, well, at least I stayed home when I was.

Where's douchebag Pete?

At least Rosie didn't go missing on my watch.

That's because you took her, you pervert!

I would never hurt her!

You rancid bitch!

Look at you!

Your first response is always with your fists.

Think of your daughter.

Come on.

Let's take a walk.

You just come here to rile him up, or are you going to help us with your father?

I came here for this.

You have one hour to bring me $100,000 in unmarked bills, or I k*ll the little girl.

Slowly and painfully.

The tunnel off West 90th, Central Park.

When did you get this?

Right after Detective Stabler called.

Like 20 minutes ago.

I ran right over.

I don't have that kind of money.

I do.

I was going to use it to bribe the MP, but youse can have it. I hate to see a cute dame cry.

Thanks, Dad.

We got 40 minutes to make this happen. How do you want to play it?

Close to the vest.

It's going to be okay, Liz. We're going to get your daughter back.

I can't believe this is happening to me.

I know.

That's why you have to do exactly what we tell you.

Now. You're going to wear this in your ear so you can hear our instructions.



Now, if anything goes wrong, I want you to scratch your ear with your right hand. Okay?

That way, we'll come rushing in.


What could go wrong?

Nothing. As long as you stay calm and focused.

Now, this microphone will pick up everything.

So I need you to say something.

Thank you.

Elliot. El.

That's got to be him.

Liz, stay calm and head into the tunnel.

The kidnapper is wearing a dark-hooded parka.

Heads up. Liz just entered my side of the tunnel.

There's no visual on our side of the tunnel.

The suspect is coming out on my side. Stand by.

I don't like this.

Liz, say something if you can. Anything.

Just let us know that you're okay.

I'll grab the kidnapper. You rush the tunnel. Everybody in.

Liz, talk to me.


Hey, let go of me!

Come on.

Where's the money?

What money?

The guy only gave me 20 bucks to go in there, but I'm keeping it!

Liz! Can you hear me?

Where are you?

Liz. What are you doing?

I'm sorry, Olivia.

I have to run.

Keep her talking.

I'll get the bolt cutters.

Why do you have to run?

Because I found those jewels in my dad's box of All-Bran.

I didn't know he was supposed to fence them.

Where are they?

They're gone.

To pay Pete's gambling debt, or they'd k*ll him.

But it wasn't enough.

Pete made the ransom call?

We need the money to get out of town!


Liz! What about Rosie?

If I go to prison, I won't see her until she's 30.

Don't do this.

Just tell her I love her.

Liz, stop! Come back here!

Come back here!

Just got a lead off the AMBER Alert.

Sighting of Rosie by a security guard at a mall upstate.

I'm on it.

You dig up anything on Liz and Pete?

I checked their financials.

They're smart enough not to use their credit card.

With 100 K, they won't have to.

Hey! What happened?

Where's Rosie?

Don't tell me you botched the drop.

It was a setup.

Liz disappeared down a storm drain with the ransom.

You know that son of a bitch, Pete?

He works for the Sewer Department. So they've got Rosie?

The kidnap's for real.

Looks like Liz ripped off Frank for the jewels, and when the thief couldn't get his money, he snatched Rosie for collateral.

I told you she was a no-good bitch.

So this scumbag's got my daughter. Now, what?

We work Frank for the name of the thief.

Frank barely knows his own name.

Do you know where we can find some of Frank's friends?

Most of them are all dead, and the ones who aren't are up at Fishkill making license plates.

There was an old-timer at Frank's pawn shop.


Eddy Mack?

He's no friend.

He's competition.

That old guy's a ten-percenter. What's that?

He's a retired thief who tips off younger guys about easy jobs.

For that info, he gets 10%% of the take.

Well, would he have his ear to the ground for rich women with a lot of rocks?

Well, he's not going to miss an easy score.

Yeah, he'd know who did that jewel heist.

But he won't tell you.

About the only thing these guys could steal are walkers and canes.

Yeah, every one of these guys would cut your heart out and sell it for a buck.

Hey, there, baseball fan.

You bring the cops down here, Geno?

What, are you nuts?

Eddy, my daughter's in trouble.

So's Frank.

He's sick.

He's sick.

We all have those senior moments.

His mind is shot.

He screwed up a job, and he got my daughter kidnapped as payback.

Can't help you, Geno.

Look, all we need is a name.

There's no testifying.

I never sang in my life.

You want me to start now?

Please, Eddy. It's my kid we're talking about.

I can't help you, buddy.

I'm a retired bus driver on a pension.


Don't "Eddy" me, okay?

Just don't "Eddy" me.

You bring him in here.

Sports, look.

Look at this paper. That black senator lady from lllinois.

They say she used to be a professor and will only drink from a glass.

Ain't that something?

Let's go.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

He just gave us what we needed.

I don't see it.

He was talking in code.

We've just got to crack it.

This is the safe the jewels were in.

It's a Moseley. It's supposed to be un-crackable.

Carol Moseley Braun.

That's the lllinois senator.

I don't think she was ever a professor, though.

I know someone who is.

Guy named Roy Batters.

Teaches engineering at Hudson.

He's the number one safecracker in the country.

But then what did Eddy mean by "will only drink from a glass"?

I'm going to ask the professor.

Professor Batters?

$100,000 education and you don't know how to knock.

You're not students.

We're here for a little adult education.

The constabulary. That introduces an air of mystery.

What would you want with me?

I teach mechanical engineering.

With a minor in high-end jewel heists.

We hear that you know how to crack safes.

If you're insinuating that I'm a thief, that's preposterous.

Safecracking is just my little hobby. You know.

I relish the challenge of penetrating the impenetrable.

How do you penetrate that?

Nice try, gentlemen.

But you can't trick old Roy Batters.

What trick?

This Moseley safe doesn't come with glass panels.

It's been modified.

That's right.

An average thief would try to drill into this safe, thinking it's a garden variety Moseley, and when he hits the panels, the safe locks down.

Making it impossible to open.

Well, somebody figured it out and made off with three quarters of a million in diamonds.

Yeah? There are only three people in the world who have the talent to get inside that safe.

What are their names?

Well, I can't get involved.

You can't or you won't?

A little of both.

I mean, gentlemen, like I said, I am a hobbyist among a bunch of criminals.

If any of them found out I squealed, you know what would happen.

Whoever cracked that safe kidnapped this girl.

You don't help us, she dies.

That's what else will happen.

Needless to say, I am one of the talented few who could crack it.

The second is my mentor, but he's dead.

Who's the third?

My mentor's son, Jake.

Search warrant!

Police! Show us your hands! Your hands!



Hey, Jake.

Where's Rosie?

Go screw yourself.

Rosie? Rosie?

Hello, Rosie. We're policemen. You're safe now.

You want to come out?

It's okay.

Okay. Good.


Hey! My baby girl!

I missed you so much.

I missed you, too, Daddy.

Hey, look.

Pop-Pop's here, too.

Hey, sweet pea.

You recognize her?

Yeah. You think I don't know my own granddaughter?

Hey. Listen, sweetie, Pop-Pop's got to go.

But what do you say this Saturday that you and me catch a movie?

At The Roxy? Sleeping Beauty? Sound good?


Sounds good to me.

Where you off to now, Frank?

Frank's moving into an adult care facility.

Yeah. I'm looking forward to busting out of the joint.

We've got to go.

Yeah. Right. Right.

All right, sweetie.

You take care, now.

Take care, Frank.

Are you coming to live with us now, Daddy?

I don't know, sweetie.

Your PO said he'd waive your violation.

You can walk out of here a free man tonight.

You want to come stay with me?

What about Mommy?


Mommy and Pete, they're...

They went away on a little trip.

So it's just you and me for now.

Okay, Daddy.

I want to see your house.


I just need to talk to the policeman for a minute, okay? Here.

Go with that nice lady.

Hi, Rosie.

What the hell am I going to do?

I cannot bring a kid back to that dump I've been living in.

Calm down. All you...

You just enroll her in school, get her some clothes, make sure she's up to date on her sh*ts.

Hey, relax. Relax. I'll tell you what we're going to do.

Let's just worry about tonight, all right?

Check into the Howard Johnson on Broadway.

Get yourself some room service. Here. Come on.

Watch a movie.

Give yourself a couple of days. You'll figure it out.


You sure you're a cop?

Hey, sweetie.

Hey, come here.

I've got to admit, I thought Geno was a loser.

But I think he's got a good shot at going straight and doing right by his daughter.

I'm glad I was wrong for once.

For once?

Elliot. Did you send Geno and Rosie to HoJo's?


Something happened.

What happened?

He tried to stick the place up.

He said he was going to blow my head off.

Geno, what happened?

Geno, why did you do this?

You finally had a chance.

Why did you do this?

Go to hell.

Get him out of here.

The g*n was empty.

I know you.

You're the policeman.

That's right. Hey, you're going to get a stomach ache from all that pizza you're eating.

Want to watch the movie with me?

Actually, sweetie, we've got to go.

Where's Daddy?

He had to go away.

But he just came back.

Don't beat yourself up, El. Look.

At least the Connecticut State Troopers picked up Liz and Pete, right?

Morning, Detective.

Eddy Mack.

What can I do for you?

I heard Geno crapped the bed.


No surprise there. But I wanted to see about his kid.

Rosie. We put her in a foster home. Good people.

Maybe this will help a little bit.

What's this?

Open it.

I owe Geno.

For what?

None of your business.

I went to his hotel to pay him, and he says to bring it to you guys.

Got to be $200,000 here.

It's not for you, flatfoot. Here.

He robbed that hotel on purpose.

He wanted to go back to prison.

He thought she'd be better off without him.

Yeah, well, some people can do the time and walk out like nothing happened.

Other people, they do the time and they come out and they're never normal.

Yeah, well, what about Rosie?

He finally realized sometimes, even if you want something real bad, you shouldn't have it.

Look, I've got to go see my pal, Frank.

He's in a broken-down VA hospital up in the Bronx.

And, look. If you need something from me in the future, please send her.
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