12x06 - Branded

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x06 - Branded

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, Sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives Who investigate these vicious felonies Are members of an elite squad Known as the special victims unit. These are their stories.

Don't forget.

It's family night tonight.

I don't wanna watch that dumb show Where celebrities do the tango.

Dad wants to play a board game.

Not again!

I have homework.

Me too.

Look, kids-- great.


You here?

Oh, my god!

Call the cops.

Victim's name is bill dixon.

Wife found him stripped and bound.

He runs some kind of leather goods company.

Did he see his attacker?

He didn't see anything.

Last thing he remembers, He was setting up a game for family night.

Well, there's no sign here of forced entry.

Yeah, somebody either picked the lock or had a key.

Doorman didn't see anyone come or go That wasn't a regular.

Security cameras?

Only on the elevators.

Nine folks went up between 6:00 and 8:00 p.M.

All tenants.

None got off on the 12th floor.

So our perp was spider-man.

From the way dixon looks, I'd say casper the unfriendly ghost.

One minute, I'm waiting for my wife And kids to come home and...

The next, I'm tied up on the floor.

You didn't hear a voice or the door opening?

The madman who did this is still out there.

Why aren't you searching for him?

Fin, how 'bout you take mrs. Dixon to check on the kids?

I wanna stay here with you.

Honey, please.

Can he talk to us just a minute?


It's a...Hell of a way to start family night, huh?

What about my kids?

They'll be safe, right?

If you tell us the real story.

You think I'm hiding something?

Whatever you're covering on your chest.

It's nothing.

So then you won't mind if I take a peek?

"ruiner." what does...

That mean?


His pulse is low.

Let's get him to the hospital!

Mr. Dixon slept reasonably well last night, Despite two fractured ribs and numerous contusions.

Not to mention the cattle brand on his chest.

I've seen a lot of tats and piercings go wrong, But this one's new to me.

Perp used a wire hanger.

We're thinking that he used a blowtorch to fire-tip the end.

Well, he's lucky the burns are only second-degree.

So what about his head?


No neural signs.

No trauma.

So how was he knocked cold?


It's a veterinary tranquilizer.

He had a puncture wound at the base of his neck.

So he was drugged from behind.

And violated.

I found several unusual objects inserted into his rectum.

As opposed to the usual ones.

Well, you'd be surprised What people say they slipped and fell on--

Soda bottles, flashlights, assorted fruits and vegetables.

But never this.

Three dice and a little timer.

From a board game.

So our perp's a sore loser.

Maybe bill can tell me why.

I'm sorry I didn't say anything.

I felt so...Embarrassed.

You were sexually assaulted.

There's nothing to feel embarrassed about.

The whole thing doesn't make any sense.

So you have no idea Why someone would brand you a ruiner?


Because you got to admit, It's a...

Pretty strange word.

What do you want me to say?

I'm just trying to understand what happened.

You think I'm lying?

There's no evidence That anyone forced their way into your apartment, Which means that either you let them in Or someone had a key.

Are you having an affair, bill?


Bill would never cheat on me.

We have a great relationship.

The sex is fantastic.

Can you think of anybody that might want to hurt him, A business rival, maybe?

No. Not that I know of.

No run-ins with the law, an arrest?

Bill's never had so much as a parking ticket.

So this as*ault is a total mystery to you.

You're interrogating me like I'm the perp While there's some h*m* nutcase on the loose?

What makes you think the perp's h*m*?

He shoved game pieces up my ass.

After he drugged you.


And then branded your chest.

I'm not the criminal here!

I'm not saying you are, bill, But someone went to an awful lot of trouble To do this to you.

Now, help me out here.

Did you piss someone off?

Something to make them wanna retaliate in this fashion?

It could have been jonas rothenberg.

Who's that?

The president of the crooked pond greenbelt association.

Rothenberg and his enviro-n*zi friends Tried to stop bill from making snakeskin belts.


Wrote him a threatening letter.

He said bill was going to pay for destroying the environment, That bill ruined everything he touched.

Does rothenberg have access to your building?

Well, my daughter found that letter Taped to our apartment door.

Somehow he got in.


I snuck into their building while the doorman was asleep And used the back stairs.

And...I'd do it again if I had to.

Because bill dixon ruins everything?

He didn't have the proper permits to trap wildlife.

When the letter didn't work, I took him to court.

You sound like you still want a pound of flesh from this guy.

I'm outraged over the cruelty We inflict on animals!

Raincoats made from eel skin?

Earrings made from bat testicles?

In some countries, they even skin dogs for fur collars.

So when a jerk like bill dixon gets hassled...

Hassled? I'd like to see him get caught In one of these traps-- look at this thing. looks like it was made From a coat hanger.


Where were you last night, mr. Rothenberg?

At a lecture on the use of algae as a source of energy.

Mr. Rothenberg, we thank you for your time.

That was fin.

He says he may know how our perp got into dixon's building.

The super said the box was delivered At 5:32 last night.

That's two hours before dixon was att*cked.

Who was it sent to?

To the super.

He thought it was an industrial vacuum he ordered.

He put it down here in the storeroom.

When he came in this morning, it was open and empty.

Perp had himself delivered last night.

It's a good way to avoid the doorman.

And security cameras.

This storeroom's connected to the back stairway.


Who sent the box?

Local freight company.

Transfer to go.


There's a delivery order In the system from vac-attack industries For this morning.

That's when the real vacuum was delivered To the dixons' apartment.

We're looking for a duplicate delivery order, camille, For last night.

Okay. Uh...

You're right.

Another job from vac-attack to the same address last night.

Great. Does the computer tell you who put the order in?

There's no name, but, uh...

Actually, the ip address on this order isn't ours, so...

So someone logged in from a different location.

Or hacked in.

Whoever did this is a genius.

Well, aren't they all?

No, I'm talking black hat hacker here.

He breached a packet-filtering firewall, Infiltrated transfer to go's computer system By creating trojan horse files.

And he did it off-site.

I tried to triangulate the hacker's location Using the ip address...

But he cloned it multiple times.

Only thing I got was tranchito's pizza on 14th street.

Place doesn't even have wifi.

Well, what do you think?

Jonas rothenberg? seems motivated.

Not enough to be in two places at once.

Rothenberg's alibi checks out.

A dozen people saw him learning all about algae From 7:00 to 10:00.

And we're sure dixon wasn't having an affair.

Checked his background, dumped his phones.

No jilted lovers.

Except for the tree huggers, he's mr. Popular.


You don't get "ruiner" branded on your chest For being well-liked.

Let's take another run at mr. Dixon.

He'll have to wait in line.

We got another victim.


Victor ramos.


Daughters found him trussed and bound Just like the guy on the upper west side.


Nobody saw anything.


I was in the kitchen cooking dinner for my daughters.

They were coming home from soccer practice In half an hour.

And then, um...

Take your time, mr. Ramos.

It's all right.

I heard something behind me, And I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

Your attacker drugged you with a tranquilizer.

And then when I woke up, my hands and my feet were tied.

My chest was burned.

Right, with the word "traitor."

Now...Any idea what that's about?


I've never betrayed anyone.

I'm a good man.

Why would he use a candle from my kitchen--

To sexually as*ault you?

Well, that's what we're gonna find out.

Why don't we start with work?


What is it you do?

I'm a tax accountant.

And is there anyone...

A client, a business rival that's angry with you?


Okay. Outside of work?


I'm just trying to find a possible motive here.

I don't know, man.

My wife died of a brain tumor two years ago.

I'm sorry.

I'm dating a woman from my church.

My daughters, they both go to st. Gerald's.

I've never been a traitor to anyone.


Mr. Ramos...

Do you know that man?


Should I?

Well, his anguish is certainly genuine.

What about his story?

I'm not a lie detector.

Is there any connection between him and bill dixon?

No common friends, they attend different churches, clubs.

The perp broke into their homes, Drugged them with ketamine, And then penetrated them with foreign objects.

He targeted them.

Well, you're assuming That the perpetrator isn't delusional.

Something about the victims could have set him off.

He branded them with "ruiner," "traitor."

This is about revenge.

I'm just not buying this as a coincidence.

There has to be a connection.

Well, if mr. Ramos and mr. Dixon Victimized their attacker together, They're not gonna cop to knowing each other.

But at some point, They may feel the need to reach out to one another.

You saying that we should tail the victims?

That's about all you can do.

Well, ramos and dixon have seen us.


But they haven't seen fin.

You just need to keep your mouth shut, okay?

Smile, dirtbags.

Ramos went straight from here to gammon imports On 68th and park.

Bill dixon was already there.

Who's the guy they're dumpin' on?

That's the importer himself, alexander gammon.

So the second that ramos leaves us, he meets dixon, Who he swears he's never seen before in his life, And this guy gammon.

And boy, dixon seems especially upset here.

And scared.

Anybody make out what he's saying?

Well, gammon's wearing a $2,000 armani.

I doubt dixon's telling him it's a nice suit.

I'd swear dixon's saying, "you're next."

All right, let's see if gammon can explain Why he was in a screaming match with our victims.


I'm sorry, detectives.

I don't know a mr. Ramos or a mr. Dixon.

So you're just arguing with two guys That you've never seen before.


Victor, bill, and I were having a business discussion.


Trust is the lubricant That keeps the wheels of commerce turning.

I have to protect the privacy Of the people I do business with.

What kind of business?

Uh-uh, detective.

This is a police investigation.

So we'll keep it on the d.L.

Okay. Uh...

Bill's company makes high-end belts.

I give them as christmas gifts to my clients.

And mr. Ramos?

We have an office in puerto rico.

Victor speaks fluent spanish And does...Accounting work on an as-needed basis.

That's it?

You're being all hush-hush about your belt salesman And a number cruncher?

Big or small, I mean, company trust is essential.

How long have you worked with them?

Ten years.

Why are you so interested in them?

Well, bill dixon and victor ramos Were sodomized and branded.

Well, you think that has something to do with me?

We're just trying to find some connection between the two And, uh...

You seem to be it.

For all we know, you could be next.

We wouldn't want it to happen to another innocent person.

Someone wants to brand me...

I say give it a shot.

And yes, I have a permit.


If you'll excuse me, detectives.

You believe a word of that?

Only the part about the lubricant.

He's gonna wish he had some if he's att*cked.

Looks like gammon's about to get hosed.

So how long do we wait for this jerk in the box?

As long as it takes to catch him in the act.

Did you see the box move?


The witching hour.

Down the hall on the right. 113.

What are we meeting here for?

Who lives here?



Gee whiz, I thought he was dead!


Don't move.

All right, you son of a bitch.

Time to talk.

You got him?

Drop the syringe.

Drop it.

Drop it.

You're the girl from transfer to go--camille.

You're under arrest...

For sodomy and as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

Nothin' to say, huh?

Nothing, no denial, no explanation.

Well, you do have the right to remain silent.

Still, I did a little digging.

Camille, your mom died in a car accident When you were five...

Your dad remanded to bellevue for schizophrenia.

You bounced around to six foster families?

And pile up multiple arrests For drug use and delinquency.

All in all, It's a pretty good resume for a life of crime.

Except for one thing.

At 16, you took a state-administered iq test And scored in the exceptional range.

Psychiatrists filed a report.

Says, "camille walters' prodigious intellect is matched only by her aggressive hatred Of authority figures."

So tell me, camille...

Who are you?

I'm nobody.

Who are you?

Are you nobody too?

Meet camille walters.

That's who you ran me out of my apartment To catch last night?

You got it.

She was gonna brand you the way she did them.

That little thing could not have att*cked these guys.

What do you say, bill?

No way she did it.

Now...You said that you were unconscious.


That girl couldn't hog-tie a 200-pound man.


How 'bout you, mr. Ramos?

I suppose anything's possible.

But I was att*cked by a man.

I know that.

Look, we've never seen her before.

Now, is that the same way mr. Ramos Never saw bill until we followed him to you?

What are you insinuating, detective?

I'm just reviewing the facts, mr. Gammon.

Ms. Walters went after all three of you With the intention of branding you.

Yeah, she's looney tunes.

That's her motive.

That girl is obviously mentally ill.

Is that your story?

The one all three of you are sticking with?

So that's how it works?

You can't make a case so...

You harass the victims?

This is amateur hour.

Let's go, fellas.

I'm buying breakfast.

They I.D. Her?

No. And we checked their backgrounds.

None of them have any connection to camille walters.

But we got her on kidnapping, aggravated as*ault, Sodomy, and criminal trespass.

We're done.

So where do we go from here?

How 'bout nowhere?

I can't prosecute this case.

Well, that's a hell of a "how do you do," counselor.

Ada gillian hardwicke, meet detectives Olivia benson and eliot stabler.

What do you mean, you can't prosecute?

I mean I wish I could, but I don't have enough evidence.

If you don't mind me asking, Is this your first job?


I was in the brooklyn blue zone when your d.A. Poached me.

I have to say I'm glad he did.

I'm a big fan of your unit.

Eh...That came out wrong.

Jill had a lot of fans herself in brooklyn.

Conviction rate of over 90%.

92%, but who's counting?

So you can count this one as open and shut.

Camille walters broke into gammon's apartment And was about to give elliot a coat hanger tattoo.

And we have her toolkit, Which links her to the other two att*cks.

No, not exactly.

I had your taru tech morales dump the gps on camille's phone.

It has her at a midtown macy's and a harlem target At the exact times of the first two att*cks.

Store computers back it up with debit card swipes.

She's a hacker.

She's a good one.

Not to mention the men she allegedly att*cked Couldn't I.D. Her.

Or wouldn't.

We still have her On criminal trespass at alexander gammon's.

Whose lawyer says he doesn't want to press charges.

Those men did something to make camille attack them.

I never thought I'd hear you blame the victims, olivia.

I just feel that camille is the real victim here.

How do we prove it?

If camille had a reason to attack those men, We might find a clue in her method of assaults.

The branding.

Whatever the incident was, Camille herself was branded.

She might have suffered from nightmare flashbacks, Panic att*cks, bouts of stressful hypervigilance.

Well, we went back a decade To try and find some kind of connection.

Maybe these guys knew her from earlier.

And she suppressed her anger for all these years.

So why take vengeance on them now?

Some catalyst must have brought it back to the surface.

Okay, what kind of catalyst?

I don't know.

But often in cases Where a victim suppresses a terrible memory, They keep a physical reminder of their secret--

A marker of sorts.

Don't release camille from the tombs just yet.

And, uh, get us a search warrant.

Welcome to special victims.


Nothing that qualifies as a marker.

Unless hacking gear counts.

I'm starting to think wong's off the mark.

El, look at this.

Report card and old photos.

Her with her dad before he was sent away to bellevue?

We're all branded, I guess, By our parents, our childhoods.

Think you turned out all right.

Makes one of us.

Clean air camp.

Pretty nice vacation for a poor city kid...

Looks like one of the female camper's faces Has been erased.

Look at the top.

You gonna tell me that's not alexander gammon?

We just found our marker.

Alexander gammon worked for us For one blessedly short summer in '96.

You don't seem too fond of the memory, miss holmes.

His rich daddy got the camp owner to give him a job.

He was a jerk.


Darryl, watch the kicking!

Keep control of your feet.

Now, was he, uh, friendly with these gentlemen?


Bill dixon was a lifeguard that summer.

Clung to alexander's coattails like glue.

And victor worked in the kitchen.

What about a girl named camille walters?

Poor camille.

So talented.

She came to us from some very abusive foster homes.

Mrs. Holmes, was there ever any evidence That camille was...

Molested or assaulted at this camp?

Good lord, no.

Nothing like that ever happens here.

We have reason to believe that it did...

Involving camille and these men.

Now, we can appreciate that it was a long time ago.

Do you remember anything?

One morning, after our fourth of July fireworks, I came to the dock and found camille.

She was dazed.

Out of it.

When I asked her what was wrong, She gave me a very strange answer.

Do you remember what she said?


Because it rhymed.

She said, "I'm nobody.

Who are you?

Are you nobody too?"

You're not nobody, camille.

You were 14...

And you spent a summer at a camp Run by the clean air fund.

And something terrible happened.

Now, whatever that was, You've been holding it in all these years...

And you need to talk about it now.

I don't want to.


You've been through terrible pain...

And I'm here to listen.

Camille, I'm asking you to tell me.

Please tell me.

It was fourth of July, And...They'd just set off the fireworks across the lake, And...

And I was walking back to my bunk, And I saw alexander.

And he said...

He said that a bunch of people were gonna go into the woods And drink and play games.

Victor and bill were there too?

Yeah. They were already drunk and...

After they led me into the woods, I asked where everyone else was.

And they laughed and said that it was a p--

That it was a private party.

It's okay.

Alexander and bill held me down And victor tried to get them to stop, but...

Alex--alexander ripped off my shorts...

And r*ped me.


And then bill.

And I was bleeding.

He ruined you.

And victor didn't want to, but...

Alexander pushed him and said He was a punk if he didn't get a little.

Making him a traitor.

When they were done...

Alexander told me that if I told anyone He'd deny it.

And he said, "who'd believe the word of a little nobody anyway?"

Yeah, I branded them...

So they'd never forget what they did to me.

And I wish...I wish that I'd branded alexander.

I would have burnt "hell" on his chest, Because that's where I was gonna send him.


Why would you wait 14 years after you were r*ped?

A few weeks ago, I was walking Down central park south.

And I h--

I heard this laugh.

And it sounded exactly Like the way that I used to laugh.

And I knew...

I knew that it was her.

I could feel it!

Who, camille?

My daughter.

The r*pe got you pregnant.

And I couldn't bear to keep her Knowing that one of them was the father.

And I gave my baby up for adoption...

The day after she was born.

The hospital records indicate That camille walters gave birth To a 6-pound baby girl at columbia pres In February of '97.

That's quite a stretch-- hearing a laugh And assuming it's the child you gave up for adoption?

A mother knows her child.

Well, we know One of these pricks is the father.

If camille's telling the truth.

That's easy to prove.

We find the girl, we take her DNA, And we match it to one of these creeps.

Even if we could find her by opening the adoption records, Which are sealed, it wouldn't matter.

Camille's daughter is scientific proof That she was r*ped.

And the law says sorry, too late.

The statute of limitations has expired.

Okay, so how 'bout if we collar them for obstruction?

I mean, they did lie about knowing her.

Any half-assed defense attorney Will get that tossed out.

They're rapists!

Not that my jury will hear.

You're going to prosecute camille When you can get irrefutable evidence That she was r*ped?

I have no choice.

You gave me her confession on tape.

So camille goes to prison For a posttraumatic reaction to being g*ng-r*ped, And those bastards are gonna walk away free?

Before you get too weepy for the defendant, Bear in mind, she sodomized two men And seared their chest with a scorching coat hanger.

You bear in mind that she was r*ped.

Or is keeping your percentage up too important?

You did your job.

Now it's time to do mine.

No matter how much it hurts.


Yes, I branded them So they'd never forget what they did to me.

And I wish...

I wish I'd branded alexander.

I would have burned "hell" on his chest, 'cause that's where I was gonna send him.

Detective benson, will you corroborate That you obtained this video confession From the defendant at the tombs?

Yes. But you haven't played the entire tape.

Your honor, will you please explain to the jury--

Ladies and gentlemen, I've redacted portions of the confession That I deemed irrelevant to the case.

What camille walters said is not irrelevant.

No further questions.

Your honor, the jury isn't getting the whole story.

But you're about to get a contempt citation.

Strike her last comments from the records.

I was a lifeguard At the clean air fund camp in long branch.

Do you recall meeting the defendant?


I think she was a camper there around '96.

Given the nature of the defendant's crimes Against you, would you tell the jury If there was any romantic or otherwise intimate contact Between you and miss walters, either that summer Or any time since?

Of course not.

She was...14 years old.

Can you think of any reason why she att*cked you?


She's insane.

No further questions.

Mr. Dixon, When SVU detectives initially interviewed you, You claimed to have no knowledge of who att*cked you.

That's correct.

Then how can you sit here Seemingly assured of my client's guilt?

The police said she branded victor with a coat hanger And broke into alexander's apartment and...

Was going to brand him.

Have you ever met the defendant before?

She was one of my campers.

What was your impression of her?


Prone to lying.

Sexually provocative.

I caught her skinny dipping in the lake Several times with a number of boys, Among other things.

You liar!

Calm your client down, mr. Swift.

You just mentioned that you caught the defendant Doing...Other things.

What were you referring to?

I was a lifeguard.

She'd loosen her bikini top so it'd slip off in the lake And I'd see her breasts.

You're saying she came on to you.



It was a schoolgirl crush.

I let her down gently.

So she broke into your apartment 14 years later Because...

You turned her down?

Look, I'm not a shrink, But apparently her father was a whack job That had to be locked up in bellevue.

You son of a bitch!

Calm down.

But he r*ped me!

They all r*ped me! order.

The jury will disregard miss walters.

We'll take a 15-minute recess So the defendant can get a grip on herself.

You should have heard the wild accusations She made against you in there.

That all of you r*ped her.

Girl's nuts.

You sure?

Look, just leave me alone, all right?

Mr. Ramos...

I'm gonna take a s*ab in the dark here And say you're a decent guy.

Not like those douche bags in there.

Please, just--

What camille did to you is terrible.

Those animals are painting her with a black brush.

You have daughters.

One of them the same age as camille was back then.

The truth about that summer...

The truth is...

I'll repeat the question, mr. Ramos.

What was the exact nature of your relationship With the defendant that summer?

It's complicated.

Camille did have a crush on alexander.

She wanted to hook up with him all summer.

That's why she went after him.

But I have no idea why she att*cked me and bill.

Because I heard her.

She was laughing! order.

I-I took a picture.

Not another word, miss walters, Or you're going to add contempt to your charges.

Are you proud of yourself?

You trashed her.

My job's to win the case.

No, your job is to make sure that justice is done.

Convicting camille isn't justice.

That's for the jury to decide.

The jury is gonna throw the book at her Because you turned her into some crazy slut.



Since you're storming off, Would you mind dropping this off at defense counsel?

Friend gave it to me.

And don't look at what's inside.

See you tomorrow.


Call your next witness.

The defense calls hannah milner to the stand. it's her.

Who the hell is she?

Defense witness, I guess.

Please tell the court your name.

Hannah milner.

Hannah, please point out your parents to the court.

Yes, sir.

Right there.

For the record, please indicate The witness is pointing to mr. And mrs. David milner Of smithtown, new york.

The milners are your adoptive parents, correct?


Do you know who your Biological parents are?


And how do you know this?

You found me and took my blood for a DNA test.

Yesterday, you called me back And showed me pictures of my parents.

Are your biological parents here in this court?


Will you point them out?

My biological mother is sitting right there.

The defendant, camille walters.

And is your biological father In this courtroom?


Will you point him out?

Your honor, this has nothing to do With that lunatic stalking us.

Sit down, mr. Gammon, and don't say another word.

You may proceed.

Hannah, will you point out your biological father?

He's right there.

Hannah, you're indicating this gentleman In the blue shirt, alexander gammon?


Mr. Gammon, I've warned you to be quiet.

But this is insane!

Sit down now!

Hannah, I repeat, you're indicating Alexander gammon?

No. The man behind him.

It's true.

She is my daughter.

Shut up, ramos.

And we r*ped her.

I'm so sorry, camille.

All three of us did it.

The three of us, we r*ped her.

I didn't r*pe anyone.

Officers, escort mr. Ramos out.

She's not lying!

He's been paying us off for years!

Oh, he's crazy.

You made us do this!

You made us do this.

He talked us into it.

I'm ashamed!

I'm ashamed of what I did.

There's other women!

He's r*ped other women.

He pays them off to keep them quiet.

I know this.

I do his books!

Oh, he's crazy!

You're a r*pist!

You're a r*pist!

Well, well, well.

So your old buddies dixon and ramos Are gonna do some time for perjury.

Small price to pay for r*pe, huh?


At least it's something.

But you, my friend...

You are looking at a very long bid.

How'd you know ramos was the father?

That's a good question.

We matched the DNA against a coffee cup you tossed out And the blood work that ramos and dixon had done At the hospital.


Do you recognize them?

They were on your payroll.

Your money for their silence.

Except...They're giving the money back And pressing charges against you.

And you know, unlike camille, the statute of limitations Hasn't run out on them.

What happens now?

Go directly to jail.

Do not pass go.

Do not collect $200.

Thank you, detective benson.

You'll still need to see judge andrews about sentencing.

But on two minor counts of trespass, I think you'll do okay.

Well, whatever sentence the judge gives...

I deserve it.

Come on.

Somebody wants to say hi to you.


I just wanted to say good luck in court.

I'm sorry this is the way we had to meet.

I'm not.

Thank you.
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