12x13 - Mask

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x13 - Mask

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

[whispering] hey! Harry!

Dwayne, what do you want?

I got something to show you.

What is it?


[binoculars beep]

With a camera.

Total jackpot.

[camera snapping pictures]

I found a half-naked blond lady and they're doing it.

Oh, let me see.

Let me see, harry.

Harry, get off.

[camera snapping pictures]

What's he doing?

I don't think they're playing around.

Give me a turn, come on.

Wait. Wait.

There's something else.

What is it?

Another lady just got home.

[camera snapping pictures]

He knows she's there.

Oh, my god.

Wait, lady...

What's happening?

Don't go in there.

He's behind the shelf.

Run, lady, run!

Oh, my god.

He's attacking her.

He's gonna k*ll her!

Harry, call 911.

He's stomping her to death!

[camera snapping pictures]

The apartment belongs to ann jackson.

She lives here with dr. Debbie shields.

Looks like they're girlfriends.

Debbie, the blond, was being r*ped When ann, her domestic partner, came home.

So the perp r*ped debbie here.

Ann walks in And he att*cks her there.

Both of them are at mercy now.

Well, patrol canvassed.

No one saw the creep.

Would you settle for a couple of peepers From across the street?

Dwayne and harry called 911

Right after they got done playing a little rear window.

So you're spying on your neighbors?

The curtains were wide open.

And he took it as an invitation To take some pictures.

Show him what you got, shutterbug.

You photoshopped this guy's face?

No. No. He's a total freak of nature.

Maybe he's a zombie.

Or he's wearing a mask.

If that's a mask, I'd hate to see what's underneath.

<b>Law & order SVU S12E13</b>

I'll do the r*pe kit later.

It may be too late.

Ann has a massive brain bleed that could k*ll her.

Neurosurgeons are about to operate.

I'm gonna scrub in.

And wash off any evidence that still may be on your hands.

Ann needs me now.

Please, debbie, get us something to go on.

Has anyone ever threatened you?

I have receive threats because of my work.

You're an ob-gyn?

Look, some people object to what I do At the tri-state reproductive institute.

Excuse me.

Our clinic has helped hundreds of childless couples.

Some people still object to in vitro fertilization.

Catholic church condemns ivf as a sin.

I've invited the pope to come meet our babies.

But so far, no word.

Debbie says she was threatened.

Yes, recently because of her cutting edge work With gene-manipulated embryology.


Not to me, it isn't.

You see, some women carry mutant mitochondrial genes That can cause terrible disease in their children.

Debbie was able to make disease-free embryos By combining one father's sperm with two mother's eggs.

She made a baby with three genetic parents?

Well, the embryos didn't grow to term.

But think of the possibilities.

You mix them all together, you get a designer baby.

But some people object to that.

This letter arrived for debbie Right after her research was published.

"god hates frankenbabies.

People like you should be stomped out like bugs."

They should be stomped out.

Proud of what you wrote, huh?

I signed it, didn't I?

I'm doing god's work.

That includes committing as*ault, Civil disobedience outside abortion clinics?

What do you want?

Did someone exterminate the frankenbitch?

Well, don't burst into tears.

When god makes you pregnant, stay pregnant.

When god makes you barren, stay barren.

When god gives you a uterus, Maybe we'll listen to your sermon.

Where were you last night?

In queens fumigating a nursery school.

Ask those kids if bedbugs are god's creatures.

The bug bomber's alibi checks out.

He was in queens.

Though the teacher says that the kids Are still getting chewed up.

They get bit.

We got nothing.

You got anything for us?

The r*pist is literally turning himself into a monster.

So it's not enough to as*ault them?

He feels the need to terrorize them?

I think the mask may have ritual Or ceremonial importance.

Like he's playing a character in a folktale?

Well, either way, he's one sick son of a bitch.

No wonder debbie didn't want to talk.


Still doesn't look like she's ready.

How's ann?

They're still operating.

Uh, this is detective stabler.

Hi, debbie.


The kids who called 911, They also took a photo.

Would you have a look?

Yeah, that's him.

We can't make out what the mask is supposed to be.

It was horrible.

I just closed my eyes.

Why did he attack me?

Why did he hurt ann?

Ann jackson? Are you talking about ann jackson?


Where is she?

Can I see her?

Excuse me.

You are?

I'm cap jackson.

Ann's father.

You're obviously the police.

And you must be her surgeon.

How is she?

I'm an md.

You can give me the details.

You two haven't met?

Uh, Dr. Jackson, I'm debbie shields.

You're ann's partner.

Oh. I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances.

You're estranged from your daughter.

Uh, let's just say I'm kept at arm's length.

Why is that?

I don't think my family business Is your concern.

Well, actually, everything is our concern.

We're trying to figure out why debbie and ann Were att*cked last night.

And I need to know whether my daughter will live.

Did she suffer brain trauma?

Blunt force.

Internal bleeding.


Well, if there has to be a medical decision-

God forbid, but it's yours to make.

Thank you.

She got through the surgery.

She'll be in the icu.

She kept screaming and I couldn't help.

You were tied up, debbie.

The best way to help is to tell us everything.

Um, I came home.

And I-I opened the door.

And he-he pushed me into the apartment.

He was waiting for you in the hallway.


He came up from behind and choked me.

I- I guess I passed out Because when I came to, I was tied to the bed and gagged With that-that mask staring at me.

Did he say anything?

Just that he would cure me of falmouth.

He would cure you of a foul mouth?

No. Cure me of falmouth.

Whatever that means.

Are you okay, dr. Jackson?

You all right?


I think I'll get some water.

Who's that?

Ann's father.

He's gonna want to hear about this.

Looks like the mask the r*pist wore.

I ran a codis search.

It's a police sketch from richmond, virginia.

Back in 2006, A perp wearing that mask r*ped four women in one week.

You think that's the same man that's r*ped debbie And att*cked my daughter?

Same one who wanted to cure debbie of falmouth.

That means something to you?

It means he...

r*ped the wrong woman.

Okay. So you're saying ann was the target, not debbie.


I can't say.

I'm a psychiatrist.

It would violateprivilegepriviledge.

Doctor, you know who did this? Mm?

Do you know who beat your daughter nearly to death?

The confidential bond between patient and physician Is sacred.

Doctor, what is sacred right here Is the bond between a father and his daughter.


But I can't talk about my patients.

You're not one of those docs Who thinks he can cure rapists, are you?

I specialize in treating sex addicts.

Dr. Jackson has nothing to say.

Well, I do.

Our detectives did a little digging on your client.

Falmouth is the cape cod town where dr. Jackson's family Spent their summers.

The inference that ann was the r*pist target is clear.

What is not clear Is which one of your sex addict patients is our perp.

Is mockery your only mode of communication, detective?

No. I can give it to you straight.

Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, those are addictions.

r*pe is not.

Brain imaging studies have constantly proved That sexual compulsion is as hard to control As gambling.

You want brain images?

There you go.

Take a look at these.


So how do you think your daughter is going to feel When she finds out you protected her attacker?

She gonna wake up and say "thank you, daddy?"

Don't you accuse me of not caring about ann.


Listen, every day, I treat people Who are disturbed to the very core of their souls.

Most of them were abused as children.

Now, you call them sickos and send them to prison.

But my job is to listen to them and help them get better.

People like that do not get better.

In prison, certainly.

My program, some do.

If they can trust me.

Good. At least now I know where to look.

Wait. My client's silence in no way confirms That he's protecting a current patient.

Dr. Jackson has seen thousands of people in 15 years.

And before that, he was a patient himself.

Eros run amok.

An autobiography of a sex addict.

I have nothing to hide.

My whole life is laid bare in that book.

George huang.

I've long admired your work.


And I read your editorial In the american journal of psychiatry

Where you argued that sex addiction Should be added to the dsm-five.

Shrinks want to call sex addiction An illness like depression or schizophrenia?

It's a real disease.

But it's gonna get recognized now Thanks to dr. Jackson's efforts.

I hate to skip out on the little stroke-fest.

But I have a r*pist to catch.

Elliot, if you could hold up, I was hoping we could interview dr. Jackson.

He can't talk.

About the r*pist.

But he can talk about the victim, his daughter.

Daughters are supposed to idolize their fathers.

And at times, I was worthy of that love.

But then I would go off on these drunken sexual binges For days, weeks.

I'd panic. I'd literally feel that I would die If I didn't have sex.

Symptoms we now know are classic sex addiction.


"I seduced a librarian with promises I'd leave my wife."

I'm told I was charming.

"next was a supermarket, checkout girl "the cleaning woman at my country club, Then a 60-year-old waitress in a diner toilet."

And those are just the ones I can remember.

I was co-addicted to alcohol so I can only recall Half of what I did and who I hurt.

You know you hurt your wife, ann's mom.


I kept promising to change.

And she kept believing me until...

Until she could no longer do so.

And then she drove up to the george washington bridge And...


No wonder you want sex addiction To be a disease.

Let's you off the hook for being a lousy husband.

I was beyond lousy, detective.

I was morally reprehensible.

And I hope you never have to know what that feels like.

Elliot, dr. Jackson's therapy, like most 12-steps, Requires patients to take accountability And make amends.

Well, the amends you made Don't seem to have impressed ann.

How long has she kept you at arm's length?

20 years.

Before that, we were like peas in a pod.

In your book, you date your estrangement To the summer your daughter turned 16.

Well, yeah, she was discovering Her sexuality.

We knew she was gay.

Her mother and I were fine with that.

So why did she stop speaking to you That summer at falmouth?

It's not privileged, doctor.

Answer the question.

Uh...Is this really helping your investigation?

I get the feeling you're just prodding Into my most painful memories.

And if you don't mind, I'd rather be at her bedside.

We hit a nerve.

Dr. Jackson.

I told you there's no point in this.

Someone needs to speak for your daughter.

We're asking about falmouth because the r*pist mentioned it.

I can't say what is in his head.

Well, I think I can.

This is a book of hindu gods and goddesses.

This is kamadeva, god of erotic love.

One of kamadeva's powers Is spiritual redemption through sex.

So he's trying to redeem these women?

He said he wanted to cure ann of falmouth.

Cure her of what, doc?

Cure her of what?

What does that mean?

What happened in falmouth?

Please stop.

You were sexually out of control.

Did you r*pe your daughter?

Did you r*pe your daughter back in falmouth?

Did you r*pe your own daughter?

Did you r*pe her?

I can't remember!

But...I think I...

I think I did.

Oh, god. I think I did.


Ann doesn't talk much about her father Or her childhood.

Is there anyone who could fill us in?

Um, she has a childhood friend named linda.


I'm sorry.

I don't know her last name.




[whimpers] don't try and talk.

Okay, sweetie?

Just rest.

Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.

What happened?

Ann, I'm detective benson.

You were att*cked.

Actually, you both were.

It's gonna be okay.

Now, the perpetrator mentioned falmouth, A place where you spent your summers.

Did something bad happen there?

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Annie? Annie?

She's seizing!


Annie, come on.

Stay with me.

Okay, let's give her four milligrams Of ativan and prep to intubate!

[electronic beeping]

Ann just took a turn for the worse.


Traumatic brain injuries can be tricky.

It might be weeks before we get a prognosis.


We've got the name of a childhood friend Who knew ann in falmouth.

I'm gonna have fin track her down.

So, doc, earlier today...

With jackson...

You were just flattering him to get him to talk, weren't you?

Sex addiction is real, elliot.

Cap jackson is a pioneer.

We always say the victims aren't to blame.

Now you're telling me rapists aren't to blame either?

Most sex addicts are not rapists, But some rapists might be sex addicts Acting out on compulsions they can't control.

Every defense attorney we face is gonna be quoting you.

Alcoholics who drive drunk go to jail.

So should sex addicts who r*pe.

And you'll testify to that?

For the prosecution.

Which may happen soon, because a pattern Is starting to emerge.

I sent the richmond sketch to svus nationwide.

More victims have stepped forward Identifying the god of love as their attacker.

It seems he r*pes three or four women In one week and then he's gone.

Richmond, philadelphia, new york, utica?

All cities with sex addiction rehab centers.

So our perp checks in, goes into group therapy And listens to addicts talk about the women they victimize.

And then he redeems them by raping them again.

But for a guy who's out to save women, He sure beat the hell out of ann.

He's a narcissist.

Well, yeah.

He thinks he's a god.

Narcissists are prone to sudden bursts of v*olence When things don't go according to their plan.

Well, the patient records at these rehabs Will tell us who was there And which one's our narcissist.

But we'll never get them because of privilege.

I'm gonna stake out jackson's center And tail any addict who walks out of there, 'cause we know he's gonna strike soon.

He just did.

I was on my way to work when this freak Comes out of nowhere and pushes me into the basement.

Where do you work, holly?

At double-d light.

I'm a stripper, okay?

It doesn't matter what you do.

It's not an invitation to be sexually assaulted.

He threw me down, tied my hands, And r*ped me.

Can you describe him?

He was wearing an awful mask.

That's him.



Have you ever been sexually assaulted before?

My god.


A professor in college said he'd fail me If I didn't have sex with him.

Today, the guy kept saying I'm an a-plus.

Until he screamed bloody m*rder.

You stabbed him?

I could only get his forearm With my hands tied.

Wish I'd slit his throat.

Well, you may have just solved your case.

We match the blood, we got him.

In the meantime, we're gonna get you To the hospital, okay?

Great job.


Check this in.
That was liv.

Docs had to put ann into a medically induced coma.

How bad?

Cap's there.

Said he's not leaving her bedside.

Keep me off the grid for a while.


Dr. Jackson had a family emergency.

Asked us to start without him.

So we've got lots to do.


We have a new friend.

My name is elliot and I'm a sex addict.

I'm just gonna come right out and say it.

I love screwing 16-year-old girls.

Started with porn.

But then I-I graduated to the real thing.

By last fall, I was nailing five or six a week.

Elliot, how does clay make you feel?

To each his own.

Sorry, elliot, we have a modesty code here.

Long sleeves, long pants all times.

What he's doing is illegal And you're busting me for rolling up my sleeves?

I always teach my patients, "never give up."

No matter how rough life treats you.

Well, the surgeon said anna had a good chance Of pulling through.

Swelling like that leaves permanent damage.

I'll give you a moment alone.


I'm sorry.

It's just my fear.

Well, I'm afraid too.

The r*pist struck again.

Oh, god.

His 14th victim.

[sighs] same motive?

Redeeming a woman who's been abused?

She was forced to have sex by her college professor, Who must have mentioned it in your rehab.

I can't identify my patients.

The r*pist is using you, doc.

Using you to find other victims just like he used you To find ann.


[sniffling] yeah.

I talked to my group about it last week.

You told us that you didn't remember assaulting her.

I blocked it.

I blocked that night out for 20 years.

Of all the things I did...

That was too terrible to face.

But then...

A month or so ago, it started coming back.

Just hazy images.

Describe them.

I'm swimming.

Ann was lying on the dock.

Her legs...

Just hanging in the water and...

I pulled myself up.

She was lying there...


She looked at me.


I just had to have her.

If you tried to r*pe ann...

You probably succeeded.

And the thing that kills me...

Is that I was never able to say, "sorry."

So wouldn't it be a start to help us send the animal Who did this to prison?


No, that's too easy.

It's too easy to say he's an animal and cage him.

Of all the things I've learned from my patients...

Is it that whatever they've done, They are still human beings...

I told you I traded grades for sex with my students, How I betrayed that trust.

They fired me finally, but not fast enough.

And they are suffering deeply inside.

I slept with seven guys a week.

Sometimes seven at once.

I pegged my self-worth to sex.

No one is beyond redemption.

I made my wife go swinging with me.

And, well, you know, she hated it.

So she left me.

And now I've lost the only woman I've ever loved.

Ask yourself, detective.

Can you really say that some people aren't worth saving?

Yeah, I can.

Pick a chore, elliot.

We all pitch in.

Uh, how about broom duty?



Um, courtney here will be your big sib Till you get your sponsor.



Would you tell elliot why I chose you?

Because elliot is the kind of guy I'd be banging within ten minutes of meeting him Before I got clean.

You're not gonna let that happen now?

New life.

New strength.

I got it covered, brett.

Welcome to the house, elliot.

Thank you.

It's nice meeting you, courtney.

Are you a cop?

Excuse me?

I've screwed, like, whole precincts.

Cops can be sex addicts.

It's okay.



I'm an accountant.


You come off differently.

Okay, guys.


Good night.

Good night.

Oh, hey, elliot.

How's day one of your new life?


That's for sure.

Oh, um, by the way, you, um-

You can't- can't wear that too sleep.

Modesty rule?

Even for bed?

Especially for bed.



Standard issue.


How'd you get the cut?

Well, how'd I get any of 'em?

Actually, it's part of my addiction.

I used to hire prostitutes to cut me.

This one's actually all healed up.

Just keep it bandaged to remind me.

So stabler's undercover in jackson's clinic?

He's working as fast as he can while jackson's At ann's bedside.

Find anyone at the other rehabs Who could be our perp?

We looked into employment records at utica, Philly, richmond.

Shrinks, janitors, vendors.

We came up empty.

So he's definitely a patient, protected by privilege.

Elliot's our best bet to find this guy.

Speaking of which, he should be calling any minute.

Are phones allowed in rehab?

No, the patients were caught secretly sexting each other.

Elliot snuck his in.

I don't want to know how.

Elliot, how's it going?

Slower than I thought.

Got myself on broom duty so I can poke around a little bit.

See anyone with a cut forearm?

No, not yet, but the next stop Is the laundry room.

Maybe someone washed his shirt trying to get the blood out.

What does your gut say?

Oh, you know, where do I start?

We got a guy named clay, who enjoys raping 16-

Have you been a naughty boy, elliot?

What are you talking about?

Good morning.

Where's dr. Jackson?

Oh, you just missed him.

Cap looked exhausted and so I told him To go get some sleep.

He went home?

'cause I needed to ask him a question.

Uh, he went to his clinic.

He said sex addicts are a delicate bunch And he needed to check in.



You were on the phone.

No, I wasn't.

Phones aren't allowed.

[cell phone vibrates]

I knew it.

Oh, those are cop reflexes.

Did you think I was grabbing for your g*n?

Let me go or I'll scream.

Okay, relax.


She your girlfriend?

What's it to you?

The three of us could have some fun.

No, I need that back.



Don't do that.

Courtney, don't do that.

Come and get it.

Courtney, don't do that.

Put your shirt back on.

Does olivia put out, honey?

Does she satisfy you?



This is not good for you.

Don't do this.

But it's so good for you.


Courtney, there's no need for this.

You gay or something?

Courtney, listen to me.

My daughter had trouble with dr*gs.

She was promiscuous, but she's clean.

You're clean.

You're a walking douchebag.

Won't screw a perfectly good piece of tail.

Just give me my phone.

Someone's coming.

Fold something.

Give me the phone, please.


[door opens]

What are you guys doing?


I'm doing my laundry.

What are you doing?

I'm just looking for a shirt.

Group's meeting early today.

Starts now.

[door closes]

Hey, what kind of shirt were you looking for?

Maybe I saw it.

Laundry, my ass.

You were gonna do g*ng-bang girl.

Her mouth will take you to nirvana, man.

So I'm told.

Nirvana, huh?


Good morning.

[class responds with greetings]

Dr. Jackson, my name is elliot, And your book...

Changed my life.

Your courage...

Your do-the-right-thing moral code.

You are the reason why I'm here.

Welcome, elliot.

I'm glad you're here.


Thank you, Dr. Kincaid.


How dare you come here under false pretenses.

How dare you protect a serial r*pist.

You are jeopardizing every- thanks, doc.

Everything I do to help these patients.



Like clay gibson?

I mean, he is the god-of-love r*pist, isn't he?

I don't know if it's him.

Well, is that the only group that you mentioned falmouth to?

Is it?

So you call another meeting And you get whoever it is To admit to what he's done.

There's nothing I would like more For his own redemption, But not with you here.

You don't want redemption for him.

You want it for yourself.

In the meantime, more women get r*ped.

Now, maybe you can let that happen, But I can't.

Clay gibson, 35, two misdemeanor assaults, bar fights.

His DNA's not on file, but ten-to-one It matches the blood on holly's knife.

So this guy was raping 16-year-olds And he's nowhere on our radar?

Makes you wonder how many more are out there.

Well, I just spent a lovely evening With about a dozen of them.

This has got to be our guy.

He used the word "nirvana."

You know, the realm of the indian gods.

But if we're wrong, another woman gets r*ped And the real perp slips town.

Do background on every patient.

I don't have their last names.

But he does.

Elliot- excuse me.

You were right.

But you see, I couldn't condemn him Without condemning myself.

And everything I've done has been an attempt To run away from my own crime.

Time to stop running.


Dr. Jackson.

Been a long time.

You're...Ann's old friend?


Dr. Jackson here has been telling us About a certain night on the dock in falmouth 20 years ago.

Something happened and ann stopped speaking to him.

Ann tell you about that?


Um, but I was there.


Can you tell us what happened?

Ann and I were skinny-dipping And you came down.

Go on.

I need to hear this.

He doesn't remember.

Oh, well, you were drunk.

So, um...

You stripped and jumped in.

Stripped naked?


Ann got upset and...

She went back up to the house.

Ann left?

Yes, but I stayed And...

You came after me And there was no stopping you and-

Did I-

Yeah, we had sex on the dock.

Hold on.

You and jackson?

Not ann?


Oh, no!


It was cap and me.

No, it was-

Linda, I am so sorry.

Oh, no.

Don't be.

I mean, that was-that was a crazy summer for me sexually.

I wanted to do it.

I was 17 and I don't regret it.

Why did ann stop talking to me?

Oh, I was ann's first love.

We broke her heart that night.

[deep exhale]

Oh, god, she blamed it all on you.

I'm so sorry, cap.

Let's go and find him.

Let's go and find that man that att*cked my daughter.

Forearms are my thing.

I get off on pinning women's arms hard Till it hurts 'em.

It got to the point where I, you know, Pinned one to the wall and, bam, Snapped that like a chicken wing.

In our one-on-one this morning, We traced elliot's behavior back to his father.

That son of a bitch pretty much beat me up every day.

And, you know, how I knew it was coming Is he'd roll up his sleeves.

And then, bam.

Elliot unconsciously directs his anger At that first image of the abuse.

Like I say, you know?

Forearms are my thing.

Now, we've seen how these male-only sessions Can be helpful in father re-figuration.

So- so, we, um-

We all roll up our sleeves, right?

And we show elliot a little love, right?

That's right.

Come on, guys.

Roll up your sleeves.

Give him a hug.

Shake him by the hand.

Do whatever feels natural.

All right, brother.

Hey, man.


You totally zeroed in on my arms last night.

They're not gonna hurt you, all right?


All right.

Thank you.


Thanks, doc.

What's your problem, clay?

I'm not breaking the modesty code.

Come on, clay.

Help a fellow addict.

He needs both arms, clay.

You have a tattoo.

It's embarrassing.

Gonna have it lasered off.

Well, hey, man, doesn't look that bad.

Yeah. Hey.

What are we missing?

Every male patient was in that room.

One of the females maybe?

No, there's no transgenders in this group.

I mean, an eavesdropper, one of the cleaning staff?

We checked the employees in utica, philly, and richmond.

There's no overlap.

Utica, philly, richmond.

That's where he struck?


Well, there's an overlap in computer systems.

Those three rehabs use that service.


The future of medicine."

What's that?

The therapists dictate their notes And that company stores them electronically.

But it's supposed to be secure.

But a perp hacks into that system, He'd know as much as anyone in the room.

Except here.

They offered their services.

We turned them down.


We didn't need them.

Brett kincaid does too good a job.

Brett the therapist does your computers?

He was in the room...

When I talked about ann.

Where is he?

Leading the women's session.


I thought brett was running this.

No, he left.

He wasn't feeling well.

Where's courtney?

She didn't show.

You don't think she relapsed?

Give me your phone.

Courtney, it's elliot.

Where are you?

Where do you think I am?

Down the street.

I got your note and I'm here waiting.

Where's "here"?


The cop bar that you suggested.

And there's nobody here but me.

Courtney, get out of there.

[chuckles] what are you talking about?

No, listen to me!

Get out!

I didn't send you there!

Meet me at rockefeller center!



Do you know?

Where is she?

Abandoned cop bar.

No more slutty ways.

I'm curing you.

Making you respectable.

Come on.

Get up.

Get up!

[screams and grunts]

I cured them, cap.

Now tell him to let me go.

I hope they lock you up for life.

Brett kincaid, you're under arrest For the r*pes of debbie shields, Holly dimeo, and the as*ault of ann jackson.

I knew you were a cop.

You look good.


But he looks like hell though.



How are you?


Clinic's empty.

All of your patients left?


Because I let a cop in.

I am sorry.

I thought you hated my work.

Some of those guys should be locked up, But most of 'em, you were helping.

Thank you.

So...Ann hasn't woken up yet, but...

When she does...

I'll be there.
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