11x16 - Witness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x16 - Witness

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, (SCREAMING)

Daniel: Stop struggling.

I think the baby's coming.

Try to stay calm.

I am calm.

Go grab my purse off the chair.

Make sure the insurance card is in there.


(SIGHING) Great.

Lainie, you've caught us at a bad time.

(CRYING) Daniel, help me.

Lainie, what happened?

She only cut her hand.

Lainie, I just went into labor, so...

I was just r*ped!


Nurse: Lainie McCallum, 24.

Benson: Any other injuries besides the r*pe?

Fifteen stitches to close a hand laceration, but no tendon or nerve damage.

Neighbors brought her in.

That would be our outcry witnesses.

They still around?

Up on Five. Delivery.

Gal almost popped out a kid down here.

Lainie didn't want them to leave her side and pitched a real fit.

Seems calm now.

Courtesy of Ativan.

Well, somebody should be here for her when she wakes up.

She had me call her boyfriend, Jason, about 100 times.

I left messages.

Lainie: Jason?

Ms. McCallum?

We're trying to contact your boyfriend, Jason.

But is there anybody else that we can contact for you?


It's Jason.

Jason, this is Detective Benson.

I'm at the hospital with Lainie.

Jason. Jason, she's been att*cked.

Excuse me?

Okay. I will pass that along.

He says he doesn't want to get involved.

Boyfriend of the year.

He says that they hooked up once, and she's been calling him nonstop ever since.

I wanted to call 911, but she insisted on riding in the cab with us.

Honey, she was r*ped.

Why do you always have to be her hero?

Now, the baby's too upset to come out.

Did she tell you what happened?

She was leaving the gym upstairs in our building when a guy pulled her into the stairwell and r*ped her at knifepoint.

She describe him?

He was wearing a ski mask.

How the hell did he get in?

That could have been you, Beth.

Except I don't parade around in public in my underwear.

She could run around naked.

That doesn't excuse r*pe.

Sorry. It's just that she's constantly borrowing my husband.

"Daniel, can you k*ll the spider for me?"

Or, "My window's stuck."

"Flip my mattress."

I've never touched her mattress.

Okay. Has anyone been hassling her recently?

Any unwanted attention?

Attention is like a drug for her. She can't get enough.

Come on, honey.

Give the poor kid a break.

She's had a rough year.

Went through a couple of bad breakups.

Any of them violent?

Only if you count the guys tripping over themselves trying to get away from her.


Miss McCallum, calm down.

Who the "F" is Detective Benson?

I am. And this is Detective Stabler.

What did you tell Jason?

He said that you answered my phone and now he doesn't want to come see me.

Does he understand what I've been through?

That's why we're here.

We want to help you get through this.

We need you to tell us exactly what happened.

I was r*ped.

We know.

But your attacker, was he black, white, Hispanic?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I didn't ask.

Okay. But we need you to tell us what you do remember.

He put a knife to my throat and made me lie down on those steps.

What kind of knife?

All I remember is that it was huge.

Okay. You're doing great.

So what happened next?

He pulled down my shorts.

And the next thing I know, he's inside of me.

Okay, so you were face-to-face with him.

You have no idea how horrible it was.

What were the color of his eyes?

I don't know.

How long was he on top of you?

Forever. It seemed like an hour, at least.

Benson: Okay, Lainie?

That's a long time to be looking into somebody's eyes.

You can remember.

This is really important.

They were blue.

With green in the center.

So he was Caucasian?

Yeah. His eyelids were white.

And his hands.

He wasn't wearing gloves?

Did he touch anything up here?

Yes! He held onto the banister at one point for support. Right there.

Okay. Check all the closets.

And under the bed.

No problem.

He's probably long gone by now.

Lainie, can you tell me his height?

Huh? His weight?

(STUTTERING) I just...

You know, about your height.

Skinny, but with a disgusting pot belly.

I'm sorry about the mess.

You know, my cleaning lady doesn't come until tomorrow.

Closet's clear.

So it's okay for her to come in there?

Yeah. No one under the bed.

(SIGHING) Oh, my God.

I really need to get this off.


She's practically got a sex shop in there.

Well, she is 24 and single.

What's wrong?

There was no blood in that stairwell.

That's because I made a fist. Okay?

Look, it didn't start bleeding until I opened my hand in Daniel's apartment.

We're almost done.

So at what point did he cut your hand?

When the black woman pulled him off of me.

There was an eyewitness?

Lainie, didn't you think that was relevant?

Stop yelling at me.

Who is she?

I don't know.

You know, I didn't stop to get her name.

When she punched him in the face, I ran for my life.

So this unknown woman jumps into the middle of a violent r*pe, possibly saved the girl's life, and Lainie doesn't even send help.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Job one, find this woman.

Last Lainie saw her, she was hand-to-hand in combat with a knife-wielding maniac.

Check the surrounding precincts and hospitals.

Check the morgue.

Assuming she actually exists.

You calling our victim a liar?

Well, anyone think it's odd that she didn't mention this good Samaritan until six hours after the fact?

Usually, when someone inserts a fictional black person into their story, they make them the bad guy.

Just go check the security tapes at the building.

See if there's any signs of the eyewitness or the r*pist.

No doorman. The only camera is in the lobby, trained on the front door.

Feeds into this computer.

The r*pe occurred at 10:45 this morning.

Pull up the hour before and after that.


We never had any trouble in the building like this before.

Not until Lainie moved in.

Are you saying she's a troublemaker?

She constantly staggers in drunk.

Wakes me up at all hours 'cause she forgot her keys.

One night, I don't get to the buzzer fast enough, she throws an ashcan through the door.

Okay. There's a sister.

Print her.

Munch: Mmm-hmm.

You think our victim's EDP?

Do you remember Marcie on East 53rd Street?

Said she got r*ped every night?

Saved by Jesus, who flew in on a rocket?

Well, Lainie's not that crazy.

She's just high-strung.

Well, get this delivery guy right here, with the jeans and the black knit cap.

Print him, too.

Benson: Do you recognize this man?

Deliveryman from Bardari's.

This one time, my eggs were broken, and he wouldn't take responsibility for it.

Lainie, do you know him in any other context?

Oh! You mean, was he my r*pist?

Benson: Yeah.

No, definitely not.

Okay. What about him?

(SIGHS) Oh, that's Fritz.

He lives on Three.

He's this chiropractor.

Keeps promising to give me a free adjustment.

No way was it him.

Benson: All right.

Why don't we talk about these women?

Did any of them help you?

Oh, she's pretty.

Love that jacket.


That's Mrs. Williams.

Weapons-grade bitch.


I think that that's her.

Let me see.

Ever seen her in the building?

No. No.

That's definitely her.

Super didn't know her.

She entered the building at 9:15 today, and there's no footage of her ever leaving.

Okay. Let's have unis recanvass, check the roof, stairwell, vents, dumpsters.

Any place big enough to hold a body.

We've got to knock on some doors.


Excuse me, ma'am.

I'm Detective Munch.


We're looking for this woman.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Cool. Thanks.

Thank you. Thank you.

Boy: What did she do?

A good deed.

Have you seen her?

What's it worth?

Listen, you snot-nosed little brat...

Benson: El.

The woman at 7B thinks she's a home health aide on 12.

I don't hear any movement.

Do we have enough for exigent circumstances?

He could have dragged her in there at knifepoint.

She could be hurt.

May I help you?

You're okay.

Why should I not be?

May we come in?

No. This is not my apartment.

Is there a man in here?

Of course. Mr. Gleeson.

Okay. We're investigating the incident that occurred in the stairwell this morning.

What incident?

Benson: The r*pe that you interrupted.

Stabler: Can you identify the perpetrator?

I'm sorry.

You have the wrong person.

So did a r*pe even occur, or did we just piss away the whole day yesterday?

Alleged witness knows nothing about it.

Her name is Nardali Ulah.

I talked to her employer's daughter.

Says she's been a godsend, very reliable.

Benson: I heard a pretty thick accent.

Maybe she's afraid to come forward because of her immigration status.

Stabler: Wasn't a scratch on her. Didn't look like she'd been in a fight.

Well, last Lainie saw, Nardali was whaling on the r*pist, not the other way around.

If she really was the hero, why deny it?

She could have her picture on the cover of The Ledger, Well, not everybody is a fame whore.

Lainie was clearly traumatized.

Maybe she misidentified the woman.

Or maybe the woman doesn't exist.

CSU find anything in the stairwell?

A boatload of prints, none in the system.

No trace evidence of blood or semen.

Preliminary report from the r*pe kit shows no sign of ej*cul*te.

She did say it was rapus interruptus.

Okay, how about this?

She cut her own hand.

This whole thing has just been a cry for attention.

A false r*pe allegation?

Why would she make that up?

From everything I'm hearing, she exhibits all the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder.


Exaggerated emotions, sexually provocative behavior, attaches too much significance to relationships, excessive concern over physical appearance, always has to be the center of attention...

She's a drama queen.

To the extreme.

Benson: We're on our way.

Patrol just collared Lainie for trying to break into Jason's apartment.

Jason! Jason! Please!

Lainie, get over it!

If you don't stop stalking me, I'm putting this up on YouTube.

Jason, whatever it is that I did, I'm sorry.


I'm sorry!

Lainie, what are you doing?

What are you doing?

She's causing a disturbance.

Six of the neighbors were complaining.

She's been standing in the street screaming my name for the past two hours.

If you just would have let me inside...

Thanks for the call, Officer.

You can uncuff her.

You sure about that?

Benson: Yeah.

Sir, do you plan on pressing charges?

Just get her off my stoop.

And keep her the hell away from me.

Why are you this worked up about a guy you had one date with?

I've known Jason all my life.

(SCOFFS) Look.

I'll show you.

(SIGHING) I mean, he used to try to kiss me during summer camp.

He's been chasing me for years.

See, look. Right here.

See? I mean...

I finally gave him a shot, and he does this?

I think you need to move on.

Stabler: Lainie.

Did you say you got r*ped so you could get Jason's attention?


It's okay if you did.

Nothing bad is going to happen to you.

But you've got to come clean before it gets worse.

You think I'm lying?

I mean...

What do you mean, "Nothing bad is going to happen to you"? Huh?

Lainie. Lainie, we're just trying to do our jobs. Okay?

We need more information.

All right?

The woman that you identified as the eyewitness says that she was never there.

Well, then, she's lying.

Okay? She's lying!

But isn't it possible that the woman that you ID'd Iooks just like the woman in the stairwell?

No. It's her.

I'm not lying.

Why won't you believe me?

Lainie, nobody is calling you a liar.

It's just... If we're going to get this guy, then we need to corroborate your story.

But I've told you everything.


Detective, come here a second.

Take a look over my right shoulder.

Tell me what you see.

Is that a telescope?

Stabler: Mmm-hmm.

Looking right into this window.

Whoa! Someone's been spying on me?


That's some shiner you've got there.

Yeah. Can I help you?

Benson: Yeah, we're investigating an incident that happened in this building.

I heard about that.

Do you work from home?

I'm in between jobs right now.

Do you mind if we come in?

Maybe you can help us answer some questions?

Uh, sure.

Can I get you anything?

Stabler: No, thank you.

So how did you get that eye?

It looks painful.

It was stupid.

I ran into a door.

You've got to be more careful.

Nice telescope.

Mind if I take a look?

Go ahead.

My wife got that for me for my birthday.


It breaks up the boredom.


Great view you've got.

It's a great view.

You wouldn't believe some of the stuff my neighbors are into.

You must know everything that's going on in this building.

Hey, would you mind coming down to the precinct?

You could really help us.

Cragen: This is the guy?

He fits Lainie's description to a tee.

My height, skinny with a paunch.

And a big fat bruise under his blue-and-green eye.

Well, with no eyewitness, it's still circumstantial.

A confession would be nice.

Once again, taking one for the team.

I have to escort Wendy to the opera.

But I got her to rush the r*pe kit.

Well, I hope it's worth it.

The prelim said no semen.

Munch: Still none.

But she found traces of pre-ej*cul*te. No sperm, but she can extract DNA.

We need his consent to swab him for a match.

Olivia, why don't you go sweet-talk him?

Elliot, you might scare him off.

I hope that date wasn't for tonight.

Go back her up.

Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting.



All done?

Oh, yeah.


How's that for sweet talk?

Hey, how about letting others play in your sandbox?

What, am I here just to look pretty?

How about you take that to the lab?

Give my regards to Wendy.

What was that?

Well, a woman in your building was r*ped in the stairwell.

By you.

I've never r*ped anybody.

Well, your DNA on that cup is going to prove that you did.

See, we're going to match it to a sample that we found in her.

It won't be me.

Why? Because you didn't finish the job?

It doesn't matter.

You left your marker.

I was never in that stairwell.

And you know what else we're going to get off that cup?

The prints you left on the banister.

Come to think of it, I was in that stairwell a few weeks ago.

Well, that black eye says that you were there yesterday.

See, we have the witness who gave it to you.

That black bitch?

She misinterpreted the entire situation.

And how is that?

Lainie's been teasing me for months, putting a show on in front of her window.

She wanted it, and I gave it to her.

Is that so?

That's right.

And that bitch interrupted us in our finest moment.

Do you know she's here illegally?

Well, that's what you threatened her with, right?

I mean, you told her that you'd turn her in if she came forward.

Listen, when she att*cked me, she pulled my mask off and saw my face.

I don't want her gossiping all over the building and have my wife find out.

That she married a r*pist?


That I've got this cute little 24-year-old on the side.

If the sex was consensual, why were you wearing a mask?


Lainie wanted me to.

We were acting out her r*pe fantasy.
Bryce Kelton.

You're under arrest for the r*pe and as*ault of Lainie McCallum.

Oh! And tampering with a witness.

You don't have the eyewitness?

We're working on it.

Well, work faster.

I only have five more days to get her in front of the grand jury.

We're dealing with a spooked witness who's been threatened.

I'm putting Lainie on this afternoon.

And I need Nardali in my jury by the end of business Friday or Bryce could walk.

You've gotten true bills on "he said, she saids" before.

(SIGHS) I met with Lainie last night. I need all the help I can get.

Munch and Fin are on it.

Fin: Whoa, Whoa, Let me do the talking, No solicitations.

All yours.

Is Nardali working today?


The woman who normally takes care of Mr. Gleeson.

She no longer works here.

I'm her replacement.

Alex, the eyewitness is in the wind.

I'm going to need a subpoena to pick her up.

I'll write one out when I get back to my office.

What's the hold-up?

My wife had to have paid my bail by now.

Kressler: She hasn't returned my calls.

So how long do I have to stay locked up?

When do you expect to vote it out?

Cabot: Nice try.

The court will notify you.

I've been waiting for over an hour.

It smells in there, and my hand really hurts.

Get back in the witness room. Now.

Bryce: Hey, Lainie.

Cute outfit.

Is that for me?

Hey, shut your hole.

Get this animal back to his cage.

Lainie: Oh, my God.

Is that the man who r*ped me?

I told you he had one of those pot bellies.

And I told you that I would come and get you when I needed you.

And what are you wearing?

We went over this.

You said to look nice.

Don't I look good?

I think she had a little more Sunday school in mind.

(GASPING) Look, I really just need to go home. I'm in...

I'm in a lot of pain, and I can't do this today.

This will take 15 minutes.

The jury is waiting for you.

Just tough it out.

Fin: I'll be right outside.

I'll give you a ride home when this is over.

Monica, I need your coat.

Lainie McCallum, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?




Lainie, are you okay?

Lainie: I think I'm...

I think I'm having a heart attack.



Oh, God. Help!

We need help!

Woman: Call 911!

Man 1: Get a bus!

Man 2: Somebody get help!


What happened?

I don't know.

She said she was having a heart attack.

But she was clutching her right side.

Well, she does have a tendency to exaggerate, but...

Well, if she was trying to get sympathy with the jury, she went too far.

Are you here for Lainie?

Yeah. What happened?

Her hand wound is infected with staph MRSA.

Is she okay?

It ascended her arm.

When we opened her up, we discovered necrotizing fasciitis.

What does that mean?

MRSA is a drug-resistant form of flesh-eating bacteria.

We attempted to excise all the dead tissue, but the infection had already invaded the chest cavity.

How serious is it?

If she has family, they need to come immediately.

Wait. What? That's insane.

I was just with her.

She was fine.

You must be able to do something.

Just make her as comfortable as possible.

Does she know?


We have to preserve her testimony for trial.

Do we have time to get a camera tech?

Sorry. Her liver and kidneys have already shut down.

Don't. I must look terrible.

Lainie, I have to tape you.

I am so sorry.

Lainie, is there anyone that I can call for you?

My parents are in lndia.

Is Jason coming?

I'm sure he'll be here soon.


Lainie, this is your last chance to speak for yourself.

Don't you want the jury to hear your side of the story?

What's the point?

I'm going to be dead.

The man who did this to you needs to be punished.

He will testify it was consensual.

Lainie, if you do this your voice will be heard Iong after.

What do l...

What do I have to do?

You need to make a dying declaration.

Lainie, can you tell me what's happening to you right now?

I'm dying because some lowlife loser cut my hand while he was raping me.

I'm amending the charges to include felony m*rder.

Munch: Against the hospital?

'Cause that's where she got the staph infection that k*lled her.

Some idiot intern probably didn't wash his hands after he went to the bathroom.

Cabot: Ultimately, Bryce is responsible.

She wouldn't have been in the hospital if he hadn't cut her hand.

Okay. So let's put him away.

What do you need from us?

Find Nardali.

Well, it's not like we're not trying.

You've got the dying declaration.

Do you really need her?

In order to get the dying declaration in, I have to charge him with m*rder.

But to charge him with m*rder, I have to tie her death to the r*pe.

Which, even if you have a dying declaration, is still "he said, she said."

It's legal dominoes.

I need that witness.

Any luck?

She's a ghost.

No car? Banking records?


I couldn't find so much as an email address.

She's living off the grid.

She's got a cell phone.

Not in her name.

I already checked it.

I just got off the phone with the old man's daughter.

She wanted Nardali reachable at all times.

She gave her a phone.

Has she canceled it, yet?

I told her to hold off on that.

Go get a subpoena to track that cell's GPS.

We don't need one.

It's the daughter's phone.

I already got her consent.




Are these knock-offs or the real deal?

They are authentic.

What kind of metal is this?

I'm not sure.

It is my cousin's stand.

I am just watching it for her.

She's coming now if you have questions.

Well, actually, my questions are for you, Nardali.

It's okay, Nardali.

You're not in trouble.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

We know you saw what happened to Lainie.

We know why you ran.

Bryce admitted that he threatened you.

What do you want?

I need you to tell the grand jury what happened to Lainie in that stairwell.

I cannot do that.

By 5:00 tomorrow, a r*pist could walk free if you don't testify.

I am very sorry for what happened to that girl.

I did what I could to help her.

Other people would have turned and walked away.

But you risked your life.

And she got away.

She survived.

She died because of injuries she sustained during the r*pe.

You are the only chance she has. Please do not walk away from her now.

If I testify, that man will have me deported.

You are a material witness in a m*rder case.

I can protect you.

If you fail and they send me back, how will you protect me there?

What are you afraid of?

Do you have any idea what is happening in the Congo?

Where I come from, hundreds of thousands of women have been r*ped.

In the eastern provinces, it is used as a w*apon of w*r.

It is so common, it is to be expected.

Is that what happened to you?

They came into my house.

Five of them.

They r*ped me and my daughter in front of my husband.

In the middle of it, he ran away.

No one came to save us.

(CRYING) My angel, Sabine, was only five years old.

She looked into my eyes and cried for her mama as they each took their turn with her.

Where is she now?

It took her six days to die.

What about your husband?

Did they ever find him?

After the militia passed through, he came back, cast me out of our home.


He said everyone would know what happened to me.

He could not bear the shame.

I ran into the forest.

I made my way to a refugee camp in North Kivu.

One day, the lnterahamwe came, accused us of treating rebels who att*cked the mine they were guarding.


They dragged me back into their camp.

They... They...


Benson: After all that, she finally agreed to testify.

And I wasn't in any shape to go in front of a grand jury.

She said she would return in the morning.

You think she'll really show up?

Yeah. I think she'll do the right thing.

Well, at least it gives her a chance to put one r*pist away.

It might be cathartic for her.

But it doesn't change the situation.

Since she's here illegally, she lives in constant fear of being sent back to the r*pe capital of the world.

I have to help her.

If anybody qualifies for asylum, Nardali does.

Do you know r*pe is not recognized as grounds for asylum?

It is only granted for persecution based on race, religion, nationality, or political opinion.

Gender v*olence isn't even covered.

That's outrageous.

How can they not recognize the systematic r*pe of women as t*rture?


What about the U-visa?

That covers undocumented immigrants who assist in the prosecution of a crime, right?

Not unless they're the victim of the crime.

She was.

She fought off a knife-wielding r*pist and was threatened by him.

I will add it to the charges tomorrow after she testifies.

Any cop or D.A. can certify a U-visa.

Nardali, what are you still doing here?

I said you could go home after your testimony.

I needed to know if it did any good.

You did great.

We got a true bill, so now he's going to trial.

And I will have to testify all over again?

Yes. Only this time, he'll have his own lawyer who will ask you questions.

You will be there?

Every step of the way.

Agent: Nardali Ulah?


Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

You're coming with us.

Wait. You can't take her.


She's a witness in a m*rder trial.

Where are you taking me?

There's a procedure.


Wait a minute.

Miss Cabot.

Nardali, I will come and find you.


You have ignored my first two subpoenas, so I am serving this one personally.

ICE prosecutes 170,000 illegals a year.

Which one we talking about?

Nardali Ulah.

Sounds like an upstanding citizen.

She is a material witness in a m*rder trial of an American, who she risked her life trying to save.

I don't have time to deal with this.

The guy who dropped the dime on her is the same guy she is testifying against in a r*pe-homicide.

Looking for a pissing contest?

In case you haven't noticed, we're at w*r.

I guarantee you Nardali is not a threat to national security.

Where is she?

Hard to say.

We did a sweep last week.

Probably had to ship her out of state.

You've got to be kidding me.

Where did you dump her?


You have to have her released immediately.

Did you know your little saint has ties to a t*rror1st group?

What are you talking about?

Says here she provided material support to the lnterahamwe a.k.a. the FDLR.

Before they scattered to the Congo, these are the sweethearts who committed the Rwandan genocide.

Are you mental?

Nardali was held in their camp against her will.

She didn't help them.

She was r*ped and tortured.

How does that make her a t*rror1st?

Did she mention she married one of them?

Do you think I had a choice in the matter?

Many of us suffered the humiliation of forced marriage.

But you were already completely under their control.

What was the point?

To own us.

It's not like they were stuck with us.

They could k*ll us at any time.

We were disposable wives.

For those of us who lived, by doing this, they knew we would no longer be accepted by our people again.

So even if you could escape, you had nowhere to go.

I never stopped trying.

Each time they caught me, I was tortured.

You were a victim of crimes against humanity.

When you got to the U.S., why didn't you apply for asylum?

I was afraid.

The people who helped bring me here warned me of the risks.

See that woman there?

Paulina requested political asylum the day she got here.

She has been locked up waiting for her case to be heard in immigration court for two years.

You've really got some friends in high places, lady.

Jack McCoy called the U.S. Attorney.

I take it everything's in order?

Officer: Yeah, she's been processed.

She's free to go.

Thank you for rescuing me from this place.

I know the man who r*ped Lainie made good on his threat to put me here.

Well, now, you get to repay the favor.

Lainie: I'm dying because some lowlife loser cut my hand while he was raping me, I didn't even know who he was until he said those vile things to me outside the grand jury, I never would have had sex with him, People think that because of the way I look and act that I'm some wild thing, But the truth is I'm not, I've only had sex with three men my entire life, And I was in love, madly in love, with all three of them, (CRYING) I can't stand that the last man who touched me did it by force, Oh! That is total bull!

Andrews: Counselor.

Control your client.

She used to strip for me...


...in front of her window.

Bryce, sit down.

Andrews: Please disregard these outbursts as they are not part of the evidence for you to consider.

Kressler: With all due respect, Your Honor, we would like the record to reflect that the defense strenuously objects to the introduction of this evidence.

It is inflammatory and highly prejudicial.

And I've already ruled it admissible.

Miss Cabot, call your next witness.

The People call Nardali Ulah.

I went to the roof for some fresh air when I saw a man raping a young girl.

Objection as to the characterization of what she saw.

How does she know that what she saw was r*pe?

I know r*pe when I see it.

Ms. Ulah, please do not answer questions if there is an objection pending until I tell you to.

I am sorry. Yes. I will.


Without drawing conclusions, can you please describe exactly what you saw in the stairwell?

I saw a man wearing a black mask on top of a girl.

He held his hand over her mouth and a knife to her throat.

She was crying.

And what, if anything, did you do?

I pulled him off of her.

That is when I saw that his penis was out of his pants.

The girl's shorts were down.

She jumped up and ran out the door, still screaming.

What happened next?

He tried to cut me with the knife, so I punched him in the face.

Then I grabbed his mask off.

I have seen him many times before in the elevator.

And is that man here in this courtroom today?

That is him, wearing the cheap blue suit.

How well did you know Lainie?

Not at all.

So you weren't girlfriends.

You didn't share any secrets.


So you wouldn't know if what you saw was my client fulfilling Lainie's fantasy.

That girl was being r*ped.

How do you know that?

You just said that you didn't know my client or Lainie.

I know when a woman is being r*ped.

Are you a mind reader?

I was r*ped.

Objection, Your Honor.

I have seen many women r*ped.

I know that look.

This is unresponsive.

I know that look.

That dead look in the eyes when you imagine you are anywhere but there.

Please direct her to answer the question.

Mr. Kressler asked you a question.

Are you a mind reader?

No, Your Honor. I am not.

Isn't it a fact that you are in this country illegally?

Objection! Relevance.

It goes to her character.

She lied to get into the country.

Maybe she's lying about this.

I'll allow it.

Ms. Ulah, isn't it a fact that last week, you were in a detention center?


And aren't you only testifying here today in exchange for Ms. Cabot getting you out?


Isn't it true that you were to be deported because of close ties to a t*rror1st organization?

That is a lie.

Aren't you married to a known t*rror1st?

It was a forced marriage.

And you claim he r*ped you?

He and all his friends.

And now, you see r*pe everywhere.

No further questions.

Ms. Ulah, why did you come into this country?

To escape the epidemic of sexual v*olence taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The men who r*ped me were fighting for control of the mines that produce tin, tungsten and tantalum, the conflict minerals you so desperately need to make your cell phones and computers.

Objection. What does this have to do with this trial?

Cabot: He called her character into question and insinuated she was a member of a t*rror1st organization.

He opened this door.


Ms. Ulah, do you see r*pe everywhere?

The women in my village were r*ped.

The women in the militia camp were r*ped.

I was r*ped repeatedly by so many men, I lost count.

They put their g*ns in my sex and one of them pulled the trigger.

I was in the hospital for over a year.

It left me incontinent.

So yes.

I have seen r*pe everywhere.

That is how I know that girl was r*ped.

Thank you. Nothing further.

Andrews: Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

Andrews: On the count of Tampering with a Witness in the Third Degree, how do you find?

Not guilty.

On the count of m*rder in the Second Degree, how do you find?

Not guilty.

On the count of r*pe in the First Degree, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

Thank you for your service.

You are released.

Court is adjourned.

Oh, Nardali. Thank you.

I can't believe I helped put a r*pist in jail.

I never thought it was possible.

In the DRC, the men don't even fear being punished.

Benson: Maybe there's hope, Last year, a prosecutor with the UN achieved convictions for the first time in history for sexual sl*very and forced marriage as a crime against humanity in Sierra Leone.


Next stop, the Congo.

Speaking of which, you never have to worry about being sent back there again.

We've certified a U-visa for you.

What is that?

It's a visa that will allow you permanent residency.

A small token of our thanks.


You are so kind.

Before this trial, I wanted nothing more than to stay here.

But now, I realize I need to go back to my country, to do what I can to help the women there.

They must stop suffering in silence if things are to ever change.

But, Nardali, you realize that you would be risking your life.

Does Alex know about this?

I told her.

She understands.

I was very touched by the sacrifice she is making.

What sacrifice?

She did not tell you?

Alex, is it true?

I put in my papers.

I'm taking a leave of absence.

So you're abandoning us again.

I'm taking a job with the lnternational Criminal Court.

I'm joining a newly formed task force.

We're going to be prosecuting crimes of sexual v*olence in areas of conflict.

Wow. Nardali really got to you.

She inspired me.
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