11x22 - Ace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x22 - Ace

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

All done.

So how's that?

What do you want, a medal?

Now get the cable out of the truck.

By myself?

What are you, some kind of wimp?

Slid the damn thing out.

Damn, rookie!

What the hell's your problem?


Son of a bitch.

Can't even curse like a man.


What the hell?

I think there's something over there.

You ain't gonna last long, You let a couple rodents scare you.

Where are you going?


There's something over there.

Oh, my god.

Call an ambulance.

Victim's eight months pregnant.

Lucky she didn't go into labor.

Did you get her name?

Did she tell you what happened?

Just pointed at her belly and cried.

Is the baby okay?

Ultrasound was normal, But her pelvic turned up vaginal trauma and fluids.

Tell me something--

Who the hell r*pes a pregnant woman?

Yeah, well, for every kink, there's a perv with a dream.

She's behind curtain number three.

Uh, doctor?

I got to go, detective.

Not until we find our victim.

They let our victim walk out with a bruised face And an eight-month belly?

A bus crashed in the midtown tunnel.

The e.R. Was so chaotic, nobody noticed she left.

Well, I hope you didn't call me down here At the crack of dawn to lead your search party.

No, munch and fin are canvassing.

I called you, because jane doe was the fourth pregnant woman To be r*ped in the city this month.

And we're thinking it's the same guy?

Well, it's the same m.O.

He followed each one of them out of a subway station And then r*ped them at knifepoint.

Victims give a description?


Guy wore a stocking mask.

And a condom, too, no doubt.

In the first three att*cks--

Either he forgot the condom this time, or it broke.

Warner is processing the DNA now.

So am I just here to look at pretty pictures, Or do you have something to show me?

Okay, the perp grabbed his first victim Coming off the "q" train at prospect park.

Second victim, last stop on the number 6.

Victim number three was r*ped in a cemetery In middle village off the "m" train.

Tonight's attack went down in harlem Near the number 2.

These four subway lines all intersect In only one place in the five burroughs.

City hall station.

Subway lines all connect to his comfort zone.

Perp does the deed And only has to take one train home.

Pregnant woman's an easy target.

She'll do anything the perp wants, Because she wants to protect her baby.


You doing anything to stop him?

Svu base to portable, status report.

Lousy. Csu grid-searched the park and found squat.


Anybody check that car?

Stand by, captain.

That's a lot of parking tickets.

Traffic should have moved this days ago.

This car's full of crap.

Hey, yo! Police.

Anybody home?

What time is it?

It's time for you to answer some questions.

Come on.

Hey, that's my clean laundry.

Yeah, yeah.

What's your name?

My friends call me flossie.

Do you have to do that in front of me?

Hey, do I look like I have dental insurance?

I got enough problems without gingivitis.

Between your plaque removal, You hear or see anything unusual last night?

Oh, you mean the pregnant girl getting r*ped?

You saw the r*pe?

I heard her screaming first.

This crazy language--


Something like that.

Oh, wow, you know what that is?

Spare me.

What happened?

I took a look.

Bastard was doing her from behind.

He had a big-ass knife.

He waved it at me when I told him to stop.

I ran back to the car.

So you got a good look at him.

Sure did.

He walked right past me As he was taking the underwear off his head.

No. The--the nose was a little smaller.


The eyes were farther apart.

Yeah, but now the hair's not right.

Flossie's gums may be gross, But at least he's got good recall.

We'll send the sketch to every precinct, Transit district, and subway station booth.

Where are we on the victim?

Nothing from missing persons, But flossie says she was speaking a foreign language.

Well, if she's illegal, That would explain why she ran from the hospital.

Take her photo over to ice, see if she's on their radar.

No american embassy will give a visa to pregnant woman In her third trimester.

So that whole "bring us your tired, your poor, Your yearning to breathe free" thing was bull?

They sneak in, drop their litter.

Little tykes go right on the federal teat, And we pay for the milk.

Spoken like a true r*cist.

[computer beeps]

Well, I'll be damned.

Embassy in bulgaria made an exception.

Sophia zorav, Admitted on a b-2 tourist visa.

Sudden death in the family.

How many pounds of flesh you people take from her To prove it?

Death certificate And funeral notice for her uncle.

She was staying at his house with her aunt lili denkova, The widow, in harlem.

That's sophia.

Oh, god, not this, not now.

All that flying--

"you'll harm the baby,"

I told her.

But sophia wouldn't take no for an answer.

She was...

Very close to her uncle.

We're very sorry for your loss.

I was so busy with the funeral.

I never got to call her again.

Why call if she was staying here?

Because she never arrived.

Sophia flew in to kennedy airport.


I went to pick her up, Waited for her to come through customs, But she never did.

I tried her cell phone, [cell phone ringing] but it went to voice mail, so...

I just assumed that she changed her mind.

Is there anyone else here that she may have contacted?

No. I am all sophia has in this country.

Well, she still may try to get in touch with you, So please call me if she does.


And to call me if you find her first, please.

Warner got a hit on the DNA from sophia.

r*pist's name is donovan black, Lives right by city hall.

Munch and fin are on him right now.

Where are you two lovebirds going?

What the hell's it to you, pops?

Let go of her, black.

Why? She's my girlfriend.

He's got a knife.

And I got a g*n. Drop it.

You okay?


He said he'd cut my baby if I didn't come with him.

Donovan black, you're under arrest for r*pe.

I didn't r*pe anyone.

Shut up, knucklehead.

We got a witness.

That's the guy-- number 4.

Where you recognize him from?

That's the guy I saw raping the pregnant woman In central park.

Are you sure?

He looks exactly like the description I gave you.

Lighten up, flossie.

Let's go.

Oh, great.

Where's the victim?

In the wind.

Then so is our case.

He saw him in the act.

He's a freak.

I can't charge r*pe on the word of a tooth fairy.

The semen found in sophia is a 13-point match To black's DNA.

That's enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt That a r*pe occurred.

I can't take this to court without a victim's statement, Let alone without a victim.

Black's defense will rip this to shreds.

We let that creep go...

He r*pes another pregnant woman, The next baby may not be so lucky.

All right, arrest him.

But find sophia.

Ice called.

State department just busted a clerk At the u.S. Embassy in bulgaria.

Turns out he was being paid off to issue sophia's visa.


By whom?

Well, I bet you lili denkova knows.

Her husband's funeral-- uh, it never happened.

He's still alive?

She's never been married.

Why would lili bring sophia into this country And then lie to us about it?

Maybe she took off so she wouldn't have to tell us.

Or something worse happened.

The place is torn apart.

Svu portable to central-- request backup.

112 west 1-1-4.

Ms. Denkova?



We got a blood trail leading out the back.

Looks like lili left her brains behind.

Well, who the hell took her body?

Even without a body, It's still a m*rder, right?


No one could survive losing this much brain matter.

It's got to be lili, unless sophia came back here.

There must be a toothbrush inside with lili's DNA That I could use to make a positive I.D.

Six ballistic impact marks Right where the victim's head was--

sh**t stood over her, fired straight down.

And right into the stones, So the slugs are destroyed on impact.

He had to have used a sil*ncer.

Neighbors would have heard.

Well, he tore the place apart.

Think our k*ller got what he wanted Before he blew lili's brains out?

No, but I did.

Found this under the bathroom sink.

Doesn't sound like scrubbing bubbles to me.

Oh, phony stash can.

And the prize inside is a cell phone.

Well, she obviously didn't want anyone finding this.

We got 40 calls...

But to only three different numbers.

Neighbors saw the body snatchers--

Two guys carrying a rolled-up rug Out the front door around 11:00 last night.

Where'd they put it?

In an suv--

No make, no plates, no further description of the perps.

Sorry, wrong number.

Any luck?

First number was disconnected.

The second one was blocked.

The third belongs to an ob-gyn--

A dr. Stephen elroy.

Yeah, sure, I remember them.

So, it sounds like they're not regular patients.

No, they called, And they asked if I could see them right away.

Same-day service-- that's impressive.

Well, the older one said her niece fell in the tub.

She asked me to check the baby.

[cell phone rings]

I mean, what was I gonna do, say no?


Did sophia have any reason to be worried?

Not really.

She had some spotting, Belly pains.

I did an ultrasound, examined her.

Everything looked fine.

So you didn't notice the pelvic trauma And the massive bruise on her face.

Of course I did.

I told you, she fell.

On her face and her vag*na?

And you didn't suspect foul play?

Any sign of sexual as*ault or domestic v*olence, I call you guys.

Hey, what kind of investigation is this, anyway?


Who's dead, the woman or the girl?

Why would you think it's one of them?

Doctor, thank you so much for your time.

Um, if we need anything else, we'll be in touch.

Anything I can do to help.

So why'd you shut me down?

Not me--cragen.

I pulled the death certificate For lili denkova's phony husband, dmitri.

Look who signed it.

Dr. Stephen elroy.

Most obs only sign birth certificates.

You don't think stephen elroy k*lled lili?

Nah, I don't think dr. Bozo would hurt a fly.

But he's definitely involved.

He had lili on a secret speed dial--why?

100 bucks says the owner of the blocked cell number knows.

I don't know, but whatever you guys stepped in, I'm starting to smell the stink on me.

Oh, courtesy of donovan black.

He blew the lid off this garbage by raping sophia.

And dr. Elroy is our only link.

I think it's time to put Something tighter than a stethoscope around his neck.

He'll just lawyer up.

Well, then let's subpoena the blocked cell number And see who answers the phone.

Honey, the police are here.


Something wrong?

I'm detective stabler-- my partner, detective benson.

We'd like to ask you a few questions.

What about?

Phone calls...

You made to lili denkova.

Before my clients say a word, I want it understood.

No crime's been committed.

Well, then I'm sure they won't mind telling us About their chat with lili denkova.

Beth and I got married eight years ago.

We've been trying ever since to get pregnant.

We have everything in the world Except the one thing we really want--

A baby.

You try I.V.F.?

With dr. Elroy.

Artificial insemination--

Six rounds of in vitro, three with donor eggs, And nothing worked.

So we thought we would adopt, But...

Glenn was arrested back in '98

For domestic battery.

False accusation by his ex-wife during a nasty divorce.

The judge dismissed the charge.

So that's on your record, And no adoption agency will touch you.

We were just about to give up when lili denkova called.

Right, two days ago, according to your phone records.

She said she was referred by dr. Elroy.

That a baby was about to be available For a quick, private adoption.

We were so desperate.


Get an I.D.

On our homicide victim?

Dna from the remains matches genetic material On lili's toothbrush.

Who are they?

The couple that was gonna buy sophia's baby With lili's help.

So lili was a baby trafficker.

I'll say.

We hit a gold mine.

Lili used bogus death certificates To bring three other pregnant women here From bulgaria for sham funerals.

Easiest way to traffic infants Is inside their moer's womb.

The fetus isn't legally a person, So no crime is committed until it's born And a sale actually takes place.

All made to look like private adoption.

So what happened to the other three mothers?

Well, their visas expired, but they never left the country.

If you ask me, the traffickers bought them The same one-way ticket to wherever lili is.

Which means as soon as sophia has this baby, She's dead.

The medical examiner confirms...

Lili denkova's been m*rder*d.

Oh, my god.

My clients had nothing to do with this.

But the woman whose baby that they were about to adopt Could be in danger.

We need your help.

When was the last time you were contacted?

[crying] this morning.

Lili was k*lled two nights ago.

Did dr. Elroy contact you?

Another man...

Named mr. Brooks.

He's supposed to come to the apartment tomorrow at noon.

He said he wanted to be sure That the baby was gonna get a good home.

The only reason mr. Brooks is making a home visit Is to be sure the butlers can cough up the big money.

Well, how much we talking about?

Well into six figures.

Child trafficking Is a $5 to $7 billion-a-year industry worldwide.

Well, now that lili's dead, do we have any idea Where our traffickers might be stashing sophia?

Yeah, I checked with interpol.

These guys usually rent a space, Equip it for labor and delivery, And keep some doctor like stephen elroy on call.

Sophia's not due for another several weeks.

That's a long time to sit on elroy.

Well, it sounds like this mr. Brooks Is the guy in charge.

And we know exactly where he's gonna be tomorrow afternoon.

Mr. Brooks...

Welcome to our home.

Ms. Butler.

Please, call me beth.

This is my husband, glenn.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Can I get you a drink?

Uh, no. No, thank you.

Well, I can't tell you how grateful we are.

Well, your home is magnificent.

Uh, what do you do for living?

I own a confection company.


Uh, confections?



Been in my family for, like, over 100 years.

So, uh, sweets for children pays for all this, huh?

We've been very fortunate [voice breaking] ex--except for...


It's gonna be okay.

Mr. Brooks is here to help us.

You two will be wonderful parents.

Thank you.

So, uh...

Should we discuss business?

It's very simple-- half a million dollar cash.

The first payment of half tomorrow, The balance on delivery.

Where should I bring it?

You will wait for my instruction, hmm?

[cell phone beeping]

Excuse me for a second.

[beeping continues]

Oh, congratulations.

It's a boy.

[whispering] wow!

Oh, god.

He's beautiful.

Is the mother okay?

She's not your concern.

I need a name for birth certificate.

Oliver, after her father.


I can't wait to tell my mother.

You will say nothing to anyone...

Until baby's in your possession.

Otherwise, you will never see oliver, huh?

When do we get our boy?

When I call you.

Any word when brooks is gonna give you Sophia's baby?

Not yet.

But sophia's r*pe put us on his tail.

He's got to know it.

His only choice Is to k*ll sophia and dr. Elroy and skip town.

Well, I'm brooks, I'd keep sophia alive to nurse the baby Until I make the drop.

Well, either way, we don't have much time.

Where's doc elroy now?

He's got to be with sophia.

His office said that he called in sick today.

We got a bead on brooks?

Fin tailed him from the butlers', And we haven't heard from him since.

That's 'cause I lost him.

What happened?

Changed cabs in the middle of the street.

I don't think he made me, But this guy doesn't want to be followed.

Because he's mutri, the bulgarian mob.

Interpol I.D.'d him Off the hidden-camera photos from the butlers' apartment As anton petrov.

You mean our baby smuggler Works with the bulgarian national police?

Used to--petrov was the head of their antiterrorism unit Till he crossed over to the dark side.

He vanished in '06

After a dozen people witnessed him sh**t a journalist in the head six times.

That's the same way lili denkova got it.

I got the subpoena.

The tap on elroy's cell phone should be up.

Okay, the phone's gps has elroy in harlem--

131st street, Just west of broadway.

[cell phone chimes]

There's a lot of warehouses up there.

One of them should be petrov's hospital.

Hold on, hold on.

My glenn butler cell phone just received a text From a blocked call.

"exchange at 3:00 p.M., morningside park."

That's in two hours.

If sophia's alive, she's not gonna be for long.

Let's get e.S.U.

Up to that warehouse.

We'll take petrov there.


I need to catch him in the act.

Morningside is too risky.

It's wide open.

There's no cover to hide backup.

Then I'm making it an order.

Morningside, now.

You're the boss in court, counselor, not here.

And I am telling you That unless liv and elliot buy that baby from petrov, I can't charge him.
Jo. Jo!

Are you following me?

You're damn right I am.

What's your beef, captain?

You throwing my people into the fire.

I'll do whatever it takes to get petrov.

Is that what you said back in '95?

Oh, yeah.

I remember why you really retired, lieutenant.

I was tired of seeing those creeps I collared get off.

You sure it wasn't a guilty conscience?

That dirt bag ordered a drive-by That m*rder*d three children.

And to get him, You burned two of your undercovers, Detectives with families.

Command decision.

You put your troops in harm's way.

Nothing I wouldn't have done myself.

You're not a cop anymore.

Elliot can handle himself...

Olivia too.

I'm not betting their lives on that.

E.S.U. Will be standing by outside the park.

If petrov sees them, It'll be a bloodbath.

Command decision.

Any ideas?

Over there, by the light.

Mr. Brooks.

Mr. Butler.

Do you have the money?

Yes, sir.

Do you have our baby?

Yeah, in the backseat.

Let's go.

Uh, put the bag on the car, please.

Hey, what are you doing?

Get off me!

Well, you've got the money.

Leave him alone.

Just making sure.


Just give us our baby.

You have our baby, don't you?

The birth certificate is underneath.

Take him and go.

No! No, please!


Don't do this!

Don't do this!

Who you calling, petrov?

What did you call me?

Petrov, you son of a bitch.

Move, and you're dead.

No! No!


Drop it!

Drop it! Police!

Put your hands where I can see them!

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

Turn around.

You're under arrest.



Are you okay?

We're gonna get you to a real hospital.

You okay, captain?


Police, sophia.

Do you speak english?

I have nothing to say to you.

We're here to help you.

If I talk, I die...

And my baby too.

No one can touch you here.

Anton petrov is in jail.

I don't know any anton petrov.

I saw your baby boy.

He's beautiful.

What's his name?

He doesn't have one yet.

He is safe?


We can protect you.

[crying] no, you can't.

Nobody can.

They're everywhere.

Sophia, listen to me.

If you don't help us, They're gonna steal more babies and k*ll more mothers, Just like the three before you.

Please, sophia...

You can have a life with your baby.

Selling your baby is a crime in america, yes?

Not if they forced you to do it.

Is that what happened, sophia?

Did they pay you?

Did they promise you A better life in this country for your boy?

Or did you owe them money...

And they've made you pay them back With your own flesh and blood?

Nobody forced me.

I'm a criminal in your country.

Give me my baby and send me back to bulgaria.

Deport me.

I will never testify against petrov.

Your government will just deport me.

My government doesn't deport K*llers.


If I'm a k*ller, why haven't you charged me, hmm?

Who did I k*ll?

[door opens]

We found what's left of lili denkova.


The den mother for your bulgarian baby mama operation.


And, uh, who's this whore?

[chuckles] that woman is the prosecutor Who's gonna put you away.


I, uh, see the blood.

Did you find the body?

Did anyone see me sh**t this lili, hmm?

We know you k*lled her...

For letting sophia zorav escape and get r*ped.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

But I do hope You find that swine who r*ped that poor girl, hmm?

He's in jail, and you'll be joining him.


I don't see how.

I'll tell you how.

Lili ratted you out before you whacked her.


She gave a full statement to a judge.

Now, that is just as good As if she were sitting on the witness stand.


She told us everything, petrov--

How you snuck those women in, how you sold their babies.

And then m*rder*d those poor mothers, Just like you were gonna k*ll sophia and dr. Elroy.

And guess what there, dirt bag.

We've got them too.


You guys...

You have nothing.

There are no witnesses.

There will be no witnesses.

Now, uh...

I would like my lawyer to join us, huh?


Nice try on the bluff.

Prick thinks he's teflon.

He's right. Sophia's too scared to testify against him.

You can count elroy out.

Why? He lawyer up?

He refused counsel as soon as I read him his rights.

He said he'd plead guilty and go to prison before he'd talk.

Look at that poor bastard.

He's terrified.

Yeah, not nearly enough for me.

You're a schmuck, doc.

You think by not talking you're safe? Wrong.

Petrov thinks you set him up.

Set him up? How?

You recruited the butlers To buy sophia's baby.

And now he's convinced you sold him out To save your own ass.

You see how that works?

Yeah, but I didn't sell him out.

This is what he did to lili denkova.

The only reason he left you breathing Was to deliver sophia's baby.

He was about to order your execution when we stopped him.

Doctor, you are a liability.

Petrov is a thug.

The only thing he cares about right now Is staying out of prison.

You are a loose end that needs tying up.

Yeah? Well, he can't get to me if I'm in jail.

Honey, you could take a spaceship to mars, And he would be there waiting for you when you landed.

Your only chance is talking to us.

Yeah--well, how?

Witness protection, if you cooperate.

Yeah, well, that's not enough.

This guy likes to sh**t people in the head.

And can you guarantee that he won't know where I am?

Cross my heart and hope to die.

You better hope to die If you're talking to my client without his attorney present.

John buchanan.

Branching out to mobsters around the world?

I didn't call an attorney.

It's taken care of, dr. Elroy.

And you have nothing more to say.

Elroy was gonna turn.

We had him.

Well, now we're doubly screwed.

That's buchanan's partner, marty cranston, Here to rep petrov, no doubt.

Well, if elroy cooperates, He's got to tell his lawyer, who tells his partner.

Gets back to petrov, elroy's dead, Along with our case.

The only thing we have left is sophia.

Sophia's gone.

She escaped from the hospital again?

Two ice agents were driving her and her baby To a detention center near fort dix.

The car exploded.

They're all dead.

Surveillance cameras at fort dix Caught the expl*si*n.

Friend at the fbi passed me the tape.

[sighs] well, petrov said no witnesses.

He's keeping his promises.

Now we just have to prove it.

Well, we're not gonna prove jack.

Sophia and her baby were our victims and your witness.

You know that petrov m*rder*d her.

And two federal agents on federal property.

Fibbies won't let us near it, And you two already have bull's-eyes on your backs.

I'm putting protective details on both of you.

We don't need a bunch of cops tailing us.

Undercover d.A.'s investigators.

You'll never make them.

Okay, so what about elroy?

I mean...

He's got to be next on petrov's hit list.

He's a sitting duck in jail.

He thinks petrov is gonna let him slide If he pleads guilty and keeps his mouth shut.

John buchanan's never gonna let that happen.

How do the defendants plead?

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Bail, ms. Marlowe?


Mr. Petrov is wanted for m*rder in bulgaria, Which presents a huge flight risk, As does dr. Elroy.

Your honor-- sorry, counselor.

This one's a no-brainer.

The defendants are remanded without bail.

Let's take 15.

Ms. Marlowe.

Dr. Elroy slipped this to me back in lockup.

It's for you.


[paper rustles]



Too bad you're never gonna make it to trial.

Suppress evidence?

On what grounds?

The police claim my client signed a bogus death certificate For lili denkova's bogus husband.


Look and see.

Ms. Marlowe used that document To obtain subpoenas for dr. Elroy's phone records...


And warrants to tap his phone.

Clever of me, wasn't it?

No, it was stupid.

Dr. Elroy's signature was forged.

Can you prove it?

Our expert will testify That the signature on that certificate Is not my client's.


And how much are you paying your expert?


This person is available to appear at a suppression hearing?

Yeah, and dr. Elroy will testify That he had nothing to do with those phony documents.

I'll read your papers, mr. Buchanan, And I'll get back to you-- now, I got to go.

Your honor-- no, I really mean it.

I have to go.

Me too.

Are you stalking me, counselor?

I need to talk to you.

In here?

And ex parte?

You'll understand when you read this.

It's a note from dr. Elroy.

"I don't trust my lawyer.

Help me!"

What the hell is this?

It's the answer to your little cry for help.

Does my attorney know that I'm here?

Trevor langan--

I'm your attorney now.

I don't understand.

It's called a shadow counsel.

It's the only way we can keep you safe.

Yeah, but...

If I fire my lawyer, Then petrov will know I'm ratting him out, And then I'm dead.

You're not gonna fire buchanan.

You're gonna do everything he says.

Your shadow counsel, mr. Langan, Will represent your real interests.

And buchanan and petrov-- they won't find out?

Not unless you tell them.

All right, then.

I accept.

So now what?

I make a deal for your cooperation.

Dismissal of all charges, immunity from prosecution, And witness protection.

In exchange for his sworn confession.

In court?

Here, in chambers.

A secret in-camera hearing With the record sealed.

And I tell you everything?

Everything except what you hear in meetings Between you, buchanan, petrov, and his attorney.


All right.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

How am I gonna testify at the evidence hearing With him as my lawyer?

You're not.

Buchanan will still be your attorney.

You'll answer all of his questions.

Yeah, but if I tell the truth out there, Then I'm dead!

Go ahead.

You're not gonna tell the truth.

So you want me to lie...

Under oath, in front of a judge.

In front of me.

As long as you tell the truth in here, There's no crime.

Dr. Elroy, Do you recognize this document?

Well, it's a death certificate For lili denkova's husband, dmitri.

That's your signature at the bottom, isn't it?

It's my signature, but it must have been forged.

I've never seen this piece of paper before in my life.

Yes, I signed the death certificate.

At whose bequest?

Lili denkova.

She handled the paperwork, And she kept the mothers under wraps Until they gave birth.

When did you first meet lili?

The day she brought sophia in.

So she never tried to involve you In any baby-smuggling ring.

Absolutely not.

Lili offered me 20,000 in cash For every baby I delivered.

I told her to get lost Until she threatened to expose me for, um...

I'll let him answer If whatever he says is covered by immunity.

As long as it's not a violent crime.

Expose you for what?

Insurance fraud.

I don't know how she found out I was double billing, But she threatened to turn me in.

And she was still gonna pay me.

Did lili denkova pay you to recruit infertile couples To buy children?

Of course not.

I only met her once.

When was the first time you met anton petrov?

The night I delivered sophia zorav's baby.

Did you see anton petrov m*rder lili denkova?


Do you have knowledge that he m*rder*d lili denkova?

You swore to tell the truth, doctor.

I know where her body is buried.

There's a cemetery in the bronx.

Petrov knows a guy from the old country Who makes coffins with false bottoms.

Lili's buried under some lady who died of a stroke.

Thank you, dr. Elroy.

Nothing further.

Ms. Marlowe.

I have no questions for the defendant.

And I'm moving that the defense's motion to suppress Be denied.

Not so fast.

Judge quinn...

I have a few more questions for dr. Elroy.

The people object.

I've just been informed That the people, in cahoots with the police, Have found lili denkova's body.

And there's only one person Who could have told them where it was buried.

Isn't that right, doctor?

Don't answer that.


Beyond the scope of the hearing.

I was just trying to help-- enough, doctor.

Objection sustained.

Dr. Elroy, Did you learn of the location of lili denkova's body In a private conference With you, mr. Petrov, and myself?

Upon advice of counsel, I am invoking my fifth amendment right Against self-incrimination.

I'll take that as a yes.

Did you relay the information to ms. Marlowe Before or after becoming her informant?

I'm not their informant.

Doctor, did ms. Marlowe and the judge Tell you it was okay to lie under oath In this proceeding?

Come on!

You can tell me.

I'm your lawyer.

Or am I?

You're out of order, Mr. Buchanan.

No, you're out of order!

You and ms. Marlowe have perpetrated a fraud Upon this court.

Your honor, the people are going to ask the grand jury To indict mr. Petrov for the m*rder of lili denkova.

Based on information from him?

I am moving that ms. Denkova's body Be excluded as evidence, As it was illegally obtained, Because dr. Elroy violated attorney-client privilege.

Counsel, in chambers...

Right now!

Judge quinn ruled lili's body out as evidence.

Do we have any idea how buchanan found out?

Someone in the cemetery tipped him off.

Well, those attorney-client meetings were the only way Elroy could have known where lili was buried.

Well, we told elroy He wasn't to disclose anything he heard there.

So instead of being helpful, he screwed us.

That's why I screwed him.

Well, we still have his sworn confession.

Buchanan claims we coerced elroy into giving it.

He's moving to have it thrown out.

And without it, we can't charge petrov With lili's m*rder.

How much trouble are you and the judge in?

Worst we'll probably get is censure From the disciplinary committee, but it's worth it.

I don't see how.

You will.

This is getting tiresome.

What now?

I thought we'd give you one last chance to make a deal.


Why? You have no useable evidence, No witnesses-- therefore, no case.

Hmm. Really?


That's right.

The feds found the b*mb your people put under her car...

Before it exploded.

They blew up the car with no one in it.

So you'd think sophia was dead.

You will not open your mouth.

Not a word.

I'm not afraid of you anymore.


Tell us what happened.

This pig...

Came to lili's house The night after I was r*ped.

He took me and lili to the patio.

He made r lie on the ground, and he said...


[crying] and then he shot her in the head.

He said the same thing would happen to me If his property, my baby, was damaged!

I will k*ll you!

I told them everything!

How you forced me to give up my baby To pay back you and your mobsters!

You're dead, you hear me?

You're dead.

Your baby is dead.

Your parents in bulgaria are dead!

We brought her parents here, So your people can't touch them.

You will never hurt another girl again, Because you'll rot in the american prison.

I never go to prison, never!

You understand, bitch?


Never go to prison!


Yeah, tough guy-- folded like a little bitch.

Yeah, well, life without parole looked pretty sweet When he heard the feds wanted to fry him.

He's just lucky that sophia didn't get her hands on him.

Aleksander and me will get asylum?

Uh, you will, but this little man doesn't need it.

See, he was born here, So he's automatically a u.S. Citizen.

Good luck.

Thank you...

For everything.

Elroy's off the hook too.

U.S. Marshals are picking him up tomorrow To put him in witness protection.

You lied to us, jo...

Right to our faces.

You said that sophia was dead.

I was protecting our victim.

I needed an ace in the hole.

Why didn't you trust us?

I couldn't take the chance That petrov had his guys trailing you.

Well, you know, partners put their cards on the table.

Well, like my grandmother always said...

The strongest cards you have are the ones you haven't played.
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