11x17 - Disabled

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x17 - Disabled

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, GRIEGS: Come on. Relax, Jake.

You're a natural.


You're doing just fine.

I'll take over at the next stop.

The kid's got to learn before you retire, Tony.

Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Well, that's weird.

Cara Raleigh's not here.

Maybe she's running late.

No. No.

She's always on time.

You mind checking on her?


Ms. Raleigh?


Anybody here?

Hey, kid.


What's the holdup, huh?

No one's home.

Oh, someone's always home.

Nice place, huh?

Wow. Ms. Raleigh?



Your ride's here!

Oh, my God.


Cara Raleigh, 41, confined to a wheelchair.

Found by?

Parabus drivers.


Suspicious bruising to her chest, arms and abdomen, in various stages of healing.

Unfortunately, I've seen this before in chair-bound victims.

Caregivers, family members, they get frustrated, lash out.

That's not where it ends.

Victim came in without a diaper.

When I found signs of intercourse, I ordered a r*pe kit and bagged her nightgown.

Did she say she was r*ped?


You know that's not how it works.

We can't start an investigation without a complaining witness.

This time you'll have to.

The patient has a very aggressive form of multiple sclerosis.

She's now a quadriplegic.

Can she speak?


So, unless the guy was a psychic, she can't consent, and it's r*pe.

How is that? Better?


Detective Benson.

This is my partner, Detective Stabler.

Damien Woods.

What happened to my aunt?

We were hoping you could tell us.

Is she usually left alone at night?


My mom or one of the home care nurses is supposed to be with her.

I pick up the slack when I can.

But not last night?

No, I was studying at the Hudson Library.

Where's your mother now?

I don't know.

I called her, like, 10 times.

Stabler: I tell you what.

We can find her for you.

What's her name?

Janice Raleigh.

We need to ask your aunt a few questions.

Can she respond at all?

Blinking, mainly.

One blink means yes.

Two, no?


Thank you. Hi.

I know this is hard, but we need to know what happened to you last night.

Ms. Raleigh, were you r*ped?

Do you know your attacker?

Benson: No?

Are you sure?

Ms. Raleigh, we also know that someone has been beating you.

Is it the same person who r*ped you?

Look, I know that you're afraid, but we're gonna find out who did this to you so they can never hurt you again.

Fin: Tell me you found something, Judy.

The usual suspects.

Hairs, fibers and prints, but no forced entry and no scratches on the dead bolt.

The doer had a key.

How about fluids or anything on the diaper?

No. Just degraded bloodstains on a man's shirt.

Found it in the washing machine.

That's probably the nephew's.

You know that how?

Oh, this kid's a brute.

The bus driver said he found the victim on the floor, but he noticed that the bed was undisturbed.

Takes serious upper body strength to lift dead weight.

You think he sexually abused his quadriplegic aunt?

If that's her blood on his shirt, I'll put Bigfoot in a cage myself.

Any news from the hospital?

Our victim's being admitted overnight.

Until we figure out who's abusing her, she can't go home.

Wouldn't be a problem if she'd ID who's smacking her around.

Olivia's staying put, trying to change her mind.

That the victim's sister?


Janice Raleigh.

Patrol picked her up on her way home.

Are you the bastard who had cops put me in the back of a squad car like a criminal?

Sorry about that.

But I couldn't find you, and I have some bad news that needed saying face-to-face.

What is it?

Your sister was att*cked last night in her bedroom.

She was r*ped.

That's insane. Who...

Who goes after a woman in a wheelchair?

Attendants, strangers looking for easy prey.

Over half disabled women are either physically or sexually assaulted.

Where's my son?

Was he att*cked, too?

Damien's okay.

He wasn't at home last night.

He was supposed to be.

So were you.

Bus driver found your sister when she wasn't at his stop.

Want to tell me where you've been?

With a friend.

I left a message for my boy to stay with my sister.

And how do you know he got it?

He's supposed to call if he's not coming home.

When I didn't hear from him, I just assumed...

Oh, God.

Who handles her daily care?

Elena Colby is our day nurse, and I take care of her at night.

(SIGHS) But right now, she's out of town on vacation, so Damien's been helping out.

Any male nurses?

In the beginning, there were three.

You fired them.

I made complaints about missing checks to the nursing care agency, Home Healing.

We investigated Janice Raleigh's theft complaint.

It was without merit.

You hone those detective skills in nursing school?

I questioned the three RNs.

And since money wasn't missing from the account, the matter was dropped.

By your clients or you?

Although innocent of any wrongdoing, I re-assigned the nurses.

We're going to need their names.

Mark Hubbard, Alan Foster, Drew Cummings.

But they've all moved on.

You don't find that weird?

Home care is a transient business.

Nurses get better offers.

But none of those three had any other complaints.

No more than usual.

That sounds a lot like an excuse.

Look, many of our patients are in constant pain.

They're depressed, even suicidal.

They have to blame someone.

Every nurse has had accusations hurled at them.

What kind of accusations?

Oh, missing property, invasions of privacy, inappropriate touching.

They're usually bogus, and we do rigorous background checks.

But Cara's sister said that you have the key to the Raleigh home?

With a three-shift rotation, it's required.

The first shift takes the key, the last brings it back.

But I returned it.

When was that?

After Janice Raleigh scaled back to a one-day shift.

I guess she was trying to save money.

You think one of my people copied the key?

Why don't you give us their files, we'll let you know?

Drew Cummings, currently on trial for distribution of Schedule IV dr*gs.

Which ones?

Vicodin, Percocet, OxyContin, you name it, he sold it.

But he was doing late-night trial prep with his attorneys when Cara Raleigh was att*cked.

That's Alan Foster, 35, multiple-state certified RN.

No priors, and he looks clean.

He's now strictly private, working for some hypochondriac out on Long lsland.

Cragen: What about this Mark Hubbard?

Multiple counts of check kiting, fraud and blackmail.

But nothing stuck.

I smell a payoff.

Stabler: All the victims recanted.

He had to have something on them.

Well, it's easy when you have access to their homes.

Pick him up and shake him hard.


Fin: What's that smell?

Probable cause.

Hang on.

There's plenty of party for all of us.

Let's take this party down to the precinct.

Don't say anything.

How old are you, sweet pea?


What's on the table?

Possession of a controlled substance.

Recreational pot?

And before you guys go there, I didn't touch the girl.

That's not what she said.

She's got a wild imagination.

Probably from smoking too much of her daddy's stash.

He's got cancer, everywhere.

He needs the weed for pain.

Hubbard, you can spin this any way you want.

You can't prove a thing, or I'd already be in the Tombs.

Stabler: Now, we found this camera hidden in your bookcase.

What were you gonna do?

Tape that poor girl smoking dope and show the footage to her dying father?

Was that the plan?

I would never do that.

You prey on the weak by exploiting their need for care.

Fin: You tape them, find their secrets, and thr*aten to expose them if they don't pay up.

You must have shot something really juicy at the Raleighs', huh?

Janice getting down and dirty with strange men?

Or maybe you caught her son ripping off Auntie's meds?

It wasn't like that.

Fin: Sure, it was.

And when Janice didn't cough up the coin, you beat down her defenseless sister.

I haven't seen Cara in months.

I know she was getting abused, but not by me.

Wait a minute.

You secretly taped her getting att*cked.

You didn't report it?

I showed it to my boss when he accused me of stealing checks.

That's why I tape my clients.

It's proof of innocence, not blackmail.

Why didn't your boss tell us that?

Because he wants to keep getting paid.

Where's the footage?

Embedded in my e-mail account.

You dirty?

You hungry?

What do you need, Cara?

What do you need?

Anything, I'm here at your beck and call, What do you want?

What do you need?


Why are you always needing something?


I'm so tired, (GRUNTING)


Shut up, Now, shut up, (WHIMPERING)


You find me a replacement for Alex Cabot?

We're still looking.

You're stuck with me for now.

Where's Janice Raleigh?

She's cooling her heels in lnterrogation.

Don't tell me.

She invoked.

First thing out of her mouth after the Miranda warning.

So, where's her shark?

Patrice LaRue swam in about 10 minutes ago.

If I can keep off the docket by throwing the defense a bone, I will.

Not after you see this.

Those tears, You don't know about tears, (CRYING)

Blaine: Why didn't you say you had video?

You didn't give me a chance.

Put it on a hard drive.

What's in the sock?

Bars of soap, a common homemade w*apon in domestic v*olence.

I'm gonna nail Janice Raleigh's ass to the wall for as*ault and sexual abuse.

I think Janice deeply resents having to take care of her sister.

I'm just not so sure about the sexual as*ault.

The disabled usually get abused by family members.

Wouldn't sibling rivalry make it that much worse?

It doesn't account for this level of rage.

Cragen: Well why not?

Her sister is a world-class opera singer.

Janice has probably been jealous her entire life.

Cara Raleigh's talent was nurtured from a very young age.

Janice would be used to having her sister hog the spotlight.

Something else provoked her.

I just need to find out what.

Drop it down to as*ault three, she gives a full statement.

It's not gonna happen.

You hardly ever push for trial, Blaine.

Blaine: Yeah, well, I rarely have an iron-clad case.

Why did you r*pe your sister, Janice?

The hell you say to me!

Stop right there.

Not a word, Janice.

What did you use? A bottle?

A stick? A wire hanger?

That is disgusting.

You degraded and humiliated your sister because that's how you feel.

Fin: You need to come clean.

Make it right.

I only hit her once or twice.

It wasn't a big deal.

Janice, I told you to be quiet.

They're trying to get you to talk.

Janice: Damn right, I'm talking.

I didn't r*pe my sister.

I wasn't even home when it happened.

That's right.

You were with your friend.

Okay. I'm gonna need a name, number and address.

He's married.

Fin: Big surprise.

I love my sister.

Always have.

Everybody knows how special she is.

More special than you?

Well, I can't sing.

But now she can't even talk.

You really enjoy her pain, don't you?


But it's nice to see her experience the real world for once.

People worshipped her.

But where are they now when Cara's sick and frail?

Maybe she doesn't want to be seen, Janice.

Afraid of pity.

Well, too bad.

Do you think maybe Cara pities you?

How can she pity me?

I made some wrong choices, but I have my son.

And she's got nobody.

Huang: Actually, that's not true.

Damien seems to care deeply about her welfare.

Because I raised him right.

We have a bond.

I'm his mother.

And Cara is his aunt.

He worries about her, even loves her.

Maybe even more than he loves you.

Don't you say that.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

That is your biggest nightmare, isn't it?

That if your son had a choice, it wouldn't be you.

I told you not to say that!

Fin: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You calm down.

Calm down. Easy.

Get the hell off of me!

Yeah, calm down, or I'll break it.

Janice: I didn't do anything.

Fin: Yeah, shut up.

I got you on tape beating your sister down with bars of soap.

I should whup you to see how you like it.

Janice's alibi for the r*pe checks out.

Her boyfriend's wife was out of town, so they played grab-ass at a local motel. Loudly.

Clerk remembers them.

You seem a little more hostile than usual.

Come on, you saw the tape.


Any forensics in, yet?

Yeah, all the prints are accounted for.

Janice, Damien, and a few from the bus drivers, Griegs and Gleason.

But the stains on the kid's shirt, animal blood.


Five different samples.

He's either working dog fights or channeling Michael Vick.

Nothing this family does would surprise me.

Then I guess you won't be surprised that Damien lied.

He wasn't in the Hudson Library the night his aunt was att*cked.

He isn't even currently registered there.

Any idea where he is now?

At home, taking care of his Aunt Cara.

I can't tell you where I was.

Benson: There's no more secrets, Damien.

We're investigating you for your aunt's r*pe.

What? I didn't do it.

Ask her yourself.

See? She says no.

Your mother beat your aunt over and over.

Did you know that?

They have their problems, but my mother wouldn't hit her.

We have it on tape.

I'm so sorry, Aunt Cara.

I had no idea.

Believe me.

Stabler: Damien, that's touching.

I didn't know.

Right now, you need to cooperate, or you look as guilty as your mother.

Benson: We found dog blood on your shirt.

Lots of it.

I don't fight dogs.

I clean up and get rid of the dead ones.

I needed the money.

For what?

Gambling debts.

Can anyone verify that?

The promoters and the dog owners.

But if you start asking questions, they're gonna come looking for me.

Well, do you think they're gonna be any friendlier when we put you under surveillance?

Talk to Tony Griegs.

The bus driver?

He hooked me up with the job.

Look, I don't want trouble.

And we're not trying to give you any.

We're just checking an alibi.


Look, Damien's big, but he wouldn't hurt a fly.

Well, he claims that he was working the dog fights the night his aunt was att*cked.

You there, too?

Yeah, for a while.

I mean, I saw him there.

But, you know, when I lost my limit, I went home.

Got to save my pennies now that I'm retiring.

Can anyone verify that?

My wife.

We had a few beers, went to bed.

When did Damien ask you for help getting a job?

I don't know. Months ago.

One day, I notice the kid's anxious.

He says he needs cash.

I know some guys who know some guys, and they hired him for clean-up.

Damien say what he needed the money for?

Yeah. Yeah, he's covering for his mom.

She's been skimming her sister's bank account.

He's trying to pay it back.

Thanks a lot.
So, Janice Raleigh beats her handicapped sister with one hand, steals her money with the other?

Cara's covering for Damien because every time he opens his mouth another lie pops out.

I'm gonna have Blaine add larceny to the charges.

Have Fin meet you and give that kid the facts of life about his mother, all right?

Fin: How much money did Janice take?

Almost 60 grand.

Well, that sounds bad to me.

What's she got to do to make you face it?

My aunt doesn't blame her, so why should l?

Growing up, they didn't have much.

But whenever Cara needed something, she got it.

That doesn't give her the right to beat Cara with soap and skim her bank accounts.

So, what happens now?

Benson: Your mom is going to prison.

And unless you tell us the truth, a r*pist goes free.

What do you want to know?

Your mother likes men.

She ever give her house key to any of them?

Not that I know of.

Benson: What about you?

Ever pass it along to a friend or to a neighbor in case of emergencies?

There's no need.

Someone's always here.

Nurses, therapists, even doctors.

Do you carry a bag or a knapsack?

If you think someone lifted my key, that's not possible.

Why not?

Because my bag stays with me or I lock it in Mr. Griegs' car when I work the fights.

You think Tony r*ped my aunt?

There's only one way to find out.

Ms. Raleigh.

I need you to trust me.

Will you let me help you?


Ms. Raleigh, was it Griegs, the bus driver, that r*ped you?

And he threatened Damien if you talked, didn't he?

It's okay.

I'm gonna protect both of you. I promise.

Damien: Hold on. Mom.

Janice: Why are you talking to my sister?

I thought I locked your ass in jail.

Made bail on my sister's tab.

What are you doing here?

What I should have done in the beginning.

I'm putting her in a nursing home, where she can get the best care.

You can't do that.

Power of attorney says I can, and I have the paper to prove it.

Get her up.

Can't you do something?


Get her up.

Aunt Cara, it's gonna be okay.

I've got you.


It's gonna be all right.

Stay out of this, Damien.

This is none of your business.

What the hell is wrong with you, Mom?

They said you hit Aunt Cara.

Is that true?

You don't understand.

Damn right, I don't.

How can you do this to your own sister?

Janice: You love her so much, go with her.

But I am your mother.

Either you're with me or against me.

A.D.A. Blaine overturned Janice's power of attorney and got her a guardian ad litem.

A court-ordered guardian is just gonna recommend that Cara stay in the nursing home.

Well, as long as Janice is out on bail, it's the safest place she could be.

Are we sure Cara ID'd Tony Griegs as her r*pist?

I looked her in the eye, and she blinked once.

She's scared to death that he's gonna hurt Damien.

I can't blame her.

Griegs is smart.

He made sure he found Cara so his prints would be accounted for in the Raleigh apartment.

He have any priors?

Not even parking tickets.

But his bank account is overdrawn, and his credit's in the crapper.

Probably from his gambling debts.

And his alibi is bogus, too.

His wife left him last year.

We talk to her?

Yeah, and I got an earful about how her paychecks were being spent on dog fights, liquor, hookers.

What is this hump's work history?

MTA canned him for feeling up females that he worked with.

Why wasn't he reported?

The women refused to press charges.

They just wanted Griegs gone.

A guy with a taste for working girls doesn't just start raping the handicapped.

Unless something sets him off.

Talk to his boss.

Williams: I haven't had any complaints.

Not even inappropriate comments or getting touchy?

What aren't you telling me?

Well, the MTA fired Griegs for sexually abusing female employees.

Son of a bitch lied on his application.

Good thing he's retiring.

Saves you the trouble of cutting him loose.

Williams: Griegs told you that?

Stabler: Guess he lied about that, too, huh?

Anthony Griegs is being let go because of the Disabilities Act.

So, to keep federal funds flowing, you had to hire Jake Gleason.

Kid left his arm in lraq.

Lots of vets coming home with limb loss, they're young and eager.

Plus, we damn well owe them.

Now Griegs is out of a job.

That piss him off?

Put his hand through the wall in my office.

But he fixed the damage the next day.

How long ago did you give him the bad news?

Six months.

I actually felt sorry for the bastard.

You think Griegs att*cked a handicapped woman because he lost his job to a disabled man?

r*pe is about rage.

Cara Raleigh was an easy target.

Motive's not enough.

The victim ID'd her r*pist.

Griegs had access to the Raleigh house key.

What is your problem?

I can't sell it to a jury.

You just don't want to.

It's too much hard work.

You might even break a sweat.

You want a conviction, get me some forensics.

Or better yet, I'll take a witness who can actually talk, be sworn in, and cross-examined.

You're blaming the victim and she's disabled.

She's practically in a coma.

If we can get her talking will you take it to the grand jury?

Using what, a ventriloquist?

The victim stroked her nephew's face with her finger.

If she can do that, that means she can type.

It's worth a shot.

Cara, please, just try to type out what you want to say.

Cara, will you just try?

You can do this. Okay?

How long has she been like this?

Since she got here.

Her geography's changed.

I'd be more worried if she wasn't depressed.

How is she physically?

I don't know a lot about MS.

It's an autoimmune disease causing brain and spinal cord lesions.

In Cara's case, the damage is chronic, acute and aggressive.

Death usually results from complications like heart failure or even a bout of pneumonia.

Is she strong enough to withstand a criminal trial?

I honestly don't know.

I can't pull evidence out of thin air.

Any chance you missed something, accidentally?

Not in this lab.

Nobody's perfect.

It won't hurt to take a second look.

Any idea what I'm supposed to be looking for?


You owe me.


Don't I always?


He did what?

I'm on my way.


Tell him.

Guy just got on the bus.

Slammed Tony into the safety bars.

He told me to get off and call you.

He barricaded himself with hostages.

I set up a perimeter, and I've got to call ESU.

Passengers aren't hostages.

He's only after the guy he's lighting up.

Damien: I should rip your neck off!

Damien, open the door.

No, I'm not done!

Come on, don't be a knucklehead.

What would Cara think if she saw you?

She'll smile through her eyes, because I'm doing what you can't.

I'm getting her justice.

And will it be justice when you get a m*rder rap?

Who cares?

I do. Come on, man.

Open this door.

He r*ped my aunt.

He's gonna pay!

And then, Cara even pays more.

She wants to go home, Damien, but she can't if there's nothing to go home to.

Come on, man.

Open the door.


You feel better?

I had to do something.

Had to make it right.

What would you do if it was you?

Come on.

Did you get Damien out of the Tombs?

Yeah, and I had to call in a lot of favors.

Answer me this.

Why are you sticking your neck out?

You don't even know this kid.

When I was in the academy, I had to put my grandfather into a nursing home.

Man practically raised me.

It was the worst decision I ever made.

Nursing home abused him?

Yeah, I'm a cop and I didn't recognize the signs until it was too late.

When he died, I lost it.

I threatened the nursing staff, started fights for the hell of it.

I almost got kicked off the force.

Guilt will eat you alive.

Yeah, an academy instructor set me straight.

Kept bailing my ass out of trouble.

Figure it's time I return the favor.

I hope you're in for the long haul.

Griegs is pressing charges against Damien.

Benson: Not if we send him upstate.

He'll be too busy growing eyes in the back of his head.

We have to convict him first.

Siper just called.

She find something?

A latent print inside Cara Raleigh's diaper.

Pick Griegs up.

Put him in the box.

You guys have it all wrong.



A print on Cara Raleigh's adult diaper says different.

You tore it off her.

You r*ped her.

We have a relationship.

I can see why Cara would be embarrassed.

Maybe I'm not the greatest catch.

It's the first honest thing you've said.

Buddy, you've got a history of forcing yourself on women who don't want you.

Those were misunderstandings.

It's pretty hard to mistake a hand on your ass or one down your shirt.

That's what your ex-colleagues said when we called them.

They lied.

Yeah? Is your ex-wife a liar, too?

You're a mean drunk, and she dumped your ass.

She's just telling you what you want to hear.

You drinking the night Cara was r*ped?

You lose your job to a one-armed man, someone is gonna pay, right?


I felt sorry for her.

That's why I slept with her.

She can't talk, Griegs.

Which blink was it that made you believe that she wanted to have sex with you?

This has been going on for months.

You think it's easy for her in that chair?

People don't see a woman.

They just see someone to pity.

Or they don't see anybody at all.

Lots of disabled women have healthy sexual relationships.

They just don't have them with creeps like you.

Well, you're wrong.

All right. All right.

So, why is it no one has ever seen you two together, huh?

Don't let the family fool you, they're not that devoted.

Damien was in school.

Janice hated taking care of her, disappeared all the time.

Benson: Why would Cara accuse you of r*pe?

The only one I see doing that is you.

Cara's nurses should be able to corroborate this fairy tale.

Or sh**t it down.

I don't see how.

There's only a day nurse.

I never saw her.


Griegs actually sounds plausible.

You bought that crap?

I don't have to buy it.

A jury does.

He knows a lot of details about the victim and her family.

Griegs stalked Cara by befriending her nephew.

There was no relationship there.

Mix lies with enough truth, you can sell anything.

And it's your job to convince them he's a lying bastard.

Connecticut just overturned a r*pe case where the victim couldn't speak and was confined to a wheelchair.

Then why did they let the r*pist go?

The victim could move her arms, but didn't fight back.

Disabled or not, we teach women not to fight back.

In the judge's opinion, she consented.

So, I'm gonna need more than a fingerprint.

If jurors think Tony Griegs had pity sex with Cara Raleigh, he walks.

A lot of people are uncomfortable around the disabled.

Griegs knows that.

Relying on handicap prejudice is a pretty big risk to take into court.

It's a calculated one.

The handicapped are commonly devalued.

People assume that an abnormal appearance is sexually repulsive.

And Griegs is the only one talking.

He can tell any story he wants with no one there to contradict him.

How do we stop him?

Huang: He can't contain his rage.

So, confront him with more victims and he'll fold.

He can't claim that he had relationships with all of them.

His supervisor said nobody complained about him.

Pull his passenger list.

Start with any female regulars who suddenly stopped using bus service.

Beth stopped using the handicapped bus five months ago.

She had to have stopped for a reason.

One day, she just refused.

She didn't tell me why.

Not that she can.

She's mentally challenged.

What is this about, Detective Benson?

I'd like to show Beth some photos, if that's okay?

I guess it's okay.


I want to show you some photos. Okay?


Beth. Beth. Beth, it's okay.

He can't hurt you anymore.

What just happened?

Mrs. Myers, I believe that your daughter has been r*ped.

That's not possible.

Has Beth been alone with this man, Tony Griegs?

He's a nice man.

Sometimes, he volunteered to stay with her while I ran errands.

Beth, did this man hurt you?

It's okay, Beth.

Just tell us what's wrong.

It's okay.


Did he do anything else?





I can't do this, Frederick, Think of the technique, Stop wasting my time and yours, Come on, Cara: Fine!



What are you looking for?

A way in.

We found more victims who can't speak.

Cara's the only one who can put the nail in Griegs' coffin.

She's not the same person, Liv.

I'm proud of you, Maybe you're expecting too much.

Or too little.

Benson: I've been treating you like an invalid.

Handling you with kid gloves.

I won't make that mistake again.

We found two more victims.

Beth Myers.

Julie Anderson.

You see, they can't testify.

But you can.


You are the only witness with evidence of your attack.

You have to speak for them.

What happened to this woman?

Talented, fearless, passionate about everything.

You've given up.

Your sister's abuse is nothing compared to what you're doing to yourself.

You think I'm a bitch, don't you?

You're not the first.

Are you willing to testify to put your r*pist in jail?


That's all I needed to hear.

Now, let's work on getting you out of here.

So, you have a change of heart?

Nobody wants to see Janice Raleigh rot in prison more than me.


You're gonna put me in jail?

The last act of a dying diva.

Why are you here, Damien?

You're my mother.

I don't want to see you locked up, and neither does Aunt Cara.

Could have fooled me.

Your sister is giving you a gift.

She is trying to buy me off.

If the price is my son, no deal.

For once, do yourself a favor and just shut up.

What's the verdict, Counselor?

I'll drop the charges.

Larue: In exchange for what?

Blaine: Plead out to as*ault three.

Five years probation, mandatory anger management, and we will be filing a restraining order.

What does that mean for me?

It means you stay away from your sister and you don't serve any time.

Send me the paperwork.

Don't expect me to be grateful.

It's your fault I was arrested in the first place.

You had it all.

And I still had to take care of you like your damn maid, wiping your ass every day and bathing you.

Benson: You didn't have to.

You wanted to.

You needed to control your sister so she would suffer for your parents' choices.

That stops now.

You think you know me, bitch?

I know that your sister forgives you.

And trust me, someday, you're gonna want that.

And who's gonna take care of her if I don't?

I am.

No, Damien.

I won't allow that.

Blaine: It's not up to you.

Power of attorney has been transferred to your son.

You can't take my son, Cara.

If you do this, I will make sure you regret it.


If you care about Damien at all, don't make him give up his life for you the way I had to.

Blaine: Ms. Raleigh, did Anthony Griegs r*pe you?

Your Honor, let the record show the witness identified defendant Anthony Griegs as her r*pist.


How are we supposed to know that a blink means yes?

Maybe she doesn't understand the question.

Is defense counsel saying people with MS are mentally incompetent?

Not at all.

But what I am saying is that a man's freedom should hang on something a little more solid than a muscle tic.

Your Honor, I'll rephrase.

Ms. Raleigh, can you point to the man who r*ped you?


Cara Raleigh just gave your client the finger.

Object to that.

Trenton: Enough, Mr. Blaine.

Let the record reflect the witness has identified the defendant, Anthony Griegs, as her r*pist.
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