10x20 - Crush

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x20 - Crush

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Okay. I've got to go to class.

All right.

Call me later.

All right. I will.

I love you.

Love you.


We all love you, Kim.

And we've seen what he loves.

Hey, Kim, baby.

Hey, Kim. Want to borrow my Wonderbra?

There's no hiding it now.

When's the next show?

Who else you putting out for?


Call an ambulance!

Kimberly Garnet. 15. She's in a coma from an intracranial bleed.

Parents are with her.

What happened?

She fell down the stairs at school.

Did somebody push her?

No, she tripped.

So, why did you call us?

This girl's been physically abused.

I found a bruise on her scalp that's purple and red.

Fresh one would be yellow and blue.

So, it's not from the fall.

My guess, she was kicked in the head a couple of days ago.

And it wasn't the first time.

See these white spots?

They're calcifications, probably from an old subdural hematoma.

How old?

About eight to ten months.

As soon as I saw this, I ordered a full body scan.

Okay. So, what are we looking at now?

Healed rib fractures.

And look at this shoulder.

Bone chips and a previous evulsion.

Somebody's beating the hell out of her.

I don't understand.

Kim fell down the stairs.

Why did the school call the police?

Well, actually, Kim's doctor called us.

He said that she's been injured a lot lately.

Oh. You mean the dislocated shoulder? Oh, that was an accident.

How did it happen?

She got knocked into a wall playing basketball.

And banged up her face, too.

We're lucky she didn't need a plastic surgeon.

Is that when she broke her ribs?

Kim didn't break any ribs.

Well, X-rays show that she did.

There's also evidence of an old head injury.

Well, you're saying that someone did this to my baby and I didn't even know it?

Why didn't Kim tell us?

She's ashamed.

And scared of whoever's been hurting her.

Whoever's been hurting her better be scared of me.

Has Kim had any problems at school lately?

Her grades slipped this year from straight A's to B's.

Liz and I have been on her to drop a sport and clean up her act.

Everything okay at home?


Except for the fact I've been out of work since last fall.

What did you do?

Senior VP. At Lehman.

I got fired before the bankruptcy.

For opening my mouth and warning them that we were in trouble.

Bill is still very angry.

Especially since he can't find another job.

Are Kim and her father close?

She's always been Daddy's little girl.

But with your husband losing his job, and being very angry...

What are you insinuating?

Only that sometimes a volatile situation...

I'm telling you right now. My husband wouldn't lay a finger on Kimmie.

You think I hit her?


You're a guy who used to have the world by the balls.

You're out pounding the pavement.

You know, I'd be angry, too.

Pal, you better think about what you're saying.

What I'm saying is, I've got teenage daughters, too.

And I know how they can push your buttons.

Stay out late, date guys you don't like.

Stop it. And when you try and talk with them, all you get back is lip.

I'm letting you know that...

Stop it.

Okay. I understand if you couldn't...

Stop it! ... take it anymore and you hit her.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

That's not who I am.

That's okay.

I understand.

Just tell me what happened to Kimmie.

What kind of a father am I?

Bill? Are you okay?

Why do they think that I hurt Kimmie?

I didn't touch her.

I swear I didn't.

I will take a lie detector test. Anything.

We're just trying to find out who's been beating Kim.

Is there someone she confides in?

A teacher? A friend?

Steve Walker is her boyfriend.

You don't sound too happy about that.

We think they spend a little too much time together.

You know where we can find him?

I was at the hospital, but they said only family could see Kim.


She's going to be okay, right?

Yeah. The doctors are hopeful.

How long have you two been seeing each other?

About a year.

We were really good friends, she tutored me in math, and you know.

She ever talk about her parents?

They think we hang out too much.

Sucks, because we've always got to go back to my place if we want to...

When's the last time you wanted to?

Over the weekend.

She said she couldn't because she had to go to some wedding or something.

How did you feel about that?

You think I hit her?

Somebody did.

No way. But a couple of months ago, she didn't want to mess around because her shoulder was effed up.

And I saw bruises on her ribs.

Did she tell you how she got injured?

She said it was in her boxing class.

No one's supposed to know about that.

I have one class of teenage girls, and Kim's the best.

Never missed a session.

Did something happen to her?

She got hurt, and we're trying to figure out how.

One guess. A dirtbag named Rick Edwards.

Does he box here?

Oh, yeah.

He puts the moves on Kim. She blows him off.

But, then, she's jumping rope one day, and he trips her up.

So, I suspended his ass for seven days.

Her problem go away?

Try only got worse. Kim was just in here on Friday.

She said the lowlife was bothering her again.

Any idea where we can find him?

Oh, yeah. He was just... Hey, Edwards. Get your ass down here.

What you want, bitch?

Pure charm, huh?

Yeah. Hey, pallie.

Do as the lady says.

When I'm done.

Give me a minute.

What's your problem?

You with Kim Garnet.

That bitch called the cops?

Is every woman a bitch to you, man?

Cheap shot.

Oh, I thought it was a street fight.

Assaulting a cop?

Trespassing? You're tripping.

Well, you'll be doing life if Kim Garnet dies.

Dies? What the hell are you talking about?

Friday? You kicked her in the head?

I just talked to her.

Because you're a lover, not a fighter, huh, champ?


Whoa. Who's my main man's bunkmate here?

Well, this is Little Pete.

He r*ped a 13-year-old boy.

Hi, there.

Wait. You can't lock me up with a pervert.

Why? He looks like a lover, too.

Hey, play nice with him, Little Pete.

Real nice.

No! I'll tell you everything.

Last week, I waited outside the gym for her.

I tried to apologize. She wouldn't give me the time of day.

I wanted to throttle her, but I didn't. I swear.

You really want to put the screws to him, make him go 10 rounds with you know who.

Our talk-too-much tech.

Yeah. You go save the Captain.

I'll lock up Rocky downstairs.

Hey. The Elster.

How's it hanging?

What do you got, Stuckey?

Uh, an updated 411 on the stuff that I pulled out of Kim Garnet's school locker.

Which he neglected to forward to TARU as instructed.

Well, yeah. I took a little peek-a-boo myself, and I figured you'd want to take a look at what was on here ASAP.

Your victim has been sexting.


Yeah. Sending nude photos of herself on her cell phone.

I mean, this girl is smoking hot.

The phone.

"I love you. "

Yeah, and there's lots more.

Full frontals, close-ups and stuff.

And judging by the amount of hate mail Kim got, I'd say someone probably viraled those pics to her whole school.

You think Speedo Steve could send out nude pictures of his girlfriend?

Well, anyone with access to her phone could have done it.

I mean, grabbed it from her locker, take it while she wasn't looking.

Well, someone wasn't too happy to be getting this. "You're gonna die. "

Who sent that text?

She did.


The text came from her number.

Why would she send a death threat to herself?

I don't think Kim sent herself this death threat.

That's her cell number.

Yeah. But I can't find any record on her cell phone bill that she sent the text.

Then, why is her number on it?

What about spoofing?

What's that?

Deliberately faking a caller ID number.

El, you mind jotting down your mobile number for me?

You sext me, Stuckey, you're toast.

FoneFake. Com?

Yeah. I just enter in the number that I want to call, Elliot's, and the number that I want to appear as the caller ID.

Also Elliot's, and then, bing, bang, bong.

I'll be damned. I just called myself. Yeah.

FoneFake lets you change the sound of your voice, record conversations, and send texts anonymously.

And this is legal?

Well, I mean, no one shut them down yet.

So, how do we trace the death threat?

See, therein lies the rub, Cap.

I mean, there's got to be a dozen of these spoofing sites online.

Well, no judge is going to give us a subpoena for every one of them.

Yeah. In other words, Stuckey's wasting our time again.

But if we work the other way, we can find out who she initially sent the naked photos to.

Here's her texts from last week.

Well, there you go. Steve Walker, her boyfriend.

Not necessarily.

According to her cell phone bill, she first texted them to an Ethan Morse.

Who's Ethan Morse?

His cell phone bills to an address in Little Neck.

Guess I'm going to Queens.

Actually, I can save you a trip.

Ethan's in Manhattan.

I Googled him.

Try Grandview Prep.

Ethan got great reviews in Oklahoma! last fall.

He's the star of their theater program.

Hey. You two wanted to see me?

Let me guess. You're from William Morris, right?

Here to give me my big break?

No, we're not that kind of agent.

We have questions about Kim Garnet.

Kim? Why? I didn't push her down the stairs.

Nobody said you did.

Okay. I'm sorry.

How can I help you, Officers?

How well you know Kim?

We're friends.

Friends with benefits?

Come on. Everybody in the school got those pictures.

Yeah, but Kim sent them to you first. Why?

She meant to send them to Steve Walker, her boyfriend. It was just an accident.

No. Tripping in the hallway is an accident, not ending up spread eagle in the yearbook.

Look, guys.

I wish Kim wanted to be more than friends.

But let's face it, I'm a drama geek.

Hot girls don't really go for drama geeks. Sorry.

Hey. I've got one last question for you.

When was the last time you saw Kim?

Monday. After first bell. Before she got hurt.

El, that kid Ethan isn't telling us everything.

Kim was in his part of town Friday night.

How do you know that?

TARU checked her cell phone.

When she sent this to her boyfriend, the signal bounced off a tower three blocks from Ethan's house.

So, Kim was hanging out with Ethan while she was sexting dirty pictures to Speedo Steve.

There's more. Ethan's got himself a temper.

Suspended twice for starting fights.

Kicked a student in the head.

How did you get Ethan's school records?

I got it from one of my retired buddies.

He's head of security at Grandview Prep.

Slipped them to me on the down low.

Slip them back. You got them without a subpoena.

So, for me, they don't exist.

Samantha Copeland from Corp Counsel.

Detectives Stabler and Tutuola.

Call me Sam.


Well, Ethan Morse is a juvenile.

You going to prosecute him in Family Court?

If it ever makes it there.

You got any evidence I can actually use?

We know it's circumstantial, but it's solid.

It all points to Ethan.

Ethan's the boyfriend of your victim.

No, Swimmer Steve is her guy. And, Drama Boy Ethan admits he's had his eye on her.

Here's how it went down.

Kim took her tumble in school on Monday, but her doctor said someone smacked her around a couple of days before.

Which means Friday or Saturday.

Now, we know that she was home all day Saturday.

And she was in school all day Friday until 4:00 p. m.

So, she must have been att*cked on Friday night.

When she went out to Little Neck.

Which is Ethan Morse's turf.

So, he had to be who gave her the beat down.

Okay. So, what's his motive?

Kid's got a crush on her.

Kim sends him dirty pictures of herself.

He thinks she wants to be more than friends.

He invites her over thinking he's going to get laid.

But when she gets to Little Neck, she says she sexted him by mistake, and he goes ballistic on her.

Unless it wasn't a mistake, and she was dating Ethan behind Steve's back.

This is video surveillance from the ticket booth at Penn Station.

Okay. So, we've got Kim Friday night. 6:28 p. m.

At window seven.

Check out window 12.

Steve Walker.

Where was he going?

Little Neck. Used Daddy's credit card three minutes after Kim.

He's stalking his girlfriend. Steve followed her to her rendezvous in Queens, waited for her to leave Ethan.

And then, he beat her up. Or Ethan gets pissed when he spotted Steve, waited until he got her alone, and whaled on her.

Time to get them in here.

Find out what really happened.

I wasn't stalking Kim.

And, you just happened to buy a train ticket to Little Neck three minutes after she did.

Kim asked me to go with her. To protect her.

From Ethan?

Yeah. She was afraid of what he would do when she told him.

Told him what?

That she just wanted to be friends.

She didn't like me.

You know, like that.

Well, Kim knew you had a crush on her.

Yeah, that's why I thought she sent me the pictures.

You got angry when she blew you off?

What are you accusing my son of?

Mrs. Morse, we're just trying to find out how your son's friend ended up in a coma.

How long have you been hanging out with her?

Since school started in September.

Kim's previous head injury happened in September.

So, if Kim was going to tell Ethan she wasn't interested in anything more, she would need Steve's protection.

I'm telling you. My son's never done a violent thing in his life.

But that Morse kid is out of control.

You said he was suspended twice. Right, Son?

That's why I went with her to Little Neck. I wanted her to be safe.

But you used a separate ticket booth.

It was Kim's idea, so Ethan wouldn't see me with her in case he was on the train.

Okay. Now, were you aware that Kim sent this to Ethan?

By accident. She said she meant to send it to me.

But you didn't believe her, because you sent her this.

Look. I swear I didn't.

Sure you did.

Friday night, right after Kim told you she only wanted to be friends.

I was bummed.

I wasn't angry.

That's bull. You got pissed, you kicked the crap out of her, then you sent her the death threat.

No. Okay? You're wrong.

That's not true!

I didn't hurt Kim.

You followed her to Little Neck, you saw her with Ethan, and you taught her a lesson.

No! I love her!

Then, you texted her nudie pictures to the entire school.

You spoofed your caller ID to make it look like Kim sent those photos.

Spoofed? I don't know what you're talking about.

You're a batterer with a bad temper.

Does beating up girls make you feel like a big man?

That's enough. We are not answering any more questions.

Without a lawyer present.

I know our rights.

You can't hold my son without proof.

We're going home.

You going to let this happen?

Cut them loose.

Where's Ethan?

Making a pit stop.

Hey! What did you do to Kim?

Ethan, get back here!

Saved her from you, drama queen.

Son of a bitch!

You beat her up!

You see why Kim was scared? He's crazy!

That boy att*cked my son. You saw it. I want to press charges!

You're going to pay for what you did, man.

I didn't do anything, Dad.

Hospital just called.

Kim's awake.

You're dead now, ass wipe.

Fin. Elliot. Escort these boys out of the building.

This way.

Let's go talk to Kim. Get her to settle this once and for all.
I was sprinting in the park when I tripped over a rock.

I fell and hit my head.


You promised to tell the truth.

I am telling the truth.

Are you afraid of someone?

Because we can protect you.

I'll get a restraining order.

I don't need one.

It was an accident.

Were your broken ribs and dislocated shoulder accidents, too?


Kim, we know you went to see Ethan on Friday.

We also know that you sent both boys nude pictures of yourself.

You did what? What in God's name were you thinking?

Sweetheart. Once these get out there, there's no getting them back.

I'm sorry.

It was a mistake.

It's a bigger mistake to protect your abuser, whoever he is.

Kim, he's not going to stop.

What he did to you is not love.

You think these pictures made him angry?

One day, he's going to go too far and k*ll you.

You'll be saying goodbye to your daughter on a slab in the city morgue.

Excuse us. Excuse us for one second, please.

What are you doing?

That girl is a victim.

Browbeating her is not the answer.

Then, we'll arrest her.

Arrest her? For what?

Possession and distribution of kiddie porn.

A couple of days in jail, she'll turn around.

Are you out of your mind?

That girl broke the law when she sent naked pictures of herself.

I'm not collaring a victim to make her talk.

Arrest her. Or I'll find someone who will.

And I'll report you to lnternal Affairs for failure to take police action.

Kim Garnet, you're under arrest.

You can't arrest her.

She didn't do anything wrong.

She produced child pornography.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

Why are you doing this to me?

If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you.

I thought you wanted to help me.

Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?

How low can you get, Samantha?

What you're doing to this girl is repugnant.

I'm trying to save Kim's life.

By putting me in jail?

If that's what it takes.

Kimberly hasn't committed a crime.

This charge is a transparent ploy to intimidate her into naming her abuser.

Dating v*olence in this city is up nearly 50 percent in the last decade.

I am not about to let another girl get victimized.

Or m*rder*d.

If your client cooperates, I'll drop the charges.

Blackmailing her isn't going to get her to cooperate.

Kim, you will not be safe until he's locked up.

Kim. Please.

See you at trial.

To paraphrase Justice Stewart, "I can't define child pornography, "but I know it when I see it. "

And this sure looks like kiddie porn, Ms. Pond.

The respondent took these photos of herself, Your Honor.

The respondent is lying naked in bed, posed in a lewd and lascivious manner.

These pictures are clearly intended to elicit a sexual response.

Based on the People v.

Bimonte, that is kiddie porn.

Our laws were passed to protect children.

Kimberly Garnet is a member of that protected class, not a perpetrator.

It is only a matter of time before these pictures end up on the lnternet in the hands of a pedophile.

She distributed them.

She's culpable.

She didn't intend to distribute them.

Just a moment.

Detective Benson.

You're the arresting officer.

Do you believe Ms. Garnet distributed and produced child pornography?

By the letter of the law, yes, Your Honor.

But I do not believe that that was her intent.

Thank you for your honesty.

Based on Detective Benson's statement, I'm moving to dismiss the charges.

Not so fast, Ms. Pond.

Too many teenage girls are texting or posting nude pictures of themselves without the slightest regard to the serious implications of their actions.

We have an epidemic on our hands.

And it's time to send a message. Enough.

The evidence here is more than enough to proceed to trial.


There's nothing I can do.

You did plenty in chambers.

I know you don't agree with what Copeland's doing.

Look. It's out of my hands. Benson.

What? I'm on my way.

Counselor, you'd better come with me.

How bad? Compound fracture of the left ulna.

Lacerations and bruises to her face.

Kids dating is supposed to be about what color prom dress to wear.

Not a trip to the E.R.

Unfortunately, I see it too often.

One in 10 teens is physically abused by a partner.

Did she tell you how it happened?

Yeah. And I don't believe her for a second.

Oh, my God.

It was an accident.

Tell them the truth, Kim. Please.

I fell off my skateboard.


Let them help you.

She arrested me.

How is that helping me?

Detective Benson stood up for you in court.

Kimberly, you can't let him do this to you anymore.

Now she's on her side.

Kim. We're all on your side.

Then leave me alone.

I can't do that.

Get out.


I want her out of here now!

How's Kim?

They're keeping her overnight for observation.

And if everything's okay, they'll send her home tomorrow and clear her for court.

I heard you sandbagged the prosecutor today.

Copeland got what she wanted.

Which doesn't give you license to defect to the defense.

We're supposed to protect the victims, not throw the book at them.

Kim Garnet committed a crime.

How is sending naked pictures to two boys your own age kiddie porn?

The law hasn't caught up with new technology.

And we are criminalizing private behavior.

It is not private when these kids begin sexting.

College admissions officers, future employers, even their own children might see these pictures one day.

They don't realize the consequences of their actions.

So, she made a stupid decision.

But she shouldn't go to jail or be labeled a sex offender for the rest of her life.

That's not up to you.

It's up to the judge.

How do you feel, Kimberly, knowing that the entire school as seen you naked?


I can barely get through the day without kids pointing at me and whispering.

Did you text these photos to anyone other than Steve and Ethan?

I didn't even mean to send them to Ethan.

So, you didn't intend for these boys to forward them to the entire student body.

No, of course not.

Nothing further.

So, you sent the photo to Steve and Ethan, and one of them viraled the picture to get back at you.

Objection. Calls for speculation.


Do you think one of them also sent you the death threat?

Your Honor.

I'm allowing it.

Answer the question.

I don't know.

Someone did.

Perhaps the same person who beat you up and broke your arm yesterday.

This is irrelevant.

I believe the respondent was att*cked in order to intimidate her and influence her testimony here in this courtroom today.

Is this true, Miss Garnet?

I had an accident.

Let me remind you, young lady, that you're under oath.

Did someone as*ault you to get you to alter your testimony?

Please don't make me tell you.

I'm giving you one last chance.

Name your assailant or I'm holding you in contempt of court.

I can't.

Then, maybe a night in the court lockup will change your mind.

Respondent is in contempt.

Officer, take her away.

We'll resume tomorrow.

Court adjourned.

Well, at least she'll be safe tonight.

Maybe it's the only way.

She won't listen to anyone.

I know someone who might get through to her.

Who are you?


I'm a friend of Olivia's.

I was sitting in here a couple of months ago.

She put you in jail, too?

Yeah. And my dad's Detective Stabler.

How could you do that to your partner's kid?

I'm glad she did. It helped me stop hating myself.

What makes you think I hate myself?

Because I was a lot like you.

I let boys use me. Have sex with me. Even hit me.

Kim, I was too scared and too ashamed to say anything.

Things got so bad I went to jail.

But I finally let someone help me.

The same person is trying to help you.

I don't know what to do.

I love him.

How can I betray him?

He's betraying you.

Every time he hits you.

Afterwards, he says he's sorry.

He'll never do it again.

So, you forgive him.

But he hits you again.

He makes you feel like you're nothing.

Like he's the only one who will ever love you.

And then, he hits you some more.

And says that you deserve it. Doesn't he?

The first time, we were at a party, I spilled punch on him.

And he slapped me in the face for messing up his new shirt.

Then, it was after school, for talking to another boy.

Then, it was just for no reason at all.

Kim, if someone really loves you, they'd never hurt you.

They'd treat you with respect.


Let them help you.

Ethan's always doing nice things for me.

We text each other all the time.

I sent him those pictures by mistake.

And he got his hopes up.

They were supposed to be private.

This is all my fault.

If I wouldn't have taken those pictures...

Kim, tell us what happened.

Friday, at school, I wanted to make a call.

But my cell phone was missing from my purse.

Steve stole it because he's always checking up on me.

He found the pictures. He saw that I'd sent them to Ethan.

He thought I was cheating on him.

He sent the pictures to everyone in the school.

And faked my number so no one would know he did it.

And then, he said if I saw Ethan again, he'd k*ll me.

I told him that I sent the pictures by accident, but he called me a liar, and he hit me some more.

So, I took the train to Little Neck to talk to Ethan.

To explain what happened. I didn't know Steve was following me.

He jumped me. I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't.

And then, he kicked me in the head and I passed out.

Kimberly, were you dating Ethan Morse?

No. But when he got the pictures, he thought I wanted to.

I told him we just want to be friends.

Did Steve Walker also attack you the day before we came to court?

Yes. So I wouldn't tell you he was hurting me.

Nothing further.

You may step down.

Your Honor? The defense rests and moves for dismissal.

Corporation Counsel has no objections.

The Defense's motion is denied.

Your Honor?

The respondent's testimony clearly showed that she had no intent to make or distribute child pornography.

Respondent will rise for my decision.

Your decision? We haven't even delivered closing arguments yet.

I'm not required to hear closing arguments.

Stand up, young lady.

Kimberly Garnet.

I find you guilty of producing, possessing, and distributing a sexual performance by a child.

I sentence you to incarceration in a secure facility for juvenile sex offenders in Wellsburg, Ohio, for a period of one year.

Court is adjourned.

This is all your fault. I listened to you, and you lied to me.

You said that if I told the truth, I would be safe.

This caught me completely by surprise.

You just gambled with my client's life.

Kim was a first-time, non-violent juvenile offender.

The worst I thought she'd get was probation.

Yeah? Well, she's going to prison. 500 miles away.

If something happens to that girl, it's on you.

How are you going to fix it?

I don't know what I can do.

Talk to the judge.

Have her reconsider.

I have other cases in Judge Marsden's court.

If I challenge this decision, she's going to make my life a living hell.

She's not the only one.

I'm filing a 440 motion
to vacate the conviction and sentencing, and I'm reporting you to the Bar.

I'm sorry.

Her head isn't the only one I want on a platter.

Judge Marsden's.

There was no closing arguments. Instant sentencing.

Why the rush to judgment?

This city has three juvenile facilities.

Why send her to Ohio?

Maybe she has a thing about sex offenders.

There's only one way to find out.

Excuse me. Olivia Benson, from Special Victims Unit.

What can I do for the Finest today?

I'm wondering if you keep statistics on judges.

Sure, we do. Who are you interested in?

Hilda Marsden.

What kind of stats you looking for?



Whatever you have, we want it.

Shouldn't take too long to put something together for you.

Actually, it will.

I'm sorry. Is there a problem? Well, no.

There's just a certain protocol you have to follow.

All requests have to go through me.

And you are...

Ed Mangini.

I'm the Senior Clerk.

If you want something, just put it in writing, and I'll get back to you. Let me guess.

You're really busy and it will take six weeks.

Yeah. And that's if I expedite it.

And why doesn't Judge Marsden want us looking at her stats?

Ask her yourself.

Her honor wants to see you. Pronto.

I'll hear motions on this matter on Tuesday.

We're in recess.

Let's take 15.

You wanted to see me, Your Honor?


Are you representing Detective Benson, Ms. Pond?

Does she need representation?

Of course not.

We're off the record.

Join the party, Counselor.

Why the sudden interest in me?

You don't have to answer that.

Nobody's under oath.

It's just a friendly chat.

That's funny, because it doesn't feel so friendly.

No reason to be cute, Detective. Now, tell me.

Why are you so hot for my sentencing stats just hours after I sent your child pornographer away?

With all due respect, Your Honor, we're just trying to understand your reasoning behind sending Kimberly Garnet to Wellsburg.

Oh, well, it's the best alternative.

There's no facility with available beds in New York for sex offenders, and she's a sex offender.

She's not a sex offender, and you're ruining her life.

You know, I am so tired of these kids waltzing in here thinking they can do whatever the hell they want and get away with it.

Someone has to take a stand.

Is that it? Or do you just get off on the power?


Mock me again, Olivia, and I'll hold you in contempt.

How? I thought this was just a friendly chat.

That's it.

Your Honor, you don't have the authority to sanction Detective Benson.

Watch this. Officer?

Take Detective Benson and Ms. Pond down to the lockup.

They're in contempt.

Have a nice day, ladies.

Okay. What are you waiting for? Spring us.

After I'm done savoring the moment.

This is your boss?

Yeah. He's very supportive.

We didn't even get our phone call.

How did you know we were here?

Sam called.

Wow. Word travels fast.

Especially when you're asking questions about Judge Marsden.

I thought you didn't want to cross her.

'Cause this will put you in the line of fire.

At least I'll be in good company.

I pulled up her stats off our database.

I think I found what she doesn't want you to see.

Marsden sent 19 kids to the Wellsburg facility so far this year.

And 33 last year.

All teenage sex offenders?

Yeah. Depends on how you define that term.

Urinating in public, loitering, public lewdness.

None of these are sex offenses.

Yet she still took them to trial and shipped them off to Wellsburg.

She's taking minor offenses and turning them into felonies.

So, Marsden's a hanging judge.

She's harsh, but it's all within her discretion.

Then, why did she lock us up for asking about her records?

And why did Ed Mangini tip her off?

Hey! Hey! You!

What do you think you're doing? Get off the car!

Nice wheels. Rental?

Please. I own it.

Yeah? Pretty pricey for a government hack.

I don't have to explain myself to you.

Yeah, no.

Actually, you do.

Now, you ratted out my partner to Judge Marsden.

I did not rat anyone out.

No? Then, how did I land in jail after I talked to you?

I, um...


I would like to talk to my lawyer. That's a good idea.

Maybe he can explain how you can afford a Mercedes and a seven-figure condo down in Boca on a salary of 56 K a year?

See, right now, you're going down alone.

Official corruption, tax evasion.

That's 20 years federal time.

Without any of your flashy toys.

Now, you tell us where the money came from, all of a sudden, you're a cooperating witness, not a co-conspirator.

Um... Um...

Judge Marsden likes a certain kind of case.

And I make up her dockets.

She pays you to pad her calendar with kids she can send to Wellsburg.



Well, her cousin runs the place.

And she gets a commission for every bed she fills.

And you supply her with the bodies.

Petty offenders who should never see the inside of a jail.

I am so sorry, I will never do it again.

No, actually, you will.

I appreciate you taking the time to see me, Judge.

My pleasure, Mr. Sirota.

So, Ed Mangini tells me you grew up together in Brooklyn.

Yeah. Bay Ridge, 89th and Colonial. Poor Eddie.

Always the last kid picked for stickball.


He never told me that.

Ed just said you wanted to talk to me. What can I do for you?

My 13-year-old girl has been hanging out with this neighborhood kid.

Lowlife, 15, real piece of crap.

Excuse my French.

I've heard worse in my courtroom.

A couple of days ago, he boosts my DeVille, takes my girl for a spin. Totals the car.

My Angela could have been k*lled.

Cops come, they bust him for joyriding.

I just think there should be something more done.

And what is it you want me to do?

Well. Eddie says you know how to deal with kids like him.

You're not afraid to give them what's coming to them.

I just serve the public good.

Well, trust me.

You would be doing a huge public service if you got this menace off the street.

Now, his name is Pauly Catalano.

And, Eddie says that he's in your schedule for tomorrow.


Oh, so he is.

First up on the docket.

I'll read the case carefully.

Thank you very much.

I appreciate it.

You can always show your appreciation with a donation to my reelection campaign.


Have a nice day.

Based on the fact patterns, this case has been woefully undercharged.

I'm amending the complaint to Grand Larceny Auto, Custodial lnterference, and Endangering the Welfare of a Child.

Your Honor, that's way out of proportion to the crime.

This is your first time in front of me, Mr. Cheng.

Don't tell me how to run my courtroom.

You can't do this.

Who the hell do you think you are? Shut up, Pauly.

I'm going to teach you a lesson, young man.

Your Honor, I object.

Object all you want, Counselor.

I'm remanding your client to jail until trial.

Officer, take the respondent into custody.

We're adjourned.

The only one going into custody is you.

What the hell is this?

The end of a nightmare for hundreds of kids.

Hilda Marsden, you're under arrest for Bribery, Official Misconduct, and False lmprisonment.

Plus federal charges of Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Defraud the United States.

Stand up.

You have the right to remain silent.

I know my rights.

I'm a judge.

I have done nothing wrong.

These kids need to be put away.

It's people like me who keep this country safe.

I have the balls to stand up for what's right, not like you lousy bleeding hearts.

How did I do?

Well, you've got a shot at Broadway.

What about Kim?


How did it go?

Chief Judge vacated the verdict and the sentence.

Her record's expunged. It's as if nothing ever happened.

A lot happened.

But you all helped me.

No. You helped yourself.
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